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雷公藤制剂对雄性长爪沙鼠繁殖功能的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为了检测雷公藤制剂对长爪沙鼠繁殖功能的影响,根据预实验结果,将40只雄性长爪沙鼠分为40 mg/kg连续用药4周组(n=16)、100 mg/kg一次给药组(n=10)和1%CMC灌胃对照组(n=14)处理,6周后剖检,比较睾丸、附睾的脏器系数、精子密度、精子活力、精子形态和繁殖率等指标.结果表明40 mg/kg连续用药组鼠的睾丸、附睾脏器系数与对照组比较差异显著;精子密度、精子活力和活精子百分率显著下降;精子畸形率显著上升;繁殖率显著下降(df=1,P<0.05).100 mg/kg一次给药组除附睾脏器系数显著下降、精子畸形率显著上升外,其它指标与对照组无明显差异.该药对长爪沙鼠连续作用4周后不育效果明显,并且具有致畸性,在药物有效范围内,高浓度一次性给药方式不如较低浓度连续多次给药效果显著.  相似文献   

为了检测左炔诺孕酮-炔雌醚(EP-1)对雄性中华姬鼠和黑线姬鼠的不育效果,将32只雄性中华姬鼠和30只雄性黑线姬鼠分为30 mg/kg单剂量组、30 mg/kg多剂量组和对照组,15 d和45 d后剖检,比较睾丸、附睾、储精囊、精子密度、睾酮含量及睾丸组织形态的变化。结果发现:给药后第15 d,两种试鼠的睾丸、附睾、储精囊的重量较对照组明显降低;精子密度、睾酮含量显著下降;曲细精管结构破坏明显。给药后第45 d,处理组各生理指标继续下降,但与第15 d相比差别不显著;单剂量组和多剂量组在两个时间点的差别并不显著。结果表明,EP-1对雄性中华姬鼠和黑线姬鼠的繁殖器官有显著抑制效果,单次给药与多次给药的不育效果差别不大。  相似文献   

目的探讨环磷酰胺(CP)对长爪沙鼠精子畸形的影响。方法取长爪沙鼠随机分成正常对照组,CP组(低、中、高剂量组即剂量分别为20 mg/kg、30 mg/kg、40 mg/kg),环磷酰胺经腹腔注射,连续注射5 d,药后30d麻醉沙鼠,剖腹取出两侧附睾制备精子悬液涂片,用甲醇固定10 min,用2%的伊红染色30 min,蒸馏水洗片,显微镜观察精子形态。结果低、中、高剂量组分别与正常对照组比较,长爪沙鼠精子畸形率差异极显著(P〈0.01);低、中剂量组分别与高剂量组相比较,长爪沙鼠精子畸形率差异极显著(P〈0.01);低剂量组与中剂量组比较,精子畸形率差异不显著(P〉0.05)。形态学观察显示:环磷酰胺对长爪沙鼠精子影响畸形类型主要为尾折叠、尾粗细/长短/扭曲和无钩。结论环磷酰胺对长爪沙鼠精子有一定的致畸率,且对长爪沙鼠精子尾部影响最大。在一定剂量内范围内,环磷酰胺对长爪沙鼠的精子致畸率无明显区别;当高于一定剂量,随着环磷酰胺用药剂量的增加,长爪沙鼠的精子致畸率也增加。  相似文献   

炔雌醚是一种激素类新型鼠类不育剂,已有研究表明,炔雌醚对某些鼠类种群繁殖具有良好的控制成效。为检验新型不育剂对长爪沙鼠种群的控制效果,2006年5月在内蒙古锡林郭勒盟锡林浩特市农牧交错带开展了炔雌醚对野外长爪沙鼠种群的控制实验,本次实验设投药区和对照区2个组别,5—8月开展逐月的夹线调查以及四分之一圆洞口计数法,对样地内长爪沙鼠进行系统的追踪调查,分析炔雌醚对长爪沙鼠种群数量以及种群性比的作用。结果显示:投药1个月之后,投药区雌鼠比例(16.3%)不及对照组雌鼠比例(51.9%)的三分之一,投药区的雌鼠比例(16.3%)仅为雄鼠比例(83.7%)的五分之一;与对照区相比,投药区长爪沙鼠的密度下降达60%以上。这表明:炔雌醚对野外长爪沙鼠种群的不育控制具有良好效果,且炔雌醚对长爪沙鼠的种群性比影响很大,过量投放炔雌醚可造成雌鼠死亡,单独使用炔雌醚可降低野外不育剂的药物成本。  相似文献   

