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糖蜜是制糖业的副产物,广西每年有300万t的标准糖蜜,可生产70多万t酒精。由于我国糖蜜酒精发酵水平较低,醪液酒精体积分数只有9%~10%,造成糖蜜酒精生产能耗高、排污量大、生产成本高。  相似文献   

固定化细胞技术发酵玉米醪生产酒精的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文报导了固定化酵母(S.cerevisiae 9064)批次发酵玉米醪生产酒精的研究。采用自制“多层分隔式生物反应器”在最适发酵条件下,成熟醪的终酒精浓度达10%(V/V)左右,发酵时间可由传统发酵的72h缩短到22h左右,酒精生产力提高了3倍。在吨级反应器连续运转试验时,固定化增殖酵母细胞活性稳定性可持续半年以上,PVA—凝胶粒的机械强度和弹性等以及醪液中酒精含量基本保持不变。  相似文献   

温度对超高浓度酒精生料发酵体系的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对超高底物浓度生料发酵中温度的影响研究发现,采用温度梯度的方法可大幅提高酵母的生产效率。以高粱为例,采用35%绝对干物浓度,在新型生料水解酶的配合下,通过合适的逐级降温培养方式,使用普通酒精干酵母,在90h内发酵醪液酒精浓度可达20%(V/V)以上。  相似文献   

张梁  周衍  石贵阳 《微生物学通报》2008,35(3):0321-0326
构建了含有工业酿酒酵母自身GPD2启动子和终止子、扣囊复膜孢酵母b-葡萄糖苷酶基因(BGL1)和潮霉素选择性标记hyg的重组质粒pPIC-gpd-bgl-hyg, 通过酵母染色体同源重组, 将BGL1基因整合进入工业酒精酵母的染色体上。重组酵母可以在以纤维二糖为唯一碳源的培养基上生长, 48 h时b-葡萄糖苷酶酶活达到0.764 U/mL。在玉米浓醪酒精发酵实验中, 与宿主菌株相比, 重组酵母醪液中纤维二糖含量减少约80%, 达到了消耗醪液中纤维二糖含量的目的。  相似文献   

<正> 为了开展稻飞虱迁飞规律的研究,从1977年起我们进行了试验,并取得了初步结果,现将试验情况简介如下: 一、标记液配方 粘虫、稻纵卷叶螟的标记液由酒精(溶剂),生物染料(碱性品红、碱性品蓝等)和虫胶片(粘着剂)三种成分组成。我们对这三种成分的组合及其比例进行了试验,以寻求适宜的配方。 1.用95%、75%、70%、68%、50%、30%、20%、10%、5%不同浓度的酒精,加0.25%虫胶片和0.25%碱性品红,配制成不同酒精浓度的标记液。  相似文献   

张梁  周衍  石贵阳 《微生物学报》2008,35(3):0321-0326
构建了含有工业酿酒酵母自身GPD2启动子和终止子、扣囊复膜孢酵母b-葡萄糖苷酶基因(BGL1)和潮霉素选择性标记hyg的重组质粒pPIC-gpd-bgl-hyg, 通过酵母染色体同源重组, 将BGL1基因整合进入工业酒精酵母的染色体上。重组酵母可以在以纤维二糖为唯一碳源的培养基上生长, 48 h时b-葡萄糖苷酶酶活达到0.764 U/mL。在玉米浓醪酒精发酵实验中, 与宿主菌株相比, 重组酵母醪液中纤维二糖含量减少约80%, 达到了消耗醪液中纤维二糖含量的目的。  相似文献   

利用中温蒸煮工艺进行高浓度酒精发酵   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
用中温蒸煮工艺生产高浓度酒精,首先利用耐高温α-淀粉酶在9s~97℃下同时糊化和液化淀粉.接着在60℃下加高转化率的糖化酶进行糖化,最后在30℃下加酵母菌悬液进行发酵。酵母菌w4在60h内可以产生18.3%的乙醇,在成熟发酵醪中的残还原糖和总糖分别为1.2%和4.1%,细胞存活率为68.5%。如果在发酵培养基中添加一定量的硫酸铵,可进一步改进这一工艺,使成熟发酵醪的乙醇浓度提高到18.9%,发酵周期缩短到50h,残还原糖和总糖分别减少到0.27%和3.1%。  相似文献   

