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随着能源价格的持续上涨, 使用木质纤维素生产燃料乙醇已具有重要的实践意义。木糖是多数木质纤维素水解产物中含量仅次于葡萄糖的一种单糖, 传统乙醇生产菌株酿酒酵母不能利用木糖, 这为使用以木质纤维素为原料发酵生产乙醇带来了困难。多年以来人们试图通过基因工程和细胞融合等方法对其进行改造使其能够代谢木糖生产乙醇。本文主要介绍这方面的研究进展。  相似文献   

随着能源价格的持续上涨,使用木质纤维素生产燃料乙醇已具有重要的实践意义.木糖是多数木质纤维素水解产物中含量仅次于葡萄糖的一种单糖,传统乙醇生产菌株酿酒酵母不能利用木糖,这为使用以木质纤维素为原料发酵生产乙醇带来了困难.多年以来人们试图通过基因工程和细胞融合等方法对其进行改造使其能够代谢木糖生产乙醇.本文主要介绍这方面的研究进展.  相似文献   

木质纤维素稀酸水解糖液乙醇发酵研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以木质纤维素为原料生产燃料乙醇,首先要对原料进行预处理得到可发酵糖,在稀酸水解木质纤维素得到的糖液中,除含有葡萄糖、木糖等六碳糖和五碳糖外,根据水解温度、酸浓度和时间的不同,还含有不同浓度的发酵抑制剂。因此,在研究木质纤维素稀酸水解糖液的乙醇发酵中,对代谢木糖成乙醇的菌种的研究、对耐/代谢发酵抑制剂微生物的研究、对稀酸水解糖液的脱毒方法的研究以及对稀酸水解糖液不同发酵方式的乙醇发酵研究等非常重要。重点介绍了以上几个方面近几年研究的进展。  相似文献   

木糖是纤维素原料水解液中最主要的五碳糖成分,由于野生的酿酒酵母缺乏有效的木糖利用途径,将外源木糖代谢途径整合至酿酒酵母中使其具有发酵木糖生产乙醇的能力是构建纤维素乙醇发酵菌株的关键。国内外学者的研究表明,同一木糖代谢途径导入不同酿酒酵母菌株中,所得到的重组菌发酵性能存在明显差异,表明宿主的遗传背景对菌株利用木糖能力和发酵性能具有重要的影响。就酿酒酵母宿主对重组菌株的木糖发酵性能的影响进行了综述,分析了产生宿主差异的内在机理,为进一步选育高效木糖共发酵菌种提供借鉴。  相似文献   

木糖是木质纤维素原料水解液中的第二大组分,木糖和葡萄糖的充分利用是有经济性地生产纤维素乙醇的关键。通过基因克隆手段构建了一株可以高效利用木糖产乙醇的重组运动发酵单胞菌Zymomonas mobilis TSH01,并进行了利用单糖溶液、混合糖溶液及玉米秸秆水解液发酵产乙醇效率的研究。结果表明,利用单一葡萄糖或单一木糖溶液发酵时,当糖浓度为8%、发酵72 h后,糖利用率分别为100%和98.9%,乙醇代谢收率分别为87.8%和78.3%;利用8%葡萄糖和8%木糖的混合溶液发酵时,72 h后,葡萄糖和木糖的利用率分别为98.5%和97.4%,乙醇代谢收率为94.9%。利用含3.2%葡萄糖和3.5%木糖的玉米秸秆水解液发酵72 h后,葡萄糖和木糖的利用率分别为100%和92.3%,乙醇代谢收率为91.5%。此外,磷酸二氢钾对发酵过程中木糖利用率以及乙醇收率的提高有明显促进作用。  相似文献   

【目的】构建可用于纤维素乙醇高效生产的混合糖发酵重组酿酒酵母菌株,并利用菊芋秸秆为原料进行乙醇发酵。【方法】筛选在木糖中生长较好的酿酒酵母YB-2625作为宿主菌,构建木糖共代谢菌株YB-2625 CCX。进一步通过r DNA位点多拷贝整合的方式,以YB-2625 CCX为出发菌株构建木糖脱氢酶过表达菌株,并筛选得到优势菌株YB-73。采用同步糖化发酵策略研究YB-73的菊芋秸秆发酵性能。【结果】YB-73菌株以90 g/L葡萄糖和30 g/L木糖为碳源进行混合糖发酵,乙醇产量比出发菌株YB-2625 CCX提高了13.9%,副产物木糖醇产率由0.89 g/g降低至0.31 g/g,下降了64.6%。利用重组菌YB-73对菊芋秸秆进行同步糖化发酵,48 h最高乙醇浓度达到6.10%(体积比)。【结论】通过转入木糖代谢途径以及r DNA位点多拷贝整合过表达木糖脱氢酶基因可有效提高菌株木糖发酵性能,并用于菊芋秸秆的纤维素乙醇生产。这是首次报道利用重组酿酒酵母进行菊芋秸秆原料的纤维素乙醇发酵。  相似文献   

