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秦岭太白山不同植被带土壤团聚体碳库变化及温度敏感性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
森林土壤碳库对全球变暖的响应是气候变暖下预测CO2不确定性的潜在主要来源。然而,不同植被带上各粒径团聚体的SOC矿化的温度敏感性(Q10)及机理尚不明确。收集了中国太白山4个不同海拔的植被带的土壤,将土壤按粒径大小筛分为大、中、小3类团聚体,并进行了100天的土壤培养实验,以监测在3个恒定温度(5℃、15℃和25℃)下土壤呼吸速率、微生物量碳和胞外酶活性等指标。研究表明(1)团聚体占全土比例随粒径增大而增大,而有机碳含量随粒径的增大而减小。(2)随着海拔的升高,大团聚体、中团聚体、小团聚体的惰性碳库比例分别从45.11%、36.37%、64.72%升高到45.71%、38.11%、67.12%,缓效碳库比例分别从28.81%、37.20%、14.54%下降到28.41%、36.16%、13.78%,活性碳库比例从26.06%、26.42%、20.73%下降到25.35%、25.72%、19.09%。(3)各团聚体温度敏感性(Q10)表现出随海拔升高而增加,随温度升高而降低(T1Q10>T2Q10),并且具有惰性碳库Q10>缓效碳库Q10>活性碳库...  相似文献   

青藏高原具有独特的海拔、气候和生态系统类型,弄清其土壤有机质分解及其温度敏感性对于揭示青藏高原土壤碳储量变化及其碳汇功能具有重要意义。该文利用青藏高原西北部草地的11个封育-自由放牧成对草地,通过测定不同温度(5、10、15、20和25℃)培养下的土壤碳矿化速率,探讨了土地利用方式对该地区土壤碳矿化及其温度敏感性的影响。实验结果表明:温度对青藏高原高寒草地的土壤碳矿化具有显著影响,温度越高土壤碳矿化量越大。从东至西,土壤碳矿化量逐渐降低。草地土壤碳矿化量与土壤有机碳和土壤全氮含量显著正相关;即土壤有机碳和土壤全氮含量越高,土壤碳矿化量就越高。土地利用方式对土壤碳矿化的温度敏感性(Q10)无显著影响,Q10值变化范围为1.4–2.4;其中,放牧草地Q10的平均值为1.83,封育草地Q10的平均值为1.86。此外,Q10与土壤有机碳和土壤全氮含量无显著的相关关系,也无明显的空间格局。放牧和封育对青藏高原高寒草地土壤碳矿化的温度敏感性无显著影响,为深入分析青藏高原土壤碳汇功能及其对未来气温升高的响应提供了重要的理论依据。  相似文献   

为探讨农田土壤不同组分呼吸及其对温度变化的响应,选取山东平邑旱耕土和湖南桃江水稻土为供试土壤,设置4个温度水平(5、15、25、35 ℃),对两种土壤的轻组、重组及全土进行63 d的培养试验.结果表明: 两种土壤全土的呼吸均高于轻组和重组.旱耕土重组的呼吸高于轻组,水稻土重组和轻组的呼吸在5~25 ℃温度水平下无显著差异,但35 ℃下重组高于轻组.在不同温度水平下,旱耕土轻组、重组和全土累积呼吸量分别占其初始碳的0.3%~2.8%、0.4%~3.7%和0.6%~7.0%,水稻土分别占其初始碳的0.4%~3.0%、0.3%~3.8%和0.7%~5.3%.两种土壤全土及轻、重组呼吸的温度敏感性(Q10)均随温度升高和培养时间延长而降低;水稻土重组的Q10高于轻组,旱耕土重组和轻组Q10的差异无明显规律.在5~25 ℃温度水平下,旱耕土全土Q10显著高于水稻土,但在25~35 ℃下低于水稻土.说明平邑旱耕土有机碳矿化强度高于桃江水稻土,且对温度变化的响应总体比水稻土更敏感.  相似文献   

温度、水分对湿地土壤有机碳矿化的影响   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
采用密闭培养法,研究了小叶章(Deyeuxia angustifolia)湿地土壤有机碳的矿化动态,探讨了温度和水分条件对有机碳矿化的影响.结果表明:湿地土壤有机碳在培养初期(0~2 d)矿化速率较高,之后矿化速率逐渐降低;33 d培养期间,表层(0~10 cm)土壤的总矿化量为1.59~2.62 mg C·g-1,为下层(10~100 cm)的4~22倍;温度升高10℃使总矿化量分别增加60%~210%(75%WHC)和30%~200%(淹水);一级动力学方程能较好地描述湿地土壤有机碳矿化动态,其C0值随土壤深度呈指数递减变化,且C0和C0/SOC值均随温度的升高而升高;不同深度土壤Q10值分别变化为1.7~3.1(75% WHC)和1.2~3.0(淹水),且与土壤深度之间存在明显的二次抛物线相关;土壤深度、培养温度对湿地土壤有机碳矿化具有显著影响,而水分处理对有机碳矿化的影响不显著.  相似文献   

