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脂多糖对离体培养大鼠血管平滑肌细胞增殖的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Li J  Lin SX  Li Y  Zhao HL  Jia B 《生理学报》1999,51(1):14-18
本研究观察到10-7~10-5kg/L脂多糖(lipopolysacharide,LPS)可显著促进血管平滑肌细胞(VSMC)的增殖及DNA的合成(P<005)。5×10-4~10-3kg/LLPS却抑制VSMC的增殖及DNA的合成,降低其活力(P<001),并呈时间依赖效应。一氧化氮合酶抑制剂NNitroLArginine(LNNA)可拮抗LPS的抑制作用。大剂量LPS作用组VSMC上清液中一氧化氮(NO)代谢产物NO-3和NO-2的含量与对照组相比显著增加(P<001),48h组比24h组增加91%,72h组比48h组增加45%;同时,诱导性一氧化氮合酶(inductivenitricoxidesynthase,iNOS)免疫组化染色呈阳性。结果表明,低浓度LPS促进VSMC增殖和DNA合成,而高浓度LPS却明显抑制VSMC增殖和DNA合成,降低其活力。这种抑制作用可能与LPS诱导VSMC产生的NO有关。  相似文献   

长白山红松阔叶林林冠空隙特征的研究   总被引:44,自引:8,他引:36  
吴刚 《应用生态学报》1997,8(4):360-364
将林冠空隙干扰作为红松阔叶林动态维持的重要因素,对长白山红松阔叶林林 冠空隙的形成方式、出现频度、分布格局、结构及林冠空隙内形成本的数量、年龄分布、种 群特征等进行了系统分析.结果表明.长白山阔叶红松林多数林冠空隙由双形成本形成, 每个林冠空隙拥有的形成木为2.44株;林冠空隙形成的速率为0.92个hm2·a-1,林冠空 隙干扰的间隔期(周转期)为751a;扩展林冠空隙面积大多在100~600 m2之间,其中以 400~500 m2所占比例最大.冠空隙在50~350 m2之间,其中以200~250 m2所占比例最 大;每个形成本所形成的扩展林冠空隙平均面积为 141 82 m2,形成的冠空隙面积平均为 67.63 m2.  相似文献   

蛟河阔叶红松林林冠干扰及林隙更新研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
臧润国  徐化成 《植物研究》1999,19(2):232-240
研究了吉林蛟河实验林场阔叶红松林的林冠干扰状况及林隙更新的基本规律。结果表明,扩展林隙(EG)和冠空隙(CG)在阔叶红松林中所占的面积比例分别是18.09%和12.51%,林冠干扰的返回间隔期为700a左右;CG的大小平均为EG的69%,EG的面积变化在17—284m2之间,平均为75.49m2,而CG的面积变化在10—234m2之间,平均为51.98m2,大多数林隙的平均直径仅为主林层树高的20—60%;大多数的林隙是由单株形成木形成的,形成林隙最重的方式是干基折断和掘根风倒;林隙形成木主要是由红松、沙松、枫桦和鱼鳞松四个树种组成,林隙形成木的胸径大都在40—80cm之间,树高在25—30m之间;林隙的空间分布格局是均匀型的。不同树种在林隙内外的数量特征不同,随着林隙与非林隙的交替变化,不同树种的优势地位亦发生相应的变化,根据不同树种在林隙内外重要值位序差值的大小,可将蛟河阔叶红松林内树种对林隙的更新反应划分为三种类型。林隙及非林隙林分的物种多样性特征不同  相似文献   

苍术DNA分离及RAPD遗传多样性分析   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
用新鲜的或-75℃保存的苍术〔Atractylodeslancea(Thunb.)DC.〕叶片提取DNA,产量分别为40ng/mg鲜重和10ng/mg鲜重左右,分离出的DNA的OD260/OD280值均大于19,可用于RAPD试验。用8种引物对苍术4个居群的DNA进行扩增,单个10碱基的引物扩增出的RAPD标记在1~15之间,多态位点百分率南苍术为4750%,北苍术为4540%,遗传相似度值南苍术为085,北苍术为087。结果表明,南苍术的遗传多样性略高于北苍术。  相似文献   

