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对芒属17种植物的自然资源状况,从分类学、遗传育种学和生理学等方面研究的进行了综述,梳理了芒属植物资源利用现状,并展望了芒属植物的应用前景和产业价值。同时指出,对芒属类群的研究深度和应用程度极不均衡,对适应于极端环境的地区特有类群开发利用不够。为全面促进芒属植物资源开发利用,助力芒属新品种的研发和推广,倡议加强极端环境下芒属种质资源研发,实现更广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

新疆早春短命植物适应荒漠环境的机理研究进展   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
兰海燕 《西北植物学报》2008,28(7):1478-1485
短命植物是生活于极端干旱自然环境,利用冬春雨雪水在春末夏初迅速完成生活周期,并以种子形式渡过不良环境的特殊生态类型,它们具有生长发育快、光合效率高、繁殖率和结实性极强的特点.本文从短命植物种子萌发机制、形态结构适应性、高光效结构特征、结实特性、生活周期的可塑适应性等方面,对新疆早春短命植物的相关研究进行综述,以阐释短命植物适应荒漠环境的特殊机制.  相似文献   

极地陆域微生物多样性研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
孔维栋 《生物多样性》2013,21(4):456-467
极地是指高纬度、高海拔地区,包括南极(60°S以南)、北极(60°N以北)和被称为“第三极”的青藏高原地区(平均海拔4,500 m).这些地区气温极低、养分极度贫乏,生态系统非常脆弱,对全球气候变化极为敏感,该地区生态系统一旦破坏将很难恢复.尽管极地地区自然条件恶劣,但在这些极端环境中栖息着大量微生物,是元素生物地球化学循环的主要驱动者,对极地生态系统的构建和维持具有非常重要的作用.本文综述了极地土壤、湖泊和冰川等陆域环境微生物研究进展.在这些极地环境中,目前已发现了Acidobacteria,Actinobacteria,Bacteroidetes,Cyanobacteria和Firmicutes等类群,这些微生物具有嗜盐/耐盐及耐低温等特征.我国在极地微生物生态学研究方面落后于发达国家,建议优先发展较易到达的青藏高原地区微生物生态学长期定位观测,这将有助于较快提升我国极地微生物多样性研究水平,深入了解极端生命过程及其生态学效应.  相似文献   

干旱半干旱荒漠地区一年生植物研究综述   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
1年生植物是干旱半干旱地区植被的重要组成部分,并以其独有的植物特性成为许多植物生态学关键问题研究的最佳试验材料。本文综述了干旱半干旱地区1年生植物的种子萌发对策、幼苗对环境的适应机制、种子传播和种子库等方面的研究成果,并探讨了影响1年生植物种群、群落组成和动态的生物与非生物因素。基于1年生植物类群在荒漠植被系统中重要的生态功能,有关1年生植物的研究成果将有利于荒漠生态系统的保护和恢复、资源的合理利用以及区域的可持续发展。  相似文献   

张军  彭焕文  夏富才  王伟 《生物多样性》2021,29(11):1470-18
多倍化是植物快速适应极端环境胁迫的一种重要机制。青藏高原高山区和泛北极地区具有相似的极端低温环境, 且两地的植物曾有密切的交流和联系。然而, 多倍体物种对两地植物区系生物多样性的贡献是否相同仍不清楚。我们系统地收集两地已有染色体数目和倍性报道的种子植物物种名录, 共计1,770种, 其中青藏高原高山区774种, 泛北极地区996种; 同时也相应地收集了每个物种的生活型信息。分析显示青藏高原高山区多倍体植物的比例为20.9%, 泛北极地区多倍体植物比例为61.5%; 青藏高原高山区一年生草本、多年生草本和木本植物中多倍体的比例分别为20.7%、21.6%和12.8%, 泛北极地区一年生草本、多年生草本和木本植物中多倍体的比例分别为60.2%、65.5%和38.3%。这些结果表明泛北极地区比青藏高原高山区具有较高比例的多倍体物种。青藏高原高山植物区系在渐新世‒中新世之交开始兴起, 此时高原已达到一定高度, 而后的高寒环境相对稳定, 致使多倍体物种相对较少; 而泛北极地区植物区系在3-4 Ma兴起, 此后经历了冰期‒间冰期、海平面波动等反复剧烈的气候环境变化, 可能促进了大量的多倍化事件发生。本研究通过比较青藏高原高山区和泛北极地区植物多倍体物种的比例, 揭示了两地多倍体比例差异的可能原因, 将提高对多倍体适应极端环境的理解。  相似文献   

