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陆宇燕  李丕鹏 《四川动物》2002,21(3):187-188
昆嵛山是山东胶东半岛最高的山脉 ,由于地理位置和气候原因 ,这里植被覆盖率较高。近几年的野外实习不断有新种 (昆嵛林蛙 )及新记录 (北草蜥 )发现。今年在昆嵛山第三林场所属的殿后县 ,约海拔 5 0 0m处采集到 4号蜥蜴标本 ,经鉴定为石龙子科滑蜥属宁波滑蜥的北方亚种 (北滑蜥 )Scincellamodestasepten trionalis。现报道如下。体型细长。头部明显宽于颈部 ,吻长小于眼耳间距 ,吻端钝圆 ,吻鳞宽大于高 ,背面可见。无上鼻鳞 ;额鼻鳞 1枚 ,呈倒元宝状 ,覆盖于吻的后部 ,前缘与吻鳞相接处较窄 ,侧缘与鼻鳞及…  相似文献   

吴光举  朱洁  肖立  王本菊 《四川动物》2001,20(3):147-147
1999年 5~ 8月 ,我们在攀枝花市的米易县草场乡、得石乡 ,盐边县的安宁乡分别获得 3条♂性蛇蜥类标本 ,经鉴定是脆蛇蜥 (OphisaurushartiBoulenger,1 899) ,系攀枝花市爬行动物新记录。脆蛇蜥隶属于有鳞目蜥蜴亚目蛇蜥科蛇蜥属。至此该市的爬行动物达 4 0种。这 3号标本现保存于成都市玉林中学 (初中部 )生物实验室。现将形态特征简述如下 :脆蛇蜥与相近种细脆蛇蜥极为相似 ,略呈圆筒形 ,但体较粗壮。体型似黄鳝 ,当地人称“山黄鳝” ,因尾极易断 ,所以又称“脆蛇”。体全长 3♂♂分别为 4 40 (1 4 0 3 0 0 )、 5…  相似文献   

时磊 《四川动物》2007,26(2):258-262,I0002
对隶属蟒科的东方沙蟒唇鳞的光学显微结构和扫描电镜下的超微结构的观察发现了类似小窝的结构,可能是原始的鳞片感受器官;对鳞片感受器的大小做了测量;同时观察了头部其他鳞片和身体中部背鳞和腹鳞的显微皮纹结构。所有鳞片的角皮层细胞平坦,没有大的表面特征结构,除了后缘齿状结构、微孔和窄而短的边界。考虑到穴居种类减少反光不是主要的选择因子,而主要选择是减少摩擦和清除污物,显微皮纹特征很好地符合这一假说。不同部位鳞片的差异主要表现在角皮层细胞的形状和的大小,微孔的有无,细胞后缘齿状结构的有无和大小以及细胞边界重叠的程度。首次描述了鹅卵石样多孔细胞这一微饰类型。  相似文献   

运用扫描电镜、组织切片、显微拍照等实验方法对绿安乐蜥Anolis carolinensis背部未蜕皮和蜕皮皮肤微皮纹及皮肤感受器形态、组织学进行了研究,发现未蜕皮和蜕皮皮肤的微皮纹和皮肤感受器特征、大小没有显著区别,因此蜕皮组织是研究这类结构的理想实验材料;鳞片表面的棘突与支柱构成了网状的三维结构,凹窝处有1~2个皮肤感受器;皮肤感受器真皮层内有真皮小体,绞合区域和皮肤感受器β-角质层和中层明显变薄。这些特点表明,绿安乐蜥背部表皮结构与栖息地及变色能力密切相关,在保护皮肤、实现自身伪装和调节体温等方面具有重要作用,研究结果有助于进一步了解其变色机理,能够为开发自主变色材料提供生物学依据,对于研究珍稀物种皮肤微观结构具有重要借鉴意义。  相似文献   

