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生态毒理试验中的连续流系统设计及控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
长期连续流试验中,毒物浓度波动主要归因于毒物稀释系统的故障。为了提高毒性数据质量,毒物浓度水平监控是必不可少的.本文对现有连续流试验系统中的毒物稀释器作了改进,采用计量泵输送毒物和稀释水,提高毒物稀释系统的精确度。同时,在连续流试验系统中配置了实时监控系统(RTMS).RTMS由泵、样品室、分析仪器、记录仪等组成.在56d试验中,RTMS随时提供毒物稀释器运行的最新情况,各级毒物浓度变异系数在2.16%-6.13%之间。系统的运行成功为规范中、长期毒性试验提供了技术保证.  相似文献   

水环境毒物污染点源的生态风险管理现状与展望   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
评述了发达国家和我国在这一领域的进展和前景。目前国内外常用的基于水质标准/废水排放标准的特征化学污染物法,并不能有效控制组分复杂的废水中的有机毒物排放。因此,仅应用这一传统方法对水环境有机毒物污染点源难以实现有效的生态风险管理。同时采用全废水的生态毒性法可就弥补这一缺陷,根据生态风险管理要求可有效控制组份复杂的废水中有毒有机污染物的排放。鉴别出导致废水生态毒性的关键有机毒物的毒性鉴别评价,是毒物污染点源的生态风险管理核心。本文还对毒性鉴别评价方法学的发展以及全废水毒性法应用于我国水环境毒物污染点源生态风险管理的前景作了评述。  相似文献   

藻类细胞生长抑制试验在单项毒物条件下进行时,常未考虑毒物对藻类细胞的联合作用(拮抗效应、叠加效应和协同效应)。本研究采用单项毒物试验和多种毒物同时存在时的正交试验(L16<4 ̄5>),评价了进入武汉市墨水湖中试稳定塘的主要污染物(硫化物、挥发酚、石油类)对羊角月牙藻的96h的毒性效应。结果表明,正交试验的EC50值都比单项毒物试验低得多,其96hEC50降低20-80%,受试的几种主要污染物对藻类有协同毒性效应或叠加毒性效应。采用正交试验方法进行藻类细胞生长抑制试验以制定稳定塘的入水标准,更接近真实。  相似文献   

藻类细胞生长抑制试验在单项毒物条件下进行时,常未考虑毒物对藻类细胞的联合作用(拮抗效应、叠加效应和协同效应)。本研究采用单项毒物试验和多种毒物同时存在时的正交试验(L16<4^5>),评价了进入武汉市黑水湖中试稳定塘的主要污染物(硫化物、挥发酚、石油类)对羊角月牙藻的96h的毒性效应。效果表明,正交试验的EC50值都比单项毒物试验低多,其96hEC50降低20-80%,受试的几种主要污染物对藻类有  相似文献   

以毒性鉴别评价法评价化工废水处理效果的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
江苏省某化工厂废水处理设施进、出水经大型Sou(Daphnia magna)急性毒性试验的结果表明,废水在处理前、后均显示毒性。采用毒性鉴别评价的试验程序,对处理设施的进、出水进行了关键毒物的鉴别和评价。发现进水中存在的关键毒物为金属铜离子并共存多种金属和极性有机毒物,而出水中存在的毒物为酸性条件下易被氧化的有毒有机物。该废水处理工艺对废水毒性去除率为77.6%。由此可见,该处理工艺对金属离子有较好的去除,而对有毒有机化合物的去除效果不甚理想,因此,该厂生产工艺和废水处理工艺还有待进一步改进。  相似文献   

漂白废水中关键有毒物质鉴别的实例研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以纸张漂白废水为研究对象,采用毒性鉴别评价(TIE,Toxicity Identification Evaluation)技术对其生态毒性原因作了鉴别研究,结果表明,废水对大型蚤(Daphnia magna)具有急性毒性,曝气可去除废水的部分毒性,硫代硫酸钠的投加可去除废水毒性,同时用DPD试剂盒比色法可测出激离态氯气一一价氧化态氯化物,通过毒性鉴别评价3阶段的研究,揭示了导致废水毒性的关键毒物是氯气、次氯酸和次氯酸根。  相似文献   

高效液相色谱分析银杏萜内酯的含量   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李典鹏  方宏  梁小燕  陈海珊  文永新   《广西植物》1999,19(3):282-284
用高效液相色谱法测定银杏叶及提取物中银杏内酯A、B、C和白果内酯的含量。采用C18分离柱,示差检测器,甲醇:水(33:67)为流动相,方法回收率平均达97%以上,变异系数(CV)为2.1%。  相似文献   

