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介绍了Granier热消散探针在树干液流测定中的工作原理,并利用该系统长期监测广东鹤山马占相思林14株样树的液流密度,分析了树木个体内和个体之间液流密度的差异、整树和林段水分利用的量化特征.由于树木边材结构以及周围微环境的差别,树木内和个体间的液流密度差异非常明显,变异系数的平均值分别为15.51%-37.26%、37.46%-50.73%.尽管液流密度的差异较大,但同一株树木不同方位的液流密度之间却呈现明显的线性相关(p<0.0001),这是重要的特征值,使得只需测定某一方位的液流密度经尺度外推计算整树和林段蒸腾成为可能.树木液流对环境因子响应的变化规律取决于所参照的时间尺度,日变化主要受光辐射、水汽压差等气候因子的控制,而土壤水份对液流的季节变化影响较大.形态特征明显影响树木的液流,高大树木由于边材较厚、树干粗壮和冠幅较宽而承载较多的辐射能量,因而水分蒸腾较高.对树木液流密度在径向和方位上进行适当的整合,可较准确地计算整树和林段蒸腾.由液流估测的马占相思整树和林段蒸腾的结果显示,该群落的水分利用在时间和空间上均有明显的分化.  相似文献   

大连4种城市绿化乔木树种夜间液流活动特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
夜间液流有助于树木物质运输及其体内水分的补充(water recharge), 它不仅对植物的生长发育具有重要的生理生态学意义, 而且对大尺度植物蒸腾耗水的估算可能产生重要影响。2008年6月1日至8月31日, 以热扩散探针(thermal dissipation probe, TDP)技术对大连市劳动公园内的雪松(Cedrus deodara)、大叶榉(Zelkova schneideriana)、丝棉木(Euonymus bungeanus)和水杉(Metasequoia glyptostroboides) 4种乔木树种的不同径阶样木树干边材液流进行了测定, 并结合同步土壤水分与小气候观测结果分析了树木夜间(18:00至次日5:00)液流特征。实验结果表明, 树木普遍存在可感夜间液流, 夜间液流总量占观测期液流总量的比例在样木个体间呈现显著差异, 其变化范围为0.44%-75.96%; 观测期雨天夜间液流波动活跃, 显著高于晴天, 其单日夜间液流总量可持平, 甚至高于日间液流。相关分析表明: 水汽压亏缺(vapor pressure deficit, VPD)和风速的变化与夜间蒸腾显著相关, 它们能够较好地解释液流变化(R2 > 0.6); 树木夜间液流主要用于夜间蒸腾和自身水分补充, 夜间液流现象主要发生在前半夜, 后半夜液流平稳且极接近0, 夜间液流量与相应的日间流量(R2 = 0.356, p = 0.00)及胸径(R2Spearman > 0.80)显著相关, 说明植物本身的结构和生理特点也是影响树木夜间液流的重要因子。单株样木夜间液流占全天总蒸腾量的比例低于14.4%, 如不考虑夜间液流的影响, 根据日间液流通过尺度扩展推算的森林生态系统年蒸腾量可能偏低。  相似文献   

运用Granier 热扩散式探针法,于2010年干湿季对鼎湖山自然保护区针阔混交林4种优势树种马尾松、锥栗、木荷和广东润楠的树干液流密度进行连续监测,并同步观测气温、相对湿度和光合有效辐射等环境因子的变化,研究其树干液流特征及其对环境因子的响应.结果表明: 在干湿季,4种优势树种的树干液流速率日变化均呈“昼高夜低”的典型单峰曲线,阔叶树锥栗、木荷和广东润楠的平均液流速率和峰值以及日液流量均显著大于针叶树马尾松;马尾松、锥栗、木荷和广东润楠的最大树干液流密度分别为29.48、38.54、51.67、58.32 g H2O·m-2·s-1.优势树种树干液流速率的变化与环境因子的昼夜变化存在时滞;液流速率变化与光合有效辐射、水汽压亏缺和气温等环境因子的变化呈显著正相关,其中湿季以光合有效辐射为主导因子,干季以气温为主导因子.  相似文献   

