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Latency of visually evoked saccadic eye movements   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The validness of a model describing the relation between mean saccadic latency and stimulus asynchrony based on facilitation instead of suppression was tested experimentally. As a result, suppression of signals generated by the onset of a peripheral stimulus due to fixation of another target, giving rise to an increase of mean saccadic latency, does not seem very likely. The influence of the intensity of the fixation target on the latency of visually evoked saccades was studied. According to the facilitation model, the offset of the fixation target induces after an afferent delay, a transition of the state of the facilitation mechanism from the unfacilitated condition into a mode of maximal facilitation. The time-period during which this change is accomplished is called Facilitation-Rise-Time (FRT). An interpretation within the context of the facilitation model of gap-overlap latency data for different values of the intensity of the fixation stimulus suggests, in combination with computer-computations of the model, that lowering of this intensity causes an increase in FRT. The results in normal subjects of step stimulus experiments with a dim fixation point substantiate the hypothesis of a facilitation mechanism, which is triggerable not only by an external signal such as the offset of the fixation point, but also by some internal stimulus independent signal. Moreover, data for tracking by an amblyopic eye seem to support this conclusion. The findings of increased saccadic latencies in amblyopic and Optic Neuritis (ON) eyes suggest a slowing of processing of visual information in the sensory pathways from the central retina, subsequently utilized by the oculomotor system in the generation of saccades.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

In 10 right-handed healthy subjects EEGs preceding saccades with mean latent periods were selectively averaged. Two standard schemes of visual stimulation were used: with immediate presentation of a peripheral target stimuli after the central fixation stimulus (a single step paradigm) and with the interval between the stimuli in 200 ms (GAP paradigm). Two waves of slow premotor negativity (early PMN1 and late PMN2) that appeared 930 +/- 79 and 609 +/- 82 ms, respectively, prior to a saccade onset were observed. The PMN2 was followed by the negative potentials N-3, N-2, and N-1 (saccadic initiation potential). It was found that in GAP stimulation condition the PMN1 was less pronounces and N-1 was increased as compared to the single step. These findings suggest that disengage of attention from the central point during the GAP period clears the saccadic system for decision making and initiation of a saccade. Under such conditions, the expectation of a visual target does not require a high level of nonspecific activation and motor attention.  相似文献   

Previous studies have indicated that saccadic eye movements correlate positively with perceptual alternations in binocular rivalry, presumably because the foveal image changes resulting from saccades, rather than the eye movement themselves, cause switches in awareness. Recently, however, we found evidence that retinal image shifts elicit so-called onset rivalry and not percept switches as such. These findings raise the interesting question whether onset rivalry may account for correlations between saccades and percept switches.We therefore studied binocular rivalry when subjects made eye movements across a visual stimulus and compared it with the rivalry in a ‘replay’ condition in which subjects maintained fixation while the same retinal displacements were reproduced by stimulus displacements on the screen. We used dichoptic random-dot motion stimuli viewed through a stereoscope, and measured eye and eyelid movements with scleral search-coils.Positive correlations between retinal image shifts and perceptual switches were observed for both saccades and stimulus jumps, but only for switches towards the subjects'' preferred eye at stimulus onset. A similar asymmetry was observed for blink-induced stimulus interruptions. Moreover, for saccades, amplitude appeared crucial as the positive correlation persisted for small stimulus jumps, but not for small saccades (amplitudes < 1°). These findings corroborate our tenet that saccades elicit a form of onset rivalry, and that rivalry is modulated by extra-retinal eye movement signals.  相似文献   

