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最新研究发现,真核细胞前体mRNA剪接不仅仅是前体mRNA的加工步骤,而且在翻译过程中也起到重要的监控作用,通过剪接,外显子-外显子连接点复合物结合于mRNA剪接位点上游20bp处,如果mRNA剪接位点上游大于50-55bp处出现无义突变,则这种翻译提前终止密码子mRNA将会在最后的翻译过程中通过外显子-外显子连接点复合物,Upf蛋白以及帽结合蛋白之间的相互作用,被引入脱帽,降解过程。  相似文献   

合作猪的MHC-DQA基因的适应性变异,其抗原识别区域(即外显子4)通过PCR扩增和随后的单链构象多态性(SSCP)和序列分析,结果显示在439个合作猪个体,SLA-DQA第4外显子检出4个等位基因和6个基因型(AA、BB、DD、AB、AC和AD),其中A等位基因和AA基因型的频率最高,为优势基因和优势基因型。对不同型的PCR-SSCP条带测序分析,发现7个突变位点(5 068 bp T→C,5 109 bp和5 149 bp处缺失C,5 131 bp A→G导致丝氨酸变为甘氨酸,5 135 bp C→T,5 234 bp G→A,5 136 bp处插入A)。遗传学分析发现,合作猪多态信息含量(PIC)为0.240 1,属于低度多态,各种基因型的分布不显著。研究结果证实,合作猪SLA—DQA基因第4外显子为低度多态。  相似文献   

旨在对甘肃河西的临泽、甘州、武威、金昌、高台5个地区283头西门塔尔杂交类群NGB基因第3外显子的遗传多态性及变异特征进行系统分析,采用PCR-SSCP方法检测了283头西门塔尔杂交类群NGB基因第3外显子和部分内含子的多态性,且对群体内各等位基因进行了测序。结果显示,5个地区西门塔尔杂交类群共检测出5个等位基因(A、B、C、D、E),表现为5种基因型(AA、AB、AC、AD、AE)。其中甘州、武威、金昌西门塔尔杂交类群NGB基因均只检测到AA、AB 2种基因型,高台西门塔尔杂交类群检测到AA、AE 2种基因型,临泽西门塔尔杂交类群检测到AA、AB、AC、AD 4种基因型。A等位基因和AA基因型的频率在5个群体中最高,为优势基因和优势基因型。对不同SSCP带型的对应片段进行测序分析,共发现6个核苷酸突变位点(75 bp C→T,78 bp C→G,128 bp G→A,214 bp G→A,232 bp C→T,233 bp G→A),其中第75 bp和第78 bp处的突变位点位于内含子区域,其余4处突变位点均位于外显子区域。第214 bp处的核苷酸突变导致甘氨酸(Gly)突变为丝氨酸(Ser),第232 bp处核苷酸突变导致精氨酸(Arg)突变为色氨酸(Trp),第233 bp处核苷酸突变导致精氨酸(Arg)突变为谷氨酰胺(Gln),经χ2检验结果显示,5个地区的西门塔尔杂交类群在此3个突变位点上都处于Hardy-Weinberg平衡状态(P0.05)。群体遗传学分析结果表明,临泽、甘州、武威、金昌、高台西门塔尔杂交类群的多态信息含量(PIC)分别为0.0582、0.0196、0.0196、0.0161、0.0159,均属于低度多态(PIC0.25)。  相似文献   

采用PCR及RT-PCR法分别克隆了拟南芥SDIR1基因的DNA和cDNA序列。根据序列比对分析结果,发现了3种不同的转录本,提示SDIR1基因的转录中存在选择性剪接。3种转录本的长度分别为822bp、691bp和666bp,依次命名为:SDIR1-822、SDIR1-691、SDIR1-666。与SDIR1基因的DNA序列及已报道的SDIR1cDNA序列比较,除转录本SDIR1-822包含了完整的编码序列外,其余2种转录本的编码序列都存在不同长度的缺失。其中,SDIR1-691缺失了131bp的片段:第2外显子3′端缺失33bp,第3外显子53bp全部缺失,第4外显子5′端缺失45bp;转录本SDIR1-666缺失了156bp的片段:第3外显子3′端缺失18bp,第4外显子5′端缺失138bp。进而随机挑取101个克隆子对三种转录本的表达比例进行初步分析,结果表明3种分子的比值为SDIR1-822:SDIR1-691:SDIR1-666=26.00:1.33:1.00,反映出SDIR1基因不同转录本在拟南芥中的相对表达量。  相似文献   

