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利用EL350基因工程菌进行同源重组,成功进行基因敲除已有报道,但利用该系统进行兔次黄嘌呤-鸟嘌呤磷酸核糖转移酶(Hypoxanthine guanine phosphoribosyl transferase,HPRT)基因突变和基因打靶方面的研究还没有报道。本实验首先在已经筛选到含有兔全长HPRT基因BAC克隆(LBNL1-304M19)的基础上,利用Red重组系统,通过Gap-Repair方式从此克隆上将一段47Kb无启动子的HPRT基因组片段(不含有第1个外显子)克隆到pBACLinkSp质粒上,产生pBACLinkSp-rHPRT质粒。然后基于pBACLinkSp-rHPRT质粒,设计不同的同源臂,从而删除了HPRT基因的不同编码区,成功构建了三个不同的HPRT基因打靶载体。同时对利用同源重组技术敲除不同大小的DNA片段的效率进行了研究。基于本实验所构建的三个不同的兔HPRT基因打靶载体,为探索兔成纤维细胞和胚胎干细胞基因打靶的适宜条件,及进一步获得兔HPRT基因敲除动物疾病模型奠定了基础。  相似文献   

王小利  姜闯  刘建华  刘喜朋 《遗传》2015,37(4):388-395
随着功能基因组学研究的深入发展,基因敲除技术日益成为基因功能研究的重要手段。嗜盐古菌Haloferax volcanii易于培养,是研究古菌基因功能的良好模式菌株。虽然现已开发了多种嗜盐古菌的遗传操作系统,但基因敲除成功率不十分理想。这些遗传操作方法基于pyrE筛选标记,利用携带同源片段的环状质粒与基因组同源片段间的两次同源重组,敲除目的基因。由于基于环状质粒和pyrE筛选标记的经典同源重组敲除方法在二次重组时,普遍存在回复到野生型菌株的可能,导致二次重组子中敲除目的基因的阳性菌株比例较低。为了克服传统同源重组技术的上述缺陷,文章建立了基于线性DNA片段的同源重组技术。该方法通过一次重组在目标基因的下游引入一段上游同源片段和pyrE标记,从而限定二次重组的发生部位只能在两段上游同源片段之间,发生二次重组的重组子理论上都敲除了目标基因。利用该方法,文章成功敲除了嗜盐古菌Haloferax volcanii的xpd2基因,阳性克隆率达65%。这种线性DNA片段重组法为嗜盐古菌的基因敲除提供了一种高效策略,便于嗜盐古菌的基因改造。  相似文献   

利用λRed重组系统和pBAD原核表达载体构建鼠伤寒沙门菌spvBC质粒毒力基因修饰菌株,为深入探究沙门菌毒力基因spv的功能和致病机制及宿主抗感染免疫提供工具菌。以pKD4为模板,PCR扩增含spvBC同源臂的卡那霉素抗性基因以构建同源打靶片段,再将其电转入含有质粒pKD46的鼠伤寒沙门菌中进行同源重组,随后将质粒pCP20电转导入阳性转化子,消除卡那霉素抗性基因,PCR鉴定敲除株的构建。PCR扩增含酶切位点的spvBC基因片段,扩增产物与原核表达载体pBAD/gⅢ分别双酶切后连接构建pBAD-spvBC重组质粒,PCR筛选阳性菌落并测序鉴定。将构建成功的pBAD-spvBC重组质粒电转导入spvBC敲除株中,Western blot测定不同浓度L-阿拉伯糖诱导SpvB和SpvC蛋白表达情况。PCR结果表明鼠伤寒沙门菌spvBC基因敲除成功;PCR及测序结果表明pBAD-spvBC重组质粒构建成功,Western blot结果表明13 mmol/L L-阿拉伯糖可诱导SpvB和SpvC蛋白正常表达。λRed重组系统可用于沙门菌质粒上大片段基因的敲除,pBAD原核表达载体可用于沙门菌质粒上大片段基因的回补,丰富了细菌质粒的基因修饰和编辑策略。  相似文献   

目的:探索通过细菌人工染色体(BAC)同源重组系统构建条件基因敲除载体的高效率方法,提高条件基因敲除小鼠(Flox小鼠)的构建效率。方法:利用作者自己构建的噬菌体重组酶系统,通过BAC同源重组进行条件型基因敲除载体构建工作。首先通过亚克隆构建了一系列载体含有同源臂的靶向质粒,线性化后,打靶片段经电穿孔法转入大肠杆菌内,与相应的BAC同源重组,再经过三步同源重组和一步位点特异性重组,构建小鼠条件型基因敲除载体。结果:高效率构建了小鼠基因的最终条件基因敲除载体。结论:通过BAC同源重组高效构建条件基因敲除载体,为条件基因敲除载体的构建提供了全新思路,并为FLox小鼠的建立,及相应基因在发育、生理、致病机制等方面的功能研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

