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目的探讨组蛋白去乙酰化酶8抑制剂PCI-34051对慢性哮喘小鼠气道炎症、气道重塑和气道高反应的治疗作用。方法 BALB/C小鼠分为正常组、哮喘组、地塞米松组和PCI-34051组。测定气道阻力,BALF细胞计数和分类计数,ELISA检测IL-4、IL-5、TGF-β1和IFN-γ。HE染色观察气道炎症,AB-PAS和Masson染色测定气道重塑。Western blot测定α-SMA和TGF-β1表达。结果与哮喘组比,地塞米松组和PCI-34051组气道阻力降低,BALF中炎性细胞总数和嗜酸性粒细胞减少,IL-4、IL-5、TGF-β1表达下降。地塞米松组和PCI-34051组HE染色气道周围炎症减轻,气道平滑肌增厚减弱;AB-PAS染色杯状细胞化生减轻;Masson染色面积减少。Western blot发现地塞米松组和PCI-34051组TGF-β1表达下降,但α-SMA降低不明显。结论 PCI-34051能够缓解慢性哮喘气道炎症、气道高反应和气道重塑。  相似文献   

目的:探讨平喘固本合剂对昆系小鼠急性哮喘模型气道炎症作用影响及相关机制。方法:昆明系小鼠40只,随机分为对照组(A),哮喘模型组(B),喘固本合剂治疗组(C),布地奈德雾化治疗组(D)及平喘固本合剂联合布地奈德雾化治疗组(E)。用鸡卵蛋白(OVA)致敏建立昆系小鼠哮喘急性气道炎症模型,并给与药物治疗10天。对各组支气管肺泡灌洗液(BALF)中各种细胞进行分类并计数,观察肺组织的病理变化,同时应用ELISA法测定灌洗液中炎症相关因子的水平变化。结果:与B组比较,C组、D组、E组BALF中细胞总数、嗜酸性粒细胞数、巨噬细胞数及IL-4、IL-4/IFN-γ明显降低(P<0.05),IFN-γ明显升高(P<0.05)。对于IL-4、IL-4/IFN-γ水平的比较C组与D组无明显统计学差异,E组与两者具有明显统计学意义(P<0.05)。HE染色显示C组、D组、E组较单纯模型组炎症细胞浸润,平滑肌肥厚及黏膜肺组织水肿等炎症表现明显减轻。结论:平喘固本合剂对哮喘昆系小鼠气道炎症有明显的抑制作用,其作用机制可能与抑制IL-4的表达、炎性细胞聚积及促进IFN-γ的表达有关,并且可能与糖皮质激素有一定协同作用。  相似文献   

目的:探讨医院制剂益肾平喘合剂防治小鼠支气管哮喘的作用机制。方法:采用卵白蛋白(OVA)腹腔注射致敏与雾化吸入激发制作哮喘模型,观察益肾平喘合剂对小鼠支气管的气道炎症、BALF上清液相关细胞因子(IFN-γ,IL-4)和血浆氧自由基的影响。结果:益肾平喘合剂的干预治疗能显著降低哮喘小鼠BALF中炎性细胞总数及EOS数量;BALF上清液中IFN-γ水平明显升高,IL-4水平显著下降;降低血浆中MDA含量,使得GPx、SOD的含量趋于正常。结论:益肾平喘合剂可能通过抑制气道炎症,调整Th1/Th2型细胞因子平衡,清除体内过多的氧自由基,从而起到防治哮喘的作用。  相似文献   

目的:观察布地奈德(Bud)对哮喘大鼠嗜酸细胞(EOS)在气道局部浸润的影响。方法:复制哮喘大鼠模型,分为正常组(C组)、哮喘组(A组)和Bud组(B组),用免疫组化检测肺组织NF-κBp65及Eotaxin活性;细胞分类计数法检测支气管肺泡灌洗液中的EOS。结果:A组肺组织NF-κBp65表达量均显著高于C组;B组肺组织NF-κBp65的表达均显著低于A组;B组BALF中EOS的绝对计数和百分比均低于A组;光镜下观察B组气道炎症较A组显著减轻。结论:Bud能抑制EOS在气道局部的浸润,减轻气道炎症。其机制可能与抑制哮喘大鼠肺组织NF-κB的活性从而减少Eotaxin的转录合成有关。  相似文献   

