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用流行性腮腺炎(流腮)病毒Enders株接种鸡胚尿囊腔培养,尿囊液经聚乙二醇6000处理制备流腮病毒抗原,用ELISA法检测流腮患者血清中特异性IgM抗体,其敏感性,特异性、重复性和稳定性都很高。 79份流腮患者血清,检出特异性IgM72份,阳性率为91%,32例非流腮患者IgM全部阴性、两者有极显著差异(P<0.01)。 10份血清作血清倍比稀释至1∶3200测IgM仍全部阳性,1∶6400稀释仅1例阴性,1∶12800稀释5例中仍有2例阳性。 10份血清作流腮抗原特异性抗体阻断试验,光密度抑制率均大于50%,平均为87%,10份标本作2-ME和SPA阻断后检测IgM抗体,结果2-ME阻断标本全部阴转,而SPA阻断标本仍阳性,证实所检测为流腮特异性抗体。 24份标本2次重复检测流腮IgM,其阴、阳性结果一致,这期间抗原放4℃ 1个月,提示抗原的稳定性和方法的重复性都很好。本方法敏感性明显高于血凝抑制试验,其阳性率分别为91%和61%,两者有显著差异。而且所用试剂简单经济,操作简便,快速,适用于临床早期诊断,易于广泛推广应用。  相似文献   

建立并评估分别检测戊型肝炎(戊肝)病毒IgM与IgG抗体的捕获法及间接法ELISA。以原核表达的多聚化重组HEV蛋白为抗原,建立戊肝捕获法IgM ELISA(E2-IgM)和间接法IgG ELISA(E2-IgG).利用29只实验感染猴系列血清及多份临床急性肝炎血清、正常人血清以及单克隆抗体评估所建立的方法的敏感法与特异性,并与商品化试剂(Genelabs公司抗-HEV IgG和IgM试剂,GL-IgM/GL-IgM)进行比较。29只恒河猴E2-IgM和E2-IgG的阳转率均为100%,其中75%在感染后4周内阳转,均早于ALT异常时间。E2-IgM持续2-14周,平均6周;E2-IgG在70周时仍无一阴转。GL-IgG阳转率为79.3%(23/29),多数晚于ALT异常时间,平均持续约18周,但最长为1只在感染后70周时仍为阳性。用E2-IgM试剂盒检测928份正常人血清,仅2份OD值略高于0.2。检测510份临床急性肝炎血清,可明显将其区分为2个部分,一个部分OD值小于0.2,其OD值分布与正常人相似;另一个部分OD值大于0.4,共131份,其中109份大于1.0。可能分别对应于急性肝炎中的非戊肝患者和戊肝患者。119份非甲-丙急性肝炎中,E2-IgM阳性57份,GL-IgM阳性29份(E2-IgM均阳性)。5060份普通人群血清的E2-IgG OD值在0.2以下,形成一个近似对数正态峰,均值为0.022,在OD值0.4以上则分布均匀。用E2-IgG试剂检测200份临床急性肝炎血清,结果OD值0.2以下也形成一个与普通人群类似的近似对数正态峰,但OD值在大于1.0-4.0间形成另一个尖峰(峰值在OD2.5处),其中多数E2-IgM阳性。抗-HEV单抗可明显阻断E2-IgM及E2-IgG,单抗Fab段的阻断效果与完整抗体类似,提示这种阻断是表位特异的。建立的戊肝IgM试剂和IgG试剂具有良好的敏感性与特异性。IgM试剂适用于临床戊肝诊断,IgG试剂适用于既往戊肝感染诊断。  相似文献   

目的 比较不同戊肝抗原检测抗-HEV IgM反应性,方法 用HEV E30、E42、E33合成肽和HEV ORF-2重组抗原建立酶免疫试验(EIA)检测肝病患者和健康人群中抗-HEV IgM。结果60份抗-HEV阳性血清中,用E30、E42、E33及重组抗原包被检测抗-HEV IgM,阳性率分别为76.6%,26.6%,18.3%,66.7%。用E30抗原进一步检测肝急性期及恢复期血清,抗HEV IgM阳性率为90%及3.3%。结论 以HEV E30为抗原的EIA特异性强、灵敏度高,是戊型肝炎早期诊断实用可靠的方法。  相似文献   

