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将已构建好的含有人多药耐药(muhidrug resistance,MDR)全长基因的真核表达质粒pCI-neo-mdrl,应用脂质体导入人肝癌HepG2细胞,应用C418筛选出人肝癌多药耐药细胞株HepG2/mdrl.通过对HepG2/mdrl细胞形态学的观察和生物学特性的研究,成功地建立了高效、稳定的HepG2/mdrl细胞系;为深入研究肝癌的MDR及其逆转提供了理想的细胞模型,并为探索建立肝癌MDR细胞株提供新的方法和思路,同时为研究肝癌细胞胰岛素抵抗与MDR的关系提供了模型细胞.  相似文献   

多药耐药(multidrug resistance,MDR)是导致化疗失败的重要原因,多药耐药基因(multidrug resistance gene,mdr1)产物P-糖蛋白(P-glycoprotein,P-gp)过表达是最主要的耐药机制。原癌基因c-fos在肿瘤MDR中的作用渐受重视。主要选用人乳腺癌敏感株MCF-7和阿霉素(adriamycin,ADR)筛选的、mdr1/P-gp高表达的耐药株MCF-7/ADR,探讨c-fos在P-gp介导的乳腺癌MDR中的作用。相对于MCF-7,c-fos在MCF-7/ADR高表达。采用shRNA法下调c-fos表达后,MCF-7/ADR对ADR的敏感性大大增强,且mdr1/P-gp表达减少、P-gp外排功能降低。c-fos表达下调可逆转对P-gp介导的乳腺癌MDR的实验结果,为c-fos成为逆转肿瘤耐药诊断和治疗的新靶标,对实现耐药乳腺癌的分子靶向治疗提供了理论基础。  相似文献   

华萝藦化学成分的分离鉴定及其逆转P-糖蛋白(P-glycoprotein,Pgp)过表达肿瘤细胞多药耐药(multidrug resistance,MDR)的活性筛选。华萝藦地上部分粗粉经乙醇回流提取并制成石油醚、乙酸乙酯和正丁醇可溶部位,取正丁醇部位经正相、反相硅胶柱层析分离化学成分,采用NMR和MS等波谱学技术鉴定化合物结构,运用Pgp过表达的人宫颈癌细胞He La/Tax、肝癌细胞株HepG2/Dox、白血病细胞株K562/Dox和口腔上皮癌细胞株KB V1为模型,评价其逆转细胞对Pgp转运底物类抗肿瘤药物长春碱、多柔比星和紫杉醇耐药的作用。结果显示,华萝藦正丁醇部位中首次鉴定出具有通光散苷元乙母核结构类型的4个酯类化合物Tenacissoside H(1)、Marsdenoside B(2)、Tenacissoside A(3)和Marsdenoside H(4);化合物1和2在5μM的无细胞毒浓度下能显著逆转MDR细胞对长春碱、多柔比星和紫杉醇的耐药,化合物3和4在相同浓度下无此作用或作用较弱。本文首次报道了华萝藦中的C_(21)甾体酯类化合物具有逆转Pgp过表达肿瘤细胞MDR的作用。  相似文献   

高水平的多药耐药性(multidrug resistance,MDR)基因在肿瘤细胞中过量表达是肿瘤细胞耐药的内在原因,是导致肿瘤化疗失败的主要原素。寻求一种抑制MDR活性的抑制剂是提升抗肿瘤药物药效的重要途径。本研究采用低浓度持续诱导方法建立人乳腺癌细胞(MCF-7)耐药细胞系,结果显示,阿霉素(ADM)、紫杉醇和顺铂对MCF-7耐药细胞系有交叉耐药性,耐药指数(resistance index,RI)分别为5.11、3.55和1.79。菌株对肿瘤细胞的逆转活性筛选表明,红棕毛筒腔菌Tubeufia rubra PF02-2和河池毛筒腔菌T. hechiensis XSL05具有逆转肿瘤细胞多药耐药性为敏感性的活性,逆转倍数(reversion fold,RF)分别为3.79和1.07。结果表明,T. rubraT. hechiensis具有开发为MDR逆转剂的潜能。  相似文献   

