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微生物发酵产木聚糖酶研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
木聚糖是植物半纤维素的主要成分,是自然界中仅次于纤维素的可再生资源。木聚糖酶是一类重要的木糖苷键水解酶酶系,可将木聚糖逐次降解为低聚木糖及木糖,在饲料、造纸、食品和生物转化等行业应用广泛。目前利用微生物发酵生产木聚糖酶的研究很多,菌种涉及到细菌、真菌等,其发酵生产木聚糖酶的工艺、产量及特性也各有不同,对此进行了综述,并展望了木聚糖酶发酵生产的研究方向。  相似文献   

木聚糖(xylan)在自然界中的含量极其丰富,在农作物和农林剩余物中大量存在。随着能源资源问题的日益凸显,对木聚糖的应用和研究越来越受到重视。木聚糖酶(xylanase)是可以将木聚糖降解为低聚木糖和木糖的一类水解酶,近年来,为了实现木聚糖酶的高产、高酶活表达,科研工作者做了大量的研究工作,就木聚糖酶异源表达(heterologous expression)的研究进展进行综述。  相似文献   

耐热木聚糖酶研究进展   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
β1,4内切木聚糖酶(EC.3218)能够以内切方式作用于木聚糖主链产生不同长度的木寡糖和少量的木糖,因此是木聚糖降解酶系中最关键的酶。木聚糖酶具有很大的工业应用潜力和价值,由于许多工业应用木聚糖酶的单元操作都是在高温下进行的,寻求耐热木聚糖酶作为催化剂是非常重要的。重点介绍了耐热木聚糖酶的特性、分泌表达和结构区域的研究进展。  相似文献   

木聚糖酶的分子生物学及其应用   总被引:37,自引:0,他引:37  
木聚糖是一种多聚五碳糖,是植物细胞中的主要半纤维素成分,木聚糖酶是可将木聚糖降解成低聚木糖和木糖的复合酶系,综述了木聚糖酶分子生物学上的研究进展及其在饲料,造纸,食品,能源工业上的应用。  相似文献   

木聚糖是植物细胞壁的主要组分,它是木糖以β1 ,4 木糖苷键形成主链,乙酰基,阿拉伯糖基等为附链组成的复合多聚糖.木聚糖酶可以降解木聚糖主链,在木聚糖的生物降解中起着非常重要的作用[1 ] .根据木聚糖酶催化域(catalyticdomain ,CD)氨基酸序列的相似性,木聚糖酶可分为两个家  相似文献   

木聚糖酶   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
木聚糖酶(EC3.2.1.8)是降解木聚糖最关键的水解酶。木聚糖酶由功能或非功能结构或和连接区组成。木聚糖酶通过酸碱和亲核催化来水解β-1,4,糖苷键。由于木糖酶的工业价值,人们人不同生物筛选了大量木聚糖酶基因。  相似文献   

对一株Bacilluspumilus WL_11木聚糖酶的纯化、酶学性质及其底物降解模式进行了研究。经过硫酸铵盐析、CM_Sephadex及SephadexG_75层析分离纯化,获得一种纯化的WL_11木聚糖酶A ,其分子量为26.0kD ,pI值9.5 ,以燕麦木聚糖为底物时的表观Km 值为16.6mg mL ,Vmax值为12.63μmol (min·mg)。木聚糖酶A的pH稳定范围为6 0至10 4 ,最适作用pH范围则在7.2至8.0之间,是耐碱性木聚糖酶;最适作用温度为45℃~55℃,在37℃、45℃以下时该酶热稳定性均较好;50℃保温时,该酶活力的半衰期大约为2h ,在超过50℃的环境下,该酶的热稳定较差,55℃和60℃时的酶活半衰期分别为35min和15min。WL_11木聚糖酶A对来源于燕麦、桦木和榉木的可溶性木聚糖的酶解结果发现,木聚糖酶A对几种不同来源的木聚糖的降解过程并不一致。采用HPLC法分析上述底物的降解产物生成过程发现木聚糖酶A为内切型木聚糖酶,不同底物的降解产物中都无单糖的积累,且三糖的积累量都较高;与禾本科的燕麦木聚糖底物降解不同的是,木聚糖酶A对硬木木聚糖降解形成的五糖的继续降解能力较强。采用TLC法分析了WL-11粗木聚糖酶降解燕麦木聚糖的过程,结果表明燕麦木聚糖能够被WL-11粗木聚糖酶降解生成系列木寡糖,未检出木糖,这说明WL-11主要合成内切型木聚糖酶A,同时发酵液中不含木糖苷酶,适合用来酶法制备低聚木糖。  相似文献   

