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合浦珠母贝和长耳珠母贝的生化遗传变异   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
用淀粉凝胶电泳测定了养殖合浦珠母贝以及野生合浦珠母贝和长耳珠母贝的8—13个蛋白和同工酶座位的遗传变异。合浦珠母贝每个座位观察到的平均等位基因数为2.63,而长耳珠母贝为2.15。它们多型座位(P≤0.99)的比例则分别为0.750和0.692。由野生贝经人工育苗繁育出来的养殖合浦珠母贝的平均杂合度比野生合浦珠母贝的高近一倍(0.223和0.113),而野生合浦珠母贝和野生长耳珠母贝的平均杂合度水平相近(0.113和0.157)。两个合浦珠母贝群体相比较遗传相似度(Ⅰ)和遗传距(D)为0.992和0.008,野生合浦珠母贝和野生长耳珠母贝相比较为0.252和1.379。 两个种的三个群体样本中都有杂合子缺失现象,这可能是由自然选择和Wahlund效应所引起的。  相似文献   

合浦珠母贝珍珠的生物学性能初步检测   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
本研究报道了合浦珠母贝珍珠的生物学性能初步检测结果。珍珠作为—种天然的生物材料。在医药、化妆品工业等领域中的应用已很广泛。本研究对合浦珠母贝珍珠进行了体外细胞毒性试验、溶血试验和经静脉全身急性毒性试验的研究。实验结果表明,合浦珠母贝珍珠具有较好的细胞相容性,其浸提液对实验动物无明显毒性。在本研究中,合浦珠母贝珍珠的浸提液对兔血红细胞的溶血指数高于对照组。  相似文献   

郭云飞  蔡捷  陈汉东  李小平  徐惟永  苏承武 《蛇志》2011,23(3):242-243,260
目的研究合浦马氏珠母贝提取的珍珠母液,对其主要活性成分进行检测分析。方法采用《中华人民共和国国家标准》中的食品氨基酸、牛磺酸和微量元素的测定方法进行检测。结果合浦马氏珠母贝提取的天然珍珠母液含有丰富的活性物质(氨基酸总含量为223.7mg/100ml、牛磺酸总含量为276.4mg/100ml)和多种微量元素(锌、铜、铁、镁、钙等)。结论从马氏珠母贝中提取的天然珍珠母液有潜在的多领域应用和综合开发价值。  相似文献   

合浦珠母贝鳃的显微与超微结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
合浦珠母贝(Pinctada fucata)是典型的滤食性瓣鳃类动物,也是我国重要的海水珍珠养殖贝类。本研究用光学显微镜、扫描电镜和透射电镜观察了合浦珠母贝鳃的显微和超微结构。结果表明,合浦珠母贝鳃结构属于异丝鳃型,左右两侧各2个鳃瓣,每个鳃瓣由内鳃瓣和外鳃瓣组成。鳃瓣由主鳃丝和普通鳃丝构成,主鳃丝在鳃瓣中主要起支架作用,每2根主鳃丝之间的9~12根普通鳃丝由"簇内连接"(intrabunchial junction)相连成簇。普通鳃丝之间通过"丝间连接"(interfilament junction)相连,丝间连接的上皮细胞与普通鳃丝的扁平细胞结构一样,为鳃的呼吸上皮。丝间连接的存在扩大了鳃的表面积,这种结构有助于进行气体交换。主鳃丝和普通鳃丝表面有前纤毛和侧纤毛,与食物运送和气体交换有关。普通鳃丝表面的纤毛为典型的"9+2"型微管结构。  相似文献   

合浦珠母贝近亲交配子代生活力的观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
姜卫国  魏贻尧 《遗传》1985,7(2):19-21
随着合浦珠母贝Pinctada martensii Dunker 人工育苗问题的解决,我国大部分海产珍珠养 殖场的种苗来源主要是靠人工繁殖获得。但 是,近年来在珠母贝的养殖过程中普遍出现了 死亡率高、贝体弱、贝越来越小等现象。当然, 出现这些现象的原因是相当复杂的,它同养殖 技术、插核质量、管理水平、环境条件以及病虫 害等都有密切关系。但是,多年来由于各珍珠 场反复使用本场人工繁殖饲养的成贝做亲贝, 是否会因此而产生子代生活力的降低,对此,我 们从1978年开始进行了试验观察,现报道如 下。  相似文献   