为了确定问号钩端螺旋体(简称钩体)属特异性OmpL1s抗原膜定位及其自然抗体应答情况和抗体类型,为OmpL1s用于研制通用性钩体基因工程疫苗及检测试剂盒抗原提供依据。采用显微镜凝集试验(MAT)检测四川地区156份钩体病人血清标本。用PCR和核苷酸序列分析,了解中国流行的钩体主要血清群ompL1基因型。采用常规基因工程技术构建ompL1/1和ompL1/2主要基因型原核表达系统,Ni-NTA亲和层析法提纯目的重组表达产物rOmpL1/1和rOmpL1/2。采用胶体金免疫电镜技术,对OmpL1s进行膜定位。建立了基于rOmpL1s的ELISAs,检测钩体病人血清中特异性抗体水平及其类型。试验结果表明,黄疸出血群钩体仍然是四川地区最主要的优势钩体血清群。中国流行的钩体主要血清群ompL1基因可有ompL1/1和ompL1/2两个基因型,两者核苷酸和氨基酸序列相似性之间有较明显的差异。OmpL1s是位于钩体外膜表面的蛋白分子。不同稀释度的156例钩体病人血清标本中,rOmpL1/1和rOmpL1/2特异性IgM阳性率分别为67.9%~79.5%和75.0%~75.6%,特异性IgG阳性率分别为71.8%~79.5%和75.0%~76.9%。上述试验结果提示,OmpL1s是位于钩体表面属特异性蛋白抗原。自然感染钩体时,rOmpL1/1和rOmpL1/2均可诱导机体体液免疫应答并产生IgM和IgG两类血清抗体,且两者之间有广泛的抗原交叉反应。rOmpL1/1和rOmpL1/2可作为研制通用性钩体基因工程疫苗和检测试剂盒的候选抗原。  相似文献   

钩端螺旋体病神经系统后发症患者L型检测及其意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为探讨钩端螺旋体病神经系统后发症与钩体L型密切关系,本文采用显微镜凝集试验(MAT)、钩体普通培养和L型培养方法对186例钩体病神经系统后发症患者共206份标本(血液135份,脑脊液71份)进行了检测。结果:血液L型培养阳性率(27.4%)明显高于血液MAT阳性率(17.0%)(0.02〈P〈0.05),脑脊液L型培养阳性率(30.9%)显著高于脑脊液MAT阳性率(12.7%)(P〈0.01),钩  相似文献   

通过对犬用钩端螺旋体病(钩体)ELISA检测方法的研究,建立了犬用ELISA钩体抗体检测方法。实验的最佳方案:包被抗原蛋白质含量为20μg/mL,酶结合物稀释度为1∶10 000,检测血清稀释度为1∶160。经10份犬免疫血清验证,均为阳性。此研究为犬用钩体抗体检测提供了一种简便快速的方法,具有重要的实用价值。  相似文献   

本文介绍了微量免疫酶染色(Micro-IP)检测斑疹伤寒IgM、IgG抗体的方法,Micro-IP与临床诊断的符合率为78.9%。IgM抗体早于第四病日阳性,第一周阳性率达76.2%,适于早期诊断。检测IgG抗体适于流行病学调查。Micro-IP检测免疫兔及患者血清抗体为群特异性(对普氏及莫氏立克次体均反应)。  相似文献   

