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洪泽湖冬春季鱼塘生境中鸻鹬类群落特征与栖息模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2005年冬季和2006年春季及冬季对洪泽湖东部湿地自然保护区内淮河入洪泽湖河口处(33°06'~33°07'N,118°29'~118°30'E)人工鱼塘生境中鸻鹬类群落进行了研究.设置了4个样地,总面积157 hm2.共记录到鸻鹬类19种,其中冬季10种,春季15种.从数量上看,冬季鱼塘中的鸟类总数量远大于春季.在冬春季滞留期间,鸻鹬类种群数量变动比较剧烈,反映了其迁徙集中的特点.鸻鹬类主要在鱼塘生境中休息和觅食,对鱼塘内泥滩和浅水区小生境利用率最高.洪泽湖地区的鱼塘生境和渔业方式使鱼塘成为鸻鹬类冬、春季的重要栖息地.  相似文献   

2005年11月18日~12月28日和2006年3月8日~5月8日对洪泽湖东部湿地自然保护区境内淮河入洪泽湖河口处(33°06′~33°07′N,118°29′~118°30′E)雁鸭类的种类组成、数量及生境分布进行了研究。在河道和鱼塘生境分别设置了2个和4个样带(方),共统计到雁鸭类6属18种。与历史记录相比,雁鸭类种类明显减少。11~12月记录到雁鸭类5属12种,优势种为斑嘴鸭(Anas poecilorhyncha)、绿翅鸭(A.crecca)、花脸鸭(A.formosa)和绿头鸭(A.platyrhynchos);2006年3~5月记录到雁鸭类3属8种,优势种为绿翅鸭、白眉鸭(A.querquedula)和斑嘴鸭。研究区域内,11~12月河道与鱼塘生境分布的雁鸭类种类和数量差异均显著,鱼塘生境分布的雁鸭类种类多、数量大,而3~5月河道与鱼塘生境分布的雁鸭类种类差异不明显,数量差异显著,河道生境分布的雁鸭类数量较大。人类活动引起的隐蔽场所和食物资源的变化是造成分布差异的主要原因。  相似文献   

洪泽湖是我国第四大淡水湖泊,水生生物资源丰富,素有“日出斗金”之喻。1985年1月,我们参加了该湖的短期综合考察,兹将调查资料,并参考有关文献,整理成文,备供参考。一、生态环境特点和生态平衡问题洪泽湖位于江苏省西部边缘,约当北纬33°06′—33°40′,东经118°10′—118°55′。地处北亚热带与暖温带的过渡地带。平均日照百分率为52%,总辐射量4.7×10~7J/m~2。年均  相似文献   

杨留法 《生态学报》1993,13(2):196-196
1 自然概况 洪泽湖位于江苏省西北部,处于淮河中游,界于东经118°10′—119°和北纬33°06′—33°40′之间。以正常水位12.5m计,湖泊面积2275km~2,为我国第四大淡水湖。北部和西部为“四岗三洼”区,南部为低山丘陵区,东部为洪泽湖大堤。湖盆西北部较浅,东南部较深,最大水深4m左右,平均水深1.648m,是一个岬湾较多的水库型的大型浅水湖泊。注入洪泽湖的河流比较集中地分布于西岸,主要有淮河、漴潼河、  相似文献   

