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漓江河岸带枫杨群落主要木本植物种群生态位   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为了解漓江河岸带枫杨群落主要木本植物种群的生态位特征,在对其进行群落调查的基础上,利用Levins和Shannon生态位宽度、Schoener生态位相似性和Pianka生态位重叠指数对漓江河岸带枫杨群落乔木层、灌木层主要种群生态位进行定量分析.结果表明: 乔木层的枫杨、灌木层的石榕树和桑的生态位宽度较大;重要值较大的物种,其生态位宽度一般较大,但两者排名顺序并不完全一致.乔木层主要种群生态位相似性普遍小于灌木层,平均值分别为0.151和0.236,主要种群间的生态位相似性较小,各种群对资源利用的相似程度不高;乔木层主要种群生态位重叠普遍小于灌木层,它们的平均值分别为0.217和0.273,主要种群间的生态位重叠程度较低;生态位宽度与生态位相似性之间无显著相关关系,生态位宽度大的物种与其他物种发生重叠的概率更大,但生态位重叠值不一定大,生态位相似性大的物种,其生态位重叠值一般较大.漓江河岸带枫杨群落属于地带性顶极群落,种间关系相对稳定,种群更新缓慢,在发展中有衰退趋势.  相似文献   

秦岭冷杉群落主要种群生态位研究   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
基于对秦岭山区濒危植物秦岭冷杉(Abies chensiensis)分布群落的样地调查,采用定量分析的方法,研究了秦岭冷杉群落中主要种群的生态位宽度、生态位相似性比例和生态位重叠,结果表明:(1)分别用Levins和Shannon-weiner两指数测得的主要种群的生态位宽度结果基本一致,即乔木、灌木和草本层中生态位宽度最大的依次为秦岭冷杉、箭竹(Sinarundinaria nitida)和苔草(Carex lanceolata),秦岭冷杉与生态位宽度值大的种群易形成混交林;(2)生态位宽度较高的两个种群,种对相似性比例一般较高;(3)秦岭冷杉群落中各主要种群之间的生态位重叠程度较低,表明种群对群落环境资源的分享比较充分,群落处于相对稳定状态。  相似文献   

郭燕  杨邵  沈雅飞  肖文发  程瑞梅 《生态学杂志》2018,29(11):3559-3568
为揭示经历长期水位变动后,三峡水库消落带优势植物对可利用资源的分享状况、不同资源环境下植物种群生态位特征以及植物种间竞争和共存机制,对三峡库区秭归段典型消落带现存优势草本物种的种群空间格局及生态位特征进行研究.结果表明: 该区共有草本植物39种,隶属18科32属,以禾本科、菊科、蓼科和大戟科植物为主;狗牙根、狗尾草、狼把草和毛马唐具有较大的重要值和生态位宽度,为主要优势种;海拔145~155 m段植物生态位宽度前3位依次为狗牙根>酸模叶蓼>狗尾草;海拔155~165 m段植物生态位宽度前3位依次为狗尾草>毛马唐>狗牙根;海拔165~175 m段植物生态位宽度前3位依次为狗尾草>狼把草>红蓼;不同海拔物种间生态位重叠均保持较高状态,生态位宽度较小物种也可与生态位宽度较大物种有较大的生态位重叠值,仅凭生态位宽度不能判定生态位重叠值.消落带经历7次水位涨落周年后,大多数优势物种为一年生草本植物,生态位分化程度较低,在资源匮乏且不稳定的生境中种间竞争强烈,消落带植被仍处于群落演替的初级阶段.  相似文献   

黔北丹霞地貌桫椤群落优势种群生态位研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为探讨黔北丹霞地貌桫椤群落优势种群在群落中的地位、对资源的利用状况以及种群间的相互关系,揭示该区植物群落的稳定性以及植物种群在特定环境下的生态适应性。对黔北丹霞地貌濒危植物桫椤群落进行样地调查,采用定量分析方法,用Levins、Shannon-wiener生态位宽度公式、Schoener生态位相似性比例等指数公式研究了桫椤群落中主要种群的生态位宽度、生态位相似比例以及生态位重叠。结果表明:(1)罗伞、杜茎山、桫椤生态位宽度较大,Shannon Wiener和Levins指数分别为7.6076、7.3449、6.9105和0.5314、0.5931、0.6515,表明它们广布于该群落内,对环境适应能力较强;(2)石岩枫和川桂生态位相似比例最大,Cih值为0.998 6;(3)裂叶榕与美脉琼楠生态位重叠最大,其值为0.3365;(4)生态位宽度较高的两个树种,其种间生态位相似比例值较高,生态位重叠也较大,但由于个别生态位宽度较大的物种本身的生物生态学特性不一定相同,对环境资源的要求不完全相同,导致其间的生态位重叠与相似系比例并不一定很高;(5)从生态位相似比例和生态位重叠分布格局来看,桫椤群落主要植物种群利用资源相似程度较高,生态位重叠较普遍,但主要集中在较低水平,表明群落内因利用相同资源或占有同一资源而产生的种间竞争并不激烈,均表明各种群对资源的共享趋势较为明显,显示桫椤群落相对稳定。  相似文献   