摘要 目的:通过观测各组慢性哮喘大鼠Notch信号通路相关因子Notch2、Jagged1、HES-1的变化,以及肺组织气道重塑的改善状况,探讨平喘颗粒在哮喘的治疗方面所发挥的作用机制。方法:按随机法将60只大鼠均分至空白组、模型组、地塞米松组、平喘颗粒组中。除空白组外,剩余的3组大鼠经卵蛋白+氢氧化铝致敏,复制慢性哮喘大鼠模型,空白组用生理盐水代替致敏液。造模前各组予相应的药物灌胃处理。6周后造模完成,处死大鼠并取其肺组织进行HE染色,在光镜下观察病理变化。使用Real-time PCR法检测Notch2、Jagged1 mRNA,Western blot法检测HES-1蛋白的表达程度。结果:与空白组相比,其余各组肺组织均可观察到明显气道重塑改变,Notch2、Jagged1 mRNA及HES-1蛋白表达明显上升(P<0.05);与模型组相比,平喘颗粒和地塞米松可缓解气道重塑,各因子表达情况显著下降(P<0.05),两组间比较则无明显差异(P>0.05)。结论:Notch2、Jagged1、HES-1表达程度与气道重塑呈正相关,平喘颗粒通过降低Notch2、Jagged1、HES-1表达改善气道重塑,可能是其防治哮喘发生发展的机制。  相似文献   

目的:研究牛膝多糖(ABPS)对支气管哮喘大鼠支气管信号转导子和转录激活子6(STAT6)及其mRNA表达的影响。方法:雄性SD大鼠30只随机分为正常对照组、哮喘组和哮喘+牛膝多糖组(ABPS组)。留取支气管肺泡灌洗液(BALF)进行细胞总数、嗜酸性粒细胞(E0s)和分类计数;并测定BALF和血清中白细胞介素4(IL-4)浓度;采用免疫组化法和原位杂交法分别检测STAT6蛋白和STAT6 mRNA的表达。结果:①哮喘组BALF中细胞总数、EOS绝对值和EOS占细胞总数的百分比(EOS%)均高于对照组(P〈0.01),ABPS组上述指标均低于哮喘组(P〈0.01);②BALF和血清中IL-4浓度哮喘组均高于对照组(均为P〈0.01),ABPs组均低于哮喘组(均为P〈0.01);③免疫组化和原位杂交显示,哮喘组支气管STAT6蛋白和STAT6 mRNA表达的平均吸光度(LD)均高于对照组,ABPS组则均低于哮喘组(均为P〈0.01),其主要表达细胞是上皮细胞。结论:哮喘大鼠支气管STAT6及其mRNA较强表达,上皮细胞是其主要表达细胞;牛膝多糖有抑制哮喘气道EOS性炎症的作用.下调STAT6及其mRNA表达,使IL-4合成减少可能为其重要作用机制。  相似文献   

目的:探讨豚鼠支气管哮喘模型中共激活因子相关的精氨酸甲基转移酶1(coactivator-associated arginine methyltransferase1,CARM1)和核因子-B(NF-B)在气道和肺组织的表达变化及地塞米松的干预作用。方法:36只白色雄性豚鼠随机分为正常对照组、哮喘组和地塞米松治疗组。卵清蛋白致敏并激发后采用间接免疫荧光法检测气道和肺组织中CARM1和NF-B(P65)的表达,探讨其在哮喘中可能的作用机制。结果:CARM1和NF-κB(P65)在对照组、哮喘组及地塞米松治疗组均有阳性表达,主要在支气管-终末细支气管上皮细胞和肺组织细胞胞核表达。CARM1和NF-κB(P65)在哮喘组表达水平为([123.75±41.55)和(126.92±46.74)],在地塞米松治疗组表达水平为([84.33±27.70)和(85.00±29.22)],均高于对照组的([51.67±8.29)和(52.75±9.07)个/400倍视野],地塞米松治疗组表达较哮喘组低。结论:CARM1和NF-B(P65)在哮喘豚鼠气道上皮及肺组织细胞胞核高表达,提示CARM1可能通过增强募集NF-B到相关位点激活NF-B信号转导通路并启动了多种前炎性基因和免疫调节基因的转录激活、诱发哮喘炎症反应。地塞米松可下调CARM1和NF-κB的表达而抑制哮喘炎症反应。  相似文献   

