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保安湖沙塘鳢的食性、繁殖、年龄及生长的研究   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
保安湖沙塘鳢1冬龄成熟,雌雄比1:1.34,4月初至6月中旬繁殖;个体绝对繁殖力540—1943egg(1154±314egg)。渔获物中以体长8.0—14.0cm,体重10.0—40.0g,2、3龄个体为主。体长-体重关系为W=0.02129L3.0585。3龄前生长较快;雄鱼略快于雌鱼。肥满度冬春季较高,最高在3月。体长和体重与年龄的关系可用Bertalanffy生长方程描述,参数分别为:雌鱼L∞=15.29cm,k=0.4072,t0=0.1596,W∞=84.9g;雄鱼L∞=16.71cm,k=0.3736,t0=0.1095,W∞=118.5g;体重生长拐点年龄和拐点体重雌鱼分别为2.86a和25.1g,雄鱼3.13a和35.4g。  相似文献   

在实验室条件下研究方形网纹的生物学。试验时水温25±1℃,饲以斜生栅藻。初生幼体平均体长0.40mm,第1成龄0.96mm,最大体长可达1.45mm,体长增长(1_t,单位mm)与年龄(t,d)的关系可以表达为1_t=1.43-e ̄(-0.268t),平均寿命22.73(17.10-25.00)d,其中包括3个幼龄和13个成龄。在3.91d达到性成熟。7d内生殖3胎,产仔40(19-47)个。一生生殖222.0个幼体,平均每胎18.5(4.8-23.6)个。生殖量最大出现在第6成龄。这时的年龄11.05d,体长1375mm。从初始10个个体的种群计算,种群生长曲线呈Logistic型,可以如下表达式中y表示总个体数,t表示时间(d)。内禀增长能力(r_m)为0.540/个/d,净增殖率(R_o)147.360/世代,世代平均周期(T)9.246d,周限速率(λ)1.716/个/d。  相似文献   

福建东山岛海域斑鰶生态的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文研究了福建东山岛附近海域斑生物量、密度的分布及其季节变化;生长和死亡特点;摄食和生殖习性。其平均月生物量为222.1kg/km2,占游泳生物月总生物量的27.22%,成为优势种;生物量和密度冬季最高,分别为524.9kg/km2和9332尾/km2,比最低的春季高22.77倍和86.21倍。分布区域性差异明显,东山湾内高达438.2kg/km2和7405尾/km2,比湾外高77.71倍和68.38倍;渔获由0~Ⅳ龄组构成,l龄组为优势,叉长分布范围为111~223mm,以141~160mm组为优势;食料以硅藻类的菱形藻、海线藻、圆筛藻、直链藻和骨条藻的数量最多,并大量摄食有机碎屑;初次性成熟的最小年龄为1龄.最小叉长雌性为146mm,雄性140mm。雌雄性均在151~170mm组成熟,生殖期在冬季至初春;生长参数为L∞=246.37mm,W∞=182.65g,k=0.4303,to=-0.8649,体重生长拐点年龄人tr=1.6017龄;瞬时总死亡率为1.2016。关键词  相似文献   

中国林蛙的生殖量特征及其地理变化   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
卢欣 《生态学报》1994,14(2):209-214
标本采自山西省境内的8个地点。结果表明1研究区域内性成熟雌蛙平均体长范围是34.5-52.3mm,高山森林带种群明显偏高;研究种群雌蛙的体长显著低于东北居群。2平均生殖量的范围是422.4-840.9枚,个体的最低,最高值分别为38和1978枚,平均相对生殖量的范围是10.7-18.0,个体的最低,最高值各为1.3和34.4。与东北居群相比,生殖量的变异幅度较高。3除高山森林带外,其余调查点的生殖  相似文献   

闽江口海蜇渔业生态学研究   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
根据1993年5~9月的调查材料,研究了福建闽江口海域海蜇的渔业生态学.其密度和生物量高峰分别出现在6月20日和7月10日;群体伞径范围为18~546mm,平均328.8mm.体重范围为0.5~9540g,平均2877.4g;伞径为345~485mm的雌性有性繁殖力在1120.6×104~3754.8×104粒,平均2444.7×104粒,有性生殖期在8月初至11月;采用高次方程和指数高次方程分别模拟伞径和体重生长,生长方程为:Φt=12.1337+17.7048t+3.1385t2-0.2049t3+0.00302t4,logeWt=-0.5749+1.4818t-0.0771t2+0.00129t3;以生物经济学原理确定7月20日为合理开捕期,开捕伞径为465.8mm.讨论分析了执行合理开捕期和开捕规格,对保护和合理利用海蜇资源,提高经济效益的重要意义  相似文献   

