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Abstract Electron microscopy of negatively stained samples of the membrane-bound hydrogenase isolated from Alcaligenes eutrophus was used to obtain enzyme images with an estimated resolution of 2.5 nm. The two subunits with shapes similar to the letter 'U' making up the enzyme could be seen to be joined in two planes orthogonal to each other, making contact with their concave sides. In face-on view, the particle exhibited bilateral symmetry.  相似文献   

Abstract The localization of the soluble NAD-dependent hydrogenase in cells of Alcaligenes eutrophus PHB4 was investigated using the protein A-gold technique as a post-embedding immunoelectron microscopic procedure. The enzyme was found throughout the cytoplasm of the cells. Autotrophic cells harvested in the logarithmic phase of growth exhibited a higher degree of labeling as compared to autotrophic cells from the stationary growth phase. Heterotrophic cells showed an almost identical labeling intensity in all growth phases. In a substrate-shift experiment (from fructose to glycerol, performed in the stationary growth phase), high amounts of newly synthesized enzyme could be observed two hours after the shift. This enzyme was located, as inclusion bodies, in the DNA region of the cells.  相似文献   

Mutations in the genes coding for the soluble and the membrane-bound hydrogenase of Alcaligenes eutrophus strain H16 significantly affected the expression of respiratory chain components. In lithoautotrophically grown wild type cells electron flow mainly proceeded via the cytochrome c oxidases. Mutants defective in the membrane-bound hydrogenase contained a 2- to 3-fold higher cytochrome a content than the wild type and cytochrome c oxidase of the aa3-type was preferentially used by these cells for substrate oxidation. Mutants impaired in the soluble hydrogenase revealed slow growth on hydrogen, presumably due to inefficient reverse electron flow mechanisms which provide the cells with NADH for autotrophic CO2-fixation. In this class of mutants the two quinol oxidases of the o- and d-type in addition to the co-type oxidase were the predominant electron-transport branches.  相似文献   

 In this study we confirmed the previous observation that the cytoplasmic NAD-linked hydrogenase of Alcaligenes eutrophus H16 is EPR-silent in the oxidized state. We also demonstrated the presence of significant Ni-EPR signals when the enzyme was either reduced with the natural electron carrier NADH (5–10 mM) or carefully titrated with sodium dithionite to an intermediate, narrow redox potential range (–280 to –350 mV). Reduction with NADH under argon atmosphere led to a complex EPR spectrum at 80 K with g values at 2.28, 2.20, 2.14, 2.10, 2.05, 2.01 and 2.00. This spectrum could be differentiated by special light/dark treatments into three distinct signals: (1) the "classical" Ni-C signal with g values at 2.20, 2.14 and 2.01, observed with many hydrogenases in the reduced, active state; (2) the light-induced signal (Ni-L) with g values at 2.28, 2.10 and 2.05 and (3) a flavin radical (FMN semiquinone) signal at g = 2.00. The assignment of the Ni-EPR signal was clearly confirmed by EPR spectra of hydrogenase labeled with 61Ni (nuclear spin I = 3/2) yielding a broadening of the Ni spectra at all g values and a resolved 61Ni hyperfine splitting into four lines of the low field edge in the case of the light-induced Ni-EPR signal. The redox potentials determined at pH 7.0 for the described redox components were: for FMN –170 mV (midpoint potential, Em, for appearance), –200 mV (EPR signal intensity maximum) and –230 mV (Em for disappearance); for the Ni centre (Ni-C), –290 mV (Em for appearance), –305 mV (signal intensity maximum) and –325 mV (Em for disappearance). Exposure of the NADH-reduced hydrogenase to carbon monoxide led to an apparent Ni-CO species indicated by a novel rhombic EPR signal with g values at 2.35, 2.08 and 2.01. Received: 19 July 1995 / Accepted: 10 September 1995  相似文献   