采用样方法对山西太岳山七里峪林区辽东栎群落进行群落调查, 利用生态位宽度、生态位相似性比例和生态位重叠公式对其10 种乔木, 10 种灌木和11 种草本的种群生态位特征进行研究。结果表明: 1)Levins 和Hurlbert 两种公式在乔、灌、草各层中的总体趋势基本保持一致。群落中辽东栎、土庄绣线菊和披针叶苔草在各层中的重要值和生态位宽度值最大, 对资源环境有较强的适应能力, 在群落中具有重要的地位。而棘皮桦、接骨木、水金凤等种群数量相对较少, 生态位宽度较小, 对资源的利用能力较弱; 2)从乔、灌、草整体的生态位相似性分配格局和重叠格局看, 辽东栎林各种群间生态位相似性比例和重叠程度较小, 群落内种间竞争不激烈, 有利于群落实现长期稳定共存; 3)从对辽东栎群落物种频度、重要值、生态位宽度和平均生态位重叠值的相关性分析可知, 除重要值和平均生态位重叠值相关性不显著外, 其余的都呈显著性正相关。研究发现七里峪辽东栎林是七里峪地区的地带性顶极群落, 多数优势种的生态位重叠值较小, 但仍有少数优势种重叠值较大, 表明在辽东栎群落发展过程中种群间对环境资源的利用性竞争不可避免, 所以维持群落的物种多样性使群落处于动态的稳定状态有利于辽东栎群落的保护和发展。  相似文献   

湘西北蜡梅群落主要种群生态位的初步研究   总被引:19,自引:2,他引:17  
根据样地调查所获得的基本数据,运用evin公式和百分率相似公式分别计测了湘西北蜡梅群落中9个种群的生态位;宽度、生态位相似性比例和它们之间的生态位重叠值,结果表明,生态位宽度从大到小依次为蜡梅、香叶树、八角枫、黄连木、崖花海桐、鸡仔木、利用润楠、珊瑚朴和樱桃。蜡梅与其他各种群的生态位相似性比例不同,生态位重叠值较低经与中群之间对资源的竞争并不十分激烈,因而能够成为湘西北蜡梅群落中利用资源能力和生态  相似文献   

关帝山神尾沟优势种生态位分析   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
采用Shannon-Wiener生态位宽度公式和Petraitis生态位重叠指数测定了关帝山神尾沟8种主要乔木、18种主要灌木和42种主要草本种群的生态位宽度和生态位重叠,并对生态位定度和生态位重叠的关系进行了初步的探讨。结果表明,种群生态位定度越大,对环境的适应能力越强;具有相同或相似环境要求的物种间生态位重叠较大,生态位宽度较大的物种与其它种间生态位重叠较大。  相似文献   

应用Pearson相关系数和Spearman秩相关系数检验。对武陵山大木山自然保护区红豆杉群落内13个优势乔木种群的种间关联(或相关)性进行研究,并对13个优势乔木种群生态位宽度、生态位重叠进行分析。结果表明,红豆杉种群对资源的利用能力较强,生态位宽度值较大:红豆杉与其他物种生态特性差异较大,生态位重叠值较低;群落内各种群间关系的相对独立性较弱,红豆杉种群与其他物种大多呈正相关关系。生态位宽度值大的物种,与其他物种的生态位重叠值一般较大;生态位重叠值较大的物种对,其种间联结一般也较显著。  相似文献   

戴云山罗浮栲林主要乔木树种营养生态位研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
通过生态位空间分割,应用多维生态位宽度和生态位重叠分析戴云山罗浮栲(Castanopsis fabri)群落主要乔木树种在不同资源空间中的营养利用情况。结果表明,各物种在不同资源空间的营养利用情况存在差异。同一物种不同龄级生态位宽度不同,同一龄级不同物种生态位宽度也存在差异。罗浮栲天然林主要种群生态位重叠值介于0.2~0.3的有33对,占27.5%;大于0.3的有51对,占42.5%,群落中优势种种群生态位具有较大程度重叠,对资源的利用能力相似且竞争格局明显。乔木层中,个体多度分布较大的罗浮栲与其它树种生态位重叠在0.042~0.424,罗浮栲与其它物种在资源利用上所受到的竞争相对较弱,在一定程度上决定了该种群在群落中的优势地位。按照经典的分层频度分析,罗浮栲种群属于典型的衰退种,与群落演替的实际情况相一致。  相似文献   

