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刘宏有  陈柳龙  高江涛 《菌物学报》2019,38(12):2078-2086
代谢组学是利用现代分析化学手段对一定条件下生物体内小分子代谢产物(初级和次级代谢产物)定性及定量,从而揭示生命现象及其内在规律的学科。相对于基因组、转录组和蛋白质组,代谢组是一定条件下生物学过程完成后的最终代谢产物的集合,因而是各种组学研究中最接近表型的一种组学,可以直接动态地反映出细胞的生理生化过程,从而有效地检测和发现特定的生化途径,准确地解释生理或者病理现象。代谢组学作为系统生物学中基因组学、转录组学以及蛋白质组学三大组学的延伸和补充,是目前的研究热点之一。目前代谢组学在真菌领域的研究得到日益重视和发展。本文首先从历史发展和技术路线简述了代谢组学的发展历程和常见的代谢组学研究方法。接着从真菌的分类鉴定、生物膜研究、代谢途径、代谢工程、天然产物发现与植物互作这6个方面介绍了代谢组学在真菌研究领域的应用。  相似文献   

生态代谢组学研究进展   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
赵丹  刘鹏飞  潘超  杜仁鹏  葛菁萍 《生态学报》2015,35(15):4958-4967
代谢组学指某一生物系统中产生的或已存在的代谢物组的研究,以质谱和核磁共振技术为分析平台,以信息建模与系统整合为目标。随着代谢组学中的研究方法与技术成为生态学研究的有力工具,生态代谢组学概念应运而生,即研究某一个生物体对环境变化的代谢物组水平的响应。理清代谢组学与生态代谢组学学科发展的脉络,综述代谢组学研究中的常用技术及其优势与局限性,论述代谢组学技术在生态学研究中的应用现状,展望代谢组学技术与其他系统生物学组学技术的结合在生态学中的应用前景,提出生态代谢组学研究者未来要完成的任务和面对的挑战。  相似文献   

赵燕妮  余瑞  刘欢  王永波 《微生物学报》2023,63(8):3009-3025
功能代谢组学是以代谢组学技术发现关键代谢物为基础,结合体内体外实验和分子生物学等技术手段,研究差异代谢物及相关蛋白、酶和基因的功能,从而揭示生物体内在的分子调控机制。功能代谢组学技术具有精准识别关键调控代谢物及其相关基因或酶的特性,近年来在微生物相关疾病的防控和工业化生产等方面受到了广泛的关注。本文介绍了功能代谢组学技术的分析流程、相关研究方法与平台及其在微生物研究方面的应用,其中重点阐述了真核、原核以及病毒微生物的代谢特性、调控靶点及相关防控策略等。最后,提出功能代谢组学研究在未来面临的问题与挑战,为后续功能代谢组学的研究与发展提供新的思路。  相似文献   

赵燕妮  余瑞  刘欢  王永波 《微生物学报》1963,(收录汇总):3009-3025
功能代谢组学是以代谢组学技术发现关键代谢物为基础,结合体内体外实验和分子生物学等技术手段,研究差异代谢物及相关蛋白、酶和基因的功能,从而揭示生物体内在的分子调控机制。功能代谢组学技术具有精准识别关键调控代谢物及其相关基因或酶的特性,近年来在微生物相关疾病的防控和工业化生产等方面受到了广泛的关注。本文介绍了功能代谢组学技术的分析流程、相关研究方法与平台及其在微生物研究方面的应用,其中重点阐述了真核、原核以及病毒微生物的代谢特性、调控靶点及相关防控策略等。最后,提出功能代谢组学研究在未来面临的问题与挑战,为后续功能代谢组学的研究与发展提供新的思路。  相似文献   

微生物代谢组学的前处理及分析技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
微生物代谢组学主要研究细胞生长或生长周期某一时刻细胞内外所有低分子量代谢物。分析技术的不断发展促进了微生物代谢组学研究的进展。本文结合微生物样品前处理方法, 综述了目前研究中所采用的各种分析技术的特点与应用, 并展望微生物代谢组学研究中分析技术的发展趋势。  相似文献   

