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本文报道了中国蹄盖蕨属日本蹄盖蕨组植物2系8种,有分种检索表,文献引证和标本引证以及本组植物的分布。  相似文献   

张宪春 《植物研究》1991,11(3):1-15
作者对国产蹄盖蕨属软刺蹄盖蕨组植物从形态分类和地理分布上进行了研究,共计载了23种。其中Athyrium densisorum,A.medogenseA.chingianum为新种,A.paranigripes为一新名称。文中还附有分类检索表,每种都有文献、异名和标本引证及地理分布。  相似文献   

本文是中国蹄盖蕨属植物研究的系列论文的第三篇,对国产轴果蹄盖蕨系植物进行了分类学订正,详细记载了中国产该系植物11种,首次将20余个名称归入该系的一些种下做为异名处理。轴果蹄盖蕨系植物是蹄盖蕨属中自然的一群,以其铁角蕨类型的孢子囊群和囊群益与其它属下类群相区别。本系植物分布于亚洲热带和亚热带山地,常见于山地常绿阔叶林下,海拔500~1800m。在华中和华东地区其分布区北界不超过长江一线。中国西南地区和台湾及日本为该系的三个分化中心。  相似文献   

利用光学显微镜详细观察蹄盖蕨科(Athyriaceae)2属4种植物,即蹄盖蕨属的尖头蹄盖蕨(Athyrium vidalii)、长柄蹄盖蕨(A.longius)和喜马拉雅蹄盖蕨(A.fimbriatum)以及亮毛蕨属的亮毛蕨(Acystopteris japonica)配子体发育过程,记录配子体各发育阶段的特征。4种植物的孢子都为单裂缝,两侧对称,孢子萌发类型为向心型,配子体发育类型为铁线蕨型,性器官都为薄囊蕨型,成熟原叶体为对称的心脏形,无毛状体;种间差异包括孢子纹饰、孢子萌发时间、配子体形成时间、丝状体长度、片状体和原叶体的形态以及性器官大小。  相似文献   

对直立介蕨Dryoathyrium erectum (Z. R. Wang) W. M. Chu &; Z. R. Wang与介蕨属Dryoathyrium、假蹄盖蕨属Athyriopsis的叶、毛、孢子囊群和孢子的形态进行了比较研究。直立介蕨叶轴和羽轴上的沟槽不明显、具有单列细胞的节状毛、孢子囊群有双生一脉, 以及孢子的形态等特征与假蹄盖蕨属植物相似。结合叶绿体DNA trnL-F区序列分析结果, 所有形态及分子资料均表明该种植物应属于假蹄盖蕨属, 应恢复其原名直立假蹄盖蕨Athyriopsis erectum Z. R. Wang。  相似文献   

新蹄盖蕨具有长而横卧的根状茎,其叶轴、羽轴及小羽轴下面被有单细胞短毛及多细胞长毛,孢子囊群裸露、椭圆形或圆形,以及孢子周壁表面具褶皱状突起等特征与角蕨属植物相似;叶绿体DNA trnL-F区序列和rbcL序列分析结果均显示新蹄盖蕨与角蕨属成员的亲缘关系密切;新蹄盖蕨与角蕨属的染色体数目也相同。所有形态特征、细胞学及分子学资料均表明新蹄盖蕨属不成立,该种植物属于角蕨属,应恢复其名称“细齿角蕨”。  相似文献   

采用光镜和扫描电镜对山东分布的蹄盖蕨科2属(蹄盖蕨属和假蹄盖蕨属)7种植物的根、根茎、叶柄、叶轴、叶表皮、表皮毛和孢子囊进行了形态解剖学的系统研究.结果表明,在形态解剖学方面2属植物的共同特征为:根均为无髓中柱;叶柄基部的双柱型维管束向上渐靠近联合形成1个周韧型维管束;叶上下表皮垂周壁均呈波状;气孔主要为胞环型、周胞型或极附型.2属植物的不同特征是:蹄盖蕨属植物体无毛;而假蹄盖蕨属植物叶片和叶轴上均生有腺毛;蹄盖蕨属植物根皮层外侧为薄壁细胞,假蹄盖蕨属则为棕色厚壁细胞环.研究结果表明蹄盖蕨科为一个自然分类群,并支持假蹄盖蕨属的成立.  相似文献   

