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动物与其生存环境变量之间的关系一直是生态学家们广泛关注的问题.啮齿动物作为荒漠生态系统中重要的功能群,其数量大小和生态功能对生态系统的平衡和稳定具有重要意义.生境中的植被为啮齿动物提供赖以生存的食物资源和栖息地,了解啮齿动物群落与植被特征之间的关系对于理解动物群落变动规律具有重要意义.不同植被条件下啮齿动物群落的结构不同,Hernández等(2005)研究发现北美Chihuahuan荒漠的灌木生境中啮齿动物密度高于草地生境.  相似文献   

黑河流域中游地区荒漠-绿洲景观区啮齿动物群落结构   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2005年4–5月和9月对黑河流域中游地区荒漠-绿洲景观区不同生境中啮齿动物群落结构进行了研究。在甘肃省张掖市高台县黑泉乡选择流动沙丘、含砾沙漠、固定沙地、荒漠灌丛、防护林带、灌耕草地、灌耕农田和河岸草地等8种代表性生境,采用活捕法(4,800铗日)共捕获啮齿动物254只,隶属于3科8属9种。利用捕获记录计算了群落结构特征指数,进一步利用Pearson相关系数考察了不同生境啮齿动物群落的相似性,并在此基础上对不同生境的啮齿动物群落作了聚类分析。群落结构特征指数表明,啮齿动物物种多样性(用Shannon-Wiener指数测度)在灌耕草地中最低(0.6859),在固定沙地中最高(1.7036);物种均匀度(用Pielou均匀度指数测度)在流动沙丘中最低(0.6531),在河岸草地中最高(1.0000)。聚类分析结果显示,研究区啮齿动物群落可以分成荒漠型群落和绿洲型群落两大类。三趾跳鼠(Dipussagitta)在荒漠型生境中密度较高,总体上具有优势地位,尤其是在流动沙丘生境中占据绝对优势;黑线仓鼠(Cricetulusbarabensis)在植被较好的绿洲型生境中占据优势地位,但在流动沙丘外的其他荒漠型生境中也有发现。除五趾跳鼠(Allactagasibirica)外,其他种类的跳鼠只在荒漠型生境中发现。本次调查没有在防护林内部生境中捕获啮齿动物,但在林缘区域仍有捕获记录。啮齿动物群落物种多样性指数与捕获率间无显著关联(r=0.240,P=0.566)。本研究提示人为干扰可能对维持研究区域的啮齿动物多样性有积极意义。  相似文献   

开垦对功能相对脆弱的荒漠生态系统是重要的干扰,这种干扰往往导致栖息地破碎化,并对动植物群落产生强烈影响。作为荒漠生态系统的重要成分,啮齿动物群落受到开垦干扰后对环境的响应及其群落中种群的生态对策,是荒漠生态系统生物多样性及其功能维持稳定的重要基础。2006~2011年,采用标志重捕法对内蒙古阿拉善荒漠区未开垦和开垦草地啮齿动物群落格局及其不同生态对策种群的数量组成进行了专门研究。目的(1)明确开垦干扰下啮齿动物群落格局时间尺度变化;(2)验证假设:人为干扰区(开垦区)啮齿动物群落中r?对策者占据优势,未干扰区(未开垦区)以K?对策者为主;(3)依据啮齿动物群落中不同生态对策种群的数量组成来判断群落所受干扰的程度。结果表明,开垦干扰降低了啮齿动物群落多样性,改变了群落中不同生态对策种群的数量组成,种群以r?对策者为优势;未开垦区啮齿动物群落中以K?对策种群为主。开垦区啮齿动物群落受到严重干扰。  相似文献   