目的:评估非变应性鼻炎(nonallergic rhinitis,NAR)患者全身、鼻腔及下气道嗜酸性粒细胞(Eosinophils,EOS)浸润水平及相关性。探讨EOS在NAR患者鼻腔及下气道的特征及意义。方法:2011年6月~2012年6月在我院就诊的NAR患者241例,同期征集健康对照组222例,所有受试者均进行病史采集、皮肤点刺实验(SPT)、血清嗜酸性粒细胞、鼻灌洗、诱导痰检查。结果:1NAR组和对照组相比鼻灌洗EOS计数、诱导痰EOS比例、血EOS比例均显著高于健康对照组(P均0.01)。2有鼻腔EOS炎症和无鼻腔EOS炎症层的诱导痰EOS百分比阳性率分别为34.7%vs 9.6%(P0.01)。3NAR组鼻灌洗EOS计数和诱导痰EOS比例存在明显相关性(r=0.262,P=0.000),鼻灌洗EOS计数和血EOS比例存在明显相关性(r=0.228,P=0.000),诱导痰EOS比例和血EOS比例存在明显相关性(r=0.291,P=0.000)。结论:NAR患者血液、鼻腔及下气道EOS浸润程度较正常对照组均明显升高,EOS在NAR患者血液、鼻腔及下气道炎症中存在明显一致性,提示NAR是一种全身系统性炎症性疾病;无下气道症状的NAR患者部分存在下气道EOS炎症,鼻腔及血液EOS炎症是导致下气道EOS炎症的主要高危因素。鼻灌洗EOS可能是观测NAR患者下气道炎症及对下气道炎症进行评估和追踪的有效指标。EOS可能是鼻炎、哮喘及血液炎症相关的效应细胞,是上下气道炎症有效生物标记物。  相似文献   

目的:研究XB130在哮喘小鼠气道高反应(airway hyperresponsiveness,AHR)和气道炎症中的作用。方法:36只C57小鼠分为4组:正常对照组(Control,CON)、哮喘组(Asthma,AS)、腺病毒载体组(Ad-vector+AS)和腺病毒过表达XB130组(Ad-XB130+AS)。采用卵白蛋白(ovalbumin,OVA)建立小鼠过敏性哮喘模型,后两组小鼠分别尾静脉注射Ad-vector和Ad-XB130。最后一次雾化吸入后24小时进行气道高反应试验,收集支气管灌洗液(bronchi alveolar lavage fluids,BALF)。采用RT-PCR和Western blotting方法检测XB130表达。ELISA法检测血清中OVA特异性Ig E的含量。直接计数法计算BALF中嗜酸性粒细胞(eosinophile granulocyte,EOS)数量。ELISA方法用于检测BALF和肺组织中IL-4、IL-5、IL-13和IFN-γ的分泌。结果:哮喘小鼠肺组织中XB130表达减少,过表达XB130其m RNA和蛋白表达水平显著升高。过表达XB130降低醋甲胆碱(methacholine,Mch)诱导的气道高反应。与载体对照组(48±3)相比,XB130过表达(17±4)EOS数量显著减少。同时,过表达XB130(0.051±0.002)较载体对照组(0.128±0.007)Ig E含量减少。此外,XB130抑制哮喘小鼠中IL-4、IL-5和IL-13并促进IFN-γ分泌。结论:过表达XB130可抑制哮喘模型小鼠气道高反应性和炎症反应。  相似文献   



Severe neutrophilic asthma is poorly responsive to glucocorticosteroids (GC). Neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs) within the lungs have been associated with the severity of airway obstruction and inflammation in asthma, and were found to be unaffected by GC in vitro. As IL-17 is overexpressed in neutrophilic asthma and contributes to steroid insensitivity in different cell types, we hypothesized that NETs formation in asthmatic airways would be resistant to GC through an IL-17 mediated pathway.