炔雌醚对一些鼠类种群具有良好的控制效果。为探究炔雌醚对长爪沙鼠Meriones unguriculataus种群繁殖的影响,于2006年5—8月在内蒙古锡林郭勒盟白音锡勒牧场农牧交错带展开了炔雌醚对长爪沙鼠野生种群繁殖的控制实验。设置了投药区和对照区,5月初进行投药,实验期间采用夹线调查法逐月对样地内的长爪沙鼠进行系统的取样调查,分析炔雌醚对长爪沙鼠种群繁殖的影响。结果显示:在投药之后的6—8月,投药区成体鼠的子宫坏死率分别为75.3%、61.5%和48.7%,与对照区差异有高度统计学意义(P0.01);投药区成体鼠的怀孕率下降,与对照区差异有高度统计学意义(P0.01);投药区的胎仔数显著低于对照区(P0.05)。综上表明,炔雌醚对农牧交错带长爪沙鼠种群繁殖的控制具有良好的效果。  相似文献   

EP-1不育剂对长爪沙鼠野生种群增长的控制作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
长爪沙鼠在内蒙古地区的分布非常广泛,长期以来由其造成的鼠害不仅给农牧业生产带来危害,而且还传播疾病。2009年3~10月,在内蒙古鄂尔多斯荒漠草原,利用复合不育剂左炔诺孕酮-炔雌醚(EP-1)对长爪沙鼠野生种群进行了不育控制试验研究。结果表明,复合不育剂EP-1对长爪沙鼠种群结构和种群密度均有显著影响,在5月和6月两个繁殖高峰期,不育剂EP-1显著降低了幼体出生的数量,实验区与对照区幼体组成差异和成体组成差异均达到极显著(P<0.01)。在8~10月,实验区和对照区种群结构组成中,幼体之间、成体之间差异均达到显著和极显著(P<0.05,P<0.01)。在整个发育生长期,实验区长爪沙鼠幼体种群从6月份开始出现,9月达到数量最高值,幼体种群全年呈现下降趋势。而对照区幼体种群从5月份开始出现,且数量在5月份达到全年的最高值,幼体种群与实验区相反呈增长趋势。实验区种群总体数量全年呈下降趋势,而对照区相反,呈增长趋势。因此,复合不育剂EP-1显著降低了长爪沙鼠种群的繁殖率、幼体出生比例和种群密度,可以对长爪沙鼠野生种群起到有效的繁殖控制作用,进而降低该鼠对农牧业生产的危害和对人类疾病传播的风险。  相似文献   

为检验施用炔雌醚对农牧交错带长爪沙鼠家群大小与巢域行为的影响,于2006年5月至9月对内蒙古锡林郭勒盟锡林浩特市农牧交错区域分布的长爪沙鼠家群使用炔雌醚进行种群不育控制实验。分设投药区和对照区两个组别,分别于5月、7月与9月份采用1/4样圆面积有效洞口计数法,随机选取24个长爪沙鼠家群,调查对照区域和投药区内沙鼠的家群洞口数量以及家群大小。另在对照区和投药区,随机测定了30个沙鼠的家群活动范围,对比使用炔雌醚前后长爪沙鼠巢域平均半径和活动面积的影响。结果为:对照区家群平均洞口数58个,投药区仅23个,在炔雌醚投药区长爪沙鼠家群受炔雌醚影响,洞口数仅为23个,表明其对长爪沙鼠家群大小控制效果显著。投药区内长爪沙鼠家群密度在投药后连续下降,最大下降幅度较对照区家群密度低70%,表明炔雌醚对长爪沙鼠的家群密度影响较大,可显著降低长爪沙鼠家群密度(P<0.05)。炔雌醚对长爪沙鼠家群平均半径和活动面积的研究结果显示,施用炔雌醚后家群巢域半径与活动面积均显著缩小(P<0.05),与对照区巢域平均面积相比缩小15%、平均活动半径缩小30%。通过以上结果可得出:单独施用炔雌醚对控制野外长爪沙鼠家群以及降低长爪沙鼠巢域、活动面积效果显著。炔雌醚可有效降低农牧交错带长爪沙鼠种群数量和有效活动范围,这对于农牧交错带的鼠害防控,同时降低鼠源性疾病,包括鼠疫的传播都有一定的意义。  相似文献   

