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血中检测SARS冠状病毒N蛋白在SARS实验室早期诊断中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为明确严重急性呼吸综合症(SARS)冠状病毒N蛋白在SARS实验室早期诊断中的作用,通过微量中和试验及酶联免疫方法、间接免疫荧光法检测疑似病人恢复期血清(大于28天)中SARS-IgG抗体,确诊SARS患者。同时收集发病不同时期SARS及普通发热病人血清,利用酶联免疫方法检测SARS-CoVN蛋白,并与荧光定量PCR早期诊断方法相比较。共检测:广州地区2003年12月~2004.年1月新发4例确诊SARS患者不同时期的血液和咽漱液标本;恢复期血清SARS-CoV中和抗体阳性病人不同时期的血清46份;广州地区2003年1月~4月临床确诊SARS患者159例的血清和56例疑似患者血清;非SARS普通发热病人血清97份;正常人体检血清100份。结果:4例新发SARS患者的不同时期标本中,3例患者急性期血均检出N蛋白,优于常用的荧光定量PCR检测方法。46份SARS-CoV中和抗体阳性的血清标本,N蛋白检出率为100%。159例临床确诊病例中,发病早期5天以内SARS-CoVN蛋白的检出率为92.3%,随后呈现逐步下降的趋势,在发病第18天仍可检出。56例临床疑似患者发病早期也有23.2%检出率。而97例普通发热病人及100份正常人血清中均未能检测出SARS-CoVN蛋白。表明在血清中检测SARS冠状病毒N蛋白的方法敏感性和特异性都好,对SARS实验室早期诊断具有重要作用。  相似文献   

建立了套式RT-PCR方法检测SARS患血液样品中SARS冠状病毒的方法,并检测血液样品257份。同时将RT-PCR与ELISA检测IgG、IgM的方法进行了比较。结果RT-PCR方法的总检出率为72%,IgG总检出率为68%,IgM总检出率为43%。  相似文献   

利用PCR基因扩增法,以SARS冠状病毒全基因质粒为模板,获得N蛋白相应抗原基因,构建了表达载体pBV220/SARS-N,并在E.coli中获得高效表达。用纯化后的N蛋白抗原包被测定板,通过间接ELISA法对阴阳性血清进行活性测定,结果表明,在46份阳性血中有41份被测出,检出率为89.13%。本研究克隆并表达了SARS冠状病毒N蛋白,为进一步研制SARS病人抗体检测试剂和SARS疫苗奠定了基础。  相似文献   

肿瘤患者血清中SARS-CoV抗体阳性原因分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
探讨SARS冠状病毒(SARS—CoV)抗体在SARS病原学诊断中的特异性及其在肿瘤患血清中的假阳性问题。应用ELISA和荧光定量RT-PCR技术检测了111例正常对照和40例肿瘤患血清中SARS—CoV抗体的阳性率。在111例正常对照中,IgM抗体均阴性,IgG抗体的阳性率为3.6%(4/111);IgG抗体诊断SARS的特异性为96.4%,两种抗体同时阳性诊断SARS的特异性为100%。40例肿瘤患中,IgM抗体均阴性,IgG抗体阳性率17.5%(7/40)。经RT—PCR检测,上述肿瘤患阳性病例均为阴性。结果表明,同时测定SARS—CoV的两种抗体可降低诊断的假阳性率,提高诊断的特异性。用非纯化SARS—CoV抗原制备的ELISA试剂盒测定肿瘤患的SARS—CoV抗体,可能出现假阳性。在肿瘤患中出现假阳性的原因可能与包被的抗原有关。  相似文献   

