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我国青海省蚤目新属和新种的记述   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
近十年来,特别是无产阶级文化大革命以来,青海省地方病防治所对青海地区的蚤类开始进行了普查的采集,经鉴定发现有部分蚤类标本系新属、新种或新亚种。本文就是这一研究的首报。 青海蚤属Chinghaipsylla新属 在鉴定标本的过程中,我们观察到一个形态构造上颇为独特的蚤种,经研究以后,认为是一个新属新种,并订定为青海蚤属。  相似文献   

青藏高原大林姬鼠一新亚种   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
最近,查看了青海、西藏及四川西部的大林姬鼠Apodemus peninsulae(Thomas)标本40余号,同时对比了国内其他地区的同种姬鼠约100多号,认为青藏高原(包括处在高原东缘的四川西部)的大林姬鼠应系一新亚种,描记于下。大林姬鼠青海亚种Apodemus peninsulae qinghaiensis新亚种 正模标本,标本号16674,成体,1959年5月19日采于青海乐都县(存中国科学院  相似文献   

自1974年起作者等开始注意我国为害稻、麦的毛眼水蝇的种类问题。李美信等首先发现青海东北部产的毛眼水蝇主要为害小麦叶鞘,与上海为害小麦的叶片部的种类在雄性尾器方面明显不同,但当时由于缺乏必要的参考文献和对照标本,仅怀疑上海产者即Hydrellia griseola (Fall?n,1813)而青海产者为其近缘种。1978年发现四川武胜产标本与上述青海产者同种而与上海产者不同。1981年又发现吉林舒兰和安徽合肥产标本均与上海产者为同种。  相似文献   

1959年秋,中国科学院动物研究所工作人员在青海考察期间,在青海东部获得一个大狐蝠标本,经作者研究,暂订为大狐蝠(Pteropus giganteusBrunnich)。此种大狐蝠之在青海发现,不仅是我国兽类的一新纪录,而且在动物地理学上也是十分特殊的。  相似文献   

1973年我们在西藏东南部进行鸟类调查时,于八宿县然鸟区采得一只棕草鹛,经与青海玉树、昂欠、杂多等县所采的标本对比,发现差别明显,当时基于标本数量太少,未作进一步研究。1977年,又在这一带进行补点采集中,犹幸在左贡县(汪达)得到四只标本,与然鸟标本一起,经研究鉴定,认为系一新亚种,命名为玉曲亚种,记述如下。  相似文献   

青海种子植物特有种及其生态地理分布   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
主要依据中国科学院西北高原生物研究所青藏高原生物标本馆内所存标本为基础,结合对相关资料的全面收集,整理出青海特有植物82种和37变种,隶属19科54属。文中除了分科、属列出每个种或种下类型在青海境内到县一级的产地、生境和海拔高度等以外,还列出了它们的原始文献和可供引证、查阅的标本号。是研究青海高原植物区系的组成、性质和特点以及发生和演变规律等方面问题的基础资料。  相似文献   

本文描述了粘菌的一个新种,命名为无节筛菌(Cribraria enodis Zhou et Y.Li sp.nov.)。其主要特征是:暗紫色孢囊的囊被网网线与基部的纵肋线相似,无平展扩大或加厚隆起的网节,都充满原质颗粒。模式标本系中国科学院微生物研究所真菌标本室收藏的,标本号为HMAS 33568。  相似文献   

基于已有标本的详细研究和文献的追踪,证实黑苞毛鳞菊(或黑苞乳苣)在中国没有分布,国内相关文献上的该物种实际应为后期发表的青海乳苣,现已处理为青海毛鳞菊,并首次报道不丹有分布。青海毛鳞菊的瘦果形态和花药管长度明显异于黑苞毛鳞菊。作为标本稀有的云南特有种,单头乳苣近期被暂时处理为黑苞毛鳞菊的异名,但本研究支持其作为一个独立种且与大花毛鳞菊复合群关系较近。对于巴基斯坦北部和克什米尔地区近期发表的与黑苞毛鳞菊形态相近的两个新种,Cicerbita alii被证实为独立种且新组合到毛鳞菊属,而C.astorensis被处理为黑苞毛鳞菊的异名。  相似文献   

青海沙蜥一新亚种及其生态初步观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
鬣蜥科(Agamidae)青海沙蜥(Phrynocephalus vlangalii Straucn)广泛分布于青海、甘肃西部及西北部,以及新疆东部及南部,是一种沙生蜥蜴。1975年秋季在四川西北阿坝藏族自治州的红原县调查采集期间,于县城北西47公里处一片沙丘上采到沙蜥属标本4号,曾初步鉴定为青海沙蜥。1978年7—8月,专程又去该处了解现场情况,采集标本,并观察其生态。除在现场观察大量沙蜥外,还带回一批生活标本进行室内饲养,继续观察其  相似文献   

由中国科学院生物学部下达、新疆生物土壤沙漠研究所与北京动物研究所共同主持的“中国野马、野骆驼考察研究”课题,在大量前期工作基础上,于1981-1983年进行。研究人员多次深入新疆、甘肃、青海境内人迹罕至的山地、戈壁、沙漠进行考察,行程30,000公里,收集了丰富的考察资料,所获12号野骆驼标本超过各国现存标本的总和,写出有关论文、报告7篇,全面地完成了考察任务,并于1985年3月23日在乌鲁木齐通过成果鉴定。  相似文献   



Hemophilia A (HA), being an X-linked recessive disorder, females are rarely affected, although they can be carriers.


