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黄颡鱼(Pseudobagrus fulvidraco)精子的超微结构   总被引:35,自引:0,他引:35  
黄颡鱼精子由头部、中段和鞭毛(尾部)三部分组成。头部的主要结构是细胞核。核中浓缩了染色质呈颗粒状、染色质吸核泡存在,核泡中有致密颗粒状物。植入窝呈井状,从核的端往前深陷入核的中央,中段的中心粒复合体位于植入窝中,结构独特。近端中心粒和基体首尾相对,排在同一直线上。某些精子的近端中心粒的中央腔中能见一、二个粗大的颗粒状物。基体的中央腔中的一对中央微管。近端中心粒和基体之间有中心粒间体将两者隔开。中段  相似文献   

余红卫 《动物学杂志》2010,45(6):101-105
应用透射电镜技术观察了中国绿螂(Glaucomya chinensis)精子的超微结构。精子为典型的原生型,包括头部、中段和尾部三部分。头部由顶体和细胞核组成。顶体呈倒"V"字型。细胞核呈长圆柱形,没有核前窝,具有核后窝。中段由4个线粒体环绕中心粒而成。尾部细长,为典型的"9+2"结构。文中还讨论了双壳类精子形态结构的种属间差异。  相似文献   

大鳞副泥鳅精子结构研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
用光学显微镜和透射电子显微镜对大鳞副泥鳅精子的结构进行研究。结果表明,大鳞副泥鳅的精子主要分为头部、中段和尾部;头部无顶体,在光学显微镜下近圆形,在透射电子显微镜下纵切亦近圆形,主要由细胞核组成,核内染色质致密,核内有核空泡,核外可见清晰核膜,核外可见细胞质,细胞质很少且紧贴细胞核,细胞质外是质膜,质膜在细胞质外呈波浪状;头部后端有一较浅的植入窝,约占核的1/4,植入窝的长轴几乎与细胞核的长轴平行,植入窝内有中心粒复合体;精子的中片与头部无明显分割,位于头部的后方,由中心粒复合体和袖套组成,袖套两边不对称,中心粒复合体由近端中心粒和远端中心粒组成,近端中心粒与远端中心粒之间呈一钝角;精子尾部无侧鳍,可分为主段和末段,尾部主段具有典型的"9+2"的轴丝结构。精子头长为(1.79±0.28)μm,中片长为(1.86±0.42)μm,尾长为(28.06±2.78)μm,全长为(31.65±2.82)μm。  相似文献   

鲤鱼精子超微结构的研究   总被引:43,自引:2,他引:41  
鲤鱼精子由头部,中片和尾部组成,头部的细胞核卵形,染色质致密。核中有些小空隙,空中的电子致密物质存在。中片紧连在核的后端。中片由中心粒复合体和袖套组成。中心粒复合体位于核后植入窝中,袖套一侧肥厚,一侧狭窄,袖套中有线粒体和囊泡。囊泡有二类,一类含有电子致密物质;另一类无电子致密物质。近袖套内膜处的细胞质中还存在着与内膜平行的膜,精子尾部从袖套腔中伸出。尾部的轴丝与基体相接。尾部的近核端多有许多囊泡  相似文献   

虾夷扇贝精子的超微结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用扫描和透射电镜研究了虾夷扇贝(Patinopecten yessoensis)精子的超微结构.虾夷扇贝精子为典型的原生型,全长50μm左右,头部长约3 μm.精子主要由头部、中段和尾部三部分组成.头部顶体突出,呈倒"V"形;顶体下方为精核,电子密度较高且占头部大部分,具有核前窝(anterior nuclear fossa)、核后窝(posterior nuclear fossa)和植入窝(implantation fossa);4~5个近圆形的线粒体围绕着中心粒复合体形成精子的中段.尾部细长,尾部鞭毛横切面为典型的"9 2"结构.  相似文献   

褶纹冠蚌精子的超微结构研究   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
利用电镜褶纹冠蚌精子的形态和结构作了研究,结果表明:精子全长约40-43μm,由头部、中段和鞭毛组成。头部呈子弹头形,长约2.6μm,直径约1.5μm,内含细胞核,核属浓缩型,外被核膜,5个球形的线粒体构成了精子的中段,中段长约0.6μm,最大直径约1.8μm。近端中心粒位于核基部的凹陷处,并通过致密的无定形的基质与远端中心粒相连,远端中心粒与鞭毛领之间通过硬功夫个围中心粒器紧密相连,鞭毛长约37-40μm。精子顶体退化,仅由几个顶体囊泡组成。  相似文献   

