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核型多角体病毒与侧沟茧蜂对斜纹夜蛾幼虫的协同作用   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
研究了斜纹夜蛾幼虫体内的斜纹夜蛾侧沟茧蜂存活率、发育历期、寄主感染病毒时间、病毒浓度之间的关系,并测定了斜纹夜蛾侧沟茧蜂的传毒效率.结果表明,病毒对寄主体内寄生蜂历期无明显影响,寄生在幼虫体内的寄生蜂能在寄主病死前完成发育,存活比例因寄主感染病毒的时间和浓度而异.斜纹夜蛾被寄生后接种病毒(SINPV),距离寄生时间越长,饲毒浓度越低,寄生蜂完成发育的比例越大,但饲毒时间是主要影响因素.从感病幼虫体内发育成的侧沟茧蜂或曾经在感病寄主上产过卵的寄生蜂,以及通过人工方式使产卵器被病毒污染的寄生蜂,均能携带一定数量的病毒.通过产卵活动,侧沟茧蜂成蜂能在寄主幼虫个体间传递病毒.当寄生蜂在感病的寄主幼虫上产卵带毒后,平均可传递病毒给2.14头幼虫;发育于感病幼虫体内的寄生蜂,平均可传递病毒给2.45头幼虫.通过用病毒液浸茧或用混有病毒的蜂蜜饲喂成蜂等方式使产卵器污染病毒的寄生蜂,传毒效率随饲毒浓度增加而提高,平均可传递病毒1.45头和0.94头幼虫  相似文献   

应用2因素2次回归正交旋转组合设计研究了淡足侧沟茧蜂Microplitis pallidipes对甜菜夜蛾Spodoptera exigua (Hubner)、斜纹夜蛾Spodoptera litura的寄生选择性,并建立了2种寄主共存时的被寄生模型.主效分析表明,甜菜夜蛾和斜纹夜蛾幼虫被寄生虫数均随寄主自身密度的增加而增加;淡足侧沟茧蜂对2种寄主无明显的选择性,对甜菜夜蛾、斜纹夜蛾幼虫共存时的选择寄生比率分别为0.5211、0.4788.在人工繁殖淡足侧沟茧蜂时,可以利用易于人工繁殖的斜纹夜蛾做为繁蜂寄主,提高淡足侧沟茧蜂的繁殖速度,降低繁蜂成本.在甜菜夜蛾、斜纹夜蛾发生期,可保护利用淡足侧沟茧蜂来控制蔬菜夜蛾.  相似文献   

研究斜纹夜蛾Spodoptera litura幼虫取食4种植物后对马尼拉侧沟茧蜂Microplitis manilae生长发育和繁殖的影响,为利用该蜂开展斜纹夜蛾的生物防治提供理论依据。在人工气候箱内(26℃±1℃、RH 65%±5%、L∶D=12∶12)研究了斜纹夜蛾取食豇豆Vigna unguiculata、芋艿Colocasia esculenta、烟草Nicotiana tabacum和芥蓝Brassica alboglabra 4种植物对马尼拉侧沟茧蜂的生长发育和繁殖的影响。结果表明:马尼拉侧沟茧蜂寄生取食豇豆的夜蛾幼虫,其幼虫期最短,化蛹率、羽化率和累计存活率最高,性比最低,寿命最长;寄生取食烟草的夜蛾幼虫,其幼虫期最长,化蛹率、羽化率和累计存活率最低,蛹重最轻,蛹期最长;从取食芥蓝的斜纹夜蛾幼虫体内育出的雌蜂产卵量最高,但成蜂寿命最短;斜纹夜蛾取食4种植物对雌蜂个体大小无显著影响,但取食烟草的夜蛾幼虫体内育出的雄蜂个体最小。马尼拉侧沟茧蜂寄生取食不同植物的斜纹夜蛾幼虫,马尼拉侧沟茧蜂的发育和繁殖存在显著差异。  相似文献   

