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短尾猴下颌骨的性二型   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
王红  潘汝亮 《兽类学报》1992,12(3):161-166
对30个成年短尾猴下颌骨的8个有关变量作了性二型研究。单因子分析说明,8个变量均达到了显著差异水平。判别分析得到的第一判别式为:D=-11.013+1.151下颌骨髁长+0.269下颌骨髁宽。当D=-1.271±0.182时,标本为雌性;当D=0.973±0.290时为雄性。雄性下颌骨髁比雌性更长和更宽,且变化较为稳定,可作为种内性别间的鉴别特征。雄性比雌性具有较大咀嚼阻力臂(下颌长),但其他阻力臂则比雌性相对较短。与一些灵长类相同变量的比较说明,短尾猴下颌骨结构与猕猴较为接近,与长尾叶猴则相差甚远。这可反映它们食性和行为方面的亲疏关系。  相似文献   

【目的】探明亚洲玉米螟不同地理种群性体型二型性及幼虫发育历期与蛹重的关系。【方法】在26℃,L︰D=16︰8条件下,详细记录了来自热带地区的海南省三亚种群,来自亚热带地区的广东省广州和江西省永修种群,及来自温带地区的河北廊坊种群的雌雄幼虫发育历期、蛹重、成虫重,并计算幼虫发育速率。【结果】不同地理种群的雌性个体均显著大于雄性个体。三亚种群雌雄个体的发育历期没有差异,但雌性的生长速率显著大于雄性个体;广州种群、永修种群及廊坊种群,雌雄的生长速率没有差异,但雌性幼虫的发育历期显著长于雄性幼虫。各地理种群蛹重随幼虫发育历期的延长呈下降趋势。【结论】亚洲玉米螟存在明显的性体型二型性,雌雄个体发育历期和生长速率存在地理差异。  相似文献   

以东方蝾螈大别山种群为实验材料,随机选取162只蝾螈(雄52只,雌110只),通过单变量、双变量、多变量分析的方法,进行11项体征的测量分析.结果表明,头体长是本研究的最适单变量,且头体长与腋胯距之间的相关性最高;PCl在雄性和雌性中均与头体长密切相关,且大多数体征与头体长进行比例分析均显示出异速生长关系,东方蝾螈性二型性普遍存在.本研究中11项体征呈现符合Renseh法则的雌性依赖性二型性演化特征,这种性二型性特征可能是一系列复杂的非对称性选择的结果.  相似文献   

动物的部分身体结构和功能特征在生长发育过程中雌、雄两性之间出现差异,即产生性二型现象。动物体型的性二型现象是自然界长期进化和动物适应环境变化的结果,具有重要的进化学和生态学意义。麋鹿Elaphurus davidianus是典型的性二型哺乳动物。本文对147头麋鹿(♀57头,♂90头),幼体、亚成体和成体及0~4岁以上雌性5个年龄段、0~5岁以上雄性6个年龄段的14个体型参数进行测量分析。结果表明:北京南海子麋鹿种群幼体不存在体型性二型现象;各体型参数中,体质量的体型性二型现象最明显,其性二型指数在幼体、亚成体和成体3个发育阶段分别为0.995、1.381和1.423,显著递增;0~2岁期间麋鹿生长发育迅速,但不存在雌、雄两性之间的显著差异;雌性麋鹿1~2岁达到性成熟,3岁达到成年;雄性麋鹿5岁以上达到成年。受食物状况、种群密度、气候条件、温度等生境因子的影响,麋鹿体型大小和体型性二型性指数存在区域差异。  相似文献   