To study the mutation in F8 gene in an extended family with a homozygous female HA.


All the seven affected members (six males and one female) were initially screened by Conformation Sensitive Gel Electrophoresis (CSGE) and direct DNA sequencing.


A homozygous missense mutation c.1315G>A (p.Gly420Ser) was identified in exon 9 of F8 gene in homozygous state in the affected female born of 1° consanguinous marriage and in all the affected male members of the family. Her factor VIII levels was found to be 5.5%, vWF:Ag 120%.


In India, as consanguineous marriages are very common in certain communities (up to 30%), the likelihood of encountering female hemophilia is higher, although this is the first case of HA out of 1600 hemophilia families registered in our Comprehensive Haemophilia Care Center. Genetic diagnosis in such cases is not necessary as all the male children will be affected and daughters obligatory carriers.  相似文献   

The aerial parts of Urospermum picroides afforded, in addition to urospermal A a p-hydroxylphenyl acetate of a glucoside of urospermal A.  相似文献   

Replacement of two to four guanines by adenines in the human telomere DNA repeat dG3(TTAG3)3 did not hinder the formation of quadruplexes if the substitutions took place in the terminal tetrad bridged by the diagonal loop of the intramolecular antiparallel three‐tetrad scaffold, as proved by CD and PAGE in both Na+ and K+ solutions. Thermodynamic data showed that, in Na+ solution, the dG3(TTAG3)3 quadruplex was destabilized, the least by the two G:A:G:A tetrads, the most by the G:G:A:A tetrad in which the adenosines replaced syn‐guanosines. In physiological K+ solution, the highest destabilization was caused by the 4A tetrad. In K+, only the unmodified dG3(TTAG3)3 quadruplex rearranged into a K+‐dependent quadruplex form, none of the multiple adenine‐modified structures did so. This may imply biological consequences for nonrepaired A‐for‐G mutations. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 93: 880–886, 2010.  相似文献   

Summary Quantitative histochemical measurements of aminopeptidase A (APA; E.C. were done kinetically in the kidney glomeruli of rat and mouse with an instrumental setup consisting of a microdensitometer and a computer-supported morphometric system. The histochemical demonstration of APA was carried out using the simultaneous azo coupling technique (purest-grade Fast Blue B as coupling agent and -l-glutamic acid-4-methoxy-2-naphthylamide as substrate). The methodological studies show that APA activity is calcium-ion-dependent and increases linearly with the thickness of the tissue section (3–12 m) and that the time-course of APA activity as determined by linear regression is linear only for the first 1 to 2 min of the reaction. — Kinetic measurements indicate a 40% decrease in APA activities when -l-glutamic acid-4-methoxy-2-naphthylamide (-l-Glu-MNA) is replaced by -l-aspartic acid-4-methoxy-2-naphthylamide. When -l-Glu-MNA is replaced with l-alanine-4-methoxy-2-naphthylamide, which is a substrate of aminopeptidase M (APM) only very low reaction rates are measurable (about 1.4% of those with -l-Glu-MNA). 100 and 130 mM NaCl in the incubation medium increase APA activities by approximately 16%–17%. — To clarify the functional importance of APA in the kidney, their activities were measured under the influence of angiotensins. The glomerulus was selected as the measuring site, for besides APA it contains no APM or other peptidases that could degrade angiotensins (the glomerular dipeptidyl peptidase IV is not inhibited by angiotensin II). Using the Lineweaver-Burk plot, we determined a K m of 0.16 mM for the APA in rat glomeruli and 0.14 mM in mouse glomeruli. The V max in mouse glomeruli is 1.6 times higher than in rat glomeruli. Ang iotensin I, II and III competitively inhibit APA in the rat and mouse glomeruli. — With quantitative histochemical techniques it was possible to show that APA is equivalent to angiotensinase A (splitting off the N-terminal aspartic acid from angiotensin I and II).Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (SFB 105)  相似文献   

有或没有基细胞是毛鞘藻属与枝鞘藻属的区别之一。这里叙述了Mrozinska在其专著中,将Oedocladium indicum Kamat附图(即模式图)上的一个基细胞错误地移置到Oe.prescottii Islam上去的情况。  相似文献   

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