为探究不同剂量炔雌醚对小鼠器官、激素和肝肠药解酶的影响,分别以0.008 mg/kg、0.04 mg/kg、0.2 mg/kg、1.0 mg/kg和5.0 mg/kg的炔雌醚油溶液连续3 d灌胃小鼠,首次给药7 d后解剖取材,检测其器官鲜重、雄鼠精子数量、血清中激素浓度、小肠和肝脏中CYP3A4酶含量的变化。结果发现:雌鼠肝脏鲜重随剂量增加而增大,5.0 mg/kg组比对照组增大89.7%;雌鼠小肠、肾脏和脾脏出现不同程度变化,但无明显剂量效应;0.2 mg/kg以上剂量炔雌醚导致雌鼠子宫不同程度的水肿;炔雌醚对雌鼠血清中雌二醇和促黄体素浓度无显著影响,仅1.0 mg/kg组雌鼠血清中卵泡生成素浓度较对照组显著升高;1.0 mg/kg和5.0 mg/kg组雌鼠肝脏中CYP3A4酶总含量较对照组分别显著增加59.1%和102.9%。不同剂量炔雌醚对雄鼠肝脏和脾脏鲜重影响显著,5.0 mg/kg剂量组肝脏和脾脏鲜重较对照组分别增大23.3%和130%,但小肠和肾脏无明显剂量效应;不同剂量炔雌醚对雄鼠睾丸鲜重无显著影响,附睾仅有5.0 mg/kg组较对照组显著减小;1.0 mg/kg和5.0 mg/kg组的精子密度和精子总数分别较对照组降低43.9%和70.5%;高剂量炔雌醚使血清中促黄体素和睾酮浓度均显著降低;5.0 mg/kg组雄鼠肝脏CYP3A4酶单位组织含量和总含量较对照组分别升高7.1%和30%。总之,炔雌醚对雌雄小鼠的繁殖均有抑制作用,但最低有效剂量不同,雌性有效剂量更低,而雌性肝脏及CYP3A4酶对炔雌醚的反应显著强于雄性,提示雌鼠肝脏对炔雌醚的代谢更快。  相似文献   

目的通过度他雄胺对大鼠附睾精子和生育的影响,探索调节雄性生育的睾丸后作用靶点。方法使用度他雄胺20和40 mg/(kg.d)大鼠灌胃给药,连续2周。给药结束后雄雌鼠按1∶2合笼,计算生殖指数;采用计算机辅助精子分析系统分析精子活力和形态;采用SYBR-14和PI双重荧光染色计算精子存活率;采用Elisa法测定大鼠睾酮(T)和双氢睾酮(DHT)血清浓度;采用HE染色法对各组睾丸、附睾进行组织学分析。结果度他雄胺低、高剂量组双氢睾酮浓度均显著下降,分别为0.54和0.28 nmol/L(P<0.01),精子活力明显降低,分别为39.0%和28.7%(P<0.01),畸形率分别增加为10.3%和15.6%(P<0.05),最后受孕率分别降为62.5%和38.4%。而睾酮水平和交配指数均无明显变化(P>0.05),睾丸和附睾亦无明显病理学改变。结论度他雄胺通过抑制DHT生成,影响附睾精子成熟而导致大鼠不育,为今后男性避孕和不育药物研发提供了新思路。  相似文献   