为检验基于经典搜寻理论的最优膳食模型的预测——产卵雌蜂应该选择最适于子代蜂发育的寄主种进行产卵,本研究以斑痣悬茧蜂(Meteorus pulchricornis)及其寄主斜纹夜蛾(Spodoptera litura)和粘虫(Mythimna separata)的幼虫为材料,在控制寄主体型大小和龄期影响的基础上,分别在体型大小相近和日龄相同的3个水平上观察了斑痣悬茧蜂对2种寄主幼虫的选择偏好,并观察了子代蜂生长发育适应度表现。在观察期(1h)内,当2种寄主幼虫的体型相近或者龄期相同的情况下,斑痣悬茧蜂对粘虫的产卵器刺扎次数以及寄生率(用结茧率表示)均高于斜纹夜蛾;而在斜纹夜蛾幼虫体内发育出的子代蜂茧重和体型均大于粘虫,成蜂寿命无显著差异。最后,对斑痣悬茧蜂的寄主选择和子代发育表现不一致现象进行了讨论。  相似文献   

张博  冯素芳  黄露  孟玲  李保平 《昆虫学报》2011,54(12):1391-1398
为评价斑痣悬茧蜂Meteorus pulchricornis (Wesmael)的寄主辨别能力及其影响因素, 采用双选试验(斜纹夜蛾2龄寄主幼虫, 健康∶被寄生=5∶5), 观察了寄生经历(无寄生经历、 有1次寄生经历、 有1次过寄生经历)和寄主被首次寄生后的间隔时间(1 - 7 d)对斑痣悬茧蜂在健康寄主和被寄生寄主之间的选择; 为探究斑痣悬茧蜂是否能够辨别寄主斑块质量, 观察了斑痣悬茧蜂连续3次访问不同质量寄主斑块(被寄生寄主∶健康寄主分别为 2∶8, 5∶5和 8∶2)时的产卵刺扎次数。对选择频次进行的分析表明, 寄主被首次寄生后的间隔时间和寄生蜂的寄生经历均对过寄生发生有显著影响(P<0.05), 过寄生概率随寄主首次被寄生后的间隔时间延长而降低; 有寄生经历的寄生蜂发生过寄生的概率低于无寄生经历的寄生蜂。用Cox比例风险模型对寄主辨别时间进行的分析表明, 发生过寄生的风险随寄主被初次寄生后间隔时间的延长而减小, 也因寄生蜂具有过寄生经历而减小。斑痣悬茧蜂在连续3次访问不同质量寄主斑块中, 产卵刺扎次数随寄主斑块的质量提高而显著增多。据此推论, 斑痣悬茧蜂不仅能够辨别被寄生寄主, 而且能够辨别含有被寄生寄主的寄主斑块。  相似文献   

孙君帅  黄寿山 《生态学报》2010,30(6):1494-1499
为评价幼虫寄生蜂马尼拉陡胸茧蜂对甜菜夜蛾的控害潜能,编制了寄主和寄生蜂的实验种群生命表,测定了马尼拉陡胸茧蜂对甜菜夜蛾幼虫的寄生功能反应。结果表明:甜菜夜蛾年龄特征生命表参数为:净生殖力(种群趋势指数)R0(I)=122.0172,内禀增长率rm=0.1522,世代平均历期T=40.8556(d),周限增长率λ=1.1644;马尼拉陡胸茧蜂寄生甜菜夜蛾幼虫的生殖力表参数为:R0(I)=20.2479,rm=0.3045,T=9.8788,λ=1.3559。马尼拉陡胸茧蜂对甜菜夜蛾幼虫的捕食功能反应符合HollingⅡ型模型,a=0.8952,Th=0.0205,Namax=48.78(头)。通过生命表参数比较和功能反应模型分析,可见马尼拉陡胸茧蜂对甜菜夜蛾幼虫的寄生能力强,繁殖速率高,对甜菜夜蛾种群有较强的控制能力;从世代平均历期T的比较可知,在甜菜夜蛾繁殖1代的时间内,马尼拉陡胸茧蜂可以繁殖4个世代,在时间上天敌对害虫的发生是"超前的"而不是"跟随的"。因此在放蜂技术上应采取相应的对策,才能充分发挥天敌的控害潜能。  相似文献   