Six neutrophilic severe asthmatic horses and six healthy controls were studied while being treated with dexamethasone. Lung function, bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) cytology and NETs formation, as well as the expression of CD11b and CD13 by blood and airway neutrophils were evaluated. The expression of IL-17 and its role in NETs formation were also studied.


Airway neutrophils from asthmatic horses, as opposed to blood neutrophils, enhanced NETs formation, which was then decreased by GC. GC also tended to decrease the expression of CD11b in blood neutrophils, but not in airway neutrophils. IL-17 mRNA was increased in BALF cells of asthmatic horses and was unaffected by GC. However, both GC and IL-17 inhibited NETs formation in vitro.


GC decreased NETs formation in vitro and also in vivo in the lungs of asthmatic horses. However, airway neutrophil activation during asthmatic inflammation was otherwise relatively insensitive to GC. The contribution of IL-17 to these responses requires further study.

目的:观察Toll样受体7配体咪喹莫特对慢性哮喘小鼠模型气道重塑及肺组织中基质金属蛋白酶MMP-9表达的影响。方法:36只BALB/c小鼠按随机原则分成正常对照组、哮喘模型组、咪喹莫特组,每组12只。通过卵蛋白致敏,气道激发8周,末次激发24h后,检测各组小鼠气道反应性,HE染色观察气道炎症变化;Masson三色染色观察气道纤维化的改变;real-timePCR和western—blot分别检测肺组织中MMP-9的mRNA和蛋白表达。结果:慢性哮喘组小鼠气道炎症、气道高反应性和气道重塑较正常对照小鼠明显加重,而咪喹莫特组小鼠模型的气道炎症和气道反应性及气道重塑均较哮喘模型组小鼠减少或降低。慢性哮喘组小鼠肺组织MMP-9的mRNA和蛋白水平均较正常对照小鼠明显增加(P〈0.05),而咪喹莫特治疗可显著降低哮喘小鼠肺组织MMP-9的mRNA和蛋白水平(P〈0.05)。结论:咪喹莫特能够显著抑制慢性哮喘小鼠模型的气道炎症、降低气道高反应性并减轻气道重塑,这可能与其抑制MMP-9的表达有关。  相似文献   

Sun JG  Deng YM  Wu X  Tang HF  Deng JF  Chen JQ  Yang SY  Xie QM 《Life sciences》2006,79(22):2077-2085
Phosphodiesterase 4 (PDE4) isozyme plays important roles in inflammatory and immunomodulatory cells. In this study, piclamilast, a selective PDE4 inhibitor, was used to investigate the role of PDE4 in respiratory function and inflammation in a murine asthma model. Sensitized mice were challenged with aerosolized ovalbumin for 7 days, piclamilast (1, 3 and 10 mg/kg) and dexamethasone (2 mg/kg) were orally administered once daily during the period of challenge. Twenty-four hours after the last challenge, airway hyperresponsiveness to methacholine was determined by whole-body plethysmography, airway inflammation and mucus secretion by histomorphometry, pulmonary cAMP-PDE activity by HPLC, cytokine levels in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid and their mRNA expression in lung by ELISA and RT-PCR, respectively. In control mice, significant induction of cAMP-PDE activity was parallel to the increases of hyperresponsiveness, inflammatory cells, cytokine levels, mRNA expression as well as goblet cell hyperplasia. However, piclamilast dose-dependently and significantly improved airway resistance and dynamic compliance, and the maximal effect was similar to that of dexamethasone. Piclamilast treatment dose-dependently and significantly prevented the increase in inflammatory cell number and goblet cell hyperplasia, as well as production of cytokines, including eotaxin, TNFalpha and IL-4. Piclamilast exerted a weaker inhibitory effect than dexamethasone on eosinophils and neutrophils, had no effect on lymphocyte accumulation. Moreover, piclamilast inhibited up-regulation of cAMP-PDE activity and cytokine mRNA expression; the maximal inhibition of cAMP-PDE was greater than that exerted by dexamethasone, and was similar to dexamethasone on cytokine mRNA expression. This study suggests that inhibition of PDE4 by piclamilast robustly improves the pulmonary function, airway inflammation and goblet cell hyperplasia in murine allergenic asthma.  相似文献   

