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本文研究东北大骨节病病区土壤中硒的形态和含量与大骨节病的关系。研究结果表明,病区土壤中硒以有机结合态硒为主,又以富里酸态硒占主要比重。根据20个土壤样点的对比研究,显示土壤富里酸中硒含量与病情呈显著负相关。  相似文献   

珠江三角洲典型肝癌高发区土壤锰形态及其生态效应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对珠江三角洲典型肝癌高发区及低发区表层、深层土壤样品和作物样品的系统采集,分别对土壤中各化学形态Mn含量及其与土壤Mn全量、土壤理化性质、蔬菜Mn富集之间的相关关系进行研究.结果表明: 研究区土壤Mn主要来自成土母质,受人类活动影响很小,肝癌高发区土壤Mn平均含量为577.65 mg·kg-1,显著低于肝癌低发区(718.04 mg·kg-1)和全国土壤Mn平均含量(710 mg·kg-1);肝癌高发区土壤Mn以残渣态和铁锰态为主,水溶态和交换态等生物有效态含量较少,二者分配系数之和不超过4%,低发区土壤Mn形态分布也有相似的分布特征,但其绝对含量显著高于肝癌高发区.Mn全量负荷水平和pH对各形态Mn的含量有重要影响,尤其是铁锰结合态、腐植酸结合态、碳酸盐态和残渣态的含量与土壤Mn全量呈显著正相关;水溶态、有机态Mn与pH呈显著负相关.5类蔬菜中,肝癌高发区油麦菜和大白菜Mn含量及富集系数显著低于肝癌低发区,其它蔬菜品种无显著差异.Mn在蔬菜中的累积量与土壤中有效态Mn(水溶态Mn与离子交换态Mn之和)呈显著正相关,而与土壤Mn全量和其他形态均无显著相关性.  相似文献   

为探讨氮沉降对典型阔叶红松(Pinus koraiensis)林的影响,从2008年6月~2010年8月进行了人工模拟氮沉降实验,实验分为对照、低N、中N、高N4个处理,每个处理3个重复。所施氮肥为CO(NH2)2,以溶液的形式喷施,4个处理浓度分别为0、30、60、120 kg·hm-2·a-1。在氮沉降进行1年后,采集各处理0~20、20~40和40~60 cm的土壤样品,测定其土壤有机C、全N、碱解N和速效P、速效K。结果表明:相同处理下,有机C和全N含量随土层的加深均逐渐减少。总体上低、中N处理显著增加了土壤有机C、碱解N和速效K含量,中、高N处理显著降低了土壤速效P含量(P<0.05),而对全N含量影响不显著(P>0.05)。土壤有机C与土壤全N、碱解N、速效P、速效K之间存在极显著正相关关系(P<0.001)。有机C和土壤养分对氮沉降的响应说明氮沉降在短期内可能影响阔叶红松林土壤碳库积累和土壤肥力水平。  相似文献   

施硒对两种类型玉米硒元素分配及产量、品质的影响   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
通过盆栽试验,以普通玉米品种郑单958(ZD958)和糯玉米品种京紫糯218(JN218)为试验材料,研究了不同硒水平(0、10、25、50 mg·kg-1)下,玉米植株各器官对硒的分配和转运差异以及硒对玉米产量和籽粒品质的影响.结果表明: 低含量(≤10 mg·kg-1)硒促进了玉米生长,植株生物量和籽粒产量均显著增加;高含量(≥25 mg·kg-1)硒抑制了玉米生长,植株干物质积累量减少,籽粒产量和品质下降.施硒显著提高了玉米植株各器官的硒含量,硒在各器官的分配为根系>叶片>茎秆>叶鞘,两种类型玉米各器官硒含量均与土壤硒含量呈显著正相关.JN218在自然低硒土壤环境中具有较强的硒富集能力,而ZD958在10 mg·kg-1 硒水平下硒积累量高于JN218.如果以籽粒和地上部营养器官的硒积累量为评价标准,自然低硒(025 mg·kg-1)或高硒(25 mg·kg-1)土壤适宜种植JN218,而富硒(10 mg·kg-1)或硒污染(50 mg·kg-1)土壤适宜种植ZD958.  相似文献   

