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M. P. Harris 《Ibis》1966,108(1):17-33
Studies on the breeding biology of Puffinus puffinus were carried out in 1963 and 1964 at the large colony on Skokholm, Wales. During the six weeks before laying the birds spent up to a quarter of the days in the burrows, but the ten days immediately prior to laying were normally spent at sea. There is a prolonged laying period, with a marked peak in the first half of May. Details are given of a second egg being laid when the first was deserted immediately after being laid. The male took the first incubation spell. The incubation spells ranged from one to 26 days and averaged six. The incubation period was about 51 days. The frequency of visits to land by breeding birds, unlike those by non-breeders, was not affected by the moon. On hatching, the chicks grew rapidly and reached maximum weights of between 505 and 755 gm. sometime between 39 and 61 days. There was a variable desertion period, usually eight or nine days, before the chicks left the island about 70 days after hatching. During the feeding period the chick received about two feeds every three days. There is evidence that adults visited the chicks more frequently than this. There was no correlation between growth of the chicks, their feeding rates or fledging weights and the time of laying. There was a high survival (about 95 %) of chicks during the fledging period but some eggs were lost in disputes for burrows. Nine pairs in 1964 were unable to raise two young simultaneously. Parents altered their feeding rhythms to try to feed two young but did not themselves lose weight. It is suggested that the critical factor in the production of young is the availability of food for the young immediately after they leave the colonies.  相似文献   

朱鹮(Nipponia nippon)的繁殖习性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章概述了朱鹮的濒危状况及陕西省洋县1981—1986年的繁殖数量,计6年9窝27幼,已知死亡4只,人工喂养3只。 朱鹮在洋县为留鸟,越冬期间偶尔返回繁殖地,2月中旬后不再离开。有显著的领域性。3月上旬开始营巢,中旬至4月初产卵,多数3枚(1—4枚)。孵卵期30天左右,育雏期约为40天,均由雌雄亲鸟共同承担。6月中下旬全窝育成后一起飞离巢区。  相似文献   

M. J. Imber 《Ibis》1976,118(1):51-64
The Grey-faced Petrel is a non-migratory winter breeder whose reproductive season occupies 9–10 months. Males spend more time in the burrows than females during the courtship period. Some females keep company with strange males, and may be fertilized by them, but subsequently share incubation with their mate of the previous year. The duration of the pre-laying absence of females is about two months, and of the pre-incubation absence of males about seven weeks. Since copulation is presumed to occur before this absence, these petrels seem to have evolved prolonged viability of the spermatozoa, though ovulation may take place some time before laying. Eggs are laid in late June or July but chicks are rarely reared from eggs laid after 14 July; effective laying thus lasts three weeks. The single egg is about 15·5% of the female's weight; she may be able to exert slight control over timing of oviposition. She may be required to incubate, if capable, for up to 14 days from laying but the male takes over, on average, after four days. There are three main incubation spells of 17 days' average duration, two by the male. These are of a duration such that there is usually a change-over near hatching. Incubation lasts about 55 days. There is competition for burrows, resulting in two-egg nests. Norway Rats take unattended eggs and young chicks and scavenge, but their predation (less than 10–35% of chicks per year) is not considered to be endangering the population. After initially more frequent feeds, chicks are fed approximately once a week by each parent. They do not become much heavier than adults and the growth rate is slow: about 120 days to departure. The ability to begin breeding in winter, atypical of petrels in this region, may be facilitated by three factors: improved availability of food resulting from longer nocturnal feeding time and reduced inter-specific competition; the ability to lay fertile eggs two months or more after copulation; and the brevity of the non-breeding season due to the relative proximity of a sufficient food supply.  相似文献   