雷公藤制剂对雄性布氏田鼠的不育作用   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
采用强制给药和自由取食2种方式,研究了雷公藤制剂对发育期成体雄性布氏田鼠不育作用,给药剂量分别为80 mg/kg、120 mg/kg和160 mg/kg.结果表明,120 mg/kg和160 mg/kg剂量使睾丸脏器系数下降,但剂量组间差异不明显(F(3,21)=2.197, F0.05=3.07,P>0.05).不同剂量能够对附睾中精子数量和活力产生显著影响(F(3,21)=17.305, F0.05=3.07,P<0.05),且随药物剂量的升高精子密度与精子活力均呈下降趋势.精子畸形率亦随药物剂量的增加而增加.80 mg/kg及其更高的剂量使附睾出现萎缩并造成睾丸组织损伤.120 mg/kg剂量可减少布氏田鼠平均胎仔数及降低繁殖率.给药后的繁殖后代未发现畸形幼仔.雷公藤制剂的最佳使用剂量介于120~160 mg/kg.自由取食与连续强制给药两种方式对雄性布氏田鼠的作用差异不显著.  相似文献   

Male reproductive effect of nickel sulphate in mice   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Nickel sulphate was administered orally to adult male mice at dose level of 5 and 10 mg/kg body weight (5 days per week) for 35 days. There was no change in body weight. However a significant decrease in absolute and organ-to-body weight ratios of testes, epididymides, seminal vesicles and prostate gland was observed. The sperm abnormality, associated with decrease in sperm motility and sperm count was also observed. Significant alterations in the activities of marker testicular enzymes, viz. sorbitol dehydrogenase (decreases), lactate dehydrogenase (increases) and -glutamyl transpeptidase (increases) associated with histopathological changes in testes, epididymides and seminal vesicles, were also observed. Accumulation of nickel in testes, epididymides and seminal vesicles was also observed. The study reveals that the oral exposure to nickel may affect the histology of testes, epididymides, seminal vesicles and sperms morphology. These testicular and spermatotoxic changes may be responsible for observed male mediated developmental toxic effects.  相似文献   

Extract of the flower Malva viscus conzattii (M. conzattii) was administered at a dose of 25/50 mg/day/animal to 30 healthy adult male gerbils and 30 adult male house rats to determine its effect on fertility. After 25 days' treatment fin l body weight, and the weights of testes, epididymides, seminal vesicles, and adrenal glands were measured. Testis, epididymides, and seminal vesicles were prepared for histological examination and total protein, RNA, sialic acid, and alkaline phosphatase activity were determined. Quantitative estimation of cholesterol was also made. While overall body weight remained stable during treatment, testicular weight in both animals was drastically decreased. A complete spermatogenic arrest in the testes was evident in house rats treated with 50 mg/day for 20 days and in the gerbil treated with 25 mg/day for 25 days. The seminiferous tubules showed marked degeneration, lined by 1 or 2 cell layers. Epididymides showed degenerative changes as well. RNA contents of the testes, epididydmides, and seminal vesicles of treated anials were significantly lowered as was sialilc acid content. Total cholesterol was increased significantly. M. conzattii causes an effective inhibition of spermatogenesis in gerbils and house rats in 25 states and induces infertility.  相似文献   

