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环长白山旅游公路对野生动物的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着中国公路建设大规模向生态敏感区延伸,野生动物保护问题凸显.但目前国内公路对野生动物影响的系统研究较少.2008年11月-2012年2月,采用样线法、红外相机监测法等对毗邻长白山国家级自然保护区的环长白山旅游公路进行了动物致死、公路对动物的影响域、动物穿越公路、动物通道利用率等研究.结果表明:路域500 m范围内哺乳类、鸟类、爬行类和两栖类种类占到长白山自然保护区的42.86%、24.78%、66.67%和66.67%,国家级保护物种达11种(Ⅰ级2种,Ⅱ级9种);一共有59种3475个动物被致死,平均达到61.6个·100 km-1,两栖类最多,达到2996个;环长白山旅游公路对鸟类和哺乳类物种丰富度无影响,但鸟兽活动痕迹有向路域200 m范围集中趋势;10次冬季调查发现,13种动物穿越公路共502次,穿越次数最多的是黄鼬,达到169次,动物偏好于自然保护区段穿越公路(原始红松阔叶林段落);有6种中大型动物利用桥涵穿越公路,桥梁和涵洞利用率分别达到88%和44.2%,植被类型、人为干扰、通道尺寸都对通道利用率有影响.提出了具体的保护对策.  相似文献   

道路对野生动物的阻隔作用是理解道路对野生动物影响的重要内容。选择毗邻和穿越长白山国家级自然保护区的环长白山旅游公路,于2008—2012年通过路域样线调查,评价了公路对中大型兽类的阻隔作用以及不同植被类型对中大型兽类活动的影响。结果显示:(1)路域500 m范围内有12种中大型兽类活动,包括5种国家级保护物种;(2)红松阔叶林中的中大型兽类的种类和痕迹数量显著大于白桦次生林;(3)公路的自然保护区侧兽类种类显著大于非保护区侧,尤其在雪季,自然保护区侧的兽类种类和痕迹数量都显著大于非保护区侧;(4)野猪(Sus scrofa)、西伯利亚狍(Capreolus pygargus)、黄鼬(Mustela sibirica)、紫貂(Martes zibellina)、黄喉貂(Martes flavigula)、狗獾(Meles leucurus)、松鼠(Sciurus vulgaris)和东北兔(Lepus mandshuricus)的痕迹数量在公路两侧和不同植被类型中都无显著差异,但黄鼬的痕迹数量在雪季时的红松阔叶林内显著大于白桦次生林,野猪和西伯利亚狍在非雪季时的红松阔叶林显著大于白桦次生林;(5)雪季,从路域50 m范围内兽类痕迹数量与兽类穿越率的关系来看,马鹿(Cervus elaphus)穿越公路通道被限制在K25~K27区间,受公路阻隔影响较大;(6)兽类年度穿越率与交通量呈负相关关系,但不显著。本研究表明,环长白山旅游公路对兽类阻隔作用已经显现,且随着时间推移,阻隔作用有加强趋势。鉴于自然保护区外围人为干扰大的现状,提出应加强自然保护区之间的动物迁移走廊建设的建议。  相似文献   

分析了宝(鸡)天(水)高速公路建设地区植被生态环境特点,结合道路工程建设标段划分和小陇山各林场分布现状,对沿线路域生态系统进行了三级分区:其中一级路域生态区分别是麦积林场路域生态区、党川林场路域生态区、百花林场路域生态区和东岔林场路域生态区.最后,选择花石山1#道路域生态带(段)作为本次研究的典型案例区,通过对该路域生态带(段)内的植物群落进行细致调查,并应用种群数量统计分析、扩展最近邻体分析和点格局分析3种方法,选择该路域生态带自然植被类型的地带性种群锐齿栎(Quercus aliena.var) 、非地带性种群华山松(Pinus armandii)、白桦(Betula platyphylla)和人工群落的建群种种群日本落叶松(Larix kaempferi)进行了分布格局的对比研究.结果表明:路域生态区内各主要种群的空间分布格局具有一定的尺度变异性,如地带性种群锐齿栎(Quercus aliena.var)在0~10m尺度上表现为随机分布、10~20m尺度上表现为聚集分布、大于20m尺度上表现为均匀分布,等.通过路域生态区内的植物种群空间分布格局研究,也对公路施工后的植物生态修复和绿地景观设计提供一定思路,为路域环境监测提供了生物因子方面的对比资料,最终为更合理的保护路域生态环境提供科学基础.  相似文献   