5种常见珍珠贝的系统发育和遗传多样性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用RAPD标记分析了珠母贝属常见的马氏珠母贝、大珠母贝、珠母贝、解氏珠母贝以及珍珠贝属常见企鹅珍珠贝的系统发育,同时分析了马氏珠母贝和大珠母贝不同地理种群的遗传多样性,并以邻接法(neighbor-joining,NJ)构建了种间及种群间的系统分支图.结果表明:(1)在珍珠贝5种9个种群中,大珠母贝的4个种群最早聚在一起分别成为2个姊妹群,这2个姊妹群聚合为1个单元群后,又与珠母贝聚在一起,然后才与马氏珠母贝姊妹群聚合成的单元群聚合,再与解氏珠母贝聚合,最后才与企鹅珍珠贝聚合;(2)珠母贝属4种珍珠贝进化程度由低到高的等级顺序为解氏珠母贝-马氏珠母贝-珠母贝-大珠母贝;解氏珠母贝是最晚形成的种类;(3)比较5种珍珠贝野生种群的Nei's多样性和Shannon多样性值为:马氏珠母贝(0.411 1和0.593 3)>珠母贝(0.397 1和0.578 4)>企鹅珠母贝(0.383 1和0.549 3)>大珠母贝(0.338 8和0.499 9)>解氏珠母贝(0.301 6和0.445 2);(4)无论是马氏珠母贝,还是大珠母贝,野生种群的遗传多样性值均大于养殖种群.  相似文献   

目的:克隆获得合浦珠母贝PU3基因的序列,并研究其在生物矿化中的功能。方法:使用RACE获得PU3基因的全长;利用实时荧光定量PCR的方法检测PU3基因在不同组织中的表达分布;利用实时荧光定量PCR的方法检测贝壳损伤修复过程中PU3基因的表达量的变化;通过RNAi实验,抑制PU3基因的表达,之后用扫描电子显微镜观察合浦珠母贝贝壳表面的变化。结果:合浦珠母贝PU3基因的cDNA全长为2361bp,编码618个氨基酸。氨基酸序列的功能结构域分析表明其含有4个FN3结构域。该基因在外套膜中高表达,且在外套膜边缘区的表达量高于外套膜中心区。在贝壳损伤修复的过程中,该基因的表达水平呈现上升的趋势。利用RNAi技术抑制PU3基因的表达后,贝壳的棱柱层结构发生了变化,缝隙变宽,且出现空洞。结论:PU3基因所表达的蛋白作为正调控因子参与生物矿化的过程,并主要作用于贝壳的棱柱层,抑制其表达会影响棱柱层的框架结构。  相似文献   

<正>珍珠是一种在珍珠贝类和珠母贝类软体动物体内孕育的生物有机宝石。珍珠的质量随产地和品种的不同而不同,自古就有"西珠不如东珠,东珠不如南珠"的说法,西珠指的是古代产自波斯湾和斯里兰卡一带的珍珠,东珠指的是古代产自日本的珍珠,而南珠就是指产自我国古合浦郡由马氏珠母贝孕育的天然海水珍珠。南珠历史早在公元前111年的汉代,古合浦郡郡址就设在现雷州半岛的徐闻县讨网村一带,行政辖区囊括整个北部湾中国岸陆地区及海岛(现雷州  相似文献   

温度、盐度对马氏珠母贝鳃Hsp70基因表达量的联合效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用中心复合设计和响应曲面分析法,在实验室条件下研究了温度(16 ~40℃)、盐度(10 ~50)对马氏珠母贝鳃热休克蛋白Hsp70基因表达量的联合效应.设定温度范围为16~40℃,盐度范围为10~50.结果表明:温度的一次效应、二次效应对马氏珠母贝鳃Hsp70基因表达量影响显著;盐度的一次效应对马氏珠母贝鳃Hsp70基因表达量无显著影响、二次效应对马氏珠母贝鳃Hsp70基因表达量影响显著,温度、盐度之间的互作效应对马氏珠母贝鳃Hsp70基因表达量无显著影响,且温度的效应大于盐度.建立了马氏珠母贝鳃Hsp70基因表达量模型方程,决定系数98.7%、矫正决定系数97.4%,预测决定系数89.2%,模型的拟合度极高,可用于预测马氏珠母贝鳃Hsp70基因的表达量.通过对模型方程优化,得到在温度26.78℃、盐度29.33时,马氏珠母贝鳃Hsp70基因表达量达到最小值0.5276,满意度达到98%.试验结果可为马氏珠母贝鳃Hsp70基因的上调表达、维持细胞内环境稳定以及提高马氏珠母贝抗逆性提供理论指导.  相似文献   

