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吴文平 《菌物学报》2004,23(3):313-323
本文描述了中国鞘孢属Chalara真菌八种,包扩四个新种:间型鞘孢C.intermedia,微小鞘孢Chalara minima,中国鞘孢Chalara sinensis和云南鞘孢Chalara yunnanensis。其余四个种为中国新记录种.文中还提供了所有中国已报道种的检索表.模式标本保存在北京诺维信中国研发中心标本室.  相似文献   

中国砖格孢子丝孢菌研究V.—— 单格孢属   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵国柱  张天宇 《菌物学报》2004,23(3):324-327
报道单格孢属的两个新种和三个中国新记录种,新种为长圆孢单格孢Monodictys oblongispora和脑形单格孢Monodictys cerebriformis,中国新记录种为光滑单格孢Monodictys levis, 黑素单格孢Monodictys melanopa, 多变单格孢Monodictys fluctuata。研究标本保存在山东农业大学植物病理学标本室(HSAUP)。  相似文献   

李长林  李伟 《菌物学报》2014,33(4):932-936
报道了分离自渤海沉积物和黄海海藻的枝孢属3个中国新记录种:细孢枝孢Cladosporium perangustum、枝细枝孢C.ramotenellum和曲梗枝孢C.sinuosum。对这些种分别进行了描述,并附有形态图。研究菌株保存于中国海洋大学海洋生物标本室(OUCMB)。  相似文献   

本文描述了中国鞘孢属 Chalara真菌八种, 包扩四个新种: 间型鞘孢 C. intermedia, 微小鞘孢Chalara minima, 中国鞘孢Chalara sinensis 和云南鞘孢Chalara yunnanensis。 其余四个种为中国新记录种. 文中还提供了所有中国已报道种的检索表.模式标本保存在北京诺维信中国研发中心标本室.  相似文献   

庄剑云  魏淑霞 《菌物学报》2016,(12):1468-1474
报道了锈菌春孢子阶段的6个式样种。戴氏裸孢锈菌Caeoma taianum和镰孢被孢锈菌Peridermium falciforme是新式样种;文山春孢锈菌Aecidium wenshanense是新组合;鸭嘴花春孢锈菌Aecidium adhatodae,藁本春孢锈菌Aecidium ligustici和山地春孢锈菌Aecidium montanum是中国新记录。每个式样种都有形态特征描述和线条图,附有简要讨论。标本保藏在中国科学院菌物标本馆(HMAS)。  相似文献   

郭英兰 《菌物系统》2001,20(2):156-158
报道钉孢属一个新种:生在Lai木属Cornus sp.上的Lai木钉孢Passalora corni和1个新组合:生在四叶重楼Paris quadrifolia上的重楼钉孢Passalora paridis;尚有尾孢菌属的4个中国新记录种:蛇藤生尾孢Cercospora celastricola,危地马拉尾孢Cercospora guatemalensis,大漂尾孢Cercospora pistiae,和鼠尾草生尾孢Cercospora salviicola。为新种提供了拉丁文简介、英文描述并绘图。标本保存在中国科学院微生物研究所菌物标本馆(MHAS)。  相似文献   

郭英兰  蒋毅 《菌物学报》2000,19(3):302-305
5种尾孢菌和2种假尾孢菌,其中有3个新种:杜若尾孢Cercosporapolliae-japonicaeY.L.Guo&Y.Jiang,sp.nov.,日本锦带花尾孢C.weigelae-japonicaeY.L.Guo&Y.Jiang,sp.nov.和旅覆花假尾孢PseudocercosporainulaeY.L.Guo&Y.Jiang,sp.nov.,1个新组合:紫花假尾孢Pseudocercosporaquata(Chupp&Greene)Y.L.Guo&Y.Jiang,comb.nov.,和3个中国新记录;山牵牛尾孢CercosporathunbergianaYen,乌拉马尾孢CercosporauramensisChupp&Muller和盐肤木尾孢CercosporaverniciferaeChupp&Viegas。文中为新种提供了拉丁文简介,描述并附图,研究的标本保存在中国科学院微生物研究所菌物标本馆(HMAS)。  相似文献   

在进行中国砖格丝孢菌分类研究中,发现砖格孢属一个新种和两个中国新记录种。新种是泰山砖格孢Dictyosporium taishanensis,新记录种是索兰砖格孢Dictyosporium solani和七臂砖格孢Dictyosporium heptasporum。分别对三个种进行了中文描述,并附图,新种有拉丁文描述。研究标本保存在山东农业大学植物病理学标本室(HSAUP)。  相似文献   