为探索长白山区公路对路域近距离范围(500 m)大中型兽类出现率的影响,选择环长白山旅游公路和长白山北坡景区公路为研究区域,于2010—2011年和2013—2015年的5—10月,通过布设30台红外相机持续监测公路对大中型兽类出现率的影响范围与程度。结果显示:路域500 m范围内有8种大中型兽类活动,其中3种为国家级重点保护物种;大中型兽类出现率排序为:野猪Sus scrofa 65.45%、西伯利亚狍Capreolus pygargus 14.79%、松鼠Sciurus vulgaris 8.49%、狗獾Meles leucurus 4.10%、紫貂Martes zibellina 3.37%、梅花鹿Cervus nippon 2.93%、黄鼬Mustela sibirica和熊(黑熊或棕熊)均为0.44%;公路对多数大中型兽类出现率影响不显著,只有松鼠回避路域300 m内的生境和梅花鹿集中于路侧50~150 m活动;野猪、紫貂的月出现率与交通量呈显著负相关关系;8种兽类昼夜活动特征与之前研究基本一致,紫貂、梅花鹿、西伯利亚狍和狗獾表现出夜行性特征,而野猪和松鼠是昼行性特征。  相似文献   

洋太公路对秦岭大熊猫栖息地景观格局的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
洋县至太白县省级公路(洋太公路)穿越了秦岭大熊猫栖息地,可能对该地区大熊猫种群交流产生影响.以北京一号卫星遥感图像为数据源,采用分层提取法对道路建设前大熊猫栖息地景观类型进行分类,随后在GIS软件ArcMap的支持下对分类结果进行更新,模拟得到道路建设后的大熊猫栖息地景观格局,利用Fragstats软件从斑块和景观2个层次上计算了洋太公路修建前后大熊猫栖息地景观指数.结果表明:洋太公路穿越了9.4 km的林地斑块,公路建设使沿线两侧500 m范围6.9%的土地面积转化为建设用地,其中林地面积减少0.9%,各斑块类型的破碎度增加;公路建设后,Shannon多样性指数和CONTAG指数在离公路两侧300 m处变化最大,随着距离公路长度的增加逐渐趋于相同,表明公路建设对景观格局的影响随着空间尺度的增大而减弱.最后,提出了该地区大熊猫栖息地保护与管理建议.  相似文献   

青藏公路对藏羚羊、藏原羚和藏野驴活动的影响   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
2003年8月和2004年8月,在可可西里国家自然保护区通过实地调查,分析了青藏公路运营对藏羚羊(Pantholops hodgsoni)、藏原羚(Procapra picticaudata)和藏野驴(Equus kiang)行为活动的影响.结果表明:藏野驴对青藏公路形成了回避,其在距路基1 001~2 000和2 001~3 000 m区域内的种群密度显著高于0~500 m的区域(P<0.05);青藏公路对藏羚羊、藏原羚的行为活动产生了一定程度的干扰,尤其是对藏羚羊,其在距路基0~500 m区域内的行为活动与距路基2000 m之外的区域具有极显著差异(P<0.01).同时,因其群体数量大,个体通过公路所花费的时间长,需要很长的车辆行驶间隔才能通过公路,故受车辆运输的干扰最大,无法顺利通过公路.研究还发现,在白天的不同时间段,藏羚羊、藏原羚在公路附近的数量分布与各时间段内的车流量呈极显著负相关,这有利于其穿越公路,说明野生动物通过自身的适应和行为调节可以减少环境改变所造成的影响.  相似文献   

