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共生菌Wolbachia在中国二斑叶螨Tetranychus urticae Koch中分布广泛,所有的地理种群中均感染Wolbachia。以二斑叶螨湖南长沙(HN),辽宁兴城(LN)和江苏徐州(JS)3个地理种群为实验材料,经筛选获得100%感染和不感染Wolbachia的品系后,人工设置Wolbachia感染率为50%的品系,通过PCR技术检测二斑叶螨连续世代Wolbachia感染率动态变化,研究Wolbachia在二斑叶螨种群中的扩散规律。结果表明:3个地理种群的垂直传播效率都为100%;HN种群Wolbachia感染率上升速度最快,F7代达到100%感染;LN种群F12达到100%感染;而JS地理种群中Wolbachia感染率速度上升最慢,在F20代达到100%感染,其后感染率均能稳定在100%。LN种群Wolbachia通过诱导胞质不亲和的策略,JS种群的Wolbachia通过提高寄主适合度的策略,而HN种群Wolbachia则通过诱导胞质不亲和与提高寄主适合度两者相结合的策略,最终达到在二斑叶螨中维持感染状态并扩散传播的目的。本研究结果为今后利用Wolbachia的扩散规律控制有害生物及疾病传播提供了基础。  相似文献   

Wolbachia在山楂双叶螨中的感染及对寄主生殖的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张艳凯  孙兵  洪晓月 《昆虫学报》2014,57(8):914-920
【目的】共生菌Wolbachia在多种叶螨寄主中引起细胞质不亲和及适合度改变,影响寄主的生物学特性。山楂双叶螨Amphitetranychus viennensis是重要的果树害螨,常暴发成灾。本研究旨在明确Wolbachia在山楂双叶螨中的感染情况及对寄主生殖的影响。【方法】采集自然种群的山楂双叶螨,运用多位点序列分型技术(multilocus sequence typing, MLST)对其体内Wolbachia感染率及株系进行分析;通过杂交试验及生物学观察,分析感染Wolbachia对山楂双叶螨单雌产卵量、后代孵化率、性比及死亡率的影响。【结果】山楂双叶螨自然种群感染一种株系的Wolbachia (wVie),该Wolbachia株系与小黑花椿象Orius strigicollis和丽蝇蛹集金小蜂Nasonia vitripennis中的Wolbachia株系亲缘关系较近,而与叶螨属Tetranychus叶螨感染的Wolbachia株系亲缘关系较远。Wolbachia与4种分化较小的线粒体单倍型相关联。Wolbachia感染雌虫与不感染雌虫产卵量没有显著差异(P>0.05)。不感染雌虫与感染雄虫交配,卵孵化率显著低于其他杂交组合 (P<0.05),但孵化率仍达近75%。各交配组合的后代性比及死亡率变化不明显(P>0.05)。【结论】Wolbachia在山楂双叶螨种群中的侵染历史较短,对山楂双叶螨的产卵力、后代性比、死亡率没有影响。Wolbachia在山楂双叶螨中诱导产生弱的CI表型。  相似文献   

Wolbachia和Cardinium均为母系遗传的胞内共生菌, 它们能够通过诱导胞质不亲和(cytoplasmic incompatibility, CI)以调控寄主的生殖。目前, 关于Wolbachia和Cardinium共同对同一寄主进行生殖操控的机制还不清楚。本研究以皮氏叶螨Tetranychus piercei McGregor广州种群为实验材料, 通过杂交实验和荧光原位杂交的方法, 研究Wolbachia和Cardinium单感染和双感染对寄主生殖的影响。结果表明: 单感染Wolbachia诱导较弱的CI, 不亲和组合的未孵化率为17.8%±1.6%。单感染Cardinium及双感染Wolbachia和Cardinium能诱导高强度的CI, 不亲和组合的未孵化率分别为70.3%±1.3%和72.9%±1.2%。同时双感染Wolbachia和Cardinium雌螨的平均产卵量为35.2±1.2, 显著高于单感染和不感染的雌螨的产卵量。Wolbachia 和Cardinium分别诱导以及共同诱导CI的水平与精子形成过程中的感染情况有关。Wolbachia和Cardinium的垂直传播模式结果显示, 在卵的不同发育阶段, Wolbachia和Cardinium主要伴随着营养物质从滋养细胞、 中肠、 输卵管进入发育中的卵。研究结果为进一步了解 Wolbachia和Cardinium的母系遗传机制提供了重要依据。  相似文献   