马氏珠母贝(Pinctada martensii)是生产海水珍珠的主要经济贝类,近年来马氏珠母贝因病害频繁发生而对我国珍珠产业造成巨大的经济损失。因此,对于马氏珠母贝的免疫机制研究尤为重要。抗菌肽是贝类生物免疫机制中最重要的一个环节,但目前对马氏珠母贝抗菌肽的报道甚少。为深入了解马氏珠母贝的抗菌肽分子组成及特征,本实验采取多步高效液相色谱结合质谱分析,对马氏珠母贝血清中具有抗菌活性的蛋白质分子开展了分离纯化及鉴定研究,得到了5种有明显抗菌活性的蛋白,其中3种相对分子质量在5 000 k D左右;通过透射电镜进一步观察了抗菌活性蛋白对细菌的作用机制。上述研究为了解马氏珠母贝抗菌肽的分子多样性及抗菌机制奠定了基础。  相似文献   

The development of culture systems to support the initiation of growth of primordial follicles is important to the study of the factors that control the earliest stages of folliculogenesis. We investigated the effectiveness of five culture media, two supplements and three culture periods on the survival and growth of goat primordial follicles after culturing ovarian cortex. The media were based on minimal essential minimum (MEM) and coconut water solution (CWS) added in the proportion of 0, 25, 50, 75 or 100%. The two supplements were none versus supplemented with insulin-transferrin-selenium, pyruvate, glutamine, hypoxanthine, and BSA. Pieces of goat ovarian cortex were cultured in the media for 1, 3 or 5 days and representative samples were evaluated at day 0 as non-cultured controls. The replicates were the two ovaries of five mixed breed goats. The number of primordial, intermediate, primary and secondary follicles at each period of culture and the number of degenerated follicles were evaluated. Mitotic activity of granulosa cells was studied by immunolocalization of proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA). The number of follicles in each stage and degenerated follicles were statistically analyzed by ANOVA using a factorial design and the significance of differences assessed using Tukey test. Chi-square test was used to compare the percentage of follicles with PCNA positive granulosa cells. As the culture period progressed, the number of primordial follicles fell and there was a significant increase in the number of primary follicles. The fall in the number of primordial follicles was particularly marked after 1 day culture. No effect of media on the number of primordial and primary follicles was observed after culture, but MEM as well as supplements increased the number of intermediate follicles. Follicular degeneration was kept at the same level after culture in the media tested, except for pure CWS that increased the number of degenerated follicles. In contrast, addition of supplements to culture media reduced follicular degeneration. In non-cultured tissue, PCNA was expressed in granulosa cells of 31.6% of the growing follicles. This percentage had not significantly changed after 5 days culture in the various media, indicating the maintenance of proliferation activity of granulosa cells during culture. In conclusion, it is shown that goat primordial follicles may be successfully activated after in vitro culture in all media tested. However, when pure CWS is used the follicular degeneration is enhanced, but the addition of supplements to culture media decrease follicular degeneration.  相似文献   

向日葵胚囊的超微结构和雌性生殖单位问题   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文对向日葵胚囊中卵细胞、助细胞与中央细胞开花前和传粉后的超微结构变化进行了研究。着重报道了不同发育时期这三种细胞之间特定区域的界壁的消长动态。在此基础上结合现有文献资料探讨了由三者共同组成“雌性生殖单位”以适应受精作用的问题。  相似文献   

This study compared dynamics of the germ cell population in two swine breeds that differ in prolifacy, White Composite (WC) and Meishan (MS), during fetal and neonatal life and in mature sows. Germ cell populations developed in a similar pattern in these two diverse breeds during fetal life. Maximal germ cell number was observed at 90 days postcoitum (dpc) in both WC and MS gilts, and substantial oogonial apoptosis was evident thereafter with approximately 30% of maximal numbers present at 25 days postpartum (dpp). Neither gilt nor sow germ cell number was correlated with maternal ovulation rate. Postnatal MS gilts had larger pools of primordial follicles and consistently greater proportions and numbers of primary and secondary follicles compared to postnatal WC gilts, indicative of enhanced follicular recruitment and primordial follicle activation. Occasional antral follicles were present in MS ovaries by 25 dpp and numerous surface follicles were observed at 56 dpp in MS but not WC ovaries, indicative of more rapid ovarian maturation and early onset of puberty. Total germ cell number is unlikely to influence or to predict subsequent ovulation rate. These observations highlight important developmental events during late fetal and early postnatal life that prepare the ovarian environment for early onset of puberty and subsequent ovulation in MS gilts.  相似文献   