探讨引起新型冠状病毒(SARS-CoV-2)免疫球蛋白M(IgM)和免疫球蛋白G(IgG)抗体检测结果假阳性的干扰因素,改良检测方法,完善实验室检测方案。本研究收集2020年1月2日至2020年3月5日就诊于川北医学院附属医院及南充市中心医院的门诊及住院患者血清样本共74份,其中19例为SARS-CoV-2核酸检测确诊阳性,10例为其他呼吸道病毒IgM抗体阳性,10例肝炎病毒抗体IgM阳性,20例类风湿因子IgM阳性,15例抗核抗体阳性。采用胶体金免疫层析法(试剂A、试剂B)分别对研究对象血清进行SARS-CoV-2 IgM和IgG抗体检测,并对结果为SARS-CoV-2 IgM或SARS-CoV-2 IgG阳性的病例进行分析,发现造成检测结果假阳性的可能因素。再采用合适浓度的尿素对检测为阳性结果的血清及3例SARS-CoV-2 IgM阳性的COVID-19早期患者血清进行解离,解离后分别重新测定SARS-CoV-2 IgM、IgG抗体。采用SPSS19.0统计软件对数据进行统计学分析。结果显示,19例COVID-19确诊患者血清中,试剂A检出SARS-CoV-2 IgM、IgG抗体阳性数为15例及18例,试剂B检出SARS-CoV-2 IgM、IgG抗体阳性数均为12例;20例类风湿因子IgM阳性患者血清中,试剂A检出SARS-CoV-2 IgM、IgG抗体阳性数为16例及14例;15例高滴度ANA阳性患者血清中,试剂B检出4例SARS-CoV-2 IgG抗体阳性。尿素解离浓度为2 mol/L时,试剂A检出的RF-IgM阳性血清中的16例SARS-CoV-2 IgM抗体有14例转阴,14例SARS-CoV-2 IgG抗体有13例转阴,而试剂A在COVID-19确诊患者血清中检出的SARS-CoV-2 IgM、IgG抗体均未出现阴转;尿素解离浓度为4 mol/L时,试剂B检出的ANA阳性血清中的4例SARS-CoV-2 IgG抗体全部转阴,而在COVID-19确诊患者血清中检出的的SARS-CoV-2 IgM、IgG抗体均未出现阴转。另外,经过尿素解离后,试剂A和试剂B在3例COVID-19早期患者血清中检出的SARS-CoV-2 IgM抗体也都未出现阴转。本研究提示,IgM型类风湿因子易造成试剂A检测血清SARS-CoV-2 IgM、IgG结果的假阳性;高滴度的ANA抗体也会引起试剂B检测血清SARS-CoV-2 IgG结果的假阳性。对检测结果假阳性的样本,采取尿素解离方案,能有效降低检测过程中假阳性发生的概率;尿素解离法对COVID-19患者发病早期标本检测灵敏度的影响尚待进一步深入研究。  相似文献   

[目的]克隆和表达肺炎嗜衣原体(Chlamydophila pneumoniae,Cpn)蛋白酶样活性因子(CPAF)免疫优势区基因,评价重组蛋白在早期感染诊断中的应用价值.[方法]挑选并克隆出Cpn CPAF免疫优势区基因,构建原核表达载体,诱导表达并纯化重组蛋白,分析其抗原特异性;间接ELISA法检测Cpn参考血清、临床血清标本中的特异性IgM抗体,以及呼吸道感染患者痰咽拭子中的Cpn抗原;检测沙眼衣原体(Chlamydia trachomatis,Ct)临床阳性血清和泌尿生殖道分泌物.[结果]高效表达和纯化出一相对分子量约51.3kDa的重组蛋白;Western blot证明其只与人抗Cpn抗血清发生特异性反应;间接ELISA法检测40份Cpn IgM参考血清,阴性和阳性结果的一致率均为100%(40/40);与"金标准"方法MIF对照,检测300例临床血清标本中的IgM抗体,符合率为98.3%;与PCR试剂对照,检测120份呼吸道感染患者痰咽拭子中的Cpn抗原,符合率为88.3%;检测Ct阳性血清和泌尿生殖道分泌物,与Ct没有交叉反应.[结论]制备的CPAF免疫优势区基因重组蛋白具有良好的抗原性,在Cpn感染早期诊断中具有较高的利用价值.  相似文献   

肾综合征出血热早期诊断方法的比较   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
应用免疫-PCR方法和ELISA法对比检测96份肾综合征出血热(HFRS)患者血清标本中特异性IgM抗体,结果免疫-PCR方法的阳性检出率高于ELISA法,表明免疫-PCR方法是一种可用于HFRS早期诊断的高敏感性的血清学检测方法。  相似文献   

Leptospira meyeri were isolated from the blood or the pleural effusion cultures of four patients at a commercial clinical laboratory. All isolates were identical in their 16S rDNA sequences and NotI or SfiI restriction profiles of the chromosome DNA on pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. However, intraperitoneal inoculation of the isolate (NIID1) failed to kill hamsters and none of the patients' sera reacted with L. meyeri strains isolated, indicating leptospiral contamination occurred during laboratory investigation.  相似文献   

