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研究大肠杆菌单链结合蛋白(single-stranded DNA-binding protein,SSB)与单链DNA(single-stranded DNA,ssDNA)的相互作用对于了解其在DNA复制、重组和修复中的作用是非常重要的。通过表面等离子共振技术(surface plasmon resonance,SPR)得到了在有、无镁离子的情况下,SSB与ssDNA两者的平衡解离常数(equilibrium dissociation constant,KD)分别为9.67×10-7M和4.79×10-7M,阐明了镁离子对于两者作用形式的影响。利用原子力显微镜技术分别观察SSB蛋白、ssDNA和SSB-ssDNA复合物的成像,为下一步研究SSB在DNA代谢中作用模式的单分子可视化奠定了基础。  相似文献   

大肠杆菌单链结合蛋白SSB在DNA复制、重组和修复中起着重要作用。为研究单链结合蛋白SSB的体外生物功能构建了融合蛋白SSB的表达载体并使其高效表达及易于纯化。ssb基因片段是以E.coli K-12基因组为模板经PCR扩增获得,并通过基因的体外拼接成功构建了表达载体pQE30-ssb。重组菌株M15/ pQE30-ssb经过IPTG的诱导表达了蛋白SSB。收集菌体细胞、超声波破碎后离心取上清进行SDS-PAGE分析,结果表明有一与预期分子量(20.6 kD)相应的诱导表达条带出现,其表达量约占全细胞蛋白的30%且以可溶形式存在。利用固定化金属离子(Ni2+)配体亲和层析柱纯化融合蛋白SSB,其纯度达到90%。通过凝胶层析和等离子共振技术对SSB的生物功能进行了系统研究分析。结果表明,SSB蛋白以四聚体形式与单链DNA分子结合,其亲和力常数(KD)为4.79×10-7 M。  相似文献   

随机单链DNA文库SELEX筛选寡核苷酸适配子方法的建立   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
指数富集配基的系统进化(SELEX)技术是一种新的组合化学技术.体外构建了一个长度为81 nt、含有35个随机序列的单链DNA(ssDNA)文库,优化了ssDNA文库扩增为双链DNA (dsDNA)文库的PCR反应条件.通过对比不对称PCR和生物素-链亲和素磁珠分离方法制备ssDNA文库的效果,确定了以生物素-链亲和素磁珠分离方法制备ssDNA.由于脱氧核糖核酸的疏水性导致ssDNA文库与硝酸纤维素滤膜的结合背景过高,因此选择以微孔板为介质,分离与靶蛋白结合的适配子.经过9轮循环筛选,随机ssDNA文库与丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)核心蛋白(C蛋白)的结合率从0.5%上升到32.5%.  相似文献   

利用基因工程手段表达了分子量约为24 kDa的重组大肠杆菌单链结合蛋白 (r-SSBP),通过凝胶阻滞电泳与DNA熔解温度 (Tm) 影响实验表征了r-SSBP与单链DNA (ssDNA) 结合的特性,结果表明,r-SSBP可以与ssDNA结合,并且能够降低DNA的Tm值,同时还能增大含有单个错配碱基的DNA与完全匹配的DNA的Tm值差异,这一特性在提高单核苷酸多态性检测的特异性方面具有潜在的应用价值。此外,将r-SSBP应用于本课题组开发的高灵敏度焦磷酸测序体系中测定已知序列ssDNA模板,结果表明,r  相似文献   

复制起始调控是真核生物复制调控机制的重要环节,也是细胞生长调控的核心问题.对SV40病毒和酵母体系的研究为阐明真核生物的复制起始机制及其与细胞周期的关系提供了线索.目前,与DNA复制起始有关的多种蛋白质因子(如核蛋白P1,DNA单链结合蛋白,DNA聚合酶α,增殖细胞核抗原等)的作用机理逐渐明朗,周期依赖的调控特点得到了证实文章着重介绍了DNA复制起始在细胞周期中的两个调控点及各种周期蛋白在该点的作用,文中还涉及复制起始异常与肿瘤发生的关系.  相似文献   

