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外源1 O2 和·OH处理继代培养 1 4d的烟草愈伤组织 2 4h后 ,愈伤组织内的交替途径的实际运行显著上升 ,但对交替途径容量影响不大 ;而经·OH处理后的愈伤组织交替途径容量和实际运行均明显地受到抑制 ,但交替途径的实际运行对·OH更加敏感。活性氧产生系统中加入相关清除剂进行实验 ,得到与此相对应的结果 :1 O2 的清除剂His处理能明显地降低或抑制1 O2 所增加的交替途径实际运行量 ,但对交替途径容量则几乎均无影响 ,而用·OH的清除剂DMSO和MAN分别处理愈伤组织后 ,DMSO和MAN均能解除·OH对交替途径容量和实际运行的抑制。这些结果表明 ,1 O2 诱导烟草愈伤组织交替途径的实际运行 ,但对其容量的作用不大 ,而·OH则明显地抑制交替途径容量和实际运行。推测1 O2 和·OH对抗氰途径的影响可能是通过对AOX活性的调节  相似文献   

以大麦 (H ordeum vulgare L.)为材料 ,研究了外源 H2 O2 和· OH对大麦根系呼吸速率、线粒体膜流动性和膜脂脂肪酸组成的影响。结果表明 ,1 0 mmol/L H2 O2 或· OH处理 4d,大麦幼苗根系呼吸速率和线粒体膜脂不饱和脂肪酸含量及脂肪酸不饱和指数下降 ,线粒体膜脂荧光强度增加 ,膜流动性下降 ,且 H2 O2 或· OH处理浓度 (在 0 .1~ 1 0 mmol/L范围内 )越高 ,膜脂流动性下降越明显。 H2 O2 和· OH处理的同时加入同浓度的抗坏血酸 (As A)和甘露醇 ,膜流动性明显增强或恢复  相似文献   

为保证不同地区、不同时间测量结果的可比性,测量结果需溯源至适当的、规定的参考标准。对于化学、生物、工程、物理学领域的材料和样品测量,该参考标准为标准物质。由此可见,标准物质的定值对物质的检测及定量是十分重要的。标准物质(reference material,RM)是一种足够均匀的、具有一种或多种相对容易确定的特性值的材料或物质,可用于给材料赋值、评价测量方法及校准测量仪器等。质量平衡法作为标准物质的定量方法之一,是一种常用的纯度测量方法,将水分、灰分、挥发组分、无机元素等杂质的含量从100%中扣除,再根据主要组分在有机组分中的百分比来确定物质纯度。质量平衡法具有较高准确度,能够溯源到国际单位制中的质量单位,且若使用基准方法测量样品中的主成分及各部分杂质以完成整个质量平衡法的测量,质量平衡法则有望成为新的基准方法。基于此,对质量平衡法原理及质量平衡法在标准物质的研制中的应用进行了介绍,并对近期质量平衡法在标准物质中的最新应用进行了总结,以期探索质量平衡法在标准物质研制中的更多可能。  相似文献   

在麻醉大鼠的侧脑室注射16pg血管紧张素Ⅱ(ANGⅡ),15min内出现尿钠增多的反应并持续90min,平均动脉血压保持稳定。肾皮质Na~+·K~+-ATPase活性(1.51±0.26μmolPi/mg Pro·h)显著低于侧脑室注射人工脑脊液的对照值(2.66±0.28μmol Pi/mg Pro·h,P<0.01),而侧脑室注射ANGⅡ抗体后5min内则出现尿钠减少的反应并持续135min。肾皮质Na~+·K~+-ATPase活性(3.61±0.34μmol Pi/mg Pro·h)显著高于对照值(P<0.05)。股静脉和脊髓蛛网膜下腔分别注射16pg ANGⅡ,均未出现尿钠增多的反应。结果表明,脑内的内源性ANGⅡ具有引起尿钠增多的作用;并提示这种作用可能与肾脏Na~+·K~+-ATPase活性的抑制有关。  相似文献   