Epidemiological studies have shown that elevated concentrations of particulate matter 2.5 (PM2.5) correlate with increased incidence of asthma. Studies have highlighted the implication of microRNAs (miRNAs) in asthmatic response. Here, the objective of this study is to explore the effect of miR-224 on PM2.5-induced asthmatic mice. Ovalbumin (OVA) was utilized to establish asthmatic mouse models, which were then exposed to PM2.5, followed by miR-224 expression detection. Next, lesions and collagen deposition area in lung tissue, ratio Treg/Th17, the expression of TLR4 and MYD88, inflammation, eosinophils (EOS) and airway remodelling were evaluated in OVA mice after injection with miR-224 agomir. Following isolation of mouse primary bronchial epithelial cells, miR-224 mimic and TLR2/TLR4 inhibitor were introduced to assess inflammation and the expression of TGF-β, MMP9, TIMP-1, Foxp3, RORγt, TLR2, TLR4 and MYD88. After exposure to PM2.5, lesions and collagen deposition were promoted in lung tissues, inflammation and EOS were increased in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF), and airway remodelling was enhanced in OVA mice. miR-224 was down-regulated, whereas TLR2/TLR4/MYD88 was up-regulated in OVA mice after treatment with PM2.5, accompanied by Treg/Th17 immune imbalance. Of note, bioinformatic prediction and dual luciferase reporter gene assay confirmed that TLR2 was a target gene of miR-224. Overexpressed miR-224 reduced expression of TGF-β, MMP9, TIMP-1 and RORγt and inflammation but increased Foxp3 expression in bronchial epithelial cells through down-regulating TLR2. In summary, overexpressed miR-224 suppressed airway epithelial cell inflammation and airway remodelling in PM2.5-induced asthmatic mice through decreasing TLR2 expression.  相似文献   

The morbidity and mortality from asthma in the Western world have increased 75% in the past 20 years. Recent studies have demonstrated that sensitization to cockroach allergens correlates strongly with the increased asthma morbidity for adults and children. We investigated whether dexamethasone administered before or after allergen challenge would inhibit the pulmonary inflammation and airway hyperresponsiveness in a mouse model of asthma induced by a house dust extract with high levels of cockroach allergens. For the prevention experiment, mice were treated with an intraperitoneal injection of dexamethasone 1 h before each pulmonary challenge, and airway hyperresponsiveness was measured 24 h after the last challenge. Mice were killed 48 h after the last challenge. For the reversal study, airway hyperresponsiveness was measured 24 h after the last challenge, and the mice were treated with dexamethasone. Dexamethasone treatment before allergen challenge significantly reduced the pulmonary recruitment of inflammatory cells, myeloperoxidase activity in the lung, airway hyperreactivity, and total serum IgE levels compared with PBS-treated mice. Additionally, dexamethasone treatment could significantly reduce the airway hyperreactivity of an established asthmatic response. These results demonstrate that dexamethasone not only prevents but also halts the asthmatic response induced by house dust containing cockroach allergens. This model exhibits several features of human asthma that may be exploited in the study of pathophysiological mechanisms and potential therapeutic interventions.  相似文献   