The plasmid-encoded hydrogenase gene cluster in Alcaligenes eutrophus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract Alcaligenes eutrophus strain H16 harbors a 450 kilobase pairs (kb) conjugative plasmid which codes for the ability of the organism to grow lithoautotrophically on hydrogen and carbon dioxide (reviewed in [1]). The genes for hydrogen oxidation, designated hox , are clustered on plasmid pHG1 in a DNA region of approximately 100-kb in size ([2], Fig. 1). The hox genes and their organization have been analyzed by isolation of Hox-deficient mutants, by complementation analysis, by cloning of hox genes, identification of hox -encoded polypeptides and, most recently, by DNA sequencing. The hox cluster is flunked by the two structural gene regions, hoxS and hoxP ; it contains a regulatory locus, hoxC , and additional genes like hoxN and hoxM whose products play a role in the formation of catalytically active hydrogenase proteins. Of four indigenous 1.3-kb insertion elements, two copies of IS491 map in the hox gene cluster. These elements may be involved in rearrangements and deletions which occur particularly frequently in this region of the megaplasmid (Schwartz, Kortlüke and Friedrich, unpublished).  相似文献   

Abstract The kinetics and mechanism of the synthesis and degradation of polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) in Alcaligenes eutrophus have been studied. PHA polymers were accumulated in the cells in nitrogen-free mineral media containing various carbon substrates, and the accumulated PHA polymers were subsequently degraded after the carbon sources were exhausted. The number of PHA polymerase molecules per cell was determined to be 18,000. The kinetic data of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) (P(3HB)) synthesis indicated that about two molecules of d (−)-3-hydroxybutyryl-CoA are added within 1 s into a propagating chain of P(3HB) on the active site of polymerase, and that the average lifetime of a propagating P(3HB) chain is about 1 h. The intracellular PHA depolymerase was suggested to be exo -type hydrolase. The pathway and regulation of PHA synthesis were studied using [5-13C]pentanoic acid as the sole carbon source.  相似文献   

Abstract Two constitutive acetyl-CoA acetyltransferases (3-ketothiolases A and B) were purified from Alcaligenes eutrophus . Enzyme A was active with only acetoacetyl-CoA and 3-ketopentanoyl-CoA, whereas enzyme B was active with all the 3-ketoacyl-CoAs (C4−C10) tested. Enzyme A appeared to be a tetramer ( M r 70 000) with identical subunits ( M r 44 000) and enzyme B had a similar M r of 168 000 (containing M r 46 000 subunits). Enzymes A and B had isoelectric points of 5.0 and 6.4, respectively. The stoichiometry of the reactions catalysed by each enzyme was confirmed. K m values of 44 μM and 394 μM for acetoacetyl-CoA, and 16 μM and 93 μM for CoA, were determined with enzymes A and B, respectively. Enzymes A and B gave K m values of 1.1 mM and 230 μM, respectively, for acetyl-CoA. The condensation reaction was potently inhibited by CoA in both cases.  相似文献   

Abstract Poly-β-hydroxybutyrate biosynthesis was studied in Alcaligenes eutrophus under various nutrient-limiting conditions. When the cells were cultivated in nitrogen-limited media, both the levels of NAD(P)H and the ratios of NAD(P)H/NAD(P) were higher than those under nitrogen-sufficient conditions. The specific poly-β-hydroxybutyrate production rate was found to increase with the values of both NADH/NAD and NADPH/NADP, indicating that poly-β-hydroxybutyrate synthesis is directly regulated by the ratios of nicotinamide nucleotides. The effects of nicotinamide nucleotides on poly-β-hydroxybutyrate biosynthesis was investigated with regard to enzyme kinetics. Citrate synthase activity was significantly inhibited by NADH and NADPH, indicating that poly-β-hydroxybutyrate accumulation could be enhanced by facilitating the metabolic flux of acetyl-CoA to poly-β-hydroxybutyrate synthetic pathway. It was also found that cellular NADPH was a limiting substrate for NADPH-linked reductase, controlling the overall biosynthetic activity of poly-/3-hydroxybutyrate in this strain.  相似文献   