温度对湿地沉积物有机碳矿化的影响   总被引:19,自引:2,他引:17  
温度是湿地沉积物有机碳积累和分解的主要影响因子。培养试验研究了 5个温度梯度下东北三江平原地区 3类典型湿地(泥炭沼泽、腐殖质沼泽和沼泽化草甸 )沉积物有机 C的矿化特征 ,以及冻融过程 (7次 )对其矿化的影响。结果表明 ,温度每升高5℃ ,泥炭沼泽、腐殖质沼泽和沼泽化草甸沉积物在 2 6 0 d培养期内有机 C矿化量分别增加 3.1%、3.3%和 1.6 %。在较低温度(10、15、2 0℃ )下 3类湿地沉积物的有机 C矿化速率基本处于稳定状态 ;但在较高温度 (2 5、30℃ )下前期 (0~ 110 d)的矿化速率明显高于后期。 3类湿地沉积物有机 C矿化温度系数 (Q1 0 )在前期较大 (2 .9~ 3.6 ) ,并出现明显的波动 ,后期逐渐趋于稳定(2 .0 )。到培养结束时 ,泥炭沼泽和腐殖质沼泽沉积物的轻组 C(比重 <1.7)占总有机 C百分比 (约占起始有机 C总量 80 % )的下降幅度与温度成正相关 ;而沼泽化草甸沉积物的轻组有机 C(仅占起始有机 C总量 5 % )的下降幅度较小 (2 .5 %~ 2 .9% )。试验结果还表明 ,在 2 0℃下培养 ,3类湿地沉积物的有机 C矿化速度明显受冻融处理的抑制 ,在 10℃下培养其影响则很小  相似文献   

研究侵蚀土壤有机质矿化及其温度敏感性(Q10)对深入认识水土流失地区土壤有机碳动态变化具有重要意义。该文以福建省长汀县河田镇严重侵蚀区的裸露红壤为研究对象, 通过测定不同培养温度(10 ℃、20 ℃和30 ℃)下的土壤有机碳矿化速率、培养过程中微生物生物量碳(MBC)和可溶性有机碳(DOC)含量的变化, 探讨了温度对严重侵蚀红壤有机碳矿化特征的影响及其Q10。结果表明: 温度对严重侵蚀红壤有机碳矿化具有显著影响, 温度越高土壤有机碳矿化速率和矿化率越高; 培养过程中土壤有机碳累积矿化量与MBC显著正相关, 与DOC极显著负相关, 说明微生物生物量和可利用碳含量显著影响土壤有机碳的矿化。尽管严重侵蚀红壤有机碳含量仅为1.54 g·kg-1, 但培养180天的土壤有机碳的累积矿化率高达22.2%-33.3%, 表明侵蚀红壤有机碳容易被矿化。严重侵蚀红壤在10-20 ℃时的Q10值为1.41, 20-30 ℃时Q10值下降到1.06, 土壤有机碳质量低是导致Q10值较低的重要原因, 而严重侵蚀区的红壤长期裸露使微生物对高温产生适应性是高温时Q10值接近1的重要原因。因此, 在未来气候变暖的趋势下, 恢复植被覆盖对减少严重侵蚀红壤有机碳矿化损失具有重要意义。  相似文献   

采用室内土壤培养法,比较分析了湖南省会同地区常绿阔叶林、杉木纯林土壤有机碳的矿化速率和累计矿化量,分析了有机碳矿化量与土壤活性有机碳初始含量的关系。结果表明:常绿阔叶林土壤有机碳矿化速率和累计矿化量均显著高于杉木纯林。在培养的第21天,在培养温度为9℃和28℃条件下,常绿阔叶林0~10和10~20cm土层的土壤有机碳累计矿化量为杉木纯林的1.7~2.7倍。常绿阔叶林土壤有机碳矿化释放的CO2-C分配比例高于杉木纯林。林地土壤有机碳矿化量受土壤微生物碳、可溶性有机碳初始含量的影响(P<0.01)。土壤有机碳矿化使土壤微生物碳增加而可溶性有机碳下降,但变化幅度均不大。温度从9℃升高到28℃后,林地土壤有机碳矿化速率提高3.1~4.5倍;2林地有机碳矿化对温度的敏感性无显著差异。  相似文献   