家鸽(Columbadomestica)精子分为头部、颈部及尾部。尾部又区分为中段、主段及末段。头部呈圆柱形,主要被精细胞核占据,核的前面包绕顶体,后端连接颈部。颈部有两个中心粒,与头部相邻接的是与精子纵轴垂直的近侧中心粒,远侧中心粒形成基底体向后发出尾部的轴丝。轴丝的结构为9+2型。中段在轴丝之外有线粒体鞘包绕,最外面为质膜。主段和末段无线粒体鞘,轴丝之外直接被以质膜。  相似文献   

为了解大口黑鲈Micropterus salmoides精子的超微结构,应用扫描电镜和透射电镜对大口黑鲈精子结构进行观察。结果显示,大口黑鲈精子由头部、中段和鞭毛三部分组成,扫描电镜下精子中段不明显,无顶体;精子全长25.07μm±4.93μm(n=30),头部近球形,直径1.73μm±0.29μm(n=30),鞭毛长23.00μm±4.86μm(n=30)。头部主要由细胞核构成,细胞核呈蘑菇形,染色质电子致密成簇,被电子透明区分开,核近鞭毛端向内凹陷,形成较浅的核窝。中段包括中心粒复合体和袖套,中心粒复合体由近端中心粒和远端中心粒构成,近端中心粒位于核窝内,与细胞核横轴平行,远端中心粒为鞭毛的基部,位于核窝外,袖套内,与近端中心粒垂直,呈"T"字形。线粒体分布在袖套两侧的袖套腔中,形状大小不一,总数(17±4)个(n=30)。鞭毛从袖套腔中伸出,主要由轴丝和侧鳍构成,轴丝与远端中心粒相接,有典型的"9+2"二联微管结构,侧鳍分布在鞭毛两侧。研究表明,大口黑鲈精子为硬骨鱼类Ⅰ型精子,其袖套形状以及线粒体的数目和大小与鲈形目Perciformes其他鱼类的精子结构存在区别。  相似文献   

文昌鱼精子的超显微结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文昌鱼(Branchiostoma belcheri tsingtaoensis)的成熟精子由一个锥形的顶体,头部,颈(被核包裹)和尾部组成。尾可分为中段,主段和末段。微管对复合体为9+2。 文昌鱼精子的超显微结构与前人报道的线粒体由4—6个组成的不同。它由一个大的线粒体围绕尾主轴中段,而且精子属于对称性类型,可以见到核内管,中心粒和致密纤维,终环结构与隐窝位于尾中段与主段之间。本文并对文昌鱼在系统发生中的重要位置和意义作了讨论。  相似文献   

翡翠贻贝精子的超微结构   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
利用透射电镜研究翡翠贻贝 (Pernaviridis)精子的超微结构。精子为典型的原生型 ,包括头部、中段与尾部三部分。头部由顶体和细胞核组成。顶体明显突出呈倒漏斗形。亚顶体腔呈锥形 ,其中的亚顶体物质呈伞状分布 ,中轴一直延伸至核的后端。细胞核近似球形 ,被管状的核前窝几乎分成相似的两部分。 4~ 5个椭圆形的线粒体围绕着中心粒复合体形成精子的中段。中心粒为中空的圆柱形 ,具有卫星体结构。尾部细长 ,轴丝为典型的“9 2”结构。本文讨论了双壳类精子形态的种属间的差异。  相似文献   

本文利用扫描电镜和透射电镜对鲫鲤杂种F2精子的超微结构进行了系统的研究。F2精子由头部、中片和尾部组成,头部前端有液泡,没有顶体。研究发现,F2精子头部大小差别明显,最小的精子头径只有1.32μm,而最大的那个“超级精子”头径约18.39μm,但是绝大部分精子头径在1.85-2.15μm。另外,通过透射电镜还发现了双核精子和双尾精子。结果表明,F2精子中存在着明显的多态性,其中有正常的精子,即单倍体精子;也有异常的精子,包括二倍体精子、四倍体精子甚至更高倍性的精子,还有非整倍体精子。本研究结果为二倍体的精子和二倍体的卵子结合产生四倍体的机制提供了有利的证据。  相似文献   

The structure and maturation of the spermatozoa of Sciara coprophila   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The axial filament of Sciara coprophila does not conform to the usual 9 + 2 filament pattern but consists, rather, of as many as 76 pairs of filaments which decrease in number from the anterior to the posterior region of the sperm. It is first seen at the base of the head in the shape of an indented oval. The axial filament varies in configuration along the remaining length of the sperm as one whorl or two connected whorls of filament pairs. The other structures of the sperm revealed by the light and electron microscopes are a homogeneous, dense, spear-shaped nucleus, a row of spherical dense bodies in the middle piece enclosed by the axial filament and of unknown nature and function and a single mitochondrial derivative. The mitochondrial nebenkern derivative consists of a large electron transparent region bordered by cristae and a smaller paracrystalline region located adjacent to the axial filament. The derivative arises as paracrystalline material in a medial nuclear indentation. The electron transparent material is first seen at the anterior end of the middle piece. Unlike other known insect sperm, but reminiscent of sperm capacitation in mammals, sperm maturation is completed in the spermathecae of Sciara 7 to 9 hours after insemination. It consists of the acquisition of sperm motility and elimination of the electron transparent region of the mitochondrial nebenkern derivative. The electron microscope reveals in mature sperm that the axial filament doublets have changed configuration and consist of a single whorl which encloses the paracrystalline rod. The process by which the major portion of the nebenkern derivative is eliminated occurs in four identifiable stages. Since sperm maturation does not appear to be intrinsically controlled, factors in the spermathecal fluid may play a role in its completion.  相似文献   

