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福建省武夷山和梅花山国家级自然保护区地处中亚热带季风常绿阔叶林气候区,该区域物种多样性丰富,然而土壤动物蚯蚓的物种多样性研究相对较少。通过形态分类学方法和DNA条形码技术,本文报道在福建省武夷山和梅花山采集的巨蚓科(Megascolecidae)远盲蚓属(Amymthas)蚯蚓新物种4种:表土远盲蚓(A.epigenus Sun&Qiu,sp.nov.)、梅花山远盲蚓(A.meihuamontis Sun&Qiu,sp.nov.)、苔蘚远盲蚓(A.muscosus Sun&Jiang,sp.nov.)和腐土远盲蚓(A.humatalis Sun&Jiang,sp.nov.)。这4个新物种在Sims等(1972)的物种群中属于A.sieboldi-group,其受精囊孔均位于6/7~8/9节间。所有新种附形态学描述、图片以及与相似物种的形态学比较和提交至GenBank的条形码登记号。此外还通过在GenBank上同源性搜索,筛选出了与新物种亲缘关系较近的蚯蚓物种,并对其进行了遗传距离计算和分子系统发育关系的梳理。以上结果将福建省武夷山和梅花山国家级自然保护区记录的蚯蚓物种数由4种增加至8种。  相似文献   

海南岛陆栖寡毛类二新种记述(寡毛纲:巨蚓科)   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
1982年采自海南岛尖峰岭热带原始森林的巨蚓科(Megascolecidae)远盲,属Amynthas蚯蚓二新种:双陷远盲蚓 Amynthas biconcavus sp.nov.和四突远盲蚓 Amynthas tetrapapillatus sp.nov.。文中采用的是Sims & Easton 1972和Easton 1979对环毛属Pheretima订正后的分属系统。  相似文献   

贵州远盲属蚯蚓两新种记述(单向蚓目:巨蚓科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
记述了远盲蚓属蚯蚓两个新种,雅致远盲蚓Amynthas eleganis sp.nov.和大突远盲蚓Amynthas magnipapillata sp.nov.模式标本均采自贵州省梵净山。  相似文献   

本文报道发现于贵州的远盲属蚯蚓一新种,命名为陈氏远盲蚓Amynthas cheni sp.nov.。模式标本采于贵州省梵净山。  相似文献   

贵州远盲属蚯蚓一新亚种记述(寡毛纲:巨蚓科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文报道了发现于贵州的远盲属蚯蚓一新亚种——双瓣远盲蚓梵净山新亚种Amynthas daulis fanjinmontis subsp.nov.模式标本保存于贵州科学院生物研究所动物标本室(贵阳)。  相似文献   

海南岛独特的地理位置和复杂的古地理事件使其成为我国生物多样性的热点地区。已有的海南岛蚯蚓资料显示, 该岛的蚯蚓区系十分特殊, 且与大陆地区蚯蚓存在扩散与迁移。然而, 当海南岛与周围大陆断开形成独立岛屿后, 海南岛蚯蚓如何为适应海南岛的环境而逐渐形成现在岛内的分布与区系, 仍然是一个值得研究和探讨的问题。因此, 本研究在海南岛全面调查和采集蚯蚓标本, 整理海南岛地区的蚯蚓物种组成及其地理分布特征, 并联合5个线粒体基因COⅠCOⅡND112S rRNA和16S rRNA构建海南岛蚯蚓的分子系统发育树, 推测其分化时间和祖先分布区域, 探讨海南岛蚯蚓在岛内的分化与扩散过程。研究结果表明: (1)海南岛共有蚯蚓6科9属122种, 巨蚓科蚯蚓为优势科, 且全部为环毛类蚯蚓, 其中103种为海南岛特有种。蚯蚓物种数沿海拔呈先增加后减少的趋势, 在800‒1,000 m最大; (2)海南岛环毛类蚯蚓不同水平的遗传距离与我国巨蚓科蚯蚓的遗传距离区间基本一致。物种水平上, 美丽远盲蚓(Amynthas scitulus*)与纬向远盲蚓(A. zonarius)的基因遗传距离最小。在亚种水平, 保宁腔蚓指名亚种(Metaphire magna magna)和保宁腔蚓小型亚种(M. magna minuscula)的遗传距离均接近整体的物种水平。在种群水平, 等毛远盲蚓(A. homosetus)不同种群间遗传距离均接近整体的亚种水平; (3)海南岛环毛类蚯蚓可划分为7个类群, 其祖先于68.26 Ma开始分化, 可能起源于吊罗山。在新生代, 7个类群均得到较大发展。通过对海南岛蚯蚓组成及系统发育的梳理, 不仅为我国蚯蚓物种多样性研究提供基础资料, 也为岛屿蚯蚓物种系统发育关系分析提供科学参考。  相似文献   