从公路死亡效应、公路阻隔效应、公路回避效应和公路动物通道四个方面总结了国内外公路路域动物生态学研究的6种方法:样线法/样方法、痕迹法(主要是沙床/雪踪)、红外相机监控法、GPS项圈法、标记重捕法和遗传多样性分析法。通过比较分析各种方法优缺点并结合我国应用情况及国内外研究的发展趋势,提出了6种方法在四大研究领域应用对策:1)选择生态敏感区域的典型路段作为长期监测样线,采用样线法系统调查公路动物死亡效应,在部分路段试点与公路养护部门联合开展公路野生动物死亡的统计工作;2)选择生态敏感区域的典型路段作为长期监测样线,采用痕迹法进行公路阻隔与回避效应的监测,与野生动物保护部门合作,引入GPS项圈法提高监测精度;3)以痕迹法和红外相机监控法为主进行公路回避效应的监测研究,还可引入GPS项圈法从景观层面分析路网的道路影响域;4)以痕迹法和红外相机监控法为主进行野生动物通道的监测,逐步引入GPS项圈、遗传多样性分析法进行景观层面的种群稳定性分析,科学评价动物通道效率。  相似文献   

应用地理信息系统和遥感技术对岷江上游森林景观在景观尺度上的边界效应进行了分析.结果表明:人工形成的林-农边界较清晰、其植被过渡明显,林地边缘的生物量低于林地内部,影响域为60m,农田边缘的生物量高于农田内部,边界效应范围为60~90m;自然形成的林-草边界过渡缓和,林地边缘的生物量低于林地内部,而草地边缘的生物量高于草地内部,边界效应对林地的影响范围为60m、对草地的影响范围为45~75m;林-灌边界的边界效应类似林-草边界,对林地影响域为60m,对灌木林地的影响域在45~75m之间.  相似文献   

王文采 《植物研究》1994,14(2):105-138
中国China:西藏:索县,4300m,王金亭3337;四川:康定,黄治平等1015;德格,3850m,四川植物队74-7601,74-7520;壤塘,姜恕5937;青海:大通河流域,Przewalski36(isotypi,K,P,PE);互助,郭本兆9088;门源,2400m,青甘队60-2419,杨永昌1017;天峻,郭本兆11394;甘肃:Radja,Rock 14010(E,K);Mt.Da-tung,Farrer和Purdom 518(E,P);天祝,3000m?199,292;Potanin s.n.(K,S)。  相似文献   

岷江上游花椒地/林地边界土壤水分影响域的定量判定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在岷江上游干旱河谷区,选取典型的花椒地/林地边界,利用TDR仪测定干旱条件下、雨后和每月0~15 cm土层水分含量,并用移动窗口法判定土壤水分的边界影响域.结果表明,若用移动窗口法对土壤水分的边界影响域进行判定,当窗口宽度为8~12时,边界影响域较易判定.年内土壤水分随时间变化而变化.这种变化可分为土壤水分上升期、高峰期和消退期3个时期.干旱条件下土壤水分的边界影响域较小,其宽度约从花椒地6 m到林地2 m;雨后土壤水分的边界影响域有较大增加,其宽度约从花椒地12 m到林地2 m;年内土壤水分的边界影响域宽度约从花椒地10 m到林地2 m之间变化.不同季节土壤水分的边界影响域不同,并随着季节的变化呈动态变化.从生态学意义上讲,岷江上游地区目前进行的将花椒地退耕成林地、栽植树苗的措施是不可取的,该区退耕还林的最好方法应该是退耕,使其灌木林或草本植物自然生长.  相似文献   

WeaselsMustela nivalis Linnaeus, 1766 in Kielder Forest, UK showed a diurnal rhythm of activity in summer and we argue that this is the prevailing rhythm found in weasels under natural conditions. Climatic conditions influenced weasel activity with weasels decreasing activity under rainy conditions, but we found no influence of month or weasel weight. In certain habitat types levels of weasel activity increased with increasing field voleMicrotus agrestis density. This result stands in contrast to results from studies carried out in the laboratory and may reflect a greater proportion of time spent in reproductive activity and intra-specific interactions in areas where vole density, and hence conspecific density is high.  相似文献   