中国假尾孢属的研究 I   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
郭英兰  刘锡琎 《菌物学报》1989,8(Z1):225-240
假尾孢属(Pseudocercospora)是尾孢菌属(Cercospora)的近似属中最大的一个属,Deighton估计约有500种尾孢菌需要转到假尾孢属,目前全世界已描述假尾孢菌400多个种,且都是植物寄生菌,有些种能引致植物严重病害。Spegazzini于1910年建立了假尾孢属,但1976年以前,大多被归属于尾孢菌属内。1971年Ellis对此属的特征作了精简描述,1976年报导了3个新组合。1976年以后,假尾孢属虽先后有不少新种和新组合被其他作者发表,但系统研究此属的则系Deighton o Deighton 1976年对假尾孢属的研究史、与近似属的区别以及属的特征都作了详细描述,并报道了世界性假尾孢菌的21个新种,202个新组合和3个新名称,于1979年和1987年又报道了15个新种和39个新组合。假尾孢属与尾孢菌属,针尾孢属(Cercoseptoria)及假小尾孢属(Pseudocercosporella)非常相似,但不同的是尾孢菌属产孢细胞不具齿突,疤痕明显加厚,分生孢子梗不从表生菌丝上产生,分生孢子大多无色,针形;针尾孢属分生孢子窄(不超过3µm),针形,不呈倒棍棒形,无表生菌丝;假小尾孢属分生孢子梗和分生孢子均无色,子座与假尾孢属也不大相同. 本文报道中国产的假尾孢菌60个种,其中有一个新种(八角枫假尾孢),25个新组合和3个新记录.  相似文献   

本文报道了河北省具纤毛(setulae)分生孢子的腔孢菌(Coelomycetes)5种,它们隶属于多毛孢属(Polynema Lev.),星毛孢属(Stauronema H.Sydow,Sydow &Butler),刺杯毛孢属(Dinemasporium Lev.)和双毛壳孢属(Discosia Lib.)。其中多毛孢属和星毛孢属系国内新记录属。记载了一新种中国多毛孢(Polynema sinense w.-P.Wu)和一中国新记录种甘蔗星毛孢(Stauronema sacchari H.Sydow,Sydow &Butler)。在刺杯毛孢属和双毛壳孢属内共鉴定出3个种,它们是槭刺杯毛孢(Dinemasporium acerinum Peck),刚毛刺杯毛孢(Dinemasporium strigosum(Pets.:Ft.)Sate.)和双毛壳孢(Discosia artocreas(Tode:Fr。)Ff.)。文中对这些种进行了详细描述,新种有拉丁文描述。研究标本保藏于河北省科学院生物研究所。  相似文献   

中南半岛紫金牛科植物志预报   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
紫金牛科是一个典型的热带分布科,中南半岛种类非常丰富。Pitard(1930)在“Flore Generale de L'Indochine”中记录了6属109种。此后,对这一地区的种类无人作过全面深入的研究。最近作者在编研《柬埔寨、老挝和越南植物志》的过程中,对紫金牛科作了全面的修订,被确认的种类增加到7属142种,其中包括紫金牛属,酸藤子属和杜茎山属的30个新种,10个新变种,另外还有紫金牛属  相似文献   

