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Exploitation of the insulating properties of the complete chicken lysozyme gene domain may facilitate the production of transgenic chicken bioreactors with the capacity to deposit valuable proteins in the egg white. Chimeric genes consisting of the chicken lysozyme gene regulatory sequences and sequences encoding foreign proteins could be inserted randomly into the chicken genome and retain appropriate expression levels. The research reported here established that chicken lysozyme gene regulatory sequences can be used to direct the production and secretion of green fluorescent protein (used as a reporter protein) in transiently transfected chicken blastodermal cells. Attempts to verify these findings in transgenic hens are currently in progress. To provide a rapid means of generating constructs encoding other foreign proteins under the control of lysozyme gene regulatory sequences that can facilitate the secretion of heterologous proteins in vivo, a generic lysozyme gene regulatory scaffold was created using a poxvirus-mediated gene targeting system.  相似文献   

Recently expanded knowledge of gene regulation clearly indicates that the regulatory sequences of a gene, usually identified as enhancers, are widely distributed in the gene locus, revising the classical view that they are clustered in the vicinity of genes. To identify regulatory sequences for Sox2 expression governing early neurogenesis, we scanned the 50-kb region of the chicken Sox2 locus for enhancer activity utilizing embryo electroporation, resulting in identification of a number of enhancers scattered throughout the analyzed genomic span. The 'pan-neural' Sox2 expression in early embryos is actually brought about by the composite activities of five separate enhancers with distinct spatio-temporal specificities. These and other functionally defined enhancers exactly correspond to extragenic sequence blocks that are conspicuously conserved between the chicken and mammalian genomes and that are embedded in sequences with a wide range of sequence conservation between humans and mice. The sequences conserved between amniotes and teleosts correspond to subregions of the enhancer subsets which presumably represent core motifs of the enhancers, and the limited conservation partly reflects divergent expression patterns of the gene. The phylogenic distance between the chicken and mammals appears optimal for identifying a battery of genetic regulatory elements as conserved sequence blocks, and chicken embryo electroporation facilitates functional characterization of these elements.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: The advent of genomics yields thousands of reading frames in search of function. Identification of conserved functional motifs in protein sequences can be helpful for function prediction. RESULTS: A database and a classification of reported DNA-binding protein motifs has been designed. A program ('TranScout') has been developed for the detection and evaluation of conserved motifs in prokaryotic and eukaryotic sequences of proteins with a gene regulatory function. The efficiency of the program is shown in a benchmark against a database obtained from SWISS-PROT without the protein sequences used to train the program. All motifs were detected with a mean average sensitivity of 0.98 and a mean average specificity of 0.92. AVAILABILITY: The program is freely available for use on the internet at http://luz.uab.es/transcout/. The user can find additional information at this site.  相似文献   

The sequence of an unknown PCR product generated by random (and conventional) PCR could be determined without sequencing when it is provided with the template DNA sequence. Theoretically, this was based on formerly established ideas which assert that the amount of random PCR product mainly depends on the stability of the primer-binding structures and that the dynamic solution structure of DNA is essentially governed by the Watson–Crick base pairing. However, it has not been clear whether this holds true for larger genomes of mega- to gigabase size, beside the λ phage genome (of 50 kb) used previously, nor has it been ascertained to uniquely specify the sequence of a random PCR product. Here, we jointly use two computer programs together with experimental data from Genome Profiling (i.e. TGGE analysis of random PCR products). The first procedure carried out by a newly remodeled computer program (PCRAna-A1) was shown to be competent to calculate a set of random PCR products from Escherichia coli genome DNA (4.7 Mb). The other procedure performed with another program (Poland-H) played a critical role in determining the final candidate sequence by theoretically offering the initial melting temperature and the melting pattern of unspecified candidate sequences. The success attained here not only proved our method to be useful for sequence prediction but also confirmed the above-mentioned ideas as rational. We believe that this is the first case to computer-utilize a genome sequence as a whole.  相似文献   

全基因组扩增技术及其在法医个体识别中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cai HQ  Liu HT  Shi B  Li A  Tang WR  Luo Y 《遗传》2010,32(11):1119-1125
全基因组扩增(Whole genome amplification,WGA)技术是一种对全部基因组序列进行非选择性扩增的技术。近几年来,对WGA技术扩增痕量DNA检材的研究日渐深入,这些研究可望用于刑案现场采集到的痕量DNA样品的扩增,为法医个体识别提供足量的DNA模板。然而,对实际案件中复杂检材的扩增偏差问题一直困扰着法医工作者,寻求一个低扩增偏差、高扩增产率的WGA技术是法医工作者的主要目标。文章综述了WGA技术在法医个体识别中的研究进展及应用前景,为法医解决扩增偏差问题提供参考。  相似文献   

In Kellis et al. (2003), we reported the genome sequences of S. paradoxus, S. mikatae, and S. bayanus and compared these three yeast species to their close relative, S. cerevisiae. Genomewide comparative analysis allowed the identification of functionally important sequences, both coding and noncoding. In this companion paper we describe the mathematical and algorithmic results underpinning the analysis of these genomes. (1) We present methods for the automatic determination of genome correspondence. The algorithms enabled the automatic identification of orthologs for more than 90% of genes and intergenic regions across the four species despite the large number of duplicated genes in the yeast genome. The remaining ambiguities in the gene correspondence revealed recent gene family expansions in regions of rapid genomic change. (2) We present methods for the identification of protein-coding genes based on their patterns of nucleotide conservation across related species. We observed the pressure to conserve the reading frame of functional proteins and developed a test for gene identification with high sensitivity and specificity. We used this test to revisit the genome of S. cerevisiae, reducing the overall gene count by 500 genes (10% of previously annotated genes) and refining the gene structure of hundreds of genes. (3) We present novel methods for the systematic de novo identification of regulatory motifs. The methods do not rely on previous knowledge of gene function and in that way differ from the current literature on computational motif discovery. Based on genomewide conservation patterns of known motifs, we developed three conservation criteria that we used to discover novel motifs. We used an enumeration approach to select strongly conserved motif cores, which we extended and collapsed into a small number of candidate regulatory motifs. These include most previously known regulatory motifs as well as several noteworthy novel motifs. The majority of discovered motifs are enriched in functionally related genes, allowing us to infer a candidate function for novel motifs. Our results demonstrate the power of comparative genomics to further our understanding of any species. Our methods are validated by the extensive experimental knowledge in yeast and will be invaluable in the study of complex genomes like that of the human.  相似文献   

Ding J  Pan Y  Jiang H  Cheng J  Liu T  Qin N  Yang Y  Cui B  Chen C  Liu C  Mao K  Zhu B 《Journal of bacteriology》2011,193(14):3674-3675
Brucella melitensis and Brucella suis are intracellular pathogens of livestock and humans. Here we report four genome sequences, those of the virulent strain B. melitensis M28-12 and vaccine strains B. melitensis M5 and M111 and B. suis S2, which show different virulences and pathogenicities, which will help to design a more effective brucellosis vaccine.  相似文献   

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