瓣结鱼的繁殖习性以及精子的活力与寿命   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
经组织学观察,研究了性成熟瓣结鱼的性腺发育的周期性变化,并初步分析了瓣结鱼的和。其繁殖盛期在4月下旬到5月上旬,繁殖群体♀:♂=1:9.1,繁殖季节具有雌雄二态性,雄鱼绝大多数在2龄性成熟,雌鱼多在3性成熟。不同浓度的NaCl溶液对精子活力和寿命有较大影响,成熟精子在0.45-0.55%的NaCl溶液中剧烈运动时间最长,平均为172.5秒。  相似文献   

瓣结鱼的年龄和生长的研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
瓣结鱼全年均可形成新轮,新轮出现高峰期为4月。其生长特点是属于均匀生长类型,体长与鳞长呈直线关系,体长和体重指数关系,回归求得Bertalanff个体生长方程参数L∞,W∞,K,T0分别为70,43,5961.50,0.2231,0.0224,体重生长拐点年龄为4.95龄,该拐点体重为1768.23g,瓣结鱼第1,2龄生长较为迅速。  相似文献   

方静 《四川动物》1996,15(2):55-58
本文报道产于沱江的大口鲇Silurusmeridionalis成鱼阶段食性和生长等生物学资料。食物以鱼类为主,4龄前生长迅速,体长与体重相关关系方程式为:W=11.5509BL2.9801,r=0.9914,原因可能与沱江饵料丰富有一定关系。  相似文献   

翡翠贻贝壳长与体重关系的研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
石琼  陈舜华 《生态科学》1996,15(1):48-51
本实验研究了翡翠贻贝(Pernaviridis)的壳长L(cm)与整体湿重W(g)、贝壳干重S(g)、软体组织干重T(g)三者之间的关系。结果表明,采自中科院南海海洋研究所海洋生物综合实验站(MBRS)(东山)的贻贝符合关系式:W=0.112488×L2.70038,S=0.0441606×L2.71583,T=0.00372443×L2.5286;采自惠阳县大亚湾水产资源增殖站(澳头)的贻贝则符合:W=0.161794×L2.5158,S=0.0622163×L2.54634,T=0.010461×L2.13994。从两个地点采集的贻贝之间的差别,可解释为营养条件的差异  相似文献   

牟秀林 《生态学报》1994,14(3):318-322
辽东半岛水利建设造成洄游型香鱼资源下降,并在碧流河水库、转角楼水库形成了陆封型香鱼。陆封型香鱼发生了①个体小型化:体长和体重由洄游型香鱼的20─25cm(平均22.6cm),150─250g(平均204g),分别下降到10─18cm(平均13.6cm),和13─73g(平均36.5g)。②性状变异:洄游型香鱼体长为体高的3.7─4.7倍,为头长的4.5─5.3倍,而陆封型香鱼体长为体高的4.3─6.5倍,为头长的3.9─4.3倍。③怀卵量减少,产卵期提前:洄游型香鱼怀卵量为1.0─8.5万粒(平均3.1万位).产卵盛期为9月底至10月上旬,而陆封型香鱼的怀卵量为0.32─0.61万粒(平均0.40万粒),产卵盛期为9月上旬至下旬,提前20d左右。  相似文献   

We studied the population dynamics of endangered mountain nyala Tragelaphus buxtoni between 2003-2005 in the Bale Mountains National Park. Line-transect sampling and total count methods were used to gather data on demographics and movement patterns. The population's age-group composition was 58% adults, 25% sub-adults, 9% juveniles, 5% calves and 3% unidentified with a female-male sex ratio of 2:1. Population density was found to be significantly different between the two sub-populations (Dinsho Sanctuary a...  相似文献   

RV144 is the first phase 3 HIV vaccine clinical trial to demonstrate efficacy. This study consisted of more than 8,000 individuals in each arm of the trial, representing the four major regions of Thailand. Human leukocyte antigen (HLA) class I and killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptor (KIR) genes, as well as 96 genome-wide ancestry informative markers (AIMs) were genotyped in 450 placebo HIV-1-uninfected individuals to identify the immunogenetic diversity and population structure of this cohort. High-resolution genotyping identified the common HLA alleles as A*02:03, A*02:07, A*11:01, A*24:02, A*24:07, A*33:03, B*13:01, B*15:02, B*18:01, B*40:01, B*44:03, B*46:01, B*58:01, C*01:02, C*03:02, C*03:04, C*07:01, C*07:02, C*07:04, and C*08:01. The most frequent three-loci haplotype was B*46:01-C*01:02-A*02:07. Framework genes KIR2DL4, 3DL2, and 3DL3 were present in all samples, and KIR2DL1, 2DL3, 3DL1, 2DS4, and 2DP1 occurred at frequencies greater than 90 %. The combined HLA and KIR profile suggests admixture with neighboring Asian populations. Principal component and correspondence analyses comparing the RV144 samples to the phase 3 International HapMap Project (HapMap3) populations using AIMs corroborated these findings. Structure analyses identified a distinct profile in the Thai population that did not match the Asian or other HapMap3 samples. This shows genetic variability unique to Thais in RV144, making it essential to take into account population stratification while performing genetic association studies. The overall analyses from all three genetic markers indicate that the RV144 samples are representative of the Thai population. This will inform subsequent host genetic analyses in the RV144 cohort and provide insight for future genetic association studies in the Thai population.  相似文献   

