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Gongcheng is the second largest county in Guangxi with about 163000 Yao population. Periodic Markets are important places for trading of medicinal plants harvested by Gongcheng Yao villagers. The study aimed to look into the marked traded medicinal plants that are used by local people for curing various ailments. Ethnobotanical market survey methods, interviews, Participatory Action Research (PAR) and field visits were planned to elicit information on the uses of various medicinal plants. It was found that 71 plant species in the market which belong to 41 families are commonly used by local people for curing various diseases, all species are wild plants. A total of 133 records of medical uses in 52 herbal recipes for the treatment some common diseases. In most of the recipes recorded, digestion diseases, respiratory system diseases, infectious diseases,rheumatological diseases and surgery are used. The traditional knowledge about the number of medicinal plants available in that area and used by interviewees was positively correlated with the threats on medicinal plants in the wild habitats of the research area, which indicating that the diversity of wild medicinal plants and the associated traditional knowledge trends to disappear in the area.  相似文献   

采用民族植物学的研究方法和手段,对恭城瑶族境内周期性集市药用植物及相关的传统知识进行了调查。主要研究结果如下:恭城瑶族民众与野生药用植物的关系极为密切,研究地区集市中常见药用植物71种,均为野生植物,常用于治疗肠胃、呼吸道、感染、风湿和外伤等疾病。在调查地区的野生药用植物资源及相关的传统知识面临着新的威胁,亟待采取必要的措施予以保护。  相似文献   

This paper describes the trade of dry medicinal plants in the southwestern area of the state of Puebla, Mexico. Gatherers who collect medicinal plants represent the poorest economic link in the trade chain. The critical socioeconomic situation of the human population is reflected in the state of the wild plants at the zone, as a result of an increase in their use for economic survival. The stock of medicinal plants handled by regional traders is an indicator of the abundance and diversity of the flora present in the zone, and permits a dynamic exchange of these products with regional traders from outside. Tracing the commercial path of six medicinal plants from the field to the market, only 6.17% of the consumer price, on average, was returned to the collectors. Most of the medicinal plants marketed and used in Mexico are wild plants. This fact, combined with the increasing demand that exists for medicinal plants in this region, create a potential environmental threat. Since this threat is a multifactorial one, involving the complex socioeconomic conditions in which rural workers and their families live, conservation programs for the wild flora (including reassessed gathering methods, production of selected medicinal species and protection of wild populations and market regulations of quality and equity) have to be applied within an organizational framework of the gatherers and peasants in the zone.  相似文献   

从高山到河谷:德钦藏药植物资源的多样性及利用研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为探讨复杂生境条件下,藏药植物资源的多样性和利用现状,选取云南迪庆藏族自治州西北部澜沧江、金沙江河谷;梅里雪山、白马雪山山区和高寒山区展开了藏药植物资源调查.结果表明:该地区使用的藏药资源丰富,共调查到药用植物144种,隶属于63科,126属;资源利用方式以野生采集为主(64%),人工栽培为辅(25%已开展栽培,11%正试验栽培);部分资源存在资源枯竭问题(26%).统计分析表明:从河谷到山区、高寒山区,各海拔梯度的植物资源均有较多使用,但使用的资源类群不同;随海拔高度上升,植物资源易濒危,难栽培,栽培开展受恶劣环境的抑制,受资源枯竭推动,易形成先枯竭、后栽培的不合理开发模式;资源使用过度、植物种群恢复能力弱、采集伤害重是天然资源枯竭的相关因素.应针对上述问题,制定适合特殊生境条件下藏药资源特点的开发策略.  相似文献   

This study used a quantitative market survey to examine the ecological importance of the medicinal plant trade in Sierra Leone and the existing trading systems, so that it could be determined (1) if trade has a negative impact on the species traded, and/or (2) if trade could be used to support conservation projects. We interviewed vendors in three major cities and two towns and carried out focus–group discussions among collectors at forest edge communities. In the markets, specimen samples were collected and identified. In several forests, observations were made on harvesting techniques and relative abundance. More than 40 species are traded in urban markets, nine of which are the most frequently traded. Some plants are transported great distances to reach the urban markets, especially Xylopia aethiopica (Dunal) A.Rich. and Garcinia kola Heckel. Certain species might not be sustainably harvested depending on the collector practices (e.g., ring debarking, tree felling), and this might threaten these species, especially Piper guineense Schumach. & Thonn. However, results also suggest that the trade of some species could be promoted as an alternative livelihood strategy for edge communities of forest reserves. In this latter case, special attention should be paid to sustainable harvesting techniques.  相似文献   