长白山地区曲尾藓属植物生态分化的排序研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
曲尾藓属(DicranumHedw.)属于顶蒴藓类植物,在长白山地区主要分布于苔原、森林林下和沼泽地中[1,2]。分析曲尾藓属植物对不同生态环境的适应特点和种间生态关系,对揭示该属植物物种分化的生态学机制,有一定学术价值。排序是分析植物群落分布与环境关系的常用方法,以往人们主要是应用DCA、PCA等方法,因而不同种类与环境关系的解释带有较大的主观性。典范对应分析能够在同一排序图上展示植物种类与环境因子的关系,是当前最有效的排序方法,其结果的生态学解释比较客观。Slack指出应用排序也能够研究植物种间的生态位分…  相似文献   

宋丹鸿  张雪妮  杨继粉  田景烨 《生态学报》2023,43(18):7403-7411
研究不同功能群植物性状差异及其与土壤环境关系对于充分掌握植物的环境适应策略至关重要。以艾比湖流域为研究区,利用荒漠植物的植物高度、叶片碳、氮、磷、硫、钾、钙、钠、镁含量等9个性状,将高、低土壤水盐环境下的植物划分为5个功能群,分析不同功能群的植物组成、性状差异及其与土壤环境的关系。结果表明:(1)不同土壤水盐环境下,其植物功能群组成不同;其中白刺、胡杨和罗布麻在两个土壤水盐环境下的功能群中均存在。(2)植物的功能性状在不同土壤水盐环境下也发生了适应性的变化。高土壤水盐环境下3个功能群的植物高度、叶片碳、氮、磷和钙含量显著高于低土壤水盐环境功能群(P<0.05);低土壤水盐环境下2个功能群的植物叶片硫、钠和镁含量高于高土壤水盐环境功能群。(3)土壤含水量(SVWC)、电导率(EC)、pH以及土壤磷含量对荒漠植物功能性状影响较大。在高土壤水盐环境下,EC、pH与植物高度,叶片钾、钙含量正相关,与叶片硫含量负相关;在低土壤水盐环境下,SVWC、EC与植物高度呈显著正相关(P<0.05)。研究有助于理解荒漠植物对极端环境的适应对策,为保护荒漠地区生物多样性提供理论依据。  相似文献   

植物对盐渍逆境的适应   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
主要讨论植物是如何对盐渍环境适应的,盐渍环境对植物产生两种胁迫因子--渗透胁迫和离子胁迫,前者有水困难,后者对植物代谢生理功能产生毒害。植物要适应盐渍环境必须具备克服这两胁迫的能力。陆生植物对盐渍环境的适应方式在克服盐离子每害方面主要有3种:衡盐、泌盐和拒盐;在克服渗透胁迫方面主要是渗透调节。海洋植物的适应方式则较为复杂,既要适应盐渍环境,又要适应水环境。  相似文献   

陆生植物自身能否排放甲烷?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一般认为自然来源的甲烷是在厌氧环境下形成的,而最近研究却发现在有氧环境下植物自身也能释放甲烷,这将对全球甲烷收支产生重大影响。但这一发现目前还存在很大争议,一些研究证实植物在有氧环境下能排放甲烷,果胶、聚半乳糖醛酸等含甲氧基官能团的组分是植物产生甲烷的主要来源物质,甚至纤维素、木质素等植物结构组分也能排放甲烷;而另一些研究却发现植物并不能排放甲烷或者排放速率极小,而观测到的植物甲烷排放可能来自于土壤中,即溶解有甲烷的土壤水分被被植物吸收并通过蒸腾或蒸发作用而排放到大气中。有氧环境下植物排放甲烷的机制仍不清楚,光照、温度、紫外辐射、机械损伤等环境胁迫可能是导致植物排放甲烷的重要原因,但这些因素的影响作用仍存在很大的不确定性。即使如此,一些研究仍对全球或区域植物甲烷排放的通量进行了估算,估计全球植物甲烷排放通量为10-236Tg.a-1。未来研究应在更多地区针对不同生境的各种植物是否排放甲烷进行独立检验,并在此基础上探讨植物排放甲烷的机制。  相似文献   