岩生红豆天然林主要树种生态位研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于对贵州省岩生红豆(Ormosia saxatilis)天然林群落样地调查,采用定量分析方法对群落不同层次主要树种生态位宽度、生态位相似比例、生态位重叠等进行研究。结果表明:1)采用Levins和Shannon-Wiener两指数测定的生态位宽度值存在较大差异,但前几位顺序基本一致;2)在乔木层中,岩生红豆、云贵鹅耳枥(Carpinus pubescens)、朴树(Celtis sinensis)、青冈栎(Cyclobalanopsis glauca)等具有较大生态位宽度值,其B(SW)i和B(H)i值分别为0.6559、0.5113、0.3635、0.3369和0.9086、0.4545、0.4071、0.3298;3)在灌木层中,岩生红豆、圆果化香(Platycarya longipes)等也具有较大生态位宽度值;4)物种生态位宽度大小体现其对环境的适应范围,宽度越大,适应能力就越强;5)物种生态位宽度大小与生态位重叠值之间有密切关系,生态位宽度大的物种对间一般具有较大的重叠值,生态位宽度较大物种与其它物种间往往具有较大的生态位相似比例和重叠值,重叠值越大,其利用资源的相似程度就越大,竞争就会越激烈。  相似文献   

We examined numbers of plant species and individuals relative to land use in an agricultural settlement in the Brazilian Amazon. Land uses were forest, cropped after forest, fallows, cropped after fallow, and pasture. These corresponded roughly to farmers' land-use changes over time. Numbers of species and diversity indices were generally highest in forest, but we found quite similar values in older fallows as a result of both survival/re-establishment of forest species and emergence of plants not encountered in forest. The dominant species in fallows, however, were different from those in forest. Lands cropped using slash-and-burn maintained moderate numbers of species–both forest and non-forest. Trends in plant density (individuals per unit ground area) on cropped lands were mainly related to invasion of weedy species (increasing in time after slash-and-burn) and shifts in crop species (replacement of small-sized rice by larger-sized maize and cassava). Useful forest plants (e.g. for construction purposes, food and medicines) decreased with land conversion, although new species also appeared. The fewest species, tree species, and useful plants, and the greatest losses of the forest flora, were encountered in pastures. Consequently, conversion to pasture rather than slash-and-burn agriculture per se led to high biodiversity loss.  相似文献   

The conservation of biodiversity within tropical forest regions does not lie only in the maintenance of natural forest areas, but on conservation strategies directed toward agricultural land types within which they are embedded. This study investigated variations in bird assemblages of different functional groups of forest‐dependent birds in three agricultural land types, relative to distance from the interior of 34 tropical forest patches of varying sizes. Point counts were used to sample birds at each study site visited. Data from counts were used to estimate species richness, species evenness, and Simpson's diversity of birds. Mean species richness, evenness, and diversity were modeled as responses and as a function of agricultural land type, distance from the forest interior and three site‐scale vegetation covariates (density of large trees, fruiting trees, and patch size) using generalized linear mixed‐effect models. Mean observed species richness of birds varied significantly within habitat types. Mean observed species richness was highest in forest interior sites while sites located in farm centers recorded the lowest mean species richness. Species richness of forest specialists was strongly influenced by the type of agricultural land use. Fallow lands, density of large trees, and patch size strongly positively influenced forest specialists. Insectivorous and frugivorous birds were more species‐rich in fallow lands while monoculture plantations favored nectarivorous birds. Our results suggest that poor agricultural practices can lead to population declines of forest‐dependent birds particularly specialist species. Conservation actions should include proper land use management that ensures heterogeneity through retention of native tree species on farms in tropical forest‐agriculture landscapes.  相似文献   