The objective was to evaluate the efficiency of phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) and Minimum Essential Medium (MEM) during the transport of equine preantral and antral follicles at various temperatures and incubation interval. Equine ovaries (n = 10) from an abattoir were cut into 19 fragments; one was immediately fixed in Bouin's solution (control) and the other fragments were placed in PBS or MEM solution at 4, 20, or 39 °C for 4, 12, or 24 h. After the respective incubation periods, all fragments were fixed in Bouin's solution for 24 h and then submitted to standard histologic analysis. In total, 2567 ovarian follicles were analyzed, including 1752 primordial, 764 primary, 34 secondary and seven antral follicles. Relative to the control group, the transport of equine ovarian fragments in both solutions significantly reduced the percentage of morphologically normal follicles with increasing time and temperature. At 4 °C for 4 h, considering primordial and developing follicles, PBS had a higher (P < 0.05) rate (98.9%) of morphologically normal follicles than MEM, 48.7%. At 39 °C for 12 h, all follicles in both solutions were degenerated. Regarding the stage of follicular development, primordial follicles were less (P < 0.05) affected by preservation than primary and secondary follicles in all media, times and temperatures tested, except at 4 °C for 12 h in PBS, in which the primary and secondary follicles were less (P < 0.05) affected. Overall, 43% of antral follicles were morphologically normal when maintained in MEM at 4 °C for 4 h. In conclusion, equine follicles were successfully preserved in ovarian fragments at 4 °C in phosphate-buffered saline for up to 4 h.  相似文献   

TGFβ signalling in the development of ovarian function   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ovarian development begins back in the embryo with the formation of primordial germ cells and their subsequent migration and colonisation of the genital ridges. Once the ovary has been defined structurally, the primordial germ cells transform into oocytes and become housed in structures called follicles (in this case, primordial follicles), a procedure that, in most mammals, occurs either shortly before or during the first few days after birth. The growth and differentiation of follicles from the primordial population is termed folliculogenesis. Primordial follicles give rise to primary follicles that transform into preantral follicles, then antral follicles (secondary follicles) and, finally (preovulatory) Graafian follicles (tertiary follicles) in a co-ordinated series of transitions regulated by hormones and local intraovarian factors. Members of the transforming growth factor-β (TGFβ) superfamily have been shown to play important roles in this developmental process starting with the specification of primordial germ cells by the bone morphogenetic proteins through to the recruitment of primordial follicles by anti-Mullerian hormone and, potentially, growth and differentiation factor-9 (GDF9) and, finally, their transformation into preantral and antral follicles in response to activin and TGF-β. Developmental and mutant mouse models have been used to show the importance of this family of growth factors in establishing the first wave of folliculogenesis.The author thanks the NHMRC of Australia for funding (Regkey 241000).  相似文献   

In the early juveniles of Ciona intestinalis, primordial germ cells arise on the degenerated mass of the resorbed tadpole tail, and assemble to form a discrete gonad rudiment. The present study elucidated the morphological sequences during differentiation of the gonad rudiment into the testis and ovary. In 11- to 12-day juveniles, the gonad rudiment, an elongate sac, divided into the testicular and ovarian rudiments. The testicular rudiment separated as a round vesicle from the thickened wall of the elongate sac. The original sac, after separation of the round vesicle, developed into the ovary. In the testicular rudiment, germ cells formed a continuous central mass without association of somatic cells, while in the ovarian rudiment, each germ cell was associated with somatic cells within the epithelium composing the wall of the rudiment. In 13- to 15-day juveniles the testicular rudiment changed into branched tubes ending in club-shaped follicles. Cells characterized by many flattened cisternae of rough endoplasmic reticulum (distal cells) constituted the distal wall of each follicle. Spermatogenic cells were freely present in the follicular lumen, but the largest spermatogonia were in contact with the distal cells. Both in the testicular and ovarian rudiments, germ cells entered meiosis in 18-day juveniles. A novel body (periesophageal body) was found just beneath the ventral margin of the esophageal opening. It comprised irregular follicles made up of one cell type whose cytoplasm, filled with round vesicles and Golgi complexes, was suggestive of an endocrine function. Fragments derived from the periesophageal body were present around the developing ovary.  相似文献   