不同干扰下荒漠啮齿动物群落多样性的多尺度分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
尺度问题是生态学的核心问题。本文将荒漠啮齿动物群落主要特征参数Shannon-Wiener多样性指数作为信息,来探究其在人为干扰下对尺度变化的响应,目的是为了揭示不同干扰条件下荒漠区啮齿动物群落多样性随尺度变化的趋势,为动物群落格局—过程研究的尺度推绎提供生态学基础。2003~2008年每年7月,在内蒙古阿拉善荒漠禁牧、轮牧、过牧和开垦4种不同干扰生境中,选择了1.25hm2,2.5hm2,5hm2和10hm2等4个空间尺度,应用铗日法统计样地中的啮齿动物群落种数及各物种的捕获数据,计算Shannon-Wiener多样性指数,将其作为原始信号进行小波分解。研究结果表明:在荒漠区≤10hm2内,除过牧区外,在其他干扰类型中啮齿动物群落多样性随空间尺度增加均呈上升趋势。啮齿动物群落多样性的原始信号中存在规则的周期性干扰,这种干扰可能是由群落的年际波动造成的。在4种尺度下,各干扰区啮齿动物群落多样性除在开垦区未表现出明显周期外,其余干扰区各自均具有相同的周期:轮牧区4年,禁牧区3年,过牧区2年。荒漠区4种干扰类型中随着空间尺度的增加啮齿动物群落多样性变动幅度减小,抗干扰能力逐渐增强。但不同干扰中啮齿动物多样性的变动幅度和抗干扰能力是不同的。禁牧区与开垦区的啮齿动物多样性在≤2.5hm2范围内较易受到扰动;过牧区在≤5hm2的范围内较不稳定;轮牧区在整个10hm2范围内都易受到扰动。  相似文献   

内蒙古半荒漠与荒漠区的啮齿动物群落   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
武晓东  付和平 《动物学报》2005,51(6):961-972
内蒙古广阔的半荒漠与荒漠区属于典型的大陆干旱区和极干旱区,东西界线基本与气候湿润系数0.2-0.05相吻合,包括了内蒙古境内的温性荒漠草原、温性草原化荒漠和典型荒漠的各类草地。1988-1993年和1998-2003年,在约380000km2范围内,根据地带性植被分布及其地形、地貌、土壤的特征,野外设置317个调查样地,采用铗日法调查啮齿动物群落的分布特征,共布放有效铗日157702个,捕获啮齿动物37种,选用其中的23种主要啮齿动物构成“样方-种多度(捕获率)”原始数据矩阵(23×317),应用快速聚类方法对该区域内啮齿动物群落进行分类,在此基础上采用GIS技术应用ArcView3.2软件,将啮齿动物的捕获量信息在1999-2000年TM卫星影像图上进行叠加,结果表明该地区啮齿动物地带性群落可分为9个。GIS技术分析得出的该区域内啮齿动物地带性群落分布图,很好地将植被的信息和生境中主要啮齿动物分布的信息同时合成反映出来,明确了啮齿动物地带性群落分布的区域和特征,可为区域性啮齿动物综合治理提供科学依据。  相似文献   

新疆莫索湾垦区啮齿动物群落分布与生境类型关系的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为探索沙漠开垦为绿洲后,啮齿动物群落的生态分布格局及变迁规律,2004年6~8月对莫索湾垦区150团场啮齿动物进行了调查.结果表明:荒漠开垦为林地,红尾沙鼠占据主导地位;开垦为农田,鼠类群落表现出较大差异:棉田中柽柳沙鼠占主导地位,麦田中小家鼠为优势鼠种,苜蓿地则以小林姬鼠为主,白菜地中灰仓鼠占据优势地位;城镇居民区“伴人”鼠种褐家鼠居于绝对优势.结论:在荒漠开垦为林地、农田和变为居民区的过程中,鼠类群落也相应地由荒漠鼠类向人工景观鼠类演变.然而对于从沙漠腹地开垦出来的绿洲,虽然人类已开垦经营了半个世纪,但啮齿动物群落的原始荒漠特征仍较完善地保存着,这与当地极端的地理特征相一致.  相似文献   

啮齿动物群落结构可以反映生态环境特征。本研究对处于阿拉善荒漠区呈“孤岛”状态的内蒙古贺兰山国家级自然保护区内啮齿动物的种类、分布型及群落多样性进行系统研究。将内蒙古贺兰山划分为五种生境类型,于2013年春、夏、秋3季共布设有效铗日18748个,捕获啮齿动物235只,分属2目5科11属13种。在整体研究区域,阿拉善黄鼠(Spermophilus alashanicus)为优势种。明确了喜湿型是本研究区域的主要分布型,占捕获啮齿动物的54%,并且在中低海拔区域,随着海拔的升高,喜湿型所占比例增加。受“边缘效应”的影响,山地荒漠和荒漠草原生境以及山地草原灌丛生境的啮齿动物群落多样性指数高于其他生境,除环境因素外,啮齿动物群落的多样性受两种因素的影响,既可随群落内物种数量的增加而增大,同时又受制于群落内部物种分布的均匀程度。冗余分析结果表明,植被高度、植被盖度、灌木(乔木)高度和海拔4个环境因子是决定啮齿动物群落结构最主要的环境因子,其中植被盖度与群落多样性呈负相关,随着植被盖度的增加,多样性指数随之减低。  相似文献   