Fixation instability due to saccadic intrusions is a feature of autosomal recessive spinocerebellar ataxias, and includes square wave intrusions (SWI) and macrosaccadic oscillations (MSO). A recent report suggested that the non-competitive antagonist of NMDA receptors, memantine, could decrease MSO and improve fixation in patients with spinocerebellar ataxia with saccadic intrusions (SCASI). We similarly tested two sisters, respectively of 58 and 60 years, with an unrecognized form of recessive, adult-onset cerebellar ataxia, peripheral neuropathy and slow saccades, who showed prominent SWI and also complained with difficulty in reading. We tested horizontal visually guided saccades (10°–18°) and three minutes of steady fixation in each patient and in thirty healthy controls. Both patients showed a significant reduction of peak and mean velocity compared with control subjects. Large SWI interrupting steady fixation were prominent during steady fixation and especially following visually guided saccades. Eye movements were recorded before and during the treatment with memantine, 20 mg/daily for 6 months. The treatment with memantine reduced both the magnitude and frequency of SWI (the former significantly), but did not modified neurological conditions or saccade parameters. Thus, our report suggests that memantine may have some general suppressive effect on saccadic intrusions, including both SWI and MSO, thereby restoring the capacity of reading and visual attention in these and in other recessive forms of ataxia, including Friedreich’s, in which saccadic intrusions are prominent.  相似文献   

The paper deals with the initiation of visually guided saccades, in order to break down the saccadic reaction time into functionally different periods of time. It takes into account that spatial processing of information is so basic that modelling of saccadic control properties should include spatio-temporal arrangements. The output signal of the saccadic system was measured in response to visual stimuli in which the time between the appearance of a visual stimulus in the peripheral field and the disappearance of the central fixation point was varied. The variation of the mean saccadic latency time, measured with respect to the onset of the peripheral stimulus, as a function of stimulus asynchrony was highly significant. This variation may be represented by a so-called gap-overlap curve, which is characterized here by means of five parameters. A facilitation model is introduced to fit the results of the gap-overlap experiments. The facilitation model for the initiation of visually evoked saccades incorporates a mechanism which governs the efficiency of processing of signals that arise from a stimulus presented at a particular position in space. It explains how visual information may be affected by other sensory information before it is used to command further saccades. It allows determination of saccadic system parameters, such as the peripheral and the foveal afferent processing time, the central processing time for a saccade and the degree of facilitation. These quantities were found to be characteristic for the given test subjects, and where these data could be compared with neurophysiological data, the agreement was within the experimental error.  相似文献   

The aims of this randomized observational case control study were to quantify fixation behavior during standard automated perimetry (SAP) with different fixation targets and to evaluate the relationship between fixation behavior and threshold variability at each test point in healthy young participants experienced with perimetry. SAP was performed on the right eyes of 29 participants using the Octopus 900 perimeter, program 32, dynamic strategy. The fixation targets of Point, Cross, and Ring were used for SAP. Fixation behavior was recorded using a wearable eye-tracking glass. All participants underwent SAP twice with each fixation target in a random fashion. Fixation behavior was quantified by calculating the bivariate contour ellipse area (BCEA) and the frequency of deviation from the fixation target. The BCEAs (deg2) of Point, Cross, and Ring targets were 1.11, 1.46, and 2.02, respectively. In all cases, BCEA increased significantly with increasing fixation target size (p < 0.05). The logarithmic value of BCEA demonstrated the same tendency (p < 0.05). A positive correlation was identified between fixation behavior and threshold variability for the Point and Cross targets (ρ = 0.413–0.534, p < 0.05). Fixation behavior increased with increasing fixation target size. Moreover, a larger fixation behavior tended to be associated with a higher threshold variability. A small fixation target is recommended during the visual field test.  相似文献   

Orienting visual attention allows us to properly select relevant visual information from a noisy environment. Despite extensive investigation of the orienting of visual attention in infancy, it is unknown whether and how stimulus characteristics modulate the deployment of attention from birth to 4 months of age, a period in which the efficiency in orienting of attention improves dramatically. The aim of the present study was to compare 4-month-old infants’ and newborns’ ability to orient attention from central to peripheral stimuli that have the same or different attributes. In Experiment 1, all the stimuli were dynamic and the only attribute of the central and peripheral stimuli to be manipulated was face orientation. In Experiment 2, both face orientation and motion of the central and peripheral stimuli were contrasted. The number of valid trials and saccadic latency were measured at both ages. Our results demonstrated that the deployment of attention is mainly influenced by motion at birth, while it is also influenced by face orientation at 4-month of age. These findings provide insight into the development of the orienting visual attention in the first few months of life and suggest that maturation may be not the only factor that determines the developmental change in orienting visual attention from birth to 4 months.  相似文献   