中国广东水螅属一新种(水螅纲,无鞘螅目,水螅科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道采自中国广东省肇庆市的淡水水螅新种,即珠江水螅Hydra zhujiangensis sp.nov.,研究标本均来自1只水螅的单系繁殖群体,测量数据经生物统计学处理。新种名以水螅生境所属珠江水系命名。所有研究标本保存于深圳大学生命科学学院。  相似文献   

We discovered a novel canine picornavirus in fecal, nasopharyngeal, and urine samples from dogs. The coding potential of its genome (5'-VP4-VP2-VP3-VP1-2A-2B-2C-3A-3B-3C(pro)-3D(pol)-3', where 3C(pro) is 3C protease and 3D(pol) is 3D polymerase) is similar to those of other picornaviruses, with putative P1, P2, and P3 sharing 54% to 58%, 60%, and 64% to 67% amino acid identities with bat picornavirus groups 1, 2, and 3.  相似文献   

Cell cycle parameters and expression of myoblast and myocyte antigens were investigated during exponential growth and during the differentiation phase of rat L8( E63 ) myoblasts by an integrated approach involving microspectrophotometry with DNA fluorochromes, [3H]thymidine autoradiography, and immunofluorescent staining with monoclonal antibodies. In addition to the majority of cells which are recruited into myotubes, two distinct populations of mononucleate cells were resolved in cultures of rat myoblasts undergoing differentiation. These mononucleate cells consist of (1) a population of proliferating cells with a prolonged G1 transit time; (2) a population of non-proliferating cells which remain arrested in G1 for more than 72 h. The latter group was examined with respect to the expression of two marker antigens recognized by two monoclonal antibodies: antibody B58 reacts with a macromolecular component present in undifferentiated myoblasts but not in mature myotubes, and antibody XMlb reacts with a muscle-specific isoform of myosin. All four possible combinations of expression of these antigens by single cells were found: B58 +XM1b -, B58 +XM1b +, B58 - XM1b -, and B58 - XMlb +. The implication of these findings with respect to the transition from the proliferative to the differentiative phase of myogenesis is discussed.  相似文献   

Antioxidants such as superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT) and glutathione peroxidase (GPX1) reduce the oxidation rates in the organism. Gluthatione S-transferases (GSTs) play a vital role in phase 2 of biotransformation of many substances. Variation in the expression of these enzymes suggests individual differences for the degree of antioxidant protection and geographical differences in the distribution of these variants. We described the distribution frequency of CAT (21A/T), SOD2 (Ala9Val), GPX1 (Pro198Leu), GSTM1 and GSTT1 polymorphisms in three Brazilian population groups: Kayabi Amerindians (n = 60), Kalunga Afro-descendants (n = 72), and an urban mixed population from Federal District (n = 162). Frequencies of the variants observed in Kalunga (18% to 58%) and Federal District (33% to 63%) were similar to those observed in Euro and Afro-descendants, while in Kayabi (3% to 68%), depending on the marker, frequencies were similar to the ones found in different ethnic groups. Except for SOD2 in all population groups studied here, and for GPX1 in Kalunga, the genotypic distributions were in accordance with Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium. These data can clarify the contribution of different ethnicities in the formation of mixed populations, such as that of Brazil. Moreover, outcomes will be valuable resources for future functional studies and for genetic studies in specific populations. If these studies are designed to comprehensively explore the role of these genetic polymorphisms in the etiology of human diseases they may help to prevent inconsistent genotype-phenotype associations in pharmacogenetic studies.  相似文献   

Expressed as percentages of total fresh body weight, lipids of brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis declined between October and April: reproductive males from 2·89 to 1·22%, reproductive females from 3·19 to 1·84%, and non-reproductive males and females from 2·75 to 2·08%. The absolute and proportional overwinter reduction in lipids among reproductive trout was more than twice that of non-reproductive trout, with reproductive males losing significantly more lipids than reproductive females. Larger reproductive individuals lost more lipids during winter, relative to body size, than smaller individuals, although such an effect was not evident among non-reproductive trout. The average overwinter reduction in lipids for reproductive males (58%), females (42%), and non-reproductive trout (24%) was negatively associated with mark-recapture estimates of overwinter survival probabilities of 0·27, 0·36, and 0·58, respectively, providing support for the hypothesis that energy is allocated to reproduction to the detriment of post-reproductive survival. Our emergent hypothesis that reproductive costs differ between sexes, and the life history consequences thereof, merit further study.  相似文献   



Cervical cytology and human papillomavirus (HPV) DNA co-testing is recommended as a screening method for detecting cervical lesions. However, for women who are HPV-positive but cytology-negative, the appropriate management and significance of HPV-58 infection remain unknown.