阿拉善荒漠啮齿动物集合群落实证研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
当生态学家探求在破碎化的栖息地中,群落物种的共存机制、多样性、局域尺度的性质和过程被放到更广阔的时空框架内时,就出现了"集合群落"这一概念。Leibold提出了集合群落概念,他们将一个集合群落定义为局域群落集,这些群落由各个潜在的相互作用的物种的扩散连接在一起。集合群落理论描述了那些发生在集合群落尺度上的过程,并且提出思考关于物种相互作用的新方法。集合群落概念为群落生态学提供了一个新的革命性的范式,集合群落研究的最基本问题是同一系统中多物种共存的机理、多样性的形成原因与维持机制。该范式强调区域范围内群落中的综合变异,强调环境特证和栖息地之间通过扩散调节的生物相互作用和空间变化。Leibold等提出了解释集合群落结果理论上的4个生态范式,即(1)中性理论;(2)斑块动态理论;(3)物种分配理论;(4)集团效应理论。之后有大量有关检验这4种生态理论的研究,但是有关陆地脊椎动物系统的集合群落的研究较少。2010—2012年,通过在内蒙古阿拉善荒漠景观中的8个固定样地中,对啮齿动物、栖息地环境因子进行调查。利用冗余分析和偏冗余分析,评估环境特征和空间特征对物种组成的影响。结果表明,环境特征独自解释72.8%的啮齿动物物种组成变化,空间特征独自解释33.8%的物种组成变化,环境特征和空间特征共同解释86.5%的啮齿动物物种组成变化,结果显著(P=0.032);去除环境特征之后,空间特征解释13.7%的变化(P=0.246),结果不显著;去除空间特征之后,栖息地变化解释52.7%的变化(P=0.016);环境特征和空间特征的交互作用解释20.1%的物种组成的变化,该区域啮齿动物群落构成集合群落,物种共存中环境特征起着主导作用,由物种分配理论解释该集合群落结构。  相似文献   

开垦会导致荒漠化的加剧,并对动物群落产生严重的影响。而功能多样性恰恰能体现环境或干扰胁迫导致的群落结构差异。但有关啮齿动物群落功能多样性的研究并不多见,为此,我们在2018至2020年的4月、7月和10月利用铗日法对开垦区和未开垦区的啮齿动物群落进行调查,选择并量化了与其营养、生活史、生理、形态及活动节律等相关的5个功能性状,以探讨开垦对啮齿动物群落组成的影响,以及性状组成和功能多样性变化。研究结果表明:(1)开垦区群落的丰富度指数、多样性指数和均匀度指数均低于未开垦区,开垦改变了啮齿动物群落性状组成;(2)阿拉善荒漠啮齿动物群落组成与蛰眠、繁殖周期和食性等功能性状显著相关;(3)开垦区春、秋季群落功能丰富度和功能均匀度高于未开垦区,各季节群落功能离散度显著高于未开垦区;而未开垦区夏季群落功能丰富度高于开垦区,秋季群落功能均匀度高于开垦区;(4)开垦区和未开垦区群落功能丰富度最高值均出现在夏季,二者在不同季节间差异较大;开垦区群落功能均匀度最高值出现在春季、功能离散度最高值出现在秋季,二者在季节间差异均较小;未开垦群落功能均匀度最高值出现在秋季、功能离散度最高值出现在夏季,二者在季节间差异均较大。上述结果说明,阿拉善荒漠区啮齿动物群落功能多样性变化与土地开垦和季节相关联,开垦会从啮齿动物群落的生态空间利用程度、资源利用、种间竞争及生态位等方面影响群落功能多样性。  相似文献   