Bloom 综合症(BLM)解旋酶是RecQ家族DNA解旋酶中的一个重要成员,参与了DNA复制、修复、转录、重组以及端粒的维持等细胞代谢过程,在维持染色体的稳定性中具有重要的作用.BLM解旋酶的突变可导致Bloom综合症,患者遗传不稳定易患多种类型癌症.本研究运用荧光偏振技术研究BLM解旋酶催化核心(BLM642-1290)与双链DNA(dsDNA)的相互作用,分析其相关特征参数,了解BLM642-1290解旋酶与dsDNA的结合和解链特性.结果表明,BLM642-1290解旋酶与dsDNA的结合和解链和dsDNA3’末端的单链DNA(ssDNA)长度有关;解旋酶优先结合于dsDNA底物的ssDNA末端,且每分子解旋酶可结合9.6 nt的ssDNA;dsDNA3’末端ssDNA的长度为9.6 nt时,解旋酶的解链效率达到最大且不再随其长度而变化.另外,BLM642-1290解旋酶也能够结合和解链钝末端dsDNA,但其结合亲和力和解链效率低于有3’末端ssDNA的dsDNA.推测BLM642-1290解旋酶在与dsDNA底物结合和解链时是单体形式,可能以尺蠖的形式解开dsDNA.这些结果可为进一步研究BLM解旋酶的功能特征提供理论基础.  相似文献   

在细菌细胞中,为了维持基因组稳定和正常的生命活动,RNase HI通常以降解RNA/DNA杂合链中RNA的方式来防止复制中引物的积累以及转录中R环的形成。RNase HI对底物的识别主要依赖于DNA与RNA结合槽,对底物的催化主要依赖于DEDD基序和位于活性位点附近柔性环中的一个组氨酸。以Mg2+为代表的金属离子在催化过程中发挥了至关重要的作用。杂交双链中ssDNA突出部分的类型决定了RNase HI的作用模式:在没有突出或在ssDNA的5′端存在突出部分的情况下,RNase HI作为一种非序列特异性核酸内切酶随机地降解RNA;当ssDNA的3′端存在突出部分时,RNase HI依靠5′核酸外切酶活性对RNA进行连续切割。RNase HI、Rep、DinG和UvrD通过与单链DNA结合蛋白(single-stranded DNA-binding protein, SSB)的C端尾部的6个残基相互作用被招募到复制叉附近,并可能以协作的方式解决复制-转录冲突。RNaseHI的缺失或活性降低将引起DNA结构不稳定、基因突变、转录装置回溯和复制不协调等一系列有害后果。RN...  相似文献   

在单纯疱疹病毒1型(Herpes simplex virus 1,HSV-1)中,感染细胞蛋白8(Infected cell protein 8,ICP8)是由UL29基因编码的一种单链DNA结合蛋白(Single strand DNA-binding protein,SSBP),该蛋白在病毒复制中必不可缺,具有维持单链DNA的稳定性,并与其他病毒蛋白相互结合,促进病毒复制室的形成,介导晚期基因的表达。除此之外,ICP8还具有促进UL9编码的起源结合蛋白(Origin binding protein,OBP)和UL5/UL8/UL52蛋白的酶活性,与UL12蛋白共同介导链交换等功能。本文就上述目前国内外对HSV-1 ICP8的研究进展作一综述,以期为后续研究ICP8的作用机制提供参考。  相似文献   