SLE患者血清中SARS—CoV抗体阳性原因分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
为了探讨严重急性呼吸综合征(SARS)冠状病毒(SARS—CoV)抗体测定在系统性红斑狼疮(SLE)患者中的假阳性问题,应用酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)和荧光定量RT—PCR技术检测了66例正常对照和31例SLE患者血清中SARS—CoV抗体的阳性率。结果,66例正常对照中,IgM抗体均阴性,IgG抗体的阳性率为3.0%(2/66);31例SLE患者中,IgM抗体和IgG抗体阳性率分别为29%(9/31)和58.1%(18/31),IgG抗体和IgM抗体同时阳性为22.6%(7/31)。经RT—PCR检测,上述阳性病例均为阴性。结论:用非纯化抗原制备的ELISA试剂盒测定SLE患者的SARS—COV抗体,可能出现假阳性,两种抗体同时测定可降低诊断的假阳性率,提高诊断的特异性。在SLE患者中出现假阳性的原因可能与包被的抗原有关。  相似文献   

目的 感染冠状病毒的动物向环境排毒主要是通过粪便,建立直接从粪便样品对动物冠状病毒进行检测的分子技术具有重要的公共卫生学意义。方法 通过计算机模拟和实验方法对已报道的2对针对冠状病毒pol基因的通用引物的通用性进行了验证。不经传统的病毒分离.直接从环境样品中提取病毒RNA,通过一步法RT-PCR进行检测,并通过分子杂交和Nested PCR扩增结合TaqMan探针实时荧光检测的PCR技术.提高对冠状病毒检测的灵敏度和准确度,并对猪、禽冠状病毒感染的临床样品进行分析检测。结果 2对引物可以覆盖所有已知的冠状病毒,包括SARS,RT-PCR产物通过测序可以确定冠状病毒种类;实时荧光定量NestedPCR有很高的灵敏度,可以灵敏地检出所有供试的阳性样品,而荧光增量实时监测可以排除凝胶电泳检查的假阳性。结论 该研究为从环境中普查和鉴定冠状病毒提供了可靠的技术方法。  相似文献   

为了确定特异的SARS抗体检测抗原,比较了SARS冠状病毒(SARS-CoV)主要结构蛋白与SARS患者血清的反应性。从SARS死亡患者的肺组织提取的总RNA为模板,用RT-PCR技术分别扩增S、N、M和E4种结构蛋白基因,对3种S截短突变体和N、M、E的重组蛋白在大肠杆菌中进行表达。以表达的蛋白为抗原,应用Western blot跟踪检测11例SARS患者血清54份。结果显示:SARS—CoV的重组N蛋白和s蛋白有很强的抗原性,s蛋白的3个区段的抗原性强弱存在差异,S3抗原性强于S1和s2;在患病第1周、2周、3周及3周以上,N蛋白和s3蛋白抗体检出率分别为40%、65。2%、100%、100%和40%、61%、76.2%、100%;提示SARS-CoV重组N蛋白和S3蛋白在SARS的血清学诊断中有一定的应用价值。  相似文献   

从浙江省3例SARS患者中收集含漱液标本,经处理后接种Vero、RD、VeroE6和Hep-2细胞进行病毒分离,培养3d后在Vero和RD细胞中可观察到细胞病变。从细胞培养上清中提取病毒核酸,用SARS冠状病毒特异性引物进行RT-PCR,并经测序证实从3份临床样本中分离到2株SARS冠状病毒株。对其中1株病毒的基因组进行了全序列测定并作系统进化树分析显示浙汀省SARS冠状病毒株与新加坡2774株和台湾TW1株最为接近。  相似文献   

浙江省SARS冠状病毒分离与系统进化树分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从浙江省3例SARS患者中收集含漱液标本,经处理后接种Vero、RD、VeroE6和Hep-2细胞进行病毒分离,培养3d后在Vero和RD细胞中可观察到细胞病变.从细胞培养上清中提取病毒核酸,用SARS冠状病毒特异性引物进行RT-PCR,并经测序证实从3份临床样本中分离到2株SARS冠状病毒株.对其中1株病毒的基因组进行了全序列测定并作系统进化树分析显示浙江省SARS冠状病毒株与新加坡2774株和台湾TW1株最为接近.  相似文献   