肥满度被广泛用于动物生长状况与环境、生存、繁殖等方面的研究。对2017年6月—2019年3月在广东省珠海市城区采集的328只臭鼩Suncus murinus肥满度进行分析,以期发现亚热带城市环境中臭鼩肥满度与性别、季节及气象因子的关系及其变化规律。结果显示:1)雄性肥满度(3.32)显著高于雌性;春季怀孕雌性(2.62)比未怀孕雌性(2.31)具有更高的肥满度。2)雄性和怀孕雌性肥满度在季节间的差异有统计学意义,雄性在春季和夏季的肥满度较高,分别为3.48和3.41,而怀孕雌性的肥满度仅在春季较高,未怀孕雌性的肥满度无明显的季节变化。3)雄性肥满度与气象因子无显著相关性,未怀孕雌性肥满度与季月平均降水量呈显著正相关,怀孕雌性肥满度与季月平均温度呈显著负相关。个体大的雄性在对食物等资源的竞争中更具优势,因此具有更高的肥满度。臭鼩肥满度的变化与种群密度及食物资源可利用性有关。不同性别、不同生理状况(怀孕/未怀孕)的个体在不同季节获得资源的能力不同,其肥满度表现出明显的性二态及季节性波动。  相似文献   

蜘蛛的性二型现象及其进化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
古德祥  张古忍 《蛛形学报》1993,2(2):114-117
对蜘蛛的性二型现象进行了初步的概括,并试图以食物对种群繁衍的影响为线索说明其进化机制。蜘蛛的性二型现象主要表现在体形大小上,一般雌性大于雄性;食物的数量和分布制约着蜘蛛性二型现象的进化。  相似文献   

根田鼠身体大小的性二型   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
都玉蓉  苏建平  刘季科 《兽类学报》2001,21(3):236-239,215
在雌雄异体的有性生物中 ,反映身体结构和功能特征的某些变量在两性之间常常出现固有的和明显的差别 ,使得人们能够以此为根据判断一个个体的性别 ,这种现象被称为性二型 (sexualdimor phism)。国外大量研究表明 ,哺乳动物性二型现象十分普遍 ,并且 ,在大多数情况下 ,雄性个体大于雌性个体[1] ;国内同类研究还不多 ,仅见周立等[2 ] 、盛和林[3] 、陈国芳[4 ] 、杜铭章[5] 分别对高原鼠兔(Ochotonacurzoniae)、黄鼬 (Mustelasibirica)、摇蚊和海蛇的性二型现象作过报道 ,但均未分析其产生原…  相似文献   

雌性对雄性表饰的偏好性有利于性别选择。目前尚不清楚这一偏好性是否只限于雄性表饰或这一偏好性实际上是源于影响后代适合度的基因。对于雄性可直接有利于雌性或其后代适合度的交配系统而言,答案是肯定的--雌性偏好于与对气候胁迫具有更强生理抗性的雄性交配。对果蝇Drosophila biarmipes 的室内研究已经证明了求偶过程中翅斑的作用,但是其生态学意义仍然不清楚。我们检验了有翅斑与无翅斑雄性果蝇D. biarmipes 及雌性偏好的雄性所产生的后代对环境胁迫的抗性是否不同。结果表明:在干燥或冷胁迫条件下,有翅斑的雄性果蝇比无翅斑的雄性果蝇的交配成功率明显要高。相反,在高湿条件下,无翅斑雄性果蝇的交配频率更高。我们也发现在较为干旱的条件下,与有翅斑雄性交配的雌性果蝇的生殖力以及所得后代从卵至成虫的存活率更高。我们的结果与优良基因性选择假说一致,说明交配选择能给雌性带来间接好处。这是对热带物种D. biarmipes翅色二型性生态学意义的首次报道。  相似文献   

白眉长臂猿属(Hoolock)物种声音长期被认为不具有性二型,但是识别其声音的性别差异有助于该属物种的种群动态监测与行为学研究。本研究以天行长臂猿(Hoolock tianxing)作为研究对象,标注了11个个体的鸣声数据。我们通过k-中心点聚类(k-medoids聚类)识别音节类型,基于音节组成和音句长度划分音句类型,并且识别了音节特征和音句使用上的性别差异。本研究识别出wa、oo、whoop、ow和eek 5种音节类型以及7种音句类型。雌性的wa和ow音节频率变化的幅度与速率比雄性更大;oo音节的各项频率指标比雄性更低;whoop音节频率变化的幅度与速率相比于雄性更小。在音句的使用上,独猿个体鸣叫的音句与合唱时各自性别贡献的部分更为相似,雄性极少唱主要由whoop音节与ow音节组成的音句G,雌性极少唱音句B (wa-whoop)和C (wa-oo-wawhoop)。本研究表明天行长臂猿的声音中存在性二型,该性别差异不仅有助于对天行长臂猿的监测,而且有助于理解不同声音类型及性别差异的功能。  相似文献   