Bloom 综合症(BLM)解旋酶是RecQ家族DNA解旋酶中的一个重要成员,参与了DNA复制、修复、转录、重组以及端粒的维持等细胞代谢过程,在维持染色体的稳定性中具有重要的作用.BLM解旋酶的突变可导致Bloom综合症,患者遗传不稳定易患多种类型癌症.本研究运用荧光偏振技术研究BLM解旋酶催化核心(BLM642~1290)与双链DNA(dsDNA)的相互作用,分析其相关特征参数,了解BLM642~1290解旋酶与dsDNA的结合和解链特性.结果表明:BLM642~1290解旋酶与dsDNA的结合和解链与dsDNA 3′端的单链DNA(ssDNA)长度有关;解旋酶优先结合于dsDNA底物的ssDNA末端,且每分子解旋酶可结合9.6 nt的ssDNA;dsDNA 3′端ssDNA的长度为9.6 nt时,解旋酶的解链效率达到最大且不再随其长度而变化.另外,BLM642~1290解旋酶也能够结合和解链钝末端dsDNA,但其结合亲和力和解链效率低于有3′端ssDNA的dsDNA.推测BLM642~1290解旋酶在与dsDNA底物结合和解链时是单体形式,可能以尺蠖的形式解开dsDNA.这些结果可为进一步研究BLM解旋酶的功能特征提供理论基础.  相似文献   

【目的】构建、表达人源二硫键稳定单链抗体(scdsFv),检测其生物活性,以获得对狂犬病病毒有特异结合能力及中和活性的scdsFv蛋白。【方法】从GenBank上获得RV单抗SO57重链可变区VH和轻链可变区VL序列,在VH44和VL100位各突变一个氨基酸为半胱氨酸,用linker连接形成scdsFv,人工合成此序列,克隆入表达载体pET22b(+),在大肠杆菌中表达目的蛋白,镍柱亲和层析法纯化,并进行SDS-PAGE、Westernblot鉴定。ELISA法和鼠脑组织抹片方法检测scdsFv对RV的特异结合活性;硫氰酸盐洗脱法测定scdsFv蛋白对RV的相对亲和力指数;分别用荧光抗体病毒中和试验(FAVN)和小鼠体内中和试验测定scdsFv的体外和体内中和活性。【结果】成功获得RV人源二硫键稳定单链抗体序列,大肠杆菌中表达得到scdsFv蛋白;分子量约为30.0kDa,Western blot表明此蛋白能与抗His单克隆抗体发生特异性反应。scdsFv能与RVVero疫苗特异结合,且结合力随抗原浓度降低而降低;scdsFv能与鼠脑组织中的RV结合。FAVN法测得scdsFv的中和效价为41IU/mL;小鼠体内中和试验表明scdsFv能保护55.6%鼠耐过强毒攻击。【结论】获得的scdsFv,具有良好的RV结合活性和体内外中和活性,有可能被用于暴露后狂犬病的预防。  相似文献   

Escherichia coli single-strand (ss) DNA binding protein (SSB) is an essential protein that binds ssDNA intermediates formed during genome maintenance. SSB homotetramers bind ssDNA in two major modes, differing in occluded site size and cooperativity. The (SSB)35 mode in which ssDNA wraps, on average, around two subunits is favored at low [NaCl] and high SSB/DNA ratios and displays high unlimited, nearest-neighbor cooperativity forming long protein clusters. The (SSB)65 mode, in which ssDNA wraps completely around four subunits of the tetramer, is favored at higher [NaCl] (>200 mM) and displays limited low cooperativity. Crystal structures of E. coli SSB and Plasmodium falciparum SSB show ssDNA bound to the SSB subunits (OB folds) with opposite polarities of the sugar phosphate backbones. To investigate whether SSB subunits show a polarity preference for binding ssDNA, we examined EcSSB and PfSSB binding to a series of (dT)70 constructs in which the backbone polarity was switched in the middle of the DNA by incorporating a reverse-polarity (RP) phosphodiester linkage, either 3′-3′ or 5′-5′. We find only minor effects on the DNA binding properties for these RP constructs, although (dT)70 with a 3′-3′ polarity switch shows decreased affinity for EcSSB in the (SSB)65 mode and lower cooperativity in the (SSB)35 mode. However, (dT)70 in which every phosphodiester linkage is reversed does not form a completely wrapped (SSB)65 mode but, rather, binds EcSSB in the (SSB)35 mode with little cooperativity. In contrast, PfSSB, which binds ssDNA only in an (SSB)65 mode and with opposite backbone polarity and different topology, shows little effect of backbone polarity on its DNA binding properties. We present structural models suggesting that strict backbone polarity can be maintained for ssDNA binding to the individual OB folds if there is a change in ssDNA wrapping topology of the RP ssDNA.  相似文献   