代谢组学以完整的生物体为研究对象,运用合适的分析测试手段检测靶向或非靶向代谢物,结合统计模型进行分析解释。随着微藻研究的深入,微藻与代谢组学结合探究分子作用机理的研究日益增多。本文总结代谢组学的发展概况、研究流程及常用分析技术特点和代谢组学在微藻领域的研究进展,展望代谢组学在微藻研究的应用前景与发展趋势,并提出实际应用中所面临的困难与挑战。  相似文献   

高通量测序技术的快速发展催生了涵盖各层次细胞生命活动的组学数据,如转录组学数据、蛋白质组学数据和互作组学数据等。同时,全基因组代谢网络模型在不断完善和增多。整合组学数据,对生物细胞的代谢网络进行更深入的模拟分析成为目前微生物系统生物学研究的热点。目前整合转录组学数据进行全基因组代谢网络分析的方法主要以流量平衡分析(FBA)为基础,通过辨识不同条件下基因表达的变化,进而优化目标函数以得到相应的流量分布或代谢模型。本文对整合转录组学数据的FBA分析方法进行总结和比较,并详细阐述了不同方法的优缺点,为分析特定问题选择合适的方法提供参考。  相似文献   

植物应答非生物胁迫的代谢组学研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
代谢组学技术是研究植物代谢的理想平台, 通过现代检测分析技术对胁迫环境下植物中代谢产物进行定性和定量分析, 可以监测其随时间变化的规律。而各种组学平台包括基因组学、转录组学及代谢组学的整合, 更是一个强有力的工具箱, 将所获得的不同组学的信息联系起来, 有利于从整体研究生物系统对基因或环境变化的响应, 如可判断代谢物的变化是从哪一个层面开始发生的, 帮助人们揭开复杂的植物胁迫应答机制。该文对近期代谢组学技术及其与蛋白质组学、基因组学技术相结合探索植物应答非生物胁迫的研究进行了综述。代谢组学的应用, 拓展了对植物耐受非生物胁迫分子机制的认识, 开展更多这方面的研究, 再通过植物代谢组学、转录组学、蛋白质组学和基因组学整合, 有助于从整体水平上把握植物胁迫应答机制。  相似文献   

果树代谢组学研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
果树代谢组学是继基因组学、蛋白质组学之后又一新兴的组学技术,主要是从代谢水平研究果树整体或局部代谢物变化差异,帮助发现新功能基因和了解代谢网络。目前果树代谢组学研究刚刚起步,相关研究相对较少,该文介绍了果树代谢组学的主要研究内容与方法以及在果树上的相关应用。  相似文献   

植物代谢组学研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
代谢组学是继基因组学、转录组学和蛋白质组学之后发展起来的一门学科,通过对细胞内的基因表达最终代谢产物的定性和定量分析以及定义细胞或器官的生化表现类型来解释功能基因的表达过程。文中就代谢组学的发展历史、主要研究内容、技术特点、数据处理过程及在植物领域中的应用的最新进展几方面进行阐述,以供读者参考。  相似文献   

李灏  姜颖  贺福初 《遗传》2008,30(4):389-399
在后基因组时代, 系统生物学研究成为人们关注的焦点。转录组学、蛋白质组学等功能基因组学研究方法可同时检测药物或其他因素影响下大量基因或蛋白质的表达变化情况, 但这些变化不能与生物学功能的变化建立直接联系。代谢组学方法则可为代谢物含量变化与生物表型变化建立直接相关性。代谢组学研究的目的是定量分析一个生物系统内所有代谢物的含量, 进行全面代谢物分析需要分析化学技术的支撑, 核磁共振和基于质谱的分析技术是代谢组学研究的两种主要技术手段。代谢组学研究可产生大量数据信息, 对这些数据进行分析离不开化学统计学的应用, 比如主成分分析、多维缩放、各种聚类分析技术以及功能差异分析等。文章综述了近年来代谢组学分析技术及数据分析技术的研究进展, 在此基础上, 对代谢组学在临床研究及临床前研究中的应用研究进展进行了综述。对疾病代谢表型图谱的研究有助于人们了解疾病发生、发展以及致死的机制; 在临床条件下, 这些代谢图谱可以作为疾病诊断、预后以及治疗的评判标准。代谢物组成的变化是毒物胁迫对机体造成的最终影响, 利用代谢组技术可以直接反映毒物对机体的影响。质谱技术、核磁共振技术的应用使得药物筛选过程可以快速完成, 并有助于实现个性化用药。此外, 利用代谢组学技术还可以进行已知酶的新活性研究, 也可以研究未知酶。  相似文献   