目的探讨转多药耐药基因mdr1的K562/MDR细胞株作为单机制耐药模型的可行性,为进一步研究肿瘤耐药及其逆转奠定基础。方法实验分为3部分:(1)在电子显微镜下观察慢性髓细胞白血病急性红白变敏感细胞系K562,阿霉素(adriamycin,ADM)诱导耐药细胞株K562/ADM和K562/MDR耐药细胞株的生物学行为;同时测定3种细胞系的群体倍增时间;以观察药物诱导和基因转移是否对细胞的生物学行为造成影响。(2)以K562细胞为对照,用MTT法分别测定阿霉素、柔红霉素(daunorubicin,DNR)、长春新碱(vincristine,VCR)对3种细胞的半数致死量(IC50)。(3)多药耐药相关基因与蛋白的检测。免疫细胞化学法观察mdr1基因编码的P-糖蛋白(P-gp)的表达;流式细胞术检测P-gp、bcl-2的表达百分率;生化法测定细胞内谷胱甘肽S-转移酶(GSTs)活性;RT-PCR法检测拓扑异构酶(to-poisomeraseⅡ,topoⅡ)mRNA的表达变化。结果(1)在超微结构上,K562/ADM的细胞器—线粒体出现水肿,K562和K562/MDR未见明显异常;K562的群体倍增时间为19.67±3.10d;K562/MDR为20.40±1.80d;K562/ADM为28.47±1.75d;(2)K562/ADM和K562/MDR细胞对ADM的耐药倍数分别为23.1和1.2倍;对DNR为84.9和14.4倍;对VCR为298.3和10.1倍。(3)与K562比较,K562/ADM细胞的P-gp和Bcl-2蛋白表达率高且topoⅡcDNA片段大小发生变化;K562/MDR仅P-gp表达率高。结论K562/MDR的生物学行为与亲本细胞K562相似,耐药机制单一,可作为单机制耐药模型,对某一耐药基因进行更为深入精确的研究,也可针对该耐药基因准确地筛选相应的逆转剂。  相似文献   

目的:测定中药β-榄香烯乳剂对MCF-7/ADM细胞的无毒剂量,并检测此无毒剂量是否有逆转MCF-7/ADM细胞对化疗药物阿霉素(ADM)的多药耐药(multidrug resistance,MDR)性。方法:采用四甲基偶氮唑蓝(MTT)法测定药物的细胞毒性及耐药细胞逆转倍数;荧光分光光度法测定细胞内药物浓度。结果:无毒剂量的β-榄香烯乳剂(6μg/ml)能显著降低化疗药物ADM对乳腺癌耐药细胞株MCF-7/ADM细胞的IC50,明显增加耐药细胞内药物浓度。结论:初步研究表明β-榄香烯乳剂具有逆转MCF-7/ADM细胞MDR的作用。  相似文献   

肿瘤细胞多药耐药性(multidrug resistance,MDR)的产生是临床上导致肿瘤化疗失败的主要原因之一,因此寻找高效低毒的MDR逆转剂已成为肿瘤药物开发领域的热点。MDR的作用机制主要包括P-糖蛋白、多药耐药相关蛋白、乳腺癌耐药蛋白、肺耐药相关蛋白等等。多药耐药逆转剂包括钙离子通道阻滞剂、维拉帕米及其衍生物等等。本文主要介绍了MDR的作用机制以及肿瘤多药耐药逆转剂的研究进展。  相似文献   