Kozlov AG  Lohman TM 《Biochemistry》2002,41(39):11611-11627
The kinetic mechanism of transfer of the homotetrameric Escherichia coli SSB protein between ssDNA molecules was studied using stopped-flow experiments. Dissociation of SSB from the donor ssDNA was monitored after addition of a large excess of unlabeled acceptor ssDNA by using either SSB tryptophan fluorescence or the fluorescence of a ssDNA labeled with an extrinsic fluorophore [fluorescein (F) or Cy3]. The dominant pathway for SSB dissociation occurs by a "direct transfer" mechanism in which an intermediate composed of two DNA molecules bound to one SSB tetramer forms transiently prior to the release of the acceptor DNA. When an initial 1:1 SSB-ssDNA complex is formed with (dT)(70) in the fully wrapped (SSB)(65) mode so that all four SSB subunits are bound to (dT)(70), the formation of the ternary intermediate complex occurs slowly with an apparent bimolecular rate constant, k(2,app), ranging from 1.2 x 10(3) M(-1) s(-1) (0.2 M NaCl) to approximately 5.1 x 10(3) M(-1) s(-1) (0.4 M NaBr), and this rate limits the overall rate of the transfer reaction (pH 8.1, 25 degrees C). These rate constants are approximately 7 x 10(5)- and approximately 7 x 10(4)-fold lower, respectively, than those measured for binding of the same ssDNA to an unligated SSB tetramer to form a singly ligated complex. However, when an initial SSB-ssDNA complex is formed with (dT)(35) so that only two SSB subunits interact with the DNA in an (SSB)(35) complex, the formation of the ternary intermediate occurs much faster with a k(2,app) ranging from >6.3 x 10(7) M(-1) s(-1) (0.2 M NaCl) to 2.6 x 10(7) M(-1) s(-1) (0.4 M NaBr). For these experiments, the rate of dissociation of the donor ssDNA determines the overall rate of the transfer reaction. Hence, an SSB tetramer can be transferred from one ssDNA molecule to another without proceeding through a free protein intermediate, and the rate of transfer is determined by the availability of free DNA binding sites within the initial SSB-ssDNA donor complex. Such a mechanism may be used to recycle SSB tetramers between old and newly formed ssDNA regions during lagging strand DNA replication.  相似文献   

The tetrameric Escherichia coli single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) binding protein (Ec-SSB) functions in DNA metabolism by binding to ssDNA and interacting directly with numerous DNA repair and replication proteins. Ec-SSB tetramers can bind ssDNA in multiple DNA binding modes that differ in the extent of ssDNA wrapping. Here, we show that the structurally similar SSB protein from the malarial parasite Plasmodium falciparum (Pf-SSB) also binds tightly to ssDNA but does not display the same number of ssDNA binding modes as Ec-SSB, binding ssDNA exclusively in fully wrapped complexes with site sizes of 52-65 nt/tetramer. Pf-SSB does not transition to the more cooperative (SSB)(35) DNA binding mode observed for Ec-SSB. Consistent with this, Pf-SSB tetramers also do not display the dramatic intra-tetramer negative cooperativity for binding of a second (dT)(35) molecule that is evident in Ec-SSB. These findings highlight variations in the DNA binding properties of these two highly conserved homotetrameric SSB proteins, and these differences might be tailored to suit their specific functions in the cell.  相似文献   