东海浮游翼足类(Pteropods)种类组成和多样性研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
徐兆礼 《生物多样性》2005,13(2):168-173
根据 1997-2000年东海 23°30′-33°00′N、118°30′-128°00′E海域四季调查资料,运用定量、定性方法探讨了东海浮游翼足类种类组成、种类数、物种多样性指数(H′)及其与环境因子的关系。结果表明:四季中共出现翼足类 21种,其中尖笔帽螺 (Creseisacicula)、马蹄螔螺 (Limacinatrochiformis)、强卷螺 (Agadinasyimpsoni)、蝴蝶螺(Desmopteruspapilio)、锥笔帽螺(C. virgulavar. comica)、棒笔帽螺(C. clava)、玻杯螺(Hyalocylizstriata)、长吻龟螺(Cavolinialongirostris)、芽笔帽螺 (Creseisvirgula)和拟海若螺 (Paraclionelongicaudata)等 10种为常见种,胖螔螺(Limacinainflata)和皮鳃螺(Pneumodermaatlanticum)等两种为次常见种,其余 9种是稀有种。在春季转至夏季、冬季转至春季时,种类组成出现明显的季节更替现象;冬春季种类分布仅受温度变化的影响,而夏秋季则受温度和10m层或底层盐度变化的共同影响。在冬春季,东海近海由于暖流势力较弱,水温较低,翼足类种数较少,种类数和多样性指数南部大于北部,外海大于近海;从夏季到秋季随着台湾暖流势力的加强,海流将较多的种类带到东海北部和近海,尽管近海种数和多样性指数值仍呈南高北低的特征,但南部和北部,近海和外海的差距明显缩小。  相似文献   

东海栉水母(Ctenophora)生态特征   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:2  
徐兆礼  张凤英  罗民波 《生态学杂志》2006,25(11):1301-1305
根据1997~2000年东海23°30′~33°00′N、118°30′~128°00′E海域4个季节海洋调查资料,对东海栉水母数量变化和地理分布特征作了探讨。结果表明,东海栉水母平均丰度秋季(6.3 ind.(100m3)-1)>春季(1.6 ind.(100 m3)-1)>冬季(1.4 ind.(100 m3)-1)>夏季(0.6 ind.(100 m3)-1)。调查海域鉴定到种的栉水母共有6种,其中球型侧腕水母(Pleurobrachia globosa)是东海的主要种类;掌状风球水母(Hormiphora palnata)和瓜水母(Beroe cucumis)是常见种;带水母(Cestumsp.)是次常见种;蝶水母(Ocyropsis crystalline)和卵型瓜水母(Beroe avata)是稀有种。东海栉水母系暖水性浮游动物类群,其数量变化与东海暖流势力活动过程中的携带有密切的联系。球型侧腕水母分布较为广泛,是适应环境能力较强的种类;掌状风球水母、蝶水母和卵型瓜水母相反,仅适应有限的环境;瓜水母和带水母适应能力介于以上两类栉水母之间。  相似文献   

东海浮游糠虾种类特征和多样性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐兆礼 《应用生态学报》2006,17(9):1711-1714
依据1997~2000年对东海23°30′~33°00′N、118°30′~128°00′E海域4个季节海洋调查资料,运用定量、定性方法, 探讨了东海浮游糠虾类种类特征、多样性以及种类分布与环境的关系.结果显示,东海调查水域共鉴定浮游糠虾类18种,秋季最多,有14种,夏季9种,春季7种,冬季仅4种;漂浮囊糠虾(Gastrosaccus pelagicus)等11个种是东海的常见种,东方原糠虾(Hypererythrops spinifera)是次常见种,其余则是稀有种;糠虾类物种的季节更替十分明显,特别是从秋季到冬季;盐度是影响东海糠虾类分布的主要环境因子,冬、夏季,糠虾类分布主要受沿岸河流和长江径流的影响,物种数与盐度呈负相关,秋季物种数与表层温度呈负相关,与底层盐度呈正相关.东海糠虾种类组成季节特征和地区特征的形成主要与长江径流势力消长有关.东海各海区糠虾类多样性指数(H′)值大多数较低,与其主要优势种的聚集性有关.  相似文献   

