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With an increased number of applications in the field of the avidin‐biotin technology, the resulting demand for highly‐purified protein avidin has drawn our attention to the purification process of avidin that naturally occurs in chicken egg white. The high‐throughput process development (HTPD) methodology was exploited, in order to evaluate purification process alternatives to commonly used ion‐exchange chromatography. In a high‐throughput format, process parameters for aqueous two‐phase extraction, selective precipitation with salts and polyethylene glycol, and hydrophobic interaction and mixed‐mode column chromatography experiments were performed. The HTPD strategy was complemented by a high‐throughput tandem high‐performance liquid chromatography assay for protein quantification. Suitable conditions for the separation of avidin from the major impurities ovalbumin, ovomucoid, ovotransferrin, and lysozyme were identified in the screening experiments. By combination of polyethylene glycol precipitation with subsequent resolubilization and separation in a polyethylene glycol/sulfate/sodium chloride two‐phase system an avidin purity of 77% was obtained with a yield >90% while at the same time achieving a significant reduction of the process volume. The two‐phase extraction and precipitation results were largely confirmed in larger scale with scale‐up factors of 230 and 133, respectively. Seamless processing of the avidin enriched bottom phase was found feasible by using mixed‐mode chromatography. By gradient elution a final avidin purity of at least 97% and yield >90% was obtained in the elution pool. The presented identification of a new and beneficial alternative for the purification of the high value protein thus represents a successful implementation of HTPD for an industrially relevant purification task. © 2015 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 31:957–973, 2015  相似文献   

Recombinant protein products such as monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) for use in the clinic must be clear of host cell impurities such as host cell protein (HCP), DNA/RNA, and high molecular weight immunogenic aggregates. Despite the need to remove and monitor HCPs, the nature, and fate of these during downstream processing (DSP) remains poorly characterized. We have applied a proteomic approach to investigate the dynamics and fate of HCPs in the supernatant of a mAb producing cell line during early DSP including centrifugation, depth filtration, and protein A capture chromatography. The primary clarification technique selected was shown to influence the HCP profile that entered subsequent downstream steps. MabSelect protein A chromatography removed the majority of contaminating proteins, however using 2D‐PAGE we could visualize not only the antibody species in the eluate (heavy and light chain) but also contaminant HCPs. These data showed that the choice of secondary clarification impacts upon the HCP profile post‐protein A chromatography as differences arose in both the presence and abundance of specific HCPs when depth filters were compared. A number of intracellularly located HCPs were identified in protein A elution fractions from a Null cell line culture supernatant including the chaperone Bip/GRP78, heat shock proteins, and the enzyme enolase. We demonstrate that the selection of early DSP steps influences the resulting HCP profile and that 2D‐PAGE can be used for monitoring and identification of HCPs post‐protein A chromatography. This approach could be used to screen cell lines or hosts to select those with reduced HCP profiles, or to identify HCPs that are problematic and difficult to remove so that cell‐engineering approaches can be applied to reduced, or eliminate, such HCPs. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2013; 110: 240–251. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

High‐risk human papillomaviruses (HPVs) cause cervical cancer, and while there are good prophylactic vaccines on the market, these are ineffective against established infections, creating a clear need for therapeutic vaccines. The HPV E7 protein is one of the essential oncoproteins for the onset and maintenance of malignancy and is therefore an ideal therapeutic vaccine target. We fused the HPV‐16 E7 protein to the Limulus polyphemus antilipopolysaccharide factor (LALF32‐51), a small hydrophobic peptide that can penetrate cell membranes and that has immunomodulatory properties. LALF32‐51‐E7 was transiently expressed in Nicotiana benthamiana, and we previously determined that it accumulated better when targeted to chloroplasts compared to being localized in the cytoplasm. Subsequently, we aimed to prove whether LALF32‐51‐E7 was indeed associated with the chloroplasts by determining its subcellular localization. The LALF32‐51‐E7 gene was fused to one encoding enhanced GFP to generate a LG fusion protein, and localization was determined by confocal laser scanning microscopy and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The fluorescence observed from chloroplast‐targeted LG was distinctively different from that of the cytoplasmic LG. Small spherical structures resembling protein bodies (PBs) were seen that clearly localized with the chloroplasts. Larger but less abundant PB‐like structures were also seen for the cytoplasmic LG. PB‐like structure formation was confirmed for both LG and LALF32‐51‐E7 by TEM. LALF32‐51‐E7 was indeed targeted to the chloroplasts by the chloroplast transit peptide used in this study, and it formed aggregated PB‐like structures. This study could open a new avenue for the use of LALF32‐51 as a PB‐inducing peptide.  相似文献   