1.青霉素瓶在生物实验中用处多废弃的青霉素瓶在生物实验中有许多用途。(1)装清水,供生物实验之用。(2)装染色剂,如装稀释的红墨水、碘酒等。(3)装消毒剂,如装0.01%高锰酸钾溶液对牙签进行消毒。(4)装营养液,如装O.65%和0.9%生理盐水来观察两栖动物、哺乳动物的细胞、组织。(5)装反应剂,如装澄清的石灰水、碘酒溶液等。(6)装分离剂,如装10%盐酸用于解离根尖。(7)装固定液和保存液,如装醋酸酒精溶液对根尖进行固定,然后再放在70 %酒精中保存。(8)装培养液,如装  相似文献   

国家非粮生物质能源工程技术研究中心用比较组学方法培育的高产、高效糖蜜乙醇专用酵母菌种,在甘蔗燃料乙醇新技术产业化示范基地——广西丰浩酒精有限公司实现了工业化应用。新菌种能使发酵醪液酒精体积分数由目前的10%上升到13.7%以上,酒分提高30%,废液减少30%,能耗降低15%。  相似文献   

生淀粉高浓度酒精发酵的研究   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
本研究利用国内常用的糖化酶制剂糖化生玉米面中的淀粉,同时接种酵母菌,在30℃下,探讨了玉米淀粉的高浓度酒精发酵工艺。选择到了一株产高浓度酒精酵母菌,H0菌株。发酵温度为30℃、pH4一s、加糖化酶量为每克原料300单位、酵母接种量3%(v/v)和原料加量为33.0%(w/v)时,这株酵母菌在70小时内可产生17.5%(v/v)的乙醇。如果原料加量为36.0%(w/v)时,该菌株在96小时内可以产生18.O%(v/v)的乙醇。在前一种加料情况下,成熟发酵醪中的pH为5、残还原糖为O.19%、残总糖为3.5“。在后一种加料情况下,成熟发酵醪中的pH为5、残还原糖为0.81%、残总糖为5.1%。  相似文献   

The microbial degradation of thin stillage for environment-friendly treatment has been studied extensively in recent years, and useful compounds in the treated-thin stillage are expected to be utilized in the subsequent fermentation. In this study, an Aspergillus oryzae H18, suitable for growing in thin stillage, was isolated from soil and served to degrade the organic matter in thin stillage, with the increase in pH (from 3·75 to 4·8) and decrease in chemical oxygen demand (COD, 81·3% removal rate). The effect of thin stillage as backset water after degradation of the strain H18 on alcohol production in syrup liquid was investigated. Compared with zero addition of thin stillage, the alcohol yield in mixed syrup liquid increased by 8·6% when the concentration of treated-thin stillage was 20%. After the addition of nutrients at proper concentration (0·5% urea, 1% molasses, 0·25% NaCl, 0·2% NaH2PO4, 0·3% MgSO4 and 0·25% CaCl2) in thin stillage, the alcohol yield in yeast fermentation was increased by 32·7% when mixed syrup liquid (with 40% thin stillage treated by H18) was employed, in comparison to control group without thin stillage addition. Meanwhile, the fermentation time was shortened, and alcohol production rate was enhanced.  相似文献   

The integration of enzyme saccharification with fermentation reduces the total time required to produce acceptable levels of ethanol. The use of a more concentrated mash (84.8 L total mash/bu corn) results in a 26.6% increase in ethanol productivity and a 21.4% increase in beer ethanol concentration compared to standard corn mash (96.6 L total mash/bu corn). Thus, the energy requirement and cost of distillation can be reduced. The addition of waste cola syrup at 30 g invert sugar/L total mash gave a 19% increase in ethanol concentration in the final beer and required only a small increase in the period of fermentation. Surplus laundry starch can replace 30-50% of the weight of corn normally used in fermentation without influencing ethanol production or the time required for fermentation. Both of these waste materials reduce the unit cost of ethanol and demonstrate the value of such substances in ethanol systems.  相似文献   