钦州湾越冬鸻鹬类对不同生境利用分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2008年12月至2009年1月及2011年12月至2012年1月先后两次对钦州湾的越冬鸻鹬类进行了调查,对越冬鸻鹬类退潮后在各类型生境的分布情况和原因进行了分析,以期为制定有效保护越冬鸟类及其生境的措施提供科学依据。结果表明,在不同的天气情况下退潮后各生境内记录到的鸻鹬类物种数和种群数量均不同,钦州湾不同生境鸻鹬类结构特征随天气变化改变。相似性比较显示,晴天各生境中鸻鹬类相似性指数最高的是盐田-养殖塘生境和农田生境,相似性指数为0.96;鸻鹬类相似性指数最低的是红树林滩涂生境和光滩生境,相似性指数为0.49。阴冷天气各生境中鸻鹬类相似性指数最高的是光滩生境和盐田-养殖塘生境,相似性指数为0.79;最低是红树林滩涂生境和光滩生境,相似性指数为0.52。分析表明人类活动的干扰对越冬鸻鹬类生境选择的影响较大。  相似文献   

东海磷虾类优势种的生态适应   总被引:15,自引:7,他引:8  
徐兆礼  陈亚瞿 《生态学报》2005,25(9):2227-2233
根据1997~2000年东海23°30′~33°N、118°30′~128°E海域4个季节海洋调查资料,对东海磷虾类优势种的生态特征进行了研究,运用定量定性方法探讨了这些优势种的生态环境适应类型。结果表明:东海磷虾类的优势种主要有小型磷虾Euphausianana、中华假磷虾Pseudeuphausiasinica、宽额假磷虾Pseudeuphausialatifrons和太平洋磷虾Euphausiapacifica等4种;中华假磷虾和宽额假磷虾属于适应夏秋季环境的暖温种和暖水种,小型磷虾和太平洋磷虾为适应冬春季环境的温水种;暖水种往往具有较高的丰度和出现频率,温水种的出现率相对较低;温水种有很高的聚集强度。中华假磷虾系近岸暖温种;宽额假磷虾是外海暖水种;小型磷虾最适温度相对较高,分布区偏外海,是高盐温水种;太平洋磷虾最适温度相对较低,分布区偏近海,虽是高盐温水种,但高分布区的盐度往往低于小型磷虾。  相似文献   

贺兰山马鹿冬春季生境的选择   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
2007年12月~2008年1月和2008年4~5月,在贺兰山利用痕迹检验法和直接观察法对马鹿阿拉善亚种冬春季生境选择进行研究.通过在选定的15条沟段里进行调查,冬春季各测定了131个和181个样方的18种生态因子.结果表明,冬春季贺兰山马鹿在植被类型、优势乔木、灌木密度、灌木高度、灌木距离、坡向、坡位、海拔高度、距裸岩距离和隐蔽级10种生态因子上差异极显著(P < 0.001),其余生态因子无显著差异(P < 0.05),相对于冬季生境而言,马鹿春季更偏爱选择以油松和青海云杉为优势乔木的山地针叶林带,灌木密度大、高度高、距离近,半阴半阳坡的中坡位,海拔较高,距裸岩较近,隐蔽程度高的生境.典则判别系数显示冬春季马鹿在生境选择上存在一定程度的重叠,但春季马鹿的分布范围要比冬季更广一些,Wilk's λ值显示冬春季马鹿的生境选择具有较高的差异性(Wilk's λ = 0.683,x2 = 116.995,df = 13,P < 0.001).逐步判别分析表明在区分冬春季马鹿生境方面有一系列生态因子发挥作用,依照贡献值的大小依次为:乔木密度、灌木距离、坡度、海拔高度、距水源距离、距裸岩距离和隐蔽级,由这7个变量构成的方程对冬春季马鹿生境的正确区分率达到79.9%,其中对春季的误判率为22.1%,对冬季的误判率为20.6%.  相似文献   