Electron microscopy of negatively stained samples of the membrane-bound hydrogenase isolated from Alcaligenes eutrophus was used to obtain enzyme images with an estimated resolution of 2.5 nm. The two subunits with shapes similar to the letter 'U' making up the enzyme could be seen to be joined in two planes orthogonal to each other, making contact with their concave sides. In face-on view, the particle exhibited bilateral symmetry.  相似文献   

The effect of nickel salt on growth of the nickel-resistant wild type strain Alcaligenes eutrophus CH34, which harbours two plasmids, and on its partially or totally cured derivatives as well as of the wild type strain H16 was studied. Plasmid pMOL28-mediated nickel resistance turned out to be an inducible property. Full resistance is induced during growth in the presence of 0.03–3.0 mM NiCl2. Induction requires growth. While plasmid-free cells accumulate nickel at a high rate, the pMOL28-harbouring-induced cells accumulate only negligibly small amounts of nickel. It is concluded that pMOL28 mediates a protective mechanism preventing the cells to accumulate nickel ions intracellularly at toxic concentrations.  相似文献   

A new cell immobilization technique using polyvinyl alcohol crosslinked with sodium nitrate was developed. This new technique can simultaneously eliminate the agglomeration of PVA beads and the toxicity of boric acid caused by the PVA-boric acid and PVA-orthophosphate methods. Alcaligenes eutrophus was immobilized using four different PVA entrapment processes. The stability, swelling, relative mechanical strength and denitrification activity of the PVA beads were compared in this study. © Rapid Science Ltd. 1998  相似文献   

Immunological comparison of the soluble and the membrane-bound hydrogenase of Alcaligenes eutrophus revealed no common antigenic determinants shared by the native proteins, however, a small amount of cross-reacting material was detected after freezing and thawing. Immune precipitation assays supported previous observations indicating the membrane-bound hydrogenase to be localized in the outer surface of the cytoplasmic membrane.The membrane-bound hydrogenases of A. eutrophus and Pseudomonas pseudoflava showed close immunological relationship, and material cross-reacting to both antisera was found in membrane extracts of all hydrogen-oxidizing strains of Pseudomonas, Alcaligenes and Aquaspirillum. Material cross-reacting to the membrane-bound hydrogenase of Xanthobacter autotrophicus GZ 29 was found only in a few hydrogen-oxidizing bacteria. Material cross-reacting to the soluble hydrogenase of A. eutrophus was detected in strains of A. eutrophus and A. ruhlandii only.Comparison of the membrane-bound hydrogenase of A. eutrophus, P. pseudoflava and X. autotrophicus with hydrogenases of other physiological bacterial groups revealed serological relationship to the membrane-bound hydrogenases of the hydrogen bacteria and of Chromatium vinosum only. The results are discussed in terms of physiological, taxonomical, and evolutionary aspects.  相似文献   

Abstract The lactate dehydrogenase gene, ldh , of Alcaligenes eutrophus H16 was identified on a 14-kbp Eco RI restriction fragment of a genomic library in the cosmid pHC79 by hybridization with a 50-mer synthetic oligonucleotide which was derived from the N-terminal amino acid sequence of the purified enzyme. Recombinant strains of Escherichia coli JM83, which harboured a 2.0-kbp Pst I subfragment in pUC9-1, expressed LDH at a high level, if ldh was downstream from and colinear to the E. coli lac promoter. The nucleotide sequence of a region of 4245 bp revealed several open reading frames which might represent coding regions. One represented the ldh gene. The amino acid sequence deduced from ldh exhibited 29% and 36% identity to the L-malate dehydrogenase of Methanothermus fervidus and to the putative translation product of an E. coli sequence of unknown function, respectively. The ldh was separated by short intergenic regions from two other open reading frames: ORF5 was located downstream of and colinear to ldh , and its putative translational product revealed 38 to 56% amino acid identity to penicillin-binding proteins. ORF3 was located upstream of and colinear to ldh , and its putative gene translational product represented a hydrophobic protein. A sequence, which resembled the A. eutrophus alcohol dehydrogenase promoter, was detected upstream of ORF3, which most probably represents the first transcribed gene of an operon consisting of ORF3, ldh and ORF5.  相似文献   