胞内共生菌Wolbachia能对多种叶螨产生生殖调控作用.为更好地筛选有潜在应用价值的Wolbachia株系,本研究应用PCR技术对自然种群的截形叶螨Tetranychus truncatus、二斑叶螨T.urticae、神泽叶螨T.kanzawai 和山楂叶螨Amphitetranychus viennensis体内的Wolbachia感染情况进行检测,并对Wolbachia的wsp基因进行序列分析和基因重组检测.结果表明,叶螨中的Wolbachia株系具有较高的遗传多样性,其中截形叶螨感染两种分化较大的株系.不同叶螨感染特有的Wolbachia株系说明Wolbachia与其宿主存在一定的协同进化关系.二斑叶螨和截形叶螨感染同一株系的Wolbachia,可能由于水平传播造成.同时,不同株系Wolbachia的wsp基因间普遍存在着基因重组现象.  相似文献   

【目的】探究截形叶螨中Wolbachia与Spiroplasma这两种共生菌之间的竞争关系,评估叶螨交配类型对其寿命的影响。【方法】对不同共生菌感染类型的雌螨在不同交配类型以及不同日龄的情况下其体内共生菌滴度进行定量PCR检测,对不同交配类型的雌螨寿命进行记录,利用SPSS19.00(IBM)分析交配类型、成螨日龄对共生菌滴度的影响,以及叶螨交配类型对寿命的影响。【结果】不同交配类型以及不同日龄的雌螨,其体内共生菌滴度存在显著差异;对于Wolbachia滴度,单感染Wolbachia雌螨与双感染在4日龄、10日龄有差异;对于Spiroplasma滴度,单感染Spiroplasma雌螨均显著高于双感染;双感染中Wolbachia滴度显著高于Spiroplasma;双感染雌螨与同一感染或不感染品系雄螨交配后的存活时间长于与单感染Spiroplasma雄螨交配,单感染Spiroplasma雌螨与同一感染或不感染品系雄螨交配后的存活时间长于与双感染雄螨交配。【结论】交配类型和成螨日龄影响共生菌滴度;Wolbachia的存在抑制Spiroplasma;交配类型会对雌螨寿命产生影响。  相似文献   

【目的】Wolbachia是广泛存在于节肢动物体内的一类母系遗传的共生菌, 能够通过多种机制调节节肢动物的生殖。近年来, 为了更进一步地探究Wolbachia与寄主之间的互作机制, 许多研究者展开了Wolbachia的人工转染研究。【方法】我们在实验室条件下将灰飞虱Laodelphax striatellus (Fallén)感染的Wolbachia提取纯化后, 利用显微注射的方法导入豆叶螨Tetranychus phaselus Ehara体内。研究了注入从灰飞虱提取的Wolbachia和豆叶螨自然感染Wolbachia对豆叶螨繁殖适合度和寿命的影响, 并测定了两种Wolbachia的密度随豆叶螨日龄增长的变化情况。【结果】结果显示, 外源Wolbachia在豆叶螨体内的拷贝数极低, 仅为自然感染豆叶螨体内Wolbachia拷贝数的0.5%左右。与自然感染的Wolbachia不同, 外源Wolbachia在豆叶螨种群中不能引起胞质不亲和, 但能够显著降低雌螨的产卵量。【结论】本研究表明, 来自灰飞虱的Wolbachia具有抑制豆叶螨种群扩张的潜在能力, 对豆叶螨生物防治具有一定的应用价值。  相似文献   

王哲  乔格侠 《昆虫知识》2011,48(6):1823-1834
Wolbachia pipientis是一种广泛存在于节肢动物和线虫生殖组织中的细胞内共生菌,通过母系生殖细胞在寄主种群内垂直传播。据分析,Wolbachia在昆虫中的感染率大约为66%,是昆虫中分布最广泛的胞内共生菌。Wolbachia能够以多种方式调控寄主的生殖行为,包括诱导细胞质不亲和、诱导孤雌生殖、雌性化、杀雄作用等。近10年来,Wolbachia的研究在多个领域都取得了长足进展。本文介绍了Wolbachia的多样性与分布、对寄主生殖行为的影响、基因组结构,以及其与寄主在基因组水平上的相互作用等领域的最新研究成果,并展望了Wolbachia研究的发展趋势。  相似文献   