运用Granier热扩散式探针法,于2010年干湿季对鼎湖山自然保护区针阔混交林4种优势树种马尾松、锥栗、木荷和广东润楠的树干液流密度进行连续监测,并同步观测气温、相对湿度和光合有效辐射等环境因子的变化,研究其树干液流特征及其对环境因子的响应.结果表明:在干湿季,4种优势树种的树干液流速率日变化均呈“昼高夜低”的典型单峰曲线,阔叶树锥栗、木荷和广东润楠的平均液流速率和峰值以及日液流量均显著大于针叶树马尾松;马尾松、锥栗、木荷和广东润楠的最大树干液流密度分别为29.48、38.54、51.67、58.32g H2O·m-2·s-1.优势树种树干液流速率的变化与环境因子的昼夜变化存在时滞;液流速率变化与光合有效辐射、水汽压亏缺和气温等环境因子的变化呈显著正相关,其中湿季以光合有效辐射为主导因子,干季以气温为主导因子.  相似文献   

运用Granier热扩散探针法(TDP),于2011年5月对黄土丘陵区延安市南郊公路山辽东栎群落优势种(辽东栎)和3个伴生种(山杏、细裂槭、桃叶卫矛)树干液流进行连续测定,并同步监测气象环境因子(太阳辐射、空气温度和相对湿度)和土壤水分动态,比较分析辽东栎、山杏、细裂槭、桃叶卫矛的树干液流通量密度日变化动态及其对环境因子的响应特征。结果表明,辽东栎、山杏、细裂槭和桃叶卫矛液流通量密度日变化动态特征总体上反映了气象环境因子变化的昼夜规律性,呈单峰或双峰型曲线,但辽东栎与山杏、细裂槭、桃叶卫矛液流通量密度日变化规律存在一定的差异。辽东栎液流启动时间较早,通常在5:00左右,而山杏、细裂槭和桃叶卫矛液流启动时间均晚于辽东栎一个小时以上。辽东栎液流达到峰值的时间也较其它树种早,通常出现在9:00前后;细裂槭、桃叶卫矛和山杏液流通量密度达到峰值的时间分别在10:00、11:00和13:00前后。细裂槭和桃叶卫矛液流通量密度日变化曲线峰值较窄。除此之外,土壤水分状况对伴生种的影响程度要比优势种的大。相关分析表明,树干液流通量密度与太阳辐射和空气水汽压亏缺均呈极显著正相关。优势种与伴生种的液流动态差异可能与树木本身特性以及群落对光能的限制性再分配有关。  相似文献   

Daily patterns of stomatal conductance (gs), xylem pressure potential (P) and canopy microclimatic variables were recorded on 11 sample days as part of a one-year study of the water use of Eucalyptus grandis Hill ex Maiden in the eastern Transvaal, South Africa. Measured gs was found to be largely controlled by quantum flux density (Q) and ambient vapour pressure deficit (D). Canopy conductance (gc) was determined for hourly intervals using gs measurements and leaf areas in four different canopy levels. A simple model was constructed to allow the prediction of gc and transpiration from Q, D and season of year. The model was used to estimate transpiration rates from 10 trees in a later study of similarly-aged E. grandis trees, in which sap flow in each tree was measured using the heat pulse velocity (HPV) technique. Five of the trees were monitored on a summer day and five on a winter day. Correspondence between HPV sap flow and modelled transpiration was good for the summertime comparisons, but measured winter-time sap flow rates were underestimated by the model, especially under conditions of high sap flow. The discrepancy is believed to result from having insufficient data from the conductance study to describe the response of gs to relatively high D in winter. Marked variation in transpiration per unit leaf area indicates that a relatively large number of trees must be sampled for the HPV technique to be used to obtain a mean rate for an entire stand in winter.  相似文献   