干旱胁迫下La^3+在小麦幼苗叶片受伤害中的作用研究   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
低浓度 L a3 +叶喷小麦整株幼苗后 ,随着干旱处理时间的延长 ,除对叶片相对含水量没有影响外 ,却对叶细胞膜相对透性、丙二醛产生量、O- ·2 和 H2 O2 的产生速率均有影响 ,其变化趋势与不加 La3 + 叶喷的正常和干旱处理的小麦整株叶片相比较 ,变化曲线上升部分却下降 ,下降部分却略有升高。表明 L a3 +可抑制干旱胁迫后引起的小麦幼苗叶片细胞膜相对透性增加 ,降低干旱胁迫引起的膜脂过氧化产物 MDA含量 ,抑制 O- ·2 产生速率 ,减少叶片中 H2 O2积累 ,阻止 Fe2 + 的继续生成 ,限制了由 Fe2 + 催化的 Haber- Weiss和 Fenton反应中底物 O- ·2 和生成· OH的生成速率 ,使小麦叶片中· OH产生量相对减少 ,降低了叶细胞膜脂过氧化水平 ,减轻膜伤害 ,起到了保护、防止膜免受干旱胁迫引起的伤害  相似文献   

在实验室条件下水稻螟蛾发育和存活的温度需求(英文)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对6种水稻害虫Chilo polychrysa (Meyrick)、C. suppressalis (Walker), C. partellus (Swinhoe), Scirpophaga incertulas (Walker), S. innotata (Walker)和Sesamia inferens的卵、幼虫和蛹在10到40°C的七个固定温度下(10,15,20,25 30,35和40°C)的发育和存活进行了研究。在一定的温度下6种害虫的卵、幼虫和蛹的发育周期是明显不同的(P<0.0001)。卵、幼虫和蛹的日发育的平均百分比随着温度的增加而增加。总发育周期与温度的增加成反比。临界温度下限是在10-15°C中间,而上限在35-40°C中间,此时害虫并不发育。对于上述6种害虫的卵、幼虫和蛹的平均发育起点温度分别为8.57±1.71,7.70±1.01,8.56±3.25,10.19±2.19,8.64±2.68和7.91±0.82°C。6种水稻害虫的卵、幼虫和蛹的总温度常数分别是705.56,725.32,703.30,556.59,655.34和837.95日·度。经计算,6种雌蛾的产卵所需的积温分别为99.06,90.85,99.29,75.16,92.25和80.41日·度。完成一世代所需的积温分别是804.62,816.17,802.59,631.75,648.84 and 918.36日·度。  相似文献   

罗斯海姆园是18世纪英国自然风景式园林设计的早期作品,主要由查尔斯·布里奇曼和威廉·肯特改造设计,是早期英国自然风景园的代表作之一。在文献阅读和实地调研的基础上,梳理了布里奇曼和肯特改造罗斯海姆园的2个历史发展阶段。通过分析改造设计的内容,发现布里奇曼奠定了罗斯海姆园的整体布局,肯特在此基础上进一步通过视线的处理、建筑小品的运用、哲理氛围的营造等几方面进行改造。从布里奇曼进行的改造设计到肯特对景观的提升,罗斯海姆园的发展演变也展现了英国自然风景园从不规则造园的孕育期到真正风景式园林形成期的特征和发展历程。  相似文献   

汪雪影  胡永红  张宪权  秦俊  刘群录 《广西植物》2022,42(11):1971-1979
为指导绣球容器苗的合理施肥,该研究以两年生盆栽绣球‘花手鞠''(Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Hanatemari'')为材料,利用“3414”平衡施肥设计,研究了氮(N)、磷(P)、钾(K)三种肥料的4个水平(N、K2O:0、4、8、12 g·plant-1; P2O5:0、1.5、3.0、4.5 g·plant-1)对‘花手鞠''生长及植物养分状况的影响,并利用临界浓度法确定适宜的施肥量,为绣球容器苗的科学施肥提供依据。结果表明:(1)在氮(N)肥处理中,‘花手鞠''苗高、蓬径、植物生长指数(PGI)、地上部分及全株生物量均随施肥量升高呈上升趋势,当施肥量超过“2”水平时,这些指标升高不再显著,或略有下降。(2)低水平磷(P)肥(P1)和低水平钾(K)肥(K1)有利于绣球‘花手鞠''生物量的积累。(3)绣球‘花手鞠''叶片和茎中的养分含量均随N、P、K施肥量的增加而升高,而根系中K含量随K肥水平的升高变化不显著,与对照无显著差异。(4)根据临界浓度法确定绣球‘花手鞠''叶片中N和P的适宜范围分别为35.31~46.64 g·kg-1和1.88~2.28 g·kg-1。综合考虑养分含量、植物生长指标及生产成本,盆栽绣球N、P、K肥适宜的用量为N2(8 g N·plant-1)、P1(1.5 g P2O5·plant-1)和K1(4 g K2O·plant-1)。  相似文献   

