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MDCK细胞的悬浮驯化及初步应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:驯化MDCK细胞使之适应悬浮培养,以之作为生产流感病毒疫苗的介质,为以细胞代替鸡胚制备流感病毒疫苗提供保证。方法:通过直接法和间接法分别驯化MDCK细胞,放大培养能悬浮生长的MDCK细胞,并以之作为介质培养流感病毒。结果:获得了能悬浮培养的MDCK细胞,其在悬浮条件下生长良好;以之作为载体培养流感病毒,可获得较高产量的病毒。结论:建立了悬浮培养的MDCK细胞,以之作为载体培养流感病毒可获得较高病毒滴度,为细胞培养生产流感病毒疫苗奠定了基础。  相似文献   

目的:构建稳定表达人SidT2基因的BHK及MDCK细胞系,探讨SidT2基因过表达与细胞转运双链RNA(dsRNA)能力的关系。方法:根据人SidT2基因序列设计引物,克隆其编码区序列,经双酶切后与pEGFP-N3载体连接,构建其真核表达载体,分别瞬时转染BHK及MDCK细胞,并使用G418筛选稳定表达细胞系;在此基础上,体外转录合成绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)dsRNA,以GFP基因为报告基因,进一步分析过表达人SidT2基因对BHK及MDCK细胞转运dsRNA能力的影响。结果:经基因克隆、酶切、连接后,构建了人SidT2基因真核表达载体pEGFP-SidT2;经瞬时转染及G418筛选,获得稳定过表达人SidT2基因的BHK及MDCK细胞系,实时荧光定量RT-PCR分析表明,其SidT2基因转录水平分别提高71、64.5倍;稳定表达SidT2基因后,在培养液中添加GFP dsRNA,GFP荧光强度较对照细胞分别降低88.1%、73.7%,表明稳定表达SidT2基因的BHK、MDCK细胞转运dsRNA的能力显著增强。结论:构建了稳定表达人SidT2基因的BHK及MDCK细胞系,SidT2基因过表达可显著提高外源性dsRNA的转运能力。  相似文献   

目的:建立甲型H1N1流感病毒疫苗株高适应MDCK单克隆细胞库,用于培养生产流感病毒疫苗,为细胞代替鸡胚制备流感病毒疫苗提供保证。方法:用有限稀释法将MDCK细胞进行单克隆化,通过血凝和TCID50筛选甲型H1N1流感病毒疫苗株的高适应性单克隆化细胞株,扩大培养建立细胞库并进行检定。结果:共制备了97株单克隆化MDCK细胞,筛选到甲型H1N1流感病毒疫苗株高适应性MDCK单克隆细胞株,扩大培养建立了细胞库,经检定符合《中华人民共和国药典.三部》(2010版)对细胞库的要求。结论:建立了甲型H1N1流感病毒疫苗株高适应性MDCK单克隆细胞库,为细胞培养生产流感病毒疫苗奠定了基础。  相似文献   

近年来,因病毒侵害人类每年都要蒙受巨大的经济损失和社会损失。犬肾细胞MDCK以其具有的培养容易、增殖快、流感病毒感染效率高等特点,成为适用于流感病毒疫苗生产的重要细胞系之一。以MDCK细胞为研究对象,在自制无血清培养基中成功实现了MDCK细胞从有血清培养到无血清培养的驯化;并通过单细胞悬浮培养驯化过程实现了MDCK细胞的无血清单细胞悬浮培养,获得了适于无血清单细胞悬浮生长的ssf-MDCK细胞株,无血清单细胞悬浮批培养最大活细胞密度可达3.81×106 cells/mL,最大比生长速率可达0.056 h?  相似文献   