自2003年夏至2004年初的8个月内收集犬粪样112份,其中南京地区家庭单养的腹泻犬粪便43份,某养犬场群养健康犬粪便30份,沈阳地区某养犬基地群养健康犬粪便 39 份,用套式 PCR方法检测犬冠状病毒(CCV)。结果显示,南京家庭单养腹泻病犬 CCV阳性率为 40.9%(18/43),CCV检出率与季节相关,冬季的检出率较高。健康犬阳性率为84.1%(58/69),其中沈阳某场健康犬CCV的感染率(87.2%)高于南京某犬场(80.0%)。取南京腹泻犬和沈阳健康犬阳性样本各2份测序,结果表明,4个样本 M基因 212bp的序列与 GenBank登录的中国大熊猫源的CCV同源性最高(94.8~96.7),并且南京和沈阳CCV毒株之间存在一定序列差异。所有阳性样本用 CCV基因型鉴别PCR鉴定,均为CCVⅡ型。  相似文献   

为建立恒河猴严重急性呼吸道综合征(SARS)的模型并对其致病特点进行观察,采用病毒分离、免疫荧光、光镜及RT-PCR方法对病毒感染组和非感染组恒河猴不同时间、不同组织或分泌物进行检测。结果显示从恒河猴不同组织中分离到病毒,而且在病毒感染后第2d和第5d的血液、第7、9d的鼻咽分泌物、第3d的粪、第5d的粪尿中均检测到SARS-CoV RNA。光镜观察到病毒感染组肺组织肺泡问隔增宽,有大量淋巴细胞、单核细胞浸润,肺泡腔有渗出,甚至形成透明膜样物;多个肺泡形成机化性肺炎的表现。感染组肝组织可见较大的坏死灶,并伴有大量炎性细胞浸润。结论认为已成功建立了恒河猴SARS模型,可用于评价抗SARS药物和疫苗的研究。  相似文献   

Bats are reservoirs for many different coronaviruses (CoVs) as well as many other important zoonotic viruses. We sampled feces and/or anal swabs of 1,044 insectivorous bats of 2 families and 17 species from 21 different locations within Colorado from 2007 to 2009. We detected alphacoronavirus RNA in bats of 4 species: big brown bats (Eptesicus fuscus), 10% prevalence; long-legged bats (Myotis volans), 8% prevalence; little brown bats (Myotis lucifugus), 3% prevalence; and western long-eared bats (Myotis evotis), 2% prevalence. Overall, juvenile bats were twice as likely to be positive for CoV RNA as adult bats. At two of the rural sampling sites, CoV RNAs were detected in big brown and long-legged bats during the three sequential summers of this study. CoV RNA was detected in big brown bats in all five of the urban maternity roosts sampled throughout each of the periods tested. Individually tagged big brown bats that were positive for CoV RNA and later sampled again all became CoV RNA negative. Nucleotide sequences in the RdRp gene fell into 3 main clusters, all distinct from those of Old World bats. Similar nucleotide sequences were found in amplicons from gene 1b and the spike gene in both a big-brown and a long-legged bat, indicating that a CoV may be capable of infecting bats of different genera. These data suggest that ongoing evolution of CoVs in bats creates the possibility of a continued threat for emergence into hosts of other species. Alphacoronavirus RNA was detected at a high prevalence in big brown bats in roosts in close proximity to human habitations (10%) and known to have direct contact with people (19%), suggesting that significant potential opportunities exist for cross-species transmission of these viruses. Further CoV surveillance studies in bats throughout the Americas are warranted.  相似文献   