目的2007年国内报道一例弱D型个体存在第4—9外显子选择性剪接的转录子,我们探讨正常Rh(D)阳性个体的RHD基因mRNA的选择性剪接区域。方法随机选择3名Rh(D)阳性个体,从新鲜全血中提取总RNA,通过特异性引物,采用“一步法”逆转录-PCR(1iT—PCR),扩增RHDmRNA第1~7外显子区域,以及第6-10外显子区域,然后cDNA琼脂糖凝胶电泳和成像分析。结果未发现第1~7外显子区域存在mRNA的选择性剪接条带,仅存在由特异性引物所扩增的第1—7外显子全长的序列条带;而第6~10外显子区域观察到5种替代剪切条带,序列分析显示分别为无缺失片段,以及完整缺失第7、第9、第7和9、第7—9外显子5种RHD转录子。结论正常Rh(D)抗原阳性个体的RHD基因mRNA的选择性剪接仅存在于第7~9外显子区域。  相似文献   

李桢  邹红岩  邵超鹏  唐斯  王大明  程良红 《遗传》2007,29(11):1367-1372
使用FLOW-SSO、PCR-SSP以及测序等分型技术, 发现一个与HLA-B*270401基因相关的未知基因。设计基因特异性引物单独扩增B*27基因的外显子2-5, 包括内含子2-4, 并进行双向测序, 分析与B*270401基因序列的差异。该基因的扩增产物为1 815 bp。与B*270401相比在外显子3和4共有10个碱基的改变, 从而使相应氨基酸发生错义或同义突变。碱基634 A→C (密码子130丝氨酸→精氨酸); 670 A→T (密码子142苏氨酸→丝氨酸); 683 G→T (密码子146色氨酸→亮氨酸); 698 A→T (密码子151谷氨酸→缬氨酸); 774 G→C (密码子176谷氨酸→天冬氨酸); 776 C→A (密码子177苏氨酸→赖氨酸); 781 C→G (密码子179谷氨酰胺→谷氨酸); 789 G→T (密码子181丙氨酸同义突变); 1 438 C→T (密码子206甘氨酸同义突变); 1 449 G→C (密码子210甘氨酸→丙氨酸)。在IMGT/HLA数据库中B*27组只有3个基因(B*270502 / 2706 / 2732)提交了内含子序列。该未知基因的内含子2序列与B*2706相同, 显示了与B*27组基因的同源性, 但其同源性在内含子3、4均未得到支持, 与B*27组基因相比, 内含子3的第106个碱基C→G, 碱基168缺失, 碱基179 G→A, 碱基536 G→A; 内含子4中碱基82 T→C。但其内含子3、4序列却与B*070201完全相同。该基因序列已提交GenBank, 编号为被DQ915176, 被WHO确认为HLA-B*2736等位基因。  相似文献   

目的:对收集的43例先天性小耳畸形患者进行遗传因素分析,对Goosecoid(GSC)基因测序,探讨GSC基因与先天性小耳畸形的关系。方法:采集43例小耳畸形患者的外周血提取基因组DNA,对GSC基因的三个外显子分别设计引物,经PCR扩增纯化后直接测序。结果:6例患者在第二外显子的第197bp处发生了C→T的同义突变,编码氨基酸仍为酪氨酸;2例患者在第三外显子的第125bp处发生了A→G的错义突变,编码氨基酸由谷氨酸变成谷氨酰胺。结论:在先天性小耳畸形的患者中发现了GSC基因的突变。  相似文献   