垫状植物是分布于高山地区的一类代表性植物,通常具有密致且一定面积的外表结构,因此其具有较强的改变周围微环境的能力:调控局部区域的最高和最低温度,增加土壤湿度和养分的有效性,降低风的侵蚀性。垫状植物对微环境的调节有利于其他高山植物的生存,从而可以提高群落中物种的丰富度和多样性,促进外来植物的生长,提高生态系统的功能,因此被称为高山地区的"生态系统工程师",这也是植物适应高山区域严酷生存条件的重要途径之一。垫状植物对其周围资源环境调节的程度及其作用的空间尺度是影响其生态系统工程师效应的主要因素,也是目前研究中的核心问题。  相似文献   

高山植物繁殖策略的研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
高山地区通常被认为是陆地上最为极端的生境之一,但却拥有许多形态特化的植物和较高的物种多样性。高山植物如何在严酷的环境中实现成功繁殖,这一问题倍受研究者们的关注。本文综合了国内外高山植物在资源分配、花形态对非生物环境因子的响应、动物传粉及其适应机制、果实和种子及克隆繁殖等繁殖策略方面的文献。为应对低温多雨雪的恶劣环境,一些高山植物采取花向日性、花冠闭合及花序保温结构等繁殖策略。高山植物的传粉者类群也发生了改变,主要为蜂类和蝇类。熊蜂(Bombusspp.)传粉的高效性,减少了高山环境对植物传粉造成的不利影响。当传粉者不可得时,植物不仅通过延迟自交和自助自交等机制来提供繁殖保障,还借助克隆繁殖及其他传粉机制(风媒或风虫媒)来维持种群的繁衍。依赖动物传粉的高山植物,可以采取增加繁殖构件的资源分配、加大"广告"投入以及较大的花展示或较长的花寿命来提高传粉者的拜访几率,以及借助泛化的花结构和选择合适的开花时间等策略来提高繁殖成功率。此外,大部分高山植物产生干果且具有持久的种子库,有利于种子的传播以及种子寻找萌发及幼苗生长的最佳外界环境。在今后的研究中,可着重探讨以下几个问题:(1)非生物环境因子对花形态的选择;(2)季节变化与繁殖策略;(3)群落水平上植物与传粉者的关系;(4)高山生态系统对全球变暖的响应。  相似文献   

Arctic and alpine habitats occur along complex environmental gradients, and over an extensive geographical range. Despite some selective forces common to these habitats, evolutionary divergence among populations of arctic and alpine plants along this gradient is expected. Of particular significance, both in the context of life-history theory and for implications of climate change, are the few annual species that have adapted to the constraints of an unpredictable, short growing season. In this study, morphological, life-history and phenological characters were found to differ significantly among six widely distributed populations of the arctic-alpine annual Koenigia islandica. On the basis of morphology and life-history traits, populations from high latitudes, with the exception of Svalbard, performed better in simulated arctic conditions, whereas the low latitude alpine plants from Colorado showed enhanced performance under simulated alpine conditions. On the basis of phenology, the six populations can be clearly grouped into arctic, high latitude alpine and alpine populations: arctic plants were found to develop and flower earliest; alpine plants latest. Because these results were obtained using seeds harvested from plants first grown through a complete generation in growth chambers, they indicate strong genetic differentiation. We discuss possible adaptive explanations for observed differences among the six geographically divergent populations.  相似文献   

The arctic and alpine regions are predicted to experience some of the highest rates of climate change, and the arctic vegetation is expected to be especially sensitive to such changes. Understanding the ecological and evolutionary responses of arctic plant species to changes in climate is therefore a key objective. Geothermal areas, where natural temperature gradients occur over small spatial scales, and without many of the confounding environmental factors present in latitudinal and other gradient studies, provide a natural experimental setting in which to examine the response of arctic–alpine plants to increasing temperatures. To test the ecological and evolutionary response of the circumpolar alpine bistort Persicaria vivipara to temperature, we collected plant material and soil from areas with low, intermediate and high soil temperatures and grew them at three different temperatures in a three-factorial growth chamber experiment. At higher experimental soil temperatures, sprouting was earlier and plants had more leaves. Sprouting was earlier in soil originating from intermediate temperature and plants had more leaves when grown in soil originating from low temperatures. We did not find evidence of local adaptation or genetic variation in reaction norms among plants originating from areas with low, intermediate and high soil temperature. Our findings suggest that the alpine bistort has a strong plastic response to warming, but that differences in soil temperature have not resulted in genetic differentiation. The lack of an observed evolutionary response may, for example, be due to the absence of temperature-mediated selection on P. vivipara, the low rate of sexual recombination, or high levels of gene flow balancing differences in selection. When placed within the context of other studies, we conclude that arctic–alpine plant species often show strong plastic responses to spring warming, while evidence of evolutionary responses varies among species.  相似文献   