【目的】Arsenophonus、Wolbachia、Spiroplasma和Cardinium是广泛分布于昆虫体内的次生共生菌,能对寄主昆虫的生殖和发育生理产生影响,明确不同地理种群褐飞虱体内4种共生菌的感染和系统发育关系可为利用共生菌防治害虫提供技术依据。【方法】利用Arsenophonus特异性23S rRNA基因引物,Wolbachia、Spiroplasma和Cardinium各自的16S rRNA基因引物PCR检测广西10个地市、海南海口及上海、江苏南京、湖南长沙共14个地理种群褐飞虱雌、雄虫体内共生菌感染情况,并对扩增到的基因片段进行测序、构建系统发育树。【结果】不同地区2014年和2015年褐飞虱体内Arsenophonus感染率最高的分别为河池种群(30%)和长沙种群(20%)、PWolbachia感染率最高为河池种群(20%)和南京种群(30%),而Spiroplasma和Cardinium在褐飞虱各种群内均未检测到。序列比对和发育分析表明,褐飞虱体内Arsenophonus与同翅目昆虫白蜡虫Ericerus pela Chavannes体内感染的该菌关系最近;而感染Wolbachia菌的系统发育分析表明,除海南种群有一个个体感染Wolbachia菌A群外,其余种群感染的全部为B群;同时在所有感染两类共生菌的个体中并未发现共感染现象。【结论】不同地理种群褐飞虱感染Arsenophonus和Wolbachia两类共生菌的感染率并不一致;总体上褐飞虱雌虫Wolbachia感染率要高于雄虫,褐飞虱体内感染的两类共生菌与其它昆虫体内的共生菌序列高度一致或类似,且在所有检测的地理种群中均未发现有Spiroplasma和Cardinium感染。  相似文献   

寄生蜂体内共生菌Wolbachia研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Wolbachia是广泛分布在节肢动物生殖组织中的细胞质遗传细菌,在寄生蜂中可以通过诱导胞质不亲和、孤雌生殖、雄性雌性化和杀雄等多种方式调节寄主的生殖.本文在综述了寄生蜂体内共生菌Wolbachia的类群和分化、传播方式及其对寄主生物学特性的影响、温度通过对Wolbachia的作用而影响寄生蜂的表现等基础上,讨论了如何...  相似文献   

张开军  朱文超  刘静  丁秀蕾  荣霞  洪晓月 《昆虫学报》2012,55(12):1345-1354
为了明确自然种群白背飞虱Sogatella furcifera中Wolbachia和Cardinium的感染情况以及Wolbachia与其特有的WO噬菌体之间的关系, 以采自中国7个省区9个地点的白背飞虱为研究材料, 运用PCR检测的方法调查了Wolbachia, Cardinium以及WO噬菌体在各飞虱种群中的感染率和组织分布特点。结果表明: 白背飞虱广泛双重感染Wolbachia和Cardinium, 并且都表现出很高的感染率。白背飞虱各种群Cardinium的感染率几乎均为100%; Wolbachia的感染率也较高, 但雌雄虫感染率差异较大, 雌虫的感染率几乎均为100%, 而雄虫的感染率从22.2%~95.0%不等。另外, 通过不同DNA聚合酶、 不同提取方法的对比, 揭示了DNA粗提样品在基于PCR技术的胞内共生菌检测中的不足之处。对白背飞虱头部、 胸部、 腹部、 足和翅5个不同部位组织的检测结果表明, 不仅在含有生殖组织的腹部有这两类共生菌的感染, 在其他非生殖组织中同样也感染了这两类共生菌; 虽然Wolbachia和Cardinium在寄主的各个组织中均有分布, 但是两者在白背飞虱成虫(尤其是雄虫)阶段的动态变化有明显的差异。进一步对Wolbachia宿主特异性WO噬菌体的检测结果表明, 自然种群雄虫中Wolbachia的感染率与不感染个体中WO噬菌体的比率呈明显的负相关。因此推测, 雄虫中Wolbachia感染率相对较低的原因可能是由于Wolbachia基因组中溶原性的WO噬菌体受到某种因素的诱导已转化为裂解性噬菌体。研究结果为进一步揭示Wolbachia和Cardinium双重感染条件下对寄主的生殖调控作用及其机制、 垂直传播规律、 两者之间的相互关系以及进一步的应用研究等方面提供了重要的理论基础。  相似文献   

Gotoh T  Noda H  Hong XY 《Heredity》2003,91(3):208-216
Wolbachia are a group of maternally inherited bacteria that infect a wide range of arthropods. Wolbachia infections are known to result in the expression of various abnormal reproductive phenotypes, the best known being cytoplasmic incompatibility. The first systematic survey of 42 spider mite species in Japan revealed that seven species (16.7%) were infected with Wolbachia. Wolbachia in the spider mites were grouped into three subgroups in supergroup B by phylogenetic analyses of the wsp gene. Most spider mites did not show cytoplasmic incompatibility when infected males were crossed with uninfected females. However, all infected populations of Panonychus mori and Oligonychus gotohi (five and four populations, respectively) possessed modification-positive strains of Wolbachia, and the cytoplasmic incompatibility decreased egg hatchability and female ratio of the spider mites. Thus, some Wolbachia strains cause sex ratio distortion in their hosts.  相似文献   