Immuno-electron microscopic methods revealed that the protective antigen (PAg) of Leptospira interrogans serovar lai exists on the outer envelope sheathing the leptospiral cell body. PAg lost its protective activity after treatment by hydrolysis with 2 M formic acid at 100 C for 2 hr, or oxidation with periodate at 4 C for 40 hr. The antigenic oligosaccharide fraction was further purified from the hydrolyzed PAg by immunoaffinity column coupled with protective monoclonal antibody, LW2, and by gel filtration of HPLC. The antigenic oligosaccharide fraction contained two unknown sugars and 4-O-methylmannose (molar ratio 3:5:1). These findings suggested that these sugars are components of an antigenic determinant contributing to the protective immunity against serovar lai infection.  相似文献   

For establishment of a rapid-identification method of Leptospira species, a flaB gene of Leptospira was investigated and the following results were obtained. 1) HaeIII- or HindIII-restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) products (793 bp) of flaB gene was effectual for the classification of species of Leptospira. 2) Twenty cells of Leptospira in 1 ml of coagulated blood and 100 cells of Leptospira in 1 ml of anti-coagulated blood could be detected by flaB-PCR. These results suggested that PCR-RFLP based on the flaB gene was an efficient tool for rapid detection and identification of species of infected Leptospira from clinical specimens.  相似文献   

Leptospirosis in the Philippines is an underrepresented disease. To achieve an accurate means of serodiagnosis, we demonstrated antibodies to the prevalent Leptospira serovars in sera of 71 patients from three major hospitals in Manila by the microscopic agglutination test and Western blot analysis. Sera of 53 patients contained antibody against 8 serovars poi, tarassovi, manilae, pyrogenes, australis, grippotyphosa, javanica, and autumnalis.  相似文献   

In 2003, a Leptospira survey was performed on Yoroshima Island of the Amami Islands located in the southwestern part of Japan. Seven Leptospira strains were isolated from the field rat Rattus rattus, which were identified as L. borgpetersenii by flaB sequencing, 16S rDNA sequencing and gyrB sequencing, and serovar Javanica was determined by a microscopic agglutination test. NotI-long restriction fragment analysis indicated that these isolates were genetically indistinguishable from an isolate from the Okinawa Islands. The present results suggest that L. borgpetersenii is migrating into the Amami Islands in Japan.  相似文献   

A 4.8-kilobase (kb) repetitive sequence element generated with KpnI digestion was cloned from the Leptospira interrogans serovar icterohaemorrhagiae strain Ictero No. 1. The sequence, repeated in tandem, was located on the 280-kb fragment between the FseI and AscI sites on the chromosome by hybridization using the 4.8-kb fragment as a probe. We cloned the fragment containing the element for the Ictero No. 1 strain in a lambda EMBL3 bacteriophage DNA, and one out of 5 clones was sequenced. Within the sequenced 9-kb segment that partially repeated, 9 putative open-reading frames and 2 transfer RNA genes, for alanine and isoleucine, were identified. A similarity search for the products deduced from the sequenced data revealed that the repeated sequence includes both beta-oxidation enzymes, acyl-CoA dehydrogenase and enoyl-CoA hydratase, and hydroxythiazole kinase protein homologues. Hybridization experiments against different leptospiral strains using the element as a probe showed a similar sequence in the strains of L. interrogans and L. kirschneri, but not in any strains of L. borgpetersenii, L. weillii, L. meyeri or L. biflexa. Results indicated that the highly repeated element in the Ictero No. 1 strain exists as a well conserved sequence, though at a moderate level of repetition, in certain strains of L. interrogans and L. kirschneri. PCR amplification targeting the repetitive element was successful and indicated that the procedure provides a sensitive and specific probe to detect leptospires.  相似文献   