游蛇科8种蛇的鳞片显微皮纹结构观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
游蛇科8种蛇,分别为云南沾益采集的棕网腹链蛇(Hebius johannis),云南铜壁关采集的卡西腹链蛇(H.khasiensis)、八线腹链蛇(H.octolineatum)、双带腹链蛇(H.parallela)、八莫过树蛇(Dendrelaphis subocularis),云南澜沧采集的大眼斜鳞蛇(Pseudoxenodon macrops),云南昆明采集的虎斑颈槽蛇(Rhabdophis tigrinus),云南临沧采集的中国小头蛇(Oligodon chinensis)。于2014年4月对其背鳞显微皮纹结构进行扫描电镜观察,8种蛇每种使用1个个体,每个个体分别从蛇体的前、中、近尾部各采集3枚鳞片,共观察9枚鳞片。低倍下观察到鳞棱,高倍下观察到纵行小棱、条索、横纹、小孔结构,这些结构存在种间差异。八莫过树蛇和中国小头蛇无鳞棱,但是其余6种蛇鳞棱十分明显;大眼斜鳞蛇的纵行小棱短于100μm,其余7种蛇的纵行小棱均长于100μm;仅八莫过树蛇和双带腹链蛇背鳞上有明显的条索结构;八莫过树蛇的横纹为平缓波纹,其余7种蛇的横纹为"U"形波纹;小孔的形状、排列位置在种间变化较大,小孔的密集程度以八莫过树蛇、大眼斜鳞蛇、虎斑颈槽蛇较高。在8种蛇中,八莫过树蛇背鳞的显微皮纹结构最为复杂,可能与其栖息在热带雨林中有关。  相似文献   

2003年10月25日,衡水市郊区一市民在居住区的草坪中捉到一只活体蜥蜴,经鉴定为蜥蜴科(Lacertidae)草蜥属(Takydromus)北草蜥(T.septentrionalis)(图1),整个体长353·4mm。这是河北省的首次记录,标本保存于衡水学院生命科学系脊椎动物标本室内,标本编号:031025002。1外形测量(mm,g)2形态特征2·1头部略扁。吻较窄,吻端略微钝圆,吻鳞不与额鼻鳞相接;鼻孔位于鼻鳞、鼻后鳞与第一上唇鳞之间;耳孔较大,长卵圆形,前后长1·5mm,背腹长2·5mm,鼓膜清晰并内陷,其后上方或后下方有部分加厚,其余透明状;鼻额鳞菱形,前端钝圆,后端略尖;左右前额鳞长大…  相似文献   

对采自新疆境内的塔城地区、伊犁地区、准噶尔盆地、乌鲁木齐市和吐鲁番盆地的快步麻蜥5个地理种群共287号标本进行观测,分析其鳞片变异式样,并在此基础上探讨亚种分化。根据变异率将鳞片分为三类:1)没有变异,如腹部横列鳞数;2)变异率在30%以下,包括上下唇鳞、颔片数等;3)变异率均超过30%,包括股孔数、股孔间鳞数、腹面横列鳞行数和颔片到领围鳞数等。对8个形态学量度指标及7个鳞片数量指标的差异系数进行统计分析,结果显示种群间的各指标均未达到亚种分化的差异显著性标准,暗示研究区域内的快步麻蜥在形态上没有亚种分化。结果表明快步麻蜥东方亚种的有效性有待进一步研究确定。  相似文献   

大别山地区两栖爬行动物区系调查   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
为掌握大别山地区两栖爬行动物资源现状,于2006年9月起至2013年6月通过53条样线对大别山地区进行实地考察。调查结果显示,在大别山地区共发现两栖爬行动物56种,隶属4目16科。其中两栖动物2目8科21种,爬行动物2目8科35种。大别山地区两栖、爬行动物的分布型主要为南中国型,动物区系类型则主要为华中型和华南型。黄喉拟水龟(Mauremys mutica)、黄脊游蛇(Coluber spinalis)、平鳞钝头蛇(Pareas boulengeri)、棕黑腹链蛇(Amphiesma sauteri)和福建颈斑蛇(Plagiopholis styani)为该地区的新纪录,大别山原矛头蝮(Protobothrops dabieshanensis)为近期在大别山地区发现的蛇类新种。东方蝾螈(Cynops orientalis)、中华大蟾蜍(Bufo gararizans)、泽陆蛙(Fejervarya multistriata)、黑斑侧褶蛙(Pelophylax nigromaculatus)、中国林蛙(Rana chensinensis)为两栖类的优势种,中国石龙子(Eumeces chinensis)、蝘蜓(Sphenomorphus indicus)、北草蜥(Takydromus septentrionalis)、赤链蛇(Dinodon rufozonatum)、王锦蛇(Elaphe carinata)、虎斑颈槽蛇(Rhabdophis tigrinus)和乌梢蛇(Zaocys dhumnades)为爬行类的优势种。鉴于大别山两栖爬行动物多样性的丰富度和动物区系的代表性,应加强对该地区两栖爬行动物的保护工作。  相似文献   

