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Cytokinin is an adenine derivative plant hormone that generally regulates plant cell division and differentiation in conjunction with auxin. We report that a major cue for the negative regulation of sulfur acquisition is executed by cytokinin response 1 (CRE1)/wooden leg (WOL)/Arabidopsis histidine kinase 4 (AHK4) cytokinin receptor in Arabidopsis root. We constructed a green fluorescent protein (GFP) reporter system that generally displays the expression of the high-affinity sulfate transporter SULTR1;2 in Arabidopsis roots. GFP under the control of SULTR1;2 promoter showed typical sulfur responses that correlate with the changes in SULTR1;2 mRNA levels; accumulation of GFP was induced by sulfur limitation (-S), but was repressed in the presence of reduced sulfur compounds. Among the plant hormones tested, cytokinin significantly downregulated the expression of SULTR1;2. SULTR1;1 conducting sulfate uptake in sultr1;2 mutant was similarly downregulated by cytokinin. Downregulation of SULTR1;1 and SULTR1;2 by cytokinin correlated with the decrease in sulfate uptake activities in roots. The effect of cytokinin on sulfate uptake was moderated in the cre1-1 mutant, providing genetic evidence for involvement of CRE1/WOL/AHK4 in the negative regulation of high-affinity sulfate transporters. These data demonstrated the physiological importance of the cytokinin-dependent regulatory pathway in acquisition of sulfate in roots. Our results suggested that two different modes of regulation, represented as the -S induction and the cytokinin-dependent repression of sulfate transporters, independently control the uptake of sulfate in Arabidopsis roots.  相似文献   

To investigate the uptake and long-distance translocation of sulphate in plants, we have characterized three cell-type-specific sulphate transporters, Sultr1;1, Sultr2;1 and Sultr2;2 in Arabidopsis thaliana. Heterologous expression in the yeast sulphate transporter mutant indicated that Sultr1;1 encodes a high-affinity sulphate transporter (Km for sulphate 3.6 +/- 0.6 microM), whereas Sultr2;1 and Sultr2;2 encode low-affinity sulphate transporters (Km for sulphate 0.41 +/- 0.07 mM and >/= 1.2 mM, respectively). In Arabidopsis plants expressing the fusion gene construct of the Sultr1;1 promoter and green fluorescent protein (GFP), GFP was localized in the lateral root cap, root hairs, epidermis and cortex of roots. beta-glucuronidase (GUS) expressed with the Sultr2;1 promoter was specifically accumulated in the xylem parenchyma cells of roots and leaves, and in the root pericycles and leaf phloem. Expression of the Sultr2;2 promoter-GFP fusion gene showed specific localization of GFP in the root phloem and leaf vascular bundle sheath cells. Plants continuously grown with low sulphate concentrations accumulated high levels of Sultr1;1 and Sultr2;1 mRNA in roots and Sultr2;2 mRNA in leaves. The abundance of Sultr1;1 and Sultr2;1 mRNA was increased remarkably in roots by short-term stress caused by withdrawal of sulphate. Addition of selenate in the sulphate-sufficient medium increased the sulphate uptake capacity, tissue sulphate content and the abundance of Sultr1;1 and Sultr2;1 mRNA in roots. Concomitant decrease of the tissue thiol content after selenate treatment was consistent with the suggested role of glutathione (GSH) as a repressive effector for the expression of sulphate transporter genes.  相似文献   

The uptake and distribution of sulfate in BRASSICA OLERACEA, a species characterised by its high sulfate content in root and shoot, are coordinated and adjusted to the sulfur requirement for growth, even at external sulfate concentrations close to the K (m) value of the high-affinity sulfate transporters. Plants were able to grow normally and maintain a high sulfur content when grown at 5 or 10 microM sulfate in the root environment. Abundance of mRNAs for the high affinity sulfate transporters, BolSultr1;1 and BolSultr1;2, were enhanced at 相似文献   

SULTR1;1 high-affinity sulfate transporter is highly regulated in the epidermis and cortex of Arabidopsis roots responding to sulfur deficiency (-S). We identified a novel cis-acting element involved in the -S-inducible expression of sulfur-responsive genes in Arabidopsis. The promoter region of SULTR1;1 was dissected for deletion and gain-of-function analysis using luciferase (LUC) reporter gene in transgenic Arabidopsis. The 16-bp sulfur-responsive element (SURE) from -2777 to -2762 of SULTR1;1 promoter was sufficient and necessary for the -S-responsive expression, which was reversed when supplied with cysteine and glutathione (GSH). The SURE sequence contained an auxin response factor (ARF) binding sequence (GAGACA). However, SURE was not responsive to naphthalene acetic acid, indicating its specific function in the sulfur response. The base substitution analysis indicated the significance of a 5-bp sequence (GAGAC) within the conserved ARF binding site as a core element for the -S response. Microarray analysis of early -S response in Arabidopsis roots indicated the presence of SURE core sequences in the promoter regions of -S-inducible genes on a full genome GeneChip array. It is suggested that SURE core sequences may commonly regulate the expression of a gene set required for adaptation to the -S environment.  相似文献   

The completion of the Arabidopsis thaliana genome has revealed that there are nine members of the Pht1 family of phosphate transporters in this species. As a step towards identifying the role of this gene family in phosphorus nutrition, we have isolated the promoter regions from each of these genes, and fused them to the reporter genes beta-glucuronidase and/or green fluorescent protein. These chimeric genes have been introduced into A. thaliana, and reporter gene expression has been assayed in plants grown in soil containing high and low concentrations of inorganic phosphate (Pi). Four of these promoters were found to direct reporter gene expression in the root epidermis, and were induced under conditions of phosphate deprivation in a manner similar to previously characterised Pht1 genes. Other members of this family, however, showed expression in a range of shoot tissues and in pollen grains, which was confirmed by RT-PCR. We also provide evidence that the root epidermally expressed genes are expressed most strongly in trichoblasts, the primary sites for uptake of Pi. These results suggest that this gene family plays a wider role in phosphate uptake and remobilisation throughout the plant than was previously believed.  相似文献   

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