Little is known about how soil seed banks vary in germination, composition, and density under different land uses after tropical forest conversion. Seed banks can potentially act as one source of regeneration for reforestation of old agricultural lands. Our study documents the composition and density of germinants in soil seed banks from four land uses types surrounding the Sinharaja forest in southwest Sri Lanka. These include: (1) kekilla fern lands; (2) pine plantations; and (3) tea. These were compared to the adjacent (4) mature rainforest. During the 6‐month period of monitoring, we recorded 1,674 germinants (0.036 germinants/cm3 soil), representing 46 species. Germinants of tree and shrub species were restricted to the pine and rainforest soils and all of them are considered pioneers. The soils of the rainforest had the lowest species richness, density, and diversity of germinants; tea lands comprised much higher richness, Shannon diversity, and density. However, almost all germinants in tea were grasses and herbs as compared with other land uses. A multivariate analysis of the germinants of soil seed banks revealed that the four land use types comprise very different compositions and abundances, some of which can be associated with differences in growth habit (trees, shrubs, vines, herbs, grasses). Our results suggest that pine plantations may facilitate some tree and shrub regeneration. However, the seed banks beneath tea and kekilla fern land do not comprise any woody plant species. This may explain why agricultural lands such as tea do not revert back to forest easily.  相似文献   

Diversity and similarity of butterfly communities were assessed in five different habitat types (from natural closed forest to agricultural lands) in the mountains of Tam Dao National Park, Vietnam for 3 years from 2002 to 2004. The line transect count was used to record species richness and abundance of butterfly communities in the different habitat types. For each habitat, the number of species and individuals, and indices of species richness, evenness and diversity of butterfly communities were calculated. The results indicated that species richness and abundance of butterfly communities were low in the natural closed forest, higher in the disturbed forest, highest in the forest edge, lower in the shrub habitat and lowest in the agricultural lands. The indices of species richness, evenness and diversity of butterfly communities were low in agricultural lands and natural closed forest but highest in the forest edge and shrub habitats. The families Satyridae and Amathusiidae have the greatest species richness and abundance in the natural closed forest, with a reduction in their species richness and abundance from the natural closed forest to the agricultural lands. Species composition of butterfly communities was different among five different habitat types (40%), was similar in habitats outside the forest (68%) and was similar in habitats inside the forest (63%). Diversity and abundance of butterfly communities are not different between the natural closed forest and the agriculture lands, but species composition changed greatly between these habitat types. A positive correlation between the size of species geographical distribution range and increasing habitat disturbance was found. The most characteristic natural closed forest species have the smallest geographical distribution range.  相似文献   

Agricultural conversion of tropical forests is a major driver of biodiversity loss. Slowing rates of deforestation is a conservation priority, but it is also useful to consider how species diversity is retained across the agricultural matrix. Here, we assess how bird diversity varies in relation to land use in the Taita Hills, Kenya. We used point counts to survey birds along a land‐use gradient that included primary forest, secondary vegetation, agroforest, timber plantation and cropland. We found that the agricultural matrix supports an abundant and diverse bird community with high levels of species turnover, but that forest specialists are confined predominantly to primary forest, with the matrix dominated by forest visitors. Ordination analyses showed that representation of forest specialists decreases with distance from primary forest. With the exception of forest generalists, bird abundance and diversity are lowest in timber plantations. Contrary to expectation, we found feeding guilds at similar abundances in all land‐use types. We conclude that whilst the agricultural matrix, and agroforest in particular, makes a strong contribution to observed bird diversity at the landscape scale, intact primary forest is essential for maintaining this diversity, especially amongst species of conservation concern.  相似文献   

Vegetation surveys were carried out at 24 sampling stations distributed over four land use types, namely near-primary forest, secondary forest, agroforestry systems and annual crop lands in the northeastern part of the Korup region, Cameroon, to assess the impact of forest conversion on trees and understorey plants. Tree species richness decreased significantly with increasing level of habitat modification, being highest and almost equal in secondary and near-primary forests. Understorey plant species richness was significantly higher in annual crop lands than in other land use types. The four land use types differed in tree and understorey plant species composition, the difference being smaller among natural forests. Tree and understorey plant density differed significantly between habitat types. Density was strongly correlated with species richness, both for trees and understorey plants. Five tree and 15 understorey plant species showed significant responses to habitat. A 90% average drop in tree basal area from forest to farmland was registered. Our findings support the view that agroforestry systems with natural shade trees can serve to protect many forest species, but that especially annual crop lands could be redesigned to improve biodiversity conservation in agricultural landscapes of tropical rainforest regions.  相似文献   

