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猕猴属中的基因流研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张亚平  施立明 《遗传学报》1993,20(5):426-431
本文以我们修改的方法从猕猴肝脏组织中提取mtDNA。用限制性片段长度多态分析为手段研究恒河猴,台湾省的台湾猴,日本猴和食蟹猴的mtDNA多态。根据mtDNA遗传距离计算了4个种间的分歧年代,其范围为1.8-3.2百万年。根据蛋白质多态资料,同样计算了这4个种间的分歧年代,其范围为0.4-1.5百万年。结合化石,行为,动物地理等方面的资料,我们的结果提示:在猕猴属的进化过程中,恒河猴,食蟹猴,日本猴  相似文献   

我国几种猕猴属动物肠道寄生虫的调查   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
侯意谛 《动物学研究》1989,10(3):194-194,226
笔者自1981—1987年间,通过尸体剖检、肉眼查找虫体和镜检虫卵三方法,在本所养猴场对来自云南、四川、湖北等市县产的猕猴、(Macaca mulatta)、熊猴(M.assamensis)、豚尾猴(M.nemestrina)、红面猴(M.arcto-ides)、毛耳猕猴(M.Mulatta lasiota)等五种猕猴属动物体内所获得的肠道寄生虫的资料,简报如下。 根据标本分析的结果,共获得寄生虫13种,多为人畜共患的旧种,其中包括原虫(Protoza)2种,吸虫(Trem-atodes)1种,绦虫(Cestodes)2种,线虫(Nematodes)7种和粉螨(Acarus)1种:分隶于5纲,11科,13属。其分布及感染率见表1。 在整理过程中,发现有些寄生虫在某些非人灵长类动物中未见记载过,现记录于下:  相似文献   

基于RAPD标记的薄荷属(Mentha L.)植物亲缘关系分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用RAPD标记方法分析了薄荷属(Mentha L. )7个种38个种源间的遗传多样性,并采用UPGMA聚类分析方法探讨了38个种源间的亲缘关系.结果表明,用20条随机引物从38个种源的总DNA中共扩增出111条带,其中多态性条带91条,多态性条带百分率达81.98%,表明薄荷属植物种间和种内存在丰富的遗传多样性.聚类分析结果表明,在遗传相似系数0.43 处,供试的38个种源被分为2大类,其中第1大类包含日本薄荷(M. arvensis L. )、灰薄荷(M. vagans Boriss. )、留兰香(M. spicata L. )、皱叶留兰香(M. crispata Schrad. ex Willd. )、椒样薄荷(M.×piperita L. )和薄荷(M. haplocalyx Briq. )的37个种源,第2大类仅包含唇萼薄荷(M. pulegium L. )1个种源.在遗传相似系数0.74处,38个种源被分为6组:A组仅包含日本薄荷1个种源;B组包含灰薄荷的4个种源;C组包含留兰香的2个种源和皱叶留兰香的6个种源;D组包含椒样薄荷的5个种源和留兰香的2个种源;E组包含薄荷的17个种源;F组仅包含唇萼薄荷1个种源.在遗传相似系数0.83处,B组、C组、D组和E组可各自进一步划分为不同的亚组.研究结果显示,基于RAPD标记分析的聚类分析结果与传统形态学分类结果基本相吻合;同一种类来源相同或相近的种源聚在一起,说明薄荷属植物种内的遗传关系与地理分布和环境差异有一定的相关性.  相似文献   

部分小檗科植物的RAPD分析   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
利用随机扩增多态性DNA(RAPD)技术分析了部分小檗科(Berberidaceae)5个属6种植物:猫儿刺(Berberis julianae Schneid.),日本绿叶小檗(Berberis thunbergii DC.),阔叶大功劳(Mahonia bealei (Fort.)Carr.),南天竹(Nandina domestica Thunb.),淫羊藿(Epimedium sagittatum (S.etZ.)Maxim.)和八角莲(Dysosma versipellis (Hance)M.Cheng.)。经筛选Sangon公司的60个引物,其中29个引物的谱带清晰呈多态性。采用UPGMA法对求出的遗传距离进行聚类分析,结果显示:在小檗科内建立十大功劳属(Mahonia)和南天竹属(Nandina)是合理的。  相似文献   

猕猴(俗称猴子),属于哺乳类,灵长目,狭鼻猴亚目,猴科,猕猴属,最初发现于印度恒河一带,所以又叫恒河猴.学名为Macaca malatta.猕猴属在全世界约有12个种46个亚种,主要分布在非洲北部、南亚、东南亚和我国南部.我国西南和华南各省和浙江、安徽一带均有她的踪迹,尤以广西最多,所以又有广西猴之称.  相似文献   