1997~1998年,在对山东省胶东半岛最大的山脉———昆嵛山进行两栖爬行动物的普查中,采到2号活体蜥蜴标本,经鉴定为蜥蜴科草蜥属北草蜥(TakydromusseptentronalisG櫣nther),是山东省爬行动物新记录,现报道如下。形态学量度(mm,g)编号性别体重头长头宽头高头体长尾长前肢长后肢长9707161♂717167657267822082453259707162♀7821707174696断尾23753325  体形细瘦;吻较窄,吻端略微钝圆,吻鳞不与额鼻鳞相接;鼻孔位于鼻鳞、鼻后鳞与第一上唇鳞之间;耳孔较大,卵圆形,鼓膜清晰并内陷,其后上方或后下方有部分加…  相似文献   

草蜥属两种蜥蜴卵和幼体特征的比较研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
比较研究了南草蜥和北草蜥实验条件下的卵及幼体特征。南草蜥产卵雌体的体长、最大窝卵数、平均卵重小于北草蜥 ,相对窝卵重与北草蜥相似。两种蜥蜴均通过增加卵长径和卵短径来增加卵重 ,但卵外形明显不同 ,南草蜥的卵较长。两种蜥蜴卵孵化过程中均吸水增重。相同孵化温度 ( 2 6℃ )条件下 ,南草蜥的孵化期明显比北草蜥长。南草蜥幼体的体重、体长、头长和头宽的实测值小于北草蜥 ,尾长实测值与北草蜥无显著差异。南草蜥幼体的体重、头长和头宽的矫正平均值小于北草蜥 ,尾长矫正平均值大于北草蜥 ,体长矫正平均值与北草蜥无显著差异。  相似文献   

Microornamentation was examined on the exposed oberhautchen surface of dorsal, lateral, and ventral scales from the midbody region of 20 species of the fossorial snake family Uropeltidae and seven species of fossorial scolecophidian and anilioid outgroups. No substantial variation was observed in microornamentation from the different areas around the midbody circumference within species. All oberhautchen cells were flat and exhibited no major surface features other than occasional posterior margin denticulations, small pores/pits, and narrow, low ridges. This is largely consistent with the hypothesis that friction reduction and dirt shedding are the main selective pressures on microornamentation, given that reducing shine is not of key importance in fossorial animals. Variations among taxa were observed in the shape and size of oberhautchen cells, in the presence of pores/pits, in the presence and size of denticulations on posterior cell margins, and in the level or imbricate nature of cell borders. Six microornamentation characters were formulated, scored, and plotted onto a selected phylogeny. Character evolution and phylogenetic signal were explored, accepting the incomplete understanding of intraspecific variation and of uropeltid interrelationships. There is evidence that all but one of these characters evolved homoplastically, probably by multiple independent origin. There is no clear evidence for character state reversal, but greater phylogenetic resolution is required to test this further. Phylogenetic signal appears to exist in some instances, including possible microornamentation synapomorphies for Uropeltidae and Melanophidium. These derived character states are found elsewhere within Squamata. A microornamentation of narrow, finely, and regularly spaced ridges is associated with scale iridescence. These ridges, and possibly pores/pits, are also associated with scales that are less wettable, and that therefore might be expected to be better at shedding dirt in moist conditions. Testable hypotheses are presented that might explain minor variations in the form of ridges and pits among uropeltids.  相似文献   