许自成  郭燕  肖汉乾 《生态学杂志》2008,27(12):2190-2194
分析了湖南烟区1341个土壤样品的水溶性氯含量与209个烤烟样品氯含量的空间分布特点。结果表明:湖南烟区土壤水溶性氯含量变幅为1.20~72.10 mg·kg-1,平均为(13.55±7.75) mg·kg-1,有40.6%的土样氯含量较低,尤以湘西地区土壤水溶性氯含量最低,为(8.88±8.04) mg·kg-1;湖南烟区烤烟氯含量变幅为0.15%~0.49%,平均为0.31%±0.09%,不同等级烤烟氯含量呈现出X2F>C3F>B2F的趋势,但等级之间差异不显著;根据土壤水溶性氯含量把样品分组后,对应的烤烟样品氯含量在组间差异达到了显著水平;烤烟氯含量与土壤水溶性氯含量之间存在极显著的线性关系(R2=0.8106,P<0.01)。  相似文献   

选择福建省梁野山、龙栖山、闽侯旗山、南靖书洋乡和南平大坪村南方红豆杉(Taxus chinensis var. marei)天然群体分布相对集中区,采集胸径相同的南方红豆杉的当年生针叶和树皮并取树下土壤样品。利用超高效液相色谱分析测定南方红豆杉当年生针叶及树皮中紫杉醇及10-去乙酰基巴卡亭Ⅲ(10-deacetylbaccatin Ⅲ, 10-DAB)含量,另测定土壤pH值、速效磷、速效氮、铁、钙、镁、锌含量。结果表明,不论是紫杉醇还是10-DAB含量,不同地理种源南方红豆杉间差异均较大,说明地理位置对于红豆杉中紫杉醇和10-DAB含量具有明显的影响;树皮中紫杉醇含量与土壤中铁含量显著相关(P<0.01);南方红豆杉当年生针叶中及树皮中紫杉醇含量与各种源地气象因子的相关性不显著(P>0.05)。  相似文献   

植物硒生理及与重金属交互的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
硒是一种重要的微量元素,在低浓度时对生物有益,但高浓度时呈现与重金属类似的毒性。植物作为人体硒摄入的主要来源,其硒代谢对于植物硒积累乃至人体硒营养水平十分重要。研究植物硒吸收、代谢和积累机理能指导富硒粮食的生产,是解决人体硒摄入不足/超量问题的有效途径。本文在阐述土壤硒含量、形态、生物有效性及分布的基础上,综述了植物对硒的吸收、代谢机理的研究进展,并讨论了农业生物强化以及遗传育种生物强化等两种硒生物强化的实践方法,以及利用硒生物强化缓解重金属毒性减少积累;最后,提出了植物硒代谢及硒生物强化研究的前沿问题,以期为改善人体硒营养水平提高人体健康状况提供理论和实践依据。  相似文献   

采用田间试验方法,研究了土壤中镉浓度分别为2和5 mg·kg-1时,向日葵(Helianthus annuus)、玉米(Zea mays)和大豆(Glycine max)从苗期至成熟期各生长阶段茎叶中镉积累与全硫含量的关系。结果表明,玉米和向日葵各生长时期茎中镉含量与其全硫含量呈极显著相关,叶片中镉含量与硫含量没有相关性,说明硫在植物镉的运输过程中发挥着重要的作用。土壤中镉浓度为2 mg·kg-1时,籽实中镉含量从高到低的顺序是:向日葵>大豆>玉米;土壤中镉浓度为5 mg·kg-1时,籽实中镉含量从高到低的顺序是:大豆>向日葵>玉米,与籽实中硫含量的高低顺序一致;玉米籽实中镉含量最低,在2个镉浓度处理下平均值仅为0.01和0.03 mg·kg-1,低于国家标准食品中镉限量值。  相似文献   

硒在华南稻区酸性土壤中极易被固定使其有效性较低.本研究旨在通过盆栽试验,探明施用硒肥对水稻根际和非根际土壤硒有效性的影响.结果表明: 施硒能提高水稻产量,增加籽粒硒含量;水稻根际土壤中水溶态硒、交换态硒、铁锰氧化物结合态硒、有机物-硫化物结合态硒和残渣态硒含量均低于非根际土壤.各施硒处理之间,根际和非根际土壤中硒的迁移系数没有显著差异;施硒对根和叶片之间硒的迁移系数也没有显著影响,但是施硒提高了叶片和籽粒之间硒的迁移系数.施用0.5 mg·kg-1硒增加了水稻根系有机酸的分泌,而施用1.0、5.0 mg·kg-1硒则降低了有机酸的分泌.根系有机酸的分泌对根际土壤pH值影响不大,根际土壤pH值反而高于非根际土壤,但施硒显著降低了根际土壤pH值.随着施硒水平的提高,根际土壤黏土矿物(高岭石)的红外吸收光谱不断增强.施入土壤中的硒多转化为水稻难以吸收利用的形态,且不易向根际移动.根系分泌的有机酸也并不是通过影响土壤pH值来提高土壤硒的有效性.  相似文献   