由于对全球变暖等日益严重的环境问题的担忧,生产生物乙醇等清洁能源的技术正受到世界各国越来越多的关注。较之以粮食为原料生产乙醇,木质纤维素生产生物乙醇具有更大的发展潜力,因其来源广泛,廉价且可再生。以木质纤维素生产生物乙醇已经取得长足进步,但仍面临几个主要问题,比如天然酿酒酵母不能利用木糖发酵乙醇,木质纤维素酶成本过高,木质纤维素预处理环节成本高等。已经有基因改造的酵母菌株可以利用戊糖和己糖进行生物乙醇生产。然而,这些菌株对木糖的利用效率很低。这主要是因为酿酒酵母缺乏高效的特异性木糖转运基因,木糖运输依赖已糖转运基因。为了提高木糖利用速度,已有不少方法成功应用于构建重组酵母细胞。现对酵母木糖转运基因的最新研究进展进行简要概述。  相似文献   

木糖发酵重组菌研究进展   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
木糖发酵是植物纤维原料生物转化制取乙醇商业化生产的基础和关键 ,但自然界存在的微生物菌株不能满足商业化生产的需要。利用基因工程技术对细菌和酵母进行改造 ,以提高它们在厌氧条件下的木糖发酵能力成为目前研究和开发的重点。通过转基因和基因删除技术 ,主要对Escherichiacoli、Zymomonasmobilis、Pichiastipitis和Saccharomycescerevisiae等典型的乙醇发酵菌株实施基因改造 ,构建出一系列不同类型的木糖发酵重组菌株。与野生型菌株相比 ,重组菌株在厌氧条件下的木糖发酵能力得到了不同程度的改善 ,但是它们仍然未能投入于商业化生产。微生物的木糖代谢工程和木糖发酵重组菌株的构建有待于进一步的深入研究 。  相似文献   

高效发酵木糖生产乙醇酵母菌株的构建   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
获得高效发酵木糖生产乙醇的酵母菌株是木质纤维素生物转化生产燃料乙醇的重要前提。在4%乙醇驯化的基础上,选择了乙醇耐性提高的休哈塔假丝酵母(Candida shehatae)CICC1766菌株进一步进行紫外诱变,得到了木糖发酵性能较强的呼吸缺陷型突变体,并与乙醇发酵性能良好的酿酒酵母(Saccharomyces cerevisiae)ATCC4126进行原生质体融合。采用单亲灭活法对休哈塔假丝酵母原生质体进行紫外灭活,在聚乙二醇(PEG)诱导下融合,对得到的融合子进行木糖发酵能力测定,选择到了一株能够更好地利用木糖产乙醇,并且木糖发酵性能比亲本得到明显提高的融合子F6,此融合子发酵50 g/L木糖,最高乙醇浓度达到18.75g/L,乙醇得率为0.375,达到理论转化值0.511的73.4%。与原始出发菌株CICC1766相比,乙醇产量提高了28%。  相似文献   

木质纤维素原料水解产物的主要成分是葡萄糖和木糖,其中葡萄糖很容易发酵,致使木糖成为木质纤维素发酵的关键,休哈塔假丝酵母(Candida shehatae)1766是自然界木糖发酵性能较好的天然酵母之一。研究了发酵温度、发酵时间、接种量、初始pH值、摇床转速等因素对休哈塔假丝酵母1766发酵木糖生产乙醇的影响,由正交试验初步确定了休哈塔假丝酵母发酵木糖制乙醇工艺的适宜条件为好氧条件,发酵时间为2d,发酵温度为28℃,摇床转速为150r/min,初始pH值为5,此时乙醇收率最高可达68.62%。  相似文献   