HPLC法检测红豆杉细胞培养物中的紫杉醇   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
在对紫杉醇和干扰紫杉醇测定的6种常见紫杉烷进行色谱化分离的基础上,建立了红豆杉细胞培养物中紫杉醇的高效相色谱检测方法。样品经提取后,在Kromasil C18柱上以乙腈:水为流动相进行梯度洗脱,于227nm处进行检测。紫杉醇在0.2μg/ml-20μg/ml浓度范围内线性关系良好,经测定检测限为0.1μg/ml,检测精密度为3.4%,回收率为88.4%。  相似文献   

高效液相色谱法测定银杏叶提取物中黄酮甙含量   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
李典鹏  方宏   《广西植物》1996,16(3):292-294
用高效液相色谱法测定银杏叶提取物经酸水解后黄酮甙元含量.采用C18柱,甲醇:水:磷酸(55:44.5:0.5)为流动相,检测波长370nm,方法回收率95.1%~103.2%,变异系数(CV)3.17%,10批样品含测平均为25.4%.  相似文献   

生姜的挥发性化学成分   总被引:40,自引:0,他引:40  
用GC/MS方法,定性定量地分析了用3种不同方法提取的姜油的化学成分,分别鉴定了46,50,61个化合物。蒸馏油主要含有单萜、倍半萜烯类化合物,未见生姜特有的辣味成分。冷榨油和超临界CO2萃取油除倍半萜类化合物外,主要含有辣味成分,含量分别为18.61%,23.09%。冷榨油及超临界CO2萃取油较好地保持了生姜的特征辛香气及辣味成分  相似文献   

An integrated physicochemical-biotechnological approach for a multipurpose valorization of olive mill wastewaters was studied. More than 60% of the wastewater natural polyphenols were recovered through a solid phase extraction procedure, by employing Amberlite XAD16 resin as the adsorbent and ethanol as the biocompatible desorbing phase. Thereafter, the dephenolized effluent was fed to a mesophilic anaerobic acidogenic packed-bed biofilm reactor for the bioconversion of the organic leftover into volatile fatty acids (VFAs). A VFAs concentration of 19 gCODL(-1) was obtained, representing more than 70% of the COD occurring in the anaerobic effluent. The biotechnological process was assessed by means of bio-molecular analyses, which showed that the reactor packed bed was mostly colonized by bacteria of the Firmicutes phylogenetic group. The biorefinery scheme developed in this study allowed the obtainment of 1.59 g of polyphenols per liter of wastewater treated and 2.72 gCODL(-1) day(-1) of VFAs.  相似文献   

The toxicity of high salinity tannery wastewater produced after an activated sludge secondary treatment on the germination and seedling growth of Trifolium pratense, a species used as indicator in toxicity tests, was evaluated. Growth was inhibited by wastewater concentrations >25% and undiluted effluent caused a complete germination inhibition. Constructed wetlands (CWs) with Arundo donax or Sarcocornia fruticosa were envisaged to further polish this wastewater. Selection of plant species to use in CWs for industrial wastewater treatment is an important issue, since for a successful establishment they have to tolerate the often harsh wastewater composition. For that, the effects of this wastewater on the growth of Arundo and Sarcocornia were assessed in pot assays. Plants were subject to different wastewater contents (0/50/100%), and both were resilient to the imposed conditions. Arundo had higher growth rates and biomass than Sarcocornia and may therefore be the preferred species for use in CWs treating tannery wastewater. CWs planted with the above mentioned plants significantly decreased the toxicity of the wastewater, as effluent from the CWs outlet stimulated the growth of Trifolium at concentrations <50%, and seed germination and growth even occurred in undiluted effluent.  相似文献   

Potential treatment alternative for laboratory effluents   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The Chemical Analysis Laboratory under study weekly generates 46.5 L effluent with low pH (0.7), high COD concentration (6535 mg O2/L), sulphate (10390 mg/L) and heavy metals (213 mg Hg/L, 55 mg Cr/L, 28 mg Al/L, 22 mg Fe/L, 10mg Cu/L, 4 mg Ag/L). A treatment sequence has been proposed using a physical chemical step (coagulation/flocculation or chemical precipitation) followed by a biological step (anaerobic treatment). Removals of COD (18%), turbidity (76%) and heavy metals (64-99%) were attained only after adjusting pH to 6.5, without requiring the addition of Al2(SO4)3 and FeCl3. Due to the low COD:sulphate ratio (0.9-1.3), it was possible to efficiently operate the UASB reactor (at the biological step) only upon mixing the effluent with household wastewater. COD, sulphate and heavy metals removals of 60%, 23% and 78% to 100%, respectively, were attained for 30% effluent in the reactor feed. The results pointed to the need of a pretreatment step and mixing the effluent in household wastewater prior to the biological step. This alternative is feasible as this can be achieved using sanitary wastewater generated in the university campus.  相似文献   

