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袁沭  邢秀丽  居为民 《生态学报》2023,43(16):6691-6705
干旱严重影响植被生长,威胁粮食安全,基于遥感计算的植被状态指数(Vegetation Condition Index,VCI)、温度状态指数(Temperature Condition Index,TCI)和植被健康指数(Vegetation Health Index,VHI)是常用的干旱指数,被广泛应用于干旱监测。为了探究近年来我国干旱特征及其对气候和地表覆盖变化的响应,分析了2003-2016年期间VCI、TCI和VHI的时空变化特征;采用最小二乘(OLS)和偏相关分析方法分析了这些指数对气候和地表覆盖变化的响应。基于上述干旱指数计算的干旱频率表明,中温带中部和南温带等地区干旱发生频率高,干旱指数变化趋势表明在2003-2016年期间中国大部分地区干旱缓解,但在中温带、南温带和高原气候区等局部地区干旱加剧;总体而言,干旱指数随着年平均温度的上升和年降水量的降低而减小,VHI与温度和降水量的相关性在不同气候区的一致性优于VCI和TCI;裸土的减少和植被的增加导致干旱指数增大,树木转变为低矮植被干旱指数降低。  相似文献   

2000—2015年西南地区土地利用与植被覆盖的时空变化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
西南地区是我国重要的生态资源区和生态脆弱区,在国家“绿水青山”战略发展中具有重要地位。本研究基于1 km空间分辨率的土地利用数据集,结合土地利用转移矩阵,定量分析2000—2015年间西南地区土地利用变化特征及其驱动力。并基于MODIS遥感植被指数,利用像元二分模型计算西南地区植被覆盖度,分析归一化植被指数(NDVI)和植被覆盖度的变化规律。结果表明: 研究期间,西南地区的主要地类是林地、农田和草地。建设用地面积增加5874 km2,增长率为55.8%;农田面积减少最多,下降6211 km2,其次是草地,减少2099 km2。2000—2015年间,西南地区建设用地的转入面积最多,主要由农田(贡献率68.2%)、林地(贡献率19.2%)和草地(贡献率13.1%)转化而来,转化的区域多靠近城区。农田的转出面积和转出率分别为7079 km2和2.2%,占所有转出类型面积的46.0%。林地多由草地(贡献率61.8%)转化而来,转化区域多分布在贵州中南部和云南西部等地。全区NDVI和植被覆盖度均呈显著增加趋势,说明研究区整体呈变绿趋势。其中,自然植被和农田的NDVI均显著增长,建设用地扩张地区的NDVI下降,说明自然植被和农田主导了该地区植被变化。通过残差分析发现,气候变化和人类活动对研究区变绿趋势的贡献显著。  相似文献   

Protected areas (PAs) cover about 22% of the conterminous United States. Understanding their role on historical land use and land cover change (LULCC) and on the carbon cycle is essential to provide guidance for environmental policies. In this study, we compiled historical LULCC and PAs data to explore these interactions within the terrestrial ecosystem model (TEM). We found that intensive LULCC occurred in the conterminous United States from 1700 to 2005. More than 3 million km2 of forest, grassland and shrublands were converted into agricultural lands, which caused 10,607 Tg C release from land ecosystems to atmosphere. PAs had experienced little LULCC as they were generally established in the 20th century after most of the agricultural expansion had occurred. PAs initially acted as a carbon source due to land use legacies, but their accumulated carbon budget switched to a carbon sink in the 1960s, sequestering an estimated 1,642 Tg C over 1700–2005, or 13.4% of carbon losses in non‐PAs. We also find that PAs maintain larger carbon stocks and continue sequestering carbon in recent years (2001–2005), but at a lower rate due to increased heterotrophic respiration as well as lower productivity associated to aging ecosystems. It is essential to continue efforts to maintain resilient, biodiverse ecosystems and avoid large‐scale disturbances that would release large amounts of carbon in PAs.  相似文献   

Climate models project a hot and dry future for Southern Africa. In this research, Maximum Entropy was used to model the extent to which climate change, land cover and distance from water edges may influence current and future distribution of the African skimmer in the mid-Zambezi Valley. Global Biodiversity Information Facility data collected between the years 2000–2019 were used to develop the models. Three models were built: one for current distribution and two for future distribution under Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs) 2.6 and 6.0. Results revealed that annual precipitation and distance from water edges were the most important predictors of habitat suitability for the African skimmer under current and future climate. Temperature and land cover were least important in explaining current and future distribution of the species. The RCP 2.6 predicted future decrease in suitable habitat for the African skimmer in the mid-Zambezi Valley, while RCP 6.0 predicted future increase in suitable habitat for the species. This research conclusively revealed that precipitation and distance from water edges were consistently key predictors of suitable habitat for the African skimmer.  相似文献   