北美CHIHUAHUAN荒漠啮齿动物群落动态Ⅰ.年间变动和趋势   总被引:11,自引:6,他引:5  
曾宗永 《兽类学报》1994,14(1):24-34
本文给出了北美Chihuahuan荒漠由4科10属17种啮齿动物组成的群落的物种数、单位面积个体数与生物量、物种多样性的Shannon与Simpson指数和均匀性等6个生态学变量的时间序列资料,并通过分析这些生态时间序列的年间变动和趋势讨论了该群落的动态。结果是:1)各年间6个生态学变量均随物理环境而变化,个体数和生物量变化幅度较大,均匀性保持相对稳定;2)群落中17个物种从未同时出现过,物种数的  相似文献   

空间直观景观模型LANDIS在大兴安岭呼中林区的应用   总被引:29,自引:4,他引:25  
应用空间直观景观模型(LANDIS),研究有采伐和无采伐预案下大兴安岭呼中林区的森林景观的长期变化。用APACK计算每一个物种及各年龄级的分布面积。为了研究物种分布格局的变化,计算了物种分布的聚集度指数。研究结果如下:(1)在无采伐预案下。火干扰模式为低频率大面积高强度火烧;在有采伐预下,火干扰模式为高频率小面积低强度火烧;(2)在无采伐预案下,火会造成各种群分布面积的强烈波动,但是对种群的年龄结构没有很大影响;在有采伐预案下,火对种群分布面积和年龄结构都没有很大的影响;(3)采伐能完全改变各种群的年龄结构。降低种群分布的聚集度,但是对各种群的分布面积并没有很大影响;(4)在有采伐预案下,各种群为增长型种群,增长量通过采伐取走,群落处于演替的干扰顶极状态;在无采伐预案下,各种群为稳定型种群(樟子松和偃松除外),大面积高强度火烧使群落产生较大的波动。结果表明,在呼中林业局,在没有人为干扰情况下,火干扰是森林景观变化的主导因素。自从有了人为干扰,采伐开始逐渐取代火干扰成为影响森林景观变化的主导因素。空间直观景观模型的一个挑战是模型的验证。由于缺乏详细的空间数据及模型模拟中的随机性,很难通过模型模拟结果与实地调查或遥感数据的比较进行验证。通过对火模拟、物种分布和物种组成的生态或生物学实现对模型进行验证。  相似文献   

植物物种多样性与生产力之间的关系是群落生态学的一个热点问题,目前仍存在着很多争议.为探究自然群落中二者之间的关系,对青藏高原亚高寒草甸3个样地的自然植物群落分别进行了不同取样面积的抽样调查.结果显示,取样样地和取样尺度均对物种丰富度有显著影响,取样样地而非取样尺度对群落地上生物量有显著性影响.在某一时刻对某一样地进行取样,其单位面积生产力并不因取样面积的增加而提高,而是保持恒定的,尽管物种数随取样面积的增加而有明显增多.物种多样性与生产力之间的回归关系因样地与取样尺度不同而不同,有U型、单峰型、正线性相关和无相关性,其中无相关性出现的最多.据此推测,亚高寒草甸群落物种多样性与生产力之间不存在某种确定性关系,或者说,亚高寒草甸物种多样性和生产力之间不存在必然的因果联系.  相似文献   