Effluent discharges are released into aquatic environments as complex mixtures for which there is commonly either no knowledge of the toxic components or a lack of understanding of how known toxicants interact with other effluent components. Effects-directed investigations consist of chemical extraction and iterative fractionation steps directed by a biological endpoint that is designed to permit the identification or characterization of the chemical classes or compounds in a complex mixture responsible for the observed biological activity. Our review of the literature on effects-directed analyses of effluents for non-mutagenic as well as mutagenic endpoints showed that common extraction and concentration methods have been used. Since the mid-1980s, the methods have evolved from the use of XAD resins to C18 solid-phase extraction (SPE). Blue cotton, blue rayon, and blue chitin have been used specifically for investigations of mutagenic activity where polycyclic compounds were involved or suspected. After isolation, subsequent fractionations have been accomplished using SPE or a high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) system commonly fitted with a C18 reverse-phase column. Substances in active fractions are characterized by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and/or other spectrometric techniques for identification. LC-MS methods have been developed for difficult-to-analyze polar substances identified from effects-directed studies, but the potential for LC-MS to identify unknown polar compounds has yet to be fully realized. Salmonella-based assays (some miniaturized) have been coupled with fractionation methods for most studies aimed at identifying mutagenic fractions and chemical classes in mixtures. Effects-directed investigations of mutagens have focused mostly on drinking water and sewage, whereas extensive investigations of non-mutagenic effects have also included runoff, pesticides, and pulp mill effluents. The success of effects-directed investigations should be based on a realistic initial objective of each project. Identification of chemical classes associated with the measured biological endpoint is frequently achievable; however, confirmation of individual compounds is much more difficult and not always a necessary goal of effects-directed chemical analysis.  相似文献   

Over a 2-year period, an industrial discharger implemented a program to determine if there was a potential for in-stream impact from its discharge, and, if necessary, to eliminate that potential. Six basic study designs were used. These included: (1) ambient toxicity tests using indicator organisms; (2) in-stream waste concentration (IWC) chronic testing using indicator organisms; (3) on-site flow-through toxicity testing using indicator and resident species with receiving stream water as the diluent; (4) in situ acute toxicity studies using indicator and resident species; (5) biological surveys of the receiving stream; and (6) artificial stream studies. The outcome of the studies resulted in conclusive data on which to base the design of a diffuser to dilute the effluent 1:20. This concentration was well below the lowest acute no-observed-effect concentration (10% effluent) determined using sensitive resident test species. In this manner, impact from the effluent on the James River had been reduced so that even the most sensitive resident species were protected. As a result of the study, the facility's permit was modified so that toxicity tests were made only on effluent diluted with receiving stream water to represent dilution at 1Q10 rather than 100 percent effluent. Follow-up studies have concentrated on a series of toxicity tests which were designed to identify the toxicants in the final effluent.  相似文献   

This study aimed to assess the acute toxicity of raw and treated wastewater generated by the rice parboiling industry using zebrafish (Danio rerio) sperm quality as a bioindicator. Toxicity bioassays were conducted comparing physicochemical parameters of sperm quality for zebrafish at sublethal conditions (n = 150 fish, 50 per treatment). Acute toxicity was detected in all sperm quality parameters assessed for both raw and treated wastewater, when contrasted to the control (p < 0.05). For zebrafish exposed to raw effluent, negative correlations with parameters of sperm quality were observed for the concentration of iron, phosphorus and total suspended solids (p < 0.05). Salinity, the biochemical oxygen demand and the concentration of total suspended solids were negatively correlated with parameters of sperm quality for zebrafish exposed to treated effluent (p < 0.05). In comparison with the levels observed for the raw effluent, most physicochemical parameters of the treated effluent were reduced to levels within the limits required by the environmental legislation. Despite the physical and chemical parameters measured in the treated wastewater meeting environmental legislation thresholds, acute toxicity persisted. These results show that the sperm quality can be used as a bioindicator for wastewater toxicity and release of wastewater to surface water could affect the fertility of fishes.  相似文献   

A sensitive and specific liquid chromatographic method using solid-phase extraction with Sep-pak cartridges has been developed for the determination of Casiopeina IIgly and validated over the linear range 2.5-50 microg/ml in rat plasma. The analysis was performed on a Symetry C(18) (5 microm) column with a Phenomenex C(18) precolumn. The mobile phase was methanol-water (58:42, v/v). The column effluent was monitored at 273 nm. The results showed that the assay is sensitive at 2.5 microg/ml. Maximum intra-day coefficient of variation was 11.47%. The recovery based upon addition of internal standard to rat plasma was 80.98%. The method was used to perform preclinical pharmacokinetic studies in rat plasma and was found to be satisfactory.  相似文献   

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