将木质纤维素类生物质生物转化生产液体燃料,如纤维素乙醇和大宗化学品,对缓解当前人类社会面临的能源和资源危机以及保护环境具有重要意义。半纤维素是木质纤维素类生物质的主要组成成分之一,它的生物降解转化对实现木质纤维素生物炼制意义重大。由于半纤维素糖种类的多样性和半纤维素结构的复杂性,需要一个复杂的半纤维素酶系才能完成对半纤维素的有效降解。除了木聚糖酶等以外,β-木糖苷酶也是半纤维素酶系的主要组分。在半纤维素降解过程中,β-木糖苷酶将木聚糖酶的水解产物木寡糖和木二糖水解为木糖,不仅在木聚糖的彻底降解过程中起着重要作用,而且可以缓解木寡糖对木聚糖酶和纤维素酶的抑制作用。该文综述了目前在β-木糖苷酶方面的研究进展,包括β-木糖苷酶的分类、酶学性质、酶结构及其催化机制、基因的克隆与表达等,并对β-木糖苷酶在纤维素乙醇生产中的应用情况进行了简述。  相似文献   

谷物中蛋白类木聚糖酶抑制剂研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来研究发现谷物中存在能抑制木聚糖酶活性的蛋白质,降低了木聚糖酶在动物生产中的应用效果。自第一种木聚糖酶抑制剂蛋白首先在小麦中被发现以来,随后发现的木聚糖酶抑制剂分别属于三种不同的类型,即TAXI型、XIP型和TLXI型。综述了三种不同类型木聚糖酶抑制剂的研究概况,为研究木聚糖酶抑制剂的作用机理,及进一步开发具有良好抗逆性的木聚糖酶提供理论基础。  相似文献   

木聚糖是半纤维素的主要组成成分,也是自然界第二丰富的可再生资源。木聚糖的结构稳定、组成复杂,很难在自然条件下自我降解,只有通过多种酶组成的木聚糖酶系的协同作用才可以更好地水解木聚糖或含有木聚糖的底物。木聚糖酶系主要由微生物产生,不同来源的木聚糖酶的性质存在较大差异。介绍了木聚糖水解酶系的组成和作用机理,木聚糖酶的分类和酶学性质,并对木聚糖酶在食品领域的应用进行了综述。  相似文献   

对来源于Streptomycesolivaceoviridis的高比活木聚糖酶XYNB进行同源建模,并结合嗜热木聚糖酶氮末端芳香族氨基酸疏水作用的结构分析,设计了XYNB的T11Y定点突变,观察XYNB分子中折叠股B1和B2的疏水作用对酶的热稳定性的影响。将突变酶XYNB′在毕赤酵母中表达,表达的XYNB′经纯化后与原酶XYNB(同样经毕赤酵母表达后纯化)进行酶学性质比较,结果表明,XYNB′的耐热性比XYNB有明显的提高,但最适温度与原酶一样为60℃。另外,XYNB′的最适pH、Km值及比活性均有一定的改变。实验证实了木聚糖酶XYNB的氮端芳香族氨基酸之间的疏水相互作用与其热稳定性相关,为进一步的结构与功能研究提供了优良的基因材料。  相似文献   

木聚糖酶XYNB的N46D突变、表达及酶学性质变化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对来源于Streptomyces olivaceoviridis的高比活木聚糖酶XYNB进行同源建模和同源序列比较,发现第11族木聚糖酶的催化结构域在β折叠股A3和B3之间存的一个保守的氨基酸位点,该位点与木聚糖酶的pH特性有关.据此设计了XYNB的N46D定点突变.将突变酶XYNBN46D在毕赤酵母中表达,表达的XYNBN46D经纯化后与原酶XYNB(同样经毕赤酵母表达后纯化)进行酶学性质比较,结果表明, XYNBN46D的最适pH值由5.2下降到4.2,pH稳定性也向酸性pH偏移,同时,热稳定性和最适温度也有一定的提高, 但酶的比活性显著下降.结果证实,木聚糖酶XYNB的第46位Asn与其最适pH值相关.对导致酶学性质改变的可能因素进行了分析,结果为进一步的结构与功能研究提供了资料.  相似文献   

纤维素酶分子结构和功能研究进展   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32       下载免费PDF全文
概述了近10年来利用结构生物学和蛋白质工程技术在纤维素酶分子结构和功能方面研究的进展,包括:酶分子结构域的拆分、催化域和纤维素结合结构域的结构和功能的研究,纤维素酶的分子折叠.并展望了该领域的研究前景.  相似文献   