传统上从鸡胚中分离病毒用于疫苗的生产常常不能满足需求,研究从体外培养的细胞中分离病毒的途径成为当前疫苗生产领域的迫切需要。本研究利用体细胞诱导重编程技术建立永生化细胞系,为应用于疫苗制备等研究和生产奠定基础。通过慢病毒载体转染转录调控因子(NANOG, LIN28和C-MYC)重编程鸡成纤维细胞,并稳定培养至100代,获得永生化的细胞,而后逐步去除细胞因子、血清等添加物,优化细胞系培养体系,并对细胞驯化实现悬浮生长,以获得单位体积最大密度的细胞。研究结果表明:通过转基因将NANOG,LIN28和C-MYC 3个因子整合入细胞中表达,细胞系对碱性磷酸酶染色呈阳性反应,端粒逆转录酶(cTERT)基因在细胞系中显著上调,并稳定培养至100代,使得这些细胞具有自我更新特性和永生化的潜能。确定了培养基中的血清替代物KSR浓度为20%,并撤除了培养基中bFGF等生长因子,为细胞大规模培养应用提供了可能。永生细胞实现悬浮生长,细胞生长倍增时间为21.71 h,最大密度为1.3×106 cells/m L。因此,我们通过重编程技术建立了一株稳定的永生化细胞系,并且使它能在低浓度KSR中悬浮培养,这为疫苗制备等研究和生产提供科学依据。  相似文献   

稳定遗传表达分析是一种植物中常用的整体解析基因的方式。有多种转化方式可供选择,也可根据所需要的获得的转基因植物材料选择受体材料。但是由于稳定遗传转化周期较长且大部分材料不适合于进行荧光观察,所以在一些基因的研究中逐渐被瞬时表达分析系统。虽然瞬时表达分析用时短,但是转化效率受到多方面的限制,转化材料无法保存。目前由于植物悬浮培养细胞材料均一,增殖迅速并且可以满足大批量研究需求逐渐成为植物研究中的热点材料。以此同时,在亚细胞定位方面,悬浮培养细胞还是良好的应用材料。采用农杆菌介导法进行植物悬浮培养细胞的转化中方法较为成熟,但是获得纯净的转基因细胞系的转化周期较长。在本研究中针对上述问题我们建立了一种转化时间短,转化效率高的植物悬浮培养细胞稳定遗传转化体系。同时将这个体系应用到基因的亚细胞定位当中进行蛋白质快速定位分析。  相似文献   

[目的]通过慢病毒载体系统获得稳定表达FRT-LacZ基因的MDCK细胞株。[方法]PCR扩增FRT-LacZ基因,亚克隆至慢病毒载体p LVX-PGK-Puro。经四质粒包装系统共转染293FT细胞包装重组慢病毒并检测病毒滴度,获得的慢病毒感染MDCK细胞,经嘌呤霉素筛选和β-半乳糖苷酶原位染色检测筛选鉴定转基因细胞株。[结果]测序证实,成功构建重组慢病毒质粒p LVX-FRT-LacZ-PGK-Puro。包装产生的慢病毒滴度为4.04×107TU/m L,重组慢病毒感染MDCK细胞后筛选获得稳定表达FRT-LacZ基因的MDCK细胞株。[结论]构建了稳定表达FRTLacZ基因的MDCK细胞株。  相似文献   

目的:通过对贴壁培养CHO细胞筛选驯化,得到高表达的细胞后进行悬浮培养生产重组人促红细胞生成素(rHuEPO)。方法:利用96孔板和24孔板对CHO细胞进行筛选,得到高表达细胞株后进行驯化,使其适合悬浮培养,经过摇瓶扩增后接种到生物反应器中无血清培养,每天监测葡萄糖含量,测rHuEPO表达量。结果:悬浮培养CHO细胞生产rHuEPO,生产周期短,表达量比贴壁培养高出很多,操作方便,减少污染,易于放大,并建立了适合悬浮培养的CHO细胞株,为工业化悬浮培养CHO细胞生产rHuEPO提供了技术基础。结论:经过工艺优化后利用无血清悬浮培养生产促红细胞生成素平均表达量较贴壁培养高,生产周期短,有利于降低生产成本。  相似文献   