The breeding of the bellbird (Anthornis melanura) was studied intensively over three seasons on Aorangi Island, Poor Knights Islands. Adult males defended territories all year but ventured beyond them to exploit localised food resources and to obtain water; some adults defended the same territory for at least 5 years. Adult females shared a territory with a male only during the breeding season. At other times of the year adult females were joined by juveniles and immatures and formed feeding flocks. The breeding season extended from late September to late December. A few nests were built on the ground but most were in dense vegetation, usually near the canopy. Peak egg-laying extended from mid-October to mid-November and only one clutch of two to four eggs was laid. Nest building and incubation were completed by the female alone but both parents fed nestlings. Fledglings stayed in the vicinity of the nest for several days, and were fed by both parents. Incubation and nestling periods were about 15 and 19 days respectively. Comparisons are made with the breeding biology of bellbirds and other native passerines on mainland New Zealand, and the importance of the predator-free enviomment of the Poor Knights Islands is stressed.  相似文献   

Parental care activities of male and female Common Terns Sterna hirundo were recorded over two breeding seasons. Males and females exhibited distinct parental roles throughout a breeding bout. Courtship feeding by males was extensive prior to and during egg-laying, but declined with the onset of incubation. Females performed significantly more incubation behaviour than males although both sexes spent equal time attending at the nest site. During the chick stage, females spent significantly more time on the territory than did males. Chick feeding was largely the responsibility of the male; males fed chicks at a rate approximately three times higher than that of females. In addition, whereas females showed no trend in the size of fish delivered to chicks relative to chick age, the size of fish delivered by males increased with chick age. Courtship feeding activities and extensive chick feeding contributions by male Common Terns appear to outweigh parental contributions by females, contrary to predictions for a monogamous species.  相似文献   

J. W. DUCKWORTH 《Ibis》1992,134(2):164-170
The Reed Warbler Acrocephalus scirpaceus is a largely monogamous insectivorous passerine in which males and females provide equal care by day to eggs and chicks. Polygyny occurs occasionally, with males leaving one female unaided. When females were temporarily removed from three recently-completed clutches their males deserted and resumed the high song levels typical of unmated males. Males may desert either because they are physically incapable of incubation or because the energy expenditure needed for a male to return to an equivalent stage in the breeding cycle is much lower than for a female to do so. Widowed females ( n = 7 ), however, continued the breeding attempt alone, with similar incubation levels but higher provisioning rates than those of control females. In three out of four mid-season broods raised by lone females all fertile eggs were reared to healthy fledglings (in the fourth brood the female died), while only one of four late-season nests produced any fledglings (which were underweight). Late-season control nests were as successful as earlier ones. Loss of male help led to starvation of chicks, but caused no adverse effects during incubation. This explains the small changes in widows' sitting levels during incubation, but much greater effects after hatching. Females may need male help to rear late broods (but not early broods) as days are shorter and food is scarcer. Males may normally help at nests, even those in the mid-season, because in stressful spells (even for a few days) such help is vital for successful breeding but in good periods it costs the male little.  相似文献   

R. A. Reed 《Ostrich》2013,84(3):138-140
Earlé R. A. 1986. The breeding biology of the South African Cliff Swallow. Ostrich 57: 138–156.

The South African Cliff Swallow Hirundo spilodera breeds in dense colonies usually under man-made concrete bridges. The clutch size is 1–4 eggs but most 4-egg clutches are probably the result of conspecific brood parasitism. The incubation period averages 14,6 days and the fledling period 24,1 days. Although only the female Cliff Swallow has a featherless brood-patch, both males and females incubate effectively. Nestlings reach a maximum weight of up to 31 g between 19 and 22 days, about 10 g more than average adult weights. This weight increase of nestlings is mostly the result of an increase in water content of the body. Both parents feed the chicks, with the highest rate of feeding during the midday hours. In all, 56% of all eggs laid produced flying young, with a recruitment rate of 0,9 young: 1 adult per season.  相似文献   