NO·自由基的性质及其生理功能   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:18  
综述和讨论了 NO·的自由基性质和生理功能.NO·分子轨道上有一个未成对电子,是一个典型的自由基,它的半寿期为6—50s,反应性极强,遇氧反应生成另一个自由基 NO·2,可以和超氧阴离子反应生成氧化性极强的超氧亚硝基阴离子(ONOO-).NO·与一些重要生物功能有关,它是内皮细胞松弛因子,可使血管平滑肌松弛,防止血小板凝聚.细胞免疫活化和组织缺血再灌注也产生 NO·.它还和神经传导及光接受器的信号发射等有关.  相似文献   

酿酒酵母与糖化酵母的种间原生质体融合及其融合子的鉴定   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
本文报道了酒精生产菌株K氏酿酒酵母Sacchormyces cerevisiae var.ellipsoideus的HUK-1(his-,二倍体,但在我们所试的5种产孢培养基上均不产孢)与糖化酵母Sac—charomyces diastaticus 7c(arg-,a)的种间原生质体融合,其营养标记互补的融合频率约是2.07×10-6—3.40×10-5。这些融合子曾在选择培养基MMs或Mmo上连续传代10次,以促进两亲核的融合。融合子的酒精发酵特性,细胞形态、体积大小、DNA含量、繁殖速率、发酵强度以及产孢能力等方面的观察和测定结果表明,均不同于双亲菌株。用显微操作器解剖了个别原养型融台子HU—KDF—185的4孢子子囊,在获得的93个单孢株中,其淀粉发酵特性和遗传标记均有双亲类型的分离或重组现象。上述实验结果充分证明了不同倍性的酵母之间可以通过原生质体融合获得种间杂种。  相似文献   

核磁共振(NMR)技术由于具有高效快速、不破坏土壤结构且对人体无害等优点,逐渐被应用到土壤学相关领域研究中。然而,土壤中顺磁物质的存在对核磁共振信号特征的影响仍不明确。本研究旨在揭示顺磁物质对不同类型土壤低场核磁共振(LF-NMR)信号特征和土壤含水量测定的影响。结果表明:土壤水的LF-NMR信号量最高可达150左右,土壤矿物、有机质和微生物等固相物质的LF-NMR信号量基本不超过0.3,相对可以忽略。质地和顺磁物质对土壤水的LF-NMR信号量测量有更大影响。LF-NMR仪器存在弛豫时间监测盲区,信号量损失主要是由于顺磁物质加速了水中氢质子的弛豫过程,导致小孔隙中水分反馈的极快的LF-NMR信号不能被监测设备捕获。对于顺磁物质含量较少的壤性潮土(1.2%)和黏壤性黑土(1.3%),LF-NMR信号量损失不大,其与土壤含水量呈线性关系;但对于黏粒含量(45.3%)和顺磁物质含量(4.0%)较高的黏性红壤,测定中会损失一部分LF-NMR信号量,监测到的LF-NMR信号量与土壤含水量不再呈线性关系。此外,外源添加顺磁物质(3.0 g·L-1的MnCl2溶液)也会降低黑土和红壤中可被监测的LF-NMR信号量,黑土和红壤的信号量最大损失率分别为41.0%和46.7%,极大地改变其与土壤含水量之间的定量关系。因此,在利用LF-NMR测量富含顺磁物质(>1.3%)或有外源顺磁物质进入的黏性土壤的含水量时,应先通过校正降低顺磁物质等对LF-NMR信号量的影响。研究结果对利用低场核磁共振技术准确分析土壤水分分布及土壤孔隙结构具有重要意义。  相似文献   

The quality of a corporate compound collection can be significantly affected by a complex combination of storage and operational processing factors. Water content in DMSO solutions is one factor that is of great interest as it can affect solubility, degradation, and freeze-thaw cycle parameters. To the authors' knowledge, this is the first report of using near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy to assess water content in DMSO compound stock solutions within the common storage vessel format of polypropylene microtubes. The precision and accuracy of the NIR technique was benchmarked against a Karl Fisher titration method, and a correlation coefficient was determined to be 0.985 over a range of 1% to 10% water in DMSO by weight. The advantages of the NIR technique include accuracy, precision, speed, nondestructiveness, and the capability of assessing compounds under in situ storage conditions within microtubes. In this report, the authors demonstrate the accuracy and precision of using NIR to assess water content in DMSO solutions and present a case study to demonstrate the utility of the technique to aid in assessing a pharmaceutical compound collection.  相似文献   