对石灰岩适生植物构树(Broussonetia papyrifera)进行菌根真菌摩西球囊霉(Glomus mosseea)、地表球囊霉(G.versiforme)、透光球囊霉(G.diaphanum)的单独接种、混合接种和不接种处理,幼苗生长3个月后测定其根茎叶N、P含量和土壤酶活性,结果表明:接种AM真菌后构树幼苗生物量显著增加,植株根茎叶N含量较对照组显著提高,其含量为根<茎<叶。各处理中除了透光球囊霉处理的茎含量与对照差异不显著外,其余各处理含量均呈显著或极显著差异。AM真菌对构树苗P的促进效应主要体现在根、茎的利用上,而叶片P含量除混合接种外则有所降低,但M+(接种处理)与M-(非接种处理)间无显著差异。构树苗根茎叶等量干物质P含量依次为叶>根>茎。进一步研究表明,接种AM真菌显著提高了土壤酶活性,这种显著性主要体现在蛋白酶和碱性磷酸酶上, 植株N含量与土壤蛋白酶和碱性磷酸酶活性有显著相关性,而P含量只是根部吸收与多酚氧化酶活性显著相关。结果表明,接种AM真菌促进了宿主植物构树生物量的积累,提高了根际土壤酶活性,增加了植株对N、P的吸收。  相似文献   

Sim GE  Goh CJ  Loh CS 《Plant cell reports》2008,27(8):1281-1289
We analysed the endogenous cytokinin levels of Dendrobium Madame Thong-In seedlings grown in vitro during vegetative and flowering-inductive periods. HPLC was used to fractionate the extracts and radioimmunoassay (RIA) was used for assay of zeatin (Z), dihydrozeatin (DZ), N(6)-(Delta(2)-isopentenyl)-adenine (iP) and their derivatives. Coconut water used in experiments was found to contain high level (>136 pmol ml(-1)) of zeatin riboside (ZR). Protocorms and seedlings cultured in medium with coconut water were found to contain 0.5-3.9 pmol g(-1) FW of the cytokinins analysed. Seedlings (1.0-1.5 cm) cultured in flowering-inductive liquid medium containing 6-benzyladenine (BA, 4.4 muM) and coconut water (CW, 15%) contained up to 200 and 133 pmol g(-1) FW of iP and iPA, respectively. These levels were significantly higher than all other cytokinins analysed in seedlings of the same stage and were about 80- to 150-folds higher than seedlings cultured in non-inductive medium. During the transitional (vegetative to reproductive) stage, the endogenous levels of iP (178 pmol g(-1) FW) and iPA (63 pmol g(-1) FW) were also significantly higher than cytokinins in the zeatine (Z) and dihydrozeatin (DZ) families in the same seedlings. Seedlings that grew on inductive medium but remained vegetative contained lower levels of iPA. The importance of the profiles of iP and its derivatives in induction of in vitro flowering of D. Madame Thong-In is discussed.  相似文献   

The proventriculi of 11 Eurasian cranes (Grus grus) from central Iran were examined for the existence of parasitic helminths. Preliminary reports suggested that the death of these birds was related to untimely cold weather. Nine proventriculi (82%) were heavily infected by the nematode Tetrameres grusi. Glandular structure of the infected proventriculi was replaced by epithelial atrophy but significant inflammatory reactions were not observed in any of the infected organs. In serious infections, the nematode produced vast structural and functional changes, causing organ dysfunction and glandular necrosis. The coincidence of heavy helminth infection at times of environmental stress may lead to debilitation, wasting, and perhaps mortality in migratory cranes.  相似文献   