利用AFLP分子标记结合形态学指标,采用UPGMA法进行聚类分析,对桤木属17个种57份材料进行了亲缘关系研究及一个模糊种鉴定。结果表明:7对引物扩增出369条带,其中346个多态位点,多态位点百分率为93.77%;根据AFLP标记位点聚类分析,在相似系数为0.782时,17种桤木属植物可分为4类,第一类为日本桤木(Alnus japonica);第二类为绿桤木(A.viridis)、意大利桤木(A.cordata)、欧洲桤木(A.glutinosa)、模糊种、四川桤木(A.cremastogyne)、江南桤木(A.trabeculosa)、斑点桤木(A.incana ssp.rugosa)、东北亚灰桤木(A.hirsuta)、台湾桤木(A.formosana)、日本特有桤木(A.firma)和裂叶桤木(A.sinuata);第三类为灰桤木(A.incana)、红桤木(A.rubra)及薄叶桤木(A.tenifolia);第四类喜马拉雅灰桤(A.nitida)和尼泊尔桤木(A.nepalensis)。根据形态学聚类分析,在距离为1.4时可分为三类,意大利桤木(A.cordata)单独为一类;日本桤木(A.japonica)、台湾桤木(A.formosana)、喜马拉雅灰桤木(A.nitida)、江南桤木(A.trabeculosa)和东北亚灰桤木(A.hirsuta);第三类包括模糊种、灰桤木(A.incana)、斑点桤木(A.incana ssp.rugosa)、裂叶桤木(A.sinuata)、红桤木(A.rubra)、欧洲桤木(A.glutinosa)、绿桤木(A.viridis)、四川桤木(A.cremastogyne)、薄叶桤木(A.tenuifolia)和尼泊尔桤木(A.nepalensis)。经形态特征和AFLP分析鉴定模糊种为欧洲桤木。形态学聚类与AFLP聚类结果基本一致,但仍存在一定的差异,说明桤木属植物遗传背景丰富,种的分子分类地位和形态学分类地位具有一定的差异。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Taxonomic study of the genus Anterhynchium from the Eastern Asia is carried out. A total of 15 forms included in four species were reviewed: A. melanopterum, A. flavopunctatum flavopunctatum, A. flavopuntatum opulentum, A. yunnanensis, A. flavomarginatum flavomarginatum, A. f. koreanum, A. f. tsushimarum, A. f. umenoi, A. f. micado, A. f. procella, A. f. insulicola, A. f. sulphreum, A. f. amamense, A. f. hanedai and A. f. formosicola. However, the A. flavopunctatum opulentum and A. yunnanensis are only cited for future work, due to the lack of available materials. Key to the other species and subspecies are revised, and photos showing diagnostic characters and coloration are presented. The male genitalic characters for accurate identification were separately discussed.  相似文献   

七种蒿属植物种子重量形状及萌发特性的比较研究   总被引:22,自引:3,他引:19  
在实验室条件下 ,对 7种蒿属植物种子 (差巴嘎蒿、乌丹蒿、万年蒿、大籽蒿、黄蒿、野艾蒿和冷蒿 )进行重量、形状及萌发特性的比较研究。沙生先锋植物乌丹蒿和差巴嘎蒿的种子重量较大、形状扁平 ,这些特征是植物对流沙环境进化的适应机制之一。黄蒿种子小且呈圆形 ,具有持久土壤种子库 ,因此黄蒿抗干扰能力较强。 7种蒿属植物有 3种萌发格局 :大籽蒿、万年蒿、差巴嘎蒿和冷蒿的萌发前期快 ,后期平缓 ;野艾蒿和黄蒿整个萌发过程平缓 ;乌丹蒿早期和后期萌发平缓 ,中间快。乌丹蒿推迟萌发高峰是它比差巴嘎蒿更适应流沙环境的机制之一。从种子萌发格局分析 ,黄蒿种子具有生理后熟或休眠机制 ,大籽蒿种子萌发是典型的机会主义。黄蒿、野艾蒿和冷蒿种子具有风险分摊的萌发机制。种子重量和形状与发芽率之间无相关性 ,重量和形状则显著相关。  相似文献   

The variability of the nuclear 18S rDNA was examined for 10 species of freshwater eels: Anguilla anguilla, A. australis, A. dieffenbachii, A. japonica, A. marmorata, A. mossambica, A. nebulosa labiata, A. obscura, A. reinhardtii and A. rostrata. We observed that a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) separated A. anguilla and A. japonica from the remaining taxa. While this SNP marker may be used to identify hypothetical hybrids of A. japonica and sympatric eel species, we focused on Atlantic eels to evaluate the potential for this diagnostic chromosomal marker to discriminate between individuals of A. anguilla, A. rostrata and their hybrids.  相似文献   