Quinacrine (an acridine homologue of chloroquine) administration (30 mg kg?1 day?1 for a period of 25 days) resulted in mass atrophy of the spermatogenic elements. Seminiferous tubule and Leydig cell nuclear dimensions were reduced. The luminal epithelium was severely damaged. The lumen of epididymides and was deferens were devoid of spermatozoa.Castration followed by quinacrine administration (30 mg kg?1 for 25 days) denuded the tubules of the caput epididymides. Simultaneous testosterone therapy could not prevent the damage.Quinacrine administration depleted the concentration of RNA, protein and sialic acid in the testes, epididymides and seminal vesicles, whereas the total cholesterol concentration in the testes was elevated. Castration/ castration + quinacrine administration also brought about a significant reduction in the RNA, protein and sialic acid concentrations in the accessory sex organs. Simultaneous testosterone treatment prevented the action of quinacrine on the accessory sex organs and enhanced the production of RNA, protein and sialic acid in epididymides and seminal vesicles of castration/ castration + quinacrine treated gerbils.Serum transaminases (SGOT and SGPT) were moderately elevated, whereas haemoglobin/hematocrit/blood sugar/blood urea levels were in the normal range in quinacrine-treated animals.Histopathological examination of the liver did not show any damage.Leydig cell impairment and decreased production of RNA and sialic acid in the testes points to deficient androgen production following the administration of quinacrine hydrochloride.  相似文献   

This case report addresses the occurrence of Brucellosis and its effect on the cattle in developing countries. Three Zebu bulls (Bosindicus) are presented and the clinical and pathologic signs are described. Conception rates declined following an abortion storm in one herd and without prior abortions in another herd. Semen collected by electro-ejaculation was found to be azoospermic or with very few spermatozoa. B. abortus was isolated from seminal vesicles, testes and epididymides. Organs affected and showing microscopic lesions were testes, epididymides and seminal vesicles. The latter were not consistently affected. None of the bulls showed impairment of libido or breeding capacity.  相似文献   

Rats were subjected to bilateral orchidectomy or orchido - epididymidectomy and maintained on either 500 micrograms testosterone or testosterone propionate daily. The ventral lobes of the prostate were subsequently excised and examined for androgen receptors in terms of the total present in the cytosol and the nucleus, the proportion unoccupied by endogenous androgen and the relative populations that were nuclease excisable or nuclease resistant in the two groups of animals. A further group of animals was subjected to unilateral deferential venotomy and the same parameters examined in the ipsi- and contra-lateral lobes of the ventral prostate and the seminal vesicles. In the absence of the epididymides there was a reduction in the number of receptors per prostatic cell and an increase in the proportion that were unoccupied. The nuclei from these glands contained fewer receptors than did those from the animals in which the epididymides had not been excised. The effect of unilateral deferential venotomy was to bring about a relative increase in the number of cytoplasmic receptors in the ipsilateral lobes of the ventral prostate with a much greater proportion unoccupied compared with the lobes contra-lateral to the ligation. There was again an increase in the proportion of nuclease-sensitive receptors in the nuclei ipsilaterally. The conclusions are that the absence of the epididymides in androgen-maintained rats or deferential venotomy induces a relative androgen- deficiency of the prostate and seminal vesicles as reflected in the androgen receptor populations of these organs.  相似文献   

The spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR) and the Brown Norway (BN) rat differ significantly in litter size (7.6 versus 4.5 pups). In the HXB and BXH sets of recombinant inbred (RI) strains derived from SHR and BN rats, heritability of litter size and of selected male reproductive parameters such as sperm production, sperm count, sperm morphology and motility, and the mass of the testis, epididymides, and seminal vesicles were estimated and a search was undertaken for quantitative trait loci (QTL) associated with these phenotypes. The mass of seminal vesicles was significantly associated with a QTL near the D8Cebr204S21 marker on chromosome 8 (LOD score = 4.1, P = 0.00001); this QTL was responsible for 46% of the genetic variability of the trait. The same gene marker on chromosome 8 also showed a suggestive association with the litter size. Litter size was significantly correlated with the mass of seminal vesicles (r = 0.58, P = 0.003). These findings indicate that the variability in litter size among RI strains may be due in part to differences in the mass of seminal vesicles and it is possible that both mass of seminal vesicles and litter size are determined by a pleiotropic effect of the same QTL on rat chromosome 8.  相似文献   