代谢组学是近几年发展起来的对某一生物或细胞所有低分子量代谢产物进行定性和定量分析的一门新学科,其研究对象主要是生物体液,研究手段主要是核磁共振和质谱。简要综述了代谢组学的概念、代谢组学在毒理学研究领域中的应用、当前代谢组学研究中存在的问题及今后的发展趋势,并探讨了代谢组学在研究毒物作用机制、药物的临床前安全性评价、确定毒物作用靶器官及器官特异性新的生物标志物中的实际应用。  相似文献   

This minireview is based on a lecture given at the First Maga Circe Conference on metabolomics held at Sabaudia, Italy, in March 2006 in which the analytical and statistical techniques used in metabonomics, efforts at standardization and some of the major applications to pharmaceutical research and development are reviewed. Metabonomics involves the determination of multiple metabolites simultaneously in biofluids, tissues and tissue extracts. Applications to preclinical drug safety studies are illustrated by the Consortium for Metabonomic Toxicology, a collaboration involving several major pharmaceutical companies. This consortium was able, through the measurement of a dataset of NMR spectra of rodent urine and serum samples, to build a predictive expert system for liver and kidney toxicity. A secondary benefit was the elucidation of the endogenous biochemicals responsible for the classification. The use of metabonomics in disease diagnosis and therapy monitoring is discussed with an exemplification from coronary artery disease, and the concept of pharmaco-metabonomics as a way of predicting an individual's response to treatment is exemplified. Finally, some advantages and perceived difficulties of the metabonomics approach are summarized.  相似文献   

肿瘤是一种多因素参与造成机体各系统功能平衡紊乱的代谢性疾病,代谢重编程是恶性肿瘤的重要特征之一。研究"代谢指纹图谱"的代谢组学,通过揭示肿瘤或药物引起的宿主内源性代谢物的变化,为肿瘤药物靶点的筛选提供了可能。但目前对代谢组在肿瘤药物靶点筛选中的整体性综述并不多见,因此,本文在介绍了代谢组学筛选肿瘤药物靶点的流程的基础上,然后依次对代谢组学在糖代谢、氨基酸代谢、脂质代谢等能量领域中肿瘤药物靶点筛选及其在揭示肿瘤耐药机制和靶向药物筛选中的应用进行了阐述,最后对代谢组学在肿瘤药物靶点研究中存在的问题以及未来发展趋势进行了探讨,以期为深入研究理解代谢组学在肿瘤机制和药物靶点发现中的重要作用提供参考和科学依据。  相似文献   

Mass spectrometry (MS) is an established technology in drug metabolite analysis and is now expanding into endogenous metabolite research. Its utility derives from its wide dynamic range, reproducible quantitative analysis, and the ability to analyze biofluids with extreme molecular complexity. The aims of developing mass spectrometry for metabolomics range from understanding basic biochemistry to biomarker discovery and the structural characterization of physiologically important metabolites. In this review, we will discuss the techniques involved in this exciting area and the current and future applications of this field.  相似文献   

A key interest in clinical diagnosis and pharmaceutical industry is to have a repertoire of noninvasive biomarkers to??individually or in combination??be able to infer or predict the degree of liver injury caused by pathological conditions or drugs. Metabolomics??a comprehensive study of global metabolites??has become a highly sensitive and powerful tool for biomarker discovery thanks to recent technological advances. An ultra-performance liquid chromatography/time-of-flight tandem mass spectrometry (UPLC/TOF MS/MS)-based metabolomics approach was employed to investigate sera from galactosamine-treated rats to find potential biomarkers for acute liver injury. Hepatic damage was quantified by determining serum transaminase activity and in situ liver histological lesions. Principal component analysis in combination with coefficient of correlation analysis was used for biomarker selection and identification. According to the data, serum levels of several metabolites including glucose, amino acids, and membrane lipids were significantly modified, some of them showing a high correlation with the degree of liver damage determined by histological examination of the livers. In conclusion, this study supports that UPLC-MS/MS based serum metabolomics in experimental animal models could be a powerful approach to search for biomarkers for drug- or disease-induced liver injury.  相似文献   