长江口及邻近海域枝角类和涟虫类生态学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据2002~2003年长江口29°00'~32°00'N、122°00'~123°30'E海域4个季节的海洋调查,运用定量、定性方法,探讨长江口邻近海域枝角类和涟虫类总丰度的季节变化特征,以及丰度的季节差异与水团的关系,分析了种类的数量变动,并与东海外海的生态特征进行比较.结果表明,长江口及邻近海域涟虫类丰度的季节变化主要受温度的影响,而平面分布变化与盐度有关.平均丰度夏季最高(0.59 ind./m3),春季最低(0.05 ind./m3).本次调查共发现涟虫类4种,分别为三叶针尾涟虫(Diastylis tricincta)、卵圆涟虫(Bodotria ovalis)、亚洲异针尾涟虫(Dimorphostylis asiatica)和细长涟虫(Iphinoe tenera).其中,三叶针尾涟虫四季均出现,四季优势度分别为0.04、0.03、0.04和0.06;卵圆涟虫出现在夏、秋和冬季,优势度分别为0.11、0.00和0.07;亚洲异针尾涟虫和细长涟虫仅秋季出现,优势度分别为0.17和0.002.仅在夏季发现两种枝角类,分别为肥胖三角溞(Evadne tergestina)和鸟喙尖头溞(Penilia avirostris).在长江口,枝角类和涟虫类的分布特征与长江冲淡水都有一定的关系,显示出这两大类浮游动物具有咸淡水分布的特征.  相似文献   

2009年7月~2011年8月对河南安阳平原农耕区鸟类进行了调查,共记录到鸟类109种,隶属13目33科,其中雀形目鸟类59种,占鸟种总数的54.1%;留鸟30种,占总种数的28.4%;夏候鸟33种,占总种数的30.3%;冬候鸟8种,占6.4%;旅鸟38种,占34.9%。在生境分布上,以村庄农田鸟类种类最多,其次是林地果园,鸟种最少的是河流水域。在调查研究的基础上提出了鸟类保护的一些建议。  相似文献   

利用2002—2003年长江口近海(122°00′—123°30′ E,29°00′—32°00′ N)四季调查资料,研究了长江口近海浮游糠虾类多样性、数量波动过程及其与渔场的关系.结果表明:长江口近海共有浮游糠虾14种,秋季10种,春、秋季8种,冬季2种.种类组成季节更替明显,其中从秋季到冬季更替率最高(90.9%),春、夏和秋季多样性指数(H′)值均大于2,冬季为1- 夏季丰度均值最高[234.70 ind·(100 m3)-1],秋季为103.34 ind·(100 m3)-1,春季80.36 ind·(100 m3)-1,冬季最低12.40 ind·(100 m3)-1,丰度变化与温度一致.因温、盐适应范围最广,漂浮囊糠虾是春、秋、冬3季的优势种;短额刺糠虾是夏、秋两季的优势种;长额刺糠虾是冬季的优势种各季节优势种对总丰度贡献均较大.夏季短额刺糠虾的聚集强度最高.长江口近海浮游糠虾类对长江口渔场及舟山渔场的形成具有重要意义.  相似文献   

Tropical kelp populations are rare and anomalous relicts of shallow‐water populations that existed during glacial periods of cooler oceanographic climate. The endemic Brazilian tropical kelp, Laminaria abyssalis Joly and Oliveira Filho, occurred at depths below 40 m. The seasonal variations in biological aspects of L. abyssalis sporophyte populations and local variations in seawater nutrients and temperature were evaluated. A population was sampled four times between the austral spring of 2005 to winter 2006. Seasonal variations in the population structure and in the tissue content of nitrogen (N), carbohydrate and pigments were observed. Higher density (6.3 individuals m?2), biomass (7.3 kg m?2) and blade area (13 221 cm2) were observed in summer, while the highest percentage of tissue total N (1.6%), carbohydrates (32.9%) and photosynthetic pigments (chlorophyll a = 1.9% and chlorophyll c = 0.4%) were observed in spring. The highest surface area of fertile tissue in L. abyssalis sporophytes (2.36%) was recorded in winter, indicating winter as the season when more investments are made in reproduction. The highest concentrations of total N (6.3 μM) and phosphate (0.6 μM) in seawater were observed in spring and summer, respectively. Seawater temperatures lower than 20°C, which are characteristic of upwelling waters, occurred every month and were most frequent in spring and summer. We show that L. abyssalis invests more in growth in spring and summer and reaches the greatest thallus size and population density in summer. The lower abundance during winter may be related to the lower frequency of temperatures below 20°C and the local seasonal storms that cause turnover of rhodoliths, the main substrate for L. abyssalis.  相似文献   