The enzymes chlorocatechol-1,2-dioxygenase, chloromuconate cycloisomerase, dienelactone hydrolase, and maleylacetate reductase allow Ralstonia eutropha JMP134(pJP4) to degrade chlorocatechols formed during growth in 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetate or 3-chlorobenzoate (3-CB). There are two gene modules located in plasmid pJP4, tfdC(I)D(I)E(I)F(I) (module I) and tfdD(II)C(II)E(II)F(II) (module II), putatively encoding these enzymes. To assess the role of both tfd modules in the degradation of chloroaromatics, each module was cloned into the medium-copy-number plasmid vector pBBR1MCS-2 under the control of the tfdR regulatory gene. These constructs were introduced into R. eutropha JMP222 (a JMP134 derivative lacking pJP4) and Pseudomonas putida KT2442, two strains able to transform 3-CB into chlorocatechols. Specific activities in cell extracts of chlorocatechol-1,2-dioxygenase (tfdC), chloromuconate cycloisomerase (tfdD), and dienelactone hydrolase (tfdE) were 2 to 50 times higher for microorganisms containing module I compared to those containing module II. In contrast, a significantly (50-fold) higher activity of maleylacetate reductase (tfdF) was observed in cell extracts of microorganisms containing module II compared to module I. The R. eutropha JMP222 derivative containing tfdR-tfdC(I)D(I)E(I)F(I) grew four times faster in liquid cultures with 3-CB as a sole carbon and energy source than in cultures containing tfdR-tfdD(II)C(II)E(II)F(II). In the case of P. putida KT2442, only the derivative containing module I was able to grow in liquid cultures of 3-CB. These results indicate that efficient degradation of 3-CB by R. eutropha JMP134(pJP4) requires the two tfd modules such that TfdCDE is likely supplied primarily by module I, while TfdF is likely supplied by module II.  相似文献   

Four allelic forms of serum plasminogen (PLG) were detected in baboons (Papio hamadryas Linneaus 1758) by isoelectric focusing and were determined to be inherited as autosomal codominant traits. Linkage analysis of data from 179 progeny and their parents revealed that PLG is tightly linked (lod score = 30.20) to the gene encoding apolipoprotein(a) (LPA), as in humans. No recombinant individuals were identified. This is the first linkage detected between PLG and LPA in any species other than humans and is the first genetic linkage identified in a nonhuman primate species by family studies.  相似文献   

西藏嵩草属(莎草科)的修订   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在标本观察和野外调查的基础上,对西藏的嵩草属Kobresia植物进行了分类学修订,共确认了36种和1亚种。更正了6个类群的学名,它们正确的名称是K. esenbeckii,K. fissiglumis,K. gammiei,K. littledalei,K. myosuroides ssp. bistaminata和K. vaginosa。有13个名称,即K. angusta,K. cercostachys var. capillacea,K. clarkeana,K. curticeps var. gyirongensis,K. deasyi,K. glaucifolia,K. hookeri,K. nudicarpa,K. prainii var. elliptica,K. seticulmis,K. stenocarpa,K. stenocarpa var. simplex和K. williamsii处理为异名,其中K. prainii var. elliptica,K. glaucifolia和K. stenocarpa var. simplex为新异名。发现了西藏分布的一个新记录种密穗嵩草K. handel-mazzettii。还收录了最近发表的假钩状嵩草K. pseuduncinoides和阔鳞嵩草K. woodii。此外,重新编制了西藏嵩草属分种和亚种检索表,并较为详细地登记了各类群在西藏的分布地点。  相似文献   

Male Codoma ornata produce sounds associated with aggression and spawning activities during the breeding season. Females do not produce sounds. Males most often produced sounds associated with escalated displays of aggression, courtship and the spawning act. C. ornata spawn in crevices, but previously were reported to spawn as egg-clusterers in cavities. Structurally, sounds are low frequency, vary in duration according to context and are not harmonic. The mechanism of sound production is unknown.  相似文献   

Mitochondria are well-characterized intracellular organelles usually concentrated in locations of high energy consumption. Light microscopic and transmission electron microscopic observations of the internal anatomy of the feather mites Diplaegidia columbae and Falculifer rostratus were conducted. In the anterior half of the bodies of the mites, we found several dozen of distinctive mitochondria-rich (MR) cells filled with abundant, large mitochondria. Mitochondria are placed individually or enclosed in small groups within an elaborated lamellar system forming a mitochondria–lamellae complex (MLC). The role of the MLC as well as the MR cells is not clear at present, but their involvement in heat generation is hypothesized and briefly discussed.  相似文献   

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