随着分子生物学技术的发展,基因敲除技术越来越广泛地应用于动植物、微生物领域,成为研究生物基因功能最有力的工具之一。基因敲除技术在改造动植物、微生物基因组、研究发育生物学、鉴定新基因新功能、育种以及医疗领域都有应用价值。针对微生物方面,对实现基因敲除的各种原理方法,RecA系统同源重组法, Red系统同源重组法,基于自杀载体的同源重组法,基于温敏型质粒的同源重组法, CRISPR/Cas系统介导的基因敲除方法进行了总结,比较各自的优缺点,并提供一些成功案例以及各种方法相关的发明专利,以期对了解基因敲除技术的方法与发展提供参考。  相似文献   

目的 丙酸杆菌基因敲除体系的构建及其验证.方法 利用PCR技术扩增丙酸杆菌hemE基因上、下游约500 bp左右片段,构建由上下游同源臂及hygB抗性基因组成的打靶质粒pPK705-arms-hygB.将打靶质粒转入丙酸杆菌感受态细胞,利用同源重组技术定向敲除hemE基因,并通过连续传代培养,消除外源质粒.最后,利用PCR技术验证丙酸杆菌染色体和打靶质粒发生同源重组.结果 成功敲除了丙酸杆菌hemE基因.结论 打靶质粒pPK705-arms-hygB能够与宿主基因组DNA发生重组,对稳定地改善其整个代谢途径的研究奠定了方法学基础.  相似文献   

利用Red同源重组技术构建产L-苏氨酸的基因工程菌   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用Red重组技术构建不同基因突变的L-苏氨酸工程菌大肠杆菌ITHR,研究单敲除metA、ilvA和双敲除metA、ilvA基因后对L-苏氨酸积累的影响。应用质粒pKD46介导的Red同源重组系统,通过第一次同源重组将拟敲除基因替换为氯霉素抗性基因,再通过重组酶在FRT位点发生第二次同源重组,消除抗性基因,成功敲除了菌株ITHR体内苏氨酸合成的代谢旁路途径中的metA和ilvA基因,构建了三株不同的基因突变株。将携带苏氨酸操纵子的工程质粒pWYE065电转化入敲除不同基因的突变株中,构建基因工程菌。经5 L发酵罐发酵产酸实验,未敲除任何基因的菌株ITHR/pWYE065 L-苏氨酸的产量为5.55±0.51 g/L,metA基因单敲除菌株ITHR△metA/pWYE065 L-苏氨酸产量为9.77±1.83 g/L,ilvA基因单敲除菌株ITHR△ilvA/pWYE065 L-苏氨酸产量为8.65±1.42 g/L,同时敲除ilvA和metA基因的菌株ITHR△metA△ilvA/pWYE065 L-苏氨酸的产量增加到13.6±1.14 g/L。通过敲除L-苏氨酸的旁路代谢途径中的关键酶的基因,可以增强L 苏氨酸积累的效果,为L-苏氨酸工程菌的进一步改造奠定了基础。  相似文献   

利用λRed重组系统敲除鼠伤寒沙门氏菌LT2的(Salmonella enterica serovar typhimurium LT2,S.typhimurium LT2)sopB基因。以pKD4质粒为模板,扩增得到中间带有卡那霉素抗性基因且两端各带有59 bp分别与sopB基因上下游序列同源的同源打靶片段,将其转化至表达Red重组酶的S.typhimurium LT2感受态细胞中;在抗生素压力和λRed重组系统帮助下,同源片段和菌体sopB基因发生同源重组,通过卡那霉素筛选得到带有抗性标记的阳性重组菌;转入重组酶表达质粒pCP20以除去抗性标记,得到保留单一FRT位点的突变菌株;利用PCR技术鉴定重组菌,并通过检测沙门氏菌效应蛋白SopB的分泌以及沙门氏菌感染HeLa细胞后pAKT的激活反应来鉴定sopB基因是否被敲除。构建的ΔsopB突变菌株失去了分泌SopB蛋白的能力,且不能够像野生型菌株那样在感染HeLa细胞的过程中激活pAkt。本研究获得了S.typhimurium LT2的sopB基因缺失突变株,为沙门氏菌感染宿主过程中SopB的功能研究提供工具,同时也为进一步探索其他类型细菌的基因敲除提供了线索。  相似文献   