运用Granier热扩散探针法,于2016年7-9月对半干旱黄土丘陵区天然次生林树种辽东栎和人工林树种刺槐的树干液流进行连续测定,并同步监测气象因子和土壤含水量,用错位相关法分析液流通量密度与空气水汽压亏缺日变化的时滞长度,研究2个树种不同径级个体在不同土壤水分条件下液流通量密度与蒸腾驱动因子之间的时滞效应.结果表明:辽东栎和刺槐液流通量密度的日变化节律与气象因子显著相关,空气水汽压亏缺峰值的出现较辽东栎树干液流通量密度滞后118.2 min,较刺槐树干液流通量密度滞后39.5 min;而光合有效辐射的峰值通常滞后于辽东栎12.4 min,提前于刺槐68.5 min.液流通量密度和空气水汽压亏缺的时滞长度与树种和土壤含水量显著相关,辽东栎、刺槐在土壤含水量较高时段的时滞长度分别大于土壤含水量较低时段32.2和68.2 min.时滞长度与径级的相关性整体上未达到显著水平,但在土壤含水量较低时段小径级刺槐的时滞长度大于大径级21.4 min,差异达到了显著水平.两树种液流通量密度与空气水汽压亏缺之间的时滞效应反映了对蒸腾驱动因子的敏感性,较好的土壤水分条件有利于液流通量密度提早达到峰值,较低土壤水分会导致树干液流对气象环境因子响应的敏感性降低;刺槐树干液流受土壤水分的影响更显著.  相似文献   

人工林面积不断增大,这不仅能解决由于森林砍伐引起的一系列社会问题,而且还对解决水土保持、二氧化碳减排等环境问题起到重要作用。了解人工林的生长特性和蒸腾效率,对植被生长、恢复和管理有着重要意义。为此,该研究连续监测了华南地区12棵不同高度荷木人工林的液流密度,对样树以高度划分等级,采取错位相关法分析不同高度等级胸高处液流与冠层蒸腾的时滞效应。结果表明:气候环境相同时,所有样树胸高处液流日格型相似;荷木林蒸腾量优势木中间木劣势木,所有树木湿季月蒸腾量大于干季月蒸腾量;不同高度等级之间时滞差异显著,劣势木时滞50min,优势木和中间木时滞20min;所有样树干湿季时滞差异不显著,同一高度级两季节时滞差少于10min。这些说明:在干季华南地区土壤水分仍然相对较充足,植物输水阻力没有受到土壤水分降低和长距离水分传导的影响;中间木和优势木时滞短,水力阻力小,蒸腾量大并占据着林段的有利资源;劣势木长势低矮,时滞长,导管阻力大,蒸腾量少,光合作用需要的水热资源少,所以回馈根部的营养物质少,不均衡的营养循环使得林段分化愈明显,劣势木将逐渐从林段中被淘汰。该文指出在荷木人工林生长后期,对于长势低矮,生命力极弱的劣势木应定期砍伐,这样能增加优势木和中间木对光照及水分等有利资源的分配,提高林分质量,增加林地生产力。  相似文献   

Aims Nighttime sap flow of trees may indicate transpiration and/or recharge of stem water storage at night. This paper deals with the water use of Acacia mangium at night in the hilly lands of subtropical South China. Our primary goal was to reveal and understand the nature of nighttime sap flow and its functional significance.Methods Granier's thermal dissipation method was used to determine the nighttime sap flux of A. mangium. Gas exchange system was used to estimate nighttime leaf transpiration and stomatal conductance of studied trees.Important findings Nighttime sap flow was substantial and showed seasonal variation similar to the patterns of daytime sap flow in A. mangium. Mean nighttime sap flow was higher in the less precipitation year of 2004 (1122.4 mm) than in the more precipitation year of 2005 (1342.5 mm) since more daytime transpiration and low soil water availability in the relatively dry 2004 can be the cause of more nighttime sap flow. Although vapor pressure deficit and air temperature were significantly correlated with nighttime sap flow, they could only explain a small fraction of the variance in nighttime sap flow. The total accumulated water loss (E L) by transpiration of canopy leaves was only ~2.6–8.5% of the total nighttime sap flow (E t) during the nights of July 17–18 and 18–19, 2006. Therefore, it is likely that the nighttime sap flow was mainly used for refilling water in the trunk. The stem diameter at breast height, basal area and sapwood area explained much more variance of nighttime water recharge than environmental factors and other tree form features, such as tree height, stem length below the branch, and canopy size. The contribution of nighttime water recharge to the total transpiration ranged from 14.7 to 30.3% depending on different DBH class and was considerably higher in the dry season compared to the wet season.  相似文献   