水母雪莲悬浮培养细胞生长和黄酮类活性成分合成   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
在MS培养基上进行水母雪莲(SausureamedusaMaxim.)细胞悬浮培养,研究了摇床转速、接种量、培养液初始pH、碳源等的影响。结果表明,摇床转速为90~120r/min,接种量为50~80gFW/L,培养液初始pH5.5~6.0,对水母雪莲悬浮培养细胞生长和黄酮合成最有利。碳源以蔗糖最适合,蔗糖浓度则以40g/L较好,此时细胞生长量为18~19gDW/L,总黄酮合成量可达1423.25mg/L。用HPLC检测显示4′,5,7三羟基3′,6二甲氧基黄酮(jaceosidin)和4′,5,7三羟基6甲氧基黄酮(hispidulin)的含量分别达到总黄酮含量的22.11%和0.15%。  相似文献   

长白山暗针叶林林隙一般特征及干扰状况   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
杨修 《生态学报》2002,22(11):1825-1831
对长白山暗针叶林林隙一般特征和干扰状况进行了研究。结果表明:长白山暗针叶林林隙的线状密度为21.15个/km,扩展林隙所占的面积比例为29.45%,冠空隙所占的面积比例为15.81%;冠空隙的年干扰频率为0.24%,干扰轮回期为416.7a左右;冠空隙的大小变化在17.9—340.3m^2之间,<100m^2的冠空隙个数较多,冠空隙的平均面积为93.60m^2;扩展林隙的大小变化在43.6—482.3m^2之间,50一200m^2之间的扩展林隙个数较多,扩展林隙的平均面积为174.34m^2;暗针叶林林隙形成的主要方式是风倒;在长白山暗针叶林中,大多数林隙是由2—6株形成木形成,其中由3株形成木形成的林隙员多,单株或7株以上形成木形成的林隙数量很少;在暗针叶林中,10一40a前这段时间形成的林隙较多,特别是20一30a期间形成的林隙员多。其它阶段形成的林隙较少;暗针叶林的林隙大多是由臭冷杉、落叶松和鱼鳞云杉形成。径级在10一30cm之间,高度在25—30m之间的主林层树木形成林隙的可能性最大。暗针叶林林分组成、林隙干扰方式和程度随海拔高度的变化而变化。  相似文献   

大花哥纳香化学成分研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从大花哥纳香(GoniothalamusgrifithiHokf.etThoms)的茎枝分得12个化合物,经光谱(IR,MS,NMR,2DNMR)分析,鉴定其中7个为苯乙烯内酯:goniothalamin(1)、9deoxygoniopypyrone(2)、altholactone(3)、goniodiol(4)、goniotharvensin(5)、goniofufurone(6)和8acetylgoniotriol(7)。另5个化合物鉴定为番荔枝内酰胺(squamolone,8)、乔松素(pinocembrin,9)、琥珀酸(succinicacid,10)、β谷甾醇(βsitosterol,11)和豆甾醇(stigmasterol,12)。化合物1~3和5~10均为首次从该植物分得。  相似文献   

脑啡肽增强胶质细胞的神经营养作用与NO生成减少有关   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Wei GW  Du LN  Zhu CQ  Tang CR  Cao XD  Wu GC 《生理学报》1999,51(3):327-332
本文在SD大鼠大脑皮层胶质细胞神经元共培养模式上,以神经元存活、突起生长、生长相关蛋白43(growthasociatedprotein43,GAP43)mRNA的表达为指标,观察了脑啡肽对胶质细胞神经营养作用的影响,并对其机理作了初步探讨。结果表明,经脑啡肽处理的胶质细胞能使神经元的存活计数增加28%(P<005),单个神经元突起总长度增加11%(P<005),最长突起长度增加16%(P<005),GAP43mRNA的表达增加26%(P<005)。然后又观察了脑啡肽(10-6~10-12mol/L)对培养胶质细胞生成一氧化氮(NO)的影响。结果表明,浓度为10-8,10-10mol/L的脑啡肽能明显抑制其生成(P<005)。结果提示,脑啡肽可能增强胶质细胞的神经营养作用,其机制之一可能是通过抑制胶质细胞NO的生成。  相似文献   

