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两种状态细菌视紫红质光循环中间产物与pH的关系   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1  
本文主要用微机控制的毫秒级闪光动力学光谱仪研究含三体细菌视紫红质(Bacteriorhodopsin,简称BR)的紫膜碎片和含单体BR的DMPC(dimyristoyl-Phosphatidyl-choline)脂质囊泡在不同pH条件下光循环中间产物M_(412)和O_(640)的变化,研究结果表明:BR单体与其三体状态相比,BR单体的光循环中间产物M_(412)的产量受介质pH变化的影响较大,其慢衰减成份的衰减比三体BR慢3—10倍.说明单体BR的结构状态较易受PH影响,单体BR光循环中间产物O_(640)随pH变化的趋势与三体BR的有很大区别,可能是由于不同状态的BR受pH的影响,但其具有不同的构型,导致光循环途径的变化.  相似文献   

水在菌紫质光循环和质子泵中的作用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
用圆二色仪和闪光动力学先谱仪分别测量了空气干燥紫膜薄层的圆二色谱及紫膜LB膜的M_(412)的衰减过程.在于燥紫膜的圆二色谱上出现412nm的正峰,它是光循环中间体M_(412)的特征峰.在无水介质中,紫膜LB膜中的BR仍能进行先化学循环而检测到中间体M_(412),但M_(412)的衰减速度减慢,产生M_(412)的堆积,质子化过程受阻.在有水的介质中,只要有足够的H~+存在,紫膜LB膜中的BR的中间体M_(412)的衰减速度明显加快.说明水介质的H~+是完成正常光化学循和质子化过程必不可少的.  相似文献   

蜂毒对菌紫质(bR)光循环中间体M_(412)和质子泵的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
蜂毒对菌紫质(bR)光循环中间体M_(412)及质子泵的动力学过程有较大影响.表现在M_(412)慢衰减组分(M_(412~S))和质子的半衰期增大及产出量的减小,说明蜂毒分子的介入抑制了M_(412)的生成和衰减过程,同时也阻碍了紫膜的质子泵功能.但似乎对M_(412)快衰减组分影响不大.以上结果支持了M_(412~S)与质子泵功能有关的说法.实验结果同时反映出蜂毒除与膜脂分子存在强烈作用外还与bR本身直接作用.因此,蜂毒是一种研究膜脂蛋白相互作用及膜蛋白功能的较好材料.  相似文献   

采用紫外可见吸收光谱技术和闪光光解技术,初步观察了细菌视紫红质(BR)分子在宽pH范围(2.1~12.3)内的特征吸收峰以及M412的相对浓度和M412的慢成分半衰期的变化,并对其结构和光循环功能进行了讨论.紫外可见吸收光谱实验结果显示:pH=5.0~10.0时,BR最大特征吸收峰值约为568 nm;pH<5.0时,BR最大特征吸收峰发生红移;pH>10.0时,BR最大特征吸收峰发生蓝移.闪光动力学光谱结果显示:pH为7.3~9.5时,M412的相对浓度(M0)基本稳定在0.038左右;pH<7.3时,M0逐渐减小;pH>9.5时,M0明显上升,在pH=11.8时达到最大值0.1355,随后又快速下降.pH为2.1~7.3时,M412的慢成分半衰期(ts1/2)值在(4.1±1.1)ms左右;pH>7.3时,ts1/2值急剧延长到40 677.4 ms.推测在高pH条件下,BR分子的光循环有新的路径和机理.  相似文献   

两种化学修饰菌紫质的光化循环和光电位   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文分别用两种氮氧自由基对菌紫质(bR)中的两种氨基酸残基——赖氨酸和丝氨酸进行了修饰,并对修饰后的bR光循环中间产物M_(412)动力学过程、质子泵效率及光电响应信号进行了测量。通过与正常紫膜进行比较,可以看出:赖氨酸被修饰后,M_(412)快、慢组分的衰减及质子的吸收过程均减慢,M_(412)和质子的产额、跨膜光电位信号均有不同程度的提高;丝氨酸被修饰后,M_(412)和质子的动力学过程的变化与赖氨酸基本相同,但M_(412)和质子的产额及跨膜光电位提高很大,且光电位出现缓慢反向现象。结果表明赖氨酸不大可能直接参与质子的传递过程,其对紫膜质子泵的影响主要是通过其所带电荷对表面电位的贡献;而丝氨酸却似乎对bR的功能影响很大并对维持质子通道构象环境的稳定起着很大作用。  相似文献   