研究旨在探讨泥鳅精子受精时限及为其人工繁殖提供基础资料。采用光镜、电镜技术对泥鳅(Misgurnus anguillicaudatus)精子、卵子和不同时间段的受精卵进行了观察。结果显示:泥鳅精子头部无顶体,主要为核占据,核凹窝较浅,中段具不对称的袖套,尾部轴丝为9+2结构,无侧鳍。卵子动物极卵膜仅有一受精孔,受精孔为深凹陷、短孔道型。在20-21℃水温条件下,授精后3s,精子开始穿过精孔管或已经进入卵子;授精后5-8s,形成精子星光;授精后70s,卵子处于第二次减数分裂后期;授精后6-8min,第二极体形成,等待排出;授精后20-25min,雌雄原核融合;授精后25-30min,受精卵进入第一次有丝分裂中期;授精后40-45min,第一次有丝分裂结束,二细胞形成。研究表明:成熟卵子精孔管内口径(2.2860.364)m,而精子头部直径与其接近,单精受精;入水后150s内可受精。  相似文献   

Summary Spermatozoa from fertile and infertile human ejaculates were observed under the scanning electron microscope. A parallel study of sections was performed by transmission electron microscope.The normal head shows under the scanning electron microscope vesicular elevations in the region of the acrosome and a smooth and rigid appearance corresponding to the postnuclear cap whose occurrence is confirmed under the transmission electron microscope. Immediately anterior to this cap a shallow furrow transverses the head. Duplicated, unusually large or small and deformed heads are found under the scanning electron microscope. Most of these abnormal heads show no surface structure suggesting an acrosome.The neck and middle piece are occasionally, though frequently in abnormal spermatozoa, covered by a cytoplasmic droplet. Otherwise, the mitochondrial sheath is recognized under the scanning electron microscope as a beaded thickening in the middle piece. The lack of mitochondria is manifested by a smooth middle piece thinner than the principal portion. Transmission electron microscopy of sections reveals various types of anomalies in the number of cores, core filaments and mitochondria embedded in the cytoplasmic droplets.Abnormalities in the principal portion of the tail such as duplication, unusual thickness and length are shown under the scanning electron microscope.The investigation indicates that scanning electron microscopy is suited for the clinical as well as cytological examination of human ejaculate spermatozoa.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that motility of avian sperm is regulated by acetylcholine was examined by treating rooster (Gallus domesticus) sperm with choline analogs and paraoxon, an inhibitor of colonesterases. Acetylcholine chloride (AChCl) was most effective, acetylthiocholine iodide and butyrylthiocholine iodide were less effective, and choline chloride was ineffective in stimulating sperm motility. Histochemical localization of cholinesterase activity with the electron microscope showed enzyme activity to be associated with membranes of the head and within fibrillar components of the tail. Increasing concentrations of paraoxon decreased cholinesterase activity and increased sperm motility. The data provide evidence that the motility of avian sperm, like that of mammal and sea urchins, may be regulated in part by a system with similarities to the cholinergic neurotransmitter system.  相似文献   

Ultrastructure and motility pattern of spermatozoa of the rove beetle Aleochara curtula were examined using electron and light microscopic methods. The spermatozoon is about 100 microm long and filiform. The head piece comprises a 5 microm long triple layered acrosome and 10 microm long nucleus. The flagellum consists of a 9+9+2 axoneme, two accessory bodies and two mitochondrial derivatives about equal in size but of different shape in their cross sections. In both derivatives there are paracrystalline inclusions. The flagellum is attached to the head by a 2 microm long centriole adjunct which is characterized by its electron dense material that forms a three layered folded lamellar structure. When liberated in buffer solution the sperm flagella assume a coiled hook-like form with the excentric stiff head protruding in front. The spermatozoa are driven through the medium by a small helicoidal wave of high frequency superimposed to the bent flagella. The maximum speed measured was 15.2 microm/s. The sperm architecture of A. curtula is similar to that of other Aleochara species but differs in total length and dimensions of the mitochondrial derivatives. For that reason Aleochara sperm can certainly prove useful to study the effect of the mitochondrial derivatives on sperm motility.  相似文献   