Wolbachia can induce cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI) in the arrhenotokous two-spotted spider mite between uninfected females and infected males. Cytoplasmic incompatibility is expressed through a male-biased sex ratio and a low hatchability, and can be suppressed by removing Wolbachia from spider mites reared on a diet with antibiotics. Here we investigated whether heat-treatment can elimate Wolbachia from infected mites. Using a PCR assay with a Wolbachia-specific primer pair (ftsZ), and by standard crosses, we were able to show that 71 per cent of the mites had lost the Wolbachia infection after rearing the infected population at 32 ± 0.5 °C for four generations. The infection could be completely removed when mites were reared at 32 ± 0.5 °C for six generations. Curing through high temperatures could be one of the reasons why mixed infected/uninfected populations occur in the field. An additional consequence of rearing mites at 32 ± 0.5 °C was the shortened development time. The effect of environmental temperature on the abundance of Wolbachia and possible behavioural consequences for the spider mite are discussed.  相似文献   

Gotoh T  Noda H  Ito S 《Heredity》2007,98(1):13-20
Intracellular symbiotic bacteria belonging to the Cytophaga-Flavobacterium-Bacteroides lineage have recently been described and are widely distributed in arthropod species. The newly discovered bacteria, named Cardinium sp, cause the expression of various reproductive alterations in their arthropod hosts, including cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI), induction of parthenogenesis and feminization of genetic males. We detected 16S ribosomal DNA sequences similar to those of Cardinium from seven populations of five spider mite species, suggesting a broad distribution of infection of Cardinium in spider mites. To clarify the effect of Cardinium on the reproductive traits of the infected spider mites, infected mites were crossed with uninfected mites for each population. In one of the populations, Eotetranychus suginamensis, CI was induced when infected males were crossed with uninfected females. The other six populations of four species showed no reproductive abnormalities in the F(1) generation, but the possibility of CI effects in the F(2) generation remains to be tested. One species of spider mite, Tetranychus pueraricola, harbored both Cardinium and Wolbachia, but these symbionts seemed to have no effect on the reproduction of the host, even when the host was infected independently with each symbiont.  相似文献   

Riegler M  Stauffer C 《Molecular ecology》2002,11(11):2425-2434
Wolbachia is an obligately intracellular, maternally inherited bacterium which has been detected in many arthropods. Wolbachia infections disperse in host populations by mechanisms such as cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI). CI leads to embryonic mortality which occurs when infected males mate with uninfected females or females with a different Wolbachia strain. Populations of the European cherry fruit fly Rhagoletis cerasi (Diptera, Tephritidae) were found to be infected by two different Wolbachia strains, wCer1 and wCer2. Superinfections with both strains occurred throughout southern and central Europe and infections with wCer1 were found in northern, western and eastern Europe. Strong unidirectional CI between European populations of R. cerasi were first reported in the 1970s. From the conformity in the recent geographical distribution of the Wolbachia infections and the CI expression patterns found 25 years ago it was deduced that wCer2 potentially causes CI in R. cerasi. The comparison of the geographical distributions indicated that wCer1 + 2 must have spread into wCer1-infected populations in some areas. In other regions, a spread of wCer1 + 2 was probably prevented by dispersal barriers. There, a sharp transition from infected to superinfected populations suggested regional isolation between wCer1 and wCer1 + 2-infected populations.  相似文献   

Duron O  Raymond M  Weill M 《Heredity》2011,106(6):986-993
Maternally inherited Wolbachia often manipulate the reproduction of arthropods to promote their transmission. In most species, Wolbachia exert a form of conditional sterility termed cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI), characterized by the death of embryos produced by the mating between individuals with incompatible Wolbachia infections. From a theoretical perspective, no stable coexistence of incompatible Wolbachia infections is expected within host populations and CI should induce the invasion of one strain or of a set of compatible strains. In this study, we investigated this prediction on CI dynamics in natural populations of the common house mosquito Culex pipiens. We surveyed the Wolbachia diversity and the expression of CI in breeding sites of the south of France between 1990 and 2005. We found that geographically close C. pipiens populations harbor considerable Wolbachia diversity, which is stably maintained over 15 years. We also observed a very low frequency of infertile clutches within each sampled site. Meanwhile, mating choice experiments conducted in laboratory conditions showed that assortative mating does not occur. Overall, this suggests that a large set of compatible Wolbachia strains are always locally dominant within mosquito populations thus, fitting with the theoretical expectations on CI dynamics.  相似文献   