Ethanol fermentation from biomass resources: current state and prospects   总被引:43,自引:0,他引:43  
In recent years, growing attention has been devoted to the conversion of biomass into fuel ethanol, considered the cleanest liquid fuel alternative to fossil fuels. Significant advances have been made towards the technology of ethanol fermentation. This review provides practical examples and gives a broad overview of the current status of ethanol fermentation including biomass resources, microorganisms, and technology. Also, the promising prospects of ethanol fermentation are especially introduced. The prospects included are fermentation technology converting xylose to ethanol, cellulase enzyme utilized in the hydrolysis of lignocellulosic materials, immobilization of the microorganism in large systems, simultaneous saccharification and fermentation, and sugar conversion into ethanol.  相似文献   

Rising crude oil prices and environmental concerns have renewed interest in renewable energy. Cellulosic ethanol promises to deliver a renewable fuel from non-food feedstocks. One technical challenge producing cellulosic ethanol economically is a robust organism to utilize the different sugars present in cellulosic biomass. Unlike starch where glucose is the only sugar present, cellulosic biomass has other sugars such as xylose and arabinose, usually called C5 sugars. This review examines the most promising naturally occurring C5 fermenting organism, Pichia stipitis. In this work, the properties that make P. stipitis unique from other organisms, its physiology and fermentation results on lignocellulosic substrates have been reviewed. P. stipitis can produce 41 g ethanol/l with a potential to cleanup some of the most concentrated toxins. These results coupled with the less stringent nutritional requirements, great resistance to contamination and its thick cell walls makes P. stipitis a viable organism for scale-up. However, P. stipitis has a slower sugar consumption rate compared to Saccharomyces cerevisiae and requires microaerophilic condition for ethanol production. Finally, future studies to enhance fermentation capabilities of this yeast have been discussed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Xylose is the second most abundant carbohydrate in the lignocellulosic biomass hydrolysate. The fermentation of xylose is essential for the bioconversion of lignocelluloses to fuels and chemicals. However the wild-type strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae are unable to utilize xylose. Many efforts have been made to construct recombinant yeast strains to enhance xylose fermentation over the past few decades. Xylose fermentation remains challenging due to the complexity of lignocellulosic biomass hydrolysate. In this study, a modified genome shuffling method was developed to improve xylose fermentation by S. cerevisiae. Recombinant yeast strains were constructed by recursive DNA shuffling with the recombination of entire genome of P. stipitis with that of S. cerevisiae. RESULTS: After two rounds of genome shuffling and screening, one potential recombinant yeast strain ScF2 was obtained. It was able to utilize high concentration of xylose (100 g/L to 250 g/L xylose) and produced ethanol. The recombinant yeast ScF2 produced ethanol more rapidly than the naturally occurring xylose-fermenting yeast, P. stipitis, with improved ethanol titre and much more enhanced xylose tolerance. CONCLUSION: The modified genome shuffling method developed in this study was more effective and easier to operate than the traditional protoplast fusion based method. Recombinant yeast strain ScF2 obtained in this was a promising candidate for industrial cellulosic ethanol production. In order to further enhance its xylose fermentation performance, ScF2 needs to be additionally improved by metabolic engineering and directed evolution.  相似文献   

酿酒酵母木糖发酵酒精途径工程的研究进展   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:16  
途径工程(Pathway engineering),被称为第三代基因工程,改变代谢流向,开辟新的代谢途径是途径工程的主要目的。利用途径工程理念,对酿酒酵母(Saccharomyces cerevisiae)代谢途径进行理性设计,以拓展这一传统酒精生产菌的底物范围,使其充分利用可再生纤维质水解物中的各种糖分,是酿酒酵母酒精途径工程的研究热点之一。这里介绍了近年来酿酒酵母以木糖为底物的酒精途径工程的研究进展。  相似文献   

Bacteria engineered for fuel ethanol production: current status   总被引:46,自引:4,他引:42  
The lack of industrially suitable microorganisms for converting biomass into fuel ethanol has traditionally been cited as a major technical roadblock to developing a bioethanol industry. In the last two decades, numerous microorganisms have been engineered to selectively produce ethanol. Lignocellulosic biomass contains complex carbohydrates that necessitate utilizing microorganisms capable of fermenting sugars not fermentable by brewers' yeast. The most significant of these is xylose. The greatest successes have been in the engineering of Gram-negative bacteria: Escherichia coli, Klebsiella oxytoca, and Zymomonas mobilis. E. coli and K. oxytoca are naturally able to use a wide spectrum of sugars, and work has concentrated on engineering these strains to selectively produce ethanol. Z. mobilis produces ethanol at high yields, but ferments only glucose and fructose. Work on this organism has concentrated on introducing pathways for the fermentation of arabinose and xylose. The history of constructing these strains and current progress in refining them are detailed in this review.  相似文献   