窦薇  彭超  郑俊克  顾学范 《遗传》2007,29(1):37-40
为了研究粘多糖贮积症II型(MPS Ⅱ)患者发病的分子遗传学机制, 采用PCR扩增艾杜糖-2-硫酸酯酶(IDS)基因突变热点区(外显子2、3、5、7、8和9)、DNA测序分析和限制性内切酶图谱分析的方法, 对2个粘多糖贮积症Ⅱ型家系进行了遗传突变分析。结果表明, 2个家系患者的IDS 基因分别出现IVS 6-1g→a和c.1587~1588 ins T 2个新突变。前者属于单碱基替换, 位于内含子6的3′端剪接位点, 导致跨外显子剪接; 后者属于插入突变, 插入点位于外显子9的cDNA 1,587和1,588碱基之间, 是迄今为止报道的人类IDS基因插入突变中最接近肽链末端的突变, 导致移码突变和转录提前终止。经限制性酶切分析, 证实2个家系中的患者母亲是突变基因的携带者, 符合该病X染色体隐性遗传的规律。另外,在对随机抽取的50名正常人及另外6名不相关的粘多糖病人的测序分析中, 未检测到这2个突变, 说明不是多态性。对于筛查所得的2个新突变是否是患者的致病原因, 尚需进一步证实。  相似文献   

乙型肝炎病毒前S基因区缺失突变发生机制的探讨   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
蒋栋  许军  李若冰  丛旭  费然  陈红松  魏来  王宇 《病毒学报》2002,18(4):317-324
检测慢性乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)携带者和患者外周血内HBV前S区基因缺失突变的分子结构特点,探讨其发生机理.用聚合酶链反应方法从慢性乙肝患者和携带者血清中扩增出前S区基因片段,克隆、测序,分析缺失发生的结构特点,从而推测这些前S区基因缺失突变的产生机制.从262例慢性乙肝患者和103例无症状HBV携带者体内扩增出前S区片段,共在30例患者和携带者中检测出多种前S区基因缺失突变,主要集中于前S1区的3′端和前S2区的5′端.其中有9例患者和携带者体内存在完全一样的nt3019~nt3201 183bp的缺失突变,该缺失突变符合真核细胞mRNA剪接机制,在此位置上各基因型的序列高度保守.同时有另外两种缺失突变,即nt3019~nt3147 129bp缺失、nt3019~nt3109 91bp缺失也符合该剪接机制.有23种缺失突变部分于重复序列之间,符合逆转录过程中的模板转换机制所导致的缺失.根据前基因组RNA预测出二级结构,仅部分缺失突变在RNA二级结构中对应于局部的结构.此结果表明:HBV在外界因素mRNA的剪接机制和内在因素聚合酶蛋白的功能特点的共同作用下,产生各种突变,不同的机制将导致不同类型的缺失突变.除真核细胞mRNA剪接机制外,逆转录过程中的模板转换是主要机制之一.  相似文献   

利用同源筛选与巢式PCR的方法克隆了编码人类间隙连接蛋白b -5的基因GJB5,确定了基因组结构,FISH将其定位于1p33-p35.经RT-PCR分析,GJB5在胎儿皮肤、成人皮肤、胎盘中有表达.采用直接测序的方法对142个感觉神经性听力下降患者及36个其他遗传性疾病家系(5个变异性红皮肤角化病家系,13个Charcot-Marie-Tooth病家系,4个上睑下垂家系和14个视网膜色素变性伴耳聋家系)患者进行了GJB5的突变分析.在两个感觉神经性耳聋患者(M1883,M1589)中发现了两种错义突变(686A→G,H229R;25C→T,L9F);在3个遗传性听力下降的耳聋家系中发现了一种位于内含子剪接受体位点的18 bp的杂合缺失,其中一个家系(娄底家系)中伴有一种错义改变(R265P),18 bp的杂合缺失和错义改变在家系中均不与突变共分离.对缺失携带者进行RT-PCR分析,未能在皮肤组织中发现任何异常的mRNA,mRNA的表达量也未见明显异常.群体分析时发现,199个正常人中有两例此18 bp缺失的携带者.  相似文献   

Shi YR  Lee CC  Hsu YA  Wang CH  Tsai FJ 《Human heredity》2002,54(1):54-56
We report a new nonsense mutation in the human sedlin (SEDL) gene in a family with X-linked spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia tarda. A substitution of cytosine for adenine at nucleotide position 329 causing a nonsense mutation (S110X) in exon 6 was identified in the affected patient in the family.  相似文献   