采用Red系统介导的同源重组方法对含有鼠β-酪蛋白基因的RPCI23-440C1BAC进行快速改构。首先通过PCR方法,获得两端带有鼠β-酪蛋白基因同源序列的tPAm-Zeo同源重组片段,然后将此同源重组片段电击转化至已含有编码Red重组酶质粒的RPCI23-440C1BAC菌中,在λRed重组系统的帮助下,通过同源重组片段两端与RPCI23-440C1中β-酪蛋白同源的序列在菌体内与β-酪蛋白基因发生同源重组,将其置换。最后利用Zeocin抗性基因两侧的FRT位点,通过FLP位点专一性重组将抗性基因剔除。经Southern blot和序列分析鉴定表明,获得了重组正确且无编码两种重组酶质粒的tPAm-RPCI23-440C1BAC克隆。  相似文献   

工业微生物代谢途径调控的基因敲除策略   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基因敲除技术是一项重要的分子生物学技术,在工业微生物代谢工程中具有广泛应用。以下从基因敲除技术的遗传重组原理出发,总结了基因敲除策略的类型、特征和应用,重点介绍了采用线性双链DNA的λRed同源重组系统、使用环状质粒载体介导的单交换或双交换同源重组策略以及采用转座酶介导的转座重组等几种主要的基因敲除方法,进一步展望了基因敲除技术的发展前沿和应用前景。  相似文献   

Several casein (CSN) genes (CSN1, 2, 10 and alphas2-CSN) have been described and shown to be clustered in mouse, man and cattle. These genes are expressed simultaneously in the mammary gland during lactation, but they are silent in most mammary cell lines, even in the presence of lactogenic hormones. However, it has been shown that the CSN2 gene, and this gene only, can be induced in certain mammary cell lines, such as HC11. In the present paper, we describe three overlapping bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clones which harbor both the rabbit CSN1 and CSN2 genes. These two genes are in a convergent orientation, separated by an intergenic region of 15 kb. DNA from one of the CSN/BAC clones was used as a probe for in situ hybridization to show that the CSN1 and CSN2 gene cluster is located on chromosome 15 band q23 and not on chromosome 12 as had been previously reported. Each of the three CSN/BAC DNAs was transfected into HC11 cells. In the presence of lactogenic hormones, the rabbit CSN1 gene was clearly expressed from all three CSN/BAC DNAs, whereas the rabbit CSN2 gene, which at the most possesses a 1 kb upstream region in one of the CSN/BAC DNAs, was not expressed at detectable levels on Northern blots. The transfected HC11 cells now express both rabbit CSN1 and mouse CSN2 genes. These transfected cells will be used as a model to study the role of CSN1 in milk protein secretion.  相似文献   

In goat milk the most abundant proteins are the casein genes, CSN1S1, CSN2, CSN1S2, and CSN3. Mutations have been identified within these genes affecting the level of gene expression, and effects on milk production traits have been reported. The aim of this study was to detect polymorphisms (SNPs) in the casein genes of Norwegian goats, resolve haplotype structures within the loci, and assess the effect of these haplotypes on milk production traits. Four hundred thirty-six Norwegian bucks were genotyped for 39 polymorphic sites across the four loci. The numbers of unique haplotypes present in each locus were 10, 6, 4, and 8 for CSN1S1, CSN2, CSN1S2, and CSN3, respectively. The effects of the CSN1S1 haplotypes on protein percentage and fat kilograms were significant, as were the effects of CSN3 haplotypes on fat percentage and protein percentage. A deletion in exon 12 of CSN1S1, unique to the Norwegian goat population, explained the effects of CSN1S1 haplotypes on fat kilograms, but not protein percentage. Investigation of linkage disequilibrium between all possible pairs of SNPs revealed higher levels of linkage disequilbrium for SNP pairs within casein loci than for SNP pairs between casein loci, likely reflecting low levels of intragenic recombination. Further, there was evidence for a site of preferential recombination between CSN2 and CSN1S2. The value of the haplotypes for haplotype-assisted selection (HAS) is discussed.  相似文献   

Red/ET重组在基因打靶载体快速构建中的应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
王军平  张友明 《遗传》2005,27(6):953-958
通过合理应用Red/ET重组技术实现基因打靶载体的快速构建。在Red/ET重组介导下,首先从基因组DNA中将靶基因片段亚克隆至打靶质粒载体中,随后将两端带有50 bp同源臂的抗性筛选基因插入并替换靶基因上的目标序列,如此两步操作即可完成一个传统型基因敲除打靶载体的构建;结合Cre-loxP系统,在传统型基因敲除打靶载体的基础上,经过再一轮的Red/ET重组就能够成功实现条件性基因敲除打靶载体的构建。整个实验过程不需要PCR扩增长、短臂序列,也不涉及酶切、连接反应,因此,不仅省时、省力,而且所构建的基因打靶载体序列准确,无突变。此实验方法的建立为加速后基因组时代的基因功能研究提供了一条捷径。  相似文献   