高山植物叶片δ13C的海拔响应及其机理   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:11  
史作民  程瑞梅  刘世荣 《生态学报》2004,24(12):2901-2906
植物 1 3C的分辨研究已成为植物生态学和全球碳循环研究的核心问题之一。植物 1 3C的分辨是环境和生物因子共同作用的综合结果 ,海拔梯度变化不仅可以造成植物生存环境的变化 ,而且还可以造成植物形态和生理特征的变化 ,因此 ,高山植物 1 3C分辨随海拔的变化为深入揭示植物 1 3C分辨的环境和生物因子的作用机理提供了非常理想的研究条件。在简单介绍植物 1 3C分辨基本理论的基础上 ,对目前国际上高山植物 1 3C分辨的海拔响应研究进行了述评。重点介绍了随海拔变化的大气 1 3C组成、温度、气压、水分等环境因子和植物叶片的气孔导度、羧化效率、氮含量和叶肉细胞导度等生物因子对高山 C3植物 1 3C分辨的影响 ,指出高山植物 1 3C分辨的海拔响应机理仍存在一些不确定性 ,为国内相关研究的开展提供了一定参考  相似文献   

Glacier chronosequences are important sites for primary succession studies and have yielded well‐defined primary succession models for plants that identify environmental resistance as an important determinant of the successional trajectory. Whether plant‐associated fungal communities follow those same successional trajectories and also respond to environmental resistance is an open question. In this study, 454 amplicon pyrosequencing was used to compare the root‐associated fungal communities of the ectomycorrhizal (ECM) herb Bistorta vivipara along two primary succession gradients with different environmental resistance (alpine versus arctic) and different successional trajectories in the vascular plant communities (directional replacement versus directional non‐replacement). At both sites, the root‐associated fungal communities were dominated by ECM basidiomycetes and community composition shifted with increasing time since deglaciation. However, the fungal community's successional trajectory mirrored the pattern observed in the surrounding plant community at both sites: the alpine site displayed a directional‐replacement successional trajectory, and the arctic site displayed a directional‐non‐replacement successional trajectory. This suggests that, like in plant communities, environmental resistance is key in determining succession patterns in root‐associated fungi. The need for further replicated study, including in other host species, is emphasized.  相似文献   

Cold‐adapted organisms with current arctic–alpine distributions have persisted during the last glaciation in multiple ice‐free refugia, leaving footprints in their population structure that contrast with temperate plants and animals. However, pathogens that live within hosts having arctic–alpine distributions have been little studied. Here, we therefore investigated the geographical range and population structure of a fungus parasitizing an arctic–alpine plant. A total of 1437 herbarium specimens of the plant Silene acaulis were examined, and the anther smut pathogen Microbotryum silenes‐acaulis was present throughout the host's geographical range. There was significantly greater incidence of anther smut disease in more northern latitudes and where the host locations were less dense, indicating a major influence of environmental factors and/or host demographic structure on the pathogen distribution. Genetic analyses with seven microsatellite markers on recent collections of 195 M. silenes‐acaulis individuals revealed three main genetic clusters, in North America, northern Europe and southern Europe, likely corresponding to differentiation in distinct refugia during the last glaciation. The lower genetic diversity in northern Europe indicates postglacial recolonization northwards from southern refugia. This study combining herbarium surveys and population genetics thus uniquely reveals the effects of climate and environmental factors on a plant pathogen species with an arctic–alpine distribution.  相似文献   