室内实验(25℃和50%WFPS)比较研究了碳酸氢铵(普碳)和长效碳酸氢铵(长碳)对粘质土壤(粘土)和壤质土壤(壤土)硝化反硝化过程和NO与N2O排放的影响.长碳中的DCD在粘土中的硝化抑制作用很弱,在壤土中显著,与普碳处理相比,NH 4持续时间分别延长7d和33d.15d内,施普碳(100μgN·g-1)情况下,粘土和壤土NO排放量分别占施N量的060%和106%,分别是相应土壤N2O排放量的30和12倍.施长碳后,粘土和壤土NO排放量分别减少67%和95%,N2O排放量分别减少64%和55%.有氧培养39d后,外加硝酸盐(200μgKNO3N·g-1),接着淹水厌氧培养7d,壤土长碳处理较普碳处理反硝化总损失减少50%,但N2O排放量增加113%.  相似文献   

王意锟  方升佐  田野  唐罗忠 《生态学报》2012,32(22):7239-7246
采用室内培养研究了黏壤土和粉砂质壤土条件下杨树叶和小麦秸秆混合以及改变杨树叶添加频次对土壤有机碳矿化及土壤微生物量的影响.结果表明:(1)添加各残落物后,25℃时土壤呼吸速率高于15℃,粉砂质壤土高于黏壤土(P<0.05).分4次添加杨树叶处理(P2、P2-W)的呼吸速率在1-7d较小,第8天后高于其他处理(P<0.05),且在9、17、25d会出现峰值.(2)培养初期,混合物对有机碳矿化的促进作用不明显,培养结束时表现出促进作用(P<0.05).分4次添加杨树叶最终的有机碳净矿化累积量高于一次添加处理(P<0.05).(3)和单一处理相比,杨树叶-小、麦秸秆混合后的土壤微生物量碳、氮显著提高(P<0.05),而分4次添加杨树叶的土壤微生物量碳、氮高于一次性添加处理(P<0.05).添加残落物处理均降低了土壤矿质态氮含量,且这种现象在混合处理(P1-W,P2-W)中更为明显(P<0.05).说明残落物混合及添加频次增加能有效调节碳动态及氮供应,这对深入了解农林复合系统碳氮循环具有一定的现实意义.  相似文献   

通过室内培育试验,分析了土地利用方式转变后灰色森林土有机碳矿化过程及其对温度变化的响应特征.结果表明:原始林转变为农田后,0~10 cm、10~20 cm的土壤有机碳和全氮含量分别下降了68.5%、76.8%和40.5%、44.4%;而农田土壤有机碳的平均矿化速率和累积矿化量仅分别为原始林的24.4%~43.2%和9.20%~13.7%.低温条件下(<25 ℃)土壤有机碳矿化的温度敏感性显著高于高温条件下(>25 ℃).低温条件下(<25 ℃)两种利用方式的土壤有机碳矿化对温度变化的敏感性没有显著差异;但高温条件下(>25 ℃),农田0~10 cm土壤有机碳矿化的温度敏感性高于原始林,而农田10~20 cm土壤有机碳矿化的温度敏感性明显较低.  相似文献   

Quantification of net nitrogen mineralization (NNM) in soils is indispensable in order to optimize N fertilization of crops. Two long-term laboratory incubation methods were applied to determine rates of net nitrogen mineralization (rNNM) of soils from two sites of arable land (sandy loam soil, silty loam soil) at four temperature levels (2°C, 8°C, 14°C, 21°C). Since variability within replicates was small, the modified 12-week incubation method of Stanford and Smith (1972) using disturbed soils allowed to establish reliable Arrhenius functions with reasonable expenditure. The fit of the functions derived from the 5-month incubation of 23 undisturbed soil columns (4420 cm3) was worse. This was caused by greater variability and less differentiation between temperature levels. Results of both experiments could be described best by zero-order kinetics. Mean mineralization rates of disturbed samples were approximately twice as high than those of undisturbed samples. The suitability of both methods for the prediction of NNM at site conditions is discussed. Actual respiration (AR) at incubation temperatures and substrate induced respiration (SIR) were measured at the end of the incubation of undisturbed soil columns. The results presented reveal that soil microbial communities develop in a different manner during long-term incubation at different temperatures. This behavior offends the underlying assumption that soil microbes remain in steady-state during incubation and that rising rates are physiological reactions to temperature enhancement. Therefore soil microbial biomass (SMB) dynamics during the experiment has to be accounted for when rates of NNM and Arrhenius functions are established. R Merck Section editor  相似文献   