Our ability to interact with the environment hinges on creating a stable visual world despite the continuous changes in retinal input. To achieve visual stability, the brain must distinguish the retinal image shifts caused by eye movements and shifts due to movements of the visual scene. This process appears not to be flawless: during saccades, we often fail to detect whether visual objects remain stable or move, which is called saccadic suppression of displacement (SSD). How does the brain evaluate the memorized information of the presaccadic scene and the actual visual feedback of the postsaccadic visual scene in the computations for visual stability? Using a SSD task, we test how participants localize the presaccadic position of the fixation target, the saccade target or a peripheral non-foveated target that was displaced parallel or orthogonal during a horizontal saccade, and subsequently viewed for three different durations. Results showed different localization errors of the three targets, depending on the viewing time of the postsaccadic stimulus and its spatial separation from the presaccadic location. We modeled the data through a Bayesian causal inference mechanism, in which at the trial level an optimal mixing of two possible strategies, integration vs. separation of the presaccadic memory and the postsaccadic sensory signals, is applied. Fits of this model generally outperformed other plausible decision strategies for producing SSD. Our findings suggest that humans exploit a Bayesian inference process with two causal structures to mediate visual stability.  相似文献   



To develop new standardized eye tracking based measures and metrics for infants’ gaze dynamics in the face-distractor competition paradigm.


Eye tracking data were collected from two samples of healthy 7-month-old (total n = 45), as well as one sample of 5-month-old infants (n = 22) in a paradigm with a picture of a face or a non-face pattern as a central stimulus, and a geometric shape as a lateral stimulus. The data were analyzed by using conventional measures of infants’ initial disengagement from the central to the lateral stimulus (i.e., saccadic reaction time and probability) and, additionally, novel measures reflecting infants gaze dynamics after the initial disengagement (i.e., cumulative allocation of attention to the central vs. peripheral stimulus).


The results showed that the initial saccade away from the centrally presented stimulus is followed by a rapid re-engagement of attention with the central stimulus, leading to cumulative preference for the central stimulus over the lateral stimulus over time. This pattern tended to be stronger for salient facial expressions as compared to non-face patterns, was replicable across two independent samples of 7-month-old infants, and differentiated between 7 and 5 month-old infants.


The results suggest that eye tracking based assessments of infants’ cumulative preference for faces over time can be readily parameterized and standardized, and may provide valuable techniques for future studies examining normative developmental changes in preference for social signals.


Standardized measures of early developing face preferences may have potential to become surrogate biomarkers of neurocognitive and social development.  相似文献   

Fast presaccadic EEG potentials in saccadic latency were studied with the use of inverse averaging during monocular stimulation of the leading or nonleading eye. Two paradigms were followed, with presentation of visual stimuli consecutively or with a 200-ms overlap. Irrespective of the paradigm and the stimulated eye, the negative N –1 potential in the interval of 50–20 ms preceding the beginning of the saccade predominated in the hemisphere contralateral to the saccade direction, reflecting the command processes of saccadic initiation. The N –2 potential was more pronounced in the case of direct averaging, starting from the stimulus. Its amplitude increased with increasing concentration of attention on the fixation stimulus under the overlap conditions, and its foci predominated in the left hemisphere, in the frontal, central, and parietosagittal regions. Hence, the N –2 potential was assumed to reflect spatial perception and attention as initial stages of saccadic programming. The findings testify to the priority of the leading eye both in fixation and in spatial attention.  相似文献   

The EEG of 10 right-handed subjects preceding saccades with mean values of latent periods were selected and averaged. Two standard paradigms of presentation of visual stimuli (central fixation stimulus-peripheral target succession): with a 200-ms inerstimulus interval (GAP) and successive single step (SS). During the period of central fixation, two kinds of positive potentials were observed: fast potentials of "inermediate" positivity (IP) developing 600-400 ms prior to saccade onset and fast potentials of "leading" positivity (LP), which immediately preceded the offset of the central fixation stimulus. Peak latency of the LP potentials was 300 ms prior to saccade onset in the SS paradigm and 400 ms in the GAP paradigm. These potentials were predominantly recorded in the frontal and frontosagittal cortical areas. Decrease in the latency by 30-50 ms in the GAP paradigm was associated with more pronounced positive potentials during the fixation period and absence of the initiation potential P-1' (or decrease in its amplitude). The obtained evidence suggest that the fast positive presaccadic potentials are of a complex nature related to attention, anticipation, motor preparation, decision making, saccadic initiation, and backward afferentation.  相似文献   