History and function of scale microornamentation in lacertid lizards   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Differences in surface structure (ober-hautchen) of body scales of lacertid lizards involve cell size, shape and surface profile, presence or absence of fine pitting, form of cell margins, and the occurrence of longitudinal ridges and pustular projections. Phylogenetic information indicates that the primitive pattern involved narrow strap-shaped cells, with low posteriorly overlapping edges and relatively smooth surfaces. Deviations from this condition produce a more sculptured surface and have developed many times, although subsequent overt reversals are uncommon. Like variations in scale shape, different patterns of dorsal body microornamentation appear to confer different and conflicting performance advantages. The primitive pattern may reduce friction during locomotion and also enhances dirt shedding, especially in ground-dwelling forms from moist habitats. However, this smooth microornamentation generates shine that may compromise cryptic coloration, especially when scales are large. Many derived features show correlation with such large scales and appear to suppress shine. They occur most frequently in forms from dry habitats or forms that climb in vegetation away from the ground, situations where dirt adhesion is less of a problem. Microornamentation differences involving other parts of the body and other squamate groups tend to corroborate this functional interpretation. Microornamentation features can develop on lineages in different orders and appear to act additively in reducing shine. In some cases different combinations may be optimal solutions in particular environments, but lineage effects, such as limited reversibility and different developmental proclivities, may also be important in their genesis. The fine pits often found on cell surfaces are unconnected with shine reduction, as they are smaller than the wavelengths of most visible light.  相似文献   

Both scanning electron and light microscopy were used to examine the epidermal structure of scales taken from several ontogenetic stages of Xenosaurus grandis and Shinisaurus crocodilurus. In addition, scales from all xenosaurid species were examined by scanning electron microscopy to determine scale surface variation among genera, species, and subspecies. A varied and phylogenetically informative morphology characterizes the scale surfaces of xenosaurid lizards. Scale surface morphology is conservative among the species and subspecies of Xenosaurus, but is more variable between the two xenosaurid genera. Their scale surfaces are characterized by folds in the oberhautchen, beta, mesos, and alpha epidermal layers, forming polygonal ridges of a type previously described for the Iguania. The three species of Xenosaurus possess lenticular scale organs, whereas Shinisaurus has scale organs with spikes (bristles). The spikes of Shinisaurus are formed by the beta and oberhautchen layers, with the alpha layer forming a dome-shaped cap over a dermal papilla. Shinisaurus crocodilurus exhibits a dramatic ontogenetic change in scale surface morphology, that is here reported for the first time in any lizard. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Previous studies of squamate epidermal structure have focused on either histology and ultrastructure or oberhautchen surface texture as revealed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Using SEM data drawn from a variety of lizard taxa (primarily iguanids, but also agamids, chamaeleonids, and scincids), as well as amphisbaenians and colubrid snakes, we relate the surfaces encountered in gross dissection of squamate skin to histologically identifiable layers, and characterize their surface structure. Only the oberhautchen bears the repeating pattern of ornamentation noted by previous authors. Because the clear layer is a perfect template of the oberhautchen surface, it is the only layer with which the oberhautchen might be confused. However, the clear layer can be identified by its tendency to curl and crack during preparation. All other surfaces encountered were relatively featureless, except for impressions left by dermal “papillae” associated with mechanoreceptors. Using a method for examining preserved specimens to determine the stage in the shedding cycle, we assess two sources of variation in epidermal surface structure: stage in the shedding cycle and wear. Examination of immature renewal-phase epidermis suggests that the oberhautchen does not mature synchronously across a single scale or across body regions. Comparing inner- and outer-generation oberhautchen in sheddingphase epidermis, we conclude that changes in surface appearance caused by natural wear fall into two categories: discrete scratches and accumulation of debris. We see no evidence of overall “buffing” on a microscopic level, though surface structure may be obscured by scratches and gouges. Many squamate taxa show a gradient from low relief surface structure on elevated regions such as keels to high relief patterns at scale edges. This gradient is not due to wear; its significance is unknown.  相似文献   