Effects of molybdenum on fertility of male rats   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Sodium molybdate was administered orally to adult male rat at dose level of 10, 30, and 50 mg kg body weight (5 days per week) for 60 days. At higher dose levels significant decrease in absolute and organ-to-body weight ratios of testes, epididymides, seminal vesicles and ventral prostate was observed. The sperm abnormality, associated with decrease in sperm motility and sperm count was also observed. Significant alterations in the activities of marker testicular enzymes, viz. sorbitol dehydrogenase (decreases), lactate dehydrogenase (increases) and -glutamyl transpeptidase (increases) associated with histopathological changes in testes was also observed. Accumulation of molybdenum in testes, epididymides and seminal vesicles was also observed. The study reveals that the oral ingestion of molybdenum may affect the histoarchitecture of testes and sperm morphology. The testicular and spermatotoxic changes may be responsible for observed male mediated developmental toxic effects.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The Hershberger and male pubertal onset assays have been identified as possible Tier I screening tests to detect endocrine‐active compounds (EACs). Both tests rely on changes in reproductive and/or accessory sex gland (ASG) weights in young animals. Because chemical treatment may affect growth rate, the relationship between body weight and reproductive/ASG weights was examined using feed restriction (FR) to produce a targeted 10% decrease in body weight. METHODS: In the male pubertal onset assay, 23‐day‐old rats (12/group) were given ad lib feed or FR until euthanized at 45, 49, 52, 56, or 59 days of age. Despite a 10% body weight differential, pubertal onset was not significantly delayed and testes weights were conserved. Absolute prostate, ventral prostate, seminal vesicle, epididymides, and liver weights were decreased by FR. Relative weights for the prostate, ventral prostate, and seminal vesicles were similar to controls, but relative epididymides and liver weights still exhibited FR‐mediated changes. In the Hershberger assay, male rats (12/group) castrated at 36 days of age were given ad lib feed or FR in the presence or absence of testosterone propionate (T) from 46–55, 50–59, or 56–65 days of age. At 56, 60, and 66 days of age, rats were euthanized. In untreated animals, FR did not alter absolute ventral prostate, seminal vesicles, or Cowper's gland weights; however, absolute and relative weights of the levator ani‐bulbocavernosus muscles (LABC) were affected. In T‐treated animals, absolute organ weights (the ventral prostate, seminal vesicles, LABC, and glans penis) were relatively insensitive to FR. The weight of the Cowper's gland was affected only at 66 days of age. RESULTS: These data show that reproductive and ASG organ weight endpoints in the Hershberger and male pubertal onset assays can be influenced by FR levels that produce a 10% change in terminal body weight. CONCLUSIONS: The establishment of objective criteria for a positive or negative result is problematic due to the confounding effects of body weight on some endpoints. Furthermore, a 10% decrease in body weight seems to be excessive as a requirement for high‐dose toxicity in these assays due to possible indictment of agents that are not EACs, as well as potential masking of EAC effects coincident with body weight changes. Minimally, caution must be used in interpreting assay results in the presence of a 10% body weight change, recognizing the possible confounding effects of this degree of growth suppression. Birth Defects Res B 68:363–374, 2003. © 2003 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

To develop a transurethral endoscopy technique of the transurethral seminal vesiculoscopy to examine and treat seminal vesicle disease. A total of 61 patients with seminal vesicle disease were diagnosed and treated with the transurethral seminal vesiculoscopy through the distal seminal tracts and vesicles. 58 cases were successfully treated using transurethral seminal vesiculoscopy via the seminal vesicles. The operation took 25 ~ 85 min, with an average of (35.6) mins. In this group, seven cases were diagnosed as ejaculatory orifice cyst, 14 cases had blood clots in the seminal vesicles, and nine patients had stones in the seminal vesicles. All patients were treated properly. Follow-up occurred at 3 months, with two cases showing post-operative discomfort in perineal region. One patient had recurrence with seminal vesiculitis, which improved with treatment. Four infertile patients had a significant increase in sperm count and ejaculation volume and two of these patients were able to naturally inseminate within seven to 18 months post-surgery. This approach enables a new endoscopic technique with the transurethral seminal vesiculoscopy to diagnose and treat seminal vesicle disease through the normal anatomic pathway which can be easily performed with few post-operative complications.  相似文献   

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