Genetic characterization of Artemia tibetiana (Crustacea: Anostraca)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The brine shrimp Artemia consists of a number of bisexual species and a large number of parthenogenetic forms, which collectively, inhabit a wide range of hypersaline habitats. A recently described species (A. tibetiana) from a carbonate lake (Lagkor Co) in Tibet at an altitude of 4490 m has been tested with New World (A. franciscana USA, and A. franciscana feral population Vietnam) and Old World species (A. salina, A. urmiana, A. sinica) for cross fertility. These tests show complete infertility between A. tibetiana and A. franciscana . Between A. tibetiana and A. urmiana, A. sinica partial fertility through to F2 and F3 generations is evident. Allozyme and RAPD comparison of A. tibetiana with A. franciscana (USA), A. franciscana (Vietnam), A. sinica (Mongolia) and A. urmiana (Iran) show that A. tibetiana is similar to other bisexual species in mean heterozygosity (0.074) but has a somewhat higher proportion of polymorphic loci (40%, similar to that of A. urmiana ). The genetic distance between A. tibetiana and A. franciscana is 0.730, between A. tibetiana and A. urmiana is 0.475 and that between A. tibetiana and A. sinica is 0.114. FIS estimates for A. tibetiana differ significantly from zero for six loci, mainly because of lack of fit to Hardy-Weinberg expectations. This may suggest that even within the limited area of Lagkor Co there are Genétically distinct populations. © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2002, 75 , 333–344.  相似文献   

VAN RAAMSDONK, L. W. D., WIETSMA, W. A. & DE VRIES, J. N., 1992. Crossing experiments in Allium L. section Cepa . A full diallel was carried out with six diploid species of Allium section Cepa and A. roylei of section Rhizirideum , High isolation barriers were found between the related species A. cepa and A. oschaninii , between A. oschaninii and A. vavilovii , and between A. galanthum and A. pskemense . On the contrary, the species A. cepa and A. roylei , belonging to different sections, show only slight isolation barriers. The Wallace effect, which is the development of internal isolation barriers as such, is likely to have taken place in the evolution of A. oschaninii and A. vavilovii , and possibly also between A. galanthum and A. pskemense .  相似文献   

Tumor suppressor RASSF1A (RAS association domain family 1, isoform A) is known to play an important role in regulation of mitosis; however, little is known about how RASSF1A is regulated during the mitotic phase of the cell cycle. In the present study, we have identified Cullin-4A (CUL4A) as a novel E3 ligase for RASSF1A. Our results demonstrate that DNA damage-binding protein 1 (DDB1) functions as a substrate adaptor that directly interacts with RASSF1A and bridges RASSF1A to the CUL4A E3 ligase complex. Depletion of DDB1 also diminishes intracellular interactions between RASSF1A and CUL4A. Our results also show that RASSF1A interacts with DDB1 via a region containing amino acids 165-200, and deletion of this region abolishes RASSF1A and DDB1 interactions. We have found that CUL4A depletion results in increased levels of RASSF1A protein due to increased half-life; whereas overexpression of CUL4A and DDB1 markedly enhances RASSF1A protein ubiquitination resulting in reduced RASSF1A levels. We further show that CUL4A-mediated RASSF1A degradation occurs during mitosis, and depletion of CUL4A markedly reverses mitotic-phase-stimulated RASSF1A degradation. We also note that overexpression of CUL4A antagonizes the ability of RASSF1A to induce M-phase cell cycle arrest. Thus, our present study demonstrates that the CUL4A·DDB1 E3 complex is important for regulation of RASSF1A during mitosis, and it may contribute to inactivation of RASSF1A and promoting cell cycle progression.  相似文献   

林平 《昆虫分类学报》1996,18(3):157-169
桂毛异丽金龟物种群(Anomalahirsutulaspeciesgroup)是山居类群,外部形态彼此十分近似,容易混淆。体型中等,全体被不甚密可见红褐底色的短毛,背面刻点甚密,鞘翅背面有6条深沟行,行距圆脊状隆起。本篇包括国内迄今已知种类15种,其中新种10种,新异名1种,新纪录3种,恢复原种名1种。篇内对旧种的分类间题进行了讨论。种名有:闽毛异丽金龟A.hirsutndessp.nov,桂毛异丽金龟A.hirsutulaNonfried,湘毛异丽金龟A.trichophorasp.nov.,赣毛异丽金龟A.montanasp.nov.,川毛异丽金龟A.piloellaFairmaire,黔毛异丽金龟A.subpilosasp.nov,长毛异丽金龟A.subtrinatasp.nov,叉毛异丽金龟A.subtomentellasp.nov,疣毛异丽金龟A.planicaudasp.nov,云毛异丽金龟A.iwaseiMiyake,斧毛异丽金龟A.sapaMiyake,缅毛异丽金龟A.ligneaArrow,脊毛异丽金龟A.capillulasp.nov,短毛异丽金龟A.brevihirtasp.nov.和  相似文献   

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