通过记录分析雌雄棕色田鼠同性间的社会互作并用免疫组织化学方法对雌激素α受体(ERα)在雌雄棕色田鼠脑内的分布进行定位,以揭示ERα在不同性别棕色田鼠社会行为中的调控作用。结果发现:雌性棕色田鼠攻击行为显著多于雄性;雌性棕色田鼠亲密行为明显少于雄性,差异极显著;此外,雌性棕色田鼠的防御行为极显著多于雄性。免疫组织化学结果显示:ERα免疫阳性细胞主要分布在弓状核(ARC)、杏仁内侧核(MeA)、杏仁中央核(Ce)、下丘脑视前区(MPOA)、下丘脑腹内侧核(VMH)和终纹床核(BST),其中ERα在BST、MPOA、MeA和Ce中的分布存在着极显著性二型性,且雌性田鼠表达的ERα较多;在ARC中的分布也存在显著性二型性,雄性田鼠表达的ERα多于雌性田鼠;ERα在VMH中的分布无明显的性二型性。结果揭示了雌雄棕色田鼠在同性间社会互作中攻击、防御以及亲密行为存在显著差异,而ERα在雌雄棕色田鼠脑内的分布模式也有显著性差异,社会互作和ERα免疫阳性细胞分布的两性差异都呈现单配制鼠类的特征,ERα在大脑分布模式的两性差别和不同种类间的差别可能是单配制啮齿类呈现相关生殖和社会行为的一个重要机制[动物学报54(6):1020-1028,2008]。  相似文献   

Sexual dimorphism in the postcranial skeleton of New World primates   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This study examines sexual dimorphism in 24 dimensions of the postcranial skeleton of four platyrrhine species: Callithrix jacchus, Saguinus nigricollis, Saimiri sciureus, and Cebus albifrons. The two callitrichid species show a relatively small amount of variation in the degree of sexual dimorphism among the different dimensions. Variation is considerably higher in the two cebid species as reflected by a mosaic pattern of sexual dimorphisms with males being significantly larger than females in some dimensions, and females significantly larger than males in others. In dimensions of the pectoral girdle and limb bones, males and females in each of the two cebid species are essentially scaled versions of each other, with males being peramorphic compared to females. This pattern is primarily the result of time hypermorphosis, i.e. an extension of the growth period in time in males. Rate hypermorphosis, i.e. an increase in the rate of growth in time in males, appears to play an additional role, however, in S. sciureus. By contrast, in dimensions of the true pelvis, sex differences in shape are dissociated from those in size. They are interpreted as the result of acceleration, i.e. increase in rate of shape change in females, as an adaptation to obstetrical functions. Interspecific analyses indicate positive allometry of mean degree of postcranial dimorphism with respect to body size. This coincides with previous findings by Leutenegger and Cheverud [1982, 1985] on the scaling of sexual dimorphism in body weight and canine size, and thus supports their model which posits selection on body size as the prime mover for the evolution of sexual dimorphism.  相似文献   