One-quarter of Tawny owl nests fail to hatch young, mainly because the eggs are chilled and/or deserted. In 1973–74 automatic photography was employed at four nests near Oxford to relate the incubation behaviour of females to the ration of prey supplied to them by their mates. The eggs did not hatch in two nests and young fledged from only one of the others. Females were less attentive at the nests which failed during incubation and on average received less prey, but even at successful nests there were some nights when the female was supplied with less than her estimated daily food requirement. Female Tawny owls accumulate large reserves of fat and protein before laying. These buffer against any temporary inability of the male to provide sufficient food during incubation, and enable the female to stay on the nest rather than hunt for herself and risk the eggs becoming chilled. When prey are scarce, many females do not lay at all, and the ultimate factor determining whether breeding takes place may be the female's ability to acquire body reserves sufficient to provide a chance of breeding successfully.  相似文献   

The heaviest clutches (2 eggs) laid by Woodpigeons Columba palumbus in a Cambridgeshire study area weighed 30% more than the lightest. Yet the variation in egg-weight within clutches was less than 1 %. Irrespective of initial weight, eggs lost weight at the same constant rate during incubation. Heavy eggs hatched more successfully than light eggs and none weighing less than 16 g hatched. There was no correlation between chicks' weight at hatching and their weight at day 6 during the July-September part of the breeding season. The ability to feed crop milk at this stage could compensate for low chick-weight, but this might not be true early in the season. Weight at day 6 was correlated with the weight at day 16 or 17. The growth pattern is discussed. Chicks in broods of one achieved a higher weight at day 17 than those in broods of two. The survival rate both in and after leaving the nest was the same in both brood-sizes. Chick-weight in artificially created broods of three was almost as high as in broods of two, but again data refer to the July-September period when abundant cereal food is available. Survival before and after fledging was lower in broods of three. Clutch- and egg-weight declined from April until September. It is suggested that this is adaptive, in that the adults produce heavier eggs when food supplies are most difficult to collect. The critical period probably occurs during the few days when the adult must produce crop milk and the young cannot be left unattended. Thus egg-weight depends on the female's capacity to acquire nutrients, and is related to the needs of embryonic development and the amount of compensation in nutrient supply which can be provided immediately after hatching. But clutch-size is more related to the bird's ability to feed and rear young to the point of fledging, thereby influencing the number of offspring which survive to leave progeny. Egg-weight and female body-weight were positively correlated in females weighing less than 480 g but not in heavier females. First-year birds did not acquire adult weight until midsummer and they would probably produce light eggs if they could breed before this month. However, their gonads do not recrudesce until July and this prevents them breeding in the spring. Seasonal changes in body-weight and fat content of adults and first-year birds are described and discussed; differences were noted between adult males and females which were considered to be adaptive. The moult is described. It begins in April and continues until November, approximately one pair of primaries being replaced per month. The moult ceases during the winter months, when it is known that food supplies become limiting. Woodpigeons lay light eggs relative to their body-weight but can achieve the extra parental care needed for the altricial chicks by producing crop milk. Because the moult is extended, the energy demands of moulting and breeding combined are relatively low and this enables the Woodpigeon to have a long breeding season and to moult coincidentally.  相似文献   

R. M. Betham 《Ostrich》2013,84(1):13-15
Earlé, R. A. 1989. Breeding biology of the Redbreasted Swallow Hirundo semirufa. Ostrich 60: 13–21.