Based on the maritime data collected from 23°30'-33°00' N and 118°30'-128°00' E of the East China Sea (ECS) in four seasons during 1997-2000,the dynamics of medusae diversity and their causes were ana-lyzed.A total of 103 medusae species were identified,and these species mainly distributed in the southern and north-ern offshore areas of the ECS.Species diversity index (H') of medusae was higher in the south than those in the north,higher in summer and winter than in spring and autumn,and higher in offshore than in the nearshore areas.The species number was closely correlated with H' value,whereas the abundance of species had no significant rela-tionship with the diversity index.The lower H' value of the nearshore in spring and autumn resulted from the aggrega-tion of Muggiaea atlantica in the south nearshore and Diphyes chamissonis in the north nearshore.In addition,water temperature,followed by salinity,is the main envir-onmental factor influencing the distribution of species diversity.The H' value was related to the water temperature at the 10 m layer in winter and spring,and it was associated with the surface water temperature in summer and with the 10 m-salinity-layer in autumn.In spring and summer,the isoline distribution of H' value reflected the direction of the Taiwan Warm Current and the variation of the water masses in the ECS.In winter,the isoline of the H' value indicated the incursion of Kuroshio current.In conclusion,the H' isoline is an good indicator for water masses in ECS.  相似文献   

Seasonal variations in the ex vivo phagocytic function of blood cells from tench, including ingestion capacity of inert particles and its destruction (microbicide capacity) assessed by measurement of superoxide anion production, were studied. Tench were maintained under natural conditions throughout the year, and the different assays of samples taken during each season were initially performed in vitro at 22°C and the results compared. Subsequently, assays were performed at the same temperature as that of the water ponds in which the fish were kept (“seasonal temperature”: 12°C in winter, 22°C in spring and autumn and 30°C in summer) and the results compared seasonally. The results at 22°C showed that phagocytic capacity was greatest in spring and summer and lowest in winter. However, when phagocytic capacity was measured at seasonal temperature, highest values appeared in winter and lowest in summer and autumn. Nitroblue tetrazolium reduction by tench phagocytes after phagocytosing latex beads demonstrated a similar seasonal behaviour at both 22°C in each season and at seasonal temperature. The highest values appeared in summer, which suggests a better microbicide capacity in this season. The results obtained in this study suggest that for a correct interpretation of ex vivo phagocytic capacity of fish through the year it is necessary to use the same assay temperature as that of the water in which the fish is kept.  相似文献   

Based on the maritime data collected from 23°30′–33°00′ N and 118°30′–128°00′ E of the East China Sea (ECS) in four seasons during 1997–2000, the dynamics of medusae diversity and their causes were analyzed. A total of 103 medusae species were identified, and these species mainly distributed in the southern and northern offshore areas of the ECS. Species diversity index (H′) of medusae was higher in the south than those in the north, higher in summer and winter than in spring and autumn, and higher in offshore than in the nearshore areas. The species number was closely correlated with H′ value, whereas the abundance of species had no significant relationship with the diversity index. The lower H′ value of the nearshore in spring and autumn resulted from the aggregation of Muggiaea atlantica in the south nearshore and Diphyes chamissonis in the north nearshore. In addition, water temperature, followed by salinity, is the main environmental factor influencing the distribution of species diversity. The H′ value was related to the water temperature at the 10 m layer in winter and spring, and it was associated with the surface water temperature in summer and with the 10 m-salinity-layer in autumn. In spring and summer, the isoline distribution of H′ value reflected the direction of the Taiwan Warm Current and the variation of the water masses in the ECS. In winter, the isoline of the H′ value indicated the incursion of Kuroshio current. In conclusion, the H′ isoline is an good indicator for water masses in ECS. __________ Translated from Biodiversity Science, 2006, 14(6): 508–516 [译自:生物多样性]  相似文献   