本文报道了安庆沿江湿地中的蚯蚓隶属3科5属12种,均为广布种,其中重庆远盲蚓Amynthas chungkin-gensis与壮伟远盲蚓Amymhas robustus为安徽首次报道.  相似文献   

蒋际宝  邱江平 《生物多样性》2018,26(10):1074-28
截至2017年中国已记录巨蚓科蚯蚓579种(亚种), 优势类群为远盲蚓属(Amynthas)与腔蚓属(Metaphire), 其丰富的物种多样性值得深入研究。近年来的研究指出联合形态分类与分子系统发育可较好地探讨中国巨蚓科蚯蚓的起源、分化与扩散。本文概述了中国巨蚓科蚯蚓物种的起源、分化时间以及扩散历程, 探讨了受精囊孔、盲肠形状等重要特征的演化, 分析了现行分类系统的缺陷。多项研究表明, 中国巨蚓科主要类群的祖先起源于中南半岛, 于白垩纪末期至新生代初期进入中国, 在新生代得以繁荣发展; 受精囊孔的对数或位置是多起源的, 盲肠形状演化中有祖征重现的现象, 故使用少数形态特征进行类群划分的现行分类系统有待改进。此外, 中国巨蚓科蚯蚓的具体演化机制及影响因素仍不明确。因此, 在未来研究中整合形态特征、分子数据与地理格局、地质历史及环境因子等信息, 定量分析类群演化与古地理、生物与非生物因素间的关系, 将有助于全面厘清中国巨蚓科蚯蚓演化的具体机制。  相似文献   

本文报道在云南省西双版纳傣族自治州采集的巨蚓科Megascolecidae远盲蚓属Amynthas新物种3种:垫区远盲蚓A.pulvinatus SunQiu, sp. nov.、热带远盲蚓A.tropicus SunJiang, sp. nov.和裂缝远盲蚓A.hiatus SunQiu, sp. nov.。垫区远盲蚓无受精囊孔,属于A.illotus物种群,环带位于XIV~9/10XVI节,雄孔1对,位于一占据XVII~1/2XIX节的近方形垫状大突起上,前列腺退化,无受精囊。热带远盲蚓有1对受精囊孔,位于7/8,属于A.zebrus物种群。热带远盲蚓背孔起于5/6,雄孔1对,位于XVIII节腹侧两边垫状凸起上,其周围有3~4个白色较矮的圆形乳突,前列腺较发达,受精囊位于VIII节,坛囊圆形,坛管粗短,盲管末端1/2膨大为饱满的卵圆形纳精囊。裂缝远盲蚓有2对受精囊孔,位于7/8~8/9,属于A.aeruginosus物种群。雄孔1对,位于XVIII节腹侧两边,为1个较大的椭圆形腺区,中间1条横缝,椭圆形外侧有4圈呈锐角的皮肤褶皱,雄孔上、下方偏内侧位置,XVII节刚毛环下方和XIX节刚毛环上方各有1个凹陷的乳突,4个乳突和2个雄孔包围的矩形区域为一大片颜色略深的腺肿区,盲肠介于单式和复式之间,前列腺中等发达,受精囊位于VIII~IX节,坛囊呈饱满的心形,坛管粗短,约为坛囊的2/5长,盲管与主体等长,前端1/3膨大为饱满的卵圆形纳精囊。所有新种附形态学描述、图片、与相似物种的形态学比较和提交至NCBI的GenBank登录号。  相似文献   