CHAPS对M_(412)的动力学和共振拉曼光谱的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
研究了表面活性剂CHAPS对紫膜中菌紫质在光循环过程中M_(412)的衰减速率及质子泵功能的影响.光循环中间体M_(412)快、慢衰减组分的衰减速率及质子衰减速率均受到CHAPS的影响,综合激光拉曼光谱对M_(412)和其它光循环中间体相对含量的测定,表明CHAPS对紫膜的影响是通过影响其膜脂完整的液晶结构,而使紫膜光循环动力学过程及质子泵功能发生变化的.  相似文献   

采用紫外可见吸收光谱技术和闪光光解技术,初步观察了细菌视紫红质(BR)分子在宽pH范围(2.1~12.3)内的特征吸收峰以及M412的相对浓度和M412的慢成分半衰期的变化,并对其结构和光循环功能进行了讨论.紫外可见吸收光谱实验结果显示:pH=5.0~10.0时,BR最大特征吸收峰值约为568 nm;pH<5.0时,BR最大特征吸收峰发生红移;pH>10.0时,BR最大特征吸收峰发生蓝移.闪光动力学光谱结果显示:pH为7.3~9.5时,M412的相对浓度(M0)基本稳定在0.038左右;pH<7.3时,M0逐渐减小;pH>9.5时,M0明显上升,在pH=11.8时达到最大值0.1355,随后又快速下降.pH为2.1~7.3时,M412的慢成分半衰期(ts1/2)值在(4.1±1.1)ms左右;pH>7.3时,ts1/2值急剧延长到40 677.4 ms.推测在高pH条件下,BR分子的光循环有新的路径和机理.  相似文献   

酰化菌紫质的动力学光谱及光电特性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
用人工双分子膜(BLM)技术及动力学光谱研究了赖氨酸残基在紫膜的结构和功能中所起的作用.酰化基团与菌紫质(bR)分子中的赖氨酸残基的ε氨基作用,使光照后bR的跨膜质子迁移信号及膜的充放电速度变慢,光循环中间产物M412的产量下降,半衰期延长.但UV/Vis吸收光谱表明酰化并未破坏bR中视黄醛的构象环境.在高pH或高盐浓度下,酰化的影响降低.这些结果表明:赖氨酸残基并不是泵出质子的提供者,没有直接参与质子的跨膜输运,而是通过表面电位来影响bR的质子泵功能.  相似文献   

酶切菌紫质(bR)C端对紫膜光循环和质子泵效率的影响   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
本文研究紫膜悬浮液经低剂量木瓜蛋酶处理去掉菌紫质(Bacteriorhodopsin简写bR)分子C-末端后。其光循环产物和质子泵效率的变化。实验发现经酶切后,M_(412)产物中慢衰减组份M_(412)降低了20%,O_(640)降低了50%,而质子泵效率降低了70%。双光脉冲实验表明酶解作用并不影响光循环周期。这些事实说明了去C-端所引起的质子泵效率降低,不是通过光循环的途径而产生的。介质中离子强度对正常紫膜和酶解紫膜的质子泵效率有明显不同的影响 说明了C端在不同盐浓度中的构象对质子泵行为有很重要的作用。  相似文献   

采用外周血淋巴细胞姐妹染色单体差别法(SCE)检测技术,研究甲_2巨球蛋白制剂α_2M对人外周血淋巴细胞周期的影响,在人外周血淋巴细胞培养中加入α_2M制剂浓度在≤0.5mg/ml培养液时,第一次细胞周期(M_1)、第二次细胞周期(M_2)、第三次细胞周期(M_3)、细胞增殖速度指数(PRI)改变不大。在加入的α_2M制剂浓度(?)1.0 mg/ml培养液时,M_1百分数增加(r=0.977,P<0.001)、M_2百分数也随α_2M浓度递增而增高(r=0.956,P<0.001)而M_3百分数则随α_2M浓度递增而减少(r=-0.979,P<0.001)、细胞增殖速度指数则随α_2M浓度递增而减少(r=-0.983,P<0.01),表明在人外周血淋巴细胞离体培养时,当每毫升培养液中α_2M浓度等于或大于1mg时,细胞分裂周期延缓。讨论了它的意义和可能作用的环节。  相似文献   