P物质对GABAA和GABAB受体介导的DRG神经元膜反应的调制作用   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
关兵才  李之望 《生理学报》1994,46(5):441-450
实验在幼年大鼠DRG标本上进行。应用细胞内记录观察了SP对GABA反应的调制作用。结果证明:(1)单独滴加SP(5×10(-6)-4×10(-5)mol/L)或浴槽灌流SP(10(-6)-5×10(-6)mol/L)不引起膜电位的改变或仅有轻微的去极化,但却能使GABA引起的去极化反应减小50.8±20.2%(±SD)(20/30);(2)单独滴加SP可使多数受检细胞APD50延长28.7±9.1%(±SD)(10/18);(3)在预加SP后,能使baclofen所引起的APD50缩短效应(20.6±2.9%,±SD)完全消除(4/12)或翻转成APD(50)延长19.3±8.9%(±SD)(8/12);(4)预加GABAB受体激动剂baclofen(10(-4)-10(-3)mol/L)30—90s后明显地抑制muscimol(10-4-10-3mol/L)引起的去极化反应,其抑制效应达54.4±18.8%(±SD)(17/20)。由于DRG神经元的胞体通常可用来作为研究初级传入终末的模型,因而本文实验结果提示:介导伤害性刺激信息的P物质在背角的释放,可能作用于初级传入终末,从而产生对抗GABA介导的突触  相似文献   

树高及树木垂直生长空间对于群落外貌(如林冠线的营造)以及复层结构的构建起到关键作用。本文以上海地区城镇绿化较为常见的23种园林树种为研究对象,对不同胸径梯度下(分别设置为10cm、16cm、22cm、28cm)的树高尺度进行调查与测定。基于所选取及调查树木样本的实测数据,对胸径—树高两者之间的关系进行回归拟合,将所涉及园林树木树高尺度划分为4种伸展类型,并讨论了树高尺度在种植设计中的应用。最后,尝试通过从冠顶角与冠重叠2个方面对林冠线进行定量化解析,以期为群落垂直结构的配置及林冠线的营造提供参考依据。  相似文献   

The stand structure and disturbance history in a sub-boreal coniferous forest dominated byPicea jezoensis, Picea glehnii andAbies sachalinensis were investigated in four study plots set up in Taisetsuzan National Park, Japan. The effect of stand characteristics on the growth and mortality rates of understory trees was examined. Although all the stands showed inverse J-shape d.b.h. (diameter at breast height) distributions, the age structure and disturbance history differed amongst the stands. The stands with wide d.b.h. distribution (i.e. large CV and skewness) were more uneven-aged than those with narrow d.b.h. distribution (i.e. small CV and skewness). The disturbance-return interval based on the model of Hett and Loucks was 31 to 65 years. The gap ratio in the canopy was also different among the stands. These suggest that the variations in stand structure represent different occurrences of natural disturbances. Furthermore, the structural features such as size structure, canopy gap ratio and density of canopy trees also affected the growth dynamics of understory trees (≥2 m in height and <10 cm in diameter at breast height). The growth and mortality rates of understory trees changed with the canopy gap ratio and canopy tree density. The understory trees of stands with wide canopy d.b.h. distribution had higher growth and canopy recruitment rates than those of stands with narrow canopy d.b.h. distribution, contributing to the maintenance of continuous stand stratification. The understory trees of stands with narrow canopy d.b.h. distribution showed lower growth and higher mortality rates than those of stands with narrow canopy d.b.h. distribution, leading to the formation of a single-canopy structure. It is suggested that natural disturbance governs the regeneration process in the future by affecting the growth and mortality patterns of understory trees through the stand structure (size and age structure, canopy tree density, canopy gap ratio).  相似文献   

In boreal landscapes, emphasis is currently placed on close‐to‐nature management strategies, which aim to maintain the biodiversity and ecosystem services related to old‐growth forests. The success of these strategies, however, depends on an accurate understanding of the dynamics within these forests. While moderate‐severity disturbances have recently been recognized as important drivers of boreal forests, little is known about their effects on stand structure and growth. This study therefore aimed to reconstruct the disturbance and postdisturbance dynamics in boreal old‐growth forests that are driven by recurrent moderate‐severity disturbances. We studied eight primary old‐growth forests in Québec, Canada, that have recorded recurrent and moderately severe spruce budworm (Choristoneura fumiferana [Clem.]) outbreaks over the 20th century. We applied an innovative dendrochronological approach based on the combined study of growth patterns and releases to reconstruct stand disturbance and postdisturbance dynamics. We identified nine growth patterns; they represented trees differing in age, size, and canopy layer. These patterns highlighted the ability of suppressed trees to rapidly fill gaps created by moderate‐severity disturbances through a single and significant increase in radial growth and height. Trees that are unable to attain the canopy following the disturbance tend to remain in the lower canopy layers, even if subsequent disturbances create new gaps. This combination of a low stand height typical of boreal forests, periodic disturbances, and rapid canopy closure often resulted in stands constituted mainly of dominant and codominant trees, similar to even‐aged forests. Overall, this study underscored the resistance of boreal old‐growth forests owing to their capacity to withstand repeated moderate‐severity disturbances. Moreover, the combined study of growth patterns and growth release demonstrated the efficacy of such an approach for improving the understanding of the fine‐scale dynamics of natural forests. The results of this research will thus help develop silvicultural practices that approximate the moderate‐severity disturbance dynamics observed in primary and old‐growth boreal forests.  相似文献   