This review article is an effort to analyze the status of medicinal plants research in Pakistan. According to an estimate, about 6000 plant species are present in Pakistan of which about 700 have medicinal importance. The majority of the local population in Pakistan depends on therapeutic plants. Various Pakistani institutes are conducting research on medical plants. Pakistan is at the center of the international herbal market. The Pakistan position in the international herbal market in import is 9th and in export is 10th. In 2002 the market value of therapeutic and aromatic plants sold globally was estimated at 62 billion US$, and 2018 it had increased to 131.4 billion. This means medicinal plants are the income source for people, and if the medicinal flora is not managed properly, this may result in habitat destruction, as well as species extinction. For ex-situ conservation of medicinal plants, the Higher Education Commission (HEC) of Pakistan is working with universities to establish botanical gardens. The government also needs to take steps to enforce stricter laws for conservation, to find sustainable ways to harvest medicinal plants from the wild, to educate native collectors in suitable collection methods, to train the local community how to grow therapeutic herbs, and to eliminate the middle-men from the trading chain.  相似文献   

依托第四次全国中药资源普查,采用代表区域-样地-样方-样方套,结合样线调查方法,通过野外调查、走访调查及查阅相关资料等,对福建安溪药用植物资源种类和分布进行分析。结果显示,安溪县药用植物有1515种,隶属215科844属,草本为主要生活类型,药用部位主要以根及根茎类和全草类为主;其中福建重点药材115种、特色药材46种。安溪县药用植物资源丰富,物种多样性高,今后应加强资源保护与规划,合理开发利用该地药用植物资源。  相似文献   

为探讨复杂生境条件下,藏药植物资源的多样性和利用现状,选取云南迪庆藏族自治州西北部澜沧江、金沙江河谷;梅里雪山、白马雪山山区和高寒山区展开了藏药植物资源调查。结果表明:该地区使用的藏药资源丰富,共调查到药用植物144种,隶属于63科,126属;资源利用方式以野生采集为主(64%),人工栽培为辅(25%已开展栽培,11%正试验栽培);部分资源存在资源枯竭问题(26%)。统计分析表明:从河谷到山区、高寒山区,各海拔梯度的植物资源均有较多使用,但使用的资源类群不同;随海拔高度上升,植物资源易濒危,难栽培,栽培开展受恶劣环境的抑制,受资源枯竭推动,易形成先枯竭、后栽培的不合理开发模式;资源使用过度、植物种群恢复能力弱、采集伤害重是天然资源枯竭的相关因素。应针对上述问题,制定适合特殊生境条件下藏药资源特点的开发策略。  相似文献   

This study examined traditional harvesting knowledge and practices, paired with field-based assessment of distribution of a vulnerable wild medicinal root, Anacyclus pyrethrum var. pyrethrum, in southern Morocco. Research included focus groups, qualitative interviews, and a survey of 38 collectors. Based on local knowledge, replanting trials were conducted and transects and plot-based assessments were used to examine distribution.Local collectors reported significant declines in A. pyrethrum var. pyrethrum populations, driven by poaching and premature (either before the root has become large enough or before the season of seed dispersal) harvesting in sites that cannot be protected from poaching, as well as grazing and tilling. Thirty sites, totaling approximately 30% of the region, were surveyed: A. pyrethrum var. pyrethrum was identified in only nine. In five sites, plot transects were used to determine plant density, revealing that plant density and the number of flowers and fruit per plant were significantly higher closest to habitation.This research contributes to the understanding and evaluation of the causes of over harvesting and factors that could help to protect this vulnerable species. We believe that there is significant room to build on local collector’s knowledge of harvesting and management of this important natural resource, with potential benefits for both local livelihoods and local ecosystems.  相似文献   

