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尾叶桉MLA无性系(简称MLA)为难生根植物,尾叶桉U6无性系(简称U6)和刚果12号桉W5无性系(简称W5)为相对易生根植物。MLA的插条内的过氧化物酶(POD)活性较U6、W5的高。用萘乙酸(NAA)处理桉树的插条后,在扦插生根的不同阶段,插条内的POD活性呈现规律性的变化。POD同工酶谱带也随生根的进程出现增多现象。本文讨论了过氧化物酶与桉树插条生根的关系。  相似文献   

吲哚丁酸对桉树插条多酚氧化酶的影响及其与生根的关系   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
尾叶桉MLA无性系(简称MLA)为难生根植物,尾叶桉U6无性系(简称U6)和刚果12号桉W5无性系(简称W5)为易生根植物。MLA插条内的PPO活性比U6、W5的低。用吲哚丁酸(IBA)处理桉树的插条后,在扦插生根的不同阶段,插条内的PPO活性呈现规律性的变化。蛋白质含量呈上升趋势。PPO同工酶谱带也随生根的进程出现增多现象。讨论了多酚氧化酶与桉树插条生根的关系。  相似文献   

NAA处理桉树插条后IAAO活性与生根的关系   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
尾叶桉MLA无性系(简称MLA)为难生根植物,尾叶桉U6无性系(简称U6)和刚果12号桉W5无性系(简称W5)为相对易生根植物。MLA插条内的吲哚乙酸氧化酶(IAAO)活性较U6、W5的高。用萘乙酸(NAA)处理桉树插条后,在扦插生根的不同阶段,插条内IAAO活性呈现规律性变化;可溶性蛋白质含量呈上升趋势。本文讨论了IAAO与桉树插条生根的关系。  相似文献   

研究表明,难生根的尾叶桉×赤桉LH22无性系茎的粗提液对绿豆插条发根率、不定根长度有极明显的抑制作用,而易生根的尾叶桉U6无性系茎的粗提液却没有抑制作用。对这些茎粗提液进一步用有机溶剂萃取分离,各萃取相进行白菜种子萌发的生物测验,表明LH22中的水相、乙醚相含有抑制种子萌发的物质,经Duncan's新复极差法分析抑制作用显著,而易生根的U6中却无影响。水相、乙醚相分别再经硅胶柱层析技术分离纯化得到多种不同的成分,进行白菜种子萌发生物测验后,有数种成分有明显的抑制作用。因此说明,难生根的LH22无性系茎内含有成分不同的生根抑制物质,而易生根的U6无性系茎内几乎没有或含有少量这些生根抑制物质。  相似文献   

3个桉树无性系过氧化氢酶活性及同工酶比较研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
本文研究杂交桉树(Eucalyptus urophylla×Eucalyptus camaldulensis)LH21无性系、LH22无性系和尾叶桉(Eucalyptus urophylla)U6无性系的过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性及同工酶的差异。结果表明,3个桉树无性系同一器官的CAT活性存在差异,同一个无性系中不同器官的CAT活性差异很显著。采用聚丙烯酰胺不连续凝胶垂直板电泳比较分析CAT同工酶,发现3个无性系的CAT同工酶存在着一定的差异,其中LH21和LH22叶片有相同的谱带,但根的谱带与叶片有差异;而U6各器官的CAT谱带与LH21和LH22有差异。3个无性系的CAT同工酶都在一定程度上具有器官的特异性。  相似文献   

黄化作用与插条生根   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
插条采集前,在基部进行黄化处理能显著提高难生根树种插条产生不定根的能力,并能提高插条对外源生长素处理的敏感性。黄化处理促进生根的效应与它改变了插条内生长素、多胺、有关酶的活性、生根辅促因子和抑制因子的含量和分布有着密切关系。  相似文献   

蕨藻红素促进大豆插条不定根的形成   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对蕨藻红素影响大豆下胚轴插条不定根形成的研究表明:蕨藻红素促进大豆插条不定根的形成,其最适浓度为0.5μmol·L^-1,最适处理时间为2d。0.5μmol·L^-1蕨藻红素处理大豆插条后,不定根诱导阶段(0~24h)的POD、CAT、IAAox活性较低;而不定根形成生长阶段(24~72h)的CAT和IAAox活性较高,POD活性低于未作处理的。试验推测蕨藻红素促进大豆插条不定根形成的生理基础可能与其影响POD、CAT和IAAox活性有关。  相似文献   

IBA对野生蔬菜少花龙葵插条生根的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在室内水培条件下, 研究了吲哚丁酸(IBA)、插条类型及插条留叶方式对野生蔬菜少花龙葵(Solanum photeinocarpum)插条生根的影响。结果表明, 5~35 mg L-1 IBA处理的少花龙葵半叶嫩枝插条生根率均为100%, 以20 mg L-1 IBA处理的平均生根数最多。促进少花龙葵半叶硬枝插条生根的IBA浓度为15~35 mg L-1,其中以25 mg L-1 IBA的效果最好。少花龙葵嫩枝和硬枝插条分别在20与25 mg L-1 IBA处理下,均以半叶插条的生根效果最好、缺叶插条的生根效果最差,全叶插条的生根效果居中。  相似文献   

