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选用来自小麦族7个部分同源群的26个DNA探针对45个小麦-鹅观草衍生后代株系及鹅观草、中国春和扬麦5号亲本进行RFLP分析,结果表明16个小麦-鹅观草异附加系、异代换系或可能的易位系中所涉及鹅观草染色体分别属于第1、3、5、6、7部分同源群。小麦-鹅观草异染色体系中导入的成对鹅观草染色体能够较稳定地遗传给后代。K139、K141、K214、K218、K219、K224二体附加系所添加的鹅观草染色体属第1部分同源群,但K214和K218所添加的鹅观草染色体与K219、K224的添加的鹅观草染色体分别来自鹅观草不同的染色体组。K147端体添加系涉及鹅观草第1部分同源群染色体长臂,而K139、K141和K147所涉及的鹅观草染色体长臂分别来自鹅观草3个不同的染色体组。鹅观草U染色体与小麦第1部分同源群有同源关系,属第1部分同源群的鹅观草染色体尤其是其长臂与赤霉病抗性有关。鹅观草第1部分同源群与第6部分同源群染色体之间可能涉及重排。K203添加的2条鹅观草染色体分别与第1和6部分同源群同源。K166导入鹅观草染色体涉及第5部分同源群短臂。K177(2n=41,20Ⅱ I)中,所渗入的鹅观草染色质涉及第5(5L)、6(6S)、7(SL)部分同源群。鹅观草S、H和Y3个染色体组间具部分同源性。  相似文献   

利用限制性片段长度多态性(RFLP)及等电聚焦(IEF)技术确定普通小麦中国春-二倍体长穗偃麦草7个异附加系所附加的外源染以体与小麦染色体的部分同源性,共有8个生化标记,13个RFLP标记在亲本间揭示了多态性,结果表明:长穗偃麦草的1E,2E,3E,4E,5E,6E,7E7条染色体分别与小麦染色体的1、2、3、4、5、6、77个部分同源群具有部分同源关系,偃麦草的1E与7E、5E与7E染色体间可能  相似文献   

李玉京  李继云 《遗传学报》1999,26(6):703-710
以中国春-长穗偃麦草二体异附加系和二体异代换系为材料,对其耐低磷营养胁迫特性进行鉴定和遗传分析,结果表明(1)长穗偃麦草的4E一^ 色体携有耐低营养胁迫的基因,且其效应远远超过背景亲本中国春。  相似文献   

普通小麦各染色体组有效利用土壤磷基因的遗传分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以部分中国春双端体为材料用土培盆栽法对小麦各染色体组有效利用土壤潜在磷基因的遗传分析表明:小麦不同染色体臂上所携基因对小麦有效利用土壤潜在磷特性具有不同效应,在供试材料中,B组染色体所缺失的臂在缺磷下对籽粒产量的贡献较大,其中以4Bs、5Bs,效应最强,而D组所有缺失的染色体臂及大部分A组所缺失的染色体臂在缺磷下则对籽粒产量有较强的抑制效应,其中以5Ds、3DL及2AL,1As的效应最强。  相似文献   

利用小染色体的促进结实基因提高缺体小麦结实性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
徐旗  李滨 《西北植物学报》1998,18(3):325-329
分别对含有小染色体的小偃5号、小偃6号和72180小麦品种自花结实4D缺体(依次编号为HN5、HN6T和HN7)及其相应二体及正常4D缺体的5种农艺性相对指数的研究表明:在4D缺体遗传背景下,小染色体载有促进结实基因;这三种自花结实缺体的小染色体对4D染色体缺失效应均有部分补偿作用,小偃6号自花结实4D缺体小染色体的这种补偿能力最强,小偃5号自花结实4D缺体小染色体的这种补偿能力最弱。将小偃6号自  相似文献   

小偃麦部分双二倍体及其异附加系异源染色体的GISH分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
应用TISH对小偃麦部分双二倍体TAF46(2n=8x=56)及其衍生的6个二体异附加系的中间偃麦草染色体组种类进行了分析、鉴定。以拟鹅冠草(Ps.strigosa)DNA为探针的分析结果表明,TAF46所含有的中间偃麦草染色体组为合成染色体组,即6条St组染色体和8条E组染色体。在其衍生的二体异附加系中,L4和L7含有St组染色体,L1、L2、L3、L5含有E组染色体。TAF46所含有的中间偃麦草染色体的部分同源群依次为IE(L3)、2St(L6)、3E(L2)、4St(L4)、5E(L5)、6St(L7)、7E(L1)。  相似文献   