四川陆栖寡毛类两新种记述:寡毛纲:链胃蚓科,棘蚓科   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
记述了采集于四川省酉阳县的链胃科、杜拉属Drawida蚯蚓一新种,双斑杜拉蚓Drawida bimaculata sp.nov.和在四川省汉源县采到的棘蚓科,毛蚓属Plutellus蚯蚓一新种,汉源毛蚓Plutellus hanyuangensis sp.nov.。毛蚓属是我国首次记录。  相似文献   

宁夏地区已记录的甲虫种数超过1000种(亚种),是构成该地区昆虫多样性的主要成分。本文对宁夏六盘山、贺兰山和罗山3个国家自然保护区已知甲虫种类的数量做了分析比较,得到以下不同的研究结果:六盘山、贺兰山和罗山分别有甲虫35科243属482种(亚种)、30科211属355种(亚种)、30科182属287种(亚种);从动物地理区系看,3区甲虫的广布型种类所占比例很高,分别占总种数的88.17%、85.91%和86.41%,尤以古北型+中国-日本型为突出。3区仅在古北界分布的类型所占比例较低,分别为11.83%、17.30%和13.59%。3区均无特有属存在,特有种所占比例非常小,分别占总种数的1.87%、0.28%、0.70%;六盘山、贺兰山和罗山甲虫的F指数、G指数和G-F指数依次为:F指数32.9064、29.4920和28.9752,G指数5.1998、5.0281和4.9669,G-F指数0.8420、0.8296和0.8286;贺兰山和罗山甲虫具有的相同种数最多,相似性系数为中等不相似水平,六盘山和罗山,六盘山和贺兰山甲虫的相似性系数均为极不相似水平。  相似文献   

中国湖南舜皇山和大围山夏末鸟类   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
于 2 0 0 2年 8月 2 1日至 9月 14日对位于湖南省西南部的舜皇山自然保护区和位于湖南省东北部的大围山自然保护区的鸟类区系进行了调查。在舜皇山自然保护区记录到 5 8种鸟类,在大围山自然保护区则记录到4 3种鸟类。在两个保护区内共采集 5 1种 186号标本,这些标本现保存在美国堪萨斯大学自然历史博物馆和生物多样性研究中心;还对另外 8种保护鸟类进行了拍照。调查期间发现大部分种类于近期刚完成繁殖;有 14种古北界迁徙种类把两个保护区作为停留地或作为越冬地。还对灰喉山淑鸟、小燕尾、斑背燕尾在水平和垂直分布范围的扩张进行了报道。  相似文献   

Anurans are considered good indicators of habitat quality due to their bi-phasic life mode,limited dispersal abilities,and sensitivity to environmental changes brought about by habitat fragmentation,pollution,climate change,and emerging infectious diseases.This study aimed to determine species diversity and local distribution of anurans in lower(1000–1400 masl)and upper(1400–1600 masl)montane forests on Mt.Kalo-Kalo of the Mt.Kalatungan Range Natural Park,Central Mindanao,Southern Philippines by employing standard sampling techniques for amphibians.We recorded a total of 251 individual anurans,representing 12 species during a brief recent study period.Mt.Kalo-Kalo’s upper montane forest has a higher diversity index(H’=1.276)than the lower montane forest(H’=0.851).Despite the very low diversity indices,the level of endemism of anurans was 100%where ten of the recorded species are Mindanao Faunal Region endemics and an additional two species are Philippine endemics.Ansonia muelleri exhibited the highest local abundance and individuals of this species which constituted 73%of individual anurans observed.Most of the species encountered prefer terrestrial and aquatic microhabitats,specifically on the rocks and bank substrates along the rivers and streams.Three species of anurans(Philautus acutirostris,P.poecilius,and Rhacophorus bimaculatus)were strictly found in arboreal microhabitats.Limnonectes magnus and A.muelleri have overlapping microhabitats.Results indicate that for such a short survey and modest sampling effort,the lower and upper montane forests of Mt.Kalo-Kalo support high endemism of anuran species suggesting that conservation efforts continue to be a priority in this unique protected area.  相似文献   

A 4-year study of the ecology and ethology of wild chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus)was carried out in far western Africa. Contacts with chimpanzees and the locations of their nests were noted to determine which types of habitat were most used and to estimate the density of the population and the size of its home range. The results show that this community has one of the lowest densities and largest home ranges of all populations of chimpanzees studied so far. As such, it may provide a useful model for the reconstruction of hominid evolution in the Plio-Pleistocene.  相似文献   