外源SOD和APX基因在转基因烟草中的表达与遗传   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
分析转超氧化物歧化酶基因(SOD)或抗坏血酸过氧化物酶基因(APX)烟草及其自交和杂交后代的叶片中超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和过氧化物酶(POD)活性的结果表明:转基因烟草的SOD和POD活性在终花期最强,不同叶位叶中SOD活性差异不明显,POD活性以下部叶为最高;转基因烟草的SOD或POD活性显著高于近等基因的非转基因品系。杂交后代(F1、F2)的SOD活性能保持稳定,略高于亲本;自交后代(S1~S3)与自交亲本的SOD和POD活性相当。  相似文献   

对光叶楮扦插生根过程中吲哚乙酸氧化酶(IAAO)、多酚氧化酶(PPO)、过氧化物酶(POD)3种酶进行了动态跟踪分析。结果表明:IAAO活性在扦插初期逐渐上升,第10d上升到高峰,之后下降再上升,第30d达到新高峰,然后迅速下降;前25d POD活性变化规律与IAAO相似,但30d以后活性一直上升;PPO活性在扦插前期缓慢上升,第20d上升到了最高点,此后变化不大。还研究了IAAO、PPO、POD与不定根的发生和发展关系,认为光叶楮扦插生根可分为愈伤组织形成期、根诱导期和根的伸长期3个阶段,愈伤组织形成期3种酶活性都呈上升趋势,根诱导期IAAO和POD的活性达到高峰;而根伸长期IAAO和POD活性下降,PPO活性上升。  相似文献   

Abstract Seedlings of Pinus sylvestris L. were grown under controlled conditions (temperature 20°C, photoperiod 17 h) at two irradiances, 8 or 40 W m-2. Hypocotyl cuttings were excised and rooted at different irradiances in tap water solutions of indolebutyric acid (IBA). The fastest rooting and highest rooting percentage were obtained with cuttings from stock plants grown at 8 W m-2 and treated with 10-5M IBA for 21 days. The concentration of 10-4M IBA inhibited root formation. In comparable treatments rooting was always better in cuttings from stock plants grown at 8 W m-2 than in cuttings from stock plants grown at 40 W m-2. The irradiance during the rooting period had only a minor influence on rooting. When cuttings from plants irradiated with 40 W m-2 were treated with 10-5M IBA for 21 days the rooting percentage almost reached the same level as in untreated cuttings from stock plants given 8 W m-2. In cuttings treated with IBA during the whole rooting period, rooting was depressed in comparison to untreated cuttings. Aeration of the 10-4M IBA solution increased the rooting percentage, but aeration had no effect on untreated cuttings and on cuttings treated with lower IBA concentrations.  相似文献   

The capacity of young and mature Sequoia sempervirens clones to produce roots in vitro was studied after wounding and indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) treatments. Rooting was not observed in mature or in young cuttings cultivated for 30 days in medium without IBA. The presence of 25 μ M IBA in the medium resulted in the appearance of roots at the base of the cuttings. More roots appeared and grew faster on cuttings of the young than on the mature clone. This difference in rooting capacity between young and mature cuttings may be related to differences in the hormone levels at the base of the 5 mm long cuttings during the first 4 days of the root inductive period. After HPLC fractionation. IAA. IBA and related compounds, including indole-3-aspartic acid (IAAsp) and IBA-glucose ester (IBA-GE), were determined by MS and MS-MS and their levels measured by ELISA. Another immunoreactive compound was also found and determined to be N,N-dimethyltryptophan (DMT), a compound previously reported to inhibit auxin-enhanced ethylene production. Wounding of the stem without IBA treatment revealed a transient increase in IAA, IAAsp and DMT levels in young cuttings while a dramatic increase in the levels of DMT was observed in mature cuttings. Following IBA treatment. IAA levels increased in both clones, but higher levels were measured in the young than in the mature clone. IBA and IBA-GE were also found but in higher levels in the mature clone. Thus, the difficult-to-root mature clone differs from the young clone in its auxin metabolism.  相似文献   