The quantum yield of H+ release in purple membrane (PM) sheets, and H+ uptake in phospholipid (egg phosphatidylcholine, PC) vesicles containing PM, was measured in single turnover light flashes using a pH-sensitive dye, p-nitrophenol, with rhodopsin as an actinometer. We have also calculated the ratio of H+ released per M412 formed (an unprotonated Shiff-base intermediate formed during the photocycle). In PM sheets, the quantum yield of H+ release depends on the medium. The quantum yield of M412 is independent of salt concentration. The ratio H+/M412 is approximately 1.8 M KC; and approximately 0.64 in 10 mM KCl. Direct measurements of the quantum yield of H+ give approximately 0.7 when the PM is suspended in 0.5 M KC; and 0.25 in 10 mM KCl. Using a quantum yield for M412 formation of 0.3 (Becher and Ebrey, 1977 Biophys J. 17:185.), these measurements also give a H+/M412 approximately 2 at high salt. In PM/PC vesicles, the H+/M412 is approximately 2 at all salt concentrations. The M412 decay is biphasic and the dye absorption change is monophasic. The dissipation of the proton gradient is very slow, taking on the order of seconds. Addition of nigericin (H+/K+ antiporter) drastically reduces the pH changes observed in PM/PC vesicles. This and the observation that the proton relaxation time is much longer than the photochemical cycling time suggest that the protons are pumped across the membrane and there is no contribution as a result of reversible binding and release of protons on just one side of the membrane.  相似文献   

Various aspects of membrane solubilization by the Triton X-series of nonionic detergents were examined in pig liver mitochondrial membranes. Binding of Triton X-100 to nonsolubilized membranes was saturable with increased concentrations of the detergent. Maximum binding occurred at concentrations exceeding 0.5% Triton X-100 (w/v). Solubilization of both protein and phospholipid increased with increasing Triton X-100 to a plateau which was dependent on the initial membrane protein concentration used. At low detergent concentrations (less than 0.087% Triton X-100, w/v), proteins were preferentially solubilized over phospholipids. At higher Triton X-100 concentrations the opposite was true. Using the well-defined Triton X-series of detergents, the optimal hydrophile-lipophile balance number (HLB) for solubilization of phosphatidylglycerophosphate synthase (EC was 13.5, corresponding to Triton X-100. Activity was solubilized optimally at detergent concentrations between 0.1 and 0.2% (w/v). The optimal protein-to-detergent ratio for solubilization was 3 mg protein/mg Triton X-100. Solubilization of phosphatidylglycerophosphate synthase was generally better at low ionic strength, though total protein solubilization increased at high ionic strength. Solubilization was also dependent on pH. Significantly higher protein solubilization was observed at high pH (i.e., 8.5), as was phosphatidylglycerophosphate synthase solubilization. The manipulation of these variables in improving the recovery and specificity of membrane protein solubilization by detergents was examined.  相似文献   

The effects of cross-linking and lattice contraction of purple membrane (PM) on the photodynamics of bacteriorhodopsin (bR) and on the tertiary structure were studied by flash photolysis and X-ray diffraction. To get a contracted lattice form of PM, native PM, and/or PM cross-linked by glutaraldehyde were treated with deoxycholate or Triton X-100. Part of the Triton-treated cross-linked PM was further incubated with Bio-Beads SM-2 to remove Triton X-100. In the modified PM, several long-lived components of the M intermediate appeared, the features of which were related to the environment of bR. Also, X-ray diffraction studies using synchrotron radiation were performed on the modified PM under intense light irradiation (lambda greater than 500 nm) in which 40-80% of bR was photoconverted to the M state. In the Triton-treated cross-linked PM dispersed in 0.25% Triton X-100, the unit cell of membrane crystalline lattice was enlarged from 58.8 to 59.8 A and the crystalline order decreased with irradiation. The analysis of X-ray diffraction patterns suggests that light-induced conformational changes of bR correlated with the Triton content of the environment and an increase of substitution disorder was caused by these changes, but the average location of bR was unchanged. However, the other modified PM showed no significant changes of diffraction, upon light irradiation.  相似文献   

Sonicated unilamellar and large multilamellar liposome suspensions have been treated with the non-ionic detergent Triton X-100, and the subsequent changes in turbidity have been studied as a function of time. Sonicated liposome suspensions exhibit an increase in turbidity that takes place in two stages, a fast, low-amplitude one is completed in less than 100 ms, and a slow large-amplitude one occurs in 20-40 s. The first increase in turbidity is associated to detergent incorporation into the bilayer, and the second one, to vesicle fusion. The fast stage may be detected at all detergent concentrations, while the slow one is only seen above the critical micellar concentration of Triton X-100. Both processes may be interpreted in terms of first-order kinetics. Studies of the variation of kexp with lipid and detergent concentration suggest a complex multi-step mechanism. In the case of multilamellar liposomes, a fast increase in turbidity is also seen after detergent addition, which is followed by a slow (20-60 s) decrease in turbidity and a very slow (up to 12 h) large scale decrease in turbidity. These processes do not conform to single-exponential patterns. The fast stage is also thought to reflect surfactant incorporation, while the decrease in turbidity is interpreted as bilayer solubilization starting with the outer bilayer (slow stage) and proceeding through the remaining ones (very slow stage).  相似文献   