Quantification of water transport in plants with NMR imaging   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A new nuclear magnetic resonance imaging (NMRi) method is described to calculate the characteristics of water transport in plant stems. Here, dynamic NMRi is used as a non-invasive technique to record the distribution of displacements of protons for each pixel in the NMR image. Using the NMR-signal of the stationary water in a reference tube for calibration, the following characteristics can be calculated per pixel without advance knowledge of the flow-profile in that pixel: the amount of stationary water, the amount of flowing water, the cross-sectional area of flow, the average linear flow velocity of the flowing water, and the volume flow. The accuracy of the method is demonstrated with a stem segment of a chrysanthemum flower by comparing the volume flow, measured with NMR, with the actual volumetric uptake, measured with a balance. NMR measurements corresponded to the balance uptake measurements with a rms error of 0.11 mg s(-1) in a range of 0 to 1.8 mg s(-1). Local changes in flow characteristics of individual voxels of a sample (e.g. intact plant) can be studied as a function of time and of any conceivable changes the sample experiences on a time-scale, longer than the measurement time of a complete set of pixel-propagators (17 min).  相似文献   

Li X  Mansour HM 《AAPS PharmSciTech》2011,12(4):1420-1430
Novel advanced spray-dried inhalable trehalose microparticulate/nanoparticulate powders with low water content were successfully produced by organic solution advanced spray drying from dilute solution under various spray-drying conditions. Laser diffraction was used to determine the volumetric particle size and size distribution. Particle morphology and surface morphology was imaged and examined by scanning electron microscopy. Hot-stage microscopy was used to visualize the presence/absence of birefringency before and following particle engineering design pharmaceutical processing, as well as phase transition behavior upon heating. Water content in the solid state was quantified by Karl Fisher (KF) coulometric titration. Solid-state phase transitions and degree of molecular order were examined by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and powder X-ray diffraction, respectively. Scanning electron microscopy showed a correlation between particle morphology, surface morphology, and spray drying pump rate. All advanced spray-dried microparticulate/nanoparticulate trehalose powders were in the respirable size range and exhibited a unimodal distribution. All spray-dried powders had very low water content, as quantified by KF. The absence of crystallinity in spray-dried particles was reflected in the powder X-ray diffractograms and confirmed by thermal analysis. DSC thermal analysis indicated that the novel advanced spray-dried inhalable trehalose microparticles and nanoparticles exhibited a clear glass transition (T g). This is consistent with the formation of the amorphous glassy state. Spray-dried amorphous glassy trehalose inhalable microparticles and nanoparticles exhibited vapor-induced (lyotropic) phase transitions with varying levels of relative humidity as measured by gravimetric vapor sorption at 25°C and 37°C.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the efficiency of Karl Fischer titration and coulometry for measurement of water content in small intact and defective cartilage specimens. Cartilage from the main weight-bearing zone of the medial condyle of 38 fresh sheep knees was used. Of these, 20 condyles had an intact cartilage, while defects (14 grade I and 4 grade II) were found in the rest. The mechanical hardness was determined as Shore A. Cartilage specimens of approximately 5 mg were analyzed in special devices for moisture measurement and then continuously heated up to 105 degrees C. The actual measurement was performed in an electric cell (coulometry). An electrode was laminated with hygroscopic phosphorus pentoxide. In the electrochemical reaction, H and O are liberated from the electrode. The requirement for electric energy correlates with the amount of water in the specimen. The water content in intact cartilage was 66.9%. Grade I (72.6%) and grade II (77.8%) defects had significantly higher water content. Significantly higher and faster spontaneous evaporation was observed in cartilage defects at room temperature. The water content and spontaneous water evaporation correlated with significantly lower mechanical hardness. The experimental design (combined method of thermogravimetry, Karl Fischer titration, and coulometry) was sufficient for evaluating the water content in small cartilage specimens. It is also possible to measure the temperature-dependent water liberation from cartilage specimens.  相似文献   