张秀英  范亚文 《植物研究》2005,25(2):186-191
利用7种随机引物对分布于黑龙江省不同区域蹄盖蕨科中的蹄盖蕨属,羽节蕨属及冷蕨属三属的遗传多样性进行了初步分析,对蹄盖蕨科各种基因组的DNA进行了PCR扩增,并对其RAPD谱带进行了统计处理,得出不同区域种类的多态位点百分率,结果表明蹄盖蕨科植物具有较高水平的遗传变异,其种类的分布对周围环境变化有着较强的适应能力。利用Shannon指数和Nei指数对其分析,确定了三属之间的属内种间的亲缘关系:蹄盖蕨属的大部分变异仍存在于种源内;冷蕨属中的冷蕨和山冷蕨种类之间具有一定的遗传变异;羽节蕨属中,欧洲羽节蕨和羽节蕨种间有较大的遗传变异。  相似文献   

湖南省蹄盖蕨科新分布   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
报道在湖南省新发现的蹄盖蕨科植物10属,36种。  相似文献   

湖南省假蹄盖蕨属一新种吴世福(上海技术师范学院生物系上海201418)关键词湖南省;假蹄盖蕨属;狭叶假蹄盖蕨ANEWSPECIESOFATHYRIOPSISFROMHUNAN¥WuShifu(DepartmentofBiology,ShanghaiT...  相似文献   

1IntroductionWildlifetradeisamain~mpetustoutilizewildlife.Thechangeinspeciesandvolumein-volvedinthewildlifetrademayreflectconservationstatus,dynamicsandexploitedlevelofwildliferesources.Thestudyonwildlifetradeisthetheoriticalbasisonwhichproposalsastolimittradeonrareorendangeredspeciescanbemade,andwithwhichfuturemonitoringofthetradecanbecompared.Theresultalsocanbeusedtoevaluateconservationeffectsofprotectionmeasuresandlawsforbiodiversityconservation.Itisofgreatsignificanceinguid-ingsustainable…  相似文献   

Richard L. Mayden and Kevin de Queiroz have devised and developed ‘a hierarchy of species concepts’ and ‘a unified species concept’, respectively. Although their integrated frameworks of species concepts are rather different as to how to integrate the diverse modern concepts of species, the end result is that they are likely to agree on species recognition in nature, because they virtually share the same major components (i.e. evolutionary or lineage concept of species; same way of delimiting species), and have the same important consequences. Both the hierarchical and unified frameworks, however, are interpreted to have shortcoming regarding the way of integrating the modern species concepts. I reformulate these ideas into a framework of species concepts as follows: It treats the idea of species as population‐level evolutionary lineages (sensu Wiley 1978 ) as the concept for species category, and it adopts the contingent biological properties of species (e.g. internal reproductive isolation, diagnosability, monophyly) as operational criteria in delimiting species. I also suggest that existing and revised versions of the integrated framework of species concepts all are not new species concepts, but versions of the evolutionary species concept, because they treat the evolutionary (or lineage) species concept as the concept for species category.  相似文献   

Species concepts and species delimitation   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The issue of species delimitation has long been confused with that of species conceptualization, leading to a half century of controversy concerning both the definition of the species category and methods for inferring the boundaries and numbers of species. Alternative species concepts agree in treating existence as a separately evolving metapopulation lineage as the primary defining property of the species category, but they disagree in adopting different properties acquired by lineages during the course of divergence (e.g., intrinsic reproductive isolation, diagnosability, monophyly) as secondary defining properties (secondary species criteria). A unified species concept can be achieved by treating existence as a separately evolving metapopulation lineage as the only necessary property of species and the former secondary species criteria as different lines of evidence (operational criteria) relevant to assessing lineage separation. This unified concept of species has several consequences for species delimitation, including the following: First, the issues of species conceptualization and species delimitation are clearly separated; the former secondary species criteria are no longer considered relevant to species conceptualization but only to species delimitation. Second, all of the properties formerly treated as secondary species criteria are relevant to species delimitation to the extent that they provide evidence of lineage separation. Third, the presence of any one of the properties (if appropriately interpreted) is evidence for the existence of a species, though more properties and thus more lines of evidence are associated with a higher degree of corroboration. Fourth, and perhaps most significantly, a unified species concept shifts emphasis away from the traditional species criteria, encouraging biologists to develop new methods of species delimitation that are not tied to those properties.  相似文献   