Overall protein release greater than 75% in less than 1 h can be attained by exposing exponentially growing Escherichia coli cells to 0.4 M guanidine plus 0.5% Triton X-100 at 37 degrees C in medium. Cell growth stops immediately upon addition of the chemicals, but the cells are not lysed. Guanidine concentrations lower than 0.2 M, in conjunction with 0.5% Triton X-100, do not release significant intracellular protein, nor do they inhibit cell growth. Under these conditions, the cells undergo an adaptation that confers resistance to protein release by further treatment with guanidine and Triton X-100. Cells treated with 0.2 M guanidine plus 0.5% Triton X-100 display intermediate behavior. Protein release is approximately 35%, and growth is temporarily interrupted by an extended lag phase. Subsequent resumption of cell growth results in resistant cells and no additional protein release. This resistance is shown to be reversible and is most likely due to physiological adaptation rather than genetic mutation.  相似文献   

Coupled and uncoupled respiration, and energy-dependent phosphate swelling have been studied in rat liver mitochondria in the presence of various concentration of Triton X-100. Detergent concentrations up to 10(-5) M do not affect any of the processes under study. At 10(-5) M, Triton X-100 produces a slight decrease of coupled respiration and a considerable inhibition of mersalyl-induced shrinking in swollen mitochondria. Increasing the surfactant concentration to 10(-4), coupled as well as uncoupled O2 consumption is decreased, succinate-dependent phosphate swelling is inhibited and an energy-dependent phosphate swelling in the absence of valinomycin is observed. At 2 X 10(-4) M. Triton X-100, ATP- dependent phosphate swelling is abolished, and passive swelling may be induced by various ions. Higher detergent concentrations do not allow observation of any of these events. On the basis of these results, a model of membrane-detergent interaction is proposed.  相似文献   

本文采用同步辐射小角X射线散射方法研究了用非离子表面活性剂TritonX—100处理后的嗜盐菌紫膜及其视紫红质蛋白结构的变化。实验结果表明,用不同浓度的TritonX—100处理紫膜碎片时,紫膜及其蛋白所处的状态有着很大变化。  相似文献   

Triton X-100 is increasingly effective in solubilizing human liver glycoprotein (asialofetuin) sialytransferase (CMP-N-acetylneuraminate:D-galactosyl-glycoprotien N-acetylneuraminyltransferase, EC activity as its concentration is increased in the homogenizing buffer. At the optimal concentration of 1.5% (v/v), essentially all of the homogenate sialyltransferase activity was solubilized into the supernatant fluid. Higher concentrations of Triton X-100 inhibited sialyltransferase activity. Several kinetic properties of the solubilized asialofetuin-sialyltransferase activity were compared to those of the membrane-bound enzyme(s) (in homogenates made without Triton X-100 or in resuspended pellets). No major difference was apparent, suggesting that solubilization has not significantly altered the properties of sialyltransferase. The solubilized sialyltransferase activity is quite unstable, losing approximately 50% of its activity after one week of storage at 4 degrees C. Various detergents (Zwittergent, sodium taurocholate and sodium deoxycholate) are differentially effective in stabilizing the solubilized activity. Sodium taurocholate (1.5%, w/v) was most effective with no loss in activity after 40 days and minimal loss (14%) after 60 days storage at 4 degrees C. The solubilized sialyltransferase preparation retains full activity after storage in the frozen state (-20 degrees C) for at least 159 days.  相似文献   

The interaction of the non-ionic detergent Triton X-100 with photosynthetic membrane components of Pisum sativum (pea) is described. The detergent affected both the wavelength and the intensity of the 77K fluorescence-emission peaks of both Photosystem I and Photosystem II preparations, in addition to the effects on whole thylakoids recently described by Murphy & Woodrow [(1984) Biochem. J. 224, 989-993]. Below its critical micellar concentration, Triton X-100 had no effect on 77K fluorescence emissions even after prolonged incubations of up to 30 min. Above the critical micellar concentration of about 0.16 mg X ml-1, Triton X-100 caused a dramatic increase in the intensity of the 680 nm emission. The intensity of the 680 nm fluorescence emission continued to increase as more Triton X-100 was added, until limiting concentrations of detergent were reached. These limiting concentrations were proportional to the amount of membrane present and generally occurred at Triton X-100/chlorophyll (w/w) ratios of 100-200:1. In all cases the detergent effect was seen within 10 min, and is often considerably faster, with longer detergent treatments causing no further effects. The data are discussed in terms of a three-stage mechanism for detergent solubilization of membrane components.  相似文献   

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