从土壤中筛选出一株适合用甘蔗糖蜜酒精发酵液生产腐植酸的菌株H812。单因素实验和正交实验结果表明,该菌株培养的最适酒精发酵液浓度为16°Bx,最适培养条件为:时间8d、温度34℃、摇床转速200r/min、初始pH7.0、接种量12%和装液量50ml/250ml,其中温度对发酵产品影响显著。在优化的条件下,腐植酸产量为38.12 g/L,较优化前提高了148.34%。对H812菌株进行形态特征分析以及ITS序列分析,推测该菌株为曲霉属真菌。  相似文献   

The effect of pure and mixed fermentation by Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Hanseniaspora valbyensis on the formation of major volatile components in cider was investigated. When the interaction between yeast strains of S. cerevisiae and H. valbyensis was studied, it was found that the two strains each affected the cell growth of the other upon inoculation of S. cerevisiae during growth of H. valbyensis. The effects of pure and mixed cultures of S. cerevisiae and H. valbyensis on alcohol fermentation and major volatile compound formation in cider were assessed. S. cerevisiae showed a conversion of sugar to alcohol of 11.5%, while H. valbyensis produced alcohol with a conversion not exceeding 6%. Higher concentrations of ethyl acetate and phenethyl acetate were obtained with H. valbyensis, and higher concentrations of isoamyl alcohol and isobutyl were formed by S. cerevisiae. Consequently, a combination of these two yeast species in sequential fermentation was used to increase the concentration of ethyl esters by 7.41–20.96%, and to decrease the alcohol concentration by 25.06–51.38%. Efficient control of the formation of volatile compounds was achieved by adjusting the inoculation time of the two yeasts.  相似文献   

甘蔗糖蜜酒精废液混菌发酵菌体蛋白的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈有为  李绍兰 《工业微生物》1996,26(2):13-16,20
本文报导利用甘蔗糖蜜酒精废液混菌发酵高质量菌体蛋白的研究,通过热带假丝酵母Candida tropicalis种合融合株Ct-3配伍其他菌株,混菌发酵时间缩短2 ̄4h,生物量可达20g/L,粗蛋白质含量50 ̄53%,灰份≤10%,水分为5 ̄8%,与Ct-3单菌发酵相比,蛋白质提高4 ̄6%。  相似文献   

城市污泥添加厨余垃圾厌氧发酵产挥发性脂肪酸的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张莉  刘和  陈坚 《工业微生物》2011,41(2):26-31
为了考察污泥产酸工业化的可行性和添加食品废弃物对污泥产酸的影响,本实验在实验室的基础上进行扩大研究,考察了不同的底物总固体浓度对产挥发性脂肪酸的影响.结果显示添加厨余垃圾之后挥发性脂肪酸的累积量可达到17.62g/L.综合产挥发性脂肪酸效果、底物降解效果和产率等情况建议在较大规模的生产过程中选择130g/L的底物浓度为...  相似文献   

During the fermentation of lignocellulosic hydrolyzates to ethanol by native pentose-fermenting yeasts such as Scheffersomyces (Pichia) stipitis NRRL Y-7124 (CBS 5773) and Pachysolen tannophilus NRRL Y-2460, the switch from glucose to xylose uptake results in a diauxic lag unless process strategies to prevent this are applied. When yeast were grown on glucose and resuspended in mixed sugars, the length of this lag was observed to be a function of the glucose concentration consumed (and consequently, the ethanol concentration accumulated) prior to the switch from glucose to xylose fermentation. At glucose concentrations of 95 g/L, the switch to xylose utilization was severely stalled such that efficient xylose fermentation could not occur. Further investigation focused on the impact of ethanol on cellular xylose transport and the induction and maintenance of xylose reductase and xylitol dehydrogenase activities when large cell populations of S. stipitis NRRL Y-7124 were pre-grown on glucose or xylose and then presented mixtures of glucose and xylose for fermentation. Ethanol concentrations around 50 g/L fully repressed enzyme induction although xylose transport into the cells was observed to be occurring. Increasing degrees of repression were documented between 15 and 45 g/L ethanol. Repitched cell populations grown on xylose resulted in faster fermentation rates, particularly on xylose but also on glucose, and eliminated diauxic lag and stalling during mixed sugar conversion by P. tannophilus or S. stipitis, despite ethanol accumulations in the 60 or 70 g/L range, respectively. The process strategy of priming cells on xylose was key to the successful utilization of high mixed sugar concentrations because specific enzymes for xylose utilization could be induced before ethanol concentration accumulated to an inhibitory level.  相似文献   