Wolbachia is a group of maternally inherited endosymbiotic bacteria that infect and induce cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI) in a wide range of arthropods. In contrast to other species, the mosquito Culex pipiens displays an extremely high number of CI types suggesting differential infection by multiple Wolbachia strains. Attempts so far failed to detect Wolbachia polymorphism that might explain this high level of CI diversity found in C. pipiens populations. Here, we establish that Wolbachia infection is near to or at fixation in worldwide populations of the C. pipiens complex. Wolbachia polymorphism was addressed by sequence analysis of the Tr1 gene, a unique transposable element of the IS5 family, which allowed the identification of five C. pipiens Wolbachia strains, differing either by nucleotide substitution, presence or absence pattern, or insertion site. Sequence analysis also showed that recombination, transposition and superinfection occurred at very low frequencies. Analysis of the geographical distributions of each Wolbachia strain among C. pipiens populations indicated a strong worldwide differentiation independent from mosquito subspecies type, except in the UK. The availability of this polymorphic marker now opens the way to investigate evolution of Wolbachia populations and CI dynamics, in particular in regions where multiple crossing types coexist among C. pipiens populations.  相似文献   

The endosymbiotic bacterium Wolbachia pipientis infects a wide range of arthropods and induces a variety of reproductive anomalies, including cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI). Three populations of the two‐spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae, were investigated in the present study. Based on gene sequencing, they had different host genetic backgrounds but were infected with the same Wolbachia strain. We also examined the CI level relative to host background, male age, Wolbachia density, and Ankyrin (ANK) gene expression in T. urticae. The results of the present study suggest that: (1) CI differences between populations appear to be a result of host genetic background; (2) male age is not a factor determining intensity of CI; (3) Wolbachia density in males may serve as threshold factor necessary for the CI to occur in T. urticae, after which other factors become important in determining the strength of CI; and (4) hosts may modulate CI intensity through modulation of ANK gene expression in males. Our results describe a new type of interaction between Wolbachia and its hosts, and the effect of the interactions on CI. Further investigations on the functions of Wolbachia ankyrin gene products and their host targets, particularly with respect to host reproductive manipulation, are also imperative.  相似文献   

【目的】Wolbachia 是广泛存在于节肢动物和丝状线虫体内的一类共生菌, 能够以多种方式对宿主产生影响。精卵细胞质不亲和(CI)是其引起的最普遍的表型, 即感染Wolbachia的雄性宿主与未感染或感染不同品系的雌性宿主交配后, 不能产生后代或后代极少, 而感染同品系Wolbachia的雌雄宿主交配后则能正常产生后代。我们前期研究发现, 湖北武汉、 云南六库和天津3个地区黑腹果蝇Drosophila melanogaster被Wolbachia感染。本研究旨在明确这3个地区黑腹果蝇中Wolbachia的系统发育关系及其对宿主生殖的影响。【方法】利用Clustal X软件对Wolbachia的wsp基因序列进行比对, 利用MEGA软件构建系统发育树。采用多位点序列分型(MLST)的方法对Wolbachia进行分型。通过区内交配和区之间杂交的方式研究不同地区黑腹果蝇体内Wolbachia 的关系及其对果蝇生殖的影响。【结果】湖北武汉、 云南六库和天津3个地区黑腹果蝇中感染的Wolbachia都是属于A大组的Mel亚群。这3个地区果蝇感染的Wolbachia的序列类型(ST)不同, Wolbachia之间存在一定的差异。湖北武汉和天津果蝇中的Wolbachia能引起强烈的CI表型, 而云南六库果蝇中的Wolbachia引起的CI强度相对较弱。武汉果蝇中Wolbachia不能完全挽救天津果蝇中Wolbachia引起的CI表型, 而天津果蝇中Wolbachia也不能完全挽救武汉果蝇中Wolbachia引起的CI表型。【结论】武汉和天津地区黑腹果蝇中的Wolbachia可能距离较远。Wolbachia的长期共生可能对黑腹果蝇的进化产生了一定的影响, 湖北武汉与云南六库的黑腹果蝇中感染的Wolbachia属于不同的序列类型, 这2个地区的黑腹果蝇已发生了一定的分歧, 产生了一定的生殖隔离。  相似文献   

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