日本《现代哺乳类学》分11篇,各篇均自成专题,并附大量最新文献。其内容简介如下:1.日本的哺乳类及其变异阐述日本哺乳类的起源及区系特征,以日本产4种鼹鼠为例讨论了其地理变异幅度及对其分类所认识的意义;总结了大林姬鼠的地理变异及形质置换研究成果。2.进化与核型依据染色体研究成果讨论了蝙蝠7属13种及鼬科5属8种的核型进化及各种均分类位置。3.遗传变异及集群结构采用蛋白电泳方法,以日本猕猴为主要研究对象,检索变异,血液蛋白28种,遗传子座32座位;讨论了日木猕猴集群的地理距离和遗传距离的相关系数等。  相似文献   

为弥补传统形态分类方法的不足,探究应用DNA条形码技术进行分子生物学鉴定的可行性,本研究用DNA条形码技术检测了青海省海东地区3目6科14属18种110只小型兽类的COI基因部分序列。分析所测COI基因序列可知:种内遗传距离≤3%,种间遗传距离5-10%,属间遗传距离12-19%,种间遗传距离显著大于种内遗传距离。NJ树显示同种个体聚为有很高支持度的单一分支。有6个个体(4只黄胸鼠、2只小家鼠)在现场鉴定中被误定为其他种类。研究结果表明使用条形码技术能纠正形态学鉴定中的错误,也说明动物线粒体COI基因是一个有效的DNA条形码标准基因。  相似文献   

两种锦鸡和环颈雉线粒体DNA(mtDNA)的比较研究   总被引:15,自引:3,他引:12  
张亚平  陈欣 《动物学研究》1991,12(4):387-392
本文以10种限制性内切酶分析雉科中环颈雉,红腹锦鸡和白腹锦鸡线粒体DNA(mtDNA)。雉属与锦鸡属之间的遗传距离P为0.076(0.067-0.085),红腹锦鸡与白腹锦鸡的P为0.012。推算雉属和锦鸡属的分化大约发生在3.8×10[6]年以前,红腹锦鸡与白腹锦鸡的分化大约在6×10[5]年以前。这些结果表明:1.在雉科系统发生中,雉属与锦鸡属是近缘的属;2.红腹锦鸡和白腹锦鸡的分化较晚,关系密切,可能只是两个亚种。  相似文献   

洱海鲤属鱼类同域分化形成的分子遗传学证据   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对洱海的 3种鲤鱼———洱海鲤 (C .barbatus)、春鲤 (C .longipectoralis)和杞麓鲤 (C .carpiochila)线粒体DNA(mtDNA)进行了限制性片段长度多态 (RFLP)分析和mtDNA控制区 (D loop)序列测定。RFLP分析结果表明 ,16种酶在洱海鲤、春鲤和杞麓鲤 3个种共 14个个体上 ,仅DraⅠ在春鲤的一个个体上检出一个位点的限制性片段长度多态 ,独立为单倍型Ⅱ ,3个种的其余 13个个体共享单倍型Ⅰ ,种间遗传距离为 0 %~ 0 0 0 75 % ,此种间差异值比已报道的鱼类的种间差异甚至种内差异都低得多。D loop区的序列测定结果表明 ,长为 4 4 9bp的序列共显示有 7个变异位点 ,均为碱基替换 ,变异比例为 1 5 6 % ,在 14个鲤鱼个体中共检出 6种单倍型 ,种间的遗传距离为 0 0 82 %~ 0 171% ,与已研究的其他几种异域分布的鲤鱼相比 ,也至少小一个数量级。mtDNA的RFLP及D loop区的序列比较都揭示出洱海 3种鲤鱼之间的遗传差异远小于异域分布的鲤属鱼类物种之间及其他鱼类的同属种间的遗传差异。对洱海鲤属鱼类种间如此小的遗传差异唯一合理的解释就是 :它们确是由同域分化而形成的。  相似文献   

野生花生种质的SSR遗传多样性   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
以花生属(Arachis)6个区组24种(包括栽培种)84份种质为材料,用SSR技术对其亲缘关系和遗传多样性进行了分析.从206对SSR引物中筛选到59对能扩增出稳定的多态性条带的引物,这些引物能在花生属基因组DNA中扩增出1~6个DNA片段.结果表明,84份种质的遗传距离为0.04~0.93,平均为0.64,其中匍匐区组的A.appressipila的2份种质(G4与G5)的遗传距离最小(0.04),匍匐区组的A.rigonii(G14)与根茎区组的A.glabrata(G28)的遗传距离最大(0.93).聚类分析结果与花生属的区组分类基本一致,栽培种花生被聚在花生区组中,而且7份栽培种被聚在同一亚亚组中,相同植物学类犁(相当于变种)的材料均被分别聚在一起.异形花区组与直立区组的亲缘关系最近,与花生区组的亲缘关系较近的是匍匐区组.花牛区组的二倍体野生种A.villosa、A.duranensis和A.benensis与栽培种化生关系较近,可以作为桥梁物种来转移其他野生花生的优良基因.  相似文献   

