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近年来,我国农作物生物技术研究和应用取得了很大进展。自然科学基金作为资助自然科学基础性研究的重要渠道之一,资助了大量有关农作物生物技术研究的课题。本文介绍了国家自然科学基金从重大项目、重点项目和面上项目三个层次上资助农作物生物技术研究项目的情况,分析了我国农作物生物技术研究中存在的问题,并展望了国家自然科学基金未来资助农作物生物技术研究的几个重要方面。  相似文献   

生物技术发展的现状和展望   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
近十多年是世界生物技术迅速发展时期农业转基因动植物研究开发取得新进展,培育成功一批抗虫抗病,耐除草剂和高产,优质农作物新品种具有不同作用的转基因猪,羊新品种为发展高效益畜牧业带来利益,生物技术产品开发和基因治疗技术取得突破,生物技术产业化加快,下世纪初期将成为支柱产业之一,近两年,美,欧,日等发达国家政府制订一了些有利于生物技术发展的新政策和多方筹资进行生物技术基本建设。  相似文献   

生物技术与安徽省农业发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文旨在通过生物技术在农业上应用进展的实际例子,勾画出对未来农业的影响,并提出我省发展农业生物技术的若干建议。1生物技术在农业中的应用11利用分子育种技术培育高产优质抗逆的农作物新品种。首先是利用基因转化技术培育转基因品种。转基因植物的研究开始于7...  相似文献   

干旱严重影响农作物的产量和人民群众的生活质量,基因水平改良农作物的性状是解决这一问题的科学有效方法之一。在生物技术发展日新月异的今天,政府部门应该对以转基因技术为代表的农业生物技术放宽政策,让科技真正为人类带来实惠,带来方便!  相似文献   

生物技术在农作物育种上的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生物技术在农作物育种上的应用赵乃思(黑龙江省农业科学院,哈尔滨)现代生物技术是七十年代初在重组DNA技术、细胞培养技术、以及生物反应技术等深入发展的基础上发展起来的一门新兴学科。生物技术包括细胞工程、基因工程、酶工程和发酵工程四个方面。植物组织与细胞...  相似文献   

近十年来我国粮食总产量徘徊不前.人口增长、粮食生产与资源环境的矛盾日益加剧,在我国农业现代化发展进程中,农业生物技术是非常重要的科技支撑之一,以基因改良为主要目标的农业生物技术育种作为生命科学的前沿领域,正逐步成为解决粮食生产所面临问题之关键。新兴的农作物生物技术育种产业化发展已然成为国际大趋势,农业生物技术产业已成为新经济和科技竞争的焦点,并将可能改变未来的农业和经济格局,其作用不可替代。  相似文献   

随着高通量测序技术和生物信息学的发展,尤其是宏基因组在人类肠道微生物鉴定方面的应用,微生物组学应运而生。概述了微生物组的多样性及其在人体健康、农作物生长、畜牧业发展、环境治理、工业生物技术产品生产等方面的应用,并对微生物组学的研究方向和应用前景作了展望。  相似文献   

工业生物技术具有重大的生态优势,将生物技术加工步骤引入化学合成经常会带来显著的生态优势,比如大量减少废物生成、降低能源需求、减少溶剂使用、消除有害中介物等。可再生农作物是比化石能源更有潜力的原材料,因而工业生物技术既有益于温室气体减排又有利于农业发展。  相似文献   

基于序列特异性核酸酶的基因组编辑技术可以在不同物种中对目标基因进行定点敲除,并可实现特定基因片段置换,基因的定点插入等基因组靶向修饰。基因组编辑是一种精准和高效的基因工程方法,近年来快速发展并得到了广泛的应用,并将改变生物技术的现状。目前,基因组编辑在不同植物,特别是农作物中的技术体系已建立,初步展示了其在植物生物技术领域的巨大潜力。介绍了不同基因组编辑系统的工作原理,并对基因组编辑技术在植物研究中的应用及成功案例进行了综述,最后对基因组编辑在植物生物技术领域所面临的机遇与挑战进行了讨论。  相似文献   

2003年全球转基因农作物商品化种植情况   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李路 《生物技术通报》2004,(5):52-53,55
农业是现代生物技术应用的重要领域之一。统计表明 ,全球在 2 0 0 0~ 2 0 0 1年度有生物技术产业公司 4 2 84家 ,其中上市公司有 6 2 2家。 2 0 0 1年生物技术公司的总收入额约为 2 85亿美元 ,年增长率达到10 .9%o其中医药生物技术产品占第 1位。但普遍预测认为 ,继医药作为生物技术的第一个浪潮之后 ,农业、环保和海洋生物技术将成为生物技术的第二个浪潮 ,生物技术产品在农业总产值中的比重将越来越大。目前全世界农业生物技术的产值已达到10 0亿美元 ,其中与转基因农作物种子有关的产值达到了 5 0亿美元左右 ,显见转基因农作物在农业生…  相似文献   

 Industrial biotechnology has evolved as a significant manufacturing tool for products like fuel-grade ethanol, organic acids and bulk amino acids, but most items are still speciality products for food and pharmaceutical applications. Current development projects within the chemical industry, including lactic acid and 1,3-propanediol based polymers and plastics, indicate that new biotechnological processes and products may soon approach the market place, clearly targeted at the leading petrochemical bulk outlets. This is flanked by a strategic shift by the major chemical companies in to “life sciences”–pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals and the seed business as well as biotech fine chemicals. The recent tremendous achievements in molecular plant genetics and transgenic crop breeding will boost agro-biotechnology, agriculture and renewable raw materials as compelling projects for chemistry and biotechnology. New plant-based production routes may challenge established chemical and biochemical domains, but at the same time open new horizons to valuable feedstocks, intermediates and end-products. Received: 16 October 1998 / Received revision: 3 December 1998 / Accepted: 5 December 1998  相似文献   