Differentiation and localization of keratin in the epidermis during embryonic development and up to 3 months posthatching in the Australian water python, Liasis fuscus, was studied by ultrastructural and immunocytochemical methods. Scales arise from dome-like folds in the skin that produce tightly imbricating scales. The dermis of these scales is completely differentiated before any epidermal differentiation begins, with a loose dermis made of mesenchymal cells beneath the differentiating outer scale surface. At this stage (33) the embryo is still unpigmented and two layers of suprabasal cells contain abundant glycogen. At Stage 34 (beginning of pigmentation) the first layers of cells beneath the bilayered periderm (presumptive clear and oberhautchen layers) have not yet formed a shedding complex, within which prehatching shedding takes place. At Stage 35 the shedding complex, consisting of the clear and oberhautchen layers, is discernible. The clear layer contains a fine fibrous network that faces the underlying oberhautchen, where the spinulae initially contain a core of fibrous material and small beta-keratin packets. Differentiation continues at Stage 36 when the beta-layer forms and beta-keratin packets are deposited both on the fibrous core of the oberhautchen and within beta-cells. Mesos cells are produced from the germinal layer but remain undifferentiated. At Stage 37, before hatching, the beta-layer is compact, the mesos layer contains mesos granules, and cells of the alpha-layer are present but are not yet keratinized. They are still only partially differentiated a few hours after hatching, when a new shedding complex is forming underneath. Using antibodies against chick scale beta-keratin resolved at high magnification with immunofluorescent or immunogold conjugates, we offer the first molecular confirmation that in snakes only the oberhautchen component of the shedding complex and the underlying beta cells contain beta-keratin. Initially, there is little immunoreactivity in the small beta-packets of the oberhautchen, but it increases after fusion with the underlying cells to produce the syncytial beta layer. The beta-keratin packets coalesce with the tonofilaments, including those attached to desmosomes, which rapidly disappear in both oberhautchen and beta-cells as differentiation progresses. The labeling is low to absent in forming mesos-cells beneath the beta-layer. This study further supports the hypothesis that the shedding complex in lepidosaurian reptiles evolved after there was a segregation between alpha-keratogenic cells from beta-keratogenic cells during epidermal renewal.  相似文献   

Little is known about specific proteins involved in keratinization of the epidermis of snakes. The presence of histidine-rich molecules, sulfur, keratins, loricrin, transglutaminase, and isopeptide-bonds have been studied by ultrastructural autoradiography, X-ray microanalysis, and immunohistochemistry in the epidermis of snakes. Shedding takes place along a shedding complex, which is composed of two layers, the clear and the oberhautchen layers. The remaining epidermis comprises different layers, some of which contain beta-keratins and others alpha-keratins. Weak loricrin, transglutaminase, and sometimes also iso-peptide-bond immunoreactivities are seen in some cells, lacunar cells, of the alpha-layer. Tritiated histidine is mainly incorporated in the shedding complex, especially in dense beta-keratin filaments in cells of the oberhautchen layer and to a small amount in cells of the clear layer. This suggests the presence of histidine-rich, matrix proteins among beta-keratin bundles. The latter contain sulfur and are weakly immunolabeled for beta-keratin at the beginning of differentiation of oberhautchen cells. After merging with beta cells, the dense beta-keratin filaments of oberhautchen cells become immunopositive for beta-keratin. The uptake of histidine decreases in beta cells, where little dense matrix material is present, while pale beta-keratin filaments increase. During maturation, little histidine labeling remains in electron-dense areas of the beta layer and in those of oberhautchen spinulae. Some roundish dense granules of oberhautchen cells rich in sulfur are negative to antibodies for alpha-keratin, beta-keratin, and loricrin. The granules eventually merge with beta-keratin, and probably contribute to the formation of the resistant matrix of oberhautchen cells. In conclusion, beta-keratin, histidine-rich, and sulfur-rich proteins contribute to form snake microornamentations.  相似文献   

柑橘大实蝇 Bactrocera minax (Enderlein),是柑橘的重要害虫。本文基于光学显微镜、扫描电镜、石蜡切片和透射电镜观察,对柑橘大实蝇的产卵器形态结构进行研究。结果表明,柑橘大实蝇产卵器由产卵器基节、翻缩膜和产卵针3部分组成,翻缩膜是浅黄色的柔软的细长管状结构,又分为骨化带、骨化环和膜质部3部分。骨化带表面有4条褐色的、纵向的、柔软的离散带。骨化环和膜质部表面存在小齿和无齿两种角质化鳞片,鳞片的一端与表皮连接,另外一端处于自由状态,鳞片以覆瓦状包围在骨化环和膜质部表面。骨化带和骨化环弯曲程度极低,而膜质部弯曲程度较大。产卵针由1块背片和2块腹片组成,2块腹片之间、背片与腹片之间与可折叠弯曲的柔性角质层连接。其背片两内侧均存在1个未封闭的圆环,其内部有肌肉(背腹肌)、气管、输卵管和直肠等组织或器官。产卵器上有毛形、腔锥形和钟形3种类型感受器。在产卵器收缩时,首先产卵针折叠在翻缩膜内,然后再一起折叠在基节内。因此,在成虫休息时,产卵器形成了产卵针(内层)、翻缩膜(中间层)和基节(外层)3个腹节的套叠。柑橘大实蝇的产卵器是伪产卵器,其结构或组织经过进化,从而适应其伪产卵器的外翻、弯曲、收缩折叠运动机制。本研究为理解昆虫进化和多样性,以及昆虫的产卵、交配和代谢物排泄等行为机制提供新的例证。  相似文献   