In our previous paper (Matsuo, K., Isogai, E., and Araki, Y., Carbohydr. Res., 328: 517-524, 2000), antigenic polysaccharides obtained from the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) fraction of a nonpathogenic leptospira, Leptospira biflexa patoc Patoc I, are shown to be broadly crossreactable with most rabbit antisera elicited by immunization with various pathogenic leptospires. The result led us to test a protective effect of the same LPS in a hamster model system by heterologously challenging with a pathogenic leptospira, L. interrogans manilae UP-MMG. Firstly, a similarity in the antigenic epitopes of L. biflexa and L. interrogans was confirmed by the following assays. In the microscopic agglutination test (MAT), a hamster antiserum elicited by immunization with the L. biflexa-LPS preparation was shown to agglutinate cells of L. interrogans. Contrarily, in the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), the L. biflexa-LPS preparation was shown to crossreact with a hamster antiserum elicited by immunization with whole cells of L. interrogans. These results suggest that the same or closely related antigens may be present on the cell surfaces of both L. biflexa patoc Patoc I and L. interrogans manilae UP-MMG. Furthermore, in a protective assay, the prior administration of a L. biflexa-LPS preparation resulted in raising a protective response in hamsters against challenge by L. interrogans without any side effect. The protective effect was strongly dependent on the dose amounts and/or administration times of L. biflexa-LPS. Thus, L. biflexa-LPS preparations can use as a potent vaccine against leptospirosis caused by various leptospires.  相似文献   

为了评价国产钩端螺旋体外膜疫苗的流行病学效果。于1998年6-10月,用队列研究和病例对照研究等方法在钩体病流行区5-60岁农业人口 ,观察比较接种组和对照组钩体发病情况。队列研究显示,钩体外膜疫苗对同血清群钩体的保护率为75.17%,效果指烽为4.03。1:2配对调查的疫苗保护率为81.25%,1:3配对结果为73.33%。用筛选法估计的疫苗效果为755。不同研究方法的结果相近,均一致说明,该疫苗的流行病学效果较理想。研究结果还显示,该疫苗对异血清群钩体也有一定的保护作用。  相似文献   

Leptospirosis, a widespread zoonosis, is a re-emerging infectious disease caused by pathogenic Leptospira species. In Taiwan, Leptospira santarosai serovar Shermani is the most frequently isolated serovar, causing both renal and systemic infections. This study aimed to generate a L. santarosai serovar Shermani genome sequence and categorize its hypothetical genes, particularly those associated with virulence. The genome sequence consists of 3,936,333 nucleotides and 4033 predicted genes. Additionally, 2244 coding sequences could be placed into clusters of orthologous groups and the number of genes involving cell wall/membrane/envelope biogenesis and defense mechanisms was higher than that of other Leptospira spp. Comparative genetic analysis based on BLASTX data revealed that about 73% and 68.8% of all coding sequences have matches to pathogenic L. interrogans and L. borgpetersenii, respectively, and about 57.6% to saprophyte L. biflexa. Among the hypothetical proteins, 421 have a transmembrane region, 172 have a signal peptide and 17 possess a lipoprotein signature. According to PFAM prediction, 32 hypothetical proteins have properties of toxins and surface proteins mediated bacterial attachment, suggesting they may have roles associated with virulence. The availability of the genome sequence of L. santarosai serovar Shermani and the bioinformatics re-annotation of leptospiral hypothetical proteins will facilitate further functional genomic studies to elucidate the pathogenesis of leptospirosis and develop leptospiral vaccines.  相似文献   

通过对6种藓类植物,即褶叶青藓(Brachythecium salebrosum(Web.et Mohr.)B.S.G.)、湿地匐灯藓(Plagiomnium acutum(Lindb.)Kop.)、侧枝匐灯藓(Plagiomnium maximoviczii(Lindb.)Kop.)、大凤尾藓(Fissidensnobilis Griff.)、大羽藓(Thuidium cymbifolium(Doz.et Molk.)B.S.G.)和大灰藓(Hypnum plumaeforme Wils.)嫩茎和老茎的石蜡切片和显微观察发现,同一藓类植株的嫩茎和老茎,茎结构稳定,不同种藓类植物茎横切面具有不同特征.植物体茎横切面形状、表层细胞的层数、细胞大小和细胞壁厚薄、皮层细胞大小和形状、中轴的有无以及比例等特征可以作为藓类植物的分科分类依据之一.  相似文献   

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