用Red/ET重组酶构建基因打靶载体   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
基因敲除的小鼠模型是研究基因功能的一种重要资源。采用常规分子克隆的方法建立基因敲除的打靶载体存在构建效率低和难以获得长片段同源臂的缺点。因此快速高效地构建打靶载体,已成为获得特定基因敲除动物模型的关键环节。为研究Resp18未知功能分泌肽基因,应用一种新的DNA工程平台——Red/ET同源重组技术来构建其打靶载体,并比较了这一方法在构建不同长度同源臂中的效率。研究表明,Red/ET重组方法构建打靶载体具有很高的效率,可以获得较长的同源臂,并且不会引入突变,有助于获得更高的打靶效率。因此Red/ET重组为构建打靶载体提供了一种新的可靠的方法。  相似文献   

The study of the function of novel human genes has become an increasingly active academic field with the gene-knockout (KO) mouse model forming the basis of this study. Because of the low efficiency of recombination of targeting vector constructed using the traditional method, the KO mouse model has become the key step in the construction of a targeting vectors, both economically and efficiently. To study the function of a novel gene (Resp18), a novel DNA engineering platform, Red/ET recombination, was introduced to construct the Resp18 targeting vector. Red/ET recombineering differs from the conventional methods of vector construction (e.g., PCR, restriction enzyme digestion, and ligation), and genetic modification is accomplished by acquisition, insertion, fusion, or replacement of the target gene through small fragments-mediated homologous recombination. At present, Resp18 targeting vectors constructed using three strategies mentioned above were successfully released through two homologous recombination processes of retrieval and neo-targeting. Red/ET recombination has the advantage of producing genes with longer homology regions without mutation.  相似文献   

Red重组系统及在微生物基因敲除中的应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
胡堃  史兆兴  赛道建  黄留玉 《遗传》2003,25(5):628-632
在完成了对各种微生物基因组的测序以后,功能基因学的研究变得尤为重要。研究基因功能最直接的方法便是将待研究的基因失活。最初构建基因突变体是采用大肠杆菌的RecA系统,但是RecA重组系统操作复杂,重组效率低。最近建立了Red重组系统,该系统由3个蛋白组成:α蛋白(即λ核酸外切酶),β蛋白,Gam蛋白。应用Red系统进行基因敲除,可以直接利用线性打靶DNA,两侧同源臂长度在35~60 bp即可发生同源重组,且重组效率高。 Abstract:Since many DNA-sequencing projects of varied microorganisms have been completed,studies on their functional genomics become more important.Inactivation of an interesting gene is a direct method to characterize its function.Though the Esherichia coli RecA recombination system can be used to produce gene mutants,it needs a complex manipulation process.Furthermore,its efficiency is very low.Recently a Red recombination system was developed.This recombination system consists of three proteins:α protein(λ exonuclease),β protein and Gam protein.In this system,the linear targeting DNA which contains a selectable marker flanked with a homologous region as short as only 35~60 bp can be directly targeted for gene knock-out with a higher efficiency.  相似文献   

The goat CSN1S2 locus is characterized by the presence of three alleles, A, B and C, all associated with about 2.5 g/l of protein per allele. The SDS-PAGE analysis of 441 individual milk samples obtained from goats belonging to a population reared in Southern Italy showed that the milk produced by three goats did not apparently contain alpha s2-casein, whereas milk produced by 37 goats showed a less intense electrophoretic band of this casein fraction (about 50%). These results can be explained by hypothesizing the presence of another allele at this locus, CSN1S2o, associated with a 'null' content of alpha s2-casein. Southern blot, PCR and PCR-RFLP analyses of the DNA region containing the CSN1S2 gene of individuals producing milk with and without alpha s2-casein did not show differences between the two groups. As a consequence, goats producing milk without alpha s2-casein carry an apparently intact gene. The first results obtained by sequencing part of the CSN1S2o allele revealed a G-->A transition at nucleotide 80 of the 11th exon which creates a stop codon and could be responsible for the absence of the alpha s2-casein in goat milk. This mutation eliminates a NcoI restriction site. A test based on this polymorphism has been established in order to identify carriers of the CSN1S2o allele.  相似文献   

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