In this note, we reported the decline of weasel populations in NE Spain between the end of the last century and present. Our results suggested a delayed numerical response of weasels to wood mice abundance during the first study period (1995–1998), but no response at all in the second and longer period (2008–2015). Small mammals’ outbreaks triggered weasel’ populations in the first period, but they did not in the second period. Other factors may be invoked to explain the recent lack of numerical responses of weasels to mice. Population declines of small mammals have been noted in the study area in recent years, whereas an increase of casual predation records of weasels by generalist raptors has been documented. Both trends seemed to be related to the effects of the process of natural afforestation experienced by Mediterranean areas due to land abandonment. Top-down increased predation may add to bottom-up decreasing prey availability to explain current weasel declines.  相似文献   

We investigated habitat selection and movement characteristics of male weaselsMustela nivalis Linnaeus, 1766 during the breeding season through radio-telemetry in Kielder Forest (KF) in order to assess how weasel movement is influenced by prey dynamics, mate searching and predation risk, and whether the scale of weasel movement corresponds to the spatial scale of the asynchronous, multi-annual vole population cycles observed in KF. Weasels used habitats with a high proportion of grass cover to a much larger extend than habitats with less grass cover and moved through the latter habitats faster and / or straighter. Habitats with high amounts of grass cover also had the highest field vole abundance, although total rodent abundance did not differ between habitats. The selection of this habitat by weasels might reflect weasels preferring field voles as prey or avoiding habitats with little grass cover and high intraguild predation risk. Five out of 8 male weasels radio-tracked had low day-to-day site fidelity and moved between different clear cuts. Three other males were resident in a single clear cut. This variation may reflect mate searching by male weasels. The observation that most weasels (5 out of 8) roamed over large areas and the scale of their dispersal potential suggests, that if they regulated vole populations, they should have a greater synchronising effect on the spatial scale of vole population dynamics than what is observed in vole populations in KF.  相似文献   

《Plains anthropologist》2013,58(78):253-262

One of the smaller mammals of the Creat Plains is the short-legged, slender-bodied, agile and aggressive weasel. The historic Indian tribes of this region did not eat the weasel, but the northern tribes snared these animals in winter to obtain their handsome white pelts. Winter weasel pelts were coveted items in both intratribal and intertribal trade and were used by many tribes to decorate war bonnets, and the finest men’s shirts and leggings. Whole weasels were sometimes tied to shields as war medicine, and some Siouan tribes carv, ed representations of the weasel at the ends of their wooden war clubs. Among the Plains Indians the association of the weasel with warriors’ clothing and weapons appears to have been derived from their recognition of the fighting qualities of the weasel.  相似文献   

Adult gnathostomes were discovered in the stomach of the Jeju weasel, Mustela sibilica quelpartis, road-killed in Jeju-do (Province). Their morphological characters were examined to identify the species. Total 50 gnathostome adults were collected from 6 out of 10 weasels examined. In infected weasels, 4-6 worms were grouped and embedded in each granulomatous gastric tumor, except 1 weasel. Male worms were 25.0×1.4 mm in average size, and had a tail with pedunculate papillae, a spicule, and minute tegumental spines. Females were 40.0×2.5 mm in average size, and had a tail without tegumental spines. Pointed and posteriorly curved hooklets were arranged in 8-10 rows on the head bulb. Tegumental spines were distributed from behind the head bulb to the middle portion of the body. The spines were different in size and shape by the distribution level of the body surface. Fertilized eggs were 65.5×38.9 μm in average size, and had a mucoid plug at 1 pole. These gnathostomes from Jeju weasels were identified as Gnathostoma nipponicum Yamaguti, 1941. By the present study, it was confirmed for the first time that G. nipponicum is distributed in Jeju-do, the Republic of Korea, and the Jeju weasel, M. sibilica quelpartis, plays a crucial role for its definitive host.  相似文献   