Aim Climate, topography and soils drive many patterns of plant distribution and abundance across landscapes, but current plant communities may also reflect a legacy of past disturbance such as agricultural land use. To assess the relative influences of environmental conditions and disturbance history on vegetation, it is important to understand how these forces interact. This study relates the geographical distribution of land uses to variation in topography and soils; evaluates the consequences of land‐use decisions for current forests; and examines the effects of agricultural land use on the chemical properties of forest soils. Location Tompkins County occupies 1250 km2 in central New York's Finger Lakes region. Like much of eastern North America, this area underwent forest clearance for agriculture during the 1800s and widespread field abandonment and forest recovery during the 1900s. The current landscape consists of a patchwork of forests that were never cleared, forests that developed on old fields and active agricultural lands. Methods We investigated relationships among topography, soils and land‐use decisions by gathering information about land‐use history, slope, aspect, elevation, soil lime content, soil drainage and accessibility in a geographic information system (GIS). To assess the effects of agriculture on forest soil chemistry, we measured pH, organic matter content and extractable nutrient concentrations in field‐collected soil samples from 47 post‐agricultural and uncleared forests. Results Steeper slopes, less accessible lands and lower‐lime soils tended to remain forested, and farmers were more likely to abandon fields that were steeper, farther from roads, lower in lime and more poorly drained. Slope had by far the greatest impact on patterns of clearance and abandonment, and accessibility had a surprisingly strong influence on the distribution of land uses. The effects of other factors varied more, depending for example on location within the county. Current forest types differed accordingly in topography and soil attributes, particularly slope, but they also showed much overlap. Post‐agricultural and uncleared forest soils had similar chemical properties. Forests on lands abandoned from agriculture 80–100 years before had slightly higher pH and nutrient concentrations than adjacent, uncleared forests, but these changes were small compared to environmental variation across the county. Main conclusions Despite differential use of lands according to their topography and soils, the substantial influence of accessibility and the relatively small scale of land‐use decisions allowed for broad similarity among forest types. Thus, the topography and soil differences created by land‐use decisions probably contribute little to landscape‐level patterns of diversity. Subtle changes in forest soil chemistry left from past agriculture may nevertheless affect plant distribution and abundance at finer scales.  相似文献   

沈阳市东部土地利用格局变化   总被引:29,自引:6,他引:23  
以沈阳市东部1976~1989年的历史航空像片为基础,以地理信息系统(GIS)技 术为手段,分析土地利用的空间格局及其变化.结果表明,针叶林、水田平均嵌块体大小增 加,旱地、落叶林、灌丛平均嵌块体大小减少;分数维值略有增加.预示嵌块体形状逐步复 杂化;多样性指数、均匀性指数增加.优势度和蔓延度指数由原来的1.6327和89.2022分 别减少到1.3226和88.2744,说明景观嵌块体的空间分布趋于均匀,嵌块体的聚集分布状 况将随时间的推移逐步分散化.此外.本文对沈阳东部土地利用格局变化的原因进行了剖 析.  相似文献   

黄土高原景观格局与水土流失关系研究   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
采用DCCA排序法对黄土高原腹地泾河流域12个子流域的景观格局与流域水土流失关系进行了定量分析.结果表明,DCCA排序的前4轴分别与农业用地比率、景观多样性指数、森林比率显著相关.各子流域的水土流失特征具有明显的梯度变异.在森林比率占65%的三水河子流域,景观相对简单、多样性低,流域年径流量大、输沙小、含沙量低,径流相对稳定;随着森林比率减小,农业用地比率增大,景观多样性升高,产流系数增高,径流深度、输沙量和含沙量增大;在森林比率很低、农业用地53.41%的洪河子流域,景观格局复杂、多样性较高,河流含沙量高、输沙率大,月输沙和径流变异极大;在农业用地比率减小,其他景观类型比率增大,景观相对简单的环江上、下游子流域,输沙量和含沙量减小,但输沙和径流的年际变化极大.排序分析结果较清晰地解释了黄土高原典型地区水土流失特征沿景观梯度的变化规律.  相似文献   

Land conversion affects the delivery of ecosystem goods and services. In this study, we used a 50 years time series of land cover maps to assess the potential impacts of forest cover changes on ecosystem services. A multi-source data integration strategy was followed to reduce inconsistencies in land cover change detection that result from the comparison of historical aerial photographs and satellite images. Our forest cover change analysis highlighted a shift from net deforestation to net reforestation in the early 1990s, consistent with the forest transition theory. When taking the nature of forest cover changes into account, our data show that the areal increase of the forested area was not associated with an improvement in ecological conditions. The overall capacity of the landscape to deliver ecosystem services dropped steadily by 16% over the 50 years’ study period. Conversion of native forests to agricultural land was associated with the strongest decline in ecosystem services. Conversion of natural grasslands into pine plantations mostly led to negative and probably irreversible impacts on the delivery of ecosystem services. Conversion of degraded agricultural lands into pine plantations led to an improvement in ecological conditions. An effective spatial targeting of forestation programs has the potential to maximize the environmental benefits that forest plantations may offer while minimizing their environmental harm.  相似文献   

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