RecG and RuvAB are proposed to act at stalled DNA replication forks to facilitate replication restart. To define the roles of these proteins in fork regression, we used a combination of assays to determine whether RecG, RuvAB or both are capable of acting at a stalled fork. The results show that RecG binds to the C-terminus of single-stranded DNA binding protein (SSB) forming a stoichiometric complex of 2 RecG monomers per SSB tetramer. This binding occurs in solution and to SSB protein bound to single stranded DNA (ssDNA). The result of this binding is stabilization of the interaction of RecG with ssDNA. In contrast, RuvAB does not bind to SSB. Side-by-side analysis of the catalytic efficiency of the ATPase activity of each enzyme revealed that (−)scDNA and ssDNA are potent stimulators of the ATPase activity of RecG but not for RuvAB, whereas relaxed circular DNA is a poor cofactor for RecG but an excellent one for RuvAB. Collectively, these data suggest that the timing of repair protein access to the DNA at stalled forks is determined by the nature of the DNA available at the fork. We propose that RecG acts first, with RuvAB acting either after RecG or in a separate pathway following protein-independent fork regression.  相似文献   

Single-stranded (ss) DNA binding (SSB) proteins play central roles in DNA replication, recombination and repair in all organisms. We previously showed that Escherichia coli (Eco) SSB, a homotetrameric bacterial SSB, undergoes not only rapid ssDNA-binding mode transitions but also one-dimensional diffusion (or migration) while remaining bound to ssDNA. Whereas the majority of bacterial SSB family members function as homotetramers, dimeric SSB proteins were recently discovered in a distinct bacterial lineage of extremophiles, the Thermus–Deinococcus group. Here we show, using single-molecule fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET), that homodimeric bacterial SSB from Thermus thermophilus (Tth) is able to diffuse spontaneously along ssDNA over a wide range of salt concentrations (20–500 mM NaCl), and that TthSSB diffusion can help transiently melt the DNA hairpin structures. Furthermore, we show that two TthSSB molecules undergo transitions among different DNA-binding modes while remaining bound to ssDNA. Our results extend our previous observations on homotetrameric SSBs to homodimeric SSBs, indicating that the dynamic features may be shared among different types of SSB proteins. These dynamic features of SSBs may facilitate SSB redistribution and removal on/from ssDNA, and help recruit other SSB-interacting proteins onto ssDNA for subsequent DNA processing in DNA replication, recombination and repair.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli single-stranded DNA binding protein (SSB) is a central player in DNA metabolism where it organizes genome maintenance complexes and stabilizes single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) intermediates generated during DNA processing. Due to the importance of SSB and to facilitate real-time studies, we developed a dual plasmid expression system to produce novel, chimeric SSB proteins. These chimeras, which contain mixtures of histidine-tagged and fluorescent protein(FP)-fusion subunits, are easily purified in milligram quantities and used without further modification, a significant enhancement over previous methods to produce fluorescent SSB. Chimeras retain the functionality of wild type in all assays, demonstrating that SSB function is unaffected by the FPs. We demonstrate the power and utility of these chimeras in single molecule studies providing a great level of insight into the biochemical mechanism of RecBCD. We also utilized the chimeras to show for the first time that RecG and SSB interact in vivo. Consequently, we anticipate that the chimeras described herein will facilitate in vivo, in vitro and single DNA molecule studies using proteins that do not require further modification prior to use.  相似文献   

Single-stranded DNA-binding proteins (SSBs) bind single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) and participate in all genetic processes involving ssDNA, such as replication, recombination, and repair. Here we applied atomic force microscopy to directly image SSB-DNA complexes under various conditions. We used the hybrid DNA construct methodology in which the ssDNA segment is conjugated to the DNA duplex. The duplex part of the construct plays the role of a marker, allowing unambiguous identification of specific and nonspecific SSB-DNA complexes. We designed hybrid DNA substrates with 5'- and 3'-ssDNA termini to clarify the role of ssDNA polarity on SSB loading. The hybrid substrates, in which two duplexes are connected with ssDNA, were the models for gapped DNA substrates. We demonstrated that Escherichia coli SSB binds to ssDNA ends and internal ssDNA regions with the same efficiency. However, the specific recognition by ssDNA requires the presence of Mg(2+) cations or a high ionic strength. In the absence of Mg(2+) cations and under low-salt conditions, the protein is capable of binding DNA duplexes. In addition, the number of interprotein interactions increases, resulting in the formation of clusters on double-stranded DNA. This finding suggests that the protein adopts different conformations depending on ionic strength, and specific recognition of ssDNA by SSB requires a high ionic strength or the presence of Mg(2+) cations.  相似文献   