鄱阳湖流域作为较突出的碳汇功能区,深入掌握不同土地覆被碳素利用率(CUE)和水分利用效率(WUE)的时空分异规律及其对气候因子的响应,对明确气候变化背景下该流域生态功能和碳水循环有重要意义。利用MODIS数据产品,结合流域土地利用和气象监测数据,辅以趋势分析和相关分析等方法研究了2000-2014年鄱阳湖流域不同土地利用类型CUE和WUE的时空变化特征,并探讨了其与降水、气温和日照时数的相关性。结果表明:1)鄱阳湖流域CUE和WUE多年平均值分别为0.458和0.682 gC/kgH2O,不同土地利用类型的CUE大小依次为草地 > 水田 > 其他林地 > 旱地 > 疏林地 > 灌木林 > 有林地,WUE大小依次为有林地 > 灌木林 > 旱地 > 疏林地 > 水田 > 其他林地 > 草地;2)鄱阳湖流域CUE、WUE在研究时段内均呈微弱下降趋势,各土地利用类型CUE和WUE则表现出较大的年际波动,且年际变化趋势率具有高度的相似性,其中林地各类型下降趋势最大,其次是旱地和水田,草地最小;3)降水是影响鄱阳湖流域土地覆被碳水利用效率变化的关键因素,其他因子与CUE和WUE的相关性均不显著,不同覆被CUE和WUE对气温、降水和日照时数的响应程度存在较大差异。  相似文献   

Aim We tested whether the distribution and cover of alien plant species in Europe was related to human disturbance and microclimate. Location Surveys were conducted at 13 sites across Europe, each containing a pair of landscapes with different land‐use intensities. Methods Sampling locations were chosen based on land use and microclimate at two scales: land use was characterized at the patch and landscape scale; climate was expressed as regional and local temperature. The slope of each sample location was derived from a digital elevation model. Cover of plant species was measured using point counts and analysed using mixed effect models. Species were classified as native, archaeophytes and neophytes (pre‐ versus post‐ad 1500 immigrants). Due to the zero inflation observed in the alien groups, their cover was analysed conditional on their presence. Results Anthropogenic disturbance was a significant explanatory variable, increasing the presence and cover of alien species and decreasing the cover of native species. Alien presence was increased in sites under agricultural management, while their cover responded to land use at both local and landscape scales (and to their interaction), such that only natural habitats in semi‐natural landscapes had low alien cover. Microclimate was important for neophytes, with presence concentrated around mesic conditions. Slope was relevant for archaeophytes and native species, suppressing the former group and promoting the latter one. Main conclusions We found that, at the European scale, the distribution of alien plants is related to anthropogenic disturbance more than to microclimatic differences. The presence of neophytes, however, was influenced by climate at local and regional scales, with the highest incidence under mesic conditions. The different patterns observed for the presence and cover of alien species suggest different mechanisms acting during their establishment and spread. They also suggest that to counteract the expansion of alien species natural habitats may need to be maintained at landscape scales.  相似文献   

Terrestrial ecosystems are an important sink for atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2), sequestering ~30% of annual anthropogenic emissions and slowing the rise of atmospheric CO2. However, the future direction and magnitude of the land sink is highly uncertain. We examined how historical and projected changes in climate, land use, and ecosystem disturbances affect the carbon balance of terrestrial ecosystems in California over the period 2001–2100. We modeled 32 unique scenarios, spanning 4 land use and 2 radiative forcing scenarios as simulated by four global climate models. Between 2001 and 2015, carbon storage in California's terrestrial ecosystems declined by ?188.4 Tg C, with a mean annual flux ranging from a source of ?89.8 Tg C/year to a sink of 60.1 Tg C/year. The large variability in the magnitude of the state's carbon source/sink was primarily attributable to interannual variability in weather and climate, which affected the rate of carbon uptake in vegetation and the rate of ecosystem respiration. Under nearly all future scenarios, carbon storage in terrestrial ecosystems was projected to decline, with an average loss of ?9.4% (?432.3 Tg C) by the year 2100 from current stocks. However, uncertainty in the magnitude of carbon loss was high, with individual scenario projections ranging from ?916.2 to 121.2 Tg C and was largely driven by differences in future climate conditions projected by climate models. Moving from a high to a low radiative forcing scenario reduced net ecosystem carbon loss by 21% and when combined with reductions in land‐use change (i.e., moving from a high to a low land‐use scenario), net carbon losses were reduced by 55% on average. However, reconciling large uncertainties associated with the effect of increasing atmospheric CO2 is needed to better constrain models used to establish baseline conditions from which ecosystem‐based climate mitigation strategies can be evaluated.  相似文献   

新疆焉耆盆地人类活动与气候变化的效应机制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对新疆焉耆盆地及其周边近40a(1973—2014)的气候变化趋势检测、LUCC和生物量估算,探讨气候变化和人类活动的生态效应机制,研究区域陆地生态系统演变及其归因。分析结果表明:(1)焉耆盆地山区和平原区降水变化都有明显的突变点,并呈现增加趋势,蒸发量在山区减少,在平原区波动性减少趋势;(2)LUCC分析表明,山区裸地面积减少5.40%,冰川面积减少3.36%,高地植被面积增加8.76%;同时平原区天然绿洲面积增加1.96%,沙漠面积减少1.62%,水域面积减少1.30%,人工绿洲面积增加15.41%,湿地面积增加1.27%;(3)山区陆地生态系统对区域气候变化非常敏感,其中降水变化是决定山区地表植被生存状态和分布的重要因素;(4)人类活动的推动作用和有益气候变化的支撑是绿洲平原区生态系统好转的原因,其中人口急剧增加和社会经济快速发展,导致绿洲平原区生态系统结构及其时空分布的主要因素。焉耆盆地及其周围区域陆地生态系统的演变对气候变化和人类活动有明显的时空尺度效应,其反应程度各不相同。  相似文献   

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