* A lack of data on responses of mature tree growth and water use to ambient ozone (O(3)) concentrations has been a major limitation in efforts to understand and model responses of forests to current and future changes in climate. * Here, hourly to seasonal patterns of stem growth and sap flow velocity were examined in mature trees from a mixed deciduous forest in eastern Tennessee (USA) to evaluate the effects of variations in ambient O(3) exposure and climate on patterns of stem growth and water use. * Ambient O(3) caused a periodic slowdown in seasonal growth patterns that was attributable in part to amplification of diurnal patterns of water loss in tree stems. This response was mediated by statistically significant increases in O(3)-induced daily sap flow and led to seasonal losses in stem growth of 30-50% for most species in a high-O(3) year. * Decreased growth and increased water use of mature forest trees under episodically high ambient O(3) concentrations suggest that O(3) will amplify the adverse effects of increasing temperatures on forest growth and forest hydrology.  相似文献   

R. K. Misra  R. Sands 《Plant and Soil》1992,140(2):269-278
Diurnal variation in sap flux (S) through stems of six trees, two each of Ulmus procera SALISB., Melaleuca styphelioides SM. and Prunus cerasifera EHRH. ‘Nigra’ (referred to hereafter by their generic names), were estimated from measurements of heat pulse velocities. Leaf water potential (ψ), stomatal conductance (g s ) and transpiration from leaves (T) of all replicate trees were measured at 1300–1500h, once during the summer. On two separate occasions measurements were made of S, ψ, (g s ) and T for one each of Ulmus and Melaleuca trees to study diurnal variations in these parameters. A 12×12 m2 area around each tree was kept covered to simulate the condition of trees growing on pavements adjacent to residential properties. Sap flux for these tree species was in the order Melaleuca>Ulmus>Prunus. It is suggested that the smaller canopy and sapwood area in Prunus compared to the other two species is responsible for lower water potential and lower transpiration rate than the other species. Detailed analysis of the diurnal variation in sap flux and water relation of leaves of Melaleuca and Ulmus indicated sap flux of Melaleuca to be greater than that of Ulmus at the same transpiration rate per unit leaf area although the sapwood area of the two species was marginally different. This may have been due either to the difference in canopy conductance or in leaf area between the two species. With the assumption that sap flux closely resembles the rate of soil water extraction for both species, results indicate that Melaleuca is likely to extract soil water at a higher rate than Ulmus and hence is capable of causing greater shrinkage and soil movement than Ulmus.  相似文献   

Representation of stomatal physiology in models of plant-atmosphere gas exchange is minimal, and direct application of process-based models is limited by difficulty of parameter estimation. We derived simple models of stomatal conductance from a recent process-based model, and cross-validated them against measurements of sap flux (176-365 d in length) in 36 individual trees of two age classes for two Eucalyptus species across seven sites in the mountains of southeastern Australia. The derived models - which are driven by irradiance and evaporative demand and have two to four parameters that represent sums and products of biophysical parameters in the process model - reproduced a median 83-89% of observed variance in half-hourly and diurnally averaged sap flux, and performed similarly whether fitted using a random sample of all data or using 1 month of data from spring or autumn. Our simple models are an advance in predicting plant water use because their parameters are transparently related to reduced processes and properties, enabling easy accommodation of improved knowledge about how those parameters respond to environmental change and differ among species.  相似文献   