The baculovirus–insect cell expression system has been used to produce functional recombinant proteins. The antigen GA733 is a cell‐surface glycoprotein highly expressed on most human colorectal carcinoma cells. Conditions for the expression of GA733 fused to the human immunoglobulin IgG Fc fragment (GA733‐Fc) were optimized in the baculovirus expression system. Several variable factors were adjusted to optimize expression, including the cell line (Sf9 and High Five), multiplicity of infection (MOI) value (0.05, 0.1, 0.5, 1 and 3), post‐infection time (48, 72 and 96 h) and harvested sample (cell culture media (CM) or cell lysate (CL)). In addition, two pFastBac Dual vectors carrying the GA733‐Fc gene were constructed to express GA733‐Fc with or without an endoplasmic reticulum (ER) retention sequence KDEL and used to generate recombinant baculoviruses. Western blot showed that expression depended on the conditions used to express the recombinant proteins. The protein production level and secretion capability differed in each cell line. In Sf9 cells, the highest expression in the CM and CL was obtained with GA733‐Fc at 96 h post‐infection at 0.1 MOI and with GA733‐FcK at 96 h post‐infection at 3 MOI, respectively. In High Five cells, the highest expression in the CM and CL was obtained with GA733‐Fc at 48 h post‐infection at 1 MOI and with GA733‐FcK at 48 h post‐infection at 3 MOI, respectively. These results suggest that the MOI value, post‐infection time and subcellular localization affect expression, and that these conditions can be modified to optimize protein expression in the baculovirus–insect cell system.  相似文献   

An experimental malaria transmission blocking vaccine antigen, Pfs25H, expressed and secreted from Pichia pastoris was recovered and purified using a screenless expanded bed column equipped with a rotating fluid distribution system. This column was able to accommodate feed stock, containing 30% biomass, at a flow rate of 300–400 cm/h without affecting column stability. This capability is three times higher than the capability of the expanded bed column currently in use, which is equipped with a perforated plate fluid distribution system; this design could accommodate biomass concentrations of only up to 10%. The screen-less design did not affect the binding capacity, purification level or process yield and, therefore, shorten the process. Purified Pfs25H of 6.4 g were recovered from 37 l of Pichia pastoris culture in one step.  相似文献   

The discovery of broadly neutralizing antibodies (bNAbs) has been a major step towards better prophylactic and therapeutic agents against human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV‐1). However, effective therapy will likely require a combination of anti‐HIV agents to avoid viral evasion. One possible solution to this problem is the creation of bispecific molecules that can concurrently target two vulnerable sites providing synergistic inhibitory effects. Here, we describe the production in plants and anti‐HIV activity of a novel bispecific fusion protein consisting of the antigen‐binding fragment (Fab) of the CD4 binding site‐specific bNAb VRC01 and the antiviral lectin Avaren, which targets the glycan shield of the HIV‐1 envelope (VRC01Fab‐Avaren). This combination was justified by a preliminary experiment demonstrating the synergistic HIV‐1 neutralization activity of VRC01 and Fc‐fused Avaren dimer (Avaren‐Fc). Using the GENEWARE® tobacco mosaic virus vector, VRC01Fab‐Avaren was expressed in Nicotiana benthamiana and purified using a three‐step chromatography procedure. Surface plasmon resonance and ELISA demonstrated that both the Avaren and VRC01Fab moieties retain their individual binding specificities. VRC01Fab‐Avaren demonstrated enhanced neutralizing activity against representative HIV‐1 strains from A, B and C clades, compared to equimolar combinations of VRC01Fab and Avaren. Notably, VRC01Fab‐Avaren showed significantly stronger neutralizing effects than the bivalent parent molecules VRC01 IgG and Avaren‐Fc, with IC50 values ranging from 48 to 310 pm . These results support the continued development of bispecific anti‐HIV proteins based on Avaren and bNAbs, to which plant‐based transient overexpression systems will provide an efficient protein engineering and production platform.  相似文献   

Background information. The Plasmodium parasite, during its life cycle, undergoes three phases of asexual reproduction, these being repeated rounds of erythrocytic schizogony, sporogony within oocysts on the mosquito midgut wall and exo‐erythrocytic schizogony within the hepatocyte. During each phase of asexual reproduction, the parasite must ensure that every new daughter cell contains an apicoplast, as this organelle cannot be formed de novo and is essential for parasite survival. To date, studies visualizing the apicoplast in live Plasmodium parasites have been restricted to the blood stages of Plasmodium falciparum. Results. In the present study, we have generated Plasmodium berghei parasites in which GFP (green fluorescent protein) is targeted to the apicoplast using the specific targeting sequence of ACP (acyl carrier protein), which has allowed us to visualize this organelle in live Plasmodium parasites. During each phase of asexual reproduction, the apicoplast becomes highly branched, but remains as a single organelle until the completion of nuclear division, whereupon it divides and is rapidly segregated into newly forming daughter cells. We have shown that the antimicrobial agents azithromycin, clindamycin and doxycycline block development of the apicoplast during exo‐erythrocytic schizogony in vitro, leading to impaired parasite maturation. Conclusions. Using a range of powerful live microscopy techniques, we show for the first time the development of a Plasmodium organelle through the entire life cycle of the parasite. Evidence is provided that interference with the development of the Plasmodium apicoplast results in the failure to produce red‐blood‐cell‐infective merozoites.  相似文献   

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