以一整套中国春-帝国黑麦二体附加系为材料,通过在低磷胁迫下对其根系分泌Acph 能力测定及同工酶等电聚焦分析证明:缺磷胁迫是Acph基因表达的诱导因子,帝国黑麦不同染色体在中国春小麦背景中对其根系在低磷胁迫下 Acph的分泌具不同的正效应,其中以 1R 染色体的效应最为强烈, Acph等电聚焦(IEF)的酶谱清楚地表明黑麦的1R染色体上携有在缺磷胁迫下诱导表达的Acph基因。  相似文献   

以一整套中国春-帝国黑麦二体附加系为材料,通过在低磷胁迫下对其根系分泌Acph能力测定及同工酶等电聚焦分析证明:缺磷胁迫是Acph基因表达的诱导因子,帝国黑麦不同染色体的中国春小麦背景中对其根系在低磷胁迫下Acph的分泌具不同的正效应,其中以1R染色体的效应最为强烈,Acph等电聚焦(IEF)的酶谱清楚地表明黑麦的1R染色体上携有在缺磷胁迫下诱导表达的Acph基因。  相似文献   

小偃麦部分双二部体及其异附加系异源染色体的GISH分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
吉万全  张学勇 《遗传学报》1999,26(2):163-167
应用GISH对小偃麦部分双二本TAF46及其衍生的6个二体异附加系的中间偃麦草染色体组种类进行了分析,鉴定,以拟鹅冠草DNA为探针的分析结果表明,TAF46所含有的中间偃麦草洒色体组为合成染色体组,即6条A1组染色体和8条E组染色体。在其衍生的二体异附加系中,L4和L含有St组染色体,L1、L2、L3、L5含有E组染色体。TAF46所含有的中间偃麦草染色体的部分同源群依次为IE(L3)、2St(L  相似文献   

抗条锈病小麦—中间偃麦草异附加系的生化与分子标记   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10  
对小麦-中间偃麦草部分双二倍体无芒中4、异附加系C076、宛7107和中国春进行了肽链内切酶(EP-1)等电聚焦电泳。结果表明,肽链内切酶在阳极处有一特异带。肽链内切酶已定位于小麦第7部分同源群,故附加的染色体为第7部分同源群的2条染色体,对中间偃麦草,无芒中4、C076和宛7107进行了RAPD分析。获得了可用于检测C076中外源染色体的3个RAPD标记,即OPI05-800、OPI10-600、OPK01-900。  相似文献   

The facultatively halophytic Lophopyrum elongatum, closely related wheat, Triticum aestivum, and their amphiploid tolerate salt stress better if they are gradually exposed to it than if they are suddenly stressed. Lophopyrum elongatum has greater tolerance of both forms of salt stress than wheat, and its genome partially confers this tolerance on their amphiploid. Chromosomal control of the tolerance of both stress regimes in the L. elongatum and wheat genomes was investigated with disomic and ditelosomic addition lines and disomic substitution lines of L. elongatum chromosomes in wheat and with wheat tetrasomics. The tolerance of the sudden salt stress is principally controlled by L. elongatum chromosomes 3E and 5E and less by 1E, 2E, 6E, and 7E and the tolerance of gradually imposed salt stress principally by chromosomes 3E, 4E, and 5E, and less by chromosome 1E and 7E. Ditelosomic analysis indicated that genes conferring the tolerance of sudden stress are on chromosome arms 1EL, 5ES, 5EL, 6EL, 7ES and 7EL and those controlling the gradual stress regime are on 1ES, 1EL, 5ES, 5EL, 6ES, 7ES, and 7EL. In wheat, chromosomes in homoeologous groups 1, 3, and 7 and chromosomes in homoeologous groups 1, 4, and 6 were shown to enhance the tolerance of suddenly and gradually imposed stress, respectively. The arms of chromosome 3E individually conferred tolerance to neither stress regime. Chromosome 2E and wheat chromosomes 2B and 2D reduce the tolerance of both stress regimes in a hyperploid state. In 2E this effect was associated with arm 2EL. A potential relationship between the tolerance of these stress regimes and the expression of the early-salt induced genes is examined.  相似文献   

The relationships of three wheat-Aegilops longissima chromosome addition lines A, C, and D with homoeologous wheat chromosomes were studied in PMC meiosis. Substitutions of alien chromosome A for wheat chromosome 6 B, chromosome C for 1 B and chromosome D for 4 B were obtained. The production of 4 BS/C and 7 BS/D chromosome translocations indicated cytogenetic relationships of C partially to homoeologous wheat chromosomes of group 1 and 4, and D partially to homoeologous wheat chromosomes of group 4 and 7.  相似文献   

