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Two major components of global change: land‐use changes and intentional or accidental species introduction are threatening the conservation of native species worldwide. In particular, Mediterranean coastal areas are highly susceptible to the invasion of alien species and they also have experienced major changes in land use such as agricultural abandonment and urbanization. However, there has been little research done which quantitatively links biological invasions and the components of land‐use changes (i.e. number, trajectory and direction of the changes). We analysed the current distribution and abundance of Cortaderia selloana (Schultes et Schultes fil.) Asch. et Graebner, an alien ornamental species, in 332 fields in Aiguamolls de l'Empordà (Catalonia, NE Spain) and related the patterns of invasion to spatiotemporal data on land‐use changes from 1956 to 2003. Our aim was to determine which land uses had been more susceptible to C. selloana invasion during the last 5 years and to find out which components of land‐use changes triggered invasion. We found that 22.30% of the fields are currently invaded. In the last 5 years, fields have triplicated the total density of C. selloana. The presence of C. selloana decreases with the distance from urban areas. Invasion is over‐represented in pastures and old‐fields, and it has increased with time since abandonment. The presence of C. selloana was also associated to fields that had experienced many changes in land use in the last 46 years. The most heavily invaded fields were those that were pastures in 1956 and are now old fields in 2003. On average, the largest plants are found in agricultural field margins and in fields that had a disturbed land use both in 1956 and in 2003. Furthermore, pastures had the lowest proportion of reproductive plants. Overall, current C. selloana patterns of invasion can be explained by the historical legacy of land‐use changes.  相似文献   

The delimitation of bioregions helps to understand historical and ecological drivers of species distribution. In this work, we performed a network analysis of the spatial distribution patterns of plants in south of France (Languedoc‐Roussillon and Provence‐Alpes‐Côte d'Azur) to analyze the biogeographical structure of the French Mediterranean flora at different scales. We used a network approach to identify and characterize biogeographical regions, based on a large database containing 2.5 million of geolocalized plant records corresponding to more than 3,500 plant species. This methodology is performed following five steps, from the biogeographical bipartite network construction to the identification of biogeographical regions under the form of spatial network communities, the analysis of their interactions, and the identification of clusters of plant species based on the species contribution to the biogeographical regions. First, we identified two sub‐networks that distinguish Mediterranean and temperate biota. Then, we separated eight statistically significant bioregions that present a complex spatial structure. Some of them are spatially well delimited and match with particular geological entities. On the other hand, fuzzy transitions arise between adjacent bioregions that share a common geological setting, but are spread along a climatic gradient. The proposed network approach illustrates the biogeographical structure of the flora in southern France and provides precise insights into the relationships between bioregions. This approach sheds light on ecological drivers shaping the distribution of Mediterranean biota: The interplay between a climatic gradient and geological substrate shapes biodiversity patterns. Finally, this work exemplifies why fragmented distributions are common in the Mediterranean region, isolating groups of species that share a similar eco‐evolutionary history.  相似文献   

This study evaluates the utility of DNA barcoding (mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I; COI) as a biodiversity and conservation applied tool for identifying fish fauna from the southeastern Mediterranean (the continental coast of Israel), a hot-spot area for biological invasion, also with an eye to establish the foundation for follow-up studies that will use environmental DNA (eDNA) tracks of native and invasive species, and for the application of eDNA concepts and methodologies in nature conservation. We established a dataset of 280 DNA barcodes, representing 110 marine fish species (all identified by a taxonomist), belonging to 75 native and 35 Lessepsian migratory species that were tested within and against the BOLD system database. Most of the query sequences showed 98% matches with reference DNA barcodes in the BOLD system excluding two Trachurus species, three Dasyatis pastinaca and two Rhinobatos rhinobatos individuals. Relatively high intraspecific genetic distances were observed in two Elasmobranchii species (8.83%–18%), suggesting possible cryptic species. In contrast, relatively low interspecific genetic distances were found between two Actinopterygii species (1.54%). Gobiidae family members were observed as being the most scattered on the Bayesian tree. Out of the 110 fish species, 48 were taxonomically discordant with the BOLD BINs (4 at the family level, 15 at the genus level and 29 at the species level), 53 were concordant and 9 were singletons. Discordancy was noted for some Diplodus and Fistularia species during the BOLD BIN analysis. Apogon queketti, Champsodon nudivittis and Cheilodipterus novemstriatus were uploaded to the BOLD system for the first time. We elucidated 177 haplotypes, 122 for the native fish species and 55 for the Lessepsian species. The results will allow the evaluation of invasive species success and will help developing improved policies for the conservation of Mediterranean biodiversity.  相似文献   

de Lillis  M.  Fontanella  A. 《Plant Ecology》1992,99(1):83-96
A phenomorphological survey was carried out in central Italy to study the effects of increasing water stress on some characteristic species of the Mediterranean maquis. Nutrient content and leaf water potential were examined. The results show that three different groups exist which diverge in the modulation of growth activity. 1) Evergreen sclerophyllous species (e.g. Pistacia lentiscus, Phillyrea media, Arbutus unedo, Ruscus aculeatus), which were supposed to be drought-tolerant, in fact limited their growth activity to a brief period before aridity increased. A similar growth pattern was exhibited by those species (e.g. Quercus ilex, Erica arborea, Smilax aspera) that stopped producing new leaves and branches during the driest season and that recovered after the first rain; i.e., their growth period lasted longer. 2) Drought-deciduous species (e.g. Calicotome villosa) that adopted the drought-avoidance strategy had two vegetative periods interrupted by a phase during which they completely shed their leaves. 3) Semideciduous species (Cistus monspeliensis) with mesophitic leaves adopted an intermediate response. These grew even in the dry and cold season.  相似文献   