目的:野生型PA28γ和核定位序列突变的PA28γ真核表达质粒并检测其在人肝癌细胞株HepG2中的表达,为进一步研究PA28γ的功能提供实验基础。方法:采用RT-PCR法从293T细胞中克隆得到PA28γ cDNA开放阅读框全长序列,并将该片段亚克隆到pMD-18T载体中,在该载体中利用定点突变获得核定位序列缺失的克隆。分别将野生型(WT)和突变型(MT)PA28γ克隆克隆到真核表达载体pDsRed1-C3中,脂质体法转染293T细胞确定两种克隆的细胞定位。再将野生型和突变型PA28γ分别克隆到真核表达载体pcDNA3.1(-)Flag中,构建好的真核表达质粒采用脂质体法转染人肝癌细胞株HepG2,经G418筛选、Western Blot鉴定后,获得分别高表达野生型PA28γWT和PA28γMT的HepG2细胞系。结果:双酶切及DNA测序结果表明,成功克隆和构建了含PA28γWT和PA28γMT的pDsRed1-C3和pcDNA3.1(-)Flag重组质粒;荧光显微镜观察证实在293T细胞中pDsRed1-C3/PA28γWT定位在胞核中而pDsRed1-C3/PA28γMT定位在胞浆中;Western Blot检测HepG2/ pcDNA3.1(-)Flag/PA28γWT和HepG2/ pcDNA3.1(-)Flag/PA28γMT,证实所筛选的HepG2细胞高表达相应目标蛋白。结论:成功构建了高表达野生型PA28γ和胞浆定位PA28γ的HepG2细胞系,为进一步研究人类PA28γ基因的功能奠定了基础。  相似文献   

肿瘤的多药耐药性(multidrug resistance,MDR)是导致化疗失败的主要原因,因此寻找高效低毒的MDR逆转剂已成为肿瘤药物开发领域的热点。P-糖蛋白是引起多药耐药性产生的重要因素之一,也是目前肿瘤多药耐药逆转剂最重要的药物靶点。本文介绍了P-糖蛋白的结构、功能和作用机制,以及以P-糖蛋白为靶标的肿瘤多药耐药逆转剂的开发现状。  相似文献   

目的建立p100表达抑制的HepG2肝癌细胞稳定株,并初步探讨p100在HepG2肝癌细胞中的功能。方法用脂质体将含有真核细胞筛选标记Neo和GFP的p100 shRNA表达质粒转染入HepG2细胞。经G418耐药筛选稳定整合抗药基因的细胞单克隆;荧光镜检GFP阳性细胞单克隆,挑取单克隆;Western检测HepG2细胞稳定株HepG2(p100I)中p100表达的抑制效果;平板细胞克隆形成实验检测细胞克隆形成能力;MTS法检测细胞存活;划痕实验检测细胞迁移能力。结果成功获得了p100表达抑制的HepG2肝癌细胞稳定株HepG2(p100I),其中p100的表达明显降低。并且实验表明,该p100表达抑制稳定株的克隆形成能力,抵抗化疗药物Cisplatin诱导的细胞死亡的能力和迁移能力明显低于对照组细胞。结论p100表达抑制的HepG2肝癌细胞稳定株的建立为研究p100蛋白在肝癌中的作用提供了体外细胞系模型,基于此稳定株的研究,发现p100能够影响HepG2肝癌细胞的多种细胞功能。  相似文献   

The human multidrug resistance gene MDR1 encodes a membrane-bound protein, referred to as P-glycoprotein, that acts as a pump to extrude toxins from cells. The 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of the human MDR1 mRNA is very AU-rich (70%) and contains AU-rich sequences similar to those shown to confer rapid decay on c-myc, c-fos, and lymphokine mRNAs. We tested the ability of the MDR1 3'UTR to act as an mRNA destabilizing element in the human hepatoma cell line HepG2. The MDR1 mRNA has an intermediate half-life of 8 h in HepG2 cells compared to a half-life of 30 min for c-myc mRNA. The MDR1 mRNA half-life was prolonged to >20 h upon treatment with the protein synthesis inhibitor cycloheximide. We constructed expression vectors containing the human beta-globin coding region with the 3'UTR from either MDR1 or c-myc. The c-myc 3'UTR increased the decay of the chimeric mRNA, but the MDR1 3'UTR had no effect. We tested the ability of MDR1 3'UTR sequences to compete for interaction with AU-binding proteins in cell extracts; MDR1 RNA probes had a fivefold lower affinity for AU-binding proteins that interact with the c-myc AU-rich 3'UTR. Overall, our data suggest that the MDR1 3'UTR does not behave as an active destabilizing element in HepG2 cells.  相似文献   