An ethnobotanical survey on the medicinal plant species marketed in Quanzhou, southern Fujian, was conducted in order to document traditional medicinal knowledge and application of medicinal plants in dietary. In addition to literature review, data was obtained using ethnobotanical tools and methods, including personal interviews during field trips, collecting herbarium specimens, and species identification by cross referencing. The results showed that: 1) There are 148 wild medicinal species, belonging to 56 plant families and 117 genera present in Quanzhou, southern Fujian. Among them, 46 species are edible wild herbs, 37 species are medicinal plants, 38 species are used as tea substituting plants or herbal tea,22 species are wild fruits, 4 species are used as spices and 1 species is used to make bean jelly; 2) The plant families which comprise a major part of the pool are Compositae, Lamiaceae, Rosaceae, Leguminosae, Rubiaceae, Liliaceae, Orchidaceae and Moraceae; 3) This study explored the utilization of the medicinal plants in Quanzhou area, and proposed methods to inherit the culture of using wild plants in dietary, as well as methods to conserve the edible medicinal wild plant resources.  相似文献   

Economic Importance of the Medicinal Plant Trade in Sierra Leone. This study identified, quantified, and evaluated the economic importance of the medicinal plant trade in Sierra Leone so that recommendations for conservation could be made. We carried out a quantitative market survey. We interviewed 120 vendors in three major cities and all vendors in two towns near a national park. Apart from the semistructured interviews, specimen samples were collected and identified, prices noted, and sales units measured. More than 40 species were traded in urban markets, nine species being the most frequently traded in all three cities. Only two plants were traded in the towns: Xylopia aethiopica (Dunal) A.Rich.and Garcinia kola Heckel. Most plants were traded in the form of dried bark or leaves. It was estimated that at least USD 64,000 are being annually traded in informal markets in major cities, the nine species most frequently traded contributing most of the retail value. Little information was found on import/export figures. Results from this study indicate that the trade of certain medicinal plants could be promoted as an alternative livelihood strategy for edge communities of protected areas. However, more information is needed on harvesting techniques, source and abundance of the species traded.  相似文献   

澜沧药用植物资源研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
澜沧药用植物资源丰富。民族民间具有利用当地植物来防病治病的传统实践。本文选取澜沧县文东乡、东回乡、酒井乡作为调查研究对象,应用关键人物访谈、自由列举、参与式调查和相关文献查询等方法,对澜沧县各民族传统使用的药用植物资源进行调查研究。共收集到58种药用植物,分属35科55属,记录了58种药用植物中文名、拉丁名、药用部位、加工方法、主治(功效)等。分析了当地药用植物利用的知识和地方特点。  相似文献   

Wild orchids are traditionally harvested as Salep and used in traditional medicine and ice-cream production in Iran. Recently however, illegal harvest of wild orchids for export appears to have grown. This study aimed to: (1) determine the diversity of harvested wild orchid species and their collection sites in Iran; and (2) study the current harvest status and trade chain and volume to estimate the total orchid plant extraction from natural populations. Field surveys of collectors and market surveys of traders were conducted to establish the diversity of collected species, to identify harvest hotspots, and to document harvesting and trade volumes. Sixteen species and subspecies from 7 genera of Orchidaceae are collected for their tubers. Based on estimates from the 2013 April to June harvest season more than 24.5 tons of fresh tubers were collected from three districts in Golestan province alone. It is estimated that this amount of tuber requires the lethal destructive harvesting of 5.5 –6.1 million orchids, with a market value of 320,000 USD. In the Tehran Bazar Salep trade during May–July 2013 was 1.9 tons of dried tubers, with estimated retail value of 310,000 USD. Current orchid collection practices in Iran, which have soared in recent years due to international demand, do not seem sustainable as all tubers are collected destructively. To preserve orchid populations, in the longterm, establishment of specific Orchid Conservation Areas and introduction of sustainable production practices, could alleviate harvesting pressure. In the midterm, development of a DNA barcoding-based molecular identification system could help to monitor and control illegal trade. In the near term, effective implementation of collection bans in excessively harvested areas and strengthening of current regulations are necessary to avoid the catastrophic effects of harvesting on orchid populations, as has been observed in Turkey.  相似文献   

该研究自2013年开始对阳春开展了全面的中药资源普查工作,在全面了解阳春地区药用植物资源的基础上,于2013年和2014年两次对阳春重阳传统药市进行全面跟踪调查。结果表明:阳春重阳传统药市出售的药物种类丰富,共收集鉴定得出134种药用植物,隶属于60科117属,并对收集到的药用植物进行编目,包括俗名、学名、药用部位、用途和用法等。从药用植物的科、属分布上来看,其中种类较多的科有大戟科(11种)、蝶形花科(10种)、菊科(10种)、茜草科(9种)、马鞭草科(6种)、姜科(5种)、防己科(5种)。药用植物的种类广泛分布于各科和属中,而非集中于少数科、属内。此外,还对阳春重阳传统药市所形成的文化基础、植物应用特色和药材地域特色进行了分析,在药市中调查到一批具有当地特色的滋补养生类的药材,得出阳春当地具有将药用植物融入日常饮食的习惯。药市中售卖的药材功效与当地的自然环境密切联系,其中尤以治疗与岭南地区湿热的气候和瘴疠虫蛇等特点所引起的常见疾病为主。同时,对阳春药市的可持续发展提出了意见和建议。  相似文献   