In an old-growth forest in Central Germany, sap flux was studied in five broad-leaved tree species that were assumed to differ in drought sensitivity. Under moist soil conditions, average daily sap flux density (J s) in the outermost xylem varied by a factor of 2.3 among the species (67–152 g cm−2 per day, n=5 trees per species), and declined in the sequence Fagus sylvatica > Acer pseudoplatanus > Tilia cordata > Carpinus betulus > Fraxinus excelsior. Decreasing soil moisture content (Θ) resulted in linearly reduced J s in four of the species. During a dry period, J s was reduced by 44% in T. cordata, 39% in F. sylvatica, 37% in A. pseudoplatanus and 31% in C. betulus compared to sap flux at equal vapour pressure deficit (D) in the wet period. F. excelsior, the only ring-porous species studied, lacked a significant response in J s to D and Θ. The relative reduction in water use during the dry period was not related to the assumed drought sensitivity of the species as inferred from their abundance in natural woodlands. J s was positively correlated with tree diameter at breast height (DBH) in three species but decreased with DBH in two species. Dyeing experiments revealed that DBH accounted for 94% of the variation in sapwood area found in a bulk sample of all diffuse-porous trees. This suggests that DBH is a reliable estimator of sapwood area of temperate diffuse-porous species irrespective of species identity. In contrast, sap flux density was found to be greatly dependent on tree species. The estimated whole-plant water use for diffuse-porous trees of a given diameter (49 cm) ranged between 74 and 168 kg per day per species under moist soil conditions. Thus, in temperate mixed forests, species-specific differences in water use can result in a considerable spatial heterogeneity of canopy transpiration.  相似文献   

Sap flow in the stems of two cut saplings each of Eucalyptus maculata (a canopy eucalypt forest tree), Doryphora sassafras and Ceratopetalum apetalum (both canopy rainforest trees of south-eastern coastal Australia) was measured by the heat pulse velocity technique and compared with water uptake from a potometer. Scanning electron micrographs of wounding caused by implantation of temperature sensor and heater probes into the sapwood showed that wounding was similar in rainforest and eucalypt species and was elliptical in shape. A circular wound has been implicitly assumed in previous studies. Accurate measurements of sapling water use were obtained using the smaller transverse wound dimension rather than the larger longitudinal dimension because maximum disruption of sap flow through the xylem vessels occurred in the transverse plane. Accurate measurements of sap flux were obtained above a minimum threshold sap velocity. These velocities were 15·7,10·9 and 9·4 cm h?1 for E. maculata, C. apetalum and D. sassafras, respectively. Below the threshold sap velocity, however, sap flow could not be accurately calculated from measurements of heat pulse velocity. The minimum threshold sap velocity appeared to be determined by probe construction and xylem anatomy. Despite the elliptical wounding and inaccurate measurement of sap flow below the threshold sap velocity, total sap flow over the experimental period for two saplings of each species was within 7% of water use measured by the potometer.  相似文献   

黄土高原地区植被建设已达到土壤水分承载力的阈值,需要对现有林分进行结构优化并提升其生态功能。不合理的林分密度是导致黄土丘陵区刺槐林土壤干化、生长衰退的主要原因之一。疏伐可以优化林分结构,并能够通过控制蒸腾耗水来调控土壤水分,是促进刺槐林可持续生长的有效手段。疏伐对黄土丘陵区刺槐林蒸腾有何影响,目前并不清楚。研究基于树干液流法估算了4个不同疏伐强度(样地1:52%、样地2:48%、样地3:35%、样地4:未疏伐)下刺槐单株尺度的液流速率与林分尺度的日平均蒸腾量,并分析了不同时间尺度下液流速率与环境因子的关系,以阐明疏伐对黄土丘陵区刺槐林蒸腾的影响。结果表明:(1) 单株尺度刺槐蒸腾速率(即液流速率)随疏伐强度减小(林分密度增大)呈现下降趋势(样地1:0.53 kg cm-2 d-1、样地2:0.41 kg cm-2 d-1、样地3:0.31 kg cm-2 d-1、样地4:0.33 kg cm-2 d-1);(2) 观测期林分尺度日平均蒸腾量随疏伐强度减小呈现上升趋势(样地1:0.90 mm/d、样地2:1.18 mm/d、样地3:1.04 mm/d、样地4:1.44 mm/d);(3) 在半小时尺度与日尺度上,各样地液流速率与环境因子的关系没有显著差异,半小时尺度单株液流速率均与太阳辐射相关性最高(相关系数0.883-0.908),液流速率日变化过程与环境因子日变化过程存在时滞现象;日尺度单株液流速率与饱和水汽压亏缺相关性最高(相关系数0.843-0.913),样地间日尺度单株液流速率的差异性随着饱和水汽压亏缺增大而增大。研究结果初步反映了疏伐导致的林分密度变化对刺槐蒸腾的影响,将为黄土丘陵区刺槐林的结构改造、功能提升和土壤水分调控提供理论支持。  相似文献   