Summary Incubation studies were carried out to investigate the release of sulphur and nitrogen in West Indian soils. Sulphur and nitrogen released or fixed were estimated at 10 days intervals up to 60 days incubation period.All the soils released sulphate when incubated at 30°C. A rapid initial flush of mineralization of both sulphur and nitrogen took place in Cocal fine sand and Montreal sandy loam. In Piarco sandy clay loam and Mayaro sandy loam sulphur mineralization was not accompanied by a concomitant mineralization of nitrogen. An inconsistent pattern of release of sulphur and nitrogen was noticed in Montserrat clay, Akers sandy clay loam, Bellevue sandy clay loam and Soufriere cindery gravelly loamy sand.The release of sulphur does not appear to be related to the total amount of carbon, nitrogen or sulphur. Nitrogen mineralized was significantly correlated with total nitrogen and total sulphur. The correlation between organic matter and nitrogen mineralized was highly significant (r=0.87**) whereas with sulphur mineralized it did not reach significance. This suggests that nitrogen and sulphur are not mineralized at the same rate in these soils.  相似文献   

Population increase of Pratylenchus hexincisus on corn was tested over 3 months at 15, 20, 25, and 30 C in Marshall silt loam, Clarion silt loam, Buckner coarse sand, and Haig silty clay loam soils. The optimum temperature for increase was 30 C in all soils. The nematode population was significantly larger in Buckner coarse sand than in other soil types at 50 C. The recovered P. hexincisus populations equaled or exceeded initial inoculum levels at the two higher temperatures in Marshall silt loam and Haig silty clay loam and at 30 C in Clarion silt loam and Buckner coarse sand. P. hexincisus required 32,400 heat units in Haig silty clay loam and more than 40,000 heat units in the three other soil types to reach a level that is known to cause significant height and biomass reduction in corn under controlled condition.  相似文献   

Soil properties impact pesticide persistence. Because these characteristics operate together in situ, identification of their clustered associations can help explain pesticide fate. Factor analysis was used to reduce the dimensionality of soil characteristics by grouping them into clustered independent factors, which were then related to the mineralization of atrazine and selected degradation intermediates. A Sharpsburg silty clay loam, Ortello sandy loam, and Hord silt loam were inoculated with a Hord soil that had a high capacity for atrazine mineralization. The soils were spiked with 14C-radiolabeled atrazine, deethylatrazine, hydroxyatrazine, N-isopropylammeline, N-isopropylammelide or cyanuric acid and sampled during incubation for 80 d (atrazine) or 40 d (degradation intermediates) at 22°C. Low mineralization in uninoculated soils demonstrated that the absence of atrazine-mineralizing microorganisms was most limiting. In inoculated soils, regression analysis indicated mineralization of atrazine (R2 = 0.88) and its degradation intermediates (R2 ≥ 0.89) was related to factors associated with bioavailability and microbial activity. For atrazine, this relationship indicated mineralization may be positively influenced by higher pH and available phosphorus, lower NO3-N, organic carbon and clay contents, and lower adsorption. Our results show how factor analysis can be used in conjunction with multiple regression to determine mineralization potential and thus help identify soils with limited degradation capacities and possible long-term persistence.  相似文献   

Greenhouse tests were conducted to determine the effects of soil temperature and texture on development of Pratylenchus scribneri and the pathogenicity and reproductive rates of this nematode on selected crop plants. In a sandy loam soil, greatest numbers of P. scribneri were found at 30 and 35 C on sudangrass and sugarbeet, respectively. In a silty clay loam, the nematode reproduced best at 35 C on sugarbeet. Higher populations of P. scribneri were found in the sandy loam than silty clay loam soil at corresponding temperatures. In a pathogenicity test, top and root growth of sudangrass and barley were suppressed by the nematode, whereas no significant growth inhibition was found on wheat and alfalfa. Tests with other vegetable and field crops indicated wide variance in nematode reproduction.  相似文献   