This study of prevalent HPV detected at baseline with a median follow-up of 3.2 years evaluated the risk factors associated with cervical abnormalities and assessed the significance of HPV-58 infection. A total of 265 women were enrolled. All high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (HSIL) that were detected by cytology were confirmed by histology. Histological diagnoses of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia 2/3 were classified as HSIL. Women were classified into four groups according to the HPV genotype that was detected at their first visit: HPV-58 (n = 27), HPV-16 (n = 52; 3 women had HPV-58 co-infection), ten other high risk (HR) types (n = 79), or low/undetermined risk types (n = 107).


Of 265 women, 20 (7.5%) had HSIL on their follow-up examinations. There were significant differences in the cumulative incidence of HSIL between the four groups (p<0.001). The 5-year cumulative incidence rates of HSIL were 34.0% (95% CI: 17.3–59.8%) in HPV-58 positive cases, 28.0% (95% CI: 13.8–51.6) in HPV-16 positive cases, 5.5% (95% CI: 2.1–14.0%) in one of the ten other types of HR-HPV positive cases, and 0% in women with low/undetermined risk HPV. When seen in women with HR-HPV (n = 158), persistent HPV infection was a significant factor associated with the development of HSIL (hazard ratio = 15.459, 95% CI: 2.042–117.045). Women with HPV-58 had a higher risk (hazard ratio = 5.260, 95% CI: 1.538–17.987) for the development of HSIL than women with HPV-16 (hazard ratio = 3.822, 95% CI: 1.176–12.424) in comparison with women with other types of HR-HPV.


HPV-58 has a high association with the development of HSIL in women who are HPV-positive and cytology-negative.  相似文献   

光敏核不育水稻农垦58S系由正常品种“农垦58”(Oryza sativa L.ssp.japonica)自然突变产生。为弄清该突变基因在染色体上的位置,曾用覆盖整个水稻基因组的300余个RFLP探针对农垦58S和“农垦58”进行了对比分析,得到了7个具多态性的探针,其中2个探针RG30和RZ626正好落在第7染色体上以前定位的光敏核不育基因pmsl所在的区段。以这两个标记对农垦58S/“农垦58”组合F_2随机群体140单株进行了RFLP分析,按RFLP基因型分组对育性作方差分析,结果表明,这2个标记位点与此群体中引起育性分离的位点无连锁关系。说明由正常“农垦58”变为光敏核不育农垦58S的突变基因不在pmsl区段。  相似文献   

南京市正常人群NQO1、CYP1A1、mEH基因的多态性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应用PCR技术,对南京市正常人群中NQO1、CYP1A1、mEH-外显子3、mEH-外显子4基因型多态性进行了研究。88例样本中,相关基因野生型纯合子(wt/wt)、杂合子(wt/vt)、突变型纯合子(vt/vt)三种基因型的频率分布及基因频率分别是:NQO1 29.5%(0.304),51.1%(0.495)和19.3%(0.202);CYP1A?135.2%(0.329)、44.3%(0.489)和20.5%(0.181);mEH-外显子3为26.1%(0.297),56.8%(0.496),17.0%(0.207);mEH-外显子4为83.0%(0.826),15.9%(0.165),1.1%(0.008)。以上结果与国外的有关报道存在一定差异,在不同地区中国人群的频率分布特征基本一致,种族差异可能是造成有关基因型分布差异的重要原因。 Abstract:The polymorphisms of NQO1, CYP1A1, mEH-Exon3 ,and mEH-Exon4 genes in normal Nanjing population (88 cases) were investigat ed by PCR approach. The results showed that the population frequency distributio ns of genotypes of wild-type,heterozygote, homozygous variant were respectively: NQO1? 29.5%,51.1%,19.3%;CYP 1A1 35.2%,44.3%,20.5%;mEH-exon3 26.1 %,56.8%,17.0%;mEH-exon4 83.0%,15.9%,1.1%. The frequency distributions o f genotypes in Nanjing population differ from those of other countries and do no t show marked differences compared with other different area in Chinese populati on. The ethnic difference might be an important reason which results in the diff erences of related genotypes.  相似文献   

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