Zhou R  Kozlov AG  Roy R  Zhang J  Korolev S  Lohman TM  Ha T 《Cell》2011,146(2):222-232
SSB proteins bind to and control the accessibility of single-stranded DNA (ssDNA), likely facilitated by their ability to diffuse on ssDNA. Using a hybrid single-molecule method combining fluorescence and force, we probed how proteins with large binding site sizes can migrate rapidly on DNA and how protein-protein interactions and tension may modulate the motion. We observed force-induced progressive unraveling of ssDNA from the SSB surface between 1 and 6 pN, followed by SSB dissociation at ~10 pN, and obtained experimental evidence of a reptation mechanism for protein movement along DNA wherein a protein slides via DNA bulge formation and propagation. SSB diffusion persists even when bound with RecO and at forces under which the fully wrapped state is perturbed, suggesting that even in crowded cellular conditions SSB can act as a sliding platform to recruit and carry its interacting proteins for use in DNA replication, recombination and repair.  相似文献   

Reddy MS  Vaze MB  Madhusudan K  Muniyappa K 《Biochemistry》2000,39(46):14250-14262
Single-stranded DNA-binding proteins play an important role in homologous pairing and strand exchange promoted by the class of RecA-like proteins. It is presumed that SSB facilitates binding of RecA on to ssDNA by melting secondary structure, but direct physical evidence for the disruption of secondary structure by either SSB or RecA is still lacking. Using a series of oligonucleotides with increasing amounts of secondary structure, we show that stem loop structures impede contiguous binding of RecA and affect the rate of ATP hydrolysis. The electrophoretic mobility shift of a ternary complex of SSB-DNA-RecA and a binary complex of SSB-DNA are similar; however, the mechanism remains obscure. Binding of RecA on to stem loop is rapid in the presence of SSB or ATPgammaS and renders the complex resistant to cleavage by HaeIII, to higher amounts of competitor DNA or low temperature. The elongation of RecA filament in a 5' to 3' direction is halted at the proximal end of the stem. Consequently, RecA nucleates at the loop and cooperative binding propagates the RecA filament down the stem causing its disruption. The pattern of modification of thymine residues in the loop region indicates that RecA monomer is the minimum binding unit. Together, these results suggest that SSB plays a novel role in ensuring the directionality of RecA polymerization across stem loop in ssDNA. These observations have fundamental implications on the role of SSB in multiple aspects of cellular DNA metabolism.  相似文献   

Single-stranded DNA binding (SSB) proteins play central roles in genome maintenance in all organisms. Plasmodium falciparum, the causative agent of malaria, encodes an SSB protein that localizes to the apicoplast and likely functions in the replication and maintenance of its genome. P. falciparum SSB (Pf-SSB) shares a high degree of sequence homology with bacterial SSB proteins but differs in the composition of its C-terminus, which interacts with more than a dozen other proteins in Escherichia coli SSB (Ec-SSB). Using sedimentation methods, we show that Pf-SSB forms a stable homo-tetramer alone and when bound to single-stranded DNA (ssDNA). We also present a crystal structure at 2.1 ? resolution of the Pf-SSB tetramer bound to two (dT)(35) molecules. The Pf-SSB tetramer is structurally similar to the Ec-SSB tetramer, and ssDNA wraps completely around the tetramer with a "baseball seam" topology that is similar to Ec-SSB in its "65 binding mode". However, the polarity of the ssDNA wrapping around Pf-SSB is opposite to that observed for Ec-SSB. The interactions between the bases in the DNA and the amino acid side chains also differ from those observed in the Ec-SSB-DNA structure, suggesting that other differences may exist in the DNA binding properties of these structurally similar proteins.  相似文献   

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