Basic biomechanical principles predict that body size differences and differences in the positional behavior of primates should impact on the design of the locomotor skeleton. Allometric distortions in joint shape might be expected between sexes if the degree of body size dimorphism is substantial and/or if sex-specific differences exist in behavior. Nevertheless, there are few documented cases of sexual dimorphism in the limb joints of hominoids, despite substantial body size dimorphism and some reports of intersexual differences in positional behavior. This study re-examines sexual dimorphism in the hominoid distal humerus using coordinate data, and distinguishes explicitly between degree of dimorphism (i.e., the magnitude of intersexual differences) and pattern of dimorphism (i.e. , the nature of these differences). Using a variety of multivariate morphometric methods (e.g., canonical variates analysis of Mosimann shape variables; Euclidean Distance Matrix Analysis of both form and pattern difference matrices), we address the following issues: (1) do males and females of different species and subspecies (or ethnic groups for humans) maintain similar joint shapes? (2) are multiple patterns of dimorphism evident in this region of hominoids? (3) are differences and similarities in degree and pattern predicted by phylogenetic propinquity and positional behavior? For the most part, our results support earlier findings that sexual dimorphism in the shape of the anthropoid elbow is slight. Of the eight taxa considered here, only the western lowland gorillas exhibited significant differences in the shape of the distal humerus. Gorilla gorilla gorilla also displays a significantly different pattern of dimorphism from the orang-utan. Pattern differences between Andaman Islanders and both mountain gorillas and the orang-utan also approach statistical significance (P<0.06 and P<0.08, respectively). Overall, and despite marked differences in the degree of dimorphism, the knuckle-walking African apes are more similar in patterns of dimorphism to each other than to other taxa (e.g., gorillas are more similar to orang-utans in degree, but more similar to chimpanzees and bonobos in pattern). We could find no definitive "human pattern" in our results and suspect that this is because human upper limbs face less stringent mechanical constraints since they are relieved of locomotor stresses (but we cannot rule out the possibility of undocumented differences among our human groups in sex-specific, work-related activities). We anticipate finding additional pattern differences among anthropoids in articular dimorphism as we add other taxa to our sample (including fossil hominids), and examine other joint systems.  相似文献   

Allometric and heterochronic approaches to sexual dimorphism have contributed much to our understanding of the evolutionary morphology of the primate skull and dentition. To date, however, extensive studies of sexual dimorphism have been carried out only on the great apes and a few cercopithecine monkeys. To fill this gap, representative dimensions of the skull were collected among ontogenetic series of two dimorphic Old World monkeys:Macaca fascicularis (Cercopithecinae) andNasalis larvatus (Colobinae). The ontogeny of cranial sexual dimorphism was evaluated with least-squares bivariate regression, analysis of covariance (ANCOVA), and analysis of variance (ANOVA). Results indicate that within each species the sexes typically exhibit nonsignificant differences in ANCOVAs of ontogenetic trajectories, except for bivariate comparisons with bicanine breadth. AmongMacaca fascicularis, ANOVAs between males and females of common dental ages show that adult, and frequently subadult, males are significantly larger than females, i.e., sexual dimorphism develops via time and rate hypermorphosis (males primarily grow for a longer time period as well as faster). AmongNasalis larvatus, however, comparisons between males and females of common dental ages indicate that only adult males are significantly larger than females, i.e., sexual dimorphism develops primarily via time hypermorphosis (males grow for a longer time period). Within both species, females appear to exhibit an early growth spurt at dental age 2; that is, many cranial measures for females tend to be larger than those for males. Measures of the circumorbital region (e.g., browridge height), body weight, and bicanine breadth exhibit typically the highest sexual dimorphism ratios. The fact that postcanine toothrow length and neurocranial volume (less so inNasalis) demonstrate very low dimorphism ratios generally supports assertions that postnatal systemic growth (and associated selective pressures thereon) exerts a greater influence on facial, but not neural, dental, or orbital, development (Cochard, 1985, 1987; Shea, 1985a,b, 1986; Shea and Gomez, 1988; Sheaet al., 1990). Additional consideration of ontogenetic differences between species generally supports previous functional interpretations of subfamilial differences in cranial form related to agonistic displays in cercopithecine monkeys (Ravosa, 1990).  相似文献   