Rabbit antisera to rat pituitary follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and to rat luteinizing hormone (LH) were used, in an immunocytochemical probe, to determine the ontogeny and distribution of immunoreactive, endogenous, intraovarian FSH and LH in immature rats. Ovaries from rats 4, 8, 12, and 21 days of age were studied. Both gonadotrophins were first immunodetectable on Day 8. In reactive primordial follicles, LH was restricted to the cytoplasm and nuclei of the surrounding follicle cells. In those follicles possessing both squamous and cuboidal follicle cells, i.e., transitional between primordial and primary, LH was found in both the cytoplasm and nuclei of both follicle cell types. In primary follicles, LH was no longer present in granulosa cells but was concentrated in germ cell cytoplasm. In contrast, in primordial follicles, FSH was restricted to the germ cell but was present in both the oocyte cytoplasm and germinal vesicle. In transitional and primary follicles, FSH remained within the oocyte cytoplasm and germinal vesicle but also became detectable within the cytoplasm and nuclei of granulosa cells. These findings raise some important new questions regarding the role(s) of the gonadotrophins in early follicular development.  相似文献   

Small follicles, less than or equal to 100 microns, in monkey ovaries were divided into four types based on the morphological characteristics of the granulosa cells that surrounded the oocyte: primordial, intermediary, primary and secondary follicles. The proportion of primordial follicles positively correlated, whereas those of intermediary, primary and secondary follicles negatively correlated, with the total number of follicles less than or equal to 100 microns. There was no relationship between the population of nongrowing follicles (primordial and intermediary) and that of early-growing follicles (primary and secondary). Administration of exogenous gonadotrophins did not induce significant changes in the population of small follicles, whereas there was a significant increase in the number of intermediary follicles when gonadotrophins were associated with a gonadotrophin-releasing hormone agonist, buserelin. Buserelin can therefore partly inhibit the initiation of ovarian follicular growth in monkeys.  相似文献   

Partitioning-defective proteins (PAR) are detected to express mainly in the cytoplast, and play an important role in cell polarity. However, we showed here that PAR6, one kind of PAR protein, was localized in the nuclei of mouse oocytes that formed primordial follicles during the perinatal period, suggesting a new role of PAR protein. It is the first time we found that, in mouse fetal ovaries, PAR6 appeared in somatic cell cytoplasm and fell weak when somatic cells invaded germ cell cysts at 17.5 days post coitus (dpc). Meanwhile, the expression of PAR6 was observed in cysts, and became strong in the nuclei of some germ cells at 19.5 dpc and all primordial follicular oocytes at 3 day post parturition (dpp), and then obviously declined when the primordial follicles entered the folliculogenic growth phase. During the primordial follicle pool foundation, the number of PAR6 positive germ cells remained steady and was consistent with that of formed follicles at 3 dpp. There were no TUNEL (apoptosis examination) positive germ cells stained with PAR6 at any time studied. The number of follicles significantly declined when 15.5 dpc ovaries were treated with the anti-PAR6 antibody and PAR6 RNA interference. Carbenoxolone (CBX, a known blocker of gap junctions) inhibited the expression of PAR6 in germ cells and the formation of follicles. Our results suggest that PAR6 could be used as a potential marker of germ cells for the primordial follicle formation, and the expression of PAR6 by a gap junction-dependent process may contribute to the formation of primordial follicles and the maintenance of oocytes at the diplotene stage.  相似文献   

The importance of the initial follicle pool in fertility in female adult mammals has recently been debated. Utilizing a mathematical model of the dynamics of follicle progression (primordial to primary to secondary), we examined whether the initial follicle pool is sufficient for adult fertility through reproductive senescence in CD1 mice. Follicles in each stage were counted from postnatal day 6 through 12 months and data were fit to a series of first-order differential equations representing two mechanisms: an initial pool of primordial follicles as the only follicle source (fixed pool model), or an initial primordial follicle pool supplemented by germline stem cells (stem cell model). The fixed pool model fit the experimental data, accurately representing the maximum observed primary follicle number reached by 4-6 months of age. Although no germline stem cells could be identified by SSEA-1 immunostaining, the stem cell model was tested using a range of de novo primordial follicle production rates. The stem cell model failed to describe the observed decreases in follicles over time and did not parallel the accumulation and subsequent reduction in primary follicles during the early fertile lifespan of the mouse. Our results agree with established dogma that the initial endowment of ovarian follicles is not supplemented by an appreciable number of stem cells; rather, it is sufficient to ensure the fertility needs of the adult mouse.  相似文献   

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