Aim To investigate how plant diversity of whole islands (‘gamma’) is related to alpha and beta diversity patterns among sampling plots within each island, thus exploring aspects of diversity patterns across scales. Location Nineteen islands of the Aegean Sea, Greece. Methods Plant species were recorded at both the whole‐island scale and in small 100 m2 plots on each island. Mean plot species richness was considered as a measure of alpha diversity, and six indices of the ‘variation’‐type beta diversity were also applied. In addition, we partitioned beta diversity into a ‘nestedness’ and a ‘replacement’ component, using the total species richness recorded in all plots of each island as a measure of ‘gamma’ diversity. We also applied 10 species–area models to predict the total observed richness of each island from accumulated plot species richness. Results Mean alpha diversity was not significantly correlated with the overall island species richness or island area. The range of plot species richness for each island was significantly correlated with both overall species richness and area. Alpha diversity was not correlated with most indices of beta diversity. The majority of beta diversity indices were correlated with whole‐island species richness, and this was also true for the ‘replacement’ component of beta diversity. The rational function model provided the best prediction of observed island species richness, with Monod’s and the exponential models following closely. Inaccuracy of predictions was positively correlated with the number of plots and with most indices of beta diversity. Main conclusions Diversity at the broader scale (whole islands) is shaped mainly by variation among small local samples (beta diversity), while local alpha diversity is not a good predictor of species diversity at broader scales. In this system, all results support the crucial role of habitat diversity in determining the species–area relationship.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to compare the recovery dynamics in three shrub communities subjected to experimental burning and cutting, and situated on an altitudinal gradient. Climatic features are different in each area, but all had the common characteristic of very homogeneous vegetation cover before the disturbances, with only one shrub species clearly dominant, a different taxon in each area, and with different regeneration strategies. The first area was a heathland dominated by Calluna vulgaris, situated at an altitude of 1600 m, with a continental climate (mean annual precipitation 1320 mm). The second area was a heathland dominated by Erica australis, located at an altitude of 1000 m (mean annual precipitation 840 mm). The third area was a Cistus ladanifer shrubland, located at 900 m altitude, with a Mediterranean climate similar to that of the previous area, but with lower mean annual precipitation (470 mm). Erica australis recovers by vegetative resprouting, but Cistus ladanifer is an obligate seeder, as is Calluna vulgaris in these areas. Each experimental disturbance was carried out over 100 m2 in each area. Post-fire recovery is faster in Cistus ladanifer: 2 years after burning there was 40% cover vs. less than 20% in the other two species. However, recovery after cutting was similar for Cistus ladanifer and Erica australis. Calluna vulgaris recovers very slowly, with cover values below 20% even 10 years after both disturbances. Cover of dominant shrub species is negatively correlated with cover of herbaceous species. So different recovery of dominant species lead a different community dynamic in each area.  相似文献   

Summary I analysed avifaunal data from 30 archipelagos and isolated islands in the tropical Pacific Ocean to examine the effects of geography on endemism. I divided the total bird species list (pelagic and migrant species excluded) for each island group into continental (also found outside of the study area), Pacific (found only within the study area but within more than one archipelago), and endemic (found only within a single archipelago) species and estimated ten variables related to the geography of each archipelago. I used multiple linear regression analysis to relate numbers and proportions of species in each category to the geographical variables. Total land area of an archipelago was the most improtant variable in explaining variation in the number of species in each category, with elevation and isolation also being important. The relationships between the proportions of species in each category and the geographical variables underscore the importance of isolation and the number of large islands in promoting endemism, presumably by allowing both inter- and intra-archipelagal speciation to proceed.  相似文献   

The effects of selective logging on termite assemblages that build conspicuous nests were studied in two areas of semideciduous Atlantic Forest, located in the Reserva Biológica Guaribas, Northeastern Brazil. The two study areas went through selective logging until 1985 (A17) and 1972 (A30). In 2002, termite nests were studied in two plots of 1 ha (100 x 100 m), being one plot in each area. The nests were placed in each plot and the species were categorized in feeding groups. The structure of the study assemblages was different between the two areas. Diversity and richness of builder species were greater in the A30 area. Species that consume humus were more sensitive to selective logging. Nest abundance of humus feeding species was significantly higher in the A30 area, whereas nests of wood feeding species were significantly more abundant in the area A17. Nest ratio between humus and wood feeding species was 1:3 in the A30 area and 1:12 in the A17 area. Nests with greater volume were observed in the area A30, whereas abundance of inactive nests was significantly higher in A17. The time for habitat resilience after the selective logging influenced patterns of assemblage structure of termites in similar ways as described in other studies in tropical forests.  相似文献   

Regional and local species richness of temporary pond dytiscid water beetles were compared among three regions within the Palearctic: (1) Sweden in north west Europe, (2) Primorye and (3) Sakhalin Island in the Russian Far East. Both local and regional species richness were highest in Sweden and lowest in Sakhalin. Regional species richness was calculated from literature and collecting data for each region and for nested parts of regions. Local species richness was estimated from standardized net samples from fourteen or fifteen ponds in each region. Two different rarefaction techniques applied to the net-sample data confirmed the observed interregional differences in species richness. Partial least square regression showed that pond area, depth and temperature affected local species richness positively in each region, whereas increasing shade and drought frequency had negative effects. Residuals from the regression analysis were positive in Sweden, negative in Sakhalin, and near zero in Primorye ponds. Consequently, the local species richness was related positively to regional species richness also when compensated for differences in the local pond environment. This was verified when pond species richness of each region was correlated with principal component scores representing a combination of pond area, depth and temperature. The species' distributions among ponds displayed significantly nested patterns in Sweden and Sakhalin. However, species were significantly sorted along the pond area gradient only in Sweden. It is concluded that the observed interregional differences in local species richness are best explained by the accompanying gradient in regional species richness, lending support to the hypothesis of regional enrichment. Selected historical and ecological explanations for the observed differences in regional species richness are discussed.  相似文献   