Xu Z  Liu Y  Yang Y  Jiang W  Arnold E  Ding J 《Journal of bacteriology》2003,185(14):4038-4049
D-Hydantoinase (D-HYD) is an industrial enzyme that is widely used in the production of D-amino acids which are precursors for semisynthesis of antibiotics, peptides, and pesticides. This report describes the crystal structure of D-hydantoinase from Burkholderia pickettii (HYD(Bp)) at a 2.7-A resolution. The structure of HYD(Bp) consists of a core (alpha/beta)(8) triose phosphate isomerase barrel fold and a beta-sheet domain, and the catalytic active site consists of two metal ions and six highly conserved amino acid residues. Although HYD(Bp) shares only moderate sequence similarity with D-HYDs from Thermus sp. (HYD(Tsp)) and Bacillus stearothermophilus (HYD(Bst)), whose structures have recently been solved, the overall structure and the structure of the catalytic active site are strikingly similar. Nevertheless, the amino acids that compose the substrate-binding site are less conserved and have different properties, which might dictate the substrate specificity. Structural comparison has revealed insights into the molecular basis of the differential thermostability of D-HYDs. The more thermostable HYD(Tsp) contains more aromatic residues in the interior of the structure than HYD(Bp) and HYD(Bst). Changes of large aromatic residues in HYD(Tsp) to smaller residues in HYD(Bp) or HYD(Bst) decrease the hydrophobicity and create cavities inside the structure. HYD(Tsp) has more salt bridges and hydrogen-bonding interactions and less oxidation susceptible Met and Cys residues on the protein surface than HYD(Bp) and HYD(Bst). Besides, HYD(Tsp) also contains more rigid Pro residues. These factors are likely to make major contributions to the varying thermostability of these enzymes. This information could be exploited in helping to engineer more thermostable mesophilic enzymes.  相似文献   

Xylanases form enzymes of considerable interest to a variety of biotechnological industries. Their industrial usage is especially attractive since they can replace some of the environmental pollutants, and are economically viable. Those with higher thermostability and optimal activity at alkaline pH are of particular importance to the paper and pulp industry due to the demands of conditions under which the enzymatic reactions are carried out. We have earlier isolated a xylanase from Bacillus sp. NG-27, which is active both at high temperature as well as at alkaline pH. In order to find out factors responsible for the adaptation of this enzyme to the extreme conditions, three dimensional structure of NG-27 xylanase has now been obtained by homology modelling. The tertiary structure shows TIM barrel fold consisting of 8 parallel beta-strands surrounded by alpha-helices. The active site is located at the carboxy terminal end of the TIM barrel. Factors which contribute to the thermostability of the enzyme are increased number of salt bridges. The salt bridges occur remarkably on one face of alpha-helices, with oppositely charged residues occupying i, i+4, i+7 positions. A solvent shielded salt bridge interaction is also observed, which is absent in the mesophilic homologous xylanases. Solvent shielding may enhance electrostatic interaction through lowering of the dielectric, and contribute to increased stability of the enzyme.  相似文献   

To improve the thermostability and catalytic activity of Aspergillus niger xylanase A (AnxA), its N-terminus was substituted with the corresponding region of Thermomonospora fusca xylanase A (TfxA). The constructed hybrid xylanase, named ATx, was overexpressed in Pichia pastoris and secreted into the medium. After 96-h 0.25% methanol induction, the activity of the ATx in the culture supernatant reached its peak, 633 U/mg, which was 3.6 and 5.4 times as high as those of recombinant AnxA (reAnxA) and recombinant TfxA (reTfxA), respectively. Studies on enzymatic properties showed that the temperature and pH optimum of the ATx were 60 degrees C and 5.0, respectively. The ATx was more thermostable, when it was treated at 70 degrees C, pH 5.0, for 2 min, the residual activity was 72% which was higher than that of reAnxA and similar to that of reTfxA. The ATx was very stable over a broader pH range (3.0-10.0) and much less affected by acid/base conditions. After incubation at pH 3.0-10.0, 25 degrees C for 1 h, all the residual activities of the ATx were over 80%. These results revealed that the thermostability and catalytic activity of the AnxA were enhanced. The N-terminus of TfxA contributed to the observed thermostability of itself and the ATx, and to the high activity of the ATx. Replacement of N-terminus between mesophilic eukaryotic and thermostable prokaryotic enzymes may be a useful method for constructing the new and improved versions of biologically active enzymes.  相似文献   