目的研究流感病毒H1N1及其他亚型在Vero细胞系和MDCK细胞系高效增殖的最适条件,比较两种细胞系对流感病毒的敏感性差异及影响敏感性差异的条件。方法在培养好的Vero细胞系与MDCK细胞系用不同的病毒感染复数(M.O.I)、胰酶浓度、病毒吸附时间、病毒维持液血清质量浓度等条件进行流感病毒在细胞上的增殖。结果在M.O.I为0.01接种流感病毒,吸附时间为1 h,胰酶质量浓度2μg/mL,血清质量浓度为8%时,流感病毒血凝素在MDCK细胞系可获得较高的滴度。结论 MDCK细胞系是适于流感病毒培养的细胞,它作为生产新型流感病毒疫苗的主要细胞基质需要进一步的研究。  相似文献   

MDCK细胞对各种流感病毒具有高度敏感性,广泛应用于流感病毒的分离和疫苗制备.通过探索培养基中促进细胞贴壁的关键组分,并筛选水解物,开发了适合MDCK细胞生长的低血清培养基.发现钙、镁离子是细胞贴壁不可缺少的物质,麦麸水解物可以部分代替培养基中的血清.利用该低血清培养基,经过消化转移将MDCK细胞从5L反应器放大至25 L反应器,微载体上细胞贴附均匀、生长旺盛,25 L反应器中培养48 h细胞密度可达30.5×105 cells/ml.研究结果为工业规模反应器微载体悬浮培养MDCK细胞生产流感病毒奠定了基础.  相似文献   

犬肾细胞MDCK无血清贴壁及单细胞悬浮培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
旨在挖掘用于鉴定金黄色葡萄球菌的高特异性靶点及其PCR检测引物。采用C++语言编程,以金黄色葡萄球菌Staphylococcus aureus MRSA 252基因组编码序列为对象,对2 656个可编码区进行分析,获得特异性靶点序列,并设计PCR扩增引物。对包括葡萄球菌属11个种及其他细菌属在内的共计137株细菌验证引物特异性,筛选获得9个DNA序列,并设计了4对引物。经验证2对引物的特异性较好,其中引物SA3的基因组DNA检测限为13.7 fg/μL,菌体检测限为9.25×102 CFU/mL。结果验证  相似文献   

Several mammalian cell lines, including Madin–Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells have been approved by regulators for manufacturing of human vaccines. A new MDCK 9B9-1E4 cloned cell line has been created which is capable of producing live attenuated influenza vaccine (LAIV) with high yield. This cell line was shown to be non tumorigenic in eight week old adult athymic nude mouse model. This property is desirable for vaccine production and is unique to this cell line and is not known to be shared by other MDCK cell lines that are currently used for vaccine production. This significant difference in tumorigenic phenotype required further characterization of this cell line to ensure its safety for use in vaccine production. This is particularly important for LAIV production where it is not possible to incorporate a virus inactivation and/or removal step during manufacturing. Characterization of this cell line included extensive adventitious agent testing, tumorigenicity and oncogenicity assessment studies. Here, we describe the development of tumorigenic MDCK cell lines for use as positive controls and in vitro methods to aid in the evaluation of the tumorigenicity of MDCK 9B9-1E4 cloned cells. Tumorigenic MDCK cells were successfully generated following Hras and cMyc oncogene transfection of MDCK 9B9-1E4 cloned cells. In this study we demonstrate the lack of tumorigenic potential of the MDCK 9B9-1E4 cloned cell line in adult athymic nude mice model.  相似文献   