The development of marker-free transgenic plants has responded to public concerns over the safety of biotechnology crops. It seems that continued work in this area will soon remove the question of unwanted marker genes from the debate concerning the public acceptability of transgenic crop plants. Selectable marker genes are co-introduced with genes of interest to identify those cells that have integrated the DNA into their genome. Despite the large number of different selection systems, marker genes that confer resistance to the antibiotics, hygromycin (hpt) and kanamycin (nptII) or herbicide phosphinothricin (bar), have been used in most transgenic research and crop development techniques. The techniques that remove marker gene are under development and will eventually facilitate more precise and subtle engineering of the plant genome, with widespread applications in both fundamental research and biotechnology. In addition to allaying public concerns, the absence of resistance genes in transgenic plants could reduce the costs of developing biotechnology crops and lessen the need for time-consuming safety evaluations, thereby speeding up the commercial production of biotechnology crops. Many research results and various techniques have been developed to produce marker-free transgenic plants. This review describes the strategies for eliminating selectable marker genes to generate marker-free transgenic plants, focusing on the three significant marker-free technologies, co-transformation, site-specific recombinase-mediated excision, and non-selected transformation.  相似文献   

Watermelon is an important vegetable crop world-wide with over 81 million metric tons produced annually. Despite these high production figures, million of metric tons of fruit are lost in fields to disease. Genetic improvement through tissue culture and biotechnology offer potential routes of improving fruit harvest by offering higher quality products, like seedless fruit, or by introducing recombinant genes or generating somaclonal variants with improved resistance to biotic or abiotic stresses. The purpose of this review is to highlight how tissue culture and biotechnology have been used for the genetic improvement of watermelon and provide suggestions for future application of these methods to facilitate further genetic improvement.  相似文献   

Genetic improvement of crops has traditionally been achieved through sexual hybridization between related species, which has resulted in numerous cultivars with high yields and superior agronomic performance. Conventional plant breeding, sometimes combined with classical cytogenetic techniques, continues to be the main method of cereal crop improvement. More recently, through the introduction of new tools of biotechnology, crossing barriers have been overcome, and genes from unrelated sources have become available to be introduced asexually into plants. Cereal crops were initially difficult to genetically engineer, mainly due to their recalcitrance to in vitro regeneration and their resistance to Agrobacterium infection. Systematic screening of cultivars and explant tissues for regeneration potential, development of various DNA delivery methods and optimization of gene expression cassettes have produced transformation protocols for the major cereals, although some elite cultivars still remain recalcitrant to transformation. Most of the transgenic cereals developed for commercial purpose exhibit herbicide and/or insect resistance; traits that are often controlled by a single gene. In recent years, more complex traits, such as dough functionality in wheat and nutritional quality of rice have been improved by the use of biotechnology. The current challenges for genetic engineering of plants will be to understand and control factors causing transgene silencing, instability and rearrangement, which are often seen in transgenic plants and highly undesirable in lines to be used for crop development. Further improvement of current cereal cultivars is expected to benefit greatly from information emerging from the areas of genomics, proteomics and bioinformatics.  相似文献   


Socio-professional identity of teachers may have an impact on their way of teaching biotechnology. Livestock and crop production teachers have been trained according to the intensive agriculture model. They have been affected by the emergence of limits to this model; an identity crisis has appeared due to the gap between their disciplinary culture and new social demands. Biotechnology applications have various repercussions in different disciplinary fields, whether in the humanities or in science an technology. To identify the influence of the prevailing culture in various disciplines, a comparative study of opinions (arguments, emotions, behavioural intentions) on various biotechnology applications held among teachers of different disciplinary options has been made in agricultural education in France. In the fields of ethics, human health and the environment, the opinions among teachers in the humanities (economics, modern languages and history/geography) differed significantly from opinions among teachers with scientific and/or technical training (in biology and livestock and crop production). The former expressed more disquiet than the latter. Biology teachers felt less concern about the development of biotechnology applications.  相似文献   

The use, as opposed to the procurement, of transgenic crop plants is discussed in this paper. Transgenic crop plants must not be used until appropriate strategies for their use have been designed and not before crop plants with a variety of insect defenses have been developed. The use of a crop plant with a single defense will pose as strong a selection pressure as the use of a single synthetic insecticide, since insect herbivores are able to evolve effective counter-defenses. The defenses of insects in natural plant-insect associations and with regard to synthetic insecticides are described to demonstrate that there is nothing unique about insecticide resistance. It is the inevitable alternative to local extinction in response to a persistent and predictable selection pressure. Plants counteract insect defensive evolution by keeping the selection pressure as variable as possible. This leads to the conclusion that the best use of biotechnology in crop protection is to reintroduce chemical diversity into crop plants.  相似文献   

Plant-insect interactions: molecular approaches to insect resistance   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recent advances in our understanding of induced responses in plants and their regulation, brought about by a revolution in molecular biology, have re-focused attention on the potential exploitation of endogenous resistance mechanisms for crop protection. The future goal of crop biotechnology is thus to engineer a durable, multimechanistic resistance to insect pests through an understanding of the diversity of plant responses to insect attack.  相似文献   

镰刀菌是植物的重要病原真菌,其入侵植物体可引起镰刀菌病害,给农作物和其它植物的生产带来极大的危害。植物是抗性基因的重要来源之一,随着分子生物学技术的飞速发展,大量的镰刀菌相关抗性基因和抗性候选基因从不同的植物中被分离和鉴定,并应用于抗镰刀菌基因工程育种。对植物来源的镰刀菌抗性基因的种类及其作用机理、抗病候选基因、拟南芥-镰刀菌互作机制及基因调控进行了概述。  相似文献   

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