The circumarctic ranges of arctic‐alpine plants are thought to have been established in the late Pliocene/early Pleistocene, when the modern arctic tundra was formed in response to climate cooling. Previous findings of range‐wide genetic structure in arctic‐alpine plants have been thought to support this hypothesis, but few studies have explicitly addressed the temporal framework of the genetic structure. Here, we estimated the demographic history of the genetic structure in the circumarctic Kalmia procumbens using sequences of multiple nuclear loci and examined whether its genetic structure reflects prolonged isolation throughout the Pleistocene. Both Bayesian clustering and phylogenetic analyses revealed genetic distinction between alpine and arctic regions, whereas detailed groupings were somewhat discordant between the analyses. By assuming a population grouping based on the phylogenetic analyses, which likely reflects a deeper intraspecific divergence, we conducted model‐based analyses and demonstrated that the intraspecific genetic divergence in Kprocumbens likely originated during the last glacial period. Thus, there is no need to postulate range separation throughout the Pleistocene to explain the current genetic structure in this species. This study demonstrates that range‐wide genetic structure in arctic‐alpine plants does not necessarily result from the late Pliocene/early Pleistocene origin of their circumarctic ranges and emphasizes the importance of a temporal framework of the current genetic structure for understanding the biogeographic history of the arctic flora.  相似文献   

Most butterflies that overwinter as diapausing eggs have evolved oviposition behaviours where egg placement is near or on perennating portions of their host plant. We describe an alternative strategy used by alpine populations of a Lycaenid butterfly species complex where eggs are not attached strongly to the leaf substrate and subsequently fall off the plant. Other populations occurring at lower elevations attach their eggs strongly to the plant. In the laboratory, we measured the amount of force required to detach eggs from the leaf substrate. Eggs of the non‐alpine populations required more than five times the force required to detach eggs of the alpine population. Field surveys of the host plant characteristics used by various populations suggest that easy detachment may be adaptive for alpine populations because, unlike the host plants used by other populations, nearly all of the preceding year's vegetative growth is blown away by strong winds during the winter months.  相似文献   

Global climate change is already having significant impacts on arctic and alpine ecosystems, and ongoing increases in temperature and altered precipitation patterns will affect the strong seasonal patterns that characterize these temperature‐limited systems. The length of the potential growing season in these tundra environments is increasing due to warmer temperatures and earlier spring snow melt. Here, we compare current and projected climate and ecological data from 20 Northern Hemisphere sites to identify how seasonal changes in the physical environment due to climate change will alter the seasonality of arctic and alpine ecosystems. We find that although arctic and alpine ecosystems appear similar under historical climate conditions, climate change will lead to divergent responses, particularly in the spring and fall shoulder seasons. As seasonality changes in the Arctic, plants will advance the timing of spring phenological events, which could increase plant nutrient uptake, production, and ecosystem carbon (C) gain. In alpine regions, photoperiod will constrain spring plant phenology, limiting the extent to which the growing season can lengthen, especially if decreased water availability from earlier snow melt and warmer summer temperatures lead to earlier senescence. The result could be a shorter growing season with decreased production and increased nutrient loss. These contrasting alpine and arctic ecosystem responses will have cascading effects on ecosystems, affecting community structure, biotic interactions, and biogeochemistry.  相似文献   

植物性状能够反映植物的生存策略,是植物生态学的研究热点之一。植物CSR策略模型将植物物种分为3类:在资源丰富环境中能够最大程度提高生物量的物种(竞争型物种:C策略);在干扰频率较高的环境中能够快速摄取资源并繁殖的物种(投机取巧型物种:R策略);在资源贫瘠环境中能够保持个体生存的物种(耐受型物种:S策略)。植物叶片性状对环境梯度具有适应性的改变,性状的改变对植物生存策略产生影响,但是青藏高原植物叶片性状是如何影响植物CSR生存策略的,其机制尚不清楚。该研究探究了高寒草地植物CSR生存策略的分布特征,以及环境因子对CSR生存策略的影响机制。2020年7–8月,对青藏高原高寒草地53个样点进行了调查,测定植物叶片叶面积、叶片鲜质量和叶片干质量等性状,并计算C、S、R值。然后,分析关键地理环境要素对植物CSR策略影响的主要因子和作用机理。结果表明:(1)在青藏高原高寒草地,植物的生存策略主要以S策略(41.6%–96.7%)为主。(2)随着经度的增加,青藏高原高寒草地C策略植物所占比例自西向东逐渐上升;在海拔梯度上,高寒草地C策略植物所占比例随着海拔的升高而降低。(3)随机森林分析结果显示降水...  相似文献   

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