The three sections of this paper report on i) new species, ii) new records for the Flora Zambesiaca region and for Mozambique and iii) expansion of distributions of species previously thought to be endemic to particular mountains. Specimens have been collected from three mountains in north-central Mozambique visited during a collecting programme from 2006 to 2008 investigating the conservation value of the biodiversity of currently unprotected areas. Three new species: Crotalaria namuliensis, Isoglossa namuliensis and Helixanthera schizocalyx are described. Five taxa not previously recorded from the Flora Zambesiaca region are here recorded as new records for the region and 31 taxa are listed from Mozambique for the first time, including five taxa previously thought to be Malawi mountain endemics. The number of range extensions recorded from these Mozambican mountains is evidence of the paucity of specimens collected from this part of Mozambique and shows the need for continued collection in order to clarify the distributions of this region’s rarest species.  相似文献   

This study focuses on plants used for medicinal purposes in the Mt. Pelion area of Greece; however other plant uses were noted when discovered. A total of 225 taxa representing 77 families are presented along with habitat data and ethnobotanical information when relevant. Some notes on related species are also included. In addition to ethnobotanical field research which included collection of voucher specimens, ancient literature pertaining to plant usage was also consulted. Local markets that sold wild plants or their products were investigated as well. Some plants not known to be ethnobotanically significant were also collected in order to learn more about species distribution on Mt. Pelion. It is possible that ancient plant usage information that was lost due to the destruction of classical literary works has survived in the oral tradition in the Mt. Pelion area and elsewhere in Greece. A number of little known psychoactive and narcotic plant uses (including ivy as an additive to wine) are reported in this publication.  相似文献   

2007 年11 月至2008 年1 月,在阿尔泰山南部科克森山和卡拉麦里山采用样线法研究了盘羊冬季卧息地
度大的地方作为其卧息地。科克森山和卡拉麦里山盘羊卧息地变量前6 个特征值的累积贡献率分别达到了
80.75%和82. 58% ,较好地反映了盘羊卧息地的生境特征。科克森山和卡拉麦里山盘羊卧息地第1 主成分贡献
率分别达到了23.04% 和24. 33%。在两地区,植物科数、植物种数、灌木种数、雪深和坡度5 个因子的载荷系
数均为正值,具有较大的作用。其余5 个主成分中隐蔽级、海拔、距水源距离和距居民点距离也很重要。  相似文献   

Food handouts from visitors to Mt. Emei, in The People’s Republic of China, have considerably increased the diversity of food available to an indigenous population of Macaca thibetana.Some 43% of the feeding time was spent at the trail area frequented by tourists. Ranging behavior was of two kinds: wandering around within the group’s most densely used areas and making peripheral excursions between the areas. Three kinds of trail-area use were observed: three-group overlapping, two-group overlapping, and exclusive. M. thibetanatended to use sheltered sites for sleeping, to ensure safety and/or to keep dry in a rainy habitat. Exclusively and successively used sleeping sites were noted. The average size of the home range per group was 3 km 2; the average population density for the entire range was 13/km2, and the biomass was 109 kg/km2. The population may be growing, a possibility that is also supported by previous analyses using data on group composition.  相似文献   

The subalpine vegetation structure of Mt. Vysokaya, the Central Sikhote-Alin, is described. This vegetation consists mainly of subalpine spruce-fir forest, a complex of subalpine meadows, shrubs, groves of Betula lanata (B. ermanii s.l.), krummholz of Pinus pumila and alpine tundras. Significant disturbances in the vegetation structure were noted, especially in the forest-tundra ecotone accompanying a sharp reduction of the belts of Betula lanata and Pinus pumila. The altitudinal level of the upper timberline reaches 1600 m a.s.l. which is 250 m less than the expected altitude calculated by Kira's warmth index. An undergrowth of scattered trees of Picea and Betula are growing up to the mountain top. Based on these data and a review of the literature, we concluded that a catastrophic lowering of the timberline and devastation of the subalpine vegetation belt occurred several centuries ago, probably as result of fires.  相似文献   

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