1 This study compares the structural characteristics of 12 old‐growth and six postfire second‐growth hemlock–northern hardwood stands in north central Adirondack Park, New York, in order to test the null hypothesis that there are no differences in species composition, size structure, age structure and attributes such as dead wood and canopy gaps between old‐growth stands and this type of second‐growth forest. 2 The second‐growth forests of this study regenerated following widespread logging‐related fires in either 1903 or 1908; the old growth and second growth have similar environmental settings. 3 Estimates of stand ages, derived from an increment core of the oldest tree in each stand, range from 88 to 390 years. 4 Structural attributes are related to stand age (i.e. stage of development). In comparison with the second‐growth forests of this study, older stands are characterized as (a) a larger average diameter of canopy trees; (b) a greater basal area of trees; (c) a lower density of canopy trees and of all trees ≥ 10 cm d.b.h.; (d) a higher density of eastern hemlock (Tsuga canadensis (L.) Carrière) trees; (e) a higher density of large trees (≥ 50 cm d.b.h.); (f) larger canopy gaps; and (g) a greater volume of coarse woody debris (both logs ≥ 20 cm d.b.h. and snags ≥ 10 cm d.b.h.). 5 Despite differences between old growth and second growth, especially in species composition, it appears from observations of the 18 stands that second‐growth forests are developing some structural characteristics of old growth. 6 Structural attributes of the old‐growth forests are similar to characteristics of the same forest type in geographically distant areas in eastern USA.  相似文献   

滇西北亚高山云杉和冷杉光合作用的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文研究了云南中甸地区亚高山暗针叶林的优势树种油麦吊云杉(Picea brachytyla var. complanata)和长苞冷杉(Abies georgei)幼树(20年生)的光合特征、光合速率的变化规律及其与环境主要生态因子的关系。结果表明两种杉树光合作用的光饱和点均较低,且长苞冷杉较油麦吊云杉更喜阴,它的光合速率(3.24CO_2mgg~(-1)DWh~(-1))也比云杉的低(3.74CO_2mgg~(-1)DWh~(-1))。在试验海拔3300m地段上,云、冷杉的光合作用都存在日中压制现象,采伐迹地上的幼苗尤为突出;受温度和蒸发量的影响在一年中以7月份光合速率最高。两树种的光合速率都是随着海拔的升高而降低。森林被大面积皆伐后,迹地上云、冷杉幼树的光合速率明显下降,其中以长苞冷杉的降低幅度最大。  相似文献   

云南亚高山云冷杉林林窗的研究   总被引:26,自引:3,他引:23  
研究了云南碧塔海两块亚高山云冷杉(Picea-Abies)林内中小尺度林窗的干扰体系,结果表明:林窗和扩展林窗分别占林地面积的19%和41%,平均面积为44m2和139m2,林窗的形成频率为0.005~0.007/y。估计平均林窗周期为167年。大多数林窗(占87%)的制造林窗树木(gap-maker,简记为GM)为1个以上,平均每个林窗的GM为2.9个,同一林窗内的GM常常死于不同的时间。在所有调查的GM中,折断占60%,而根拔和直立死亡分别为28%和12%  相似文献   