Research was carried out in Konta Special Woreda (District); it is a remote area with lack of infrastructure like road to make any research activities in the area. Therefore, this research was conducted to investigate medicinal plants of the Konta people and to document the local knowledge before environmental and cultural changes deplete the resources.


The information was collected between October 2006 and February 2007. Interview-based field study constituted the main data collection method in which the gathering, preparation, use, previous and current status and cultivation practices were systematically investigated. The abundance, taxonomic diversity and distribution of medicinal plants were studied using ecological approach.


A total of 120 species, grouped within 100 genera and 47 families that are used in traditional medical practices were identified and studied. The Fabaceae and Lamiaceae were the most commonly reported medicinal plants with 16 (13.3%) and 14 (12%) species, respectively. 25.4% of the total medicinal plants are collected from homegardens and the rest (74.6%) are collected from wild habitats. Of the total number of medicinal plants, 108 species (90%) were used to treat human ailments, 6 (5%) for livestock diseases and the remaining 6 (5%) were used to treat both human and livestock health problems. The major threats to medicinal plants reported include harvesting medicinal plants for firewood (24.8%) followed by fire (22.3%) and construction (19%). Of the four plant communities identified in the wild, more medicinal plant species (34) were found in community type-4 (Hyparrhenia cymbaria-Erythrina abyssinica community), which accounted for 61.8%.


Konta Special Woreda is an important area for medicinal plants and associated local knowledge; the natural vegetation being the most important reservoir for the majority of the medicinal plants. Environmental and cultural changes are in the process of threatening the resources and this signals the need for serious efforts to create public awareness so that measures are taken to conserve the medicinal plants in the natural ecosystems and other suitable environments.  相似文献   

药用植物淫羊藿资源可持续利用现状与展望   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
药用植物淫羊藿主要分布于我国, 在中药、功能性食品和园林观赏等领域具有重要用途。目前淫羊藿药材主要依靠野外采摘, 过度的采挖已经对淫羊藿野生资源造成严重威胁和破坏, 必须采取有效策略, 推进淫羊藿资源的保育和可持续利用。人工栽培、野生抚育与人工半抚育是保护淫羊藿野生资源的重要途径。此外还可采用植物代谢工程、细胞工程、组织培养与微生物发酵工程技术生产淫羊藿有效成分黄酮类化合物, 减少野生药材的采挖与消耗。全面调查不同种淫羊藿中药理活性成分的种类和含量以及提高有效成分的提取收率对于野生药材保护也具有一定的作用。对于一些珍稀濒危的淫羊藿种质资源, 还应采取必要的行政监管手段加以保护。  相似文献   



The Caatinga (dry land vegetation) is one of the most characteristic vegetation types in northeastern Brazil. It occupies a large percentage of the semi-arid region there, and generally supports two major types of economic activity: seasonal agriculture and the harvesting of plant products. However, very little information is available concerning the interaction of people with the plants of the Caatinga.


A study was undertaken with the participation of 31 adults from a rural community in the state of Pernambuco, Brazil, in order to analyze the patterns of use of medicinal plant resources, and to test a number of hypotheses concerning their use and local knowledge about them. The sources of medicinal plants used by the local community, the differences in oral information concerning the use of plants with their effective uses, and the role of exotic plants in local folk medicine practices were examined.


Forty-eight plant species were cited as having medicinal uses, of which 56.25% are native to the Caatinga region. The patterns of harvesting and the importance of these trees and shrubs as medicinal plants seem to be compatible with a hypothesis based on the seasonal availability of plant resources. There is no direct correlation between known medicinal plants and those used by the local population, which agrees with observations made in different tropical regions. However, this observation was not interpreted in terms of the idea of "erosion" of knowledge (commonly used to explain this lack of correlation), but rather to propose two new concepts: "mass knowledge" and "stock knowledge".