采用扫描电镜和光学显微镜观察了采自我国的蟾蜍属(Bufo)7种(亚种)的精子形态,对精子各部位量度进行了测量和计算。结果表明,该属7种(亚种)精子的形态基本相同,精子由头部、中片和尾部组成,头部细长微弯且前端渐尖,中片有球状突起,尾部长,由轴纤维、轴丝和波动膜构成。与已有报道的两栖动物的精子形态相比较,蟾蜍属精子与无尾类其他科精子形态差别较大,而与有尾类精子形态相似。本文认为两栖动物精子形态和量度在科间存在明显差异;两栖动物精子形态的差异可能与其繁殖模式有关。  相似文献   

We have shown previously that the regulatory subunit (RII) of a type II cAMP-dependent protein kinase is an integral component of the mammalian sperm flagellum (Horowitz, J.A., H. Toeg, and G.A. Orr. 1984. J. Biol. Chem. 259:832-838; Horowitz, J.A., W. Wasco, M. Leiser, and G.A. Orr. 1988. J. Biol. Chem. 263:2098-2104). The subcellular localization of this flagellum-associated RII in bovine caudal epididymal sperm was analyzed at electron microscope resolution with gold-conjugated secondary antibody labeling techniques using anti-RII monoclonal antibodies. By immunoblot analysis, the flagellum-associated RII was shown to interact with mAb 622 which cross reacts with both neural and nonneural isoforms of RII. In contrast, a neural specific monoclonal antibody (mAb 526) failed to interact with flagellar RII. In the midpiece of the demembranated sperm tail, gold label after mAb 622 incubation was primarily associated with the outer mitochondrial membrane. Although almost all specific labeling in the midpiece can be assigned to the mitochondria, in the principal piece, there is some labeling of the fibrous sheath. Labeling of the outer dense fibers and the axoneme was sparse. Specific labeling was virtually absent in the sperm head. Sections of sperm tails incubated in the absence of primary antisera or with mAb 526 showed little labeling. A beta-tubulin monoclonal antibody localized only to the 9 + 2 axoneme. These results raise the possibility that a type II cAMP-dependent protein kinase located at the outer mitochondrial membrane plays a role in the direct cAMP stimulation of mitochondrial respiration during sperm activation.  相似文献   

The ultrastructur of spermatozoa and the changes through which they are differentiated during sperm formation in an echiuroid were observed under the electron microscope. Many spermatids are connected to one central cytoplasmic mass and the sperm differentiation proceeds synchronously in one sperm-ball. Dense plate-like structures appear in the cytoplasm of early spermatids and disappear soon. In the process of nuclear condensation, many electron-dense aggregates appear in homogeneously textured chromonema and the aggregates are packed together to form a uniformly dense nucleus. Near the centriole at the opposite side from the central mass, the mitochondria fuse together to form one large middle-piece mitochondrion and the acrosomal vesicle is formed from the Golgi-complex. The differentiating acrosome in the late spermatid moves to the anterior tip of the head. In the completed acrosome, a flocculent substance accumulates in the conspicuously expanded invaginated pocket of the acrosomal vesicle and two kinds of material of different electron density fill the inside of the acrosomal vesicle. The spermatozoa remain connected to the central mass at the lateral side of the head until they become fully mature and are packed into the nephridia before spawning.  相似文献   

Previous electron microscopic observations have shown that the acrosome of the sperm of the frog, Xenopus laevis, comprises a membrane-bounded vesicle covering the anterior-most position of the head. We obtained a sperm suspension from the testes and stained it with LysoSensor Green for observation under a confocal laser scanning microscope and found a bright fluorescence reflecting the presence of the acrosomes at the top of the sperm head in about 64% of the sperm, with no deterioration of their capacity to fertilize. About 40% of the sperm with an acrosome underwent an acrosome reaction in response to Ca(2+) ionophore A23187, as evidenced by a loss of LysoSensor Green stainability, accompanied by breakdown of the acrosomal vesicle. About 53% of the sperm bound to isolated vitelline envelopes underwent an acrosome reaction, whereas both jelly water and solubilized vitelline envelopes weakly induced an acrosome reaction. When the sperm were treated with an oviductal extract obtained from the pars recta, but not the pars convoluta region, about 40% of the sperm with acrosomes underwent an acrosome reaction. The substance containing acrosome reaction-inducing activity in the pars recta extract seemed to be a heat-unstable substance with a molecular weight of greater than 10 kDa. The activity was not inhibited by protease inhibitors but required extracellular Ca(2+) ions. These results indicate that the acrosome reaction occurs on the vitelline envelopes in response to the substance deposited from the pars recta during the passage of the oocytes through the oviduct.  相似文献   

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