The morphogenesis and ultrastructure of the epidermis of snake embryos were studied at progressive stages of development through hatching to determine the time and modality of differentiation of the shedding complex. Scales form as symmetric epidermal bumps that become slanted and eventually very overlapped. During the asymmetrization of the bumps, the basal cells of the forming outer surface of the scale become columnar, as in an epidermal placode, and accumulate glycogen. Small dermal condensations are sometimes seen and probably represent primordia of the axial dense dermis of the growing tip of scales. Deep, dense, and superficial loose dermal regions are formed when the epidermis is bilayered (periderm and basal epidermis) and undifferentiated. Glycogen and lipids decrease from basal cells to differentiating suprabasal cells. On the outer scale surface, beneath the peridermis, a layer containing dense granules and sparse 25-30-nm thick coarse filaments is formed. The underlying clear layer does not contain keratohyalin-like granules but has a rich cytoskeleton of intermediate filaments. Small denticles are formed and they interdigitate with the oberhautchen spinulae formed underneath. On the inner scale surface the clear layer contains dense granules, coarse filaments, and does not form denticles with the aspinulated oberhautchen. On the inner side surface the oberhautchen only forms occasional spinulae. The sloughing of the periderm and embryonic epidermis takes place in ovo 5-6 days before hatching. There follow beta-, mesos-, and alpha-layers, not yet mature before hatching. No resting period is present but a new generation is immediately produced so that at 6-10 h posthatching an inner generation and a new shedding complex are forming beneath the outer generation. The first shedding complex differentiates 10-11 days before hatching. In hatchlings 6-10 h old, tritiated histidine is taken up in the epidermis 4 h after injection and is found mainly in the shedding complex, especially in the apposed membranes of the clear layer and oberhautchen cells. This indicates that a histidine-rich protein is produced in preparation for shedding, as previously seen in lizard epidermis. The second shedding (first posthatching) takes place at 7-9 days posthatching. It is suggested that the shedding complex in lepidosaurian reptiles has evolved after the production of a histidine-rich protein and of a beta-keratin layer beneath the former alpha-layer.  相似文献   

The Oberhautchen of scales from the dorsal, parietal, and ventral regions of Sceloporus occidentalis (Iguanidae), Gerrhonotus multicarinatus (Anguinidae), and Anniella pulchra (Anniellidae) were examined with a scanning electron microscope. At low magnification, all scales of S. occidentalis exhibit well-defined outlines of cells belonging to the Oberhautchen layer and the previously overlying clear layer. The dorsal and parietal cells of this species exhibit a minutely dentate Oberhautchen that forms tooth-like spinules 0.2 to 0.5 μ long and arranged in irregular rows. Minute pits 0.1 to 0.3 μ in diameter characterize the Oberhautchen of a ventral scale. Cell outlines are not evident on the scales of G. multicarinatus. The Oberhautchen of dorsal and parietal scales of this species is prominently laminated. Laminae are less prominent on scales of the lateral fold, and no intrinsic surface structure is evident on a ventral scale. In contrast, the fossorial anguinomorph Anniella pulchra exhibits Oberhautchen surfaces with practically no intrinsic microornamentation. However, what appear to be outlines of Oberhautchen cells are visible on the dorsal and ventral scales. These observations suggest that modifications of Oberhautchen microornamentation may have evolved to reduce friction with the substrate or other scales. The lack of pronounced microornamentation of the Oberhautchen on some body scales may indicate that a complex interdigitation between clear layer and Oberhautchen cells is not essential to the sloughing process.  相似文献   

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