通过在植食性昆虫斜纹夜蛾Spodoptera litura Fabricius幼虫人工饲料中添加不同浓度的Zn2+,测定了连续3代取食含不同Zn2+浓度饲料幼虫的血淋巴中Zn2+含量,并研究了被Zn2+胁迫的斜纹夜蛾幼虫对寄生性天敌双斑侧沟茧蜂Microplitis bicoloratus Chen生存与发育的影响。结果表明,斜纹夜蛾幼虫血淋巴中Zn2+含量随饲料中Zn2+浓度和幼虫取食世代数的增加而增加;Zn2+胁迫斜纹夜蛾幼虫对双斑侧沟茧蜂的寄生率、从寄生到结茧的时间、蛹期长短、成虫羽化率和成虫寿命等都有不同程度的影响,其中以第2代的寄生率和第1代的羽化率受影响最大,均随着Zn2+浓度的增大而降低。因此,寄主饲料中高浓度的Zn2+能通过食物链影响双斑侧沟茧蜂的生存和发育。  相似文献   

马尼拉侧沟茧蜂Microplitis manilae是斜纹夜蛾Spodoptera litura的一种重要幼虫寄生蜂。本文以斜纹夜蛾2龄幼虫为寄主,在26±1℃、RH 65%±5%、L:D=12:12的人工气候箱内,研究生殖方式、雌蜂日龄、寄生时间段、雄蜂出现与否以及雄蜂密度等因子对其寄生效能的影响。结果表明:马尼拉侧沟茧蜂可营产雄孤雌生殖和两性生殖两种生殖方式,两种方式在亲代寄生率、子代羽化率和发育历期均无显著差异。随着雌蜂日龄的增加,其寄生率和子代性比显著降低,但子代发育历期随雌蜂日龄的增加而延长。马尼拉侧沟茧蜂在12:00-18:00时间段的寄生率、子代羽化率和性比最高,子代发育历期最短。当寄生蜂密度一定时,子代性比随着寄主密度的增加而显著增加;当寄主密度一定时,子代性比随着寄生蜂密度的增加而显著下降;雄蜂在场时,子代性比显著高于无雄蜂在场时。子代性比随着亲代雄蜂密度的增加而显著降低,但雄蜂密度对亲代寄生率,子代羽化率、发育历期无显著影响。  相似文献   

本记述从寄主斜纹夜蛾饲养得到的侧沟茧蜂属Microplitls Forster 1新种:双斑侧沟茧蜂Microplitis bicoloratus Chert,sp.nov.。模式标本保存于福建农林大学植保学院益虫室。  相似文献   

根据浙江大学应用昆虫学研究所收藏的寄生蜂标本和国内外报道,对我国寄生斜纹夜蛾的原寄生蜂和重寄生蜂进行系统整理研究,列出我国斜纹夜蛾寄生蜂40种,其中包括原寄生蜂29种,重寄生蜂11种.同时还以附录的形式列出了我国已报道过但有存疑的寄生蜂7种及国外已有报道但在我国还未采集到标本的寄生蜂61种.  相似文献   

In a laboratory study, we determined the potential of threeTrichogramma (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) species,T. brassicae Bezdenko,T. minutum Riley andT. nr.sibiricum Sorokina, for biological control against six species of forest lepidopteran pests, black army cutworm, hemlock looper, eastern spruce budworm, western spruce budworm, white-marked tussock moth, and gypsy moth. Females of each parasitoid species were offered eggs from each of the six host species. Parasitization and the effect of the host species on the emerging progeny were examined and recorded.Trichogramma minutum had the broadest host range and successfully parasitized four host species out of the six offered.Trichogramma nr.sibiricum had the narrowest host range and parasitized only two species of hosts. Of the six host species, black army cutworm was the most preferred by all threeTrichogramma species; white-marked tussock moth and gypsy moth were not parasitized by any parasitoids. There was a positive correlation between the size of female offspring and their corresponding egg complement in all three parasitoid species. The developmental time of parasitoids from egg to adult was influenced by both the parasitoid and host species. Our results suggest thatT. minutum has the greatest potential for biological control against various forest lepidopteran pests and that the black army cutworm may be the best target candidate for further study.  相似文献   