Whole-tree sap flow is substantially diminished by leaf herbivory   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ecohydrological models consider the relationship between tree size and structure (especially leaf area index) and water use but generally treat herbivory as a source of unwanted noise in the data. Little is known of how insect damage to leaves influences whole-plant water use in trees. Water use is driven by environmental demand and the total leaf area through which transpiration can occur, but the effects of insects are expected to be complex. Different kinds of insects could have different effects; for example, chewing insects reduce leaf area, whereas sucking and tissue mining insects reduce leaf function without reducing area. Further, plants respond to herbivory in a range of ways, such as by altering leaf production or abscising leaves. We examined the effect of insects on Eucalyptus blakelyi in a woodland near Canberra, Australia, using sap flow velocity as a measure of whole-plant water use. We applied insecticide to 16 trees matched to an untreated control group. After 6 months, we examined the effects on sap flow velocity and crown condition. There was a general increase in sap flow velocity as trees produced leaves over the growing season, but the increase in sap flow for trees without insecticide protection was half that of the protected trees (increase: 4.4 vs. 9.0 cm/h, respectively). This dramatic effect on sap flow was consistent with effects on crown condition. Unprotected trees had 20% less leaf mass per unit stem in the crown. In addition, unprotected trees had a 20% greater loss of leaf functional area from necrosis. It should be noted that these effects were detected in a year in which there was not an outbreak of the psyllids (Homoptera) that commonly cause severe leaf damage to this tree species. It is predicted that the effect in a psyllid outbreak year would be even more substantial. This result underscores the significant impact that insect herbivores can have on an ecological process of significance to the ecosystem, namely, the movement of water from the soil to the atmosphere.  相似文献   


Key message

The rate of progression of Dutch elm disease can be continuously and quantitatively estimated from sap flow measurements.


Response of sap flow to inoculation with Ophiostoma novo-ulmi, a causal agent which causes vascular mycosis called Dutch elm disease, was studied in a field experiment comprised of 4-year-old wych elm trees (Ulmus glabra). Sap flow was measured on inoculated trees using the trunk heat balance method with external heating (EMS 62, Czech Republic) throughout the experiment. The first detectable symptoms of reduction in sap flow occurred 6 days after inoculation and all inoculated trees died within 16 days. Our experiment confirmed the ability of O. novo-ulmi to quickly kill young elm trees. The disease progressed faster than in previous experiments utilizing O. ulmi. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first experiment using sap flow measurements on trees inoculated by O. novo-ulmi. The trunk heat balance sap flow method is an effective non-invasive tool for continuous quantitative monitoring of the progression of vascular tree diseases, and show increased potential for field and greenhouse studies on changes in xylem hydraulic conductivity in a wide range of broadleaved and coniferous tree species.  相似文献   

