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浙江植绥螨科一新种及一新纪录(蜱螨亚纲:植绥螨科)   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文在我国浙江省余杭县竹子上采到的植绥螨科Phytoseiidae Berlese,1916植绥螨属Phytoseius Ribaga,1904一新种,余杭植绥螨Phytoseius yuhangensis sp.nov.和盲走螨属Typhlodromus Scheuten,1858中国1新纪录,竹盲走螨Typhlodromus bambusae Ehara,1964。文内对新种进行描记和绘图。模  相似文献   

本文记述德国跗线螨属1新种-Tarsonemus germainisis,sp.n.。标本分别呆存在德国联邦农林生物研究中心(BBA),葡萄保护研究怕(正模♀和副模3♀♀)和甘肃农业大学植物保护系(副模3♀♀)。  相似文献   

本文记述跗线螨科纹跗线螨属Ogmotarsnemus一新种O.liui sp.nov.正模♀♀采自福建省上杭县田茭白Zizania caduciflora(Turcz.)Hand.-Mazz.植物上,保存于福建省农科院植保所。  相似文献   

本文记述角跗线螨属一新种,罩角跗线螨Ceratotarsonemus tegmen sp.nov.雌螨前足体背板呈罩状覆盖颚体,颚体背面具背中表皮内突。背片H上h毛内前侧有1对孔隙ih。正模♀,副模1♀,采自福建南靖县乐土亚热带雨林自然保护区枯死树干的树皮内扁蝽科昆虫Mezira sp.体上。模式标本保存于福建省农科院植保所。新种与C.scitus Deleon相似,但与后者区别:1)背片C无斑纹  相似文献   

本文记述湿螨属水螨四种新种:郭氏湿螨Hygrobates gousi sp.nov.,贵州湿螨H.guiahouensis sp.nov.,墨缘湿螨H.atrovirens sp.nov.和兴义湿螨H.xinyiensis sp.nov..文中扼述了它们与近似种的区别。另外。还对中华湿螨H.sinensis Uchide Imamura作了再描述。  相似文献   

本文记述植绥螨科4新种:长囊钝绥螨Amblyseius longisaccatus sp.nov.,钩囊钝绥螨A.strobocorycus sp.nov.,新裴济钝绥螨A.nenfijiensis sp.nov.及侧膜盲走螨Typhlodromus lateris sp.nov.。  相似文献   

中国船甲螨属记述(蜱螨亚纲:甲螨亚目:卷边甲螨科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文记述中国船甲螨属Scapheremaeus Berlese种类共6种,其中包括5新种:网纹船甲螨S.retestriatus sp.nov.,钩船甲螨S.uncinatus sp.nov.,四网船甲螨S.quarireticulatus sp.nov。,双突船甲螨.Sbituberculatus sp.nov.,指突船甲螨S.digitatus sp.nov和1个中国新纪录种子代船甲螨S.na  相似文献   

马立名 《蛛形学报》2000,9(2):65-71
记述手绥螨属3新种:长岭手绥螨Cheiroseius changlingensis sp.nov.,宽沟手绥螨Cheiroseius capacoperitrematus sp.nov.和狭沟手绥螨Cheiroseius angustiperitrematus sp.nov.,并补充洮手绥螨Cheiroseius taoanensis Ma.1996雌螨特征及描述后若螨。  相似文献   

吉林省下盾螨属三新种(蜱螨亚纲:厉螨科)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
吉林省已发现的下盾螨有溜下盾螨Hypoaspis lubrica Voigts et Oudemans,力下盾螨Hypoaspis hrdyi Samsinak和尖狭下盾螨Hypoaspis aculeifer(Canestrini)。另外采到三新种,命名为松江下盾螨Hypoaspis sungaris sp.nov.,柔弱下盾螨Hypoaspis debilis sp.nov.和长毛下质螨Hyp  相似文献   

本文记述我国南方土壤甲螨珠甲螨属Damaeus Koch种类共9种,其中包括5新种:矩刺珠甲螨D.spiniger sp.nov.,短毛洙甲螨D.brevisetus sp.nov.,姚氏珠甲螨D.yaoi sp.nov.,巨突珠甲螨D.exsertus sp.nov.,鞭毛珠甲螨D.flagellatus sp.nov.;1个中国新纪录盔珠甲螨D.armatus(Aoki);2项新组合:将arm  相似文献   

四川自贡大山铺蜀龙动物群——简报Ⅲ.蜥脚类   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
本文记述了中侏罗世蜥脚类一新属种——巴山酋龙(Datousaurus bashanensts gen. et sp. nov.)对李氏蜀龙(Shunosaurus lii)的特征进行了补充,讨论了它们在蜥脚类进化过程中的位置。  相似文献   

The bronchial ramification in one specimen of gorilla lung was examined from the viewpoint of comparative anatomy, on the basis of the fundamental structure of bronchial ramification in the mammalian lung (Nakakuki, 1975, 1980). The right lung of the gorilla consists of the upper, middle, lower, and accessory lobes. The right lung has the dorsal, lateral, and ventral bronchiole systems, but the medial bronchiole system is lacking. The upper lobe is formed by the first branch of the dorsal bronchiole system. The middle lobe is formed by the first branch of the lateral bronchiole system. The accessory lobe is formed by the first branch of the ventral bronchiole system. The remaining bronchioles constitute the lower lobe. The left lung consists of the middle and lower lobes; the upper and accessory lobes are lacking. The left lung has the dorsal and lateral bronchiole systems, but the ventral and medial bronchiole systems are lacking. The middle lobe is formed by the first branch of the lateral bronchiole system. The remaining bronchioles constitute the lower lobe. The bronchial ramifications of the gorilla lung are rather similar to those of the human lung.  相似文献   