中国猕猴类(Macaca)的演化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蒋学龙 《人类学学报》1992,11(2):184-191

基于线粒体控制区序列的猕猴属系统发育研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
通过线粒体部分控制区DNA序列数据探讨7种猕猴属物种的分子系统发育关系。结果表明熊猴的核苷酸多样度最高,而藏酋猴核苷酸多样度较低。基于控制区序列数据所构建的最大似然树,不考虑食蟹猴的位置,7种猕猴物种可粗略地分为3个种组,即狮尾猴组(包括北平顶猴)、头巾猴组(包括红面猴、熊猴和藏酋猴)和食蟹猴组(包括恒河猴和台湾猴)。与前人(Fooden&Lanyon,1989;Tosi et al,2003a;Deinard&Smith,2001;Evans et al,1999;Hayasaka et al,1996;Morales&Melnick,1998)的结果不同,我们的结果支持食蟹猴比北平顶猴分化早的假设;东部恒河猴(相对于台湾猴)和东部熊猴(相对于藏酋猴)出现并系。与Y染色体、等位酶、核基因以及部分形态学数据推测的结果(Delson,1980;Fooden&Lanyon。1989;Fooden,1990;Tosi et al,2000,2003a,b;Deinard&Smith,2001)一致,红面猴应归于头巾猴组,但此结论与前人(Hayasaka et al,1996;Morales&Melnick,1998;Tosi et al,2003a)依据线粒体得到的结果有较大分歧。  相似文献   

We estimated the phylogenetic relationships of mitochondrial DNA haplotypes within the sinica-group of macaques, which includes Macaca sinica, M. radiata, M. thibetana, M. assamensis, and possibly M. arctoides. Some effort was made to detect intraspecific variation by sampling individuals from different parts of the species' range or from different matrilines. In the case of M. assamensis, individuals were sampled from both subspecies (M. assamensis assamensis and M. assamensis pelops). Total genomic DNA was extracted from blood samples and cut with a battery of 16 restriction endonucleases. A total of 97 restriction sites were mapped for these enzymes in the sinica-group and M. nemestrina, which was used as an outgroup. Phylogenetic trees constructed by both the maximum parsimony method and the neighbor-joining method were highly congruent. A bootstrap analysis of the maximum parsimony tree indicated a high degree of confidence to the association of particular haplotypes within the 80% majority rule consensus tree. An exhaustive search of all possible trees also supported this topology, although one haplotype had to be eliminated from this analysis to save computer time. The results were also unaffected by weighting the character state changes in favor of site gains over site losses. The mtDNA phylogeny produced here differs from trees based on morphology and allozymes in three ways: M. sinica and M. radiata sit in two different branches of the tree; the two subspecies of M. assamensis are separated from one another; and M. arctoides consistently fell outside the rest of the sinica-group.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

对懒猴、猕猴、豚尾猴、熊猴、红面猴、黑长臂猿、白眉长臂猿等七种非人灵长类动物的脑进行了形态学的比较研究。在所研究的七种灵长类动物中,其脑的发育程度是同它们的分类地位相对应的。  相似文献   

We report here the results of one of the first analyses to use male-specific nuclear markers in elucidating primate phylogenetic relationships at the intrageneric level. Two closely linked Y chromosome markers, TSPY and SRY, were sequenced for a total of 3100 bases. Forty-four macaques, representing 18 of the 19 recognized species, were sequenced for the full 3.1 kb, as was 1 individual from each of the following outgroup genera: Papio, Theropithecus, Mandrillus, Allenopithecus,Cercopithecus, Trachypithecus, Presbytis, and Homo. In contrast to recent mtDNA phylogenies, Y chromosome loci support four monophyletic species groups, including a sinica group containing M. arctoides-a classification largely congruent with those of Fooden and Delson. Comparison of mtDNA and Y chromosome phylogenies highlight (1) a potential hybrid origin of Macaca arctoides from M. fascicularis and proto-M. assamensis/thibetana and (2) cases of mitochondrial paraphyly in macaque species whose Y chromosome lineages are monophyletic-a probable evolutionary consequence of philopatric females vs dispersing males. These results raise the question of whether a phylogenetic tree should be a topology of species origins or a depiction of more current species relationships, including subsequent episodes of introgression.  相似文献   