The two races of the Redbreasted Swallow Hirundo semirufa seem to have separate breeding seasons with the northern race H. s. gordoni breeding April-July, while most records for the nominate race fall in October-February. All nests studied were in concrete culverts less than 1 m high. Eggs laid in second clutches by individual females weighed significantly less than eggs laid in first clutches. Eggs hatched on average 16,2 days after incubation started or 18–21 days after the eggs were laid. Only females incubated. Chicks fledged 23–25 days after hatching and reached a maximum body mass of about 31,5 g on day 18 before a steady decline in mass until fledging. Most nesting failures resulted from infertile eggs or starvation of young in the nest (16,2% of all young starved). Overall breeding success was 60,6%. In all, 81,8% of first clutches produced fledglings but only 44,4% of second clutches. Over a three year period 4,9 young were produced per pair breeding in the area (1,6 young/pair/breeding season).  相似文献   

The difference in the reproductive performance of males and females of the Bull-headed Shrike (Lanius bucephalus) according to age class, i.e. yearling and adult, was studied, and the age-related difference was examined according to parental feeding behavior. The clutch initiation date was not affected by the age class. Females that paired with an adult male laid more eggs per clutch than those paired with a yearling male. The age class of males affected the mass of nestlings at 6 days old, and the age class of females affected the mass of nestlings at 12 days old. The effects of the age of either parent independently were observed at different breeding stages. A change in the degree of nestling feeding peformed by the male and female parents occurred at some point between when the broods were 6 days and 12 days old. It is likely that this caused an effect of age at different stages of the breeding cycle. The effects of the age of the male parent are consistent with accounts of age-related reproduction in raptors where males provide resources to offspring. Individual improvements in foraging skills and/or courtship feeding rate are suggested to be possible explanations. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

This study examines the importance of avian incubation costs as determinants of clutch-size variation by performing clutch-size and brood-size manipulations in the same population of Collared Flycatchers Ficedula albicollis during the same breeding season. In 2 5 cases when three or more clutches of the same size were completed on the same day, we moved two eggs on the day after the last egg had been laid from one randomly selected clutch (C) to another (C) and moved two other eggs from this to a third clutch (C+). In 20 other cases of simultaneously completed clutches of the same size, we moved two randomly selected young from one brood to a second and from that moved two other young to a third (B, B and B+groups). Most females were weighed the day after completion of the clutch and 1–4 days before hatching of the young, and some of them also 10–14 days after hatching of the young. We measured the daily energy expenditure of females incubating manipulated clutches of 4, 6 and 8 eggs by means of the doubly-labelled water (D218O) technique and also recorded their nest attendance. Hatching success of fertilized eggs was reduced in the enlarged clutches compared with control and reduced clutches. Females expired on average 3142.6 ml CO2 and expended 78.6 kJ per day while incubating, which corresponds to a metabolic intensity of 3.3 times BMR. Daily energy expenditure increased with clutch-size due to higher costs while incubating, and not because of changed activity patterns. There were no significant differences in length of incubation, female mass or mass changes between phases for the C, C and C+groups. In both the C and B groups, enlarged broods produced significantly more fledged young than control broods, and those significantly more than reduced broods. Fledgling tarsus-length and mass did not differ significantly between treatments in either the C or B groups. There was no significant difference in breeding success between clutch and brood manipulations. In this season, incubation costs did not entail significant fitness losses, expressed either as fledgling production or female condition. Also, control females could have raised more young to fledging age than they did with no apparent costs.  相似文献   

DIETER RINKE 《Ibis》1989,131(2):238-249
On Eua, Red Shining Parrots Prosopeia tabuensis breed in the cool and dry season, i.e. from May to October. Climate is the main factor timing the breeding season, which gives additional evidence for an assumed origin of the genus from temperate regions. Two or three eggs are laid in cavities of forest trees; the incubation time is about 24 days. Only females were observed brooding and feeding the young. Nestlings were fed three times a day independently of age. Single nestlings and older siblings received almost twice as much food per feeding as younger siblings. Growth constants are presented for weight, the width of the upper mandible, and wing-length. The fledging age is reached after 7 weeks but none of the observed nests fledged young due to predation by man. Breeding success was calculated at more than 50% for those nestlings that would have fledged without human interference. The reproductive biology of the Red Shining Parrot does not, apparently, show island-specific adaptations such as a reduced clutch-size or a prolonged nestling period.  相似文献   