The molecular basis of X-linked spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia tarda   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
The X-linked form of spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia tarda (SEDL), a radiologically distinct skeletal dysplasia affecting the vertebrae and epiphyses, is caused by mutations in the SEDL gene. To characterize the molecular basis for SEDL, we have identified the spectrum of SEDL mutations in 30 of 36 unrelated cases of X-linked SEDL ascertained from different ethnic populations. Twenty-one different disease-associated mutations now have been identified throughout the SEDL gene. These include nonsense mutations in exons 4 and 5, missense mutations in exons 4 and 6, small (2-7 bp) and large (>1 kb) deletions, insertions, and putative splicing errors, with one splicing error due to a complex deletion/insertion mutation. Eight different frameshift mutations lead to a premature termination of translation and account for >43% (13/30) of SEDL cases, with half of these (7/13) being due to dinucleotide deletions. Altogether, deletions account for 57% (17/30) of all known SEDL mutations. Four recurrent mutations (IVS3+5G-->A, 157-158delAT, 191-192delTG, and 271-275delCAAGA) account for 43% (13/30) of confirmed SEDL cases. The results of haplotype analyses and the diverse ethnic origins of patients support recurrent mutations. Two patients with large deletions of SEDL exons were found, one with childhood onset of painful complications, the other relatively free of additional symptoms. However, we could not establish a clear genotype/phenotype correlation and therefore conclude that the complete unaltered SEDL-gene product is essential for normal bone growth. Molecular diagnosis can now be offered for presymptomatic testing of this disorder. Appropriate lifestyle decisions and, eventually, perhaps, specific SEDL therapies may ameliorate the prognosis of premature osteoarthritis and the need for hip arthroplasty.  相似文献   

Spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia tarda (SEDL) is an X-linked recessive disorder of endochondral bone formation caused by mutations in the SEDL gene. Here we present the structural analysis and subcellular localization of human SEDL. The SEDL gene is composed of six exons and spans a genomic region of approximately 20 kb in Xp22. It contains four Alu sequences in its 3' UTR and an alternatively spliced MER20 sequence in its 5' UTR (exon 2). Complex alternative splicing was detected for exon 4. Altogether seven SEDL pseudogenes were detected in the human genome: SEDLP1, a transcribed retropseudogene (or retro-xaptonuon) on chromosome 19q13.4 with potential to encode a protein identical to that of the SEDL gene; SEDLP2, another retropseudogene (not transcribed) on chromosome 8; and five truncated pseudogenes, SEDLP3-SEDLP7, on chromosome Yq11.23. Based on the knowledge of the yeast SEDL ortholog we speculated that the SEDL protein may participate along the ER-to-Golgi transport compartments. To test this hypothesis we performed transient transfection studies with tagged recombinant mammalian SEDL proteins in Cos-7 cells. The tagged SEDL proteins localized to perinuclear structures that partly overlapped with the intermediate ER-Golgi compartment (ERGIC; or vesicular tubular complex, VTC). Two human SEDL mutations (157-158delAT and C271T(STOP)) introduced into SEDL FLAG and GFP constructs led to the misplacement of the SEDL protein primarily to the cell nucleus and partially to the cytoplasm. Based on these experiments we suggest that the COOH end of the SEDL protein might be responsible for proper targeting of SEDL along the ER-Golgi membrane compartments (including Golgi and ERGIC/VTC).  相似文献   

Mumm S  Zhang X  Vacca M  D'Esposito M  Whyte MP 《Gene》2001,273(2):285-293
Mutations in the sedlin gene cause spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia tarda (SEDT), a rare X-linked chondrodysplasia. Affected males suffer short stature, deformation of the spine and hips, and deterioration of intervertebral discs with characteristic radiographic changes in the vertebrae. We have sequenced two full-length cDNA clones corresponding to the human sedlin gene. The longest cDNA is 2836 bp, containing a 218 bp 5' untranslated region, a 423 bp coding region, and a 2195 bp 3' untranslated region. The second cDNA does not contain exon 2, suggesting alternative splicing. Sedlin was finely mapped in Xp22.2 by Southern blot analysis on a yeast artificial chromosome/bacterial artificial chromosome map. Comparison of the cDNA sequence and genomic sequence identified six sedlin exons of 67, 142, 112, 147, 84, and 2259 bp. The corresponding introns vary in size from 339 to 14,061 bp. Splice site sequences for four of the five introns conform to the GT/AG consensus sequences, however, the splice site between exons 4 and 5 displays a rare non-canonical splice site sequence, AT/AC. Northern blot analysis showed expression of the sedlin gene in all human adult and fetal tissues tested, with the highest levels in kidney, heart, skeletal muscle, liver, and placenta. Four mRNA sizes were detected with the major band being 3 kb and minor bands of 5, 1.6, and 0.9 kb (the smallest product may reflect a sedlin pseudogene). Sedlin is expressed from both the active and the inactive human X chromosomes helping to explain the recessive nature and consistent presentation of the disease. Human sedlin shows homology to a yeast gene, which conditions endoplasmic reticulum/golgi transport. Characterization of the human sedlin cDNA and determination of the sedlin gene structure enable functional studies of sedlin and elucidation of the pathogenesis of SEDT.  相似文献   