A semi-continuously mixed mesophilic tubular anaerobic digester was tested for the conversion of fruit and vegetable waste (FVW) into biogas. The effect of hydraulic retention time (HRT) and the feed concentration on the extent of the degradation of the waste was examined. Varying the HRT between 12 and 20 days had no effect on the fermentation stability and pH remained between 6.8 and 7.6, but an inhibition of methanogenic bacteria was observed at HRT below 12 days. The overall performance of the reactor was depressed by changing the feed concentration from 8% to 10% TS (dry weight). By applying a feed concentration of 6% and HRT of 20 days in the tubular digester, 75% conversion efficiency of FVW into biogas with a methane content of 64% was achieved.  相似文献   

Goat manure (GM) is an excellent raw material for anaerobic digestion because of its high total nitrogen content and fermentation stability. Several comparative assays were conducted on the anaerobic co-digestion of GM with three crop residues (CRs), namely, wheat straw (WS), corn stalks (CS) and rice straw (RS), under different mixing ratios. All digesters were implemented simultaneously under mesophilic temperature at 35±1 °C with a total solid concentration of 8%. Result showed that the combination of GM with CS or RS significantly improved biogas production at all carbon-to-nitrogen (C/N) ratios. GM/CS (30:70), GM/CS (70:30), GM/RS (30:70) and GM/RS (50:50) produced the highest biogas yields from different co-substrates (14840, 16023, 15608 and 15698 mL, respectively) after 55 d of fermentation. Biogas yields of GM/WS 30:70 (C/N 35.61), GM/CS 70:30 (C/N 21.19) and GM/RS 50:50 (C/N 26.23) were 1.62, 2.11 and 1.83 times higher than that of CRs, respectively. These values were determined to be the optimal C/N ratios for co-digestion. However, compared with treatments of GM/CS and GM/RS treatments, biogas generated from GM/WS was only slightly higher than the single digestion of GM or WS. This result was caused by the high total carbon content (35.83%) and lignin content (24.34%) in WS, which inhibited biodegradation.  相似文献   

Fermentation of waste activated sludge produces volatile fatty acids (VFAs), which can be used as the carbon sources for numerous biological processes. However, product inhibition can limit extent of fermentation to VFAs. In this study, product inhibition during fermentation of waste activated sludge pre-treated by a thermal hydrolysis process (THP-WAS) was investigated. Product inhibition was confirmed as spiking reactors with high levels of a mix of VFAs prevented fermentation taking place. Various inhibition models were trialled and it was found that a threshold model (based on thermodynamics) provided the best fit between model and data. This is the first time that threshold type inhibition has been shown for a mixed substrate, mixed population system. Batch fermentations carried out with THP-WAS of different dilutions were used to evaluate the impact of different organic loadings. The threshold VFA concentration for the systems studied was determined to be 17±1gCOD(VFA)L(-1). Inhibition was shown to be due to the presence of a combination of VFAs containing 2-6 carbon atoms each. When evaluated individually, by spiking individual VFAs, all VFAs except for acetate had the same impact at this threshold; acetate being approximately 50% as inhibitory as the other organic acids (COD basis). Based on this, a weighted model could be proposed to better represent the data. Strategies to improve overall yield could be increased production of acetate, or dilution to below the inhibitory level.  相似文献   

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