In the socially monogamous gulls and terns, female-biased sex ratios are sometimes revealed by the occurrence of ‘supernormal clutches’, which are usually attended by female-female pairs or other multi-female associations. We studied these phenomena in the endangered Roseate Tern Sterna dougallii at Bird Island, USA, from 1970 to 1995. DNA-techniques were used to sex breeding adults in 1992–94. Supernormal clutches (with three or four eggs) have comprised 1–7% of all Roseate Tern clutches at Bird Island since at least 1970, probably increasing in frequency since 1980. Supernormal clutches were spatially clustered; most were laid late in the peak period of nesting during each season. More than 80% of supernormal clutches and at least 7% of normal clutches were attended by multi-female associations; most of these were female-female pairs, with a few trios (male + two females, or three females) and one quartet (four females). More than half of the multi-female associations attended normal clutches. Some female-female pairs were maintained for up to five years. The age-distribution of females mated to females did not differ significantly from that of females mated to males. Females mated together usually laid eggs synchronously (±2 days). Such females laid fewer eggs than females mated to males (means 1.20 versus 1.73), and had lower fertility and hatching success (about 46% versus 98%); they were less successful in raising young from eggs that did hatch (means 58% versus 73%), but this difference was not significant. Their overall breeding success was much lower (about 0.34 fledglings per female versus 1.35). The sex-ratio of breeders was about 127 females to 100 males; about 20% of breeding females did not have male mates. Female Roseate Terns that do not obtain male mates appear to be of low phenotypic ‘quality’ - based on late laying, small clutches and small eggs. Our data support the hypothesis that such females have a higher fitness if they mate with each other and raise a few young than if they do not breed at all.  相似文献   

Brood size and other life-history traits of females affect male investment in mating. Female Uca tetragonon, producing relatively small broods, were attracted to the burrows of males for underground mating (UM) while carrying eggs. Most UM females released larvae and ovulated new broods during the pairing, averaging 3.9 days. While a female was incubating one brood, another brood was developing within the ovaries because the females were feeding adequately during incubation. These findings suggest that in U. tetragonon, a small-brood species, females increase the total number of broods produced by breeding continually. In contrast, in large-brood species, feeding by ovigerous females is relatively brief and not enough to prepare the next brood during incubation, inducing temporal separation between incubation and brood production. Unlike females in other ocypodids where females with large broods remain in the breeding burrows of males, most female U. tetragonon left the male after UM. Wandering in female U. tetragonon after the pairs separate may occur because their small broods are adequately protected by an abdominal flap. Relative brood size probably determines the vulnerability of the incubated broods to the females' surface behavior. Hence, male reproductive success in large-brood species may decrease greatly if males expel their mates after ovulation, although this is not necessarily so in small-brood species. Whether the male drives away the female or not may depend on which behavior within either small- or large-brood species yields the greater male reproductive success. In U. tetragonon some females extruded eggs in their own burrows after surface mating as well as in males' burrows after UM. It was unclear whether females chose a male with a larger burrow as an UM mate unlike several large-brood species. Burrows of both UM males and ovigerous females in U. tetragonon were relatively smaller than those in some large-brood species, indicating that incubation of small broods does not require large burrows. Rather than benefits of UM by female choice, wandering resulting from intersexual conflict, and sperm competition may explain why some females mate in males' burrows in this small-brood species.  相似文献   

Kit Hustler  W.R.J. Dean 《Ostrich》2013,84(3-4):79-82
Two Lesser Jacana nests were found in Hwange National Park, Zimbabwe and were observed over a period of four months beginning in March 2000. Both sexes were involved in preparing the breeding platform, incubation, and caring for the chicks, which were not carried by the adults. Both nests had three eggs. The incubation period for one clutch of eggs was not less than 19 days. The chicks all hatched on the same day and remained in the vicinity ofthe nest for the first few days where they were brooded by an adult. Initially the adults brought food to the chicks but the chicks started feeding themselves when they moved away from the nest. Ten days after hatching the chicks had doubled in size and were walking confidently with the attending adult some distance from the nest. First flight was seen at 32 days old, and the chicks appeared to be independent 63 days after hatching.  相似文献   

W. R. Siegfried 《Ostrich》2013,84(4):216-218
Tarboton, W. R. 1981. Cooperative breeding and group territoriality in the Black Tit. Ostrich 52:216-225.