Hymenopterous parasitoids of grass flies of the family Chloropidae from the Palaearctic and Nearctic regions are reviewed. These parasitoids belong to four superfamilies and 16 families of Hymenoptera and were reared from 39 species of Chloropidae in the Palaearctic (less than 6% of the fauna) and only from 10 species in the Nearctic Region. The majority of parasitoids are oligo-or polyphagous species. To a certain degree, the parasitoids are specialized on one of the three host groups: (1) species developing in shoots of cereal and meadow grasses; (2) forest species developing in cones of coniferous trees; and (3) species associated with the common reed, Phragmites australis. In the Palaearctic Region, the majority of parasitoids (91 species) were reared from Oscinella frit L. s. 1.; a significantly smaller number of these parasites is known from this host in the Nearctic Region, nearly half of the parasitoids being common for both regions. The next large group of parasitoids is associated with gall-inducing species of the genus Lipara Meigen (59 species) developing in the common reed. By contrast with two other groups of parasitoids, this one includes many species of the family Ichneumonidae. It should be noted that taxonomic diversity at the third trophic level is markedly greater than at the second level.  相似文献   

Field surveys were conducted during 2005 to 2007 to assess the species diversity of stem borer parasitoids in cultivated and natural habitats in four agroecological zones in Kenya. In total, 33 parasitoid species were recovered, of which 18 parasitized six stem borer species feeding on cereal crops, while 27 parasitized 21 stem borer species feeding on 19 wild host plant species. The most common parasitoids in cultivated habitats were Cotesia flavipes Cameron, Cotesia sesamiae (Cameron), Pediobius furvus Gahan and the tachinid Siphona sp., whereas in natural habitats, Siphona sp. was the most common. The majority of parasitoids were stenophagous species; only five species –Cotesia sp., Enicospilus ruscus Gauld and Mitchell, Pristomerus nr. bullis, Sturmiopsis parasitica (Curran) and Syzeuctus ruberrimus Benoit – were monophagous. In both cultivated and natural habitats, parasitoid species diversity was highest on the most dominant stem borers Busseola spp. and Chilo spp. On cereal crops, parasitoid diversity was highest on maize and among wild host plants, it was highest on Setaria spp. The ingress‐and‐sting attack method was the most common strategy used by parasitoids in both habitats. In all agroecological zones, parasitoid species diversity was significantly higher in natural than in cultivated habitats. Furthermore, the majority of parasitoid species were common to both cultivated and natural habitats. It was concluded that natural habitats surrounding cereal crops serve as refugia for sustaining the diversity of stem borer parasitoids from adjacent cereal fields.  相似文献   

The common cutworm (Agrotis segetum) and the black cutworm (Agrotis ipsilon) are serious soil pests of many vegetable and field crops all over the world. We have demonstrated the cross-infectivity of two baculoviruses, A. segetum nucleopolyhedrovirus (AgseNPV) and A. ipsilon nucleopolyhedrovirus (AgipNPV) for these two insect pests. The susceptibility of A. segetum to AgipNPV was confirmed by DNA restriction endonuclease analyses of DNA isolated from virus harvested from infected A. segetum larvae. For an initial comparison of both viruses, partial polyhedrin sequences were amplified by PCR, cloned, and sequenced. Both viruses shared a very similar polyhedrin gene sequence resulting in only three amino acid substitutions. Phylogenetic analyses clearly demonstrated that both viruses belong to NPV group II and are most closely related to a clade consisting of Spodoptera exigua NPV, Spodoptera frugiperda NPV, and Spodoptera littoralis NPV. Since AgipNPV shows high virulence for both cutworm species, it appears to be a suitable candidate as a single biological control agent of A. segetum and A. ipsilon.  相似文献   