The coexistence of two very similar species, stoat and least weasel, has puzzled many researchers. From their ecology it is expected that they do not coexist, not locally at least, and still they seem to do. We reviewed the specific hypotheses proposed to explain their coexistence and related these to general theories of competitive coexistence. To test these conjectures, we studied the habitat selection of least weasels and stoats on landscape and on local scale. The study was performed during the winters, the most critical season, in years 1986–2001 in northern Norway. Stoats were usually more numerous than least weasels. Stoats showed preference for productive areas both at the landscape and at the habitat scale and appeared stereotypic in their habitat selection. Least weasels were more generalized and flexible in their habitat selection. Contrary to results reported in many studies, least weasel did not react to the presence of stoats and were not excluded from the areas with stoats. We suggest that in the conditions of northernmost Fennoscandia, the two species exhibit a variant of classical competitive coexistence. Both species have a shared preference for rodents, but the access to exclusive alternative prey in stoats allows their coexistence with least weasels, which are more efficient predators on rodents. We suggest that more attention should be paid on survival resources, exploited during times of low resource density, when studying the coexistence between close competitors.  相似文献   

香鼬的栖息地选择、觅食和育幼行为   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:7  
香鼬(Mustelaaltaica)喜栖于人类居住区附近的高寒草甸草场,主要以高原鼠兔(Ochotonacurzoniae)为食,其数量分布与高原鼠兔的密度分布成正相关。在高原鼠兔的繁殖盛期,香鼬主要捕食鼠兔幼体,每只成体平均每天捕获鼠兔6.2只,相当于每100克体重日获取食物重量273.5克,在高原鼠兔的繁殖后期和非繁殖期,每只成体平均每天捕获鼠兔2.75只,相当于每100克体重日获取食物重量296.3克。繁殖期育幼任务全部由雌性成鼬承担,幼鼬从7月初开始地面活动,8月初开始扩散。  相似文献   

Carolyn M. King 《Ecography》1980,3(3):160-168
The mean year-class ratio in 6 samples of weasels (total n = 477) ranged from 59% to 84% young, and mean age from 0.79 to 1.16 yr. There was no difference in age structure between samples from 5 game estates and 1 reserve. Mean annual mortality of weasels of both sexes and all ages was 75-90%. In 12 pregnant weasels the mean number of embryos, observed from April to June, was 5.6. There was a definite anoestrous season in winter. Records of the number of weasels killed on game estates show that weasels and stoats reacted differently to the first outbreak of myxomatosis in England in 1954; and that weasel populations are capable of enormous sudden increases (usually associated with "mouse years"). These increases are probably due largely to summer litters produced by precocious juveniles, and also to some adults breeding a second time (both possibilities confirmed from ovarian histology on this material). Traditional gamekeeping practice may influence the seasonal pattern of mortality of weasels (highest in spring) but its effects are probably short-lived.  相似文献   

Analyses of adult worms of Skrjabingylus nasicola occurring in the nasal sinuses of the weasel Mustela nivalis from three localities in the British Isles show that the intensity of infestation can be correlated with increasing severity of skull damage, which in turn increases as the weasel ages. It is suggested that, apart from hormonal differences, the smaller sized female skull is likely to be linked with lower levels of infestation in female compared with male weasels. Also a reduction in mean worm length in female skulls and in heavy infestations of S. nasicola is probably the result of a "crowding effect", previously described for other helminth infections in the definitive host. Crowding appears to have no effect on the sex ratio of worm populations, although there is a tendency for the ratio of female: male worms to increase in female weasels. Reasons for this are discussed.  相似文献   

Carolyn M.  King 《Journal of Zoology》1979,189(2):127-134
The moult pattern of the weasel is similar to that of the stoat ( M. erminea ). English weasels rarely turn white in winter but the winter fur is a paler shade of brown than the summer fur.  相似文献   

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