Overexpression of P-glycoprotein (P-gp), the mdr1 gene product, confers multidrug resistance (MDR) to tumor cells and often limits the efficacy of chemotherapy. This study evaluated RNAi for specific silencing of the mdr1 gene and reversion of multidrug resistance. Three different short hairpin RNAs (shRNAs) were designed and constructed in a pSilencer 3.1-H1 neo plasmid. The shRNA recombinant plasmids were transfected into HT9 leukemia cells. The RNAi effect was evaluated by real-time PCR, Western blotting and cell cytotoxicity assay. In the cell, shRNAs can specifically down-regulate the expression of mdr1, mRNA and P-gp. Resistance against harringtonine, doxorubicin and curcumin was decreased. The study indicated that shRNA recombinant plasmids could modulate MDR in vitro.  相似文献   

An adriamycin-resistant human colonic cancer cell line was characterized. This clone exhibits the classical multidrug resistance (MDR) phenotype, being cross-resistant to hydrophobic drugs such as colchicine, and vinblastine. In contrast, this clone shows a normal response to DNA-damaging agents. The appearance of MDR in these cells was linked to a decreased accumulation of the drug [3H]colchicine as compared to the drug-sensitive cells. This MDR line expressed 80-100 fold increased levels of the specific 4.5-kb mdr mRNA, and a gene amplification. Our results indicate that MDR in human colonic cancer cells can result from increased expression of at least one member of the mdr gene family.  相似文献   

The ability of cells to acquire resistance to multiple pharmaceuticals, namely multidrug resistance (MDR), is often mediated by the over-expression of efflux transporters of the ATP-binding cassette (ABC) superfamily; for example P-glycoprotein (P-gp or MDR1), breast cancer resistance protein (BCRP or ABCG2), and multidrug resistance-associated protein MRP1. ABCs pump drug molecules out of cells against a concentration gradient, reducing their intracellular concentration. The ability of polymeric amphiphiles to inhibit ABCs as well as the cellular pathways involved in the inhibition has been extensively investigated. This work investigated for the first time the effect of branched poly(ethylene oxide)-poly(propylene oxide) block copolymers (poloxamines) on the levels of mRNA encoding for MDR1, BCRP and MRP1, in a human hepatoma cell line (Huh7). Copolymers with a broad range of molecular weights and hydrophilic-lipophilic balances were assayed. Results confirmed the down-regulation of mdr1 and abcg2 genes. Conversely, the mrp1 gene was not affected. These findings further support the versatility of these temperature- and pH-responsive copolymers to overcome drug resistance in cancer and infectious diseases.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to examine effects of interleukin-6 (IL-6) on the expression and activity of the drug resistance transporters (MDR1 and MRP) in human hepatoma cell lines. Expression and activity of MDR1 and MRP transporters were examined in IL-6-treated and control HuH 7 and HepG2 cells using semi-quantitative RT-PCR analysis and by rhodamine 123 and 5-carboxyfluorescin efflux assays. Results from RT-PCR demonstrated expression of MRP3, MRP6, and MDR1 in HuH 7 cells and expression of MRP1, MRP2, MRP3, MRP6, and MDR1 in HepG2 cells. Compared with controls, treatment of HuH 7 cells with IL-6 (10 ng/mL, 24 h) resulted in a 1.8-fold increase in MRP-mediated efflux of 5-CF with a corresponding 1.5-fold induction of MRP3 mRNA levels (p < 0.05). Similarly, in HepG2 cells, a 2-fold increase in MRP functional activity and a 1.8-fold induction of MRP1 mRNA levels were seen in the IL-6 treated cells (p < 0.05). Treatment of cells with IL-6 was also found to cause significant reductions in the expression and activity of MDR1 in HuH 7 cells, but not in HepG2 cells. Our data suggest that IL-6 induces MRP expression and activity in human hepatoma cell lines. Suppressive effects of IL-6 on MDR1 expression and activity were also observed in HuH 7 cells. This underscores the importance of examining the regulation of multiple drug resistance proteins as these proteins may have opposing regulatory mechanisms in malignant cells.  相似文献   

Mouse NIH 3T3 cells were transformed to multidrug resistance with high-molecular-weight DNA from multidrug-resistant human KB carcinoma cells. The patterns of cross resistance to colchicine, vinblastine, and doxorubicin hydrochloride (Adriamycin; Adria Laboratories Inc.) of the human donor cell line and mouse recipients were similar. The multidrug-resistant human donor cell line contains amplified sequences of the mdr1 gene which are expressed at high levels. Both primary and secondary NIH 3T3 transformants contained and expressed these amplified human mdr1 sequences. Amplification and expression of the human mdr1 sequences and amplification of cotransferred human Alu sequences in the mouse cells correlated with the degree of multidrug resistance. These data suggest that the mdr1 gene is likely to be responsible for multidrug resistance in cultured cells.  相似文献   