The first documented introduction of an exotic invertebrate biological control agent (IBCA) in Spain occurred in 1908. Sixty-four additional species have been introduced since then. Information, both previously recorded and original data, on the species introduced for pest control is summarized. Most of the introduced IBCAs focused on citrus pests and homopterans clearly predominate among target phytophagous species. Success has been more frequent for IBCAs used in seasonal inoculative strategies (50.0% of cases) than in classical biological control programs (17.1% of cases). Concerns about potential non-target effects of such species are increasing, but post-release evaluation has often been insufficient to draw any conclusions about them. Most of the beneficial species introduced in Spain were parasitoids (n = 53), and the remaining species were predators (n = 12). Only four parasitoids are considered specialized monophagous natural enemies. The mean number of host species parasitized by parasitoids is 15.2, whereas the mean number of prey species attacked by predators is 21.2. Therefore, polyphagy appears to be quite common among the IBCAs that have been introduced in Spain. The rationale guiding many of these introductions in the past would not be acceptable nowadays. Since classical biological control is such a valuable strategy for pest control, straightforward protocols to evaluate exotic candidate species are urgently needed.  相似文献   

Summary Bolas spiders are relatively rare members of the large family known as orb weavers. Instead of using a typical web to capture prey, late-stadia and adult female bolas spiders swing a droplet of adhesive on a thread at flying insects. Mastophora hutchinsoni (Araneae: Araneidae) is one of five Mastophora species known from the United States and occurs over much of eastern North America. It is univoltine in Kentucky and overwinters in the egg stage. Spiderling emerged in May, the diminutive males matured in late June and early July, and females matured in early September. Eggs were produced from late September to late October or early November. This report is the first complete documentation of the population phenology of any bolas spider. Newly-emerged M. hutchinsoni spiderlings did not use a bolas, but instead hunted by positioning themselves on the underside of leaf margins where they ambushed small arthropods that crawled along the leaf margins. Subadult and adult female M. hutchinsoni used a bolas to capture moths. Only male moths were captured, specifically three species of Noctuidae (bristly cutworm, bronzed cutworm, and smoky tetanolita) and one species of Pyralidae (bluegrass webworm). Among 492 prey captured by more than twenty spiders at two sites during 1985 and 1986, smoky tetanolita moths and bristly cutworm moths accounted for 93% of the total. The flight behavior of approaching moths, the limited taxa caught from a large available moth fauna, and the fact that only males were caught support the hypothesis that the spider attracts its prey by producing chemicals which mimic the sex pheromones of these moth species. Adult female M. hutchinsoni frequently captured more than one moth species on a given night. The two most common prey species were active at different times of night, the bristly cutworm soon after nightfall and the smoky tetanolita generally between 11:00 p.m. and dawn. This pattern suggests that mating activity of these moth species may be temporally isolated, a common phenomenon when sympatric species have similar pheromones. If so, the spider could capture both species without producing different pheromone-mimicking compounds, simply by hunting during the activity period of each species.The investigation reported in this paper (No. 87-7-76) is in connection with a project of the Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station and is published with the approval of the Director  相似文献   