恒河猴感染SARS-CoV的病毒学、血清学检测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的对感染SARS-CoV的8只恒河猴进行病毒学、血清学指标检测。方法SARS-CoV经鼻腔接种8只恒河猴,在感染的第1天开始到5、7、10、15、20、30和60天分别安乐处死时,不同时间取咽拭子、血液和脏器,进行病毒分离,RT-PCR检测和抗体测定。结果RT-PCR证实感染病毒检出时间为5~16d,8只猴中的5只分离到了病毒,感染15d后可检测到抗体。结论感染SARS-CoV的恒河猴不仅出现与SARS患者类似的临床和病理学改变,也在一定时期内排毒,出现特异免疫反应,这些指标均可作为药物筛选、疫苗评价等方面的重要参数。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to compare a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay and a monoclonal antibody-based immunofluorescence assay (IFA) for detection of Cryptosporidium parvum in cat feces. Eight C. parvum-naive DSH cats were orally inoculated with 1 x 10(6) oocysts of a C. parvum human isolate. Fecal samples were collected before inoculation, daily for the next 30 days, and twice weekly until day 85. Methylprednisolone acetate was administered at 20 mg/kg i.m. on days 85, 92, and 99. From days 86 to 115, feces were collected daily and then up to twice weekly until day 126. Immunofluorescence assay was performed after collection of the samples, and then the samples were frozen at -70 C until assayed by PCR. Cryptosporidium parvum was detected by PCR in 101 of 353 samples and by IFA in 52 of 353 samples: 27 samples were PCR positive, IFA positive; 74 samples were PCR positive, IFA negative; 25 samples were PCR negative, IFA positive; and 227 samples were PCR negative, IFA negative. The percentage of concordance between IFA and PCR was 72%. Results of this study suggest that this PCR assay is more sensitive than IFA for detection of C. parvum in cat feces.  相似文献   

To determine the composition of Clostridium in the feces of infants approximately 30 days old, we have developed a detection and quantification method of Clostridium paraputrificum, Clostridium perfringens, Clostridium tertium, and Clostridium difficile by species-specific primers. C. perfringens and C. difficile were detected in four fecal samples from 22 infants (18.2%), whereas C. paraputrificum was detected in three samples (16.7%). C. tertium was detected in two samples (9.1%). Moreover, the occurrences of the four species in bottle-and mix-fed infants were relatively higher than in breast-fed infants (P< 0.05). Subsequently, positive samples detected by nested PCR (polymerase chain reaction) were subjected to realtime PCR. The results showed that the numbers of C. paraputrificum, C. perfringens, C. tertium, and C. difficile ranged from about 1x10(5) to 3x10(7) cells/g wet feces.  相似文献   

The authors have developed a high-throughput screen (HTS) that allows for the identification of potential inhibitors of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS CoV) from large compound libraries. The luminescent-based assay measures the inhibition of SARS CoV-induced cytopathic effect (CPE) in Vero E6 cells. The assay was validated in 96-well plates in a BSL3 containment facility. The assay is sensitive and robust, with Z values > 0.6, signal to background (S/B) > 16, and signal to noise (S/N) > 3. The assay was further validated with 2 different diversity sets of compounds against the SARS CoV. The "hit" rate for both libraries was approximately 0.01%. The validated HTS assay was then employed to screen a 100,000-compound library against SARS CoV. The hit rate for the library in a single-dose format was determined to be approximately 0.8%. Screening of the 3 libraries resulted in the identification of several novel compounds that effectively inhibited the CPE of SARS CoV in vitro-compounds which will serve as excellent lead candidates for further evaluation. At a 10-microM concentration, 3 compounds with selective indexes (SI50) of > 53 were discovered.  相似文献   

A cluster of pneumonia (COVID‐19) cases have been found in Wuhan China in late December, 2019, and subsequently, a novel coronavirus with a positive stranded RNA was identified to be the aetiological virus (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2, SARS‐CoV‐2), which has a phylogenetic similarity to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS‐CoV). SARS‐CoV‐2 transmits mainly through droplets and close contact and the elder or people with chronic diseases are high‐risk population. People affected by SARS‐CoV‐2 can be asymptomatic, which brings about more difficulties to control the transmission. COVID‐19 has become pandemic rapidly after onset, and so far the infected people have been above 2 000 000 and more than 130 000 died worldwide according to COVID‐19 situation dashboard of World Health Organization ( https://covid19.who.int ). Here, we summarized the current known knowledge regarding epidemiological, pathogenesis, pathology, clinical features, comorbidities and treatment of COVID‐19/ SARS‐CoV‐2 as reference for the prevention and control COVID‐19.  相似文献   

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