In a small, colour-ringed population of Black Tits Parus niger in central Transvaal, 11 of 19 observed breeding units comprised pairs with one to three helper-males. These pairs and groups defended permanent territories, the size of which correlated with the size of the group. There were significantly more territorial disputes during winter when less food was available than in summer. Breeding occurred in summer and the female alone built the nest, incubated the eggs and brooded the young while they were small. During this time she was fed by the alpha male and helper males, although before egg-laying the alpha male prevented helpers from courtship-feeding her. On average, unassisted pairs reared 0,88 young/season whereas pairs with helpers reared 1,55 young/season. However the feeding rate of nestlings of pairs with helpers was not higher than that of unassisted pairs and the number of young reared per group did not correlate with the number of helpers within the group.

The helper system in Black Tits was associated with a skewed sex-ratio (1,7:1 males: females) in the adult population and the data are consistent with the “hopeful reproductive” hypothesis for cooperative breeding.  相似文献   

J. B. Nelson 《Ibis》1966,108(4):584-626
The Bass colony is increasing—in 1962 there were 5,350–5,700 breeding pairs; 1,340–1,430 pairs of non-breeders with nests or sites (mainly pairs in their season before first breeding) and 2,000–2,500 “club” birds without nest or site. 15% of nests were occupied by both birds of a pair at the time of the count. Oldest males return to the colony in January, followed by experienced females, considerably later by young adult-plumaged birds, immature birds later still, and the few one year-olds that return usually not until May and June. Mid-cliff sites are the first to be re-colonized each year. Gannets usually breed in their fifth year and there is some evidence that females breed earlier than males. The characteristics of Gannet nests and sites are described. Nests function in raising the egg and young above the morass of the breeding colony, and reach a density of about 2.3 per square metre. Nests are demolished and their positions changed more often than might be suspected. The extremely strong social tendency which causes Gannets to establish their sites amongst or very close to existing breeders probably is the factor ensuring high density and this contributes to synchronization of laying. Egg laying is analysed. Experienced pairs forming an isolated group of 20 nests began laying later and showed less synchronization than two other groups of the same size but from the middle of a dense mass, probably due to the greater social stimulation experienced by the non-isolated groups. The date for first and median eggs was also earlier in larger than smaller groups in the same year. The effect of density as distinct from group size is also discussed. Early eggs are mainly laid on cliff or cliff-edge sites and in large nests. Different groups within the colony produced the median egg within 2–3 days of the end of April each year. In the fullest documented group the mean date was also constant from year to year and closely approached the median, implying a considerable degree of synchronization within the gannetry as a whole. Laying in the observation colony became progressively earlier in successive years, probably due to recovery from previous disturbance. Nevertheless, individual females tended to lay in a fixed position each year with relation to the mean for the group. Increasing age of the female causes earlier egg laying and heavier eggs for up to at least five years. It is suggested that the survival value of seasonally synchronized laying in the Gannet is maximum utilization of a seasonally dependable and abundant food supply for the production of young with the optimal chance of post-fledging survival. The spread of laying acts as an insurance against possible adverse conditions. There is a considerable reserve of unutilized breeding capability within the colony (adult non-breeders, a pre-maturity period longer than physiologically necessary for egg production, and a one-egg clutch when in fact two young can easily be reared). The mean of 393 Gannet eggs was 104.5 gm. (range 81–130). Eggs constitute about 3.4% of adult female weight and lose 9–13% in weight during incubation. Replacement laying of the invariable one-egg clutch takes 6–32 days. The mean incubation period was 43.6 days. Male incubation spells averaged 35.6 hours; female's 32.0 hours. Copulation ceases immediately after egg laying. During three seasons, 82% of eggs laid in the observation colony hatched. Inexperienced pairs hatched 62.6% of eggs laid; experienced pairs