One popular and fruitful approach to understanding what influences the decision of where to look next has been to present targets in a series of trials either to the right or left of a central fixation point and examine sequential effects on saccadic latency. However, there is a problem with this paradigm: Every saccade to a target is necessarily followed by an equal and opposite movement back to the center, yet the potentially confounding influence of this refixation saccade is rarely considered. Here, we introduce a novel random-walk paradigm that eliminates this difficulty. Each successive target appears to the left or right of the previous one, allowing us to study long sequences of saccades uncontaminated by refixations. This exposes a new stimulus-history effect, which is remarkably prolonged and relates primarily to movement direction: A saccade reduces the latency for subsequent movements made in the same direction and retards those in the opposite direction. Although in conventional refixation paradigms this effect cancels out, it is of particular significance in the real world--where our fixation point shifts constantly with the object of interest--and reflects a prediction of the way that real objects typically move.  相似文献   

David SV  Hayden BY  Mazer JA  Gallant JL 《Neuron》2008,59(3):509-521
Previous neurophysiological studies suggest that attention can alter the baseline or gain of neurons in extrastriate visual areas but that it cannot change tuning. This suggests that neurons in visual cortex function as labeled lines whose meaning does not depend on task demands. To test this common assumption, we used a system identification approach to measure spatial frequency and orientation tuning in area V4 during two attentionally demanding visual search tasks, one that required fixation and one that allowed free viewing during search. We found that spatial attention modulates response baseline and gain but does not alter tuning, consistent with previous reports. In contrast, feature-based attention often shifts neuronal tuning. These tuning shifts are inconsistent with the labeled-line model and tend to enhance responses to stimulus features that distinguish the search target. Our data suggest that V4 neurons behave as matched filters that are dynamically tuned to optimize visual search.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to clarify the nature of visual processing deficits caused by cerebellar disorders. We studied the performance of two types of visual search (top-down visual scanning and bottom-up visual scanning) in 18 patients with pure cerebellar types of spinocerebellar degeneration (SCA6: 11; SCA31: 7). The gaze fixation position was recorded with an eye-tracking device while the subjects performed two visual search tasks in which they looked for a target Landolt figure among distractors. In the serial search task, the target was similar to the distractors and the subject had to search for the target by processing each item with top-down visual scanning. In the pop-out search task, the target and distractor were clearly discernible and the visual salience of the target allowed the subjects to detect it by bottom-up visual scanning. The saliency maps clearly showed that the serial search task required top-down visual attention and the pop-out search task required bottom-up visual attention. In the serial search task, the search time to detect the target was significantly longer in SCA patients than in normal subjects, whereas the search time in the pop-out search task was comparable between the two groups. These findings suggested that SCA patients cannot efficiently scan a target using a top-down attentional process, whereas scanning with a bottom-up attentional process is not affected. In the serial search task, the amplitude of saccades was significantly smaller in SCA patients than in normal subjects. The variability of saccade amplitude (saccadic dysmetria), number of re-fixations, and unstable fixation (nystagmus) were larger in SCA patients than in normal subjects, accounting for a substantial proportion of scattered fixations around the items. Saccadic dysmetria, re-fixation, and nystagmus may play important roles in the impaired top-down visual scanning in SCA, hampering precise visual processing of individual items.  相似文献   

Choi WY  Guitton D 《Neuron》2006,50(3):491-505
A prominent hypothesis in motor control is that endpoint errors are minimized because motor commands are updated in real time via internal feedback loops. We investigated in monkey whether orienting saccadic gaze shifts made in the dark with coordinated eye-head movements are controlled by feedback. We recorded from superior colliculus fixation neurons (SCFNs) that fired tonically during fixation and were silent during gaze shifts. When we briefly (相似文献   