中国秋海棠属植物的传统利用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
秋海棠属植物除了具有较高的观赏价值外,在中国还作为药用、食用、饮料和饲料等被利用。本文应用民族植物学研究方法,通过野外调查、文献和标本收集整理和研究,共记载了中国产26种秋海棠属植物被作为药用、食用、饮料和饲料加以利用。在所记载的26种国产秋海棠属植物中,有24种作药用,8种作食用(蔬菜)或饮料,5种作饲料。3种作饮料的种类在其自然分布地被广泛利用。9种秋海棠作为多种用途加以利用,其中8种既被作为药用、食用和饮料,也被作为饲料加以利用。本研究还表明,国产秋海棠属植物中,有些种类由于过度采集利用或其它因素已变得稀有或濒危。由此提出,合理开发利用和有效保护应成为今后中国秋海棠属植物研究的重要内容。  相似文献   

广东珠海万山群岛的植物资源   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
珠海万山群岛共有维管植物176科,547属,972种(含栽培84种),其中蕨类植物21科27属35种,裸子植物6科8属11种,被子植物139科510属926种。万山群岛共有国家重点野生保护植物11种,均为Ⅱ级;广东省珍稀濒危植物4种;药用植物492种、材用树种约109种、观赏植物143种、饲料植物21种、纤维植物105种、淀粉植物62种、油脂植物81种、芳香植物72种、鞣料植物58种;此外,还有其他用途植物若干种。  相似文献   

广西金钟山鸟类保护区鸟类多样性初步研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文共记录到金钟山鸟类274种,分别隶属于18目57科,其中陆生鸟类251种,水鸟23种;以留鸟为主,共157种;候鸟、旅鸟分别为104种、13种;东洋种为优势类群,共有171种,古北种和广布种分别为4种、27种。这些鸟类中有国家重点保护鸟类39种,中国特有种鸟类3种,列入世界自然保护联盟红皮书名录中的鸟类5种,列入中国濒危动物红皮书名录中的鸟类20种,列入CITES附录中的鸟类34种。本文还对金钟山鸟类保护区的5种不同生境类型的鸟类种类组成作了比较,结果表明灌丛+农田的鸟种多样性指数最高,为3.04;水域的鸟种多样性指数最低,为2.14。  相似文献   

对最近被Potemkin作为同一种处理的合叶苔属Scapania中东亚分布的三种即细齿合叶苔S. parvidens Steph.、弯瓣合叶苔S. parvitexta Steph.和灰绿合叶苔S. glaucoviridis Horik.的模式标本及相关标本进行了比较研究。结果表明, 它们仍应该作为三个独立不同的种来处理。对三个种的模式标本进行了绘图和描述, 并详细讨论了三种之间的区别。  相似文献   

河南黄河湿地国家级自然保护区鸟类资源调查   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
2006年9月~2007年8月,对河南黄河湿地国家级自然保护区鸟类进行野外调查,结合文献共统计鸟类16目53科247种.留鸟69种,候鸟176种,迷鸟2种 .国家一级重点保护鸟类9种,如黑鹳、大鸨等.国家二级保护鸟类37种.列入IUCN受威胁物种15种.其中极危等级1种,为白鹤.濒危等级3种,为东方白鹳、鸿雁、丹顶鹤.易危等级11种.列入中国物种红色名录受威胁物种15种.濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约附录Ⅰ、附录Ⅱ共39种.  相似文献   

Namibia's extant mammal fauna of 250 species represents about 75% of the southern African region's species richness, 83% of generic richness and 98% of familial richness. Fourteen species are presently recognized as endemic (75% or more of the global population occurring within Namibian borders). These endemics occur in the Namib Desert, pro-Namib transition zone and adjoining escarpment, and are primarily rupicolous. The Namibian endemic mammal fauna is characterized by the monotypic Petromuridae, and the rodent genera Gerbillurus and Petromyscus. The distribution of smaller species has probably not changed significantly over the past 200 years, but species such as lion and plain zebra have undergone range reductions of 95% or more, and five species are listed as recently extinct. Approximately 50% of all Namibian mammal species are provisionally listed as 'secure'. However, due to patchy data, 94 species (38%) are classified as under possible or probable threat. Nineteen species (8%) are classified as under definite threat. Over 13% of Namibia is set aside by the state for conservation purposes. Ninety-five percent of mammal species occur in at least one park, over 80% occur in three or more parks, and 59 species (28%) occur in ten or more parks, although for most species nothing is known of their population viability there. Major threats to mammals in Namibia are invasive aliens, including the risk of genetic pollution, and habitat alteration, especially wetland degradation.  相似文献   

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