Influenza is a serious public health problem that causes a contagious respiratory disease. Vaccination is the most effective strategy to reduce transmission and prevent influenza. In recent years, cell-based vaccines have been developed with continuous cell lines such as Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) and Vero. However, wild-type influenza and egg-based vaccine seed viruses will not grow efficiently in these cell lines. Therefore, improvement of virus growth is strongly required for development of vaccine seed viruses and cell-based influenza vaccine production. The aim of our research is to develop novel MDCK cells supporting highly efficient propagation of influenza virus in order to expand the capacity of vaccine production. In this study, we screened a human siRNA library that involves 78 target molecules relating to three major type I interferon (IFN) pathways to identify genes that when knocked down by siRNA lead to enhanced production of influenza virus A/Puerto Rico/8/1934 in A549 cells. The siRNAs targeting 23 candidate genes were selected to undergo a second screening pass in MDCK cells. We examined the effects of knockdown of target genes on the viral production using newly designed siRNAs based on sequence analyses. Knockdown of the expression of a canine gene corresponding to human IRF7 by siRNA increased the efficiency of viral production in MDCK cells through an unknown process that includes the mechanisms other than inhibition of IFN-α/β induction. Furthermore, the viral yield greatly increased in MDCK cells stably transduced with the lentiviral vector for expression of short hairpin RNA against IRF7 compared with that in control MDCK cells. Therefore, we propose that modified MDCK cells with lower expression level of IRF7 could be useful not only for increasing the capacity of vaccine production but also facilitating the process of seed virus isolation from clinical specimens for manufacturing of vaccines.  相似文献   

Development of serum-free suspension cell culture processes is very important for influenza vaccine production. Previously, we developed a MDCK suspension cell line in a serum-free medium. In the present study, the growth kinetics of suspension MDCK cells and influenza virus production in the serum-free medium were investigated, in comparison with those of adherent MDCK cells in both serum-containing and serum-free medium. It was found that the serum-free medium supported the stable subculture and growth of both adherent and suspension cells. In batch culture, for both cell lines, the growth kinetics in the serum-free medium was comparable with those in the serum-containing medium and a commercialized serum-free medium. In the serum-free medium, peak viable cell density (VCD), haemagglutinin (HA) and median tissue culture infective dose (TCID50) titers of the two cell lines reached 4.51×106 cells/mL, 2.94Log10(HAU/50 μL) and 8.49Log10(virions/mL), and 5.97×106 cells/mL, 3.88Log10(HAU/50 μL), and 10.34Log10(virions/mL), respectively. While virus yield of adherent cells in the serum-free medium was similar to that in the serum-containing medium, suspension culture in the serum-free medium showed a higher virus yield than adherent cells in the serum-containing medium and suspension cells in the commercialized serum-free medium. However, the percentage of infectious viruses was lower for suspension culture in the serum-free medium. These results demonstrate the great potential of this suspension MDCK cell line in serum-free medium for influenza vaccine production and further improvements are warranted.  相似文献   

Reassortant strains for modern live influenza vaccines are prepared using growing chicken embryos. It is very important to switch manufacture of influenza vaccines from chicken embryos to cell cultures, especially due to the threat of future pandemic, when there will be need of big quantities of vaccine for immunization of all age groups. Efficacy of production of reassortant strains with 6:2 vaccine formulation of genome (6 internal genes from the donor of attenuation and 2 genes coding external antigens--hemagglutinin and neuraminidase--from epidemic strain) in MDCK cell culture, using standard techniques employed for production of the vaccine in chicken embryos, was studied. It was shown that yield frequency of aforementioned reassortants of influenza A viruses did not exceed 5.7% whereas in chicken embryos vaccine 6:2 reassortants were isolated with frequency of 4%. For influenza B viruses, yield of 6:2 reassortants in growing chicken embryos exceeded 67% whereas in MDCK cell culture we were unable to produce clones with required genome composition. Thus, existing method while effective for production of vaccine reassortants in chicken embryos is low effective for isolation of 6:2 reassortants in MDCK cell culture. Fundamentally new techniques are needed for production of reassortant strains for live influenza vaccine in cell culture.  相似文献   

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