SEDL is an evolutionarily highly conserved protein in eukaryotic organisms. Deletions or point mutations in the SEDL gene are responsible for the genetic disease spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia tarda (SEDT), an X-linked skeletal disorder. SEDL has been identified as a component of the transport protein particle (TRAPP), critically involved in endoplasmic reticulum-to-Golgi vesicle transport. Herein, we report the 2.4 A resolution structure of SEDL, which reveals an unexpected similarity to the structures of the N-terminal regulatory domain of two SNAREs, Ykt6p and Sec22b, despite no sequence homology to these proteins. The similarity and the presence of unusually many solvent-exposed apolar residues of SEDL suggest that it serves regulatory and/or adaptor functions through multiple protein-protein interactions. Of the four known missense mutations responsible for SEDT, three mutations (S73L, F83S, V130D) map to the protein interior, where the mutations would disrupt the structure, and the fourth (D47Y) on a surface at which the mutation may abrogate functional interactions with a partner protein.  相似文献   

Spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia tarda (SEDL) is an X-linked recessive disorder characterized in affected males by short stature resulting from a growth defect of the vertebral bodies. We have extended our earlier studies by analyzing 15 families with newly identified microsatellite DNA markers; analysis of recombination events with these markers indicates that the gene responsible for SEDL is located in Xp22 between DXS 16 and DXS 987 on an interval spanning approximately 2 Mb.  相似文献   

In addition to facilitating the nuclear export of incompletely spliced viral mRNAs, equine infectious anemia virus (EIAV) Rev regulates alternative splicing of the third exon of the tat/rev mRNA. In the presence of Rev, this exon of the bicistronic RNA is skipped in a fraction of the spliced mRNAs. In this report, the cis-acting requirements for exon 3 usage were correlated with sequences necessary for Rev binding and transport of incompletely spliced RNA. The presence of a purine-rich exon splicing enhancer (ESE) was required for exon 3 recognition, and the addition of Rev inhibited exon 3 splicing. Glutathione-S-transferase (GST)-Rev bound to probes containing the ESE, and mutation of GAA repeats to GCA within the ESE inhibited both exon 3 recognition in RNA splicing experiments and GST-Rev binding in vitro. These results suggest that Rev regulates alternative splicing by binding at or near the ESE to block SR protein-ESE interactions. A 57-nucleotide sequence containing the ESE was sufficient to mediate Rev-dependent nuclear export of incompletely spliced RNAs. Rev export activity was significantly inhibited by mutation of the ESE or by trans-complementation with SF2/ASF. These results indicate that the ESE functions as a Rev-responsive element and demonstrate that EIAV Rev mediates exon 3 exclusion through protein-RNA interactions required for efficient export of incompletely spliced viral RNAs.  相似文献   

Xiao C  Zhang S  Wang J  Qiu W  Chi L  Li Y  Su Z 《Mutation research》2003,525(1-2):61-65
Spondyloepiphyseal Dysplasia Tarda (SEDT; MIM 313400) is a rare genetically heterogeneous disorder of vertebral and epiphyseal growth resulting in disproportionally short-trunked short stature, barrel-shaped chest, and dysplasia of the large joints. It is caused by the mutations of SEDL gene. The distinctive radiological signs and the X-linked mode of inheritance make it easy to diagnose. Here a four-generation Chinese SEDT family has been analyzed and the disease-causing mutation has been found. After polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-single strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) analysis and DNA sequencing, a previously unreported deletion of T in exon 5 of SEDL gene (i.e. 293delT) was observed and seven individuals in the family carried the mutation. It results in frameshift and a putative truncated protein with the 97 N-terminal amino acids, and 9 changed amino acids. Therefore, loss of function of the gene could be predicted. However, this mutation has not been detected in 50 age and sex matched unrelated controls.  相似文献   

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