Deletion mutants were constructed from pZEP12, which contained the intact Thermoanaerobacterium saccharolyticum endoxylanase gene (xynA). Deletion of 1.75 kb from the N-terminal end of xynA resulted in a mutant enzyme that retained activity but lost thermostability. Deletion of 1.05 kb from the C terminus did not alter thermostability or activity. The deduced amino acid sequence of T. saccharolyticum B6A-RI endoxylanase XynA was aligned with five other family F beta-glycanases by using the PILEUP program of the Genetics Computer Group package. This multiple alignment of amino acid sequences revealed six highly conserved motifs which included the consensus sequence consisting of a hydrophobic amino acid, Ser or Thr, Glu, a hydrophobic amino acid, Asp, and a hydrophobic amino acid in the catalytic domain. Endoxylanase was inhibited by EDAC [1-(3-dimethylamino propenyl)-3-ethylcarbodiimide hydrochloride], suggesting that Asp and/or Glu was involved in catalysis. Three aspartic acids, two glutamic acids, and one histidine were conserved in all six enzymes aligned. Hydrophobic cluster analysis revealed that two Asp and one Glu occur in the same hydrophobic clusters in T. saccharolyticum B6A-RI endoxylanase and two other enzymes belonging to family F beta-glycanases and suggests their involvement in a catalytic triad. These two Asp and one Glu in XynA from T. saccharolyticum were targeted for analysis by site-specific mutagenesis. Substitution of Asp-537 and Asp-602 by Asn and Glu-600 by Gln completely destroyed endoxylanase activity. These results suggest that these three amino acids form a catalytic triad that functions in a general acid catalysis mechanism.  相似文献   

Nattokinase (NK) is a serine protease of the subtilisin family; as a potent fibrinolytic enzyme, it is potentially useful for thrombosis therapy. For NK to be applied as an oral medicine for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, it must overcome the extremely acidic environments of the gastrointestinal tract despite its limited acidic stability. In this study, three strategies were adopted to improve the acid resistance of NK: (a) Surface charge engineering, (b) sequence alignment, and (c) mutation based on the literature. Eleven variants were constructed and four single-point mutations were screened out for their distinctive catalytic properties: Q59E increased the specific activity; S78T improved the acid stability; Y217K enhanced the acid and thermal stabilities; and N218D improved the thermostability. Based on these observations, multipoint variants were constructed and characterized, and one variant with better acid stability, catalytic efficiency, and thermostability was obtained. Molecular dynamics simulation was carried out to clarify the molecular mechanism of the increased stability of S78T and Y217K mutants under acidic conditions. This study explored effective strategies to engineer acid resistance of NK; moreover, the NK variants with better catalytic properties found in this study have potential applications for the medical industry.  相似文献   

Pressure as a thermodynamical parameter was successively introduced in physics, hydrometallurgy, geochemistry, and biology. In all cases, the main objective was to recreate a natural phenomenon (gas or liquid compressibility, synthesis or crystal growth of minerals, survival of deep sea microorganisms…). The introduction of high hydrostatic pressure (HHP) in Biology was an important scientific feature over the last hundred years. This paper describes the different steps that have led to the spreading of pressure in biology and the opening of new frontiers either in basic and applied researches due to the specific characteristics of the pressure parameter. Because of the low energy conveyed by this parameter, leading to the preservation of most organoleptic properties of foods, and its ability to inactivate many pathogens, the use of HHP began to spread at the end of the twentieth century into the food industry, in particular for the development of pathogen inactivation processes. Today, even if this field is still the first application domain for HHP, more and more research works have shown that this parameter could be of great interest in health and medicine sciences.  相似文献   

Enzymes from psychrophilic organisms differ from their mesophilic counterparts in having a lower thermostability and a higher specific activity at low and moderate temperatures. The current consensus is that they have an increased flexibility, enhancing accommodation and transformation of the substrates at low energy costs. Here we describe the structure of the xylanase from the Antarctic bacterium Pseudoalteromonas haloplanktis at 1.3 A resolution. Xylanases are usually grouped into glycosyl hydrolase families 10 and 11, but this enzyme belongs to family 8. The fold differs from that of other known xylanases and can be described as an (alpha/alpha)(6) barrel. Various parameters that may explain the cold-adapted properties were examined and indicated that the protein has a reduced number of salt bridges and an increased exposure of hydrophobic residues. The crystal structures of a complex with xylobiose and of mutant D144N were obtained at 1.2 and 1.5 A resolution, respectively. Analysis of the various substrate binding sites shows that the +3 and -3 subsites are rearranged as compared to those of a family 8 homolog, while the xylobiose complex suggests the existence of a +4 subsite. A decreased acidity of the substrate binding cleft and an increased flexibility of aromatic residues lining the subsites may enhance the rate at which substrate is bound.  相似文献   

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