Understanding how phenotypic diversity evolves is a major interest of evolutionary biology. Habitat use is an important factor in the evolution of phenotypic diversity of many animal species. Interestingly, male and female phenotypes have been frequently shown to respond differently to environmental variation. At the macroevolutionary level, this difference between the sexes is frequently analysed using phylogenetic comparative tools to assess variation in sexual dimorphism (SD) across taxa in relation to habitat. A shortcoming of such analyses is that they evaluate the degree of dimorphism itself and therefore they do not provide access to the evolutionary trajectories of each sex. As such, the relative contribution of male and female phenotypes on macroevolutionary patterns of sexual dimorphism cannot be directly assessed. Here, we investigate how habitat use shapes phenotypic diversity in wall lizards using phylogenetic comparative tools to simultaneously assess the tempo and mode of evolution in males, females and the degree of sexual dimorphism. We find that both sexes have globally diversified under similar, but not identical, processes, where habitat use seems to drive macroevolutionary variation in head shape, but not in body size or relative limb length. However, we also observe small differences in the evolutionary dynamics of male and female phenotypes that have a marked impact on macroevolutionary patterns of SD, with important implications for our interpretation of what drives phenotypic diversification within and between the sexes.  相似文献   

Sexual dimorphism in body size and shape in animals is normally linked to sexual selection mechanisms that modify the morphological properties of each sex. However, sexual dimorphism of ecologically relevant traits may be amplified by natural selection and result in the ecological segregation of both sexes. In the present study, we investigated patterns of sexual dimorphism of morphological traits relevant for locomotion in two lacertid lizards, Podarcis bocagei and Podarcis carbonelli, aiming to identify ontogenetic sources of variation. We analysed trunk and limb variation in relation to total body size, as well as the covariation of different traits, aiming to shed light on the proximate causation of adult sexual dimorphism. We find that, although immatures are generally monomorphic, adult females have a longer trunk, and adult males have longer fore and hind limbs. Both sexes differ substantially with respect to their growth trajectories and relationships between traits, whereas, in some cases, there are signs of morphological constraints delimiting the observed patterns. Because of the direct connection between limb size/shape and locomotor performance, which is relevant both for habitat use and escape from predators, the observed patterns of sexual dimorphism are expected to translate into ecological differences between both sexes. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 99 , 530–543.  相似文献   

Sexual dimorphism has implications for a range of biological and ecological factors, and intersexual morphological differences within a species provide an ideal opportunity for investigating evolutionary influences on phenotypic variation. We investigated sexual size dimorphism (SSD) in an agamid species, Rankinia [Tympanocryptis] diemensis , to determine whether overall size and/or relative morphological trait size differences exist and whether geographic variation in size dimorphism occurs in this species. Relative morphological trait proportions included a range of head, limb, and inter-limb measurements. We found significant overall intersexual adult size differences; females were the larger sex across all sites but the degree of dimorphism between the sexes did not differ between sites. This female-biased size difference is atypical for agamid lizards, which are usually characterized by large male body size. In this species, large female-biased SSD appears to have evolved as a result of fecundity advantages. The size of relative morphological trait also differed significantly between the sexes, but in the opposite direction: relative head, tail, and limb sizes were significantly larger in males than females. This corresponds to patterns in trait size usually found in this taxonomic group, where male head and limb size is important in contest success such as male–male rivalry. There were site-specific morphological differences in hatchlings, including overall body size, tail, inter-limb, thigh, and hindlimb lengths; however, there were no sex-specific differences indicating the body size differences present in the adult form occur during ontogeny.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 94 , 699–709.  相似文献   

Based on a longitudinal study of radiographs of the Denver Growth Study, we investigated the morphological development of individual and gender differences in the anterior neurocranium, face, and basicranium. In total, 500 X-rays of 14 males and 14 females, each with 18 landmarks and semilandmarks, were digitized and analyzed using geometric morphometric methods. Sexual dimorphism in shape and form is already present at the earliest age stage included in the analysis. However, the nature of dimorphism changes with age. Four factors apper to contribute to cranial sexual dimorphism in human postnatal development: 1) initial, possibly prenatal, differences in shape; 2) differences in the association of size and shape; 3) male hypermorphosis; and 4) some degree of difference in the direction of male and female growth trajectories. Studying changes in individuals, we find a low correlation between newborn and adult morphology, while 3-year-olds already show a high correlation with their adult form. We conclude that the adult pattern of interindividual difference in facial form in a single human population is established within the first few years of life.  相似文献   