贵州盘县大洞更新世灵长类化石   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文记述贵州盘县大洞中-晚更新世洞穴堆积中的猴类化石,数量不多,被归入短尾猴(Macacaarctoides),熊猴(M.cf.assamensis)和疣猴亚科(Colobinae)本研究为南方洞穴堆积单个灵长类牙齿的鉴定积累一些资料,同时也扩大了贵州省猴类化石的分布。  相似文献   

熊猴存在TRIM5/TRIMCyp杂合子基因型   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
缺乏合适的动物模犁是制约艾滋病研究取得重大突破的关键瓶颈之一.细胞内的抗病毒蛋白被称为限制因子.研究不同灵长类动物抗HIV-1宿主限制因子的存在形式及作用机制对建立合适AIDS灵长类动物模型有十分重要的意义.TRIM5α是哺乳动物细胞中一种重要和关键的限制因子,它以物种依赖的方式限制包括HIV-1在内的逆转录病毒的感染.TRIM5-CypA融合基因是存在于新大陆猴与旧大陆猴中的一种独特的TRIM5基因形式.为了研究不同灵长类动物TRIM5基因的存在方式,该文对熊猴、藏婀猴、红面猴及中闰恒河猴4个物种共110只灵长类动物进行了TRIM5-CypA融合模式的研究.首次发现熊猴也存在TRIM5-CypA基因融合现象.熊猴TRIMCyp融合基因形成模式类似于北平顺猴TRIMCyp融合基因模式,即CypA假基因的cDNA序列通过逆转座方式插入到TRIM5基凶的3'-UTR区域.基因序列分析表明,该基因与北平顶猴相应基因序列高度相似;并且其TRIM5内含子6的3'-剪接位点也相应存存G-to-T突变现象(G/T).这提示熊猴也极有可能像北平顶猴一样表达TRIM5-CypA融合蛋白,从而导致熊猴可能跟北平顶猴一样可能被HIV-1感染.因此,熊猴极有希望成为一种新的HIV/AIDS灵长类动物模型.  相似文献   

The macaques, genus Macaca, represent one of the most successful radiations within the Order Primates, with a geographical distribution that ranks second in size only to that of humans among extant primates. Although the number of macaque species recognized depends on the classification scheme used, most authors currently follow the classifications of either Fooden or Delson, both of whom recognize 19 extant macaque species. These two classifications differ in their placement of macaque species into more inclusive taxa (i.e., species groups). While researchers have attempted to use mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) to resolve these phylogenetic relationships, different studies have generated conflicting conclusions. Consequently, we screened nuclear DNA sequences of a large number of macaques to determine if such data provide greater insight into the phylogenetic relationships among macaques. The data generated from the comparison of two (noncoding) introns within the natural resistance-associated macrophage protein 1 (NRAMP1) gene generally agree with the classification scheme of Delson. However, the data also support several novel observations. Specifically, the NRAMP1 data demonstrate that M. silenus and M. nemestrina lack nuclear genetic variation, while M. assamensis and M. radiata exhibit the greatest amount of genetic variation. In addition, these data suggest that M. fascicularis may not be as "primitive" (with respect to other members of the fascicularis group) as the mtDNA based data suggest.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present data on murid rodents obtained by three major techniques used in biochemical systematics today: protein electrophoresis, scnDNA hybridization and mtDNA RFLP. The data have been analysed by both phenetic and cladistic methods and results of the three techniques were compared with one another. Four clear major levels of divergence (or nodes) can be recognized by all methods. Node 1 groups four subspecies of M. musculus ( domesticus, bactrianus, castaneus and musculus ). Node 2 groups four species: M. musculus, M. spretus, M. spicilegus and M. spretoides . Node 3 groups the stem of node 2 and three strictly Oriental species ( M. caroli, M. cervicolor and M. cookii ) Node 4 groups the previous lineages with Oriental Pyromys and Coelomys and the Ethiopian Nannomys . However, the relationships within each level cannot be resolved without ambiguity. We argue that this is not due to the resolutive power of our methods, but to a biological reality, that is successive adaptive radiations marked by quasi-simultaneous speciation events linked with geographical colonization. Our estimation of divergence time between different taxa showed that the genus Mus is very young. The youngest 'bona fide' species are 1.1 Myr old, or even less than 0.3 Myr if one takes into consideration the two sibling species M. spicilegus and M. spretoides . It appears that mtDNA evolves three to six times faster than scnDNA. The zoogeographical history of the genus can be reconstructed as a séries of adaptative radiations leading to the present day distribution of the Palaearctic, Oriental, and Ethiopian groups of taxa.  相似文献   

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