本文详细描述了菱臼齿兽耳区各个部分的基本结构;并指出了耳区结构与某些啮齿类的相似性,以及中耳鼓泡组成成份与戈壁(犭亚)兽(Anagale gobiensis)的区别。  相似文献   

利用石蜡切片技术对瑶山苣苔大小孢子发生、雌雄配子体发育及胚胎发育进行了细胞学观察,结果表明:瑶山苣苔胚珠倒生,单珠被,薄珠心,具珠被绒毡层。大孢子母细胞减数分裂形成的四分体呈直线排列,合点端的大孢子发育为功能大孢子,其余3个大孢子退化,胚囊为单孢子发生的蓼型胚囊发育方式。花药为四囊形,花药壁由外到内依次为表皮、药室内壁、中层和腺质绒毡层,小孢子形成时胞质分裂为修饰性同时型,小孢子四分体排列方式为四面体形,成熟花粉为2核细胞。胚乳发育为细胞型,在胚的发育过程中被吸收耗尽。瑶山苣苔大小孢子发生和雌雄配子体发育基本正常,不是导致其濒危的原因。但瑶山苣苔果实成熟时,胚仅发育至球形胚时期,需要经过一定时间休眠才能完成形态后熟,表明胚未发育完全可能是该物种天然更新困难的原因之一。  相似文献   

四川自贡发现合川马门溪龙新材料   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
叶勇  欧阳辉  傅乾明 《古脊椎动物学报》2001,39(4):266-271,T001
记述了产自四川自贡上侏罗统的一具较完整的蜥脚类恐龙骨架 ,将其归入合川马门溪龙 (Mamenchisaurushochuanensis)中。新材料的发现弥补了合川种正型标本的不足 ,对合川种的特征作了重要补充 ,同时也使我们对马门溪龙的末端尾椎形态有了新的认识。  相似文献   

羚牛(Budorcas taxicolor)部分脏器特点的观察   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
本文对2只羚牛的雌性生殖器官及肝、肾、脾等脏器进行了形态描述,并与黄牛及羊的相应器官进行了比较,为探讨羚牛的分类地位提供了解剖学资料。  相似文献   

蔡立君  李军  花保祯 《昆虫知识》2006,43(5):681-683,F0004
2004~2005年,在陕西省南部米仓山黎坪国家森林公园研究了秦岭蝎蛉Panorpa qinlingensis Chou et Ran的年生活史和生物学习性,通过饲养,成功获得卵、幼虫、蛹等虫态。结果表明,秦岭蝎蛉在米仓山1年发生2代,以预蛹在土室里越冬,5月中旬始见越冬代成虫,5月中旬末~6月上句为越冬代成虫羽化盛期,7月下旬~8月中句为第1代成虫羽化盛期,成虫在室内可存活35~60d。羽化近1周后开始交尾,交尾4~8d后开始产卵,单雌产卵量35~180粒,卵期5~9d;幼虫蝴型,共4龄。历期38~50d;蛹为强颚离蛹,蛹期8—18d。记述了主要生物学习性。  相似文献   

The development of the anther wall follows Basic-type. The cytokinesis at the time of pollen mother cell meiosis conforms to successive type. The arrangement of the microspores in the tetrad is referred to isobilateral. The primary wall between the generative cell and the vegetative cell is callose. The callose wall is easily detected under the fluorescence microscope. The mature pollen grain is 2-celled type. The ovule is bitegminous, tenui-nucellar and anatropous. The development of the female gametophyte follows Fritillaria-type. The mature embryo sac. consists of the six cells including the seven nuclei. The fertilization is referred to the premitotic syngamy type. The fusion of the female and male nucleoli is not observed at the end of the fertilization. The division of the primary endosperm nucleus is earlier than that of the zygote. The development of the endosperm is referred to nuclear type. The division of the zygote is transverse of longitudinal, the development of the embryo conforms to Onagradtype. When the seed is mature, the embryo is at the proembryo stage without differentiation and the endosperm cells are not absorbed.  相似文献   

长吻鮠精巢及精子结构的研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
长吻鮠精巢高度分支呈指状。后1/3紫红色,由上皮细胞组成,既不产生精子,也不贮存精子。精巢的内部结构为叶型,由体细胞和生殖细胞构成,小叶的基本单位是小囊。精子头短而圆,主要为核占据,无顶体,核凹窝十分发达,有中心粒帽;尾极长,具侧鳍,轴丝基部有发达的囊泡状结构和线粒体。  相似文献   

The skull of Morganucodon   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Morganucodon is a triconodont (atherian) mammal from the Lower Jurassic. Two species are described: M. oehleri from China and M. watsoni from Wales. The skull in M. walsoni is 26 mm long; M. oehleri is slightly larger. The dentition is differentiated functionally into incisors, canines, premolars and molars. The pineal foramen is closed. The prefrontals, postfrontals and postorbitals are lost. Septomaxilla, quadratojugal, tabular and pterygoid flanges are retained. The bony external nares are unpaired. The nasal cavity had the mammalian complement of turbinals. The posterior palate has ridges and troughs similar to those in tritylodonts, triconodonts and multituberculates. The alisphenoid ascending process is narrow and is not in contact with the anterior lamina of the petrosal, lying lateral to it. There is a cavum epiptericum, as in late therapsids. The anterior lamina forms the lateral braincase wall, perforated by the foramina pseudovale and pseudorotundum. There is a squamosal-dentary articulation, but the reptilian jaw joint is retained. The ear resembles that in later therapsids, with the tympanum in the lower jaw. The small quadrate was moveable, buttressed medially be a large stapes. Sound conduction from the tympanum was via articular, quadrate and stapes. The systematic position of Morganucodon is discussed.  相似文献   

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