hatched 86%. Some of the processes of incubation and chick rearing depend on the maturation of innate abilities and not on experience Inexperienced breeders do not seem inferior to experienced ones in finding enough food for their young. Parental care of the new chick is described; the pterylosis of the chick is figured. A summarized account of plumage development is given. Food fish and chick feeding are described. The average frequency of feeds throughout a continuous two-day watch was 2.7 feeding bouts per chick per day. Adult fishing trips usually took 7–13 hours and the estimated fishing range is over 100 miles, and possibly up to 400 miles, from the breeding colony. Despite this, 15% of daylight hours are spent by the pair together at the nest in addition to the constant guarding of the chick by one or other. Gannet young have a very compressed growth period compared with boobies and fledge at 3,100–4,100 gm., after a steady growth uninterrupted by periods of starvation or arrested development after an average 90 days. 92.3% of all eggs which hatched in 500 nests in the observation colony during three years of the study gave fledged young. Excluding inexperienced birds, there was no difference in the fledging success of eggs laid at different dates in the breeding season, in accordance with the proved abund- ance of food. However, post-fledging survival is probably higher among young fledging at the peak period (first half of September) than later and the few relevant ringing returns tend to support this. Breeding success at the small colony at Bempton was less compared with groups from the Bass for the years 1961–3. Causes of chick loss before and during fledging are discussed. They are unimportant compared with the great mortality in the first year of life after fledging. The adaptive significance of black plumage in the juvenile Gannet probably lies in reduced attack-releasing qualities of such plumage on the male parent. The Gannet alone in the Sulidae produces young which leave the nest with large fat deposits, and which are not fed at all by the parents after fledging. This is possibly another result of adaptation to using a seasonally abundant food supply to the maximum. The present Gannet population increase is discussed in relation to cessation of human predation, the possible impetus given by a temporary but large increase in pelagic fish during the war, but also the overall steady downward trend in fishing returns since the early part of this century. One cannot explain the steady and considerable rise in Gannet numbers only in terms of increased food supply. The fact that, at a time of population expansion and obviously favourable conditions, Gannets are still far from utilizing their full recruiting powers, needs investigating further. It may be partly due to the relative slowness of evolutionary change in a long-lived species with slow population turn-over, if the Gannet has evolved its characteristics in response to an environment different from the present one.  相似文献   

The experiment involved two stages: the first one consisted of studying the dynamics of long-distance movements and the characteristics of moving individuals in a free-living population of bank voles and the second one — of an analysis of paternity of young individuals born to females representing specific breeding colonies (basing on an analysis of six microsatellite fragments). The study has shown that both male and female bank voles are capable of covering long distances of up to almost 1 km. Males moved significantly more frequently than females. The proportion of travelling males was the highest in spring and the lowest in autumn. Almost all moving males were adult and they were sexually active. Almost all moving females were adult, however, the majority of them were sexually inactive. This indicates that the character and causes of long-distance movements of females and males differ. Female movements are supposed to be related to the search for living and breeding grounds by young, already adult individuals, driven out from their mothers’ territory. Multiple paternity occurred in 25% of all litters analysed. Young whose fathers were males from outside of their mother’s breeding colonies occurred in litters throughout the whole breeding season. They made up 59% of all young analysed and in the spring (June) all the young animals were born to fathers originating outside of the female’s breeding colony. The results obtained may confirm the hypothesis that long-distance movements of male bank voles constitute a part of their breeding strategy, involving them in searching for breeding partners over an extensive area.  相似文献   

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