Distributional records of non‐native fish species were identified in the Wet Tropics region, Far North Queensland, Australia, through a compilation of published records and expert knowledge. A total of 1106 records were identified comprising 346 presence and four uncertain records for at least 13 species, and 756 absence records. All current presence records consist of six species from the families Cichlidae and Poeciliidae with established self‐sustaining populations in the region, probably affecting the highly diverse native fish fauna.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Climate projections predict drier and warmer conditions in the Mediterranean basin in the next decades. The possibility of such climatic changes modifying the growth of two Mediterranean species, Erica multiflora and Globularia alypum, which are common components of Mediterranean shrublands, was assessed. METHODS: A field experiment was performed from March 1999 to March 2002 to prolong the drought period and to increase the night-time temperature in a Mediterranean shrubland, where E. multiflora and G. alypum are the dominant species. Annual growth in stem diameter and length of both species was measured and annual stem biomass production was estimated for 1999, 2000 and 2001. Plant seasonal growth was also assessed. KEY RESULTS: On average, drought treatment reduced soil moisture 22 %, and warming increased temperature by 0.7-1.6 degrees C. Erica multiflora plants in the drought treatment showed a 46 % lower annual stem elongation than controls. The decrease in water availability also reduced by 31 % the annual stem diameter increment and by 43 % the annual stem elongation of G. alypum plants. New shoot growth of G. alypum was also strongly reduced. Allometrically estimated biomass production was decreased by drought in both species. Warming treatment produced contrasting effects on the growth patterns of these species. Warmer conditions increased, on average, the stem basal diameter growth of E. multiflora plants by 35 %, raising also their estimated stem biomass production. On the contrary, plants of G. alypum in the warming treatment showed a 14 % lower annual stem growth in basal diameter and shorter new shoots in spring compared with controls. CONCLUSIONS: The results indicate changes in the annual productivity of these Mediterranean shrubs under near future drier and warmer conditions. They also point to alterations in their competitive abilities, which could lead to changes in the species composition of these ecosystems in the long term.  相似文献   

We studied the influence of summer drought and winter temperatures on seasonal and spatial variations of light-saturated net photosynthesis and stomatal conductance in Mediterranean woody species. We measured variations in leaf gas exchange over 3 years in 13 Mediterranean trees and shrubs, located at four different sites along a climate gradient of temperature and precipitation in the island of Mallorca (West Mediterranean basin). Net photosynthesis and stomatal conductance were at a maximum during spring, autumn or winter and at a minimum during summer in most sites, species and years. Nevertheless, important spatial, temporal and species-specific variations were observed. Summer drought limitation to gas exchange was greatest in the dry part of the transect, where many species showed their maximum gas exchange rate during winter. In contrast, winter temperatures limited gas exchange of many species at the wet and cool end of the transect, while summer depression of gas exchange was shorter and less pronounced. These results suggest that the effect on carbon fixation and productivity by the predicted future increase of aridity in the Mediterranean basin will depend on whether gas exchange is mostly limited by summer drought or by low winter temperatures.  相似文献   

In this paper we test the influence of temperature and interference competition by dominant species on the foraging of subordinate species in Mediterranean ant communities. We have analyzed the changes in resource use by subordinate species in plots with different abundances of dominant ants, and in different periods of the day and the year, i.e., at different temperatures. The expected effects of competition by dominant species on foraging of subordinates were only detected for two species in the number of baits occupied per day, and for one species in the number of foragers at pitfall traps. In all three cases, subordinate species were less represented at baits or in traps in plots with a high density of dominants than in plots with a medium or low density of dominants. The number of workers per bait, and the foraging efficiency of subordinate species did not differ in plots differing in dominant abundance. Daily activity rhythms and curves of temperature versus foraging activity of subordinate species were also similar in plots with different abundance of dominant species, indicating no effect of dominants on the foraging times of subordinates. Instead, temperature had a considerable effect on the foraging of subordinate species. A significant relationship was found between maximum daily temperature and several variables related to foraging (the number of foragers at pitfall traps, the number of baits occupied per day, and the number of workers per bait) of a number subordinate species, both in summer and autumn. These results suggest that the foraging of subordinate ant species in open Mediterranean habitats is influenced more by temperature than by competition of dominants, although an effect of dominants on subordinates has been shown in a few cases. In ant communities living in these severe and variable environments, thermal tolerance reduces the importance of competition, and the mutual exclusion usually found between dominant and subordinate species appears to be the result of physiological specialization to different temperature ranges. Received: 8 May 1998 / Accepted: 30 July 1998  相似文献   

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