Oxidative stress is a critical pathophysiological factor in the development of allergic airway inflammation, resulting in oxidative damage to lipids, proteins, and DNA. Our recent report revealed potent anti-inflammatory effects of the antimalarial drug artesunate in experimental allergic asthma. The present study investigated potential antioxidative effects of artesunate in a murine model of allergic asthma in comparison with dexamethasone, a potent corticosteroid. Mice were sensitized and challenged with ovalbumin and developed airway inflammation and oxidative lung damage. Artesunate markedly suppressed ovalbumin-induced increases in total cell, eosinophil, and neutrophil counts. In contrast, dexamethasone failed to inhibit neutrophil recruitment. Levels of the oxidative damage markers 8-isoprostane, 8-hydroxy-2-deoxyguanosine, and 3-nitrotyrosine were potently repressed by artesunate. However, dexamethasone showed weaker inhibitory effects on 3-nitrotyrosine production. Ovalbumin-induced increases in the expression of the pro-oxidants iNOS and NADPH oxidase (NOX1, 2, 3, and 4) were significantly abated by artesunate. Gene expression of regulatory subunits of NOX, p22phox and p67phox, was also reduced by artesunate. The expression and activities of the antioxidants superoxide dismutase and catalase were substantially reversed with artesunate in ovalbumin-challenged mice. Artesunate significantly enhanced nuclear levels of nuclear factor erythroid-2-related factor 2 (Nrf2) in lung tissues from ovalbumin-challenged mice and in TNF-α-stimulated human bronchial epithelial cells. Our findings implicate a potential therapeutic value for artesunate in the treatment of asthma via the amelioration of oxidative damage in allergic airways, and it may act by suppressing pro-oxidants and restoring the activities and expression of antioxidants via activation of Nrf2. Artesunate may be a potential novel anti-asthma drug capable of controlling both inflammation and oxidative damage in chronic severe asthma.  相似文献   



The bronchial asthma, a clinical complication of persistent inflammation of the airway and subsequent airway hyper-responsiveness, is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in critically ill patients. Several studies have shown that oxidative stress plays a key role in initiation as well as amplification of inflammation in airways. However, still there are no good anti-oxidant strategies available for therapeutic intervention in asthma pathogenesis. Most recent studies suggest that polyol pathway enzyme, aldose reductase (AR), contributes to the pathogenesis of oxidative stress–induced inflammation by affecting the NF-κB-dependent expression of cytokines and chemokines and therefore inhibitors of AR could be anti-inflammatory. Since inhibitors of AR have already gone through phase-III clinical studies for diabetic complications and found to be safe, our hypothesis is that AR inhibitors could be novel therapeutic drugs for the prevention and treatment of asthma. Hence, we investigated the efficacy of AR inhibition in the prevention of allergic responses to a common natural airborne allergen, ragweed pollen that leads to airway inflammation and hyper-responsiveness in a murine model of asthma.

Methods and Findings

Primary Human Small Airway Epithelial Cells (SAEC) were used to investigate the in vitro effects of AR inhibition on ragweed pollen extract (RWE)-induced cytotoxic and inflammatory signals. Our results indicate that inhibition of AR prevents RWE -induced apoptotic cell death as measured by annexin-v staining, increase in the activation of NF-κB and expression of inflammatory markers such as inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), cycloxygenase (COX)-2, Prostaglandin (PG) E2, IL-6 and IL-8. Further, BALB/c mice were sensitized with endotoxin-free RWE in the absence and presence of AR inhibitor and followed by evaluation of perivascular and peribronchial inflammation, mucin production, eosinophils infiltration and airway hyperresponsiveness. Our results indicate that inhibition of AR prevents airway inflammation and production of inflammatory cytokines, accumulation of eosinophils in airways and sub-epithelial regions, mucin production in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid and airway hyperresponsiveness in mice.


These results suggest that airway inflammation due to allergic response to RWE, which subsequently activates oxidative stress-induced expression of inflammatory cytokines via NF-κB-dependent mechanism, could be prevented by AR inhibitors. Therefore, inhibition of AR could have clinical implications, especially for the treatment of airway inflammation, a major cause of asthma pathogenesis.  相似文献   

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