Soil erosion has been a common environmental problem in the Loess Plateau in China. This study aims to better understand the losses of soil organic carbon (SOC) induced by water erosion. Laboratory-simulated rainfall experiments were conducted to investigate the characteristics of SOC loss induced by water erosion. The applied treatments included two rainfall intensities (90 and 120 mm h-1), four slope gradients (10°, 15°, 20°, and 25°), and two typical soil types- silty clay loam and silty loam. Results showed that the sediment OC enrichment ratios (ERoc) in all the events were relative stable with values ranged from 0.85 to1.21 and 0.64 to 1.52 and mean values of 0.98 and 1.01 for silty clay loam and silty loam, respectively. Similar to the ERoc, the proportions of different sized particles in sediment showed tiny variations during erosion processes. No significant correlation was observed between ERoc values and the proportions of sediment particles. Slope, rainfall intensity and soil type almost had no impact on ERoc. These results indicate that the transportation of SOC during erosion processes was nonselective. While the mean SOC loss rates for the events of silty clay loam and silty loam were 0.30 and 0.08 g m-2 min-1, respectively. Greater differences in SOC loss rates were found in events among different soil types. Meanwhile, significant correlations between SOC loss and soil loss for all the events were observed. These results indicated that the amount of SOC loss was influenced primarily by soil loss and the SOC content of the original soil. Erosion pattern and original SOC content are two main factors by which different soils can influence SOC loss. It seems that soil type has a greater impact on SOC loss than rainfall characteristics on the Loess Plateau of China. However, more kinds of soils should be further studied due to the special formation processes in the Loess Plateau.  相似文献   

Vegetated buffer strips were evaluated for their ability to remove waterborne Cryptosporidium parvum from surface and shallow subsurface flow during simulated rainfall rates of 15 or 40 mm/h for 4 h. Log(10) reductions for spiked C. parvum oocysts ranged from 1.0 to 3.1 per m of vegetated buffer, with buffers set at 5 to 20% slope, 85 to 99% fescue cover, soil textures of either silty clay (19:47:34 sand-silt-clay), loam (45:37:18), or sandy loam (70:25:5), and bulk densities of between 0.6 to 1.7 g/cm(3). Vegetated buffers constructed with sandy loam or higher soil bulk densities were less effective at removing waterborne C. parvum (1- to 2-log(10) reduction/m) compared to buffers constructed with silty clay or loam or at lower bulk densities (2- to 3-log(10) reduction/m). The effect of slope on filtration efficiency was conditional on soil texture and soil bulk density. Based on these results, a vegetated buffer strip comprised of similar soils at a slope of or=3 m should function to remove >or=99.9% of C. parvum oocysts from agricultural runoff generated during events involving mild to moderate precipitation.  相似文献   

Studies were conducted to determine the efficacy of the commercially available immuno-magnetic system by DynalTM to recover C. parvum oocysts from silty clay, sandy clay loam and clay soils. Each soil type was spiked with known numbers of oocysts and their recovery using percoll-sucrose gradient centrifugation in combination with immuno-magnetic separation system was evaluated. The recoveries varied significantly. The silty clay loam soil had the highest recovery ranging between 91% and 26%, while the sandy clay loam had the lowest recovery ranging between 30% and 2%. The results indicate that though the DynalTM IMS system is capable of recovering oocysts from soils, the recovery efficiencies can vary significantly.  相似文献   

Pima County, Ariz., is currently investigating the potential benefits of land application of sewage sludge. To assess risks associated with the presence of pathogenic enteric viruses present in the sludge, laboratory studies were conducted to measure the inactivation rate (k = log10 reduction per day) of poliovirus type 1 and bacteriophages MS2 and PRD-1 in two sludge-amended desert agricultural soils (Brazito Sandy Loam and Pima Clay Loam). Under constant moisture (approximately -0.05 × 105 Pa for both soils) and temperatures of 15, 27, and 40°C, the main factors controlling the inactivation of these viruses were soil temperature and texture. As the temperature increased from 15 to 40°C, the inactivation rate increased significantly for poliovirus and MS2, whereas, for PRD-1, a significant increase in the inactivation rate was observed only at 40°C. Clay loam soils afforded more protection to all three viruses than sandy soils. At 15°C, the inactivation rate for MS2 ranged from 0.366 to 0.394 log10 reduction per day in clay loam and sandy loam soils, respectively. At 27°C, this rate increased to 0.629 log10 reduction per day in clay loam soil and to 0.652 in sandy loam soil. A similar trend was observed for poliovirus at 15°C (k = 0.064 log10 reduction per day, clay loam; k = 0.095 log10 reduction per day, sandy loam) and 27°C (k = 0.133 log10 reduction per day, clay loam; k = 0.154 log10 reduction per day, sandy loam). Neither MS2 nor poliovirus was recovered after 24 h at 40°C. No reduction of PRD-1 was observed after 28 days at 15°C and after 16 days at 27°C. At 40°C, the inactivation rates were 0.208 log10 reduction per day in amended clay loam soil and 0.282 log10 reduction per day in sandy loam soil. Evaporation to less than 5% soil moisture completely inactivated all three viruses within 7 days at 15°C, within 3 days at 27°C, and within 2 days at 40°C regardless of soil type. This suggests that a combination of high soil temperature and rapid loss of soil moisture will significantly reduce risks caused by viruses in sludge.  相似文献   

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