The soluble, NAD+-reducing hydrogenase in intact cells of Alcaligenes eutrophus was inactivated by oxygen when electron donors such as hydrogen or pyruvate were available. The sole presence of either oxygen or oxidizable substrates did not lead to inactivation of the enzyme. Inactivation occurred similarly under autotrophic growth conditions with hydrogen, oxygen and carbon dioxide. The inactivation followed first order reaction kinetics, and the half-life of the enzyme in cells exposed to a gas atmosphere of hydrogen and oxygen (8:2, v/v) at 30° C was 1.5 h. The process of inactivation did not require ATP-synthesis. There was no experimental evidence that the inactivation is a reversible process catalyzed by a regulatory protein. The possibility is discussed that the inactivation is due to superoxide radical anions (O 2 - ) produced by the hydrogenase itself.  相似文献   

对Alcaligenes eutrophus进行高密度培养,研究表明在发酵过程中进行有效控制,可以较大幅度地提高3-羟基丁酸和3-羟基戊酸共聚物[P(3HB-co-3HV)]的生产强度。实验中选择使用限氮的方法积累P(3HB-co-3HV),分别采用丙酸和戊酸为3HV前体,对摇瓶种子生长状态,停氮时机对菌体生产P(3HB-co-3HV)的影响以及补酸(3HV前体)策略进行了研究,在6.6L罐中,以葡萄糖为碳源,以丙酸为3HV前体培养50h,细胞干重,PHA产量,PHA含量分别达到149.9g/L,149.9g/L,83.3%(其中3HV组分占PHA的12.4mol%),生产强度达到2.50(g.h^-1.L^-1);以戊酸为3HV前体培养45h,细胞干重,PHA产量,PHA含量分别达到160.2g/L,119.0g/L,74.2%(其中3HV组分占PHA的17.7mol%)生产强度达到2.64(g.h^-1.L^-1)。  相似文献   

The role of HoxX in hydrogenase biosynthesis of Alcaligenes eutrophus H16 was re-examined. The previously characterized hoxX deletion mutant HF344 and a newly constructed second hoxX mutant carrying a smaller in-frame deletion were studied. The second mutant was impaired in the activity of both the soluble and the membrane-bound hydrogenase. The two hydrogenase activities were reduced by approximately 50% due to delayed processing of the active-site-containing large subunits, while hydrogenase gene expression was not affected. We conclude that the mutation in mutant HF344 causes polarity resulting in the observed regulatory phenotype of this mutant. The data presented in this report point to an enhancing function of HoxX in the conversion of the soluble hydrogenase and of the membrane-bound hydrogenase large-subunit precursor. Thus, hoxX encodes a member of the Hyp proteins that are required for the formation of active hydrogenase and was accordingly renamed hypX. Received: 15 June 1998 / Accepted: 5 August 1998  相似文献   

The formation of the catalytically active membrane-bound hydrogenase (MBH) of Alcaligenes eutrophus H16 requires the genes for the small and large subunits of the enzyme (hoxK and hoxG, respectively) and an accompanying set of accessory genes (C. Kortl ke, K. Horstmann, E. Schwartz, M. Rohde, R. Binsack, and B. Friedrich, J. Bacteriol. 174:6277-6289, 1992). Other genes located in the adjacent pleiotropic region are also required. In the absence of these genes, MBH is synthesized but is catalytically inactive. Immunological analyses revealed that cells containing active MBH produced the small and large subunits of the enzyme in two distinct conformations each; only one of each, presumably the immature form, occurred in cells devoid of MBH activity. The results suggest that the conversion of the two subunits into the catalytically active membrane-associated heterodimer depends on specific maturation processes mediated by hox genes.  相似文献   

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