Songbird presence is often associated with the area of suitable habitat in the surrounding landscape. However, the size of landscape for which this association is maximized is generally unknown, likely to vary among species, and may affect our ability to incorporate songbirds in landscape management. We measured the occurrence and the persistence of forest songbirds in relation to the amount of habitat measured at several scales: local (100, 200 m radius), neighborhood (400, 800 m), landscape (1.6, 3.2, 6.4 km) and regional (12–24 km), based on data from Ontario's Forest Bird Monitoring Program (1987–2005). Songbird occurrence was obtained from point count sites distributed across southern Ontario and each revisited in multiple years (mean=5.8 yr). Presence of each species at a site was associated with forest habitat area measures that account for differences in preferred forest cover types among species. Area of coniferous, deciduous and mixed forest was derived from Landsat TM imagery. Thirty‐two of the 35 species studied were area‐sensitive, and area‐sensitivity was apparent for 13–25 species at each spatial scale. For 24 species, the strength of area‐sensitivity varied with scale, suggesting the importance of local, neighborhood, landscape and regional habitat for 3, 5, 5, and 11 species respectively. As a result, the list of the five most area‐sensitive species varied depending on the scale at which habitat was described. We conclude that area‐sensitivity can occur at a broader set of scales than generally assumed, and is most pronounced at the regional scale. We suggest that a broad set of scales should be examined before taking conservation decisions based on avian area‐sensitivity.  相似文献   

This study describes changes in species diversity and canopy cover in relation to variation in livestock grazing in a semi-arid area in Inner Mongolia, China. Canopy cover for each species was recorded 2 and 3 years after cessation of livestock grazing, as well as in an area with continued grazing. Total species richness, alpha diversity, beta diversity and canopy cover were analysed. Sixty species were recorded during the study; 25 of them were annuals. The total number of species was the same, 52, in the grazed and the protected area, but species richness and alpha diversity per plot were lower in the area protected from grazing. The beta diversity showed little difference between the protected area and the grazed control. The total canopy cover was highest in the protected area, but the cover of annuals was higher in the grazed area. In CA ordination, the difference between treatments increased with time of protection. However, in the short period covered by this study it was difficult to separate the effects of protection from grazing and fluctuation in weather conditions, particularly of precipitation.  相似文献   

Digital image analysis was used to measure dimensions of spores produced by Puccinia coronata, P. graminis, P. hordei, P. recondita, P. striiformis and P. triticina. Included were teliospores, basidiospores, urediniospores and, except for P. striiformis, pycniospores and aeciospores. Length, width and projection area of spores were measured with NIH Image or Scion software. By using limits on size, spores were automatically selected and measured, except for teliospores, which required manual elimination of the pedicel and separation of images of adhering spores. Length and width were determined as the major and minor axes of the best fitting ellipse for each spore. This procedure gave values for length and width close to results obtained with an ocular micrometer. Projection area was determined as the number of pixels within spore boundaries multiplied by the area represented by each pixel, giving values that are not feasible to obtain accurately with an ocular micrometer. Of the species studied, spores of P. recondita had the largest dimensions, P. triticina had the smallest. The rank of the six species based on increasing width, length or projection area was almost the same, using each spore type except pycniospores. Generally, differences of 5% in a given spore dimension between two species were significant. Differences between species were greater with basidiospores and aeciospores than with other spore types. Teliospores were unique in that length and width were negatively correlated, resulting in less variation in area than in length or width. The results indicate that image analysis is useful for measuring spore dimensions, that projection area of spores is a useful added parameter for characterizing rust species and that dimensions of teliospores, basidiospores, aeciospores and urediniospores each are potentially useful for differentiating species.  相似文献   

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