C C Chao  C M Ma  S Lin-Chao 《FEBS letters》1991,291(2):214-218
The human P-glycoprotein gene family contains the mdr1 and the mdr3 gene. The mdr1 P-glycoprotein is over-expressed in multidrug resistant (MDR) tumor cells and is believed to play a role in the elimination of certain cytotoxic drugs used in the chemotherapy of cancer. The mdr3 gene has not been found to be amplified or over-expressed in MDR cells. In this study, gene-specific mdr gene probes were developed for the detection of the gene and the total mRNA level. Southern and Northern hybridization analyses showed that the mdr genes and the mRNA levels were increased 30--40-fold in a MDR human colon cancer cell line. In addition, this MDR cell line had an altered growth rate and morphology and detectable double minute chromosomes.  相似文献   

One of the underlying mechanisms of multidrug resistance (MDR) is cellular overproduction of P-glycoprotein (P-gp), which acts as an efflux pump for various anti-cancer drugs. P-gp is encoded by a group of related genes termed MDR; only MDR1 is known to confer the drug resistance, and its overexpression in cancer cells has been a therapeutic target to circumvent the resistance. To overcome P-gp-mediated drug resistance, we have developed six anti-MDR1 hammerhead ribozymes and delivered them to P-gp-overproducing human leukemia cell line by a retroviral vector containing RNA polymerase III promoter. These ribozyme-transduced cells became vincristine-sensitive, concomitant with the decreases in MDR1 expression, P-gp amount and efflux pump function. Among the ribozymes tested, the anti-MDR1 ribozyme against the translation-initiation site exhibited the highest efficacy. The retrovirus-mediated transfer of this most potent anti-MDR1 ribozyme into a human lymphoma cell line, which was made resistant by infection of pHaMDR1/A retroviral vector and thus possessed a low degree of MDR due to P-gp expression relevant to clinical MDR, resulted in a complete reversal of MDR phenotype. In addition to retrovirus-mediated transfer of ribozymes, we evaluated the efficacy of cationic liposome-mediated transfer of ribozyme. Treatment of a P-gp-producing human breast cancer cell line with the liposome-ribozyme complex resulted in reversal of resistance, concomitant with the decreases in both MDR1 expression and P-gp amount. Confocal microscopic imaging of the cells after treatment with liposome/FITC-dextran showed cytoplasmic fluorescence that was abolished by cytochalasin B, indicating a high endocytotic activity in these cells. The endocytotic activity was well correlated with the success of cationic liposome-mediated transfer of MDR1 ribozyme. These distinct approaches using either retrovirus- or liposome-mediated transfer of anti-MDR1 ribozyme may be selectively applicable to the treatment of MDR cells with different properties such as endocytotic activity as a specific means to reverse resistance.  相似文献   

The membrane P-glycoprotein (P170) is an ATP-hydrolyzing transmembrane pump, and elevated levels of P170, due to higher expression with or without amplification of the multidrug resistance gene (mdr1), result in resistance to a variety of chemotherapeutic agents in mammalian cells. The function of the P170 pump has been proposed as a protection against toxic substances present in animal diets. Here we describe a Chinese hamster ovary cell line that was selected for resistance to a synthetic tripeptide, N-acetyl-leucyl-leucyl-norleucinal (ALLN). This ALLN-resistant variant shows the classical multidrug resistance (MDR) phenotype, including overexpression and amplification of the mdr1 gene. Additionally, a mouse embryo cell line overexpressing the transfected mdr1 gene is likewise resistant to ALLN. Our results demonstrate that P170 is capable of transporting peptides and raise the possibility that the mdr1 gene product or other MDR-like genes, present in the genome of mammalian cells, may be involved in secretion of peptides or cellular proteins as is the case with the structurally similar hylB and ste6 gene products of Escherichia coli and yeast, respectively.  相似文献   

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