We studied the seasonal variation in abundance and distribution of shorebirds and chironomid Chironomus salinarius larvae in both traditional and industrial salines in the Odiel marshes, south-west Spain, in 2001. We selected 12 ponds that were representative of the different phases of the salt production process. The benthic chironomids were sampled in each pond every 2 months, and the birds were counted weekly. Chironomid larvae were most abundant in spring and autumn, and in the ponds of lower salinity. The density of larvae averaged 7023 ± 392 m−2 (±SE) over the six sampling events. Shorebirds were always more abundant at high tide than at low tide, and were especially abundant during the spring and autumn migration periods when up to 20,775 birds were counted. A total of 24 species were recorded, six of which were present in internationally important numbers. The salines were especially important as foraging and roosting habitat during migration. The percentage of birds that were feeding in the ponds was positively correlated with the abundance of chironomid larvae at accessible depths. The number of feeding birds was also higher in ponds with more chironomid larvae available. Despite more intensive management, industrial salines held higher densities of birds and a similar abundance of chironomids when compared with traditional salines.  相似文献   

L. G. Underhill 《Ostrich》2013,84(4):145-155

Underhill, L. G. 1987. Waders (Charadrii) and other waterbirds at Langebaan Lagoon, South Africa, 1975–1986. Osrrich 58: 145–155.

Langebaan Lagoon was surveyed for waterbirds at midsummer and midwinter between 1975 and 1986. The median number of birds counted in summer was 37 500, of which 34 500 were waders (93% of the waders being Palaearctic migrants). Curlew Sandpiper (59,2%), Grey Plover (10,5%), Sanderling (8,3%), Knot (8,1%) and Turnstone (5,7%) were the major components of the summer wader population. The median number of birds in winter was 10 500, of which 4500 were flamingos and 4000 waders. For Palaearctic waders, the median winter population was 11,5% of the median summer population, but varied between 2,5% and 30,1%. For species of wader which breed in the Taimyr Peninsula, Siberia, a three-year cycle in the numbers of birds overwintering was detected, with large numbers in 1977, 1980, 1983 and 1986. Birds feeding on invertebrates consumed 126,9 kJ m?2 yr?1, or 24% of the total production of invertebrates. Greater Flamingos have a major impact on energy cycling at Langebaan Lagoon, accounting for 73,3% of the winter energy consumption by the avifauna. Langebaan Lagoon is the most important wetland for waders in South Africa, accounting for about 10% of the coastal wader population of South Africa. At midsummer, about 0,5% of the total wader population of the East Atlantic Flyway is at Langebaan Lagoon, which ranks about 20th in importance for waders on the flyway.  相似文献   

The wandering glider dragonfly, Pantala flavescens (Fabricius), arrives in Japan from tropical regions every spring. The offspring colonize areas throughout Japan, with rapid increases in populations in the autumn, but all individuals die in the winter, suggesting low tolerance to low temperatures. However, few quantitative data on egg development and water temperature have been reported for this species. Females at the reproductive stage were collected from fields throughout the flying season and their eggs released using an artificial oviposition technique. Almost all of the eggs were fertilized. Egg size was stable throughout the seasons. Most eggs hatched within a period of 5 days at high water temperatures (35 and 30 °C), which were recorded in the shallow ponds and rice paddy fields from summer to early autumn. However, the egg-stage duration increased with declining water temperature. All eggs in water at 15 °C had failed to hatch by 90 days. The calculated critical temperature of water was determined to be approximately 14.3 °C; the total effective temperature for the egg stage was about 80 degree-days. Thus, low water temperatures in winter may prevent P. flavescens overwintering in Japan.  相似文献   

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