Numerous routes are being explored to lower the cost of cellulosic ethanol production and enable large‐scale production. One critical area is the development of robust cofermentative organisms to convert the multiple, mixed sugars found in biomass feedstocks to ethanol at high yields and titers without the need for processing to remove inhibitors. Until such microorganisms are commercialized, the challenge is to design processes that exploit the current microorganisms' strengths. This study explored various process configurations tailored to take advantage of the specific capabilities of three microorganisms, Z. mobilis 8b, S. cerevisiae, and S. pastorianus. A technoeconomic study, based on bench‐scale experimental data generated by integrated process testing, was completed to understand the resulting costs of the different process configurations. The configurations included whole slurry fermentation with a coculture, and separate cellulose simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF) and xylose fermentations with none, some or all of the water to the SSF replaced with the fermented liquor from the xylose fermentation. The difference between the highest and lowest ethanol cost for the different experimental process configurations studied was $0.27 per gallon ethanol. Separate fermentation of solid and liquor streams with recycle of fermented liquor to dilute the solids gave the lowest ethanol cost, primarily because this option achieved the highest concentrations of ethanol after fermentation. Further studies, using methods similar to ones employed here, can help understand and improve the performance and hence the economics of integrated processes involving enzymes and fermentative microorganisms. © 2009 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 2010  相似文献   



Microbial fuel cells (MFC) and microbial electrolysis cells are electrical devices that treat water using microorganisms and convert soluble organic matter into electricity and hydrogen, respectively. Emerging cellulosic biorefineries are expected to use large amounts of water during production of ethanol. Pretreatment of cellulosic biomass results in production of fermentation inhibitors which accumulate in process water and make the water recycle process difficult. Use of MFCs to remove the inhibitory sugar and lignin degradation products from recycle water is investigated in this study.  相似文献   

The fermentation of various saccharides derived from cellulosic biomass to ethanol was examined in mono- and cocultures of Clostridium thermocellum strain LQRI and C. thermohydrosulfuricum strain 39E. C. thermohydrosulfuricum fermented glucose, cellobiose, and xylose, but not cellulose or xylan, and yielded ethanol/acetate ratios of >7.0. C. thermocellum fermented a variety of cellulosic substrates, glucose, and cellobiose, but not xylan or xylose, and yielded ethanol/acetate ratios of ~1.0. At nonlimiting cellulosic substrate concentrations (~1%), C. thermocellum cellulase hydrolysis products accumulated during monoculture fermentation of Solka Floc cellulose and included glucose, cellobiose, xylose, and xylobiose. A stable coculture that contained nearly equal numbers of C. thermocellum and C. thermohydrosulfuricum was established that fermented a variety of cellulosic substrates, and the ethanol yield observed was twofold higher than in C. thermocellum monoculture fermentations. The metabolic basis for the enhanced fermentation effectiveness of the coculture on Solka Floc cellulose included: the ability of C. thermocellum cellulase to hydrolyze α-cellulose and hemicellulose; the enhanced utilization of mono- and disaccharides by C. thermohydrosulfuricum; increased cellulose consumption; threefold increase in the ethanol production rate; and twofold decrease in the acetate production rate. The coculture actively fermented MN300 cellulose, Avicel, Solka Floc, SO2-treated wood, and steam-exploded wood. The highest ethanol yield obtained was 1.8 mol of ethanol per mol of anhydroglucose unit in MN300 cellulose.  相似文献   

Plant biomass possesses huge potential as a source for the production of biofuels. Glucose and the five-carbon sugar xylose are the principal constituents of biomass. The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which is used for industrial production of ethanol from glucose is not capable of fermenting xylose. Thus, it is necessary to find in Nature or to create microorganisms capable of achieving efficient fermentation of glucose and xylose, as a means of achieving economically feasible biomass conversion into ethanol. Active fermentation of xylose may be achieved if the initial stages of metabolism are efficiently performed [1]. In this review, the enzymes of the initial stages of xylose metabolism in yeast (xylose reductase, xylitol dehydrogenase, and xylulokinase) and bacteria (xylose isomerase and xylulokinase) are characterized. The ways for constructing yeast strains capable of achieving efficient alcoholic xylose fermentation are discussed.  相似文献   

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