This work demonstrates that amino acid analysis based on isotope dilution mass spectrometry (IDMS) can be applied to quantify proteins having different complexities and natures. Five proteins and one decapeptide were selected for the study: C-reactive protein (CRP), beta-2-microglobulin (B2 M), cystatine C (CysC), human serum albumin (HSA), Ara h1, and angiotensin I. The quantification was based on the determination of four amino acids, proline (Pro), isoleucine (Ile), valine (Val), and phenylalanine (Phe) within a working range between 5 and 100 pmol/injection of each amino acid, after 60 min digestion with HCl at 150 °C. The amino acids were selected taking into account their abundance in the protein sequence and to include the more difficult to break peptide bonds. Quantification of the protein amounts calculated from each amino acid is consistent, indicating that the method is working reliably. This consistency points to a complete hydrolysis of the proteins. The trueness of the method was proven when dry mass determination after dialysis was applied to HSA and CRP and the results were compared to those from amino acid analysis. Traceability to SI was assured by extensive characterisation of the amino acid calibrants by nuclear magnetic resonance, neutron activation analysis, and Karl Fischer titration.  相似文献   

Uranyl tris nitrato i.e. [UO2(NO3)3] was formed by adding tetramethylammonium nitrate to uranyl nitrate in acetonitrile medium. The luminescence features of this complex in acetonitrile are very sensitive to water content, which could lead to the use of it as a luminescent probe for water present in acetonitrile. The luminescence intensity ratio of 507 to 467 nm peak of uranyl tris nitrato showed a linear response in the range 0–5% (v/v) water content in acetonitrile. The present method was applied for three synthetic samples of acetonitrile for water detection and the results obtained were compared using Karl Fischer titration. There was a good agreement in the values obtained by both the methods.  相似文献   

The water in unfertilized and fertilized sea urchin eggs was characterized with a proton nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) titration method assuming fast proton diffusion (FPD) between water compartments. This method involves stepwise dehydration with sequential T1 relaxation time and water content determinations. The results analyzed by the FPD model give evidence of intracellular water compartments with three different correlation times: 6 X 10(-12) sec (bulk water), 1 X 10(-10) sec (structured water) and about 2 X 10(-9) sec (bound water). Fertilization is accompanied by a substantial increase in bulk water (from 111 to 414 g H2O per 100 g dry mass) and by a decrease in the water of hydration (from 128 g to 56 g per 100 g dry mass). This study shows that 54% of the water in the unfertilized sea urchin egg has motional properties different from bulk water and that this percentage decreases dramatically shortly after fertilization. Most of the change in T1 relaxation rate observed at fertilization can be accounted for by uptake of bulk water associated with elevation of the fertilization membrane.  相似文献   

Creatinine is the most widely used clinical marker for assessing renal function. Concentrations of creatinine in human serum need to be carefully checked in order to ensure accurate diagnosis of renal function. Therefore, development of certified reference materials (CRMs) of creatinine in serum is of increasing importance. In this study, two new CRMs (Nos. GBW09170 and 09171) for creatinine in human serum have been developed. They were prepared with mixtures of several dozens of healthy people's and kidney disease patient's serum, respectively. The certified values of 8.10, 34.1 mg/kg for these two CRMs have been assigned by liquid chromatography-isotope dilution mass spectrometry (LC-IDMS) method which was validated by using standard reference material (SRM) of SRM909b (a reference material obtained from National Institute of Standards and Technology, NIST). The expanded uncertainties of certified values for low and high concentrations were estimated to be 1.2 and 1.1%, respectively. The certified values were further confirmed by an international intercomparison for the determination of creatinine in human serum (Consultative Committee for Amount of Substance, CCQM) of K80 (CCQM-K80). These new CRMs of creatinine in human serum pool are totally native without additional creatinine spiked for enrichment. These new CRMs are capable of validating routine clinical methods for ensuring accuracy, reliability and comparability of analytical results from different clinical laboratories. They can also be used for instrument validation, development of secondary reference materials, and evaluating the accuracy of high order clinical methods for the determination of creatinine in human serum.  相似文献   

Minor DL 《Neuron》2007,54(4):511-533
Structural biology now plays a prominent role in addressing questions central to understanding how excitable cells function. Although interest in the insights gained from the definition and dissection of macromolecular anatomy is high, many neurobiologists remain unfamiliar with the methods employed. This primer aims to help neurobiologists understand approaches for probing macromolecular structure and where the limits and challenges remain. Using examples of macromolecules with neurobiological importance, the review covers X-ray crystallography, electron microscopy (EM), small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and biophysical methods with which these approaches are often paired: isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC), equilibrium analytical ultracentifugation, and molecular dynamics (MD).  相似文献   

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