The ability to devote attention simultaneously to multiple visual objects plays an important role in domains ranging from everyday activities to the workplace. Yet, no studies have systematically explored the fixation strategies that optimize attention to two spatially distinct objects. Assuming the two objects require attention nearly simultaneously, subjects either could fixate one object or they could fixate between the objects. Studies measuring the breadth of attention have focused almost exclusively on the former strategy, by having subjects simultaneously perform one attention-demanding task at fixation and another in the periphery. We compared performance when one object was at fixation and the other was in the periphery to a condition in which both objects were in the periphery and subjects fixated between them. Performance was better with two peripheral stimuli than with one central and one peripheral stimulus, meaning that a strategy of fixating between stimuli permitted greater attention breadth. Consistent with the idea that both measures tap attention breadth, sport experts consistently outperformed novices with both fixation strategies. Our findings suggest a way to improve performance when observers must pay attention to multiple objects across spatial regions. We discuss possible explanations for this performance advantage.  相似文献   

Fast negative EEG potentials preceding fast regular saccades and express saccades were studied by the method of backward averaging under conditions of monocular stimulation of the right and left eye. "Step" and "gap" experimental paradigms were used for visual stimulation. Analysis of parameters of potentials and their spatiotemporal dynamics suggests that, under conditions of the increased attention and optimal readiness of the neural structures, express saccades appear when the previously chosen program of the future eye movement coincides with the actual target coordinates. We assumed that the saccade latency decreases at the expense of the involvement of the main oculomotor areas of motor and saccadic planning in its initiation; an express saccade can be initiated also by means of direct transmission of the signal from the cortex to the brainstem saccadic generator passing by the superior colliculus. Moreover, anticipating release from the central fixation and attention distraction are necessary for the successful initiation of an express saccade.  相似文献   

Disappearance of the fixation spot before the appearance of a peripheral target typically reduces average saccadic reaction times (the gap effect) and may also produce a separate population of early or express saccades. The superior colliculus (SC) is generally believed to be critically involved in generating both effects. As the direct sensory input to the SC does not encode colour information, to determine whether this input was critical in generating the gap effect or express saccades we used coloured targets which this pathway cannot distinguish. Our observers still made early saccades to colour-defined targets, but these were anticipations in response to the offset of the non-coloured fixation target. We also show that a gap effect still occurs when either the fixation target or the peripheral target is colour defined, suggesting that direct sensory input to the SC is not required and that information about the location of colour-defined targets is abstracted prior to processing within the SC.  相似文献   

During saccadic eye movements, the processing of visual information is transiently interrupted by a mechanism known as “saccadic suppression” [1] that is thought to ensure perceptual stability [2]. If, as proposed in the premotor theory of attention [3], covert shifts of attention rely on sub-threshold recruitment of oculomotor circuits, then saccadic suppression should also occur during covert shifts. In order to test this prediction, we designed two experiments in which participants had to orient towards a cued letter, with or without saccades. We analyzed the time course of letter identification score in an “attention” task performed without saccades, using the saccadic latencies measured in the “saccade” task as a marker of covert saccadic preparation. Visual conditions were identical in all tasks. In the “attention” task, we found a drop in perceptual performance around the predicted onset time of saccades that were never performed. Importantly, this decrease in letter identification score cannot be explained by any known mechanism aligned on cue onset such as inhibition of return, masking, or microsaccades. These results show that attentional allocation triggers the same suppression mechanisms as during saccades, which is relevant during eye movements but detrimental in the context of covert orienting.  相似文献   

Express saccades predominantly occur in experiments employing the gap paradigm where the target onset is separated from the fixation point offset by a blank period. Their relative frequency is distinctly influenced by catch trials (i.e. trials without a saccadic target) mixed into the stream of regular target trials. Generalizing this concept for other stimulus uncertainties (direction, amplitude), we found that the preparation time of a saccade depends on both the type of uncertainty used and the sequence of trial type (e.g., target vs catch, left vs right) in the experiment. This stimulus sequence effect is most prominent for catch trials. A similar but less pronounced effect can still be observed in the case of direction uncertainty but not in that of amplitude uncertainty. A two-state Markov process model is proposed which is based on the dichotomy of express and regular saccades in the gap paradigm. According to this model the actual state of the saccadic system, which determines the type of saccade just in preparation, depends on the "trial history". The implications for models of saccade programming are discussed. Received: 14 April 1993/Accepted in revised form: 2 July 1993  相似文献   

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