Five measurements were taken on the ossa coxae of 454 adult primates representing Ceboidea, Cercopithecoidea and Hominoidea. Sex differences in these variables and their relationships to overall body size and sexual dimorphism were tested by means of Student's t-test and regression analysis. The study attempts to clarify the nature of primate pelvic sexual dimorphism, including allometric effects, and more specifically, test the assertion made by Mobb and Wood (1977) that sexual dimorphism in body size in not an important determinant in pelvic sex differences. Variables that contribute to the size of the birth canal tend to be larger in females than males in all taxa studied except two. In these, Hylobates and Alouatta, there were no significant differences between the sexes for any of the five variables. In general, sexual dimorphism in variables contributing to the size of the birth canal was correlated (r ? 0.8) with sexual dimorphism in body size. Furthermore, the coefficients of allometry underlying pelvic sex differences were shown to be moderately correlated (r ? 0.5) with sexual dimorphism in size. The influence of other adaptive factors on primate pelvic sexual dimorphism are also briefly discussed.  相似文献   

At least two adaptive processes can lead to the evolution of sexual dimorphism: sexual selection (e.g. male-male combat) or natural selection (e.g. dietary divergence). We investigated the adaptive significance of a distinctive pattern of sexual dimorphism in a south-eastern Australian frog, Adelotus brevis. Male Adelotus grow larger than female conspecifics, have larger heads relative to body size, and have large paired projections (‘tusks’) in the lower jaw. All of these traits are rare among anurans. We quantified the degree of dimorphism in Adelotus, and gathered data on diets and mating systems of this species to evaluate the possible roles of sexual selection and dietary divergence in favoring die evolution of these sexually dimorphic traits. Analysis of prey items in alimentary tracts revealed significant sex differences in prey types. For example, females ate proportionally more arthropods and fewer molluscs than did males. However, this difference is likely to be a secondary consequence of habitat differences between the sexes (due in turn to their different reproductive roles) rather than a selective force for the evolution of sexual dimorphism. Calling males spend their time in moist habitats where pondsnails are abundant, whereas females are more often encountered in the drier arthropod-rich woodlands. A three-year behavioural ecology study on a field population revealed that reproductive males engage in agonistic interactions, with the sexually dimorphic tusks used to attack rivals. Larger body size contributed to male reproductive success. Small males were excluded from calling sites and, among the calling males, larger animals had higher reproductive success (numbers of matings) than did smaller individuals. Hence, the atypical pattern of sexual dimorphism in Adelotus brevis seems to have resulted from sexual selection for larger body size and tusk size in males, in the context of male-male agonistic behaviour, rather than natural selection for ecological divergence between the sexes.  相似文献   

Objective: Recent studies have reported the existence of marked sexual dimorphism in serum leptin levels in humans, with women having approximately three times the levels of men. As we have shown for other measures of adiposity, such sexual dimorphism can arise from a special case of genotype by environment interaction, that of genotype by sex interaction. Research Methods and Procedures: Using maximum likelihood-based variance decomposition techniques, we examined the genetic and environmental architecture of sexual dimorphism in serum leptin levels in 1147 Mexican Americans from the San Antonio Family Heart Study. Results: Both the genetic and environmental variances for this trait differed significantly between the sexes (p < 0.001 and p < 0.01, respectively), with women displaying larger values for both components. We found significant evidence that different genes influence variation in serum leptin levels between the two sexes (p = 0.05). Furthermore, this pattern of sexual dimorphism in serum leptin levels persisted even after accounting for the effects of either the percentage of body fat or total body fat. However, this pattern of sexual dimorphism was eliminated after accounting for the effects of testosterone. Discussion: These findings suggest that the sexual dimorphism seen in leptin levels is not simply explained as differences in total adiposity between the sexes. We conclude that the genes, which influence variation in serum leptin levels, are differentially expressed depending on sex, and that the sexes also show differences in response of the expression of this obesity-related trait to unmeasured residual effects.  相似文献   

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