Native plants are a very significant component of locally used medicinal plants, although exotic plants are important for treating specific health problems – which leads the proposal of a hypothesis of diversification.  相似文献   



The trade of plant roots as traditional medicine is an important source of income for many people around the world. Destructive harvesting practices threaten the existence of some plant species. Harvesters of medicinal roots identify the collected species according to their own folk taxonomies, but once the dried or powdered roots enter the chain of commercialization, accurate identification becomes more challenging.


A survey of morphological diversity among four root products traded in the medina of Marrakech was conducted. Fifty-one root samples were selected for molecular identification using DNA barcoding using three markers, trnH-psbA, rpoC1, and ITS. Sequences were searched using BLAST against a tailored reference database of Moroccan medicinal plants and their closest relatives submitted to NCBI GenBank.

Principal Findings

Combining psbA-trnH, rpoC1, and ITS allowed the majority of the market samples to be identified to species level. Few of the species level barcoding identifications matched the scientific names given in the literature, including the most authoritative and widely cited pharmacopeia.


The four root complexes selected from the medicinal plant products traded in Marrakech all comprise more than one species, but not those previously asserted. The findings have major implications for the monitoring of trade in endangered plant species as morphology-based species identifications alone may not be accurate. As a result, trade in certain species may be overestimated, whereas the commercialization of other species may not be recorded at all.  相似文献   

湘西地区祛风除湿的医药传统知识历史悠久,但相关药用植物的资源本底和传统知识现状还不够清楚。该文基于民族植物学调查方法,对湘西地区祛风除湿药用植物的组成、相关传统知识、定量评价、实际估价和在《湖南省中药材标准》(2009年版)收录情况等方面进行了系统梳理,并就该类资源的可持续利用提出了相关建议。结果表明:(1)湘西地区目前利用的祛风除湿药用植物共有48科65属71种,以毛茛科(Ranunculaceae)和五加科(Araliaceae)居多。(2)根、全株、茎(藤)为主要利用部位。(3)生活型主要是草本、藤本和灌木,乔木较少。(4)与药用植物相关的传统知识在代际传播方面存在不确定性。(5)寻骨风(Aristolochia mollissima)、威灵仙(Clematis chinensis)和广防风(Anisomeles indica)显示出最高的知识一致性水平,是本次调查中3种最常用的祛风除湿药用植物。(6)当地药用植物的本地价格受市场影响较小,总体维持在较为平稳的水平,且缺乏对药材消费需求的了解。(7)有25种祛风除湿药用植物在《湖南省中药材标准》(2009年版)收录的功能与主治为祛风除湿、关节痹痛、风湿等。随着现阶段我国资源立法的不断完善,建议对湘西地区祛风除湿药用植物相关传统知识加强保护,提高该类资源的生物多样性和可持续利用水平; 并充分利用多学科交叉知识和技术手段,加强区域内传统医药资源的发掘和创新,使湘西丰富的药用植物资源更好地为人类健康做出贡献。  相似文献   

The use of wild plant resources as a source of basic needs is an important aspect of multiple-use of land in much of Africa, ranging from vegetation with a low species diversity, high biomass production and resilience to harvesting (e.g.Phragmites reedbeds,Cymbopogon grasslands) through to vegetation with a high diversity of species (and plant life-forms), with a multiple of uses and often low resilience to resource harvesting (e.g. medicinal plants, pole cutting, fuelwood from Afro-montane forest). Complexity and costs of managing sustainable use of wild populations increase markedly with an increasing number of uses and resource users. It is suggested that if the primary objective of core conservation areas is accepted to be the maintenance of habitat and species diversity, then the limited money and manpower available for management of core conservation areas in southern Africa limits sustainable harvesting use of plant resources to low diversity, low conservation priority vegetation types or encroaching species. For high diversity, high conservation priority sites such as Afro-montane or Coastal evergreen forest, the emphasis must be on providing alternative sources of supply to resource users outside of core areas. Botanical gardens staff, with their horticultural experience, can play a very important role through bulking up material for supply to small farmers, herbalists and introducing additional species for agro-forestry. Botanical gardens can play a greater role in the establishment of field gene banks andex situ conservation of vulnerable species. They can also provide a valuable educational and research role on mass production techniques to boost local stocks of threatened and commercially valuable species for cultivation by local people, whether farmers or specialist users (e.g. herbalists) in the country of origin as a means of generating employment and restoring local self-sufficiency.  相似文献   

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