The quality of the ornamental plants is closely related to their phytosanitary state, that, in turn, is affected by the activity of some insect groups. Aphids are common pests of nearly all kinds of plants, ornamental plants among them. The fauna associated with aphids that colonize ornamental plants includes honey ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) that establish mutualistic relations, and some parasitoids (Hymenoptera: Braconidae, Aphidiinae) that contribute to the control of the aphid population. Very little is known about the aphids and their associated fauna living on ornamental plants of Cordoba, Argentina. The goal of this work was to identify the aphids that colonize ornamental plants, as well as their associated honey ants and parasitoids. Samples of sprouts, leaves and/or flowers of aphid-colonized ornamental plants of the Jardín Botánico Municipal of Cordoba city were collected weekly, from October 2003 to November 2004. Whenever found, the associated honey ants and "mummies" of aphids attacked by parasitoids were also collected. One hundred and thirty two aphid-plant associations were registered, 64.4% of which were unknown in the country. In 33.3% of these associations, the aphids were tended by honey ants whereas the presence of aphid parasitoids was registered in 16.7%. Ninety five species of ornamental plants were colonized by 41 aphid species, whereas six ant species tended 10 aphid species. Aphid parasitoids were represented by four species related to 11 aphid species.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. Parasitoids were reared from four species of lepidopteran stem borer collected in maize in southern coastal Kenya from 1992 to 1999. The stem borers included three native species, Sesamia calamistis Hampson, Busseola fusca Fuller, and Chilo orichalcociliellus (Strand), and one exotic borer, Chilo partellus (Swinhoe). A total of 174 663 caterpillars was collected, of which 12 645 were parasitised.
2. Twenty-six primary parasitoid species were reared from the exotic borer, C. partellus , indicating a rapid accumulation of native parasitoids on the alien borer.
3. The three most abundant parasitoids were the larval parasitoids Cotesia sesamiae Cameron, Cotesia flavipes (Cameron), and the pupal parasitoid Pediobius furvus Gahan. The pupal parasitoid Dentichasmias busseolae Heinrich and the larval parasitoid Goniozus indicus Ashmead were also common. All used an ingress-and-sting method of attack.
4. Cotesia flavipes , introduced into Kenya in 1993, was found in all seasons from 1997 onwards, and has become the most abundant stem borer larval parasitoid in the area. A native congener, Cotesia sesamiae , appeared in all seasons from 1992 to 1999. Together, these two parasitoids accounted for 83.3% of the parasitised borers.
5. Thirty parasitoid species were recovered in Kilifi district, 27 in Kwale, and 15 in Taita Taveta. Parasitism was much greater in Taita Taveta district than in Kilifi or Kwale districts.  相似文献   

We examined the interspecific variations in intensity of total abiotic (chemical and physical) defenses in five sympatric Macaranga (Euphorbiaceae) species, including three myrmecophytic species. The intensity of the total abiotic defense for each Macaranga species was estimated by measuring inhibiting effects on the growth performance of the common cutworm, Spodoptera litura (Fabricius) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) when the cutworm larvae were fed fresh leaves of each Macaranga species. Indices of the growth performance, number of dead larvae, pupal weight and length of larval period were obtained. We found that the intensities of total abiotic defense of the two non-myrmecophytic species were significantly stronger than those of the three myrmecophytic species, and that there was a significant difference in intensity even within the three myrmecophytic species. The former result supports the hypothesis that, unlike non-myrmecophytic species, myrmecophytic species cannot invest so many metabolic resources in abiotic defense, because they have to allocate nutrients to biotic defense (toward biotic defense agents). Moreover, the latter result suggests the possibility that the three sympatric myrmecophytes have different defense strategies, with a trade-off between abiotic and biotic defense, and/or with a trade-off between defense and other life-history traits such as growth and reproduction. Abiotic defense can be roughly separated into physical and chemical mechanisms. To assess the intensity of the physical defense of Macaranga leaves, we measured the leaf toughness of each species. In addition, to assess the intensity of the plants general chemical defense, cutworm larvae were reared on an artificial diet containing dry leaf powder of each Macaranga species, and their growth performances were compared. The estimated orders of intensity of both leaf toughness and general chemical defense coincided with that of the total abiotic factors measured by the growth performance of cutworm on fresh leaves. This suggests the presence of both physical defenses, represented by leaf toughness, and a general chemical defense affecting the intensity of the total abiotic defense in similar ways.  相似文献   

斜纹夜蛾天敌作用的评价   总被引:24,自引:6,他引:18  
通过组建斜纹夜蛾第4代和第8代自然种群生命表,运用排除作用控制指数分析了生物因子对斜纹夜蛾种群的自然控制作用.结果表明,低龄(1~3龄)幼虫的捕食性天敌是影响斜纹夜蛾种群数量动态的重要因子.对第4代和第8代种群的排除作用控制指数分别为13.904和12.946.如果没有捕食性天敌的作用,下代种群数量将分别增长到当代的15.1206和74.678倍.病原微生物是影响第4代斜纹夜蛾种群数量的另一重要因子,其排除作用控制指数为2.4726.  相似文献   

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