Summary Zymogram analysis was used to identify the Aegilops umbellulata chromosomes that carry the structural genes for particular isozymes. Wheat, Aegilops and wheat-Aegilops hybrid derivative lines (which contained identified Aegilops chromosomes) were tested by gel electrophoresis for isozymes of particular enzymes. It was found that Aegilops chromosome A (nomenclature according to G. Kimber 1967) carries a structural gene for 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase, Aegilops chromosome B carries structural genes for glucose phosphate isomerase and phosphoglucose mutase, Aegilops chromosome D carries genes for leaf peroxidases, Aegilops chromosome E carries structural genes for endosperm peroxidases, acid phosphatases and leaf esterases, Aegilops chromosome F carries a gene for embryo plus scutellum peroxidases and Aegilops chromosome G carries structural genes for endosperm alkaline phosphatases, leaf alkaline phosphatases and leaf esterases. The results obtained indicate that chromosome B is partially homoeologous of the wheat chromosomes of group 1 and 4, and chromosome E is partially homoeologous of wheat chromosomes of groups 7 and 4. Circumstantial evidence is also provided about the possible association between chromosomes C, D and A of A. umbellulata respectively with chromosomes 5, 2 and 1 of wheat.  相似文献   

By using alpha-amylase isozymes as markers for chromosomes of homoeologous groups 6 and 7, we analyzed the segregation of chromosome constitution in the progenies from crosses between double-ditelosomic or ditelosomic lines of hexaploid wheat cultivar 'Chinese Spring' (CS) as the female parent and double-monosomic F1 hybrids of CS x wheat-barley substitution lines for barley chromosomes 6H or 7H. From this analysis we estimated the transmission rate via pollen of barley chromosomes 6H and 7H in the double-monosomics and evaluated the compensating ability between barley and wheat chromosomes in homoeologous groups 6 and 7. The results indicated that both 6H and 7H showed their highest compensating ability for their respective homoeologous wheat chromosomes 6A (37.5% transmission rate) and 7A (39.4%), intermediate for 6D (34.1%) and 7D (29.6%), and lowest for 6B (26.6%) and 7B (22.6%) chromosomes.  相似文献   

Developmental changes of esterase isozymes from the germination to the heading stage of normal and aneuploid lines of common wheat,Triticum aestivum cv. Chinese Spring were studied. A total of twenty major isozymes (Bands 1E to 20E) were observed, some of which were further separated to two to three closely located bands. Among these bands, 1E, 2E, 3E, 5E, 7E, 11E, 14E and 16E were found to be leaf-specific isozymes and 9E, 10E, 13E, 15E, 17E and 18E were seed-specific. Leaf-specific isozyme bands 1E, 2E and 5E are controlled by genes on three homoeologous chromosomes group 6, leaf-specific bands 7E, 11E, 14E and 16E and seed-specific bands 9E, 10E, 13E, 15E, 17E and 18E are under control of genes on homoeologous chromosomes of group 3. On the other hand, two bands, 19′E and 19″E are controlled by genes on chromosomes of homoeologous group 2 in roots of seedlings 10 days old. The present investigation showed that the genes for esterase production located on chromosome 6B had large effects in mature leaves, but chromosomes 6A and 6D had little effect on the esterase isozymes in homoeologous group 6. Genes located on chromosomes 3A, 3B and 3D have a large function in germinating seed; however, chromosomes 3B had little effect on the esterase isozymes in the mature leaf. Present findings confirmed that the chromosomes of the A, B and D genomes have different functions in the production of proteins or enzymes. Contribution from the Laboratory of Genetics, Faculty of Agriculture, Kyoto University, Japan, No. 401.  相似文献   

 Fusarium head blight (FHB or scab) caused by Fusarium spp. is a widespread disease of cereals causing yield and quality losses and contaminating cereal products with mycotoxins. The breeding of resistant varieties is the method of choice for controlling the disease. Unfortunately, the genetic basis of scab resistance is still poorly understood. We present the results of a back-cross reciprocal monosomic analysis of FHB resistance using the highly resistant Hungarian winter wheat line ‘U-136.1’ and the highly susceptible cultivar ‘Hobbit-sib’. Resistance testing was performed in a field trial artificially inoculated with a Fusarium culmorum conidial suspension. Five hemizygous families containing ‘U-136.1’ chromosomes 6B, 5A, 6D, 1B, and 4B had a visually reduced spread of infection compared to lines having the ‘Hobbit-sib’ chromosome. Chromosome 2B from ‘U-136.1’ had an increased spread of infection. The critical chromosomes controlling seed weight were 6D, 3B, 5A, and 6B while those controlling deoxynivalenol (DON) content were homoeologous groups 2 and 6, although the latter effects were not significant due to a high coefficient of variation. Results from this and other studies show that chromosomes 6D, 6B, 5A, 4D, and 7A have frequently been associated with scab resistance in a number of wheat cultivars. Research groups now attempting to map scab resistance in wheat using markers should pay special attention to the above-mentioned chromosomes. Received: 31 March 1998 / Accepted: 14 July 1998  相似文献   