沙生柽柳扦插生根过程插穗相关理化特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
选取沙生柽柳半木质化枝条进行苗床扦插,通过实验测定插穗生根过程中内源激素(IAA、GA3、ZR、ABA)含量、可溶性营养物质(糖、蛋白质)含量及相关氧化酶(PPO、POD、SOD、IAAO)活性的动态变化特征,探讨沙生柽柳插穗扦插生根机理。结果表明:(1)沙生柽柳插穗内源激素含量随生根进程而发生变化,其中,IAA含量在扦插35d最大,并出现较大的波动变化;ZR含量在扦插55d前后变化明显,呈现低水平向高水平转化趋势;ABA、GA3含量依次呈先升高后降低再升高的变化过程,并在扦插15d和55d(80d)呈现变化的峰值和谷值。(2)沙生柽柳扦插生根与相关氧化酶活性密切相关,其中,POD、IAAO活性在插穗扦插35d后长时间保持较高水平,直至插穗生根后POD活性明显降低,IAAO活性有所增加;PPO、SOD活性则在插穗扦插15d保持较高活性,且PPO活性的变化均匀,SOD活性的高低交替变化明显。(3)在沙生柽柳扦插生根期间,插穗可溶性糖含量呈现生根前消耗减少与生根后积累增加两大变化过程,可溶性蛋白质含量表现为扦插后逐步积累增加的变化趋势。研究表明,高水平的IAA、ZR和低水平的GA3、ABA共同调控着沙生柽柳插穗生根;IAA能够通过促进插穗POD、PPO、IAAO活性变化来影响生根,较高的POD、IAAO活性可调节插穗IAA水平,高水平的PPO活性则催化插穗IAA-酚酸复合物的形成,进而诱导插穗生根。  相似文献   

Abstract   The rooting capacity of microshoots derived from two mature Eucalyptus urophylla X Eucalyptus grandis half-sib clones kept for 3 y under intensive micropropagation was assessed in different in vitro conditions. A first set of experiments established that clone 147 microshoots rooted earlier and in greater proportions, while producing more adventitious roots overall than their homologs from clone 149. Modifying the composition of the basal 1/2-MS-derived rooting medium by 1/4-MS or Knop macronutrients, or reducing sucrose concentration to 10 g l−1 did not enhance the rooting rates. However, together with the growth regulators added, they had a significant effect on the number of adventitious roots formed. With rooting rates reaching 81%, the higher rootability of clone 147 over clone 149 was further confirmed by the second set of experiments with significant effects of the various auxins tested and strong clone × auxin interactions on the proportions of rooted microshoots and on the number of adventitious roots. The best rooting scores were given by 5 μM indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) and 12.5 μM 1-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA), whereas the microshoots exposed to 5 or 12.5 μM indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) were less responsive. Lower light intensities did not improve significantly root capacities, although differences might exist according to the genotype. Overall, root and shoot elongation was stimulated by light. At the end of the experiment, the rooted microshoots were markedly taller than the non-rooted ones, with significant influences of auxins and light intensity, and to a lesser extent, of the genotypes.  相似文献   

Paclobutrazol (PB) only slightly stimulated the rooting of mung bean cuttings but, interestingly, the number of adventitious roots formed was dramatically increased when PB was used together with indole-3-butyric acid (IBA). Application of PB in the first phase of root formation, when root initials are induced, caused the greatest enhancement of the promotive effect of IBA on rooting. Investigation of the effect of PB on uptake, transport and metabolism of [5-3H]-IBA in mung bean cuttings revealed some changes in the rate of metabolism of IBA in comparison with control cuttings. PB was found to be involved in the partitioning of carbohydrates along the cuttings. Application of sucrose, like PB to the base of IBA-treated cuttings enhanced the effect of IBA. The patterns of the effects of PB and IBA, separately and together, on rooting were similar in defoliated and intact cuttings, however the number of roots was much lower in the defoliated cuttings, which lacked a source of assimilates. PB counteracted the effect of GA3 in the upper regions of the cuttings and seemed to increase the sink capacity at the base of the cuttings. The results of the present study clearly demonstrated the enhancing influence of PB on IBA stimulation of the rooting of mung bean cuttings. It is suggested that PB may affect the rate of metabolism of IBA during rooting and the status of the local sink, in the base of the cuttings, thus partially contributing to the enhancement of the rooting-promotive effect of IBA.  相似文献   

以尾巨桉优良无性系无菌苗茎段为外植体,通过对噻唑基脲类新型分裂素(N-phenyl-N′-[6-(2-chlorobenzothiazol)-yl]urea,PBU)等多种不同浓度生长调节剂组合的优化,进行胚性愈伤组织诱导及植株再生研究。结果表明,在添加了2mg·L^-1PBU和0.05mg·L^-1IAA的改良MS培养基上,茎段外植体培养5d后愈伤组织诱导率达96%以上。将愈伤组织接种在添加1mg·L^-16-BA和0.05mg·L^-1NAA的MS培养基上,诱芽率达90.8%。随后在添加了0.8mg·L^-1PBU与0.05mg·L^-1IAA的1/2MS培养基上诱导芽伸长,用1/2MS培养基附加0.5mg·L^-1IBA诱导生根,移栽后得到完整再生植株。  相似文献   

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