1. Three permanent plots (100×0 m) were established in the subalpine Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) forest of Paneveggio in the spring of 1993, to begin a long-term forest ecosystem research project. The main purpose of these plots was to provide information about subalpine Norway spruce stand dynamics and to provide suggestions for close-to-nature silviculture. 2. The three stands were selected to represent the most common forest structures in the Paneveggio forest. The first stand is close to forestry roads, has a relatively regular and continuous canopy, and thinning and cutting operations only ended in the 1980s; the second stand is far from forest roads and has developed without anthropogenic influence for several decades; the third one is located at the present upper limit of the pure spruce forest and, apparently, was heavily used in the past as a pasture. 3. The first step in the investigation was to describe the structure and to study the history of the three stands using both written evidence from manage- ment plans and biological archives from tree rings. 4. The stands in plots 1 and 2 began to establish after a disturbance that removed part of the previous stands according to dendroecological studies, which are partially supported by written evidence. The remaining parts of these stands were eliminated by two major disturbances that occurred during the following decades. Written records about the use of the forest lead us to assume that the initial disturbances that occurred in the two stands were logging activities as a part of a group shelterwood system. The stand in plot 2 has developed without significant human interference for about half a century as confirmed by the presence of many dead trees. The stand in plot 3 consists of old trees that were part of an open stand and a secondary population that established after cessation of grazing. 5. The study has confirmed that dendroecological techniques can be used to identify occurrence and intensity of previous disturbance in forests stands, although at Paneveggio it is difficult to distinguish between natural and anthropogenic disturbances in the tree ring record. The presence of human activity necessitates investigation of multiple lines of evidence. 6. Paneveggio's forest management plans were useful in the interpretation of the data obtained through dendroecological analysis, although events did not always correspond because data from the management plans (yearly thinning, felling, wind-throw damage) never gave stand-level details, but applied to areas of several hectares. Despite these limitations, the information included in the management plans is of crucial importance in studying stand history and only by using all these sources of information is it possible to delineate the most important features of the history and disturbance that affected the origin and subsequent growth of the forest stands.  相似文献   

Little is known about the responses of large, old trees to release from competition, though such trees are of great interest in forest ecology, conservation and silviculture. Increment cores were taken from mature eastern white pines (Pinus strobus L.) in 144 sample points in 12 partially harvested and 6 unharvested control stands in Ontario, Canada, to determine how these trees responded to a 'structural retention harvest' that had occurred 9 years previously. Prior to harvest, increment growth was slightly lower in control stands, but not significantly so. Strong correlation in diameter increments among stands indicates external climatic forcing or internal synchronicity, e.g. reproductive allocation. Three years after harvest, growth in harvested stands overtook that in control stands, and increased to 63±8% SE above expected levels by 8 years after harvest. The study demonstrates the ability of old trees to respond markedly to reduced competition, questioning the concept of an age-related decline in forest productivity. In addition to increased timber production, growth responses of old trees have important implications for stand regeneration, wind firmness, and maintenance of wildlife habitat elements following partial stand harvests. Comparison of disturbed stands with undisturbed stands allows better estimation of tree responses than methods in which disturbance is inferred from diameter increment variation within individual trees.  相似文献   

国产黄杨科六种植物的考订   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对国产黄杨科6种植物作了修订或补充:将头花黄杨归入匙叶黄杨,平卧皱叶黄杨、越橘叶黄杨和矮生黄杨归入皱叶黄杨,汕头黄杨归入狭叶黄杨,东方野扇花归入长叶柄野扇花。报道了杨梅黄杨在湖北、江西和福建的新分布,皱叶黄杨在广西和福建的新分布,双蕊野扇花在贵州和广西的新分布。  相似文献   

We used dendrochronological methods to study disturbance history of a mixed Korean pine (Pinus koraiensis Siebold et Zuccarini) dominated forest on the northern slope of Changbai Mountain, North Eastern China, over 1770–2000. Frequent small-scale canopy gaps and infrequent medium-scale canopy disturbances dominated natural disturbance regime in the forest, which did not experience stand-replacing disturbances over the studied period. Percentages of growth releases in subcanopy trees were below 6% in most decades, suggesting that disturbances initiating these releases were of low intensity. Strong winds were likely cause of moderate disturbance events. Two episodes with increased disturbance rates (19% and 13%) were dated to the 1920s and 1980s, timing of the 1980s event was consistent with a hurricane occurred in 1986 on the western slope of the Changbai Mountain. Age structure and growth release analyses revealed species-specific regeneration strategies of canopy dominants. Shade-intolerant Olga bay larch (Larix olgensis Henry) recruited mainly before the 1860s. Recruitment of moderately shade-tolerant P. koraiensis occurred as several regeneration waves (1820s, 1850s, 1870–1880s, 1930s, and 1990–2000s) of moderate intensity. Shade-tolerant Jezo spruce (Picea jezoensis Carr. var. komarovii (V. Vassil.) Cheng et L.K.Fu) and Manchurian fir (Abies nephrolepis (Trautv.) Maxim.) regenerated continuously over the last 220 and 130 years, respectively. Enhanced recruitment of P. koraiensis, P. jezoensis, and A. nephrolepis was observed during the 1930s and 1990s, coinciding with increased growth release frequency in the 1920s and 1980s, and suggesting disturbance events of moderate intensity. Our results indicate that the current disturbance regime of the mixed Korean pine dominated forest maintains coexistence of light-demanding and shade-tolerant species and that change in wind climate may be particularly important for future forest composition.  相似文献   

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