Summary Salt-soluble proteins from the endosperms of wheat, barley, and rye have been separated by nonequilibrium electrofocusing x electrophoresis. Genes encoding 14 of the 25 components observed in wheat have been unambiguously assigned to 10 different chromosomes (1B, 3B, 3D, 4A, 4D, 5B, 6B, 6D, 7B, 7D) by analysis of the compensated nulli-tetrasomic series. Five more wheat proteins seem to be controlled by group 2 chromosomes. Analysis of wheat-barley and wheat-rye addition lines has led to the location of genes for 6 out of 20 barley proteins in 4 different chromosomes (1H, 3H, 4H, 6H; 1H is homoeologous to group 7 chromosomes of wheat) and of genes for 5 out of 20 rye proteins in two different chromosomes (2R, 4R). The relationship between the proteins reported here and previously characterized ones is discussed.  相似文献   

The chromosomal locations of the genes in common wheat that encode the five histones and five members of the HBP (histone gene-binding protein)-1 family were determined by hybridizing their cloned DNAs to genomic DNAs of nullitetrasomic and telosomic lines of common wheat, Triticum aestivum cv. Chinese Spring. The H1 and H2a genes are located on different sets of homoeologous chromosomes or chromosome arms, namely, 5A, 5B and 5D, and 2AS, 2BS and 2DS, respectively. Genes for the other histones, H2b, H3 and H4, are found in high copy number and are dispersed among a large number of chromosomes. The genes for all members of the HBP-1 family are present in small copy numbers. Those for HBP-1a(1) are located on six chromosome arms, 3BL, 5AL, 5DL, 6AL, 6BS and 7DL, whereas those for each HBP-1a(c14), 1a(17), 1b(c1), and 1b(c38) are on a single set of homoeologous chromosome arms; 4AS, 4BL, 4DL; 6AS, 6BS, 6DS; 3AL, 3BL, 3DL; and 3AS, 3BS, 3DS, respectively. The genes for histones H1 and H2a, and for all members of the HBP-1 family except HBP-1a(1) are assumed to have different phylogenetic origins. The genes for histone 2a and HBP-1a(17) are located in the RFLP maps of chromosomes 2B and 6A, respectively. Gene symbols are proposed for all genes whose chromosomal locations have been determined.  相似文献   

To gain insights into the structure and function of the wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genomes, we identified 278 ESTs related to abiotic stress (cold, heat, drought, salinity, and aluminum) from 7671 ESTs previously mapped to wheat chromosomes. Of the 278 abiotic stress related ESTs, 259 (811 loci) were assigned to chromosome deletion bins and analyzed for their distribution pattern among the 7 homoeologous chromosome groups. Distribution of abiotic stress related EST loci were not uniform throughout the different regions of the chromosomes of the 3 wheat genomes. Both the short and long arms of group 4 chromosomes showed a higher number of loci in their distal regions compared with proximal regions. Of the 811 loci, the number of mapped loci on the A, B, and D genomes were 258, 281, and 272, respectively. The highest number of abiotic stress related loci were found in homoeologous chromosome group 2 (142 loci) and the lowest number were found in group 6 (94 loci). When considering the genome-specific ESTs, the B genome showed the highest number of unique ESTs (7 loci), while none were found in the D genome. Similarly, considering homoeologous group-specific ESTs, group 2 showed the highest number with 16 unique ESTs (58 loci), followed by group 4 with 9 unique ESTs (33 loci). Many of the classified proteins fell into the biological process categories associated with metabolism, cell growth, and cell maintenance. Most of the mapped ESTs fell into the category of enzyme activity (28%), followed by binding activity (27%). Enzymes related to abiotic stress such as beta-galactosidase, peroxidase, glutathione reductase, and trehalose-6-phosphate synthase were identified. The comparison of stress-responsive ESTs with genomic sequences of rice (Oryza sativa L.) chromosomes revealed the complexities of colinearity. This bin map provides insight into the structural and functional details of wheat genomic regions in relation to abiotic stress.  相似文献   

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