A metabonomics technique based on ultra-performance liquid chromatography (UPLC) coupled with Q-TOF mass spectrometry was employed to investigate the sera from 32 patients with chronic renal failure (CRF) without renal replacement therapy and 30 healthy volunteers in order to find potential disease biomarkers and reveal its pathophysiological changes. After data acquisition Waters MarkerLynx software was used to report retention time and m/z pairs for each metabolite peak, these data were exported to an excel table, then handled by using multivariate analysis and the statistical analysis in the SIMCA-P and the SPSS softwares to obtain potential biomarkers which were further identified by MS/MS. Seven potential biomarkers, creatinine, tryptophan, phenylalanine, kynurenine and three lysophosphatidylcholines, were identified. The results suggest that CRF can lead to the increase of reservation of creatinine in the body, and the abnormal metabolism of the two essential amino acids and lysophosphatidylcholines. It has indicated that metabonomics will be a powerful tool in the clinic research.  相似文献   

代谢组学是定量描述生物内源性代谢物质的整体及其对内因和外因变化应答规律的的一门新学科。近年来,代谢组学技术在水产动物疾病中的研究备受关注,特别是为感染性疾病发生机制及防控研究提供了一种新的手段。本文介绍了代谢组学技术及其在水产动物研究中的应用,包括代谢组学技术在水产动物感染性疾病、细菌耐药及环境应激等方面应用进行综述,分析了代谢组学在水产动物疾病研究中面临的问题与挑战,并对未来水产动物代谢组学研究趋势进行了展望,以期为代谢组学技术在水产动物疾病发病机制和药物研发方面更深入的运用提供参考。  相似文献   

Mass spectrometry plays a key role in drug metabolite identification, an integral part of drug discovery and development. The development of high-resolution (HR) MS instrumentation with improved accuracy and stability, along with new data processing techniques, has improved the quality and productivity of metabolite identification processes. In this minireview, HR-MS-based targeted and non-targeted acquisition methods and data mining techniques (e.g. mass defect, product ion, and isotope pattern filters and background subtraction) that facilitate metabolite identification are examined. Methods are presented that enable multiple metabolite identification tasks with a single LC/HR-MS platform and/or analysis. Also, application of HR-MS-based strategies to key metabolite identification activities and future developments in the field are discussed.  相似文献   

Mass spectrometry-based metabolomics is a rapidly growing field in both research and diagnosis. Generally, the methodologies and types of instruments used for clinical and other absolute quantification experiments are different from those used for biomarkers discovery and untargeted analysis, as the former requires optimal sensitivity and dynamic range, while the latter requires high resolution and high mass accuracy. We used a Q-TOF mass spectrometer with two different types of pentafluorophenyl (PFP) stationary phases, employing both positive and negative ionization, to develop and validate a hybrid quantification and discovery platform using LC–HRMS. This dual-PFP LC–MS platform quantifies over 50 clinically relevant metabolites in serum (using both MS and MS/MS acquisitions) while simultaneously collecting high resolution and high mass accuracy full scans to monitor all other co-eluting non-targeted analytes. We demonstrate that the linearity, accuracy, and precision results for the quantification of a number of metabolites, including amino acids, organic acids, acylcarnitines and purines/pyrimidines, meets or exceeds normal bioanalytical standards over their respective physiological ranges. The chromatography resolved highly polar as well as hydrophobic analytes under reverse-phase conditions, enabling analysis of a wide range of chemicals, necessary for untargeted metabolomics experiments. Though previous LC–HRMS methods have demonstrated quantification capabilities for various drug and small molecule compounds, the present study provides an HRMS quant/qual platform tailored to metabolic disease; and covers a multitude of different metabolites including compounds normally quantified by a combination of separate instrumentation.  相似文献   

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