Hericia sanukiensis (Astigmata: Algophagidae) is a semi-aquatic mite inhabiting fermented sap flux of the Japanese sawtooth oak (Quercus acutissima) and utilizes Nitidulidae (Coleoptera) as the dispersal (phoretic) carrier. Although nitidulid beetles are commonly found in sap flux, the occurrence of H. sanukiensis has been extremely limited to a few trees in Shikoku Island, Kagawa Prefecture, Japan. To elucidate the critical factors limiting the occurrence of this species, we compared several physical and biological characteristics of sap-exudation points, including the structure and temperature of tree trunks, period and abundance of sap exudation, and seasonal occurrence and dispersal behavior of nitidulid beetles between environments with and without mites. During the two consecutive years of field research, we found that only sap-exudation points with obvious tree holes (ringent area >10 cm2, depth >10 cm) had sustained mite populations throughout the observation period. In contrast, for the sap-exudation points lacking tree holes, H. sanukiensis temporally (from spring to autumn) colonized only when the sap production was considerably high. Thus, we suggest that the settlement of H. sanukiensis populations requires tree holes as an overwintering habitat. Nitidulid beetles also concentrated in areas with high sap production and did not disperse from such habitats during the sap flow season. This indicates that H. sanukiensis mites may only disperse and colonize new habitats at very limited opportunities, such as drastic habitat deterioration, which may promote the movement of their carrier. Taken together, these findings may explain the limited occurrence of this mite species.  相似文献   

荒漠防护林典型树种液流特征及其对环境因子的响应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用基于热补偿理论的SF300分体液流仪对干旱荒漠区人工防护林典型树种(俄罗斯杨、胡杨、榆树、沙枣)树干液流全天候监测,自动气象站同步记录相关环境因子变化。研究表明:①4种防护林树种茎干液流日变化除沙枣树外均存在明显昼夜节律,液流速度在同属种间差异较小,在不同属种间差异显著,俄罗斯杨的日平均液流速度可以达到沙枣的13.8倍,耗水量排序为俄罗斯杨胡杨榆树沙枣树。②水分充足条件下,增加实验地灌溉量使4种树木蒸腾受到抑制,液流流速降低,水分利用效率降低。③液流流速因所处树干径向位点不同而存在差异,俄罗斯杨、榆树、沙枣液流速度表现出由形成层到髓心的递减趋势,胡杨树干径向位点液流没有表现一定规律。④树干液流流速与环境因子进行相关分析,通过逐步回归分析建立了4个典型树种茎干液流速度与环境因子关系估算模型,分析认为4种树木的环境敏感性排序为俄罗斯杨榆树胡杨沙枣。  相似文献   

There are conflicting reports on the accuracy of the thermal dissipation probe (TDP, the Granier method) measurement using the original formula, which is widely used to estimate the transpiration of individual trees and forest stands. In this article, six woody species of three wood types were used to study a possible association between TDP measurement accuracy and wood anatomical characteristics, including the vessel diameter and density, as well as sapwood depth. We found that TDP technique with Granier’s original equation underestimated the sap flux density in six species to various degrees, dependent on conduit size and sap flux. Our calibration using two conifers with small diameters and a high density of tracheids was relatively consistent with Granier’s calibration; however, because there were larger diameters and lower densities of vessels in the two diffuse-porous species, the original calibration significantly underestimated sap flow. Two ring-porous species had the largest diameters and lowest densities of vessels. In particular, Robinia pseudoacacia possessed the shallowest sap wood depth, less than a probe length. Our calibration for the ring-porous species, especially R. pseudoacacia, deviated far from the original calibration, which mostly underestimated the sap flow. The degree of underestimation was well associated with sap wood depth and the radial diameter and density distribution of conduits. Our results demonstrated that a new calibration must be operated for each species together with the sapwood depth determination and more probes may be applied for one stem in the field to obtain the more accurate sap flux. In addition, we investigated the effects of different environmental temperature and perfusing fluid composition on the TDP-based sap flux measurement. We found that an environmental temperature reduction from 25 to 0 °C did not alter the values of the maximum temperature difference (ΔTm) between a heated